TG: "The Transmatron Machine

By Edwin Gay

Published on Nov 16, 1994




The Transmatron Chapter One

It too many years to complete, but the working model of my Transmatron was finally completed late last week. So far I have conducted 2 successful tests of the unit and have been totally pleased with the results. The only work needed was a minor adjustment to the targeting mechanism after the second test, but even that test worked out fine.

You are probobly asking yourself what a Transmatron is. Well, I invented it and even coined the name. You won't find it listed in any catalogs and I didn't even try to patent it. I invented it for my own private use and it will stay that way. The unit is hidden in a secret sub basement of my home and only I have access to it. The unit is completely self contained with it's own power supply and has back up cellular phone connections for emergency use.

The Transmatron is an unbelievable machine. With it, I can program in the coordinates of a human being and then transmit my mind into their body and take complete control of it. Whenever I want to reverse the process, I merely dial my computer, punch in the appropriate codes, and the process instantly reverses itself. The process allows me to maintain complete memories of my own as well as that of the target, yet the targets mind will contain no memory of anything that occurred while I inhabited it's brain. I know it sounds incredible, but the tests have been overwhelmingly successful to date.

To use the unit, I merely enter the hidden room, activate the life support systems ( I can transport for up to a week at a time), activate the system and it works. My own body is kept in a sort of suspended animation while I roam around in the body of the selected target. While occupying the target, I have full access to the target's memories and functions. When I want to return to my own body, I merely lie down comfortable and call my computer access number, enter my codes and the process reverses. I maintain all memories of the experience while the target merely thinks he or she was asleep.

The First Test

The first time I tested the unit, I didn't want to have to cover long distances so I decided to select a neighbor as a target. As you might imagine, that first test was scary. I had no idea if I would even survive it, but in the name of science (not to mention my libido) I proceeded. My selected target was my neighbor, Donna, an attractive 29 year old divorcee with no children who lived alone in a pleasant house. We were fairly friendly, but she seemed a bit of a prude and never responded to any advances, so I gave up long ago. I have to digress hee a bit and explain that I am a life long cross dresser and my original motivation for building the Transmatron was to find out what it was like to be a woman, but without going through irreversible surgury etc. I have no desire to be a woman, nor am I attracted to men. As a woman, I would most certainly be a confirmed lesbian.

Donna was quite attractive, if somewhat plain. She wore her long brown hair straight and seldom wore any makeup and she certainly didn't dress provacatively. Nonetheless, I was attracted to her and her proximity to my invention made her the perfect test target.

I decided on running my test very early on a Saturday morning so I would assure I had the proper coordinates of her in her bed. I wasn't sure how sensitive the machine was in targeting so I wanted a target I was sure I could hone in on. I decided on 4 am as the best time to try.

At 3:30 I climbed into the life support chamber and set the temperature program. After strapping myself in, I set my fingers into the two control key pads on the armrests to assure I could comfortably control the machine. Finally, with my heart pounding, I keyed in the sequence to activate the unit ......7....7....4.....7.....3....A ....6......9. The coordinates for Donna's bedroom were already programmed into the unit. I saw a flash of blue light and the next thing I remembered, I was waking from a deep sleep. I groggily shook my head and instantly came to 100% alertness as I felt a long flurry of hair slap across my face. I instantly sat up in bed and there in the mirror in front of me sat a woman sitting on a bed with disheveled hair. I looked! Looked again! It was Donna! I was Donna! The machine worked! I almost didn't believe it, but I put my hands to my head - errr...maybe it wasn't actually MY head and felt the mane of long brown hair. It sure felt real. Then I placed on hand on the lump under the t-shirt. No question about it - a firm female breast! In fact, as I touched it I felt a shiver and noticed the nipple got a little harder. The thousands of hours of work on the Transmatron was worth it! But, would the reversal program work? That thought brought some fear to my momentary euphoria, but I'd cross that bridge when I got to it. Right now my energies were focused on exploring this body I had posession of.

I jumped up of the bed and walked to the mirror. My hair was a mess and I could see my face had no makeup. I was wearing a t-shirt that came down over my hips. I lifted the front of the t-shirt and saw I was also wearing a pair of white nylon bikini panties. I lifted the t-shirt higher and revealed a pair of the nicest tits I'd ever seen. I always knew Donna had a knock-out body. Now it was confirmed. I removed the shirt completely and stood in front of the mirror wearing only the panties. What a view! I explored this foreign body with my now soft feminine hands and soon realized I could provide a new and wonderful pleasure. As I reached into the front of the panties, I felt my heart flutter. Wow! What an incredible feeling. I almost began masturbating this body but decided against it - for now. I pulled the panties up tight and started looking around the room.

The bedroom was quite feminine and obviously belonged to a professional woman. I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up a bit before I explored the house or the body any further. In the shower I also washed my hair with a nicely scented shampoo I found on the shelf. After drying off and wrapping my hair in a towel (that was quite a project), I went to the dresser to look for something to wear. The top drawer contained a large selection of panties and I rummaged around and found a real pretty pink pair with lace trim. After putting the panties on, I found a bra that closely matched them and finally figured out how to get into it. I was a good thing it hooked in the front. I don't think I could have gotten it on if it hooked in the back. Before looking any further, I sat on the bed and began to rub my long hair to dry it. When it was as dry as I could get it with a towel, I walked over to the sink and found a blow dryer and a brush and began the arduous task of drying the mass of hair. No wonder women took so long to get ready in the morning. This was some project. I finally got it all dry and brushed out. It was parted in the center and hung well over my shoulders. I really liked the way it looked, even tho I wore no makeup. I wasn't about to attempt makeup yet.

I went back over to the bed and my eyes focused on the large nightstand next to it. I reached over and opened the drawer. Inside were 2 different vibrators and a large photo album. So, Donna enjoyed herself after all. I picked up the smaller vibrator and it turned on as I pulled it from the drawer. Fresh batteries too. "Later", I thought as I turned it off and set it on the bed next to me. I wanted a look at the photo album.

Upon opening the cover, I saw photos of Donna and another woman in an obvious beach setting. On the second page the two women were hugging and kissing in one photo. "Ahhhha", I thought. "Donna is a lesbian!" I had long suspected she was, but had never seen any evidence before. Now I know it was true. The rest of the album was filled with more pictures of Donna and this woman and several other women I'd never seen before. Some photos dated back a few years. Donna must have had several female lovers over the years.

I looked at the clock and realized it had been almost 4 hours since I had activated the transmatron. I'd better reactivate the machine soon. I still didn't know if that part worked. I was about to pick up the phone and dial the number when my eye caught the vibrator lying on the bed. "It couldn't take that long, could it?", I thought. I grabbed the vibrator, switched it on and laid back on the bed. I simply had to learn what it felt like for a female to orgasm. I placed the vibrator against the crotch of the pink panties I wore and felt the shiver as the vibrations met the female flesh. This felt pretty good. I pressed it harder and the pleasure increased. Next I pulled down the panties just a little and began rubbing the buzzing plastic against the part that felt the best. Incredible! Within minutes I was writhing on the bed as the orgasm shook me to my soul. As soon as I calmed down I reached for the phone, dialed my computer and punched in the key code to reactivate the machine. "7......7.......1......4."

The next thing I knew I was in the dark and realized my hands were restrained. I felt with my fingers and was relieved to find the familiar key pad in reach. I punched in the code that only I know and the restraints opened and I could sit up. I turned the light on and was excited to learn that I was back in my own body in my own lab in my own home. The machine was a success! And what fun it could be! I wondered what Donna thought when she awoke suddenly and found herself on the bed with the vibrator in her hand, her panties pulled down and her pussy soaked.

This was going to be a lot of fun.

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