TG: Tim and Lori

By Edwin Gay

Published on Oct 23, 1994



Organization: Delphi ( email, 800-695-4005 voice)

I think that I have these posts worked out now. Please leave feedback as to how they look (especially the TG ARCHIVIST)

Standard disclaimer... They call it "Paradise." The big island of Hawaii, a place of tradition and color, has many handed down stories of ancient gods and mythology. To most tourists, the ancient myths were just that, myths. Pele, the ancient goddess that inhabits the island in the form of the many volcanos (there's a story in how she got there but you would be better informed by one of the many locals), was a jealous being with substantial powers.

One of the stories that was passed from generation to generation on the islands was that a human was not allowed to cross Pele's path (i.e. the mountainous volcanos) with certain types of food, specifically pork. Many visitors scoffed at the idea and tested Pele's wrath.

Stories of tourists stranded on roadside after intentionally driving the roads that cross the lava fields of the now dormant volcano Mauna Kea with pieces of pork amused many of the locals. Locals just shook their heads think, "Those tourists deserved the wrath of Pele."

Little did we all know that Pele's fuse was getting very short....

Chapter 1 - The Anticipated Vacation

As a married couple, Tim and Lori were the typical yuppie "dinks" (double income no kids). They were both professionals whose careers looked bright. Tim had just started a new business as an accountant and Lori had been practicing law for almost ten years. They were both attractive and as a couple friends used to call them "Ken and Barbie."

They met in college and found that they had many things in common. They both loved water sports, the beach, and each other. Tim enjoyed watching the guys on the beach stare at Lori when they were on the beach. Lori didn't mind the attention Tim got either.

Tim grew up in a middle class neighborhood with both parents working to provide for the kids. While growing up though, Tim spent many hours in his mother's beauty shop helping out. He learned to relate to women better than men. In fact, deep inside, he identified with them. A hidden desire to be a woman was repressed from early childhood. Afterall, he was a grown man who would never be able to be a true woman. It would just have to be a hidden dream. No one would ever know.

Lori was the oldest of six children, except for Lori all boys. With her mother, she helped raise her brothers, but she fit in with the brothers so well because she was a tomboy from head to toe. Puberty was a tragedy that had to be accepted. Granted she blossomed into a real beauty but she had always wished to have the advantages of her brothers. Afterall, they could pee standing up, they were stronger, and they lived by a different standard. Girls were different than boys and their were different expectations. As time passed, womanhood

overcame the wishes of childhood and she liked the special treatment she received as a beautiful woman. Her career was competitive and it seemed that she always had to be better than the guys in order to be promoted. Last year, she had been passed for partner in the firm when another associate was selected. He was male.

Neither spouse knew of the other's secret desire.....

"Hawaii.... I love that place," Lori blurted out as she fought the evening rush hour traffic. "Tim and I go every summer and I still can't get enough of it." Lori was still unhappy about the lack of promotion the partners of the firm gave her last year. She needed to get away.

Driving into the driveway of their house, Tim was think of the cute brunette in the aerobics class he saw while working out at the health club. Lori was supposed to meet him at the club but had a meeting in downtown. "I wonder what it would be like to look like her. But then again, that's what I said about Lori when I first met her. Well I better get dinner

ready, it's my turn tonite."

As the two were laying in bed, Lori sprung the question, "Let's go to Hawaii!!!" Tim's only response was, "When..."

Lori and Tim's sex life was getting a little stale. While they both loved each other, the result of ten years of marriage was that they were getting bored. At the beginning, it was great... now they were losing interest. Little did they know, the problem went back to their childhood.

Two weeks later, they were on a plane bound for the big island of Hawaii. They had been their before but the blue waters continued call them. Tim had picked up an obscure book on Hawaiian folklore before the trip and reached a section that discussed the legend of the Pele.

"Pele, the goddess of fire, was a jealous god who was transformed into her present form by another god who fought with her over control of the island.... Certain unexplained phenomena continue to occur on the island where local islanders associate it to Pele. The northward road from Hilo to Kona proper which crosses over some of the Mauna Kea lava flows continue to baffle the experts.... Locals warn tourists not to carry pork on their possession while passing these flow."

"What a stupid legend," blurted out Tim.

"What's stupid?"

"Oh, this story about pork on the road from Hilo to Kona."

"Like I tell my clients, in court, the only ways to be sure is to prove them wrong."

They landed at Kahalui airport, got their rental car, and headed for the hotel.

Volcanic activity had been quite for the past month. Pele was at peace. Visitors, including Tim and Lori, took in the sights and made the vigil to the Volcano National Park. After dinner in Hilo, Tim and Lori prepared to go back to the hotel. "Let's test that old wive's tale, Lori. Let's tease Madame Pele," Tim laughed.

Tim and Lori drove back to Hilo on the darkened road. "The books say that cars suddenly stop running on this road," said Tim. "There's nothing wrong yet." They both laughed and made fun of the old Pele story....

The sun rose over the dormant volcanos of the islands. Light tradewinds were blowing the palm trees with a gentle rustle. Tim and Lori were both sleeping. The previous night was a blur. After returning to the hotel, the two made love to each other much like how they did on their honeymoon years before. But this morning was different. Tim lying on the left side of the bed, like he always did, began to stir. The sunlight peeked through the drapes of their hotel room.

Tim rolled over and began to open his eyes. He always woke up first and loved to wake Lori up with a kiss and a caress of her beautiful body. But something was different this morning. He normally woke up with an erection but today all he wanted to do was to go to the bathroom. As he shifted his weight, something else didn't fit in place. The sheet was rubbing his chest, more specifically his nipples, they got harder. He rubbed them for a second and froze. Something is definitely wrong. His firm chest was soft and round. Tim sat up and screamed but it wasn't his voice...

Lori sat up quickly. "What's wrong!!!!?" came a deep masculine voice, Tim's voice. "Oh my god!!! You're me!" Time looked at Lori. "And you're me... What happened?"

The two jumped up to touch each other. "This can't be... it's impossible."

Their bodies had switched but yet they were slightly different. Lori had a nice svelte body. She always thought that her breasts were "just right," eventhough Tim thought they could be a little bigger. She had a slim waist and hips that provided that inspiring hourglass figure. She wore clothes that accentuated her assets. Tim was a health fanatic. If he didn't workout or play some sport every day he would go through withdrawal. It was Lori's theory that all the exercise was affecting their sex life. While well toned, Tim wasn't what you

would call "hung." As Lori called it, "kinda just there..."

"We've traded bodies... but something's different. My...I mean your breasts look bigger. instead of a 34B, you look like you're a C."

"Yeah, look a you. My cock looks thicker... I wonder if it's longer when erect?"

"This isn't the time to find out. We can't remain like this... I've got a brief to file in two weeks," moaned Lori.

"Is this how you feel every morning? I feel like I gotta go pee all the time."

"It's not that bad... I got used to it."

"What are we going to do? We're on vacation in each other's bodies. I never planned on this," came from Lori's male voice.

"At least no one knows us and the hotel employees will never know."

"You know, we could probably pull it off in Hawaii but not at home."

"Let's find out what happened."

Getting Ready

"Hey, this stuff doesn't fit," said Tim as he pulled on his tennis shorts.

"I don't this you can where your clothes, Tim. We have to trade clothes. Here try this on." Lori laid out her neon string bikini and floral wrap. "I brought most of my Hawaii clothes for this trip. I figured on doing a lot of laying on the beach."

"I can't wear that... Guys don't wear this stuff."

"Other that the bra, there are plenty of guys who wear thongs and g-strings. Remember last months Cosmo article?"

Lori helped Tim with the bra and bottom. "The bottom fits the same... but the top is a little small," Lori said eyeing her larger breasts. "Maybe I should have gotten that boob job."

"It doesn't matter now. You've got it now," grinned Tim. "You know, this looks pretty good." Tim's new breasts filled the cups of the bra. Since they were supported by a string around his neck, they just looked full and exposed on the edges. Even Lori had to admire it.

Lori helped Tim with a light amount of make-up. "People are on vacation. You don't need a lot."

Lori jumped into Tim's swim trunks and a T shirt. "You guys have it easy. Just throw it on and go."

"I don't know if I like this bottom. It feels like getting your underwear stuck and someone is pulling up on it." Lori could only laugh, "You'll get used to it."

Tim was beginning to remember his fantasy from his youth. Could this be for real? When are we going to wake up?

Before going out for the day, Tim went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he saw a beautiful woman. He rubbed his nipples through the material of his swimsuit finding they got hard by the mere touch. His skin was so soft and it seemed that all of his senses were more aware. As he continued to caress his breasts, he felt what seemed like electricity flowing through his body. It even tingled his toes. A noticeable wetness was forming between his legs. Wow, was this how Lori always felt?

A sudden knock on the bathroom door jarred Tim from his reverie. "Let's go find out what happened to us," came Lori's voice. "We've got only ten days before going home. We can't go home like this."

In Tim's mind though, he kind of liked it.

This was my first attempt at this. Let me know what you think and how should this progress. I'll write more if there is interest. Let me know what you think and how should this progress. I'll write more if there is interest.

Chapter 2


"God... I really feel different," Lori said scratching the dark

growth over her face. "It's one thing to kiss you with your morning

stubble but it's different when it's your own."

"Just think how I feel having to wear make-up!" retorted Tim.

Actually, Tim didn't mind wearing the make-up, the skimpy bikini,

or the cover-up. In fact, this situation was fulfilling a fantasy

held since he was 12 or 13 years old.

Lori pulled out Tim's shave kit and began to lather her face.

"What a chore. I couldn't see having to shave my face everyday.

My dream would be to just wake-up, clean up and throw on some

clothes. I sure hope I can get my body back."

"It's not so bad. You shave your legs, put on make-up, and clothes

anyways. As a woman, it took you longer to get ready, right?"

"Maybe, but this is not what I dreamed of if I were a man. At

least I'm the most handsome man I know," Lori grinned.

"Thanks and I'm the sexiest woman I ever knew," Tim returned the


"You know Tim... Neither one of us switched exactly. I notice

that overall you look like me but your breasts are bigger. Not a

lot but enough to really improve the overall appearance. I'm

almost jealous," Lori admired. But she admired it in a different

way than when she saw other women in the locker rooms of the gym,

she was getting aroused. Her once soft penis began to get hard.

"Is this how it feels when you get horny? It's getting harder the

more I look at you. I guess it's true what they say, 'Males are

easily stimulated by visual stimuli.'"

"Come on Lori, you don't need to get so clinical about it. By the

way, you appear a little longer and thicker than me? It's funny

I'm getting wet just look at you." Tim began rubbing his new

breasts thinking what kind of response he would get from Lori. His

nipples became harder by the thought and the contact with his soft

hands and long nails.

Tim, normally the more sexually assertive of the two, moved to Lori

and began to touch Lori's new face caressing the parts of Lori that

traditionally were her sensitive points. "Wait a minute Tim," Lori

interrupted. "You normally take the lead. I feel, that since I'm

the man of this marriage, I should take the lead. At least for the

first time in this situation, I want know how it feels for you."

Lori began to assert the role that normally Tim played in their

lovemaking. She began to rub Tim's soft shoulders. Gently at

first, she began to rub deeper into Tim's soft flesh. Her strong

hands began to move lower to Tim's breasts that were sensitive to

the touch. "Ouch!!" cried Tim, "gently... Remember how you felt

when I rubbed you too hard?" "Sorry," apologized Lori, "I haven't

gotten used to my strength yet. Also, it's hard to concentrate

when I've got this strange desire to skip the foreplay."

Tim remembered those feelings well. He remembered when Lori would

complain that he climaxed to quickly leaving her to find a way to

satisfy herself while he recovered. "Now you know how I felt.

Foreplay is fine but I found the most pleasure in finally

climaxing," Tim explained the feeling to Lori.

Lori's response was different than what she remembered. As a

woman, arousal made her whole body sensitive. As a man, the

feeling was different. Sure, her nipples could be stimulated but

it wasn't as intense as a woman's. The most noticeable point of

her new body that reacted to her and Tim's touch was the head of

her penis. Shivers would run up her back each time Tim ran his

long finger nails over the tip.

Lori picked Tim up with ease. "I sure couldn't do this before,"

grinned Lori. "But then again, I didn't look or feel like this

either." Lori remembered how she liked to be seduced and began to

show Tim how she dreamed of being seduced. The towel around her

waist soon fell to the floor. Tim's string bikini was slowly

untied and piled with the towel......

Noon arrived and a loud knock on the door jarred Lori's reverie.

"Housekeeping!!" yelled a large hawaiian woman in a floral mumu.

"Ah...Ah...Can you please come back in an hour?" Lori yelled back.

"We just woke up." "No problem, Brah" grinned the maid. She had

heard the noise the two had made over the last hour from the room

next door. While Lori had Tim's masculine physique, she still had

the habit of vocalizing her pleasure. Only this time, her now

masculine voice carried farther than her more feminine one.

Tim had felt wave upon wave of colors that he never felt as a man.

As a man, he made sounds of physical exertion rather than overall

pleasure when having sex. As a woman and having Lori seduce and

take the lead, all he could do was whimper as each wave of pleasure

passed through his new body. "God Lori... Is this what you feel?"

"You should say felt," reminded Lori. "Remember our roles are

reversed for now. I liked what you felt too. Instead of a series

of responses, you get one big one! Wow."

"We'd better get dressed and find out how to get back to our normal

selves," reminded Tim. While being a woman had always been a

dream, he like being a man.

Twenty minutes passed and the two quickly dressed. As they exited

their lanai, two hotel employees were grinning at them. Tim walked

to the large woman who had knocked on their door and asked, "Where

can we go to find out more about Hawaiian legends and folklore?"

"Most tourists go to the various national parks on the island.

What legends are you looking for?" responded the woman. "We're

looking for more than just tourist information. We want to know

the stuff the locals know," added Lori.

The helpful maid told the two that most of the information was

handed from generation to generation. Because of the tradition

involved, haole's (white people) were not included in the rituals.

"We really need to talk to someone," begged Lori. "It's really

important we find out before we have to go home."

"Okay," sighed the woman, "go south. At either the City of Refuge

or at the old temple at town, you will find the old priest. Talk

to him. He may be hard to find but talk to him."

The two thanked the woman also took her advice to bring their beach

gear just in case they didn't find the old priest. After all, it

would be a shame to waste even a single hawaiian day...

Old Kailua town, on the western side of the Big Island, was

beginning to be developed by modern industrialists. However, the

local islanders were able to carve out a section of the town to

preserve their heritage. Lori walked up to a tour bus driver who

was tending his minivan while his Japanese tourists finished their

unknown numbered roll of film. "Excuse me...," Lori stammered.

"We were told that we could find "The Old Priest" here."

The driver stared at Lori. "Don't know who you talking about

Brah... The days of Kings and priests are dead. The old hawaiian

ways died with the first missionaries."

"We were told there was a priest that we could learn from," jumped

in Tim. The driver gave Tim a thorough look especially spending

time at the zippered opening of his terry jumper that covered his

bikini. Tim noticed the attention and shifted his posture enough

to give the greying islander a better view.

"What do you want to learn? I know the stuff pretty good. I tell

most of my clients the ins and outs of Hawaii. We even talk about

the curses put on tourists who take the lava rocks from the

volcanos," explained the driver.

"How do they get rid of curses?" asked Tim.

"They put the rocks back..." grinned the driver.

"What about the more severe curses," chimed in Lori.

"I guess it depends on the curse. You need to talk to 'Old Joe,'

he knows more than everyone else. He normally walks from the

temple down the street to the City of Refuge every day. Anyways,

I gotta go. My clients are coming back. Good luck, I can see

you're really cursed... with a body like that," winked the local.

The two jumped in the car and drove to the temple. No one was

there so they kept going. As they left Old Kailua, Lori read the

car rental agency's map while Tim drove. Tim noticed he had to

move the seat up more and that the seat belt pressed against his

breasts. He also noticed that it took more effort to turn the

steering wheel of the small foreign rental car that had no power

steering. "Maybe at the next stop you should drive," suggested


Lori guided them to a small bay where the famed Captain Cook was

reportedly killed. A monument was placed at the bay. "The tour

book says this is a great place to snorkel," read Tim.

"Yeah, look what happened the last time you read one of those

books," frowned Lori.

"Hey, it was right wasn't it?"

The two took out their snorkels, fins, and beach towels and walked

to the beach. The beach was pretty secluded with more rocks than

sand. "This place is great," Tim exclaimed as he quickly unzipped

his jumper. Lori starred at Tim as if it was the first time she

had seen him.

"Tim, you really look good. That swimsuit really fits you well."

"Look at you Lori. Those little speedo's don't leave much to the

imagination." Tim was right. The little speedo, Lori put on at

the hotel, made her bulge even more than usual.

"Let's go for a swim," urged Tim as he grabbed his fins and

snorkel. He was about to enter the water as he normally did at

home diving head first into an oncoming breaker. But as he hit the

water and dove it, he noticed that his skin was more sensitive to

the water. In fact, the impact of the wave on his breast hurt a

little. Tim chose the wrong wave to dive into. The wave pushed

his lighter female body into the sand and pulled his top over his


"Look at you!!" laughed Lori. She pointed at Tim's exposed breasts

as he picked the sand out of his hair. Lori ran to the water and

found how easy it was to run. Not to mention run in the sand. Her

body didn't jiggle or bounce. Everything stayed in place as it

should. She was amazed at how easy it was to enter the water. She

didn't even have to kick the water as hard.

"If nothing else," laughed Tim, "I won't drown. I'm more buoyant

with these two balloons on my chest." Lori found just the

opposite. It wasn't as easy to float in the water as it used to

be. She figured it was due to her denser muscle mass.

The two swam with the fish for the rest of the afternoon forgetting

to meet "Old Joe." When they rested on the beach, each was

beginning to enjoy the situation and their newly acquired bodies.

"Oh no," cried Lori. "It's getting dark. We missed the old


"Let's go back to the hotel," suggested Tim. "We've got

reservations at the hotel's luau."

Chapter 3

Old Joe

Lori was amazed at how easy it was to get ready for the luau. When she and Tim returned from their day in the sun, she jumped into the shower and enjoyed the warmth of the spray of water. The water hit her skin differently. It was either her skin was no t as sensitive as it used to or that the shape of her body deflected the spray. With a man's body, she noticed that the most sensitive part of her body was her penis but it did not feel like her clitoris. Her former clitoris used to sent shivers up and d own her body when she gently rubbed it. Even though she had larger hands, she had to use the whole hand like how Tim showed her before. The sensations were different but yet familiar. She was sure of one thing, the time it took to climax was quicker and

further spread apart.

As Lori showered, Tim laid on the bed in the hotel contemplating his situation. While he liked the feeling of having a woman's body, especially Lori's, he didn't want this to be permanent. Lori seemed to like having his body. He liked the added touches Pele had added to the two of them. He couldn't get over the feelings he had with the slightest touch. The feel of the warm water when they swam and the feel of the cool tropical air hitting his wet skin when he walked onto the beach. By Hawaii standards , the afternoon breeze was rather cool but warmer than back at home. The initial breeze sent goosebumps up Tim's skin and caused his nipples to become quite visible through the thin material of the bra.

Tim continued laying on the bed gently feeling his breasts and teasing his nipples when Lori walked out. Lori had always walk around the house naked as a woman and did so in her current condition. She saw Tim and commented, "You better watch out, that co uld become habit forming. I know your breasts look better than when I had them."

"It's not that, I'm just thinking of the feelings I have been having today."

"Yeah, me too," responded Lori. Tim noticed as they were talking that Lori's penis was filling and enlarging.

"I noticed that you get the same feelings when I see you naked," Tim laughed.

Lori hadn't noticed that her penis was getting aroused by the sight of "her" body. "You know, I think that besides switching bodies, I got your libido," commented Lori. "I noticed that I was getting horny looking at other women and not men."

Tim looked at the clock. He had better hurry if they were going to get to the luau on time. "I've got to get ready."

"I'll get your clothes ready for you while you shower," offered Lori.

Tim entered the shower and turned on the water. He forgot to preset the temperature and got a stream of cold water on his breasts. He let out a sharp yelp before he could adjust the water to a more comfortable temperature. He let the water massage his s ensitive skin.

When Tim exited the bathroom. Lori was dressed in a bright Hawaiian print shirt and white slacks. He looked like one of those local travel representatives they had seen greeting tourists at the airport. Tim had a towel wrapped around his body. Tim had given his best shot at putting on makeup and doing his hair. "You look beautiful," exclaimed Lori. "You'll look perfect in the outfit I picked for you." Laying on the bed was a Hawaiian print mumu that Tim had admired on Lori when they arrived on Hawaii

The bright blue and white mumu had fit Lori tight. It allowed a view of cleavage and legs that would make most men swoon. Tim put on the dress pushing his breasts into place and smoothing the material down his body. It was tight but bearable. "Your bigger breast make the dress look better on you than me."

Tim put on the matching white pumps that Lori had picked and was ready to go. He noticed that Lori like how he looked by the lump in her slacks.

** The Luau **

The sound of the traditional conch shell announced the beginning of the luau procession. The leader of the luau, cloaked in traditional robes, chants traditional stories about the migration of the polynesians to the Hawaiian islands. The leader for this luau was an old man who could really belt out a song. Lori could hear him before he entered the huge amphitheater where the luau was held. As the leader entered the room, his voice carried and shook the participants of the festivities. Tim could feel th e songs inside is new body. The power of his voice effected his whole body causing goosebumps up and down is now sensitive skin.

Once the procession party completed the entrance, the master of ceremonies came to the microphone. "Good evening, ladies and gentleman and Alooooooha! Thanks go to the participants in our authentic recreation of the luau procession. A special thanks goe s to Joe Mahakena. Old Joe is a tradition on this island and will be back later in the show. But now... to the luau."

The two feasted on native and commercialized luau faire. Tim noticed that several of the men sitting around them were staring at him. He had to be careful how he bent over and sat down. To have a little fun, he dipped two fingers into the poi on his pla te and seductively liked the paste off his fingers. Lori smiled at the gesture but under the table her new manhood began to stir. Tim then took another finger full of poi and placed it on Lori's lips. Lori licked it off his fingers as sexually as she co uld. The old man next to Lori looked like he was about to have a coronary.

The lights dimmed and the MC came back on the stage. Introductions were made and the show began. A deep voice arose in song that shook Tim like before. There was almost something sensual about the old man's song. Tim's nipples began to push through the

material of his print dress. A wet feeling also spread to his legs.

"Joe...Joe...Joe," mumbled Tim, "Lori, could that be 'Old Joe'?"

"No way," replied Lori, "why would someone like Old Joe be doing a luau?"

"I don't know. I think that might be him. There's something different in how he sings those songs."

As the show progressed, the cast members of the show entered the audience looking for volunteers for the audience participation segment of the show. A good looking local boy grabbed Tim's arm and led him on to the stage. Lori was left at the table to wat ch her husband dance in his new body showing it off in her minidress.

The men in the audience couldn't take their eyes off of Tim. He found that his new body could move quite differently from his male form. He swiveled his hips (more like a grind) and waved his hands in gentle motions like the female dancers on the stage.

There was something sexual in his movements at least that's what Lori and most of the men thought. During one of his gyrations, Tim's left breast slipped out of the cup of his dress. While he knew something had happened, he could help himself. The musi c and movements had started to put him in a trance....

As the music ended, Tim got a hold of his senses and turned his back to the crowd to adjust his breast. When he turned around, he was red with embarrassment. The crowd gave him and the other participants a rousing ovation. While backstage, Tim got a cha nce to meet with the cast members. Many of the girls were young local girls working for a living. Tim admired their tans and well maintained bodies. As a man, he would have reacted differently. Right now he was admiring their long hair and how well the ir costumes fit.

The old man Joe walked by Tim. "Excuse me...excuse me," yelled Tim.

"Yes, pretty one," said Joe. "You need my help don't you."

"How did you know?" questioned Tim.

"I saw you and your wife as the procession entered the area. I dreamed about the two of you angering Pele the other day and that you would be looking for me."

Tim was amazed at the revelation. "How did you know that I was Tim and not Lori? Can you help us?"

Joe studied Tim's female form and smiled. "Even an old man like me appreciates a pretty flower. I can see things others can't. The gods have given me a gift from birth." Joe didn't elaborate to Tim. He had seen more than the transfer of bodies between

Tim and Lori. He had also seen the future. "Meet me tomorrow morning at the volcano visitor center near Kalapana. This may be your only chance to return to you former selves if that is what you really want."

"Thank you, Joe. How can we repay you."

"Save your thanks. I haven't done anything yet. In fact, you will have to do all of the work. Meet me there at 10:30."

As quickly as he had arrived, Joe disappeared. Tim realized that he had been backstage for over 45 minutes and the show was coming to an end. She entered the dining area through the side door after carefully adjusting his dress and hair. He almost sad t o know that he was going to lose this body by tomorrow. Little did he know what was in store for the two of them....

Lori had become concerned when Tim had been backstage so long. She was going to look for Tim except she found that she couldn't keep her eyes off of the native dancers on the stage. Her new male body with its over active hormones were leading her actions

over her concern for Tim. After all Tim could take care of himself, at least he took care of himself as a man. Lori couldn't explain the feelings she was having. The dancers, including Lori, moved so sexily when they were dancing the various versions o f the hula. Her imagination started taking her to thoughts she never thought of as a woman. She even thought of the possibility of having sex with one or two of the young girls on the stage. Of course, she wouldn't do it without Tim's okay. But what di d this make her? Was she a lesbian or was she merely a normal "guy?"

As a woman, intimacy was important but the final sex act was not always that important. She liked being held by a pair of strong arms like Tim's. There were times when intercourse was the last thing she needed while making love with Tim. It kinda just h appened because Tim wanted it. But now, the more Lori thought about it, the more she needed sex. Tim was the only person she would consider but she was fantasizing with every pretty face.

Good thing Tim came back. When Tim came into Lori's sight, Lori knew what she needed. They were in the hotel complex so they didn't need to go far. Since the show ended, they got up and walked out of the complex with everyone else.

As the two walk down the many paths of the hotel, Tim told Lori of the meeting with Joe. Tim told Lori about how Joe knew who he was and the problems they were having and how they needed to meet him tomorrow in Kalapana to get back to their normal selves.

As they talked, they followed the shoreline and a number of large hammocks tied between palm trees. On a whim, Tim laid down on a secluded hammock and motioned Lori to join him. Tim's short dress hiked up her legs when he laid down and his breasts laid

upon his chest. When Lori laid down on the hammock, her weight made the material sway almost throwing the lighter Tim out the other side. "Sorry about that," apologized Lori.

"That's okay, you can make it up to me. Since this is going to be the last night with this body, let's get the most out of it." Tim's long nails brushed along Lori's muscular legs getting an instant response from Lori.

Lori, taking the aggressor role, took Tim close to her. She could feel Tim's breasts push against his chest and his long hair falling over their faces. Tim's hand was teasing Lori's anxious penis as it continued to grow. Lori could tell that Tim was let ting her take the lead and enjoying the new role.

Lori had felt her own breasts many times but this was different slipping her hand under the dress of her husband. The firm roundness of Tim's breasts thrilled her. As she teased Tim's nipples, she noticed that they got hard by her touch. Tim had his eye s closed letting a light moan pass his lips. She remembered that she enjoyed Tim nibbling her ears and neck and tried the activity on Tim. The action brought further moans. It also brought a slow zip of his pants by Tim.

Tim's delicate hands reached into Lori's pants and pulled her penis out. Good thing the hammock was in a secluded spot. Tim rolled out of the hammock and moved down to Lori's crotch. Tim looked at Lori's penis an noticed that it was bigger than his ever

was but this just excited him more. He wasn't under control anymore. Something deep within him was driving him. Not for a quick climax, he was looking for a long and intimate interlude with his wife or husband.

While Tim had not performed oral sex on another man before, it came natural to him. First, he teased Lori with her tongue treating Lori's manhood as a prized possession. Lori let out a load moan. Tim swore that everyone could hear them but no one came b y. He started to pump Lori's manhood with her mouth. Because of the size, he couldn't handle the whole thing but Lori never complained. Lori came quickly. Tim was afraid that Lori had a heart attack or something. When he finished giving her pleasure, she just laid there passed out. When Lori came to, they both agreed they better go back to the room.

As they giggled down the path to their room, they didn't notice the little old man in the shadows of the clearing...


"Tim....are you awake?" said Lori as she gently shook Tim from his reverie.

"Huh, I had this strange dream that I was you and that we had made the most passionate love last night." Tim had not fully realized the changes to his body until he turned over to look at Lori. "My God, I remember now. It wasn't a dream." Tim began to remember the new feelings that he was having all over his body. His view of Lori began to stir feelings that he had felt the night before.

"Tim you're so beautiful. You look like a model from heaven."

Tim didn't know what to say. He was beginning to enjoy his new found body. He knew he could easily pass as Lori while on vacation but what would happen if this was permanent. He really hadn't thought about the possibility over the last couple days. He had just enjoyed the feeling of wearing Lori's clothes and feeling her now masculine physique next to his.

Lori brushed her hand over Tim's exposed breast getting the reaction she knew she would get from Tim. Tim reflexively closed his eyes and purred like Lori used to do. His nipples were stimulated by the slightest touch and even thought of being in love wi th Lori. "What do you think will happen? Would you be upset if we stayed this way?" Tim hoped Lori wouldn't mind. Afterall, at least they were still together and it appeared that they both enjoyed the situation. Tim reached down to Lori's penis and st roked the object of her affections to life...

The vengeance of Pele, the goddess of fire, was not to be taken likely. Joe the local priest knew all too well the strength and wrath of the ancient goddess. Did Joe have the answers to their predicament? Tim and Lori needed to meet with Joe to find out the truth.

Tim felt warm throughout his body. Lori knew how to please a "woman" and wanted to share her knowledge with Tim. Tim was a quick study and showed Lori why males became excited so quickly and, if not paced correctly, would prematurely climax.

Lori took the lead, "We need to get dressed. If we want to return to our former selves, we need to meet Joe in a few hours." Lori gave Tim a gentle embrace and allowed herself to feel Tim's rounded bottom. "You sure have a nice ass." Lori grinned, "Now

I know why you flet mine so often." Tim could only smile at the comment.

Lori dressed quickly. She put on a pair of running shorts and tank top that she like on Tim. The bulge between her legs was evident under the tight fitting shorts. It was so easy to get ready. No make-up or hair to worry about.

Tim, on the otherhand, took a little longer to get ready. He first put on a white panty that rode high on his hips. His bra was a front clasp that pushed up his breasts to form a deep cleavage. Tim put on a baggie T shirt and running shorts to match his

borrowed Reeboks. Tim liked the feel of support of the bra and the lightness of his body. He felt more flexible and sensitive to his surroundings. His senses were more aware. The slightest change in the environment could be experienced by Tim. He was

getting used to the slight bounce of his breasts when he walked.

Lori's mouth dropped when Tim walk out of the bathroom. "You even make a T-shirt look good."

"C'mon Lori, that's enough, you're embarrassing me," Tim lied. Tim could notice Lori's reaction between her legs. "We gotta go...who's driving?" Normally, Tim would have driven but he always thought it was the man's job to drive most of the time. "Why don't you drive, I'll navigate..."

Lori drove the rented compact to the Volcano National Park where Tim was instructed to meet Joe. Tim reclined the seat and relaxed in the warmth of the Hawaiian sun. The convertable allowed the wind to blow through his hair. He started to daydream of th e possibility of keeping this new body, his relationship with Lori, and would they return home. Afterall, Lori was the trained attorney and he had a business to run. He couldn't do her job. His extent of the law was to not drink and drive.

Lori pulled the rented convertible into the public parking lot at the Thurston Lava Tube in the Volcano National Park. Unconciously, Lori rubbed her crotch before opening the door to the car. It still amazed her that a part of the human anatomy was capab le to responding to tactile stimulation so quickly. Tim straightened his bra and t-shirt and quickly exited the car. He was reminded that the quick movement caused his now familiar breasts to bounce to his movements.

The two adventurers held hands as they manuvered down the slick asphalt pathways. The tropical foliage and the birds left an image of walking through a South American rain forest. Tim lead the way down the path when his laced sandles slipped under his fe minine form. Lori reacted quickly catching Tim in her masculine arms. "You know Tim... I kinda like being taller, stronger, and sexier." Lori gave a Cheshire cat grin.

" hero! What can I do to repay your chivalry?" responded Tim.

"Well young lady... we'll have to figure that out when exit the jungle," Lori struted in her best imitation of John Wayne. "When we get back to the bunk house we'll have to see how you can relieve some of this tension from mosing down this trail..."

"Well my knight in shining armor... I can think of a thing or two that have worked over the last couple of days." Tim brushed his manacured hand over Lori's semi aroused manhood. "I'd love to help you now but we're supposed to meet Joe in the main tunnel

at 4:30. That's in ten minutes."

Tim found the entrance to the main lava tube and walked into it with Lori close behind. The last tourists from the Japanese tour group were leaving the tube. A young local girl was selling handmade leis at the other end of the tube. Lori looked that the

phospheresent face of Tim's dive watch. "He's not going to show. He's already half an hour late." Lori wanted to cry but it was more difficult. She wasn't as emotional as she used to be. In the dark, Tim shed a tear.

"Come on Tim let's go. He's not coming," Lori said sadly. "Let's go to the other end of the tunnel."

As the two walked to the daylight, Tim noticed the the little island girl was alone eventhough it was getting dark. "Aloha," greeted the awaiting girl. "My name is Leilani. You look like you are waiting for someone. I doubt if anyone else is going to s how up since this part of the park closes at dusk."

"Great," complained Lori. "We drive all this way for nothing."

"Look," interrupted Leilani. "It's not all bad. I was sent you to answer your questions. My grandfather told me there were two tourists who wanted to know more about Pele and understanding changes from the Gods."

"Were you someone else?" questioned Lori.

"What do you mean someone else? Nothing's ever happened to me."

"No... you just said..."

"Oh yes, changes. You see, I guess you could say that I am not your average girl. I was born with this ability to understand the unexplained. Grandfather says I was a island king or queen in earlier times."

"What do you know about us?" asked Tim.

"I see that you are not who you appear. You are adapting to the situation and sharing your selves with each other. You are questioning what will bring you happiness. You thought you were happy at home but now you are not really sure. The relationship y ou two have developed has grown since your arrival to our island. I cannot see everything yet though. I do not understand what you seek but your quest had not ended. The answer to your questions and the fulfillment of what you truly desire is not here.

I was sent to help you on your next step. Remember this... to find what you truly desire, you need to make the ultimate sacrafice at the sacred pool near Hana. You need to consumate your sacrafice when the moon is full at the sacred pool at your time of

cleansing," Leilani pointed to Tim.

"I don't understand," responded Tim in confusion.

"I cannot tell you more about yourselves. However according to legend, the sacred pool near Hana is the place where an ancient princess was slain by a jealous Pele. Each month when the moon is full, the waters appear red with the blood of the princess. This place is now considered a sacred place where only chosen servants are allowed during the transformation."

"Transformation? Transformation of what?" asked Lori.

"I cannot tell you more. Grandfather will meet you before you start your quest. Remember this... the moon will be full in tomorrow. You do not have much time. I must go..." As quick as the words were spoken, Leilani stepped back into the vegitation an d disappeared.

"Tomorrow... we need to get to Maui before tomorrow night," Tim reflected. "This may be our only chance to change back."

"Do you really want to change back Tim? I know we have to both agree but I kinda like the situation."

"What are you saying, Lori? You want to stay a man?" Inside Tim was asking the same question to himself.

"I don't know. Let's not decide yet. Just think about it."

The ride back to the hotel was very quiet...

Tim entered the hotel room first. The message light on the telephone was glowing. Lori turned on the hotel's internal cable channel to retrieve the message. The message read:

To: L. Johnson

From: Mr. Holley (Los Angeles)

Message: Sorry to disturb vacation. Need to see you regarding client matter. Can't wait. On first plane out. See you tomorrow.

"Tim, my boss is coming tomorrow," screamed Lori. "He can't see me like this."

"Why not... I think you look fine. In fact, you look like me."

"That's the problem... You are me," explained Lori.

"We can't worry now. We have to go to Maui tomorrow. We'll leave a message to Holley that we'll be back. Just relax. We've got a big day tomorrow. I'll shower first."

Tim went through Lori's bags finding a sheer teddy for bed. While going through the suitcase, Tim found Lori's hygine kit. Inside he found an assortment of tampons and thin sanitary napkins. "Lori, what's all this for?"

"It's getting close to that time of the month. I should be due for my period in a couple days."

"Period???? Wait a minute. What period?" stammered Tim.

"You know Tim, that female function that inconvienences you each month."

Tim's face turned pale. "I forgot about that..."

"It's not that bad Tim. It's over in a few days. Haven't you been feeling light cramps that last day or so?" questioned Lori.

"Now that you mentioned it. I have been feeling strange. I just thought that was part of the exchange."

Lori came over to give Tim a hug. "Don't worry, I'll help you through it." The hug did the trick. Tim began to melt into Lori's strong arms.

"I guess I better shower. You can join me if you want," Tim winked to Lori. Tim pulled off the t-shirt and slid out of the shorts. In just bra and matching panties, Lori's manhood began to respond. Tim knew that reaction well.

Tim unhooked the clasp of the bra and freed his breasts. He couldn't help but rub them a little. The action caused the nipples to become erect like little erasers. That was enough convincing for Lori. The clothes were thrown into a pile and the two ent ered the warm water....

Ultimate Sacrafices

"Tim... are you awake?" Lori reached out and touched her beautiful "husband."

Tim rolled onto his back. The weight of his breasts fell to both sides of his smaller form. The mere contact of the silk nightshirt on his nipples caused them to harden. "Is it morning? It just felt like we went to bed..."

"It kinda was, Tim. Don't you remember.... we drove back from the lava tube and decided to make last night the most incredible night ever. Now I know why guys like sex so much. Not that I didn't like sex as a woman but this was really different. You m ade me feel like the firworks were firing during the forth of July."

The evening was coming back to Tim. He had enjoyed the feelings that Lori caused. In fact, the longer he had this female form the more confused he became. When the transformation first occured, he wanted to experience the new body but he wanted to rema in a male. It was only temporary. But now, he was thinking female. Could it be... he was a woman. He looked like one (a pretty good one at that)... he even began thinking of himself as a female. He liked it. "Lori, what did Leilani mean by the ultima te sacrafice.... We would get what we really want?"

"You know what I want, Tim. I want us to always be happy. If that means we have to stay this way, that's okay. If we change back, I'll adapt."

"But Lori, don't you want to stay a man?"

"I don't know for sure. When I was little I used to watch my father and brothers in the bathroom. I'd watch them go to the toilet standing up and I thought... I'd like that. Now that I can do it... I think, 'I don't want to loose this feeling.' In fac t, if I could stay a man in my law practice I could do so much..."

"Then you would want to remain a man," restate Tim.

"Yeah, I guess so. As long as we stay together, I would like to be a man."

"And I... a woman."

There it was... the statement of the ultimate desire between the couple. But what was the ultimate sacrafice?

Tim rolled out of the bed and wandered into the bathroom. He took the panties hanging on the bathroom rod and slipped his legs into the garment. He pulled the panties up his legs and adjusted the sides over his hips. The material between his legs crept

up the crease of his bottom (what material there was). He place the swimsuit top over his breast and adjusted his breasts into the cups of the top. He pulled his long hair back and got ready to fly to Maui to meet with Pele.

Lori drove the small sub-compact rental car down the legendary road to Hana. The two lane road, which some claim is only 1 1/4, had over one hundred bridges and curves. Tim just closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The dream was so real. The two of them were home in Los Angeles. Tim was sitting in his modest office. His office....not Lori's. His staff acted as if it was normal for him to be there. There he was conducting business in a form fitting knit mini dres s. He figured that his example must have influenced his secretary and other female staff members. He remembered that they normally wore pants or real conservative outfits. But in his dreams, they all dressed to impress the men in the office. Beverly, h is normally prim and proper secretary, had abandoned here typical Anne Klien business suits. She had disposed of her old fashioned glasses and the low two inch pumps. In their place, Beverly had let her auburn hair down and wore the most alluring outfit Tim had seen. She was sitting on the edge of her desk wearing a low cut tank mini dress that barely covered both her top and bottom. She wore a pair of red 4" pumps that accented the outfit perfectly. She was taking notes from Tim but Tim was having pro blems keeping his mind on the subject. "Beverly, remind me about the dinner appointment with Mr. Jacobs to.... tomor....tomorrow," stammered Tim.

"Lori, is there something wrong?" asked his secretary with a suggestive grin.

"Beverly, I've never seen you in this light."

"Come now Lori. I've seen you look at me before. Remeber at the last Christmas party you threw at your house? You and Tim looked like Barbie and Ken. After the third bottle of champagne you whispered to me that you would like to see the three of us to gether."

"Well.... I can't recall," Tim hesitated. He then remebered he made that suggestion to Bev at the last party but not in the condition he was in now. He was a woman now or did it really matter.

Beverly came up to Tim and wrapped her arms around Tim's neck and kissed Tim's red lips. Instincts prevailed. Tim relaxed and began to kiss Beverly back. Beverly was clearly the aggressor in this encounter. She pressed her body against Tim's pressing e ach other's breasts. The mere contact of their two breasts touching caused Tim to forget where he was. Tim let Bev push her tongue into her mouth and meet with his. Tim's hands explored Bev's back moving slowly downward. When he reached the bottom of B ev's short dress he found bare skin....

"Tim.... Tim..... wake up. We're here," interrupted Lori.

"What happened? I must have been dreaming."

"It must have been some dream. You've been moaning and mumbling for the last five miles. I hated to wake you. I thought I might be part of that dream."

"You were," Lori stretched the truth. "What a realistic experience."

"There's a path to the left we need to walk down. The sign says the sacred cove is that way. The black sand beach is just beyond that."

"Okay, let's go." Tim adjusted his clothes leaned over to Lori and gave her the most passionate kiss he could muster.

"Wow what's that for? A left over of your dream or something on your mind?" Lori held Tim in her masculine arms feeling Tim's breasts against his chest.

"The future.... our future," explained Tim. "No matter what happens, I want to be part of you, no matter as a man or a woman."

The two walked down the path. The warm tropical rains left the foliage with fragrant smells. Flowers, trees, and other parts of Hawaiian flora were in the air. Lori strode ahead first taking firm strong steps. Tim walked close behind noticing that the leather sandles he wore were slippery on the wet cement. "Where's Joe?" reminded Tim.

"He's supposed to meet us here. Let's keep in going." suggested Lori. They had reached the end of the cement path. The path had changed to coarse volcanic rock that were probably here when ancient kings and queens ruled the islands. A fine mist began t o fall soaking both Tim and Lori. Tim's t-shirt clung to his skin showing him the beautiful body he had inheirted. "Joe! Joe!" yelled Tim. "Joe! Joe! Jo....." Tim stopped in surprise. Tims right foot slipped from under him. His momentum tumbled him

into a pool of water next to the path. The pool was black since the cloud cover and the overhang of the rocks blocked the sun.

Lori turned around quickly to the abrupt yelp and splash. "Tim!" yelled Lori. Tim was a good swimmer he should be all right. But he was a good swimmer before this vacation. Lori jumped in to save her husband.

The water was unusually cold. Tim swam in cold water before but something was different. He couldn't swim to the surface. His right foot was caught in the rocks. He looked up and could see daylight but he couldn't reach it. He struggled and pulled at his legs but he wasn't strong enough. He saw a shadow then a splash. It was Lori jumping into the pool. She was swimming toward her but it was getting dark. He was loosing the battle with the cold water.

Lori felt the cold water hit her skin. Her strong form entered the water like an olympic diver. She dove down deep into the water. It was too dark. She couldn't find him. She came up for air. "Tim where are you?" Back down she went. She hadn't been

a great swimmer but this time the adreneline made up for any lack in technique. She kept looking... the cold water was beginning to stiffen her leg muscles. But any pain was worth saving Tim... What Lori didn't realize was that the stiffness in legs we re the beginnings of a major cramp in her larger legs. The cramp in her calf was sudden. The pain was too much but she had to find Tim. She began to panic. The pain... the loss of Tim what was she going to do? She was at a loss as it turned very dark and cold.

A lightness went over both Tim and Lori. They could now see each other. A calmness prevailed over both of them. Tim could see Lori's handsome form. Lori admired Tim's feminine features. They both looked up to the surface of the water. It appeared tha t a hand was reaching down to them. Could this be it? Was this the hand that leads all of us to heaven?

Both Tim and Lori reached for the hand and held on tight. It pulled the two of them to the surface. As they reached the tropical air, the two gasp and coughed. An old man with increadibly strong hands was holding each of them by the hand. In the backgr ound, the wail of the local ambulance service was approaching.

"Well, by the looks of the two of you should have taken a couple more breaths before diving in," the old man joked.

"Joe... it's you!" exclaimed Tim.

"Yes Lori it is me," responded Joe.

"Lori? You know I'm Tim."

"Not any more. The love the two of you had has brought out the best in Pele. You two made the ulitmate sacrafice for each other. You were willing to give everything to save each other. You both got your wish for the future."

"But what about home, our jobs?" asked Lori.

"Tim, don't worry. The two of you have switch not the reast of the world." explained Joe.

As he spoke the ambulance arrived. As they were being take to the local hospital, the Kiluea crater on the island of Hawaii began to errupt again in what was a continuation of an eight year testimonial to the power of Pele....

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