TG: TV Cop

By Michael Suelmann

Published on Jul 20, 1996



From Sun Jul 21 11:41:43 1996 Path: nienor!!!suelmann Newsgroups: Organization: University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Lines: 4096 Message-ID: 4speu9$ NNTP-Posting-Host:

TG, cd, mf, mm, plot §§§§§§§§ This is a story I found on a BBS.

TV COP 1992 Chapter One - The Crime By Sue Softwear

The police car radio crackled to life as Dan Klein approached a red light. Sue Kraft, his partner of one year leaned forward to hear the radio more clearly. "It's a 411 near the lake", she exclaimed and flipped on the red light and siren. A 411 was a dead body with suspicion of foul play. Dan expertly dodged a car coming though the intersection and made a hard left to proceed directly to the lake.

Dan glanced at her and thought that she had turned out pretty good as a partner after all. Initially, he had considerable reservations about a female as a partner. He had been rather uncomfortable at first because she was a woman and had gotten a lot of hazing from the other male officers about when he was going to get in her pants and how good a lay she was etc.

She had been married at one time and did not seem to have any interest in him as anything other than a partner and friend. The only person she ever mentioned going out with was a female friend named Peggy. She and Peggy must spend a lot of time together since Sue mentioned her all the time. Dan had never seen Peggy but someone else had seen her with Sue and said she was very attractive: blonde, with nice tits, a great shape and a pretty face. Sue on the other hand was as tall as Dan at five ten and weighed at least as much as Dan did. Dan was glad she was larger than the typical woman when it came to arresting a struggling suspect. She actually seemed to enjoy getting physical with a suspect. Dan worried more about getting hurt. Given enough time your number could come up and you could end up in the hospital or worse dealing with some crazy.

They finally arrived at the scene and noticed that another police car was already there. They pushed through the crowd and saw the body laying on the ground in some bushes near a park bench.

Dan recognized the other officers present as Mike and Dave who were in their precinct. "What's up Mike?", Dan asked as he looked down at the body. "Nothing much. Looks, like someone took out another drag queen", Mike belched and leered at Sue who was bending over looking at the body.

Dan took a close look and felt anger swelling in his body at Mike for being such an insensitive jerk and at whoever could do such violence to another human being.

Several crossdressers had been attacked and two killed in the last month by the same nut. The first victim had been found partly undressed in a hotel room. The victim had apparently been engaged in sexual acts with the killer before being killed. He had been dressed in black lace and semen had been found on his bra and panties that did not match his DNA type. At least one of the crossdressers was apparently straight and was just out for a walk around one of the lakes before being killed. A note saying "Kill all Fags" and signed "Queen Killer" had been found with the last two. Some nut could not deal with his own sexuality and felt like he had to eliminate his sexual partners.

Dan and Sue kept the crowd away until homicide arrived and stayed until the crime scene had been combed and all pictures taken. The television news crews were their normal pushy selves and had to be restricted from walking all over the crime scene, tromping all over any evidence that might be present.

When Dan and Sue were released from the crime, their shift was over and they headed back to the station. "Sure is a shame what people can do to others", Dan mused as much to himself as to Sue as he drove.

"You seem more sensitive about things like this than most male officers" Sue responded. She studied Dan's face as he drove through the heavy traffic. He was trim, blonde, with blue eyes and a fair skin complexion most women would kill for. Dan seemed really different in his relationship with her and how he interacted with the other male officers. He was friendly and everyone liked him but he did not seem to be the typical beer guzzling, overweight, macho type like the other male officers. He had never hit on her and seemed content to treat her like a good friend. She enjoyed being with Dan as much as Peggy.

Of course with Peggy, things are much different, she thought to herself. Dan noticed the brief smile on her face but didn't say anything as they just then pulled into the police lot.

As they walked into the station house, big Al Simpson saw Sue from across the room and yelled, "Hey Sue, he got another homo like you!" Sue flushed crimson and pushed past the two or three officers between her and the women's locker room.

Dan was puzzled, what the hell was Al (the pig) Simpson talking about. He moved over to Al and queried, "What's this homo shit all about Al?"

Al chomped half a candy bar and slurped down a soda to wash it down. "Hell, I thought you knew, Dan. You better ask your partner." Al and the other officers laughed and walked away leaving Dan puzzled and alone in the hallway.

Dan quickly changed and waited for Sue to come out of the women's locker room, but after a half hour she had not come out and he left for his apartment figuring she had left already. He called a couple of times that night but no one answered the phone in her apartment.

Dan watched the 10 o'clock news and saw himself at the crime scene. The news loved this story. It had, sex, violence, and the novelty of crossdressers.

The Mayor was interviewed and said "He was pulling out all stops to rid the city of this sick killer." The news reporter wondered if the Mayors interest in this was due to his concern for the victims or the coming election. Dan started falling asleep during the sports and turned off the TV with the remote from bed. Tomorrow's watch started at 8AM. He drifted off to sleep and had dreams of dead women littering the parks.

Chapter Two - The Transformation

Dan walked into the station house the next morning. The desk sergeant saw him and said, "Hey Dan, don't bother changing into your uniform the Captain wants to see you in his office right away."

Dan grimaced and responded "What the hell have I done wrong now?"

Perry laughed, "You are really in big trouble on this one, Klein." Dan couldn't help but notice the smirk on Sgt Perry's face as he walked by. Perry seemed to know everything that was going on in the department.

Dan knocked on Capt Como's door. Como yelled, "Come on in." Dan was surprised to see Sue sitting in a chair in front of Como's desk.

Como motioned for him to sit down as he was talking on the phone. "Yes Commissioner, we have already begun taking steps to get the operation underway." He glanced at Dan and Sue, "We do have the people lined up, but we are going to need some money to cover expenses. Sure that should be plenty." The voice on the phone sounded loud and angry as Como held it away from his ear. "Yes, sir. We will get right on it." Como slammed the receiver down on the hook and breathed a sigh of relief.

Como looked at Dan and said, "Anyone tell you why you are here?"

Dan looked at Sue who gave no clue and back at the Captain before responding, "No sir, no one has told me anything."

Como looked at Dan and said, "Stand up and turn around, I want to see if this will work." Puzzled Dan stood up and did what he was told. Como looked at Sue and asked "What do you think Sue? Do you think you can do anything?"

Sue looked at Dan thoughtfully and responded, "He is certainly the best choice in this precinct, if not the department."

When Dan turned to look at Sue the phone rang again and Como responded, "Shit that phone has been ringing off the hook today. Sue, get going and brief Dan later. This is of utmost importance to the department. Dan, you probably won't like what we are asking of you but I am counting on you." He handed Dan an envelope which obviously contained cash. "Here sign this receipt voucher, there is five grand in here. Don't spend what you don't need." Como reached for the phone and covered the mouthpiece, "The mayor has been on the Chief's case for an hour this morning already, we have to catch the Queen Killer soon, real soon, or I'll be back walking a beat." He waved them out of his office as he began to talk on the phone. Apparently it was the Chief and he sounded angry, very angry.

Dan and Sue closed the door behind them and walked down the hall. Two officers were standing in front of the desk sergeant, and they were all laughing. When they saw Dan and Sue they all really started howling and one yelled. "Hey Dan, you are sure looking good." They all doubled over laughing and one blew Dan a kiss.

Dan doubled up his fist and started for the group but was restrained by his partner, Sue. "Come on Dan, we have work to do" She grabbed his arm and led him out the door to the parking lot.

"What is going on Sue?" Dan asked. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what was going on or why he was suddenly the butt of station humor.

"Come on Dan, lets go to my place. I'll tell you on the way. I'll drive and you listen."

The plan Sue detailed was just unbelievable. The department had to get the Queen Killer. The mayor was worried about the election and a killer running loose in the streets. His law and order platform was under fire from the opposition. He in turn had put pressure on the Police Commissioner and Chief to get something done. The plan that had developed was to find the right officer to crossdress and lure the killer out into the open. The precinct had drawn the detail since the crimes were bordering its jurisdiction and it was manned well right now. The Captain had asked for Sue's help since she was the only woman in the precinct.

Dan's head was spinning. He had never worked plain clothes before, had always wanted to, but detectives usually did that sort of thing. But this was different, very different. Crossdress, what would the other officers say? Good lord, what would his mother and sister say if they found out. They lived in the twin cities.

"No way! Not me! They have to find someone else. Who the hell's idea was it for me to do this? Dan sputtered as Sue pulled up in front of her apartment.

She turned off the ignition key and gave him a weak smile, "Why, my idea of course. You were the best one for the job. The only one in the precinct that was in good enough shape to be believable." She got out of the car and walked towards her apartment entryway. "Now don't be such a whiner. You want to catch Queen Killer don't you? Besides this might be fun for a change. You've always wanted a chance to work plain clothes. Although, come to think of it, these clothes are not exactly plain." She giggled at the thought and opened her apartment door.

Dan followed Sue into her apartment. His head was spinning from all the rush of thoughts and feelings he had been experiencing for the last few minutes. He had never told anyone of his earliest memories. Of his older sister dressing him in her clothes and telling everyone he was her four year old sister. They actually had family pictures of him with curly blonde hair in one of her dresses. The family joke was how cute he had looked.

Several years later, he felt the strangest urge to look at his mother and sisters underwear and clothing. He had felt his first sexual stirrings while looking at their bras and panties. He had never dared to do anything but look. When alone at home had spent hours looking at the Sears catalog's women's wear section. He was almost caught several times looking at stuff. Seems like everyone was out to discover his secret.

Dan had dated infrequently in high school and college. He had his obligatory sexual experiences but they did not seem to mean much and he had never dated the same girl more than a few times. After college he had gone right into the department and had been so busy with police work he had not thought about things all that much. He had thought about getting some female things, but was afraid someone in the department would discover his long lost secret. He had visions of Al or someone else seeing him in a checkout line with a bra and panties in his hands. Hard to explain that one at the station.

Sue told him to come into her bedroom. She rolled open her closet door and he was surprised at all the clothing she had in her closet. All he had ever seen her wear was jeans and a "T" shirt or sweatshirt. He didn't even know she owned a dress.

She pulled out a tape measure and started measuring him every which way. She kept muttering to herself and finally said, "This will be easier than I thought. You and I are nearly the same size. I don't wear a lot of this stuff anymore but for some reason have not thrown it away. We have the department's money but to save time we'll use as much of this as I can. I'll get whatever else I need for you later."

Dan looked in the closet and said, "Are you sure we can pull this off?"

"Sure, now go into the bathroom and take a shower. Lets get started. After you shower take the electric razor in there and shave your legs. You are not very hairy anyway, but we want to do a good job. The ones that were killed could pass quite easily for a woman. At least the killer has good taste in one area." She opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of lace trimmed black nylon panties and threw them at him. "Put these on when you are done shaving and showering. Give your face a once over too. We want it smooth as a babies behind." She patted him on the ass as he took the panties and headed for the bathroom. "I'll run to the department store down the street and get a couple of things while you are in the shower."

Dan could not believe what was happening, this was like one of the wet dreams he had as a teenager but they went away when he woke up. He showered and it took him a long time to shave since he had never shaved his legs before. He thought to himself how lucky he was not to have any body hair. Other than his face, his hair growth pattern was the same as any womans, armpits and below the waist. The men down at the station had called him a Mexican hairless upon seeing his lack of body hair.

He slipped on the skimpy lace edged panties. As soon as they touched his legs he felt an immediate stirring of sexual arousal. He slowly pulled them up his now smooth legs and stuffed his no longer flaccid cock into the panties. The crotch was lined with cotton material. He had forgotten about that. The feeling of the material against his cock when he had them on was wonderful. He liked the way they fitted his round butt cheeks. He was looking down at himself in the mirror when Sue knocked on the door.

"Come on out of there. I know you are done."

"I can't come out of here like this", he said as he looked down at himself. His cock was noticeably stiff even though it was folded under.

"Sure you can. We have know each other a long time. You can trust me Dan. This is all business with me anyway. Besides you know I'm a lesbian anyway, you couldn't be safer with anyone."

Dan's thoughts jumped to the previous day. So that is what that comment meant. "Sue, I'm sorry, I really didn't know." Somehow he felt better about things and opened the door and came out. Suddenly the lack of men in her life made sense. He was pretty stupid not to have figured it out before now.

Sue took a long thoughtful look at him as he stepped out the door. "I know I should have told you before. But then I figured you might know already anyway. I was just happy to be treated with respect. I hope this won't change anything between us." She could not help but notice his stiff cock in the frilly panties and had hoped it was not because of her.

"I've got no problems with your sexual orientation. You are a good partner and friend", Dan responded, suddenly aware she had noticed his cock. He hoped she had not guessed the reason for his arousal.

"Well lets get started." She turned and began opening and closing drawers and getting things out. "Try this on." She handed him a black lacy waist cincher with garters for nylons she took out of a department store bag. She must have just bought it.

He figured out how to put it on and had it on before she turned to him with a pair nylons. It was smaller than the designer had intended but the effect was great. His waist was smaller and his figure more hourglass shaped. He sat down and pulled on the nylons she had handed to him. He rolled them down, put his foot in and pulled them up the way he had seen his sister and other women in movies do. The silky nylon feeling was really strange and at the same time very exciting. He struggled a bit with the garters and routed them under his panties as Sue had suggested. He wondered why the garters went under the panties but accepted her guidance without question.

Sue handed him a black matching bra and he studied it and put it on without too much difficulty. She had noticed that he had stopped protesting and was pretty much following her directions. She guessed it was all part of being a good cop and wanting to catch the killer.

She opened a couple of small square boxes and took out something that looked all in the world like a womans breast. She handed them to him. "Fortunately the store had breast forms also", she said.

He could not believe how lifelike they felt to the touch. He put them in the bra and suddenly it was filled out and bulging. The bra felt much different. He could feel the weight of his new boobs pulling down the bra straps and it even forced his own skin up at the top of the bra looking very much like real cleavage. He took a couple of steps over to the mirror and could feel their silicon gel core giggling in the bra rather realistically. The view in the mirror was equally as convincing. His folded cock responded in his panties.

Sue noticed Dan looking at his image in her mirrored closet doors. He had such a funny look on his face. This was going to be a first class operation, or so the Captain had said. The breast forms were $240 apiece. She wondered if the Captain knew what the cost was going to be for all this.

Next she took out a red satin blouse and handed it to Dan to put on. He slipped it on and buttoned its long sleeve cuff and button front. The vee neck allowed just an occasional peak of his black lacy bra and his newly acquired cleavage to show as he finished buttoning the blouse. Sue looked at several skirts and decided on a black leather one she had hardly ever worn. It was kind of short and slutty looking and did not fit her very well. Dan pulled it up over the blouse, tucked things in and she helped him with the rear snap and zipper.

As Sue plunged back into the closet, Dan looked at himself carefully. My god, from the neck down he looked just like a woman. The feel of the satin blouse on his arms, the slightly restrictive feel of the bra on his chest, the weight of his boobs and its straps over his shoulders were such a strange and wonderful feeling. He took a couple of steps and turned around. The sound, the feel of his nylons against the lining of the leather skirt sent almost an electric shock up his legs. He had always had a round ass, unlike most men, and he filled the skirt up very nicely. Rounding it out where it should be round. It was a little tight at the waist but it enhanced his figure. The feel of everything was almost overwhelming. He could feel his dick oozing dampness into the lining of his panties as his juices started flowing.

Sue pulled out a pair of high heeled black pumps and he leaned down to try them on. They were slightly too small. "Darn, I was afraid of that", she responded, looking over a well stocked shoe rack. "Here, these may work" she said as she handed him a black ankle strap high heel with open toes and heels. Dan slipped them on and adjusted the strap to fit his slightly larger ankles. "You better be careful walking for a while, they take some practice."

Dan tottered back and forth in front of the mirror while Sue opened another box from the department store. She pulled out a long blond wig and motioned for him to come to her. She slipped the wig on his head and spent about 10 minutes combing it out. It was just shoulder length and looked very nice once Sue had combed it out.

The next part was a bit unpleasant. Sue sat him down and plucked eyebrows. It hurt like hell. He couldn't believe that women do this all the time to look good. Again, he wasn't real bushy anyway and it could have been much worse. She applied mascara, a makeup base, eyeliner, and eye shadow. Admonishing him to pay attention because he was going to have to do this himself. She finished up with powdered makeup and blush before applying a dark red lipstick.

Dan turned to look in the mirror. He almost could not recognize his own face. It seemed to merge with his new female identity. He had often looked at his own face in the mirror and it just did not seem to be himself looking back but a stranger's face. The face with long blond hair, makeup, and deep red lips somehow looked right, like he was seeing his real reflection for the first time. It was such an emotional moment that his eyes started to tear up.

Sue saw his response and at this time was really puzzled. Was he upset at being dressed as a woman or what else was going on? "Hey, what's wrong? You are going to streak your makeup." She admonished then dug into her collection of costume jewelry.

"I got something in one of my eyes or something", he said without sounding very convincing. His voice sounded husky and full of emotion.

She soon had him decked out with a gold neck chain, with matching bracelet and clip on earrings, a ladies wrist watch, and several elegant but gaudy rings which only fit on his smaller fingers.

She finished up with a manicure and bright red nail polish that matched his lipstick. His nails had been fairly long and she just rounded them at the ends before applying the polish. They looked as good as half the women on the street anyway. He sat and examined his hands. The jewelry and nails made them definitely feminine.

A spray of perfume, on his neck and wrists were the finishing touch. "Now get up and walk around and let me look at you", she demanded.

Dan walked straight to the mirror and looked at himself. The transformation was complete. There before him was a tall attractive woman. He didn't have to worry about his mother or sister. He was sure that they would not recognize him even from up close, although now that he thought about it he did have a striking resemblance to his sister. He could be her twin.

Sue was really amazed at what she had done. It had been far easier than she imagined. He really looked good, very attractive. He reminded Sue of her girlfriend Peggy, tall, nice legs, nice boobs and a well formed butt. As Sue watched Dan walk back and forth in front of the mirror she began to feel sexual stirrings of her own. She had no interest in Dan as a male, but here he was, an attractive female, just her type. She wondered if he would be receptive to a pass right now, but dismissed it as just too early. So much had happened to him in just a few hours. He probably could not deal with it right now.

"Dan, somehow Dan does not fit you right now. How about Danielle? she suggested.

"Sure Sue, whatever you think. You have done a really good job with me. Thanks a lot." Dan, now Danielle, came over to Sue and gave her a hug. The feel of their breasts touching was electric for both of them. Sue was getting very turned on but she decided to wait to make a move for a day or two, if she could stand it that long.

They were still locked in their friendly hug when they heard a noise from the bedroom door. "Oh Sue, how could you? Who the hell is this bitch?" It was Peggy, who was obviously furious. Peggy turned on her heel and started to leave.

"Peggy wait, you don't understand." Sue called at her shapely back. "Come back!"

Danielle called to her, "Peggy, its me, Dan, I am in drag for a case we are working on."

Peggy, who had never met Dan, turned and looked at him, "Sure you are. You expect me to believe that shit?" She started for the door again but thought about the voice coming from Sue's very attractive playmate. The voice certainly sounded male. Could it really be true? She returned and looked carefully at the tall female figure standing next to Sue. "Do you mind if I check this out?" she asked.

Danielle responded, "Sure go ahead," little suspecting what would happen next. With a sudden swift movement that completely surprised both Sue and Danielle, Peggy ran her hand up under Danielle's skirt and felt his panty covered cock.

With a shocked expression she retrieved her hand as though it had touched hot metal. She and Danielle both immediately blushed crimson. "I'm terribly sorry Dan! I could not believe you were a man. I thought Sue was cheating on me. You look so, so, believable" she stammered for words.

It was Sue's turn to blush, because of her unrealized desire for Danielle in the last few minutes. However, Peggy did not notice Sue because she was looking Danielle over like a new dress in the store. "Very nice. Really quite good. I'm so sorry I doubted you, Sue!"

Sue explained the whole story to Peggy while Danielle continued to practice walking back and forth in her high heels. Sue and Peggy watched Danielle walk back and forth as the story was told. Danielle seemed to be getting more confident on the heels and Sue and Peggy found a matching purse for Danielle to carry her gun and badge in. The makeup used in Danielle's transformation was placed in a makeup bag, along with comb, compact, and other female maintenance items and loaded in the smart black leather shoulder strap purse. Danielle was handed her purse and slung it over her shoulder while she practiced walking. The whole thing seemed so convenient and natural. Dan hated to carry the gun on his hip.

Dan called into the precinct and talked to the Captain. Even the act of talking on the phone was different and somehow exciting. Danielle's long hair had to be moved aside for the receiver, the earring immediately hit the phone. Danielle debated removing the earring but decided to leave it on. He liked the way it dangled from his ear. He was conscious of his lipstick and its taste in his mouth. It made his lips feel so smooth and soft. The taste reminded him of makeout sessions in high school when he had first tasted a girls lipstick on his own lips. This was decidedly better, and infinitely more erotic.

The Captain told Dan to come down to the station and pick up a wire. They would wire him for sound before sending him out. They wanted him in the park tonight. Sue and a male officer would sit in an unmarked car and back Dan up when the killer approached him. The Chief wanted action. Dan and Sue would get overtime as necessary.

Sue and Peggy said goodbye with a passionate embrace and long juicy kiss. Peggy turned and without thinking gave Danielle a typical female to female goodbye hug as she left. By this time everyone was calling Dan, Danielle, without even thinking about it. It seem so natural given Danielle's totally feminine appearance.

Sue locked up her apartment and they got into her car. Two street maintenance workers watched them leave the apartment and one made vulgar comments loud enough for them to hear. Something about they could probably suck start his Harley, or better yet him if they wanted to. Sue ignored the remark but Danielle when thinking about it started to get turned on again. The whole thing was getting so confusing. As they drove to the station, Danielle wondered if women were as constantly bombarded with sexual stimulus as he was. He was going to have to carry an extra pair of panties in his purse. He was very aware of the dampness in the crotch of the ones he was wearing.


Sue got out of her car in the police lot but Danielle stayed seated in the car. "I can't go in there looking like this", she complained when Sue asked her what the problem was.

"Sure you can. Our shift is over now and you hardly know anyone on this shift. Besides they are all glad you were selected instead of them to crossdress and go killer hunting." Sue closed the door and headed for the station house.

Danielle followed across the parking lot. It was the farthest she had walked in the heels and she looked tipsy, like she had a couple of drinks. A couple of patrolmen who were checking over their cars recognized Sue but were wondering who the tall leggy blond was who was following her into the station. What really threw them was when the blond dug in her purse and produced a police ID which she attached to her blouse before going into the station.

"Must be some new cop from another precinct. I sure wouldn't mind a few long lonely nights in a patrol car with her. I wonder if she is straight or lesbian like Sue?" one remarked.

"Would be a shame to waste a beaver like that on Sue", the other remarked as the shapely blond disappeared into the station house.

There was a different Desk Sergeant because of the shift change. He recognized Sue and nodded when she walked past headed towards the Captains office. He did not recognize the tall blonde who clattered past in high heels but she was wearing a police ID badge so he didn't say anything. He failed to notice the picture on her badge was that of a man. He watched her shapely ass wiggle down the hallway in pursuit of Sue. "Things were sure different from the old days" he thought to himself. "The police women are getting better looking all the time." He wondered what it would be like getting into some young stuff like just went down the hall.

Sue stopped short of the Captains office. She needed to pee. She went into the ladies room which was just down the hall. Without thinking, Danielle followed her in. Suddenly she realized her mistake and started to leave. Sue saw Danielle just as she was closing the door to the stall and said, "Danielle, it's just you and I here tonight anyway. Keep me company. You should check your makeup anyway."

Danielle looked in the mirror and noticed her lipstick could use a touchup so dug it out of her purse and carefully applied it while Sue was quietly peeing in the stall. Applying the lipstick was very erotic and Danielle pouted her lips in response to the soft touch of the red lipstick. "I need to pee too," Danielle said noting only one stall in the ladies room.

"I'll be right out. Now you know why it takes us so long to go sometimes don't you. We have to stand in line."

Sue came out and Danielle took her place in the stall. She pulled up her skirt and pulled down her panties to sit on the stool. Sue had warmed up the seat nicely. Sitting to pee seemed to be the thing to do. She noticed that with the penis stuffed down between her legs it was impossible to detect her biological origins when she was sitting down to pee. Now she knew why the panties went over the garters. As she peed she noticed how soaked the cotton lining of her panties were from semen oozing because of all her sexual stimulus. "Sue have you got another pair of panties with you?" she asked through the stall door.

"No but I have a panty liner in my purse because I just got over my period." Sue responded and passed the panty liner into the stall through the crack between the door and the stall. "It has a self adhesive strip, just pull off the paper backing and stick it in your panties."

By this time Sue was pretty sure what was going on with her new girl friend. Danielle didn't pee her pants, and for sure she was not having a period. The only logical explanation was that Danielle was turned on. Very turned on. This whole thing was going to be much more interesting than Sue had imagined. She was thinking about the possibilities when Danielle emerged from the stall.

"Thanks for the help" Danielle murmured, blushing slightly. "We better get in to see the Captain." The dry panty liner somehow made facing the Captain a little easier. However, the bulk and strange feel of it against Dan's folded cock started the whole arousal process again.

Danielle knocked on Captain Como's door and went in when he growled to come in. As Danielle and Sue entered the office the Captain was talking on the phone with his back to the door. He turned slightly, recognized Sue and continued his conversation. After he hung up he turned around and looked to see who had come in with Sue. He got a puzzled look on his face when he saw the tall attractive blond with the departmental badge.

"Captain, it's me, Dan," Danielle volunteered.

Captain Como started choking and put on his glasses that were laying on the desk. "Dan, is that you?" he asked looking at the attractive curvy blond standing in front of his desk. "You did a really, well, wonderful job, Sue. I did not even recognize him."

"Thank you sir", replied Sue. "Dan really is a good sport about the whole thing. It was easier than I thought it would be." She didn't mention that it was too easy, and started daydreaming about the sexual possibilities with her new female companion.

"You have the wire for us?", asked Danielle.

Captain Como showed Danielle and Sue the remote transmitter device and explained its operation. As he was talking he kept looking at Danielle. Danielle was more attractive than his own wife. It made one wonder sometimes. He also wondered if this was going to work at all since Dan was supposed to look like a man dressed as a woman rather than an attractive woman.

Danielle felt self conscious under Como's stare and was glad when they left his office. The appraising looks men gave women was going to take some getting used to. He had felt Como's eyes running down his body and felt like he was being mentally undressed. They were to meet their backup out in the park in an hour. He was already in position in the unmarked car.

Sue started to help Danielle install the wire in the hallway but it was going to involve threading it underneath clothing. One officer asked if he could be of help when he saw Sue holding the device against Danielle. Sue gave him a glare that would melt an icecube and suggested they go back into the ladies room.

"Here hun, I'll help you with this. Looks like we can attach the mike inside your bra, run the wire inside your bra strap to the back and hook the transmitter on your bra strap in back." With this she began to unbutton Danielle's blouse. The view of Danielle's bulging lace trimmed bra made her hand shake slightly as she attached the microphone and transmitter to Danielle's bra. When she had finished, without thinking she took both hands and ran them slowly over the bra cups and under the arms. Her old habit patterns as a lesbian were ingrained in her. Suddenly she was aware of her nipples standing out and stirrings of dampness in her panties. She stood there looking up into Danielle's eyes a moment and said in a whispered voice, "You really look good Danielle. I worry about how dangerous this is for you. You be careful out in the park. You are the best partner a woman could have. I don't want to loose you. Not now especially." She closed her arms around Danielle under her blouse and gave her a long kiss.

Danielle started to pull away but was held too strongly. Sue kissed her again and forced her tongue into Danielle's mouth while forcing her back against the wall. Danielle moaned as if to say something but Sue's thrusting tongue prevented it.

Sue's aggressive advance had given Danielle no choice but to submit. To Danielle's surprise, feeling herself submit to this aggressive male like sexual advance was even more of a turn on. Danielle melted and gave herself to Sue who felt Danielle's body relax in her arms. The feel of their breasts pressed together and Sue's hand running over Danielle's bra and down her back made her tremble. Danielle hungrily responded with her tongue. Their red lips eagerly sucking each other and their tongues intertwined. Their hands sought each other's breasts and their bodies pressed tightly against each other. They both moaned as their hands explored each other's bodies. Sue pressed her leg between Danielle's nylon clad legs and worked her knee up forcing Danielle's skirt higher and higher until Sue's thigh was pressed tightly against Danielle's panty. She rubbed her thigh forcefully against Danielle's crotch, delighting in the wetness she felt on her leg. Danielle moaned and brought her leg up rubbing Sue in the same manner.

Sue kissed Danielle on the cheeks and down her neck, shoulders, and on and around her bra. She then stuck her tongue wetly into Danielle's ear after sucking on Danielle's earring. She whispered hoarsely into Danielle's ear, "You are so beautiful. I am so horny for you. I want you. I want to fuck you. I want you to be my lesbian lover."

All Danielle could do was moan. This was all so exciting. Strong emotions were washing over her body like a pounding surf. Danielle sought out Sue's mouth and they kissed roughly, noisily sucking each others lips and tongues, trying to suck up the essence of each others soul. They were startled by a knock on the bathroom door.

"Dan, Sue, are you in there?" It was Captain Como's voice. "I want you to get going as soon as possible."

"Shit", Danielle said quietly to Sue. "We will be out in a minute. We just got the wire fixed up", he yelled through the door to Como.

"Later, honey, later", Sue softly said to Danielle then gave her a soft kiss. "Now button up and fix your makeup"

Danielle turned to the mirror and noticed her lipstick was smeared and needed touchup. The both stood by the mirror and fixed their faces. Danielle re-applied her powder makeup and lipstick. As they left the restroom Sue gave Daniel's leather skirted behind a gentle pat. Peggy was out of town tonight seeing her mother. Danielle needed more help with clothes tonight, special help only she could provide.

They drove in silence for a while on the way to the park in Sue's car. Occasionally they would look at each other and smile but nothing was said until Sue turned and said, "Danielle, how long have you wanted to be a woman?

Danielle did not respond for a minute. "As long as I can remember, I guess." Danielle said in a soft voice. "But, this is the first time I've really done anything about it. You've opened up a whole new world for me. This is all happening so fast."

Sue noticed Danielle's eyes were moist and reached over and laid her hand on Danielle's nylon clad thigh. "I would have helped a long time ago if I had known. We just didn't share our private lives with each other like we should have. I'm just happy to help you now." Sue's hand ran up and down Danielle's thigh and ended up tucked between her tightly folded legs. She was doing such a good job of keeping her legs together. Very instinctive, and ladylike.

Danielle reached over and kissed Sue on the cheek. They chatted like two schoolgirls reunited after 10 years as they continued the rest of the way to the park.

Sue dropped Danielle off at the edge of the park. Danielle was to loiter in the park and Sue would join the other officer in his unmarked car. Danielle walked into the park surrounding the lake and wondered what to do. She walked around some until her feet hurt and she sat down on a park bench. She was surprised at the disapproving stares from a couple of women walking their dogs. She heard the word "hooker" as they went past her. One man who was walking with his wife was staring at her and ignoring his wife until the wife noticed and jabbed him in the ribs. Danielle found herself enjoying the attention and was glad that they had not recognized her as a man. It did not occur to her that the stakeout called for it to be obvious that she was a man in drag.

Across the corner of the lake in a parking lot Danielle could just make out the parked car with Sue and the plain clothes officer. Danielle wondered what Sue was talking about. She hoped it wasn't about her. It was a good thing Sue was not interested in men. At least Danielle did not have to be jealous of them. "My gosh, I'm even thinking like a woman" , she thought to herself.

The sun was setting and no-one had done anything suspicious. Danielle was concerned about being out here after dark. She wondered if the two officers in the car could see her well enough from the light near the bench. At least it was a pleasant night. She was sitting enjoying rubbing her nylon clad legs together, trying to practice a little female modesty because of the short leather skirt when a man walked by, stopped momentarily and continued on past. He walked further away then turned around and came back and sat on the other end of the bench.

He smiled at Danielle but said nothing for a few minutes. "Lovely night isn't it?" he remarked.

Danielle smiled weakly but did not say anything. She squirmed a little bit and crossed her legs showing the man a good shot of nylon covered thigh. She also moved her purse to where she could get to her Smith and Wesson.

The man looked at her bulging blouse, trim waist, black nylon covered thigh, and shapely calves and slid a couple of feet closer on the bench. He looked carefully around and said, "What's a pretty lady like you doing alone on a night like this."

Danielle just shrugged her shoulders and smiled. She hoped the wire was working. This man definitely had something on his mind. He seemed normal enough. The crime lab thought the killer weighed at least 230 due to the depth of tracks found at one crime scene. This man was only 175 or 180 at the most. Not all that bad looking either she decided. Danielle noticed him looking at her neckline and breasts. He moved to within two feet of her, his eyes moving up and down her body and legs. Talk about being undressed with someones eyes. Danielle looked at the man's slacks and was amazed to see the normal soft bulge under the zipper become harder and harder until the man's cock was very well defined and straining to be let out of his pants. She found herself staring at his cock, wondering what it looked like, and how big it would get if let out of its cloth prison. Danielle then realized she was almost as turned on as he. Her doubled under cock was throbbing in its black lace panty. Confused feelings rushed over her again as she pondered the meaning of her physical attraction to this strange man.

"How much for an hour?" he asked startling her back to reality. "Fifty enough?" he asked again.

She shook her head no, not sure what to do now.

"Tell you what, $60 bucks, and you suck me off while I eat your pussy. Last offer. You are pretty for a hooker but not that good," he continued.

Danielle smiled and responded, "I think you have the wrong number friend. The pussy part would be difficult."

The man's face completely drained of color upon hearing Danielle's somewhat male sounding voice. "Oh, no! Are you the vice squad? I have a wife and a dog and a kid. Please don't arrest me. I've never messed with a hooker before. This will ruin my life," he stammered and put his head in his hands and started crying.

Danielle patted the man on his back and said, "No I'm not with the vice squad. Why don't you run on home to the wife, kid and dog and stop hanging around in parks at night. People have been getting killed out here."

"You're not?" he blubbered, wiping his eyes. "The voice, are you a woman, a man or what?" he asked, blinking and staring at Danielle's body again.

"Get lost or I will call a cop," Danielle exclaimed and stood up looking around. "They are around here all the time."

The man turned white again and left without a word, fully expecting to find a vice officer behind every bush in the park on his way out. He was still trying to decide what Danielle was when he reached his home several blocks away. Whatever she was, she was very sexy. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had made his dick as hard. His fat wife screamed that he was late for dinner as he entered his house and slammed the door behind him.

Danielle stayed in the area for three more hours, occasionally walking around to keep warm. Her feet were killing her from the high heels. Sue brought coffee and a sandwich and they sat in silence eating on the park bench. Nothing said was personal since everything was going via wire to the parked unmarked car. They had a good laugh about the man who had tried to pick up Danielle. Danielle detected a note of jealousy in Sue's voice when she talked about the man. When they were done eating Sue returned to the parked car leaving Danielle to bait the trap.

A large man in a black hooded sweatshirt walked by which struck Danielle as funny because it wasn't cold enough to have your head covered. He looked Danielle over but continued on down the walkway without looking back. Danielle half expected him back but he did not return. Sometime later several teenage boys walked by and asked her point blank if she wanted to fuck. She shook her head no and they just kept on going. Danielle doubted they would even know how, even with their direct approach.

The coffee had made her need to pee. She said this over the wire and headed for the restrooms which were closer to the unmarked car. She almost walked into the men's restroom and then decided the ladies' probably be better. Two women were in the rest room and said hello as they washed their hands before leaving. Danielle said hello and managed to raise her voice enough that it sounded reasonably feminine although a little husky, like a woman smoker's voice. She sat down in the stall and peed like the lady she was. She decided she should practice the voice since that was the only thing that gave anyone problems. She was sitting on the stool and talking to herself when she remembered the wire. They were listening to everything she had said. She felt stupid as she pulled up her panties and adjusted her skirt.

Danielle was in front of the mirror applying fresh makeup when Sue walked in. "I had to see if you were all right. Besides I needed to go myself." She entered the stall and pulled down her tight jeans to pee without closing the stall door. Danielle watched her pull down her tight pink panties and sit on the stool. Danielle had never seen Sue naked at all before. She had a flat hard tummy like she worked out a lot and lots of bushy brown pubic hair. It was obvious she did not believe in trimming it. Danielle noticed the pubic hair between Sue's legs was wet and sticking to her legs. Sue motioned for Danielle to come into the stall with her and Sue closed the stall door behind them. Sue made the quiet sign with her finger in front of her lips and pulled Danielle over to her seated on the stool. Sue pulled up Danielle's skirt and pulled Danielle down on her lap. She quietly unbuttoned Danielle's blouse and buried her face in Danielle's bra. Her hands gently roaming over Danielle and quietly kissing her everywhere her mouth could reach. Her hips were thrusting under Danielle's panty clad bottom and Danielle's folded cock was hurting from the need to be set free.

She stood up, quietly kissing Danielle's mouth and they took turns sucking each others tongues. The difficult part was not moaning and giving themselves away over the wire. They both felt like they were going to explode into each other's mouth.

Danielle reached down and felt Sue's bushy pussy, still wet from peeing and even wetter around her vagina. Sue tried to pull Danielle's hand away but Danielle persisted and gently massaged Sue's clit and slippery pussy lips. Sue was trying not to moan and bit Danielle's tongue when the passion was too much. She sat Danielle down on the stool raised one leg onto Danielle's shoulder and pulled Danielle's face into her damp steamy pussy. Danielle immediately went after Sue's hard dripping clit and Sue reached orgasm in a few seconds. She leaned over Danielle and flushed the toilet to cover up the sounds of her pleasure.

She flushed it again and whispered in Danielle's ear, "You horny little bitch, I'm going to fuck your brains out tonight".

"Are you two all right in there? " came the booming voice from outside the restroom door. It was the plain clothes officer. "I didn't hear anything for a while."

"We are fine. Just helping Dan with his makeup. We'll be out in a minute. Go on back to the car." Sue called out, hurriedly putting on her pink panties and blue jeans.

She helped Danielle get her blouse buttoned and gave her a big kiss when finished. She could taste her pussy on Danielle's mouth. She smiled and licked her lips enjoying her own unique taste. Danielle deserved a reward for being such an unselfish lover, but that had to come later after work.

Danielle continued to sit on the bench and walk around periodically to keep warm. The passers by in the park dropped off and about 1230 AM it seemed obvious nothing was going to happen this night. Sue walked up to Danielle and they decided to call an end to the stakeout. They returned to Sue's car and Sue helped Danielle turn off the wire transmitter. Danielle shivered slightly at the touch of Sue's cold hand under her blouse.

"You poor dear, you are so cold. I can see the goose bumps on your legs." Sue remarked and reached over and rubbed Danielle's thighs vigorously then embraced Danielle and kissed her deeply. Their hands roamed over each other as best they could in the confines of Sue's car and they took turns sucking each others lips and tongue. "Lets go to my place and get you warmed up" Sue whispered in a husky voice.

They drove in silence the few blocks to Sue's apartment. When they had entered, Sue turned on one light then lit a couple of candles before turning the light off. Danielle looked very lovely in candle light. "Sit on the sofa while I get us a couple of brandies to warm us up." Sue directed.

Danielle enjoyed being told what to do. It was so much easier than doing the male thing of trying to direct the course of the evening. It seemed so natural and yet exciting.

Sue moved close to Danielle and pulled her near kissing her gently at first. They enjoyed their brandy flavored kisses and their kisses got deeper and juicier as they sucked each others mouths and tongues. "You are so sexy, Danielle. You are as feminine as any of my lovers have been. You need to be awakened as a woman." She pulled Danielle up they walked hand in hand to the stereo where Sue put on some slow dance music.

Sue pulled Danielle to her and said, "Lets dance". Danielle started leading but Sue said, "No! Let me lead. I prefer it." Danielle felt awkward at first but soon got the hang of letting Sue lead her. They moved closer and their breasts were touching. Sue made an obvious effort to keep rubbing her breasts against Danielle's. Sue moved her leg frequently between Danielle's legs and they became very conscious of their pubic contact and pressed harder against each other. Their hands explored each other as they danced.

Danielle was so excited. Her panty liner was now dripping wet. She loved being caressed and guided as they danced. Sue took Danielle by the hand and took one of the candles in the other and led Danielle into the bedroom.

Danielle looked so sexy in the light of the one candle. Sue reached over and slowly unbuttoned Danielle's blouse. When her bra was exposed she ran her hands slowly all over Danielle's bra. It was amazing how life like the breast forms felt. Sue's own panties were now soaked and the crotch of her jeans was getting wet as well.

"I want you to be my woman. I want to possess you and have you for my own." Sue murmured as she removed Danielle's blouse and pushed Danielle forcefully down on the bed. Sue removed her own blouse and jeans and laid down on top of Danielle.

Sue kissed Danielle roughly and felt Danielle's heaving breasts through her lacy bra. Sue pressed down on Danielle and worked a leg up between Danielle's legs forcing her leather skirt up around her hips.

Danielle loved being guided onto the bed. She was trembling with excitement as Sue laid down on top of her. She was keenly aware of the look and feel of her breasts and Sue's legs sliding between her nylon clad legs. Her high heels were still on but the sight of them on her legs was even more thrilling. Danielle noticed Sue's crotch was so wet that her panties were stuck tightly to her pussy lips. Sue pulled off Danielle's leather skirt and gazed down at her sexy companion now clad only in bra, garter, panties, nylons, and high heels. Sue moaned at the sight and lay on top of Danielle again. Pushing Danielle's legs apart and rubbing her panties against Sue's wet bulging panties.

Danielle pulled her legs up to get better contact with Sue and wrapped her legs around Sue. They both moaned as they humped their pubic areas together. Sue pulled her panties off and turned around and lowered her dripping pussy into Danielle's face.

"Eat me you horny bitch", she commanded. And began humping against Danielle's face. "Suck my juices" you wench.

The wet steamy pussy was all over Danielle's face and it was hard to take a breath. Danielle dutifully licked and sucked the thrusting pussy and wet brown pubic hair. She could feel Sue pull down her own panties and release her until now folded up cock. The cock, no longer restricted, immediately tripled in size and got very hard. Sue did not take it in her mouth but licked it as one would a woman's clit. "You have such a large clit, Danielle", Sue murmured as she licked the length of it." Danielle suddenly felt as though it was too large and in the way.

Sue's thrusting had become more violent and Danielle suspected Sue was about to climax when she suddenly rolled off Danielle's face and went to the night stand near the bed. "No, you're not going to make me go this way", Sue scolded.

Sue had taken something out of the drawer and now Danielle could see what it was. It was a double ended dildo that had a set of balls on one side. Sue stood over the top of Danielle, spread her legs, and slowly inserted on end of the dildo into her wet pussy. Danielle noticed it had protrusions that put pressure on Sue's clit and once it was inserted looked for all the world like Sue had a fully erect eight inch dick with a set of balls.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Danielle with some trepidation in her voice.

"I promised that I would make you a woman tonight. You cannot become a woman without knowing what a man's dick feels like can you?" Sue stated, looking proudly down at her ample male tool. "Now suck it" Sue commanded. "I know you want to, the way you are looking at it." Sue trust it at Danielle's face.

"I can't, I've never" Danielle stammered looking at the huge silicon rubber dick just inches from her face. She noticed it was very realistic even having veins where they should be.

"Suck me. You will like it." Sue ordered and stuck the tip of the dick on Danielle's red lips.

Danielle stuck out her tongue and licked the tip of the dick. It felt smooth and satiny but was not warm to the touch. She began timidly kissing and sucking the tip. As she sucked it, Sue began to thrust her hips slowly and Danielle found the rubber cock going deeper and deeper into her mouth. It was easier to suck as it warmed up and Danielle soon found herself enjoying sucking it as it seemed to satisfy some deep seated oral need. Sue trusted deeper and deeper until Danielle felt it going down her throat. She chocked a little but Sue told her to relax her throat and soon Danielle was taking most of it without chocking. Danielle wondered what a real cock would feel like and decided it would be more pliable and easier to suck than the rubber one. While Danielle sucked the rubber cock, Sue played with Danielle's bra covered breasts.

Sue pulled out of Danielle's mouth and kissed Danielle passionately. Danielle could feel the hard dick pressing against her own smaller dick. Sue began to rub the rubber dick against Danielle's own real one and Danielle moaned with pleasure.

"Are you ready to become a woman?" Sue asked.

Danielle knew what she meant. She could only be a woman by giving herself to a man. Giving herself totally and allowing the man have his way and be inside her. It was now very important for Danielle to have someone inside her. If only she had a pussy.

"I'm ready. Fuck me. I'm yours" Danielle, murmured, her voice now more feminine than it had been all day.

Sue got a tube of KY Jelly out of the night stand and applied it to her rubber cock while looking lovingly down at Danielle who was laying on her back and breathing heavily.

Danielle was grateful that Sue had the lubricant, but the cock looked so huge. How could she take it? Would it hurt? What would it feel like? Would she like it?

Sue noticed Danielle staring at the glistening dildo. "Don't worry honey, I'll be gentle with you since it's your first time." Sue lay down on top of Danielle and kissed her and played with her breasts then began rubbing her own breasts on Danielle.

Danielle responded and they both began moaning and kissing deeply. Sue reached down and spread Danielle's legs wide apart putting a pillow underneath Danielle's nice round butt. Sue squirted some more KY Jelly around the opening of Danielle's anus. Sue slowly and lovingly laid the tip of the dildo against Danielle's anus opening.

Danielle was suddenly aware of the tip of the dildo against her anus. All kinds of thoughts raced through her mind. The whole day had been a blur. Their lovemaking had been so much fun and yet this act seemed to be what it was all leading up to. What she had been waiting for. She moaned and began wiggling her butt against the tip of the dildo. At first Sue did not push on the dildo but held it at the opening and allowed Danielle to move against it. Danielle could feel her anus getting slippery with the lubrication and as she wiggled the tip of the dildo slowly made it's way into her anus. The initial feeling was of stretching and some discomfort. Danielle suddenly knew what a virgin must feel like. Fortunately, Sue was being a gentle and patient lover.

When Sue felt the tip go in she started gently thrusting. "Relax and take me. Take all of me. Give yourself to me" Sue hissed in a deep voice.

As Sue began to thrust the discomfort returned again but Danielle concentrated on relaxing and allowing the dildo to slide in an out unimpeded. As she relaxed she notice the discomfort was gone and Sue was starting to trust deeper and deeper. Danielle looked down and saw the huge rubber dick disappearing into her bottom between her black nylon clad legs. When Sue thrusted in, Danielle's hard tummy would rise in unison as the hard cock plunged into her warm depths. Sue was soon plunging the cock all the way in and her rubber balls were slamming into Danielle's ass. The fullness and emptiness feeling of the rhythmic thrusting was so overwhelming that Danielle moaned loudly and began grinding her hips in ecstacy. She found herself wondering what a real cock would feel like. She imagined it would feel better, much better.

"Oh, yes. Fuck me! Fuck me Sue. Fuck me hard. I'm yours. I'm your woman, your toy, your plaything. Fuck me. Use me." Danielle shouted, lunging against the driving cock, and grinding her hips, stirring her insides with the slippery rubber shaft.

Sue pulled out abruptly and Danielle almost started crying at the sudden empty feeling she felt. "Don't stop now!" She cried.

"I'm not done with you yet", Sue smirked. "Get on your knees you horny bitch. I'm going to fuck you like a dog." Sue commanded.

Danielle could never have imagined Sue talking like this to anyone. She loved the dirty talk and being told what to do. Danielle obediently rolled over on her knees and elbows and stuck her round and slippery butt up towards the ceiling and Sue's glistening slippery cock. Sue bit Danielle on one butt check hard enough to leave a red mark. With no warning and no trace of gentleness at all Sue rammed her hard silicon dildo full length into Danielle's soft and yielding anus. The sudden lustful plunge made Danielle cry out with pleasure and pain. Sue immediately began deep thrusting and Danielle could feel the rubber balls of the dildo slamming against her own. Sue reached around with both hands as she thrusted and grabbed Danielle's ample breasts now bouncing and flopping forward supported by her lacy black bra. This really made her thrust hard and Danielle could feel Sue's own breasts bouncing on her back as Sue pumped and trusted into Danielle.

Sue was rapidly approaching orgasm and reached around and began stroking Danielle's hard and oozing cock. "Your clit is so big and hard" Sue moaned.

Danielle felt her tummy tighten and feel like it was about to explode. Sue could feel the effects of her effort on Danielle's "clit" as semen began to come to the tip of Danielle's big "clit". Sue's own clit responded to the friction and pressure of the thrusting dildo and she lunged violently into Danielle.

Danielle felt the orgasm of her partner and responded simultaneously with the most violent and gut wrenching orgasm she had ever felt. It started in her tummy, focused on her throbbing anus, and exploded out the tip of her slippery wet "clit" in great gushes of cum that covered her bra and face with wet globs of thick yellow white cum.

Sue and Danielle collapsed in a heap on the bed, their passion spent, but Sue's still hard rubber dildo still deep in Danielle's throbbing anus. Danielle without thinking ran her tongue over her face and was rewarded with a glob of her own cum. She began softly crying when she realized how good it tasted to her and gathered some with her fingers and licked her fingers clean. She had never tasted cum before, not even her own.

Sue pulled out and rolled Danielle over. "What's the matter, silly" she asked, concerned that she had hurt Danielle. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, not at all, it felt so good. I am so sorry that I waited so long to try something like this. You have been so wonderful to me for my awakening. Thank you so very much, Sue"

"A lot of pleasure was mine too, you know. I was very happy to have the chance to play with you. I just hope my Peggy does not find out. You won't tell her will you? I hope you understand that she and I love each other. This was just physical for me. Do you understand?" Sue implored.

"I see, wham, bam, thank you ma'am" Danielle responded thinking this was pretty funny with such a role reversal. And she reached up and kissed a puzzled Sue. "No problem. I understand, perfectly. You just wanted a little pussy on the side. I won't tell Peggy you are fucking around on her. Any time you need some loving I'm ready and willing." With that Sue gave Danielle another long and passionate kiss. Within minutes they were sound asleep in each others arms.

TV COP 1992 Chapter Four Woman Explorer by Sue Softwear

Danielle awoke with a start. The sun was streaming through the window shades of Sue's bedroom windows. She heard Sue in the shower singing. Danielle's wig had come off or she had pulled it off in the night. She was still dressed in bra and nylons but had removed her heels before falling asleep. She looked in the mirror over Sue's dresser and laughed when she saw her mascera streaked eyes. She noticed her pillow had black and red streaks from mascara and lipstick. She made a mental note to remove makeup before going to bed or she would be doing a lot of laundry in her own apartment as result of her new female identity.

She heard the water turn off and shower door open in the bathroom. Sue emerged, body wrapped in one towel and wrapping her hair with another. "How's my new lady friend this morning?" she asked. She then smiled after noticing what a mess Danielle's face was. She came over and gave Danielle a big juicy kiss. Danielle noticed her clean, shower smell, and returned the kiss with as much relish as the first was delivered. Sue noticed Danielle's "clit" was responding but ignored it and went about drying her hair.

"Peggy will be here in a couple of hours. You need to get cleaned up and out of here before she comes back. Jump in the shower and I will lay out some extra clothes that you can take back to your apartment with you." She pointed to the bathroom door and went on drying her hair.

Danielle quickly showered and noticed clean underwear layed out on the bed when she emerged from the bathroom. It was a pink bra and matching panties. Not seeing anything else and unable to find any sign of the men's clothes she had left earlier she hurredly put the bra on. The feel of it made her immediately excited. She noticed a thicker panty liner on the bed and inserted that in her pink panties before putting it on. She had the feeling she would need the extra protection, as turned on as she was just getting dressed. She helped herself to a new pair of thigh top stockings that was laying on the dresser. She was careful putting them on as Sue had taught and noticed that they had elastic in the tops that kept them up without garters.

Danielle put on her wig, and was applying makeup when Sue came in with a large suitcase. While Danielle finished her makeup, Sue began searching through her drawers and closet. Before long she had filled the suitcase with clothes and accessories. The makeup went on much quicker for Danielle as she had so much practice the day prior applying it.

"Let me see my creation today" Sue said reaching around Danielle from behind and cupping Danielle's bra supported breasts while looking over her shoulder in the mirror. "Looking good sweetie," she whispered in Danielle's ear and kissed her on the cheek. "You have to hurry and get out of here before Peggy gets back. I really do not want to have to explain you to Peggy."

Sue handed Danielle a very feminine ruffled white cotton peasant blouse and a pair of designer jeans. The blouse fit fine but Danielle had a little trouble getting the jeans on and zipped. They were very tight and she looked like she was poured into them. Sue handed Danielle a black leather belt and told her to put it on as tight as she could or her jeans snap would pop. With the belt cinched tightly the peasant blouse and jeans combination gave Danielle a very convincing figure. The tight jeans separated her butt cheeks and she looked very feminine. Some costume gold jewelry and a pair of black 2 and and half inch heel walking pumps finished the outfit very nicely.

Danielle was admiring her reflection of a casual but smartly dressed woman in the mirror when Sue emerged from the closet with a black purse that matched Danielles belt and shoes.

"You look very nice today, Danielle," Sue said after examining her new paramore. She gave Danielle a light peck on the lips to avoid messing either one's lipstick. Danielle quickly transferred the contents of her previous night's purse to the new black one when Sue told her to hurry her departure. Sue gave her the clothes money from the department and advised, "You probably need to pick up some things if you want to round out your wardrobe. You are a big girl and need to start doing things for yourself."

"I'll call you later at your apartment," Sue said as they stood at her apartment door. "You need to get out of here." Sue looked very nervous and they held each other for a while before Danielle took her heavy suitcase and left the apartment.

Danielle was coming down the stairs and a good looking man was coming up the stairs from the street. He looked at her and the heavy suitcase and blirted "Hi! Need some help with that? It is almost as big as you are."

Danielle shook her head no, but he said, "I will go to any lengths to help a pretty lady." Danielle shrugged and gave the suitcase to the man and preceeded him down the stairs. He watched her shapely jeans wiggle down the stairs before following her with the suitcase. "My name is Frank Butler, I live in 235. How come I haven't seen you here before? I hope you are not moving out. I would love to get to know you better."

He followed Danielle to her car chattering about not having met her and lamenting the fact that he had not noticed her before. He put the heavy suitcase in the trunk. Danielle had to speak sooner or later. She summoned up her courage and responded in a soft but husky voice, "I was just staying with a friend in the building, thats why we have't met. She is new here so you probably don't know her either. Thanks so much for bringing down my bag. It was very nice of you."

As she was talking a car pulled up two spaces down from Danielle's car and out stepped Peggy, who took a suitcase out of the back seat. Danielle did not know what to do. Would Peggy recognize her? She did not want to cause problems for Sue after all Sue had done for her. Danielle had no place to hide.

Danielle quickly turned her back to Peggy, put her arms around Frank Butler and gave the started man a passionate kiss. He was initially surprised but when he felt Danielles round firm breasts pressed against him and her tongue entering his mouth he grabbed her by the back and one breast and returned the kiss with gusto. Frank pulled Danielle closer to him and ran the hand on her back slowly down. Danielle felt him feeling her back bra strap through her blouse with his left hand while he felt her breast with his other. His left hand continued down her back to her butt while his right continued to cup and fondle her left breast. He began massaging her round jean clothed ass and then pulled her ass firmly towards him, putting their pelvic areas in close contact. Danielle could feel his penis grow hard against her. Good thing hers was tightly folded under in a thick Maxi Pad. He was aware of his hard dick and thrust it firmly against her, as if to demonstrate his virility to her.

They were locked in the passionate embrace when Peggy walked by on her way to Sue's apartment. When Danielle heard Peggy enter the doorway to the apartment she pushed Frank away with both hands.

"My, you are so aggressive! Give a girl a chance to get to know you a little," she admonished Frank, who had a very disappointed look on his face. He looked like a little boy who was told he could not have some candy. "I really appreciate you helping me. But I'll only go so far in my gratitude out here on the street," she said as she walked around her car to the street side and opened the door.

"Can I call you?" Frank almost whined seeing her about to leave. "Whats your number?" he pleaded. He was not about to let such a hot and apparently wild woman disappear from his life without trying to get further, much further. He had gotten halfway to first base with her in a couple of minutes. What wonderful things he could think of doing to her in a couple of hours. Her sexy body and husky voice was such a turn on to him.

"If I am interested, I will get in touch with you," Danielle said, looking at him appraisingly. "That's apartment 235, right?"

Frank nodded yes, his mind racing to try to think up something to interest her in another meeting. "How about dinner or drinks or something? Anything?" he implored as she sat down in her car and slammed the door shut. He tried to open the passenger door but it was locked. She started the car and drove off pulling the door handle out of his hands. He watched the car receed down the street and swore silently at her and himself. He didn't even get her name. Her mouth and body had felt so good. His dick was still rock hard. Maybe she would call.

Sue seemed nervous when Peggy entered the apartment. They kissed each other passionately. "I missed you!" Sue lied and led Peggy to the sofa. They kissed again hotly.

"I missed you too," Peggy purred, happy to be in the arms of her lover again. "Say, who was that tall horny blond making out with Frank Butler down on the street? I couldn't see her face. She was definitely hot to trot with old Frank. I think she had spent the night because she had a suitcase with her. I did't think he had it in him given some of his past dates." They both laughed but neither elaborated the meaning of the joke.

"I don't know who it might be," Sue responded genuinely puzzled. "I really didn't see anyone new around here this weekend," she continued, not considering Danielle as being new.

"You stay away from her, whoever she is. She was tall and stacked and definitely a hot number in that white blouse and tight designer jeans." Peggy scolded as she turned her back on Sue and went into the bathroom.

It was fortunate that Peggy could not see Sue's face. She had not been wearing her glasses. Tight jeans, white blouse, suitcase, that could only have been Danielle. How, or rather why, did she end up necking with Frank within minutes of leaving her apartment? Had she had created a monster in Danielle the night before? She was still pondering what had happened to Danielle when Peggy returned from the bathroom.

As Danielle drove away from Sue's apartment, she was almost laughing out loud at the expression on Frank's face when she drove away. He really was kinda cute. She remembered how exciting it was when she felt his dick get hard when they were kissing. She wondered how big it would be if let out of his underwear. Then she wondered what kind of underwear Frank wore. Perhaps she could see for herself someday. What would Frank do if he found out the biological origins of the woman he was just necking with? Probably try to beat her up or something. Her new identity was getting complicated, and confusing.

Danielle arrived at her apartment and sat in the car a minute. She was concerned that someone in the building would see her enter or leave the apartment. She gathered her courage and lugged the heavy suitcase up the stairs and to the door of her apartment. She passed a woman who lived at the end of the hallway, but there was no sign of recognition. Danielle unlocked her door entered quickly and closed her door behind her. So far so good. No one saw her.

She began unpacking the suitcase. It was like Christmas. So many pretty things. There were only three real outfits and extra blouses along with nylons, a couple of bras, several panties, and a couple of pair of shoes that were pretty tight but wearable. She tried on the outfits and they fit pretty well. She noted the sizes again and decided she needed more lengerie if she was going to dress up every day. As she tried stuff on she had an idea on how to explain her presense in the building.

She dialed her aparment manager on the first floor. "Hi, This is Dan upstairs." The first couple of words came out in her new feminine voice.

"Oh, Dan, it's you! Your voice threw me for a second" the apartment manager responded in a puzzled tone.

"Oh, I've kinda got a cold," Danielle responded. "Say what I called about was I'm working an undercover case and won't be around for a few days. The reason I am calling is that my sister will be in town and using my apartment for a while. Just wanted you to know who the stranger was who will be coming and going."

"I didn't even know you had a sister. What does she look like?" the manager querried.

"She is my twin sister. She lives out in California and has not been here for a while. She is tall, blond, and looks a lot like me. Keep an eye out for her while she stays in the apartment. OK?"

"Sure no problem. Thanks for letting me know. I'll keep an eye out for her," responded the manager before hanging up. Dan admonished the manager, a married man in his thirties, not to get too interested in her. After all it was his sister.

Dan then called Judy, the young woman who lived across the hall. They were only casual friends who borrowed coffee or sugar or whatever. She had a steady boyfriend so Dan had never tried to date her.

"Judy? This is Dan from across the hall. My sister will be staying in my place for a few days while she is in town." He went on to explain her presense as he had done for the apartment manager.

"Oh, I wondered," she responded, "I heard something in the hall and saw her enter your apartment through the peephole in my door. I thought you had a new live-in girl friend or something."

"No, just my sister" Dan said hoping Judy would not get too curious. He did not want someone snooping around.

"Would she like to go shopping or something with me? I'd be happy to show her around if she would like the company." Judy urged.

Dan tried to discourage Judy with a lame excuse about her being busy looking for a job while in the area. Judy did not sound convinced but Dan said he had to get off the phone right away. He hoped Judy would take the hint.

Danielle was just putting her white peasant blouse and jeans back on when she heard a knock at the door. She responded "Just a minute" and struggled to pull up and zip her jeans. On looking through the peep hole in the door, she saw Judy standing there with a couple of glasses of white wine. Danielle wished she hadn't said anything and reluctantly opened the door.

"Hi, I'm Judy from across the hall. Dan just told me you were going to be here for a few days. Thought you might like a glass of wine while we get to know each other a little bit." She squinted at Danielle myopically. She was too vain to wear her glasses much in public. "My, you sure do look like Dan. Lot of family resemblance." she said as she pushed past Danielle into the apartment.

"Hi, I'm Danielle, Dan's twin sister. Dan is not here." Danielle responded to Judy who was looking at the clothes spread all over the apartment. They sat down and Danielle took the wine glass when Judy offered it. They sipped the wine and chatted about Danielle's fabricated trip out. "I need to get back to unpacking and get this place cleaned up before jetlag hits me and I crash and burn," Danielle lied, hoping Judy would leave.

Judy asked about Danielle's marital status and offered to take her out to clubs or whatever if she would like. She repeated her offer to go shopping, saying she loved any excuse to go. Danielle was non-commital about anything and left things open in the future. Shopping did sound fun to Danielle but she thought it would be difficult maintaining her identity all day with Judy.

"Well, whenever you feel like shopping till you drop you let me know," Judy offered. "Then we can go to some clubs and oggle the men. You should have no problem attracting men who like tall blond women, as attractive as you are."

"Thank you!" Danielle blushed slightly at the compliment. Obviously Judy did not suspect what lay tucked away in Danielle's panties. Danielle wondered if she could pass with someone who could see well. She hoped so. "I'll have to take a raincheck on the clubs. It's my time of the month," Danielle lied, hoping Judy would drop trying to fix her up with a date.

"Oh you poor dear, it always seems to hit me when I travel too. If you need anything let me know. My mother keeps me supplied with tampons and such. I think she just wants to know if I miss a period. Worried about me getting pregnant." they both laughed but Danielle more out of nervousness than the humor of the moment.

"Men are such a bore sometimes," Judy continued, "All my boyfriend wants to do is play house with me and watch football." Judy made a mental note to keep her boyfriend away from Danielle. He seemed to always be leering at women who were Danielle's type: tall, blonde and built. "Men, they are such a pain sometimes. Never like to talk and share their lives. Don't you agree?"

"You are so right," Danielle responded thinking she had only just met Judy and already they were talking about periods and pregnancy. "Look at what we have shared just today. Men keep things to themselves." I should know, Danielle thought to herself, just a couple of days ago I was a man or thought I was. Now she was not sure what she was or wanted to be.

Danielle thought about her dampness problem and remembered she did not have any panty liners. "I could use some panty liners, if you have enough for me to borrow some till I can buy some," Danielle asked not sure if she had to courage to buy something that personal in a store.

"Sure, come over to my place." Judy was up and across the hall before Danielle could say anything. She followed Judy across the hall to Judy's apartment. "Come on into the bathroom," Judy called from her bathroom. "Here is a tampon and a Maxi Pad. Go ahead and change now. Here's a full box of each you can take with you. I told you my mom kept me well supplied." Danielle tried to protest, but Judy was insistent on helping her new girlfriend. Danielle could not come up with an excuse to not accept the sanitary supplies now that she had brought the issue up. She took the tampon and panty liner and closed the bathroom door when Judy left her alone.

Alone in the bathroom she pulled down her jeans and decided to pee while she was at it. As she peed she looked in the trash can next to the toilet. It had just been emptied. She had thought she could just throw away the tampon and use the panty liner. Now if she threw away the tampon, Judy would plainly see it in the empty waste basket. She had to put the tampon someplace, or her secret might be exposed. She pulled the paper wrapper off and looked at it. If flushed down the toilet it might plug it up and be found. She replaced her panty liner with the fresh one and started to put the used one it the waste basket. It was wet from the sexual excitement of the afternoon. She wondered if Judy would notice the lack of red stain on it. As she looked around she noticed a dark red lipstick on the sink. In despiration she rubbed lipstick on the panty liner. It looked right, but how did she know. She had just thrown it away when Judy knocked on the bathroom door.

"Are you alright Daneille? You want me to come in and help you?" Judy asked with a tone of concern in her voice. She had visions of Danielle with soiled clothing from heavy mentrual flow.

"No, thanks, be right out." Danielle responded, worried that Judy would walk in. She had no idea what to do with the tampon. Something needed to be done fast. A jar of petrolium jelly was by the sink. The only thing Danielle could think of was to put the pampon in herself like a woman. She dipped the tampon applicator in the petrolium jelly and squatted over the toilet spreading her butt cheeks as much as possible. She relaxed her anus like she had when making love the previous night and slowly inserted the applicator. She pressed the inner tube and pulled out the applicator. The tampon was now safely in her ass, only evidenced by the string hanging down from her butt. The feeling was not unlike how she felt with the dildo in her the previous night, although the diameter of the tampon was much smaller. It was, she decided, somewhat erotic. It was definitely very feminine. She stood up, threw away the applicatory tube, and pulled up her panties and jeans. She was zipping up her jeans when Judy opened the bathroom door.

"Sorry, I thought you might need some help. Looks like you have everything in control." Judy said and went over the the toilet, pulled down her jeans and started to pee right in front of the very rattled Danielle.

"I'm sorry. I should have hurried" Danielle apologised trying not to look at her peeing companion as she washed her hands and left the bathroom. Judy had a flat firm tummy and nicely trimmed pubic hair and obviously took time to take care of herself. She could not believe how women seemed to be so open about things like peeing in front of each other.

Judy looked in the trash can and noticed the red stained panty liner. "Poor dear, you are flowing pretty heavy aren't you?" she called to the retreating Danielle. Upon looking closer at the panty liner she noticed it very wet looking, like Danielle had been very turned on as well as having a period. She hoped Danielle was not turned on because of her. She had no lesbian interests at all. Maybe she had interrupted Danielle masturbating when she came over. She did look somewhat nervous when they first met. That was probably it. Poor dear did not have a boyfriend so she had to masturbate for sexual relief. She used to do it herself before she had a steady boyfriend. She was glad to have a boyfriend to provide all the sex she needed. Well, almost all the sex she needed. She enjoyed feeling his penis in her and rubbing her clit much more than she did her fingers. She resolved to try to get a date for Danielle. She hated to think of a good looking woman having to play with herself when there were a lot of lonely men around. She applied the some of the lipstick sitting next to the sink, not knowing what Danielle had done with it just moments earlier. The tip of it left a strange taste on her lips that somehow reminded her of her boyfriend, but she couldn't figure out how it could be associated.

"I really need to get back across the hall and take care of things," Danielle said heading towards the door with the boxes of sanitary supplies in her hands. "Thanks for the stuff. Or should I thank your mother? She can be doubly relieved this month." They both laughed.

"Let me know when you feel up to going out. I want to show you a good time while you are here," Judy said, now firmly convinced that Danielle needed to finish masturbating. Judy watched her leave and close the door behind her. She would set to work to find someone for Danielle. Perhaps they would meet someone in a club that Danielle was interested in. Perhaps she would too, after all her boyfriend was reluctant to commit to anything wasn't he. There were a lot of good looking men out there. Probably some excellent lovers among them. She sat down and began daydreaming about a tall dark and handsome stranger who would sweep her off her feet and make love to her for hours at a time. She smiled at the thought.

Danielle closed Judy's apartment door behind her. "My gosh," she thought to herself, "within an hour, I meet a strange woman, share intimate secrets, share a bathroom, and end walking out with a tampon inside me. What other surprises are in store for me as a woman? As she walked around the apartment, she was very aware of the tampon inside her. She found it very sexual. Like it was stretching her out and making her ready for a man. Rather than take it out she decided to leave it in for the rest of the day. Just to see what a woman goes through during her period. She stocked her purse with tampons and panty liners. The one she had on was already getting damp. She didn't want to soil her clothes.

Danielle thought about her clothes situation. She seemed to have no trouble passing for a woman. Even her voice was getting her by with no problems. She decided to go on a quick shopping trip. She had pretty much decided she needed some more clothes anyway, and Sue would be tied up all day with Peggy. Besides as long as she could pass for a woman, it would be fun.

She applied fresh makeup, checked her hair, and quietly left her apartment. Afraid that Judy would hear her, she was relieved that she left the building without seeing anyone. She got in her car and drove to the nearest mall. She had about six hours before they had to report for her stakeout. That should be enough for some pretty serious shopping.

She parked in the lot of the mall and almost backed out again to leave. What if someone recognized her for what she was, or worse yet recognized her identity as Dan, one of the cities finest? The thought made her shudder, but she thought "What the hell" and locked her car and headed for the mall entrance.

She was relieved when a man in his forties smiled and made a special effort to hold the door open for her. She smiled back and walked in ahead of him. She noticed him eyeing her body as she went past him. "Well, it worked on him anyway" she thought as she walked into the mall. The tampon inside her really felt funny. Without realizing it, the tampon was making her swing her ass in an more feminine way. She enjoyed the irritation inside and full feeling. It made her feel like a real woman. Her hips really started swinging as she walked and she began looking for interesting womens clothing stores.

She passed a group of women who looked at her appraisingly and continued on their way. Danielle wondered why they looked at her like that and then realized that she herself had looked them over to see what they were wearing, how it looked on them, and wondered what it would do for herself. Perhaps they were doing the same thing. She wondered what they thought of her.

Other women seemed to react the same way to her and others. Funny, she had never noticed women watching each other as Dan. She entered Damon's, a large local department store. She remembered seeing nice women's clothing in there. Soon she was going from rack to rack. Looking at what she liked, looking for her size, and even started holding things up to herself as she noticed other women doing. An older clerk asked if she would like to try some things on.

"Yes I would", she replied and gathered up three dresses that she liked. They were very feminine, with ruffled tops and pretty low necklines.

The lady led her to the dressing rooms and said, "Oh those look just like you. You are tall enough that they should look very nice on you. Let me know if you need my help. My name is Mary." She pointed to an empty dressing cubical and left.

Danielle noticed that you could see through the edge of the privacy curtains somewhat, and could see a couple of women in various stages of undress as they changed into different outfits. "Oh, well, I'm just one of the girls now", she thought and stripped off her top and jeans. The first dress did not work at all, and she was really disappointed. The other two looked very nice on her. She did notice them being a little tight through the waist and decided to see if she could find something that make her smaller waisted. The fit and feel of the dresses going on and off was very sensual and so much fun. She told Mary to hold the dresses that fit and went back several times to try on other styles and colors of clothes. She definitely had an expensive taste as she invariably seemed to like the more expensive designer labels. She doubted they were what she needed for the stakeout but she decided to get a couple anyway. After all, the department was paying for this anyway. She looked at her ladies' watch and realized she had spent two hours trying on clothes.

She paid for two dresses, two blouses and matching slacks that she and Mary had decided were best for her. Mary was surprised that she pulled out cash because the lady obviously had expensive taste. She made note Danielle had no wedding ring. She was probably a well off career woman with lots of money to spend only on herself. Mary wished she had not married young and had a few years of freedom to spoil herself.

Danielle asked where the lengerie department was and was directed to another floor. On the way she tried on some perfume, declined a complete facial makeover from a cosmetics sales lady, and picked out several different colors and styles of nylons, getting both garter hose and garterless thigh tops in several different colors as well as black to wear for her stakeout. Black seemed appropriate for the stakeout.

In lingerie, she selected several different colors and styles of panties and matching bras. Again, her taste ran towards the expensive designer brand names. The sales girl was puzzled as to why she selected all of the full figure type bras rather than the decolette style which exposed more breast. But Danielle did look rather full figured in her breasts. Perhaps she was modest and did not display her breasts that much. Danielle knew she had to get bras that held her breast forms. It was so erotic for Danielle to look and hold and talk about all the different bras and panties. Her panty liner began to get increasingly wet, too bad there was not a tampon she could insert to control this problem.

Danielle noticed several men with their wives or girlfriends very interested in what she looked at and selected. She well imagined the men would love to help her try them on and before undressing her in a sexual frenzy. She found herself looking at men appraisingly, like so much meat in a display case. Wondering what each one would look like undressed. Did he have chest hair, how big was his dick? What would he like to do to her as a woman? Then finally what would he do if he discovered the secret in her panties.

She asked about something to control waist size and was shown an array of waist cinchers, garter belts, and body control teddies as well as traditional girdles which the woman said were coming back into fashion. Danielle had no idea what would fit and asked if she could try some of them on. The clerk produced a disposable paper panty and explained that company policy required it be worn to try undergarments. Danielle took the panty and a large selection of different things to try on and retreated to the nearby dressing room. She stripped to bra and nylons and put on the paper panties. She selected several different briefers and waist cinchers that took the most inches off her waist. She confirmed it by the feel of her tight jeans. The things that made her jeans fit better at the waist without mashing her hips and full butt cheeks were what she selected. Women tended to have larger hips than she for a given waist size. She loved the look of one black trimmed nightgown and selected couple of full body teddies that she found very sexy as well as several of the briefers and waist cinchers.

She heard some talking in the next booth but did not initially pay any attention other than she heard two different women's voices. The women talked about the lingerie they were trying on and said that some things really looked sexier than others. Soon the talking stopped and Danielle distinctly heard a moan, followed by a moan in a different voice.

In the next booth two women dressed in black teddies were locked in each others arms. Kissing and exploring each other's bodies with their hands. The exchange became more and more passionate until one woman pushed the other down on an bench in the dressing room and sat next to her partner. They focused their attentions on the crotches of the teddies they where wearing and began to masturbate each other as they kissed and groped. They quickly worked each other to orgasm because of the excitement of making love in a public place. They had never done it in a dressing room before. They wispered words of love and endearment before getting dressed and leaving the dressing room.

It was very evident to Danielle what had happened in the next booth. She had to restrain herself from playing with her large clit while she listened to the sounds of passion from the two unseen women. The more she was exposed to the world as a woman the more amazed she was becoming about the secret happenings in a woman's world. Sex in a dressing room! Danielle never would have guessed. She sat quietly hoping to hear more from next door and finally heard a zipper close.

She hurredly redressed in hopes to see the two women leave the next booth. As she was pulling up her panties she heard the two women from the next dressing cubical walk by. What she did not realize, was that one of the women had seen her bent over pulling up her panties. The woman had noticed the white string of her pampon hanging down between her legs. She failed to notice where it was inserted and couldn't see the pubic area in front. She wondered if Danielle had heard them making love in the next booth. They had been so totally engrossed in each other they did not realize anyone else was there.

"Did you see that woman next to us getting dressed? It was so gross, I saw her tampon string hanging down." said Peggy as she and Sue left the dressing room. "I wonder if she heard us?" Peggy continued. They both laughed and took the teddies they had tried on to the sales clerk. The clerk noticed the crotches of the teddies were damp as she boxed them up. She was glad they wanted to buy them. They must not have used the paper panties. She wondered what they had done to dampen the crotch of the teddies in that short a time. You saw the strangest things in a department store sometimes, she thought to herself as she rang up their purchases.

As she left the dressing room Danielle almost fainted when she saw Peggy and Sue standing there with the clerk. Sue saw Danielle but Peggy did not. Danielle quickly ducked back into the dressing room. She waited a few minutes until Peggy and Sue would leave before leaving the dressing room and paying for her purchases.

Danielle looked in several other stores in the mall. She had nothing particular in mind now but just broused and enjoyed looking at clothes and jewelry. She bought some expensive looking costume jewelry: some clip-on gold plated earrings, matching necklace and bracelet. She loved some of the pierced ear styles better but pierced ears were forbidden in the department and hers were not pierced. She found some perfume she liked, and lipstick and matching nailpolish at another store. It was all so much fun. She would have to be careful when the department was no longer funding her female purchases. Could max out the credit cards in short order. Would be a problem with a man's name on them anyway. Would have to think about that for a while.

She went into a shoe store and was looking at shoes to match her new outfits. She definitely liked high heels. A shoe clerk asked if she wanted to try some things on. He was overweight and kinda nerdy looking. Definitely not someone she would like to date. She could not remember what size she wore so she sat down and asked, "I am not happy with the way some of my shoes fit. Could you check my size?"

"Sure, I'll check you out, I mean check your size" he reponded and removed her shoe. He fiddled around with the shoe guage and spent a lot of time putting Danielles foot on the device. "You have nice feet" he said having stroked her foot. He kept looking at her blouse while he felt her foot. "I don't feel any problems here that we need to worry about."

When he got up to get some shoes for her to try, Danielle thought she saw a bulge in his pants where she had noticed none before. He was such a lizard the way he looked at her. He returned with the shoes from the back room and slowly put them on her feet, spending more time holding her feet than necessary.

"How do they feel?" He asked, stroking her feet in the shoes. She stood up and walked around a little. She liked the way they looked. They were open toed with an ankle strap. She thought they looked very sexy.

"They are a little tight through the instep" she said sitting down and putting one foot out.

"They tend to stretch out some with wear. You don't want to get them too large or they won't feel right." he said, knowing they did not have a wider shoe in this style. He grabbed her foot and massaged her foot as if to stretch it out after having put her foot square in his lap. "Now doesn't that feel better to you now?" he asked.

Danielle could feel the round hardness of the clerks cock under the sole of her high heel. The jerk was practically masturbating with her foot. She didn't know what to do. It was obvious he was using her foot for sexual purposes. She thought about jerking her foot away but decided to see what he would do. She left her foot in place, and seemingly oblivious to what he was doing, pressed down harder and wiggled her foot as if to looked at the shoe in his lap.

"I just don't know" she said looking down at the shoe. "I guess it does feel pretty good" she continued to wiggle the shoe and stroke the hard penis underneath. "Can you check out the other shoe" she said pulling her right foot away from the hardness underneath. She could now plainly see his engorged penis, practically standing straight up in his baggy pants. The thought of exciting a man was pretty stimulating to her but she really did not want to get involved with this one.

He suddenly saw how much he was showing and expected the young woman to scream or slap his face. She did neither but looked appraisingly at his short, hard cock, and put her other foot on top of it.

"Finally," he thought to himself and smiled at her, "a woman who understands my special needs." He played with her left foot and made no guise about using it to masturbate himself with it.

"Perhaps it would be better if you removed my shoes", Danielle suggested.

He almost came in his pants at the suggestion and almost tore the buckle taking her shoe off. He leaned over and smelled her nylon clad foot like it was a great wine, then placed it lovingly on his hard cock. Danielle let him rub himself with her foot and after a couple of minutes put her other shoeless foot on his lap and began rubbing her feet together with his hard cock in between. He groaned and sat back letting her maturbate him. He was in heaven.

"You are so wonderfull, I love you." he moaned. No one had ever let him go this far before. He was afraid someone else would come in the empty store and ruin this for him. "Can I lock the door to be alone with you?" he asked almost whinning.

"Good idea," Danielle said not wanting anyone to see what she was doing either.

He literally ran to the front door, locked it, and put up the closed sign. If the boss saw it he would be fired but it would be worth it to finally have a woman play with him.

He returned to find Danielle sitting where he had left her. He was afraid she would evaporate like a pretty mirage.

"What is your name?" she asked even though he had a nametag on. "Mine is Danielle"

"Mine is Paul" he responded, "You are so pretty and so sexy."

"Thank you, Paul. For the compliment I will make it better for you."

Danielle reached up to Paul who was standing in front of her and unzipped his pants, reached into his underpants and released his short hard cock. He looked totally shocked and she motioned for his to sit on the floor in front of her. She examined the exposed cock like it was a strange insect. It was short and thick, almost as thick as it was long. She noticed the mans fingers were short and stubby also. A good thing to remember if it held true in all cases. She placed both feet on it and began to stroke and roll it as she had done before. In less than 30 seconds, his eyes rolled back, he moaned loudly and came all over the bottom of Danielles feet. Danielle wiped his cum on the front of his pants. After all, she didn't want it all over the bottom of her foot.

"Why I'm so disappointed," she whined. "I wanted you to make love to me, " she lied, having decided earlier to save herself for someone more interesting. "All you did was cum all over my feet. You sure don't know how to treat a lady. You get your reward and then leave me hanging." She jumped up and put on her shoes leaving the confused and redfaced Paul sitting on the floor his pants smeared with cum.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stand it. I just sort of exploded." He stood up and stowed his dripping cock. "Here take all the shoes you tried on. Free, on the house. Come back anytime you want. I think I love you." He boxed up four pair of shoes and thrust them at Daneille, who took them without saying anything.

Someone started pounding on the door when they saw them in the back of the store. Paul ran to the front door, followed closely by Danielle carrying all her packages and now four pair of shoes. Paul unlocked the door and let in the woman who was in her fifties. Danielle walked out and whispered in the womans ear as they passed in the doorway. "You can get free shoes here, all you have to do is jerk off the clerk." The woman blinked rapidly and watched Danielle walk out of the store, not sure she had heard correctly. She then looked at Paul's cum covered pants, turned red, screamed, and left the store.

Paul looked down at his pants, moaned and walked around blubbering about getting fired or arrested. He wondered if he could get athletes foot of the cock, something he had never thought of before now. How could he explain it to a doctor, or his mother, who he lived with?

Danielle felt bad about not paying for the shoes, and she should feel bad about taking advantage of the clerk, but after all she had fulfilled his sexual needs. She certainly had not benefited from the sexual encounter at all other than four pair of shoes and a damp panty liner.

She headed into the nearest ladies room. She entered the stall, relieved her bladder, and changed out her panty liner. She decided to change her tampon, and really had to relax her anus to pull it out. She tried to insert a fresh one but could not get it in without some sort of lubrication. She would have to get something for that. She pulled up her pants, left the stall, , washed her hands, and applied fresh makeup. A few hairs on her wig were out of place so she combed that out. Another lady came in, said hello, and entered the stall. She had no problem at all yet with recognition. It made her feel good and decidedly feminine.

She noted the time again and decided she better head back to her apartment. On the way back she passed a drug store and remembered the lubrication problem. She kinda missed the empty feeling without the tampon, so she parked and entered the drug store. She wandered isle to isle, spending a lot of time looking at things of interest to women. She never realized how much of the shelf space was devoted to women's products. It was very nice to be able to look at them at her leisure without feeling embarassed. She looked at the lubrication products and selected K Y Jelly as well as a spermicidal lubricant intended for use with diaphrams. She wondered if it would be better, and remembered that its active ingrediant also killed aids and other sexually transmitted disease organisms.

The encounter with the shoe clerk had made her realize how badly she wanted a relationship with a man. She kept thinking of his hard cock and wondered what it would be like to touch it with her hands, to suck it, and expecially feel it inside her. She really did not know how she could meet someone who would like her for she was and not hate her for her lack of female organs or the presense of male ones. With a sense of wishfull feelings, she picked up a package of condoms. After all, a girl like her could get lucky too.

The checkout girl did not bat an eye at all the sexual oriented products, she must see women buy them several times a day. Danielle noticed a heavy set man in a hooded sweat shirt, baseball hat and dark glasses watching her from near the checkout counter. He looked familiar but she could not place where she had seem him before. He followed her out of the store and watched her get into her car and drive away. She wondered what he had on his mind. He was probably just some dirty old man who got his kicks watching women in stores.

Danielle's phone was ringing when she entered her appartment. "Hello," she answered, deciding her female voice would be better.

"Danielle, this is Sue" Sue responded her voice sounding strained. "Wanted to call and make sure everything is still on for the stakeout this evening, and to see if you are OK"

"Sure I'm just fine. Any problems with Peggy today? Did she see me at all today in the department store?" Danielle asked genuinely concerned that Sue hadn't problems with Peggy.

"No, but she has gone on and on about who was necking with Frank, and telling me to stay away. It had to be you kissing Frank on the street from her description of your clothes. She regards you as a real threat."

"Well, given what we did last night, she should be concerned," Danielle agreed. "I kissed Frank to avoid having her see my face and recognize me. Sure surprised Frank, although he seemed to enjoy it." Danielle did not tell Sue how much she had enjoyed it herself. "You two sure had a good time in Damon's today. I heard you from the adjacent dressing booth."

"Sorry, I was afraid you had. Kinda embarassing for me. Hope you understand." Sue said, glad Danielle could not see her red face. "What is the story on you wearing tampons now?" she asked and explained what Peggy had seen.

It was now Danielles turn to be embarassed, but Sue seemed to accept the explanation and quickly dropped the matter. Danielle failed to mention she still wanted to wear one. They then set the time for the resumption of the stakeout and decided what Danielle should wear for the stakeout, based on what she had purchased that day. It was a short sleeved, tight fitting red dress, with a rather short skirt. Danielle was to go heavy on the makeup and try to look as cheap as possible.

Danielle took a shower, shaved her face again, and dressed as quickly as she could. She applied heavy makeup, like many of the hookers wore, put on her dress, and fixed her hair. She looked pretty tough with the red dress, black nylons, and high heels. The body briefer she was wearing made her waist reasonably thin and her figure quite feminine. She was better looking than most of the hookers on the street, but the organ in her panties would get her beaten up if someone did not want it to be there. She wondered what Frank would say if she told him about her unwanted male parts. She could not stop thinking about how his felt against her when they kissed. She could tell it was larger than average. She had enjoyed the way he trust his tongue into her mouth. She found herself getting turned on just thinking of their brief encounter.

She opened the phone book and was relieved to find his name in the book. It matched the address, so she knew it was his number. She started to dial his number several times then thought better of it. She wished she could have given him her number and let him made the first contact. Would be a lot easier. She finally decided she did not have time to talk anyway, and gathered up her purse and left the apartment still thinking of Frank.


The initial part of the stakeout was routine and somewhat boring. Danielle's clothing was more comfortable to her but still very enjoyable to wear. She liked walking in the tight read dress and the way it felt on her legs. The tightness of the skirt forced her to walk one leg in front of the other and take smaller steps. The effect to any observer was a much more feminine walk. The airy feeling up her skirt was so different to one who had always worn pants. Danielle could see why women liked to wear skirts on warm days. The evening was pleasant and Danielle just enjoyed being out in it.

Women, still gave her disapproving stares, and hurried on by. One woman gave her husband hell for staring at Danielle. A uniformed officer walked by Danielle, took a good look at her and then came back.

"You in the park hooking?" he asked not really expecting a reply while leering at the tall shapely blonde in the red dress. "I don't want any trouble on my shift," he continued, "You move on out of here or I'll run you in. We had a complaint from a woman who said you came on to her husband." The policeman knew he didn't have anything on the hooker at all and he had watched her for a long time. She had not approached anyone.

Danielle recognized the officer, as being from another shift at his own precinct. Apparently the officer did not recognize him as Dan, and was not aware of the stakeout. "I think you need to see this," Danielle said reaching into her purse for her badge.

The officer saw the handle of her gun as she opened her purse. His face went white and he reached for his gun. "Freeze!" he stammered and drew his gun as Danielle's badge came out of the purse. He relaxed slightly when seeing the badge come out of the purse instead of a gun, but his gun hand was shaking. "Shit, who are you? You almost got yourself shot!" He said examining the badge closely.

"I'm Danielle Klein," she responded knowing full well how close she had come. She did not even realize she had used her feminine voice and form of her name. "I'm on a stakeout on the park killer case."

The first name completely threw the uniformed officer. He did not make the connection between this attractive woman, and the male officer named Dan in his own precinct. This had to be a female officer from another precinct. He was wondering how a woman who looked like a hooker could attract a killer who hunted down male crossdressers. "Sorry, they told me Dan Kein, a male officer would be working the stakeout." At that moment he made the connection of names and had got the strangest look on his face. He leaned over and peered into Danielles face for several seconds before a look of recognition crossed his face. "Well, I'll be dammed! Dan is that you?" he asked stepping back for a better look.

"Yes, Charlie it's me, Dan." Danielle responded, in his male voice for the first time. It sounded funny to his own ears. He had no idea what the reaction from his fellow officer would be. And expected the worse.

"Dan, I didn't recognize you at all. You look good, real good." Charlie said re-appraising Danielle. "Sorry about drawing my weapon. I had no idea it was you. Someone really did a job on you." Charlie felt pretty stupid, not only had he drawn his weapon on another officer, but had found himself physically attracted to a male officer in drag. He was glad he had not made any of the lewd thoughts he had entertained about Danielle earlier. Especially, when he knew there was probably a wire involved and other officers where listening. He would really catch hell for coming on the a crossdressed male. "I'd better get out of here before I screw up your stakeout."

"Bye, Charlie," Danielle called to the obviously troubled uniformed officer. Now he would catch it from the fellow officers at the precinct. Until now, no one but Sue and the Captain had recognized him. He would really catch it big time.

After a while, the heavyset man Danielle had seen in the drugstore walked by. He had his hood over his head, instead of the baseball hat, but Danielle was sure it was the same man. Danielle remembered then she had seen him the previous night. The man looked her over intently and continued on without stopping. Again Danielle thought it much to warm to be wearing a hooded sweatshirt, unless you did not want people to get a good look at your face. He made a mental note to have this guy checked out.

A couple of hours passed without incident before Danielle saw the man who had tried to solicit her the night before. He recognized her and said hello as he continued on his way. He came back, stopped as if to say something and then walked away without saying a word.

Danielle thought about the man. She really did not think he had anything to do with the killings. He seemed like such a nice guy. Maybe the guy just wanted some company. Danielle could understand that. He really was kinda cute too.

Sue brought Danielle a sandwitch and a coke. Danielle devoured it, remembering she had not eaten much at all that day. "Oh, well, if I lost a few pounds, maybe I could get in the next smaller dress size," Danielle remarked to Sue who sat quietly next to her on the park bench.

"Say, that guy from yesterday that solicited you went by. Did he do or say anything," Sue asked, picking at a sandwitch.

Danielle reached for her purse, and pulled out her lipstick and a mirrored compact. She applied fresh lipstick which had come off eating the sandwitch. "No, he just walked by. He probably is scared to death of me," Danielle lied.

The remainder of the stakeout was cold in her little red dress, and the bugs were starting to bite. Danielle was glad when Sue returned and suggested that they call it a night.

"I cannot see you tonight, Danielle." Sue said as they walked to their cars. "Peggy wants to go out to some clubs and stuff," I would love to talk to you about your transformation and help if I could." She reached down and patted Danielle on the behind. "You look very pretty tonight." She added.

Danielle thought Sue was going to kiss her but a car drove up next to them and parked. The couple inside the car just sat and talked. Sue finally said goodbye and left Danielle standing next to her own car with a very lonely feeling.

Danielle did not want to go home to an empty apartment so stopped at a bar a few blocks from the park. There was only a few people in the place and she sat down at an empty stool at the bar. She ordered a drink and went into the rest room after ordering. She quickly peed and decided to insert a tampon since she had gotten some lubricant. She used the KY Jelly and it slipped right in. She pulled up her panties and disposed of the applicator in the trash can next to a woman checking makeup. The woman smiled sympathetically and said she too was having her monthly curse. Danielle applied fresh lipstick and the woman took her place in the bathroom stall. Danielle realized she had not been in a men's restroom for two days.

When Danielle returned to her stool at the bar, the bartender looked at her appraisingly but did not say anything since he was interested in a baseball game on TV. Danielle tried to get interested in the baseball game but couldn't. She noticed someone sit at the stool next to her but did not turn away from the TV to see who it was.

"You look pretty tonight" a man's voice said from the barstool next to her. "I saw you in the park tonight but was afraid to talk to you," he continued.

Danielle turned and saw the cute man who had said hello in the park. "I was hoping you would." she said and swiveled her stool to face the man.

He smiled, encouraged by her response. "My name is Joe Masters, I have been thinking about you since yesterday. I was hoping that I would see you again. Isn't it strange we would run into each other here?"

"Yes, pretty funny at that," Danielle agreed, suddenly concerned that she was being stalked by the man.

"Would you join me in a booth?" Joe asked, pointing to an empty booth in the corner.

"Sure, that would be OK", Danielle responded still nervous being without any backup in case this was the bad guy.

They took their place in the booth and Joe ordered another round of drinks. He chatted about the weather and other mundane things. He asked Danielle what she had done that day and she talked about her shopping trip. She told him that she was visiting her twin brother.

Joe seemed to warm up with his second drink and soon slid closer to Danielle in the corner booth. "I really think you are sexy" he said, Danielle suddenly feeling his knee pressing against her nylon clad thigh. The feel of his touch was like electric shock for Danielle and she demurely pulled her leg away from his.

"Thanks for the compliment," she said and took a long sip of her drink, leaving a bright red lipstick stain on the glass. "I think you are nice looking also" she said, not sure what else to say.

"I think I know what you are too," he added looking intently at her face. "But that's OK, I've always wanted to meet someone like you. I find it very erotic."

"What do you mean?" Danielle said, putting her hand to her cheek where Joe seemed to be staring. To her horror she felt a slight stubble had grown since she had shaved.

"I know you are a man under all that," Joe said moving closer and whispering to Danielle. "Like I said, I've always wanted to date a female impersonator. The idea really turns me on." He again rubbed his knee on her leg.

Danielle was not sure how to respond. "You mean you really don't care?" she finally said, looking into Joe's eyes.

"Care," he said, "I have been as hard as a rock since yesterday just thinking about you and hoping that I was not mistaken."

He rubbed Danielle's leg with his and this time Danielle returned the rub with her leg. Joe slid as close to Danielle as he could get and put his arm around her shoulder. "You are so attractive, so erotic and exotic. I could not believe it when you walked in here." He had slipped his arm from her shoulder down her side to her arm. Then he deftly slipped his hand from her arm to between her arm and her chest. With only a slight hesitation, awaiting a negative reaction, he then ran his hand forward and was feeling the side of her bra that faced the wall of the booth. He smiled when he felt the fullness of her breast and pressed his leg firmly against hers.

Danielle felt his exploring hand and became very excited. She supposed it was because of being with a man in a public place. She raised her heel up and down and rubbed her nylon clad leg against Joe's. He responded by pulling her to him and kissing her gently. He paused, waiting her response, and when he felt her mouth soften and open slightly under his lips he slowly inserted his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and sucked gently on his exploring tongue. He reached over with his free hand and cupped her left breast in his hand while exploring her mouth and receiving her tongue in his own mouth.

The bartender noticed the couple locked the embrace in the corner booth. "Sure did not take them long to get to know each other," he remarked to the cocktail waitdress who was picking up an order. Just watching the action in the corner booth was making the bartender hard himself. "We may have to poor a bucket of cold water on them to get them apart." he said leering in their direction.

The barmaid had noticed them and was embarassed about approaching the table. But she decided she should check to see if they needed a drink. "You like another drink?" she asked to the kissing couple.

"I've had enough," Joe replied, "Would you like another, Danielle?"

"No I have to drive home tonight," Danielle responded suddenly realizing she had probably been watched making out with Joe by everyone in the bar. But just the idea of being watched in a public place was very exciting.

"Go ahead. Have another, I'll drive you home," Joe responded wanting Danielle to loose any and all inhibitions. "The lady will have another," Joe said to the barmaid without waiting for Danielle to respond.

Danielle started to protest but realized she really would like one and it was a good way to spend more time with Joe. She liked the way he decided for her. She was very turned on by him. "OK just one more," she said, hoping Joe would kiss her again.

"I really want to take you home with me tonight," Joe whispered in Danielle's ear then kissed it. "My wife is out of town and I am so horny I cannot stand it."

Danielle looked down at Joes lap and confirmed that his slacks were distended under the zipper. His hard penis was plainly visible. Her own maxi pad had about reached saturation because of her own excitement. He was so cute too. Without saying a word she sought out his mouth and gave him a passionate kiss and he returned it with deep probing penetration of his tongue. Danielle enjoyed having his tongue deep in her mouth and relaxed in his arms.

The barmaid returned with the drink and Joe paid off his and Danielle's bartab. They quietly talked about the weather and other mundane things while Danielle finished her drink. The lack of food that day really made her feel the alchohol all the sudden.

"I am really feeling this drink. I'm not sure I should drive home." Danielle said, always having been careful about driving after drinking. The department was known to suspend people without pay for a month just for the bad publicity of having one of it's officers caught.

"I said I would drive you home." Joe answered and got up as if to leave.

Danielle stood up and realized from her tipsy feeling that she really should let him drive. "OK, but I think I should go home rather than your place" Danielle responded, not wanting to go to Joe's home even with his wife away.

Joe offered his arm, and Danielle, readily accepted the support walking out of the restaurant. The high heels were definitely more of a challenge after a few stiff drinks. Danielle enjoyed Joes firm support and he slipped his arm around her waist and when they were outside. As they walked to his car his hand slipped down and he explored her round firm butt cheeks. He opened his car door for Danielle, and closed it behind her. She enjoyed his manners and decided she loved being waited on.

He entered the car, started the motor, gathered her in his arms and kissed her warmly. Danielle melted in his arms and responded eagerly to his kisses. He laid his hand on her thigh and as he kissed her slowly ran his hand up her leg, it disappearing under her skirt. She moaned and held her legs together grasping his hand as it approached her pubic area. He forcefully continued its advance and rested it on the crotch of her panties. It explored her panties and she slowly relaxed her legs and allowed them to part as much as the skirt would allow. Danielle reached to his crotch and laid her hand on his hard dick. She ran her nails over it's expanding outline and rubbed it gently, enjoying the increasing size and hardness.

Joe responded to her advance with a moan and pulled the top of her panty down enough to place his hand in her panties. He slowly ran his hand down through Danielles pubic hair and finally found her tucked under organ. His hand explored it and pulled it forward allowing it to expand and straighten out. He moaned as he felt it grow in his hand and his free hand fondled Danielles heaving breasts and found its way into her blouse seeking out her bra. They both moaned in delight and fondled and stroked each other as they kissed passionately.

Danielle noticed a drop of wetness on Joes dick and quickly pulled her hand away. "No not here," she implored, "Take me to my place." She pushed Joe away and buttoned her blouse. Joe reluctantly disengaged and backed out of the parking space.

They drove in silence, looking at each other frequently. Danielle applied fresh lipstick since most had been kissed off in their passion. She noticed that Joes dick had softened and she could barely see it anymore in his pants. She had tucked hers underneath again to avoid an unsightly bulge that shouldn't be there.

Joe parked in front of Danielles apartment and hurried around the car to open the door. He helped Danielle up and they walked into the building and up the stairs. Danielle had warned Joe to be quiet but they were both rather noisy. Danielle was fumbling in her purse for the door key when Judy opened her door and saw them standing there.

"Danielle, it's you," she said and looked appraisingly at Joe. "I see you have met someone, I hope you have a good evening" she said and closed her door. "Well, Danielle seems to have no trouble finding a friend" she said to herself and went back to watching TV. It appeared that Danielle had found a man's help to alleviate her problem without masturbation.

Danielle opened the door and before she could step into the apartment, Joe lifted her up and carried her through the open door. He kicked the door closed behind them and carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed.

Danielle relished in his masterful approach and sighed as he laid her down on the bed. He lay down on top of her and began kissing her and fondling her breasts. Joe forced his leg between hers and forced her tight skirt up grinding his thigh into her pelvis and rubbing between her legs. She reached down and grabbed his engorging dick and stroked it through his pants. Joe reached behind her and unzipped her dress. He pulled it down with her help, and she lay before him dressed in black lace bra, waist cincher, thigh top black nylons, and red high heels.

His wife never dressed in sexy things at all and she was so heavy it wouldn't look good on her anyway. Danielle on the other hand was like a picture out of Playboy, well except for what he knew was hidden in her panties. She was better than a playmate because he had enjoyed playing with what she had hidden away. Danielle reached up and motioned for him to come near. When he did, she unbottoned his shirt and helped him remove his pants. Joe pulled off his shoes and socks and lay beside Danielle. His hands traced over her smooth body, feeling her bra, panties and running up and down her legs. She in turn ran her fingers through his chest hair ran her hands over his hairy thighs and then explored his again expanding cock and tight full balls through his boxer shorts. They kissed passionately, as if trying to suck each other dry.

Joe raised up over Danielle on his knees and pulled off his shorts exposing his cock to Danielle. Unrestricted it engorged to full hardness and size. Joe noticed Danielle looking at it in fascination. He straddled her and brought it within a couple inches of her face. It was about seven inches long, circumcised, and fairly thick for it's length. Danielle noticed Joe's fingers were long and fairly thick also. Danielle smiled at the corroboration of her penis size versus finger theory.

"You like it?" he asked noticing her eyes fixed on it. "Have you ever sucked one? My wife won't do it."

"Yes, it's huge, but I have never sucked a real one" she answered truthfully.

"Suck me, please. You are so sexy and beautiful. I want you, Danielle." he said in a husky voice and put his cock almost to her lips.

She could not stand it any longer, and kissed the end of his dick. She kissed around the head, getting lipstick on it. She licked the length of it, marvaling at its smooth softness covering up such a hard shaft. She put her lips around the head again. This time she slowly sucked the head. The taste was wonderful, she could taste Joe's pre-cum. It tasted similar but somehow different than Danielle's own cum had tasted. She sucked the head and started to work more and more of the cock into her mouth. Joe groaned with pleasure and slowly started humping her mouth. With each stroke more and more of his cock disappeared into her mouth until he was driving the full length into her mouth. The cock was definitely easier to take into her mouth than the dildo was because of being so warm and smooth and the slow oozing of the precum provided lubrication as well as an enjoyable taste.

Joe pulled out, turned around with his knees over her head and reinserted his wet glistening cock into her mouth. He began fucking her mouth and she could feel him pulling her panties down. She hoped he would take her in his mouth too but she felt him stroking her with his hand. He spit on his hand and used it as a lubricant as he stroked her. It really felt wonderfull to Danielle, but she wished he would suck her too. She would have asked but she had a mouth full of stroking cock.

"Whats this string, hanging out of your ass?" Joe asked and pulled out of her mouth.

"That's a tampon," she explained, "I enjoy the feeling of it inside me. Makes me feel very feminine."

"You are already feminine. It is obvious that you want something inside you. You want to have my cock inside you?" He asked turning back around and laying on top of her, face to face.

"Yes, I need you inside me," Danielle responded and kissed Joe. He wasn't sure he liked to kiss her after she had sucked his cock, but returned the kiss anyway.

"I want protection," Joe said. "Do you have any condoms?"

"Yes, in my purse" Danielle responded and got her purse off the nightstand. "I'll be right back," she said and went into the bathroom. She squatted over the toilet and pulled out the tampon, flushing it away, and wiping her butt with toilet paper. She opened the tube of diaphram spermacide and squirted it into her anus. She returned to the bed with a couple of condoms and the KY Jelly.

She lay down on the bed and motioned for Joe to lay beside her. "I'll put it on for you." She said. She stroked his cock to ensure maximum size and then put a condom on Joe's throbbing penis. Then she applied KY Jelly to Joe's rubber cased cock and lay down on her back. She pulled Joe on top of her and kissed him noisily. She could feel his hard cock against her as they kissed. He fondled her bra with a free hand and began rubbing his hard cock on hers. They both enjoyed the feeling of their cocks stroking each other and they moaned, rubbed, and kissed for several minutes.

"I need you Danielle." Joe said breathlessly and lowered his body to work his cock between Danielle's legs.

She could feel the head of his cock probing and searching for an opening. She raised her legs and rotated her pelvis to place her opening in line with his probing hard organ of manhood. She felt the head of his cock pressing on her anal opening and she relaxed as she had learned to do the night before and the head of Joe's thrusting cock found the soft lubricated darkness between her legs. She moaned at the momentary discomfort but the smooth warm dick was much easier to take inside than the silicon dildo had been and the discomfort quickly passed. Joe took no time at all thrusting his cock full depth into her and he began enthusiastic pumping.

Danielle rotated her hips to stir the pot inside her as he humped her. Nothing was said as they enjoyed their animal lust. Danielle watch his organ disappear into her, her tummy rise as it filled her insides, and her tummy fall as the cock pulled out for another stroke. She could feel her own "clit" rubbing on Joe's belly as he pumped her and Joe's hairy balls slamming into her bottom as he reached full penetration.

"You are so hot," Joe moaned as his dick thrust and retreated from her throbbing ass. "I knew you were a horny bitch that wanted to be fucked. You like the feel of my cock, woman?" he asked, knowing full well she did. "I am going to fuck you all night. Fuck you all day. Fuck you till you can't walk. You are my woman now. My toy to fuck and play with. My love toy."

"Yes, use me. I'm your woman. No one else has had me." Danielle's words coming to the beat of Joe's thrusting dick. "Hold me and fuck me all night" she demanded and raked her fingernails down the front of Joe's hairy chest. She saw red marks her nails had left. Apparently Joe did not mind because he seemed to stroke with more force. He came down harder on top of her as if trying to merge his body into hers. He grabbed her hands and held them down over her head and kissed her roughly his tongue thrusting in simulaneously with his dick which seemed even bigger and harder than before to Danielle.

He was strong, powerful, and delightfully hairy. She was now totally under his control. She could not move except to move her hips when he had pulled mostly out. His hairy chest was forcing her breasts down, her hands were almost painfully held down and his mouth covered hers, his tongue forcing into her mouth, pushing hers to the side. It was a violent act of animal lust and yet totally erotic for Danielle.

She was his in every way possible, every orface filled and violated with some probing part of his body. He began to grunt and huff as he ramed his dick home in her ass. His hairy body tense and focused on his thrusting penis, his thrusting increasing in tempo and force. She felt her tummy began to tighten and raw nerve impulses seemed to flash like a network between her anus, mouth, and "clit" pinned between their bodies.

She gave herself to the feeling of being possessed and to him. She felt like she was letting him enter and merge with her body, their souls intertwining and melting together as he tried to hammer his way into her body with his thrusting penis.

Her orgasm started from deep within her stomach, building with each stroke of his dick inside her and finally exploded from her "clit" and mouth in the form of "OH OH OH OH OH". Each OH timed to the stroke of his dick.

Joe, surprised that she had come before he had, instantly started grunting as cum welled from within him. He felt a few drops of it make the tip of the condom wet and increase his sensitivity which in turn triggered the orgasm that followed.

Danielle sensing he was starting to cum, bit his hairy shoulder as he violently bucked and thrusted. He cried "Oh, Oh, Oh, you horny fucking bitch" as large squirts of cum filled the condom. She felt a sudden warmth inside her which she attributed to his warm semen filling the condum. He continued to pump and thrust for a long time until every last drop of cum had been pumped into her and his dick began to loose it's hardness. He then gradually stopped thrusting and lay quietly on top of her, his softening dick still inside her.

Danielle lay quietly underneath his body, his sweaty chest hair plastered to her and his body pinning her to the bed. It almost felt like it was going to crush her, but she enjoyed his warmth, the smell of his male body and the closeness of the moment. She could feel his dick slowly getting smaller inside her as he lay on top and seemed to be sucking on the shoulder strap of her bra. She probably would have a hickey on her shoulder but she did not care. She now knew full well how it felt to be possessed by a man. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him, hugging him and never wanting to let him off from her or for his dick to be removed from her thobbing bottom. She felt like she could lay here for hours till he was ready to make love to her again. She wondered how long that would take. Even though she had a physical release of her own, she wouldn't care if he did fuck her again immediately, that did not seem to be important.

"You were wonderful, Danielle", he said and pulled his dick out of her before laying to her side. "I have never had such a powerful orgasm before. You did things to me that I have always dreamed about. I loved you still wearing your bra and nylons. That was so erotic for me."

"I really enjoyed it too," Danielle said reaching over to run her fingers over his sweaty hairy chest. His dick, still in the condom drooped under the weight of the cum which filled the condom. Danielle was sorry that he wanted to wear the condom. She would have liked it better if he trusted her more and had filled her with his warm cum. But then she did not really know that much about him either. She wished that the warm cum was inside her so she could carry part of him around with her for a few hours. She would love to see it on her maxi pad like a woman would. Would remind her later of their wonderful time in bed.

Joe got up and went into the bathroom leaving Danielle laying on the bed feeling suddenly lonely. She could hear him washing himself off. She pulled the covers up over her, feeling chilled without his body on top of her. He came out and started to get dressed without saying anything or looking at her. "Please don't leave right away," she implored to his back. "You can spend the night."

"Sorry, I'm worried my wife might call. I don't want her wondering where I spent the night. Can I have your number?" he asked as he quickly dressed. "I'll give you a call and we can meet for a drink and come here again."

Danielle gave him her number and he wrote it down on a slip of paper and put it in his wallet. He came over and gave a light gentle kiss, and with a simple goodbye he quickly left, leaving Danielle standing at the door in her bra and panties.

She had a drink and lay down in bed. Her butt felt a little sore from the violent lovemaking. Joe should have used more lubrication during the process. He could have been more gentle about a lot of things, he really had been like an animal with her. She hoped he would call right away. Other than seeing him in the park, she had no way to get ahold of him.

She understood how women in the same circumstance felt, totally dependant on the male to ask for further dates. She had given him everything he wanted and yet he might not want to see her again. She thought about getting up and showering, but Joe's smell was all over her like some kind of animal musk. She noticed some of his dark brown pubic hair stuck to her pelvic region, mingling with her own. If she didn't shower it was more like he was still there. So she just took off her wig and nylons and drifted off to sleep in her bra and panties, covered with his man smell and wishing Joe was beside her.

TV COP 1992 CHAPTER SIX - Night Delights by Sue Softwear

Danielle looked at her image in the mirror. The white lace covered wedding dress was beautiful and it fit her so well. She had lost enough weight that she was able to fit into two sizes smaller than when she had met Joe. She had been so surprised when he asked her to marry him. Of course, how could she refuse, he was so cute and their lovemaking had gradually improved so now it was all she thought about.

Sue came in her maid of honor dress and looked stunning, in the low cut pink taffeta dress with ruffled skirt. It was so different to see her in a dress since she usually wore only pants or jeans.

They went out and joined Captain Como who was going to give her away. Danielle wished her father was still alive. They were nervously talking and looking at the people in the church when the music started playing "Here Comes the Bride" and the procession entered the church with all faces looking at her. She was so happy. So many friends and relatives were there.

Joe was standing at the altar with the best man. Joe looked so handsome in his tuxedo. Danielle's mother was smiling and crying at the same time in the front row. Joe smiled at Danielle as she approached and look her place as his side. He squeezed her hand and the minister began the ceremony. She barely listened to the words. She was so happy.

"Does anyone have objection to this marriage, let him now speak or forever hold his peace?" the minister said looking at the wedding guests.

"I do!" screamed a red faced fat woman who burst into the church from the street. "The groom is my husband and you cannot have him" she shrieked as she ran down the aisle holding a long butcher knife over her head. She ran directly to Danielle, glaring at her with demonic hate. Joe drew back, shaking with fright. The knife flashed down and Danielle saw red flooding down the front of her beautiful wedding dress, the knife embedded to the hilt in her left breast.

Danielle screamed and sat up in bed, looking down at her body, trying to see what damage the knife had done. Her phone was ringing and the sun was streaming through the bedroom window. She was dripping with perspiration and shaking with fright. It had all seemed so real. The dress was so wonderful and she had been so happy, but it was all a dream, or rather a nightmare. She remembered the knife plunging into her chest.

She got up and looked at herself in the mirror as she picked up the phone. She still had her bra on. She no longer noticed Joe's man smell on her but she suddenly felt dirty and needed a shower. He had been such a rat not protecting her from the knife attack in the dream.

"Danielle it's Sue. Have you seen the news this morning? They found the killer last night and one of our guys killed him in the park last night after we left. The Chief was proclaiming the park was now safe. The killer was some vagrant that had been hanging around for several months."

Danielle turned on the bedroom television with the remote while Sue was talking. She saw the replay of some of the Chiefs comments and a brief glimpse of the body of the killer being picked up by the coroner's office. Danielle recognized the man's body from seeing him on the street. He didn't look anything like the description of the killer the witnesses had provided.

"Sue, I know this guy. He is so wasted all the time he couldn't kill a puppy with a shotgun. I think he even has a dog with him all the time." As if by cue the news camera showed a sad looking dog off to the side watching the coroners men loading the body into the coroners vehicle. "Hell, there is his dog right there. He wouldn't bring a dog along with him to attack someone. I don't buy any of this."

"I don't either. The whole thing is too convenient with the election a few days off. Lets go down to the station and find out what is going on." Sue said, obviously disturbed by the news media coverage.

"OK. I'll get dressed and meet you at the station." Danielle hung up and quickly shaved and showered. She hoped Captain Como would get everyone to come to their senses about this not being the killer.

Danielle stepped out of the shower and started get out a bra and panties to put on. As she was pulling up the panties she realized there was now no reason to dress in female clothing. The thought made her sad and at the same time angry. It was so nice just dressing all the time in women's clothing. She started to remove the panties and in a change of mind just pulled them on. She thought about putting on the bra but it would be obvious under her male clothes. She reluctantly pulled some male clothes out of the closet and finished dressing. They were so drab and uninteresting. She just hated them. The look, the feel, everything was wrong.

Dan (Danielle) arrived at the station just before Sue. He was asking the desk sergeant what he knew when Sue walked in and joined him at the desk. She had gotten so used to Danielle, that the sight of Dan standing there came as a shock. The Desk Sergeant knew little more than the media had said and suggested they go see Capt Como.

As they were walking down the hall a couple of officers on their shift saw Dan, smiled, and blew him a kiss. "Hey Dan, I hear you are real sweet all dressed up. You wanna come over some time and take care of me?" With this comment he pulled his pants zipper down and up rapidly, and the two officers walked off laughing and slapping each other on the back.

Dan turned red and didn't even respond. "I was afraid of this!" he said to Sue as they continued towards Como's office. "I'll never hear the end of it now."

"Don't let it bother you," Sue responded. "You were on department business." In her own mind she knew what had happened between them was not department business. Danielle would just have to take some time to sort this whole thing out.

Capt Como told them to enter as soon as they knocked. "Glad you came in," he said. "I was about to call you. You probably heard this thing is all wrapped up. I want you back on your normal shift today."

"You don't really think this was the killer do you?" Dan said incredulously. "Not even the same general description."

"What you and I think doesn't count much sometimes," Como replied. "The Chief has declared the case solved and ordered the stakeout in the park to be terminated. Turn in your wire and what money you have left. We'll be needing a full accounting of what was purchased for the bean counters. Thanks for your help. You really put a lot into dressing for the stakeout. I appreciate your efforts and will make sure some good words get into your personnel folder."

"What do you want done with the clothes we bought?" Dan asked, quite afraid of the answer.

"Well, I don't know the answer to that off hand. Just keep them until I find out from someone. You did such a good job that we might use you again if we need help with some undercover operation. Yes, just hang onto the stuff till we need it. It would get lost around here in a box or something. Besides it probably would only fit you anyway."

"We're shorthanded today. I would like to give you a day off as a reward for the efforts of the stakeout but we need you on the street. Change into uniform and finish out your shift." With that Captain Como dismissed them with a wave and they left his office without saying anything. They knew he was in one of his frustrated moods and usually it was far better to just stay away from him.

Dan had to pee and without thinking started to enter the ladies' room. He had started to push open the door when Sue, looking somewhat amused, grabbed his arm to stop him from continuing into the ladies' restroom. "Oops," he exclaimed getting very redfaced, but relieved that no one else had seen him. "I better use the other one today," he said and entered the adjacent men's room.

Sue giggled to herself had she watched him enter the men's room. It sure did not take him long to change a whole lifetime of habit patterns.

Dan unzipped at the urinal and only when he reached in did he realize he was wearing women's panties. No one else was in the restroom so he just pulled them down and finished urinating. He much preferred sitting down to pee but hated to in the men's restroom. He had quite forgotten how dirty it was compared to the women's restroom.

Sue was still in the women's restroom when he came out and he waited for her to join him in the hallway. "I'll meet you in front of the desk sergeant after you change." he said when she emerged from the ladies room. "I kinda missed your company just now," he said when she came out.

"Me too," she replied. "I'll see you after we change."

Dan entered the men's locker room, opened his locker and started to take off his clothes. As he was unbuttoning his shirt he suddenly realized he had on women's panties under his pants. No one was in the locker room. He thought about what to do for a couple of minutes and decided that since no one was there he would risk changing. He would only be exposed to a few seconds before putting on his uniform pants.

He had just slipped on his uniform pants when someone entered the locker. It had been a close call. He could imagine the response if someone saw him in the lace trimmed panties. He hated the feel of the uniform against his skin and the way it fit his body. The waist cinchers he had been wearing had seemed to make his waist smaller, and the pants did not fit right.

Sue was talking to the desk sergeant when he approached after changing. She looked good in her uniform. Dan wondered how it would fit him. It wasn't much different than his own but was cut to fit female proportions. Then again where could he wear it? While on duty they constantly saw other officers from the precinct. It just wouldn't work to even think about wearing a woman's uniform.

Sue noticed Dan looking at her uniform. She smiled at him, guessing what his thoughts were about. She liked him better as a female too. It was such a pity that they were off the stakeout now.

They logged in on watch, and checked out their vehicle. Someone who had used it had been a real pig getting food crumbs all over the inside. They cleaned it out the best they could and drove onto the streets.

"Well, here we are!" Sue finally said, breaking the silence. "I will sure miss the stakeout. I enjoyed doing something different."

"I really enjoyed doing something different," Dan responded. "I miss not being female anymore."

"You can still dress off duty. When Peggy is out of town I want you to come over and we can go out together. I miss that part of our new relationship."

"I don't know if we should be involved sexually anymore. I hate to be part of you cheating on Peggy. I'd love to do things together as females, but it doesn't seem right to mess around anymore." The words had just erupted from Dan's mouth without forethought. What he did not mention was that he enjoyed being with Joe much more than Sue, but he did not want to admit that to Sue.

Sue was quiet for a while, but then responded. "I figured you might feel that way. It was fun but I think Peggy suspects something anyway. It would be really hard to hide on a regular basis. You seem to be developing other interests anyway."

Dan (Danielle) was reluctant to talk about Joe specifically so let the comment pass. "I hope you don't have any hard feelings for me. I hate to see anything come between us."

"No, not at all. I just will treat you as a special partner and girlfriend on our off time. I think that best for both of us." Sue was rather quiet for a while and then continued. "I wish you could wear a woman's uniform. I saw you looking at mine. I don't mind a woman partner at all."

Dan admitted to thinking about dressing female in uniform but related his concerns about being seen by other officers in their own precinct. Sue agreed that it was a problem, and said she would think about it and try to come up with a solution. Dan couldn't think of any at the moment and they continued patrolling their sector of the city.

They had a few routine calls and finished a rather boring shift. Sue had a dinner date with Peggy so was in a hurry to get home so she did not say much other than goodbye.

The whole shift was changing and several officers made wisecracks to Dan about how they liked him better the other way. Dan did not admit out loud that he did too. Dan wore his uniform pants home like he frequently did when they were dirty and needed to go to the cleaners. There was no way to change his pants with the locker room full of men.

He found himself looking at the semi-dressed men over in an appraising way before he realized what he was doing and stopped it for fear of being discovered. They were all straight as far as he knew and he might as well forget about them anyway.

He picked up a bottle of white wine on his way home and put it in the refrigerator to chill. He felt lonely and lost and hoped Joe had or would call him. He checked his recorder and found no messages. He watched local news on television and turned it off in disgust when they replayed the scenes showing the purported killer, and the statements by the major.

He took a long hot shower and shaved, not really thinking about what he was doing. Before he realized what he was doing, he had bra and panties on and was putting on nylons. He continued, putting on makeup, and a black knit dress he had not yet worn. It looked good on him, with a short skirt and low cut in the front right down to her bra line. When she leaned over you could get just the slightest glimpse of her bra. The black color making her look smaller. The wig went on and Danielle looked back from the mirror as she combed out her long blonde hair.

She poured a glass of white wine and applied polish to her nails while she drank it. While waiting for the polish to dry, Danielle had a second glass of wine. Why hadn't Joe called?. All she had given of herself the night before and not even a phone call.

She searched the phone book and found what had to be his number, at least the area of town and name checked. Maybe he had lost her number. She finally dialed his number with shaking hands. He answered the phone with just a hello. "Hi, Joe, this is Danielle."

There was no response on the other end for 15 or 20 seconds. Danielle heard a woman's voice in the background asking Joe who was on the phone. "I am sorry ma'am you must have the wrong number. No one here but my wife and I." The line went dead when Joe hung up. Apparently his wife had come back early. Danielle felt a guilt pang for having gotten involved with a married man in the first place. There was little future in it in the long run anyway.

Danielle had another glass of wine, looked at the television schedule of re-runs and without really knowing what she was going to do, transferred her drivers license and car keys into a black purse and left her apartment.

She drove around for a while unsure of where to go or what to do. All she knew was she did not feel like being alone. She finally found herself in the park where they had been on the stakeout. She walked around for a while and sat down on the park bench where she had before. People walked by and men looked her over as before but nothing out of the ordinary happened in over an hour.

She went to ladies restroom and relieved her bladder of the wine she had drunk. She fixed her makeup and returned to the bench. The wine was starting to wear off and she was thinking how stupid this really was. She was totally without backup, in a dangerous situation, and totally convinced the killer was still loose.

As she walked back to the car the hair stood up on the back of her lovely neck. She looked around but did not see anything out of the ordinary. She was relieved when she got back to her car without incident. At least the next time she came she would be stone cold sober and able to think clearly.

The heavy set man watched her from the dark shadows of some heavy bushes. He had watched her for a long time and had moved closer to her position on the park bench. He was not sure what to make of her behavior. There did not seem to be anyone with her. He had seen her here before.

He could not be sure what she was. She looked like an attractive woman. But the first time he had seen her, she had looked awkward and unsteady on her high heels like a crossdresser might who lacked experience walking on them. Each time he had seen her since she walked more like a woman and now he was almost sure she was a woman. What she was doing there at the same place all the time was certainly a mystery, and something to be wary of.

He was sure that if she was a queer, she would be history as soon as he found out for sure. The next time she showed up he would talk to her and find out what was going on. With the transient taking the wrap for all previous murders, he was now free to kill all the homos he wanted as long as he hid the bodies so they wouldn't be found. His mother had taught him from an early age that homos were to be hated and despised. When his mother died and left him alone, without anyone; like his father had left her before, he blamed all queers. Somehow they were responsible for his mother leaving him, just as they had been for his father leaving years before. Now they would all pay. They would pay with their lives.

Danielle drove home and parked in front. As she was locking her car another pulled up behind hers. She heard it's door open and out stepped Frank Butler. She just smiled at him even though her heart was racing.

He caught up to her as she approached the entryway to the apartment house. "Hi, I was hoping that I would see you again right away. Here let me get the door for you." He reached around her and opened the door letting Danielle walk through ahead of him. He looked at her shapely body in the tight black knit dress and she looked even better than she had when he had first met her. "You, look terrific tonight," he gushed as he closed the door behind them.

"Thank you!" Danielle responded her face reddening with embarrassment. "My name is Danielle. What's yours?" she asked knowing full well what his was.

"Frank, Frank Butler. I live in 235. Do you live here too or are you visiting someone?

"I'm here visiting my twin brother Dan" Danielle responded deciding to continue with her story.

"I thought you looked familiar, must be the family resemblance. I know it's late but would you like to join me for a drink or something?" he asked, not really expecting her to agree.

Danielle had a hard time restraining her joy at being invited. "I guess I could. Dan is working and I've not got anything else to do," she replied trying to sound only marginally interested. "I have to explain about our meeting so you don't get the wrong idea. I was just trying to keep someone from seeing me on the street. Hard to explain but only thing I could think of. I normally don't kiss total strangers for no reason."

"I was wondering about that, but am sure glad that you picked me. I enjoyed it very much." Frank led the way to his apartment and opened the door for her. "Sorry the place is such a mess, but I really didn't expect company tonight," he added.

The apartment had only a few things out and compared to Dan's was neat as a pin. It was obvious that a lot of time and effort had been put into decorating it. Everything was color coordinated and looked like a designer had put it together.

"Oh it's very nice. A real showplace in fact." Danielle said and sat down when offered a seat by Frank. "Did you have a decorator do it or did you do it yourself?" Danielle asked looking around.

"Oh, a male decorator friend of mine helped." Frank said and walked towards the kitchen. "Would you like a drink?" he asked.

"I was drinking white wine earlier, do you have any wine?" Danielle responded, making mental note not to drink too much or she might not be able to control herself around Frank. He was so cute.

Frank returned from the kitchen with two glasses of white wine, handed her one and sat on the sofa with Danielle.

Danielle sipped her wine and looked around the room, pretending to ignore Frank who was looking her over. She could feel his eyes undressing her, and peeling off her clothes layer by layer. She could feel sexual excitement stirring in her black panties. She leaned forward to put her drink on the coffee table and her low cut dress gaped slightly giving Frank a fleeting view of her black lace bra underneath. When she looked back at Frank, his eyes were riveted on the low cut front of her dress as if he were hoping to catch another peek. The boy-girl game they were playing was very exciting.

Their eyes met briefly and sparks seemed to fly until Danielle broke eye contact to pick up her glass. They talked about Dan and Danielle being twins and Danielle looking for a job and a place of their own. Frank refilled their wine glasses and the warmth of the wine filled each of them. Danielle could feel her inhibitions slowing being washed away by the warm glow of the wine. She found herself looking over Frank's body, like a piece of meat in a display case. He was in good shape, like he frequently worked out. She remembered the feel of his cock when they had kissed and found herself staring at his pants fly wondering how big it really was.

When she looked up, Frank had noticed what she was looking at and smiled while he continued to talk about the Twin Cities and job opportunities for her. He picked up her glass and headed for the kitchen for a refill. "I really shouldn't have anymore," Danielle protested, "You may have to carry me home."

"I could do that, or you could just stay here" Frank responded with a wicked grin and sat down right next to Danielle.

Danielle could feel his hip and leg pressed firmly against hers. He had put his arm on the sofa behind her shoulders, and she could feel the warmth of it radiating on her back and arms. She tried to listen to what he was saying but the words were just noise to her. She looked into his eyes as he talked and she felt herself being pulled into them, with some irresistible force.

She was acutely aware of the warmth of his body against hers and the pressure of his leg against her nylon clad leg. His hand touched her shoulder and he slowly pulled her face to his, kissing her gently on her red lips, waiting for her reaction. She responded with a small moan and he kissed her harder and slipped his tongue into her mouth. She reacted by gently sucking his tongue and rubbing it with her own.

Suddenly he pulled away, stood up and walked across the room, leaving a startled Danielle sitting on the sofa.

"What's wrong? What did I do?" Danielle implored, suddenly fearful that he had somehow discovered her biological origins.

"I'm sorry, you're great! But I need to tell you something right now before we go any further. I don't want any misunderstandings about me or us from the beginning. I don't know really how to say this for fear of loosing you, but it needs to be said now. You are really a turn on to me. I think I am more horny right now than I have ever been."

Danielle could see from the large bulge in his pants that he was indeed very horny, just as she was. Her panties were well on their way to getting wet. What could his big secret be?

Frank paced back and forth in front of her a couple of times without saying anything then he continued. "The last girl I told this to dumped me immediately. She just couldn't handle it. Well here goes. If it's a problem you don't have to explain, I'll understand. I'm Bi-sexual. I enjoy being with men as well as women, but I normally prefer women."

Frank expected Danielle to bolt from his apartment, just as his last girlfriend had done. What he did not expect was the silly grin on Danielle's face as she got up and came over to him. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around him, thrust her breasts into his chest, and planted a big juicy kiss on his lips. After his initial surprise at her response, he reciprocated and they kissed, groped at each others bodies, and swapped deep wet French kisses.

Frank led Danielle back to the sofa. "I'm really happy that you understand," Frank said. "It's nothing I can seem to change. I just have certain needs that only an occasional male seems to satisfy. I'm really careful so you have nothing to worry about."

"It's not a problem at all for me," Danielle said between kisses. "In fact it's better for me," she continued without explanation.

Frank was all over her with his hands. Feeling her breasts, kissing her deeply, and feeling her nylon covered thighs. His hand nearly reached her crotch when she stopped him with her hand and whispered, "not just yet, in a little while, when you are ready."

He was about to insist when he felt her hands on his cock, feeling and rubbing his cock through his pants. She moaned when she felt the size of his cock straining to be released from it's cloth prison. She pushed him on his back on the sofa and she straddled his legs and slowly opened his zipper and freed the cock from his loose boxer shorts. It promptly swelled to maximum hardness as she cupped it in her hands and examined it. It was nearly 9 inches long and proportionally thick for it's size. Danielle had never seen one as large, certainly not in person.

Frank lay on his back letting this lovely creature play with him. He decided to be passive for a while and see what she would do, since she was so intent on playing with his cock. Her lovely long blonde hair hung down and her skirt was hiked well up her thighs as she straddled his legs. He looked at her long shapely legs, black garter belt straps, and was excited to see she still had her high heels on. He found this very erotic.

Danielle slowly stroked Frank's cock and when she was sure it was as large as it would get, she lowered her mouth to it, kissing the tip, then the sides, leaving lipstick marks on its silky surface. She returned to the tip and gently sucked the tip into her mouth. She slowly worked it further into her mouth. The size of it stretched her mouth wide and she had to concentrate to take most of it without chocking on it. She sucked and licked it with relish. The taste of Franks pre-cum was wonderful and she paused to suck as much from the tip as she could.

Frank could not believe how much Danielle enjoyed sucking him. Most women were intimidated by his large dick and none seemed to enjoy sucking it as much as Danielle did. She was really good. Then when she seemed to relish his precum, he had to concentrate not to cum in her mouth.

Frank reached up and pulled her knit dress up and with her help she slipped it off over her head. He looked at her firm hard body, bulging black lace trimmed bra, black lace garter belt waist cincher that held up her black patterned nylons, and black silk panties trimmed in lace. She was such a fox. He had to have her now. He wanted all she had too.

He took her in his arms and danced with her all the way to the bedroom, laying her gently on the bed. He watched her as he took off all his clothes and lay down next to her in the dim light coming in from the living room. She moaned as he explored her body with his hands and kissed her legs and bra covered breasts, but then without explanation she stopped him from taking off her bra. Puzzled he turned his attentions to the rest of her body, slowly and deliberately working his attentions towards her crotch. He was disappointed to feel the shape of the panty liner in the crotch of her panty. He hoped she didn't have hangups with doing it during her period. He didn't want to stop now. He wanted her badly, he needed her as much as he had ever needed anyone. As he started reaching his hand into her panties, she stopped him and pulled him around on top of her.

"Let me suck you again." she whispered breathlessly. "Fuck my mouth with your big cock." She slipped around with her head between his legs and began eagerly sucking his cock. She acted just like a starving calf that had found its mothers tit, sucking hungrily and noisily on the large cock dangling in her face.

He began stroking his cock in her mouth, afraid to thrust too deep for fear of gagging her with his large swollen member. Surprisingly, to his delight, she was able to take most of it without chocking. He stroked slowly and gently, afraid of hurting this sexy stranger. He wanted to avoid hurting her in any way for fear she would not want to see him again. She seemed so skilled in sucking him. It was almost as if she knew exactly what techniques most excited him. Only when he had been with bi or gay men did they seem to understand what turned him on the most during oral sex. Women always seemed to have hangups about it.

He again returned his attentions to her panties. He kissed her thighs, and kissed around her panties. This time she didn't seem to mind his advances here. He pulled her panties down an a couple of inches and pulled his dick out of her mouth and stopped, waiting her reaction. He did not want to be accused of raping a policeman's sister.

Danielle had felt him pull her panties and said in a funny husky sounding voice, "Now it's your turn to find out my secret." She resumed sucking his dick and seemed to be nourishing on the precum at the tip with no further explanation about what the secret might be.

Puzzled but encouraged, Frank slipped her panties off her. The dim room light did not immediately show what lay hidden in the shadows between her tightly pressed together legs. As he resumed fucking her mouth he kissed her tummy, then her pubic hair then with his hands forced her black nylon covered legs apart. Released from between her legs, Danielle's folded clit swung forward, engorging with blood and expanding as it sprang up hitting a very startled Frank Butler right in the face.

"Good God! I never expected this. You're, you're a male crossdresser." He just lay there looking at the dick staring him in the face.

"Well, eat my clit silly!" Danielle said and resumed sucking Franks delicious tool.

Frank took Danielle's clit straight into his mouth. It was all covered with her sticky precum and he hungrily sucked it clean of the slippery coating. Danielle moaned as he took her in his mouth and sucked Frank with more gusto than before. They rolled on their sides and kissed and sucked each other. Sucking each other's balls and returning repeatedly to the throbbing cocks which held so much interest for each of them. This was the other need Frank could only fill with a man. Now this sexy creature was giving him what he had not had since his roommate had moved away to a job in another city.

Danielle could feel herself nearly ready to cum and pulled away from Frank. "I want you inside me when I cum" she whispered.

"Sure Baby, anything you want. You are so sexy. You are everything I have dreamed of. A sexy woman, yet a hard cock, I mean clit, for me to suck. Only in my dreams have I met you." Frank turned around and lay on top of Danielle, he kissed her deeply, and they each enjoyed the taste of their own cocks in the others kiss.

Frank rubbed his huge cock against Danielle's clit for a long time, both enjoying the feel of cock against cock, like two swords fighting a battle of love.

"Do you have any lubrication?" Frank asked. "I don't want to hurt you. Also, we should have talked before, I am safe. No diseases. Are you OK too."

"Yes, I'm healthy. Bring me my purse. I have lubrication in my purse." Danielle realized they should have discussed this stuff long before doing everything they had done up to now. Frank returned with her purse and she took out the KY Jelly and a condom.

Frank put on the condom and Danielle applied the KY to his dick and he helped her apply it to her anus before laying on top of her. "I don't really like condoms but will use one since you have them" he said as he kissed her neck and ears.

"Can we be sure without one?" Danielle asked. "I'm sure I'm OK. I suppose it is a matter of trust and commitment. As far as I'm concerned I never want to make love with anyone else but you again."

"I feel the same way about you. I want to really feel you, to cum inside you and have my love juices become part of you." Frank kissed her gently his hands tracing over her bra and down her body and stroking her clit.

Danielle reached down and removed the condom from Franks quivering dick. "Now fill me with cum, you gorgeous hunk," Danielle said as she pulled Frank towards her by pulling on his cock.

Frank lowered his body so his dick stroked her clit for awhile as she lay on her back, feeling him hard against her. He applied KY liberally to his cock and spread her legs wide with his hands before laying the tip of his cock at her dark opening.

Danielle felt the tip of his cock against her. It was far larger than anything she had experienced yet. She was very concerned about being able to take even part of it inside her. She was afraid it would hurt her. But she desperately wanted to please Frank and to be possessed by him.

She spread her legs as far as she could and Frank, sensing she was ready started pressing forward on the tip of his cock. She could feel the smooth warmth of the tip start stretching her open. There was no rubbery feel like the condom had been and she felt herself stretch open and accommodate the perfectly formed head of Frank's smooth slippery cock. She froze at the sudden stretching pain as the widest part of his dick head slipped into her.

Frank paused, sensing her discomfort. "You are doing very well. I am pretty big and I can tell you are nearly a virgin at this. Let me know when I can push in further" He kissed her mouth forcefully and explored deeply with his tongue.

The pain quickly vanished as her opening stretched out and Danielle gingerly started to move her hips. Frank did not thrust but just exerted forward pressure and let Danielle take him as she could. As she rotated her hips the big dick slowly slipped further and further into her until finally she could feel Franks balls pressed against her. He was so huge. She felt sure that he was totally filling her insides with his dick. She had never felt so full before or so totally possessed. He began gently pumping in her. A fraction of an inch at first, then an inch, then two, then gradually he was pumping the entire length of his 9 inch cock into and out of her. The pumping action of his cock was tremendous. She could feel her tummy sucked down when he pulled out, then bulge up when he thrust into her. It felt so good. His hairy chested body felt so good on top of her. She ran her red fingernails through his chest hair. She was so glad they had taken the condom off. His cock felt so good in her without it.

Frank was surprised at Danielle taking him in so quickly. She must really want him, to take him in like that without expressing any discomfort. She was so sexy. He loved her female body under his, yet he could feel her hard clit pressing against him. He played with it with one hand while he pumped her. She was the best of all worlds. He was so lucky to have found her. He pulled out of her and rolled her over on her stomach.

Danielle knew he wanted her from behind. She liked doing it that way too and obediently spread her legs and presented her firm round butt to Frank. She felt a squirt of cold in her butt and Frank apologized for not warning her he was putting in some more KY lubricant. She appreciated his concerns about her comfort and felt his dick probing for her anus. It slipped in easily this time and she moaned at the renewed feeling of fullness. She had such round firm butt cheeks. He slowly started stroking in her again, and enjoyed her round firm butt cheeks against him. Soon his balls were banging against hers, his big dick sliding in and out with slippery smoothness.

He reached around as he pumped her and played with her clit and then cupped both bra covered breasts with his hands as he thrust into her firm bottom. His pumping increased in tempo and strength. Her whole body began to rock this his thrusts. His balls slammed hers and he held her hips for more force, pulling her into him as he thrust his cock into her bottom.

"I need you, I need you so badly. I never have fucked anyone so sexy before," he grunted as he trust and pounded at her. He wanted to drive his entire body into her. To merge with her and be part of her forever. "I need to fill you with my cum."

"Yes, fill me, fill me up with your cum. I'm ready, all yours," Danielle said in a low sexy voice, each phrase matching Franks animal like thrusts.

Frank made a low guttural moan and started coming with great spasmodic thrusts in Danielle's bottom. He had never had an orgasm as strong or as violent. He felt like he was pumping quarts of cum into her pretty bottom.

Danielle could feel Frank starting to cum. His dick felt suddenly slippery and then she could feel a delightful flood of warmth in her as squirt after squirt of his cum filled her insides. Her stomach tightened, her ass quivered and she felt her insides explode with wave after wave of her own orgasm as she came and her own cum squirted out over the bed.

Frank was really surprised she had cum with him, since he was not even feeling her clit as she came. He reached forward feeling her clit and caught one of the last squirts on his hand. He eagerly licked the warm sweet stickiness off his hand wishing he could have had more. He was pleased with her and himself for being able to make her cum when he did. She was really matched to his own needs. When at last his own orgasm subsided, he pushed her down on the bed and lay on top of her with his cock still inside of her.

Danielle felt all warm and glowing. Frank lay wordlessly on top of her and she could feel his cock shrinking inside her. He played with her clit as it became limp and finally pulled out of her and she rolled over on her back to look at him. They kissed and caressed each other with their hands. Danielle could feel Franks cum oozing from her butt. She wanted it all to stay inside of her and to become part of her. He laughed when she expressed this and promised her more anytime she wanted it. He got up and washed up but came back to bed with a warm wash cloth and towel for her to use. When she dried off, she put the towel between her buns because his cum continued to ooze from her bottom. They snuggled warmly together, touching each other, kissing gently, and talking in whispered tones. When Frank drifted off to sleep, Danielle watched him sleeping then reached over and gently touched his cock. It was half of it's erect size and sleeping along with Frank. Danielle rolled over and snuggled back until she could feel it against her butt cheeks. She lay there thinking how wonderful it all had been and she too drifted off to sleep.

Danielle woke with a start. At first she did not remember where she was. Then she remembered being with Frank. She rolled over and touched him in the darkness. No, it hadn't been a dream. He was sleeping next to her. She felt the dried remnants of his cum running down one of her butt cheeks. She saw from the digital clock that it was about 4 AM. She lay and listened to Franks light snoring. She tried to go back to sleep but she was too excited about all that had happened.

Very timidly she reached over to Frank who was laying on his side facing her. She felt his chest hair and he didn't seem to notice, but continued snoring. Very gently she reached down and touched his penis. It was sleeping too. She rubbed the length of it with one finger. His snoring went on without a break in rhythm. She gently wrapped her fingers around it and began stroking it. It began to respond to her touch but Franks snoring continued. He must be a very sound sleeper.

Slowly and carefully she stroked his cock until it was hard. She had quite forgotten how large it really was. She slipped under the covers and kissed it. Carefully she took it in her mouth and sucked it. Frank mumbled something but continued snoring. She gradually worked more and more into her mouth, stroking it and enjoying the taste that oozed from the tip into her hungry mouth. Frank mumbled something, but continued to snore. She heard him mumble her name and how she was so good, but the snoring continued. He must think this is a dream. She continued to suck and then tried to play with his balls. Suddenly he rolled on his back, pulling out of her mouth. His snoring continued, after a few seconds.

Danielle found the KY lubricant on the nightstand and applied some to her anus and gently applied it to Franks cock, making it hard as possible. She giggled when she noticed his erect cock was making the bedding look like a tent with his cock the center pole.

Danielle carefully climbed over on top of him, being careful not to touch him or disturb him. She stroked his cock for a few seconds, and noting his snoring normal, held his cock and slowly sat down on it. The stretching discomfort, made her pause, but it was easier than the night before and she slowly sat down taking the entire shaft into her. Frank snorted but continued to snore. Very carefully Danielle started stroking his shaft with her bottom and gradually Frank started moaning in his sleep, between snores. His pelvis began thrusting and she heard him mumble her name. At least he was dreaming of her. That really made her feel good.

Frank awoke with a start. What a sexy dream, so real. Suddenly, he felt someone on top of him and felt his dick slip back deep inside her as she squatted over him and humped him. He finally remembered his night with Danielle. "Danielle is that you?" he asked, starting thrusting up into her, in coordination with her movements.

"Thank heavens, I thought you would never wake up. You are such a sound sleeper." Danielle said and leaned down to kiss him and play with his chest hair.

"What a nice way to wake up. I thought it was a dream, like I used to have as a teenager. A few more minutes and it would have been a wet dream, and I would have missed it."

Frank sat up supported by his hands and Danielle continued to grind on his pole deep inside her. After a few minutes he pushed her over on her back without withdrawing and started stroking into her. "You've been doing all the work," he said as he started making long forceful deliberate strokes with his cock, "Now it's my turn." He held Danielle tightly by the shoulders as he pumped her. She squirmed in obvious enjoyment when he held her down. He paused to kiss her shoulders, around her bra, and her neck and mouth. Then he continued fucking her, with long slow strokes.

Danielle really enjoyed Frank on top of her. She felt his chest. Wrapped her arms around him when he kissed her neck, and squirmed when his powerful hands held her by the shoulders. He kissed her forcefully and probed her mouth with his tongue. She sucked it hungrily. His fucking strokes became more powerful and faster, churning her insides with each thrust. He moved his hands from her shoulders and followed her arms to her hands, finally clasping her hands in his, while never missing a beat with his slippery cock. Then he extended her arms above her head pinning her hands to the bed. When she squirmed to free a hand she knew it was useless. He had her tightly pinned underneath him. She moaned knowing he had total control over her.

As if to prove his point, he found her mouth with his and forced his tongue deep into her mouth, pushing her tongue out of the way, and sucking forcefully as if to suck her mouth dry. Danielle loved the feeling of being totally possessed, mouth full of probing tongue and butt filled with a huge thrusting cock trying to go deeper than ever before. She moaned and squirmed under his weight, sucking hungrily on his tongue.

The feeling began with a tightness in her tummy, stirred by the thrusting dick inside her, she started jerking and screaming "Oh,Oh,Oh" into Franks hot searching mouth that covered her own red lips.

Frank, surprised again she had cum before him, made long slow forceful lunges into her, pumping gushes of cum into her with each powerful stroke that pushed her body higher and higher on the bed, her head finally forced against the headboard.

Danielle could feel the hot gushes of cum inside her and the sudden wetness on Frank's cock. The cum slowly began to run down her butt cheeks and dampen the sheets underneath her as Franks thrusts diminished and he lay on top of her exhausted. He kissed her gently, and supported some of his weight on his elbows. Danielle liked the way he stayed inside her while he lost his erection. His slowly shrinking cock, kept most the cum inside her longer. She wanted it in her as long as possible, it was impossible for him to be any closer than for part of him to be still inside her. She imagined all his sperm eagerly swimming upstream, looking for an egg to impregnate. She wished she had one so as not to disappoint even his sperm. They lay together quietly then he finally pulled out of her and lay at her side. Nothing was said for a long time and they both drifted back off to sleep, holding each other with their arms and their legs intertwined.

TV COP 1992 Chapter Seven: Police Women by Sue Softwear

Danielle woke to see the grey light of the early morning sun streaming through the windows. Frank lay next to her with his arm draped over her waist. She snuggled closer to him, thinking of their wonderful night together. The feel of his hairy body against her smooth skin was very stimulating as was the feel of his large but flaccid penis pressed against her hip. He felt like a large teddy bear. She didn't want the night to ever end. The thought of their lovemaking the previous night made her own organ stir in her panties. Suddenly she remembered that she had to go on watch at 7AM. She looked at the digital clock and was relieved to see that the time as just before six. She needed to get going to be at work on time.

Danielle got up, and hurriedly put on her clothes. She decided to dash to her apartment, then shower and take off the makeup. As she was slipping on her dress, Frank woke up and greeted her.

"I just remembered that I have to be at work in about an hour, I hate to run like this." Danielle said as she put on her shoes and gathered up things she had taken out of her purse.

"Can I see you later tonight?" Frank asked. "I have to work till 9:30 when the store closes." He was the manager of a large department store. Frank got up and was half way to her when he realized he was stark naked. His cock now had a good case of morning hard on.

"Don't you ever get enough?," Danielle asked, pointing to his erect penis and giggling. "I know I haven't had enough yet. Call me when you get back from work," she said and gave his cock a feel with her soft hand and his lips a hot juicy kiss. "I've got to run."

She gathered up her purse and hurried to her apartment. As she walked there she could feel a sticky wetness between her legs. It must be Franks cum still oozing out of her bottom. She felt a little sore there, but not as much as she had expected to considering the energetic nature of their lovemaking. The thought of his cum still in her made her feel a warm glow of happiness sweep over her. It was like she was carrying a part of him with her throughout the day.

She entered her apartment and threw her purse down next to the phone. The message light was blinking on the answering machine. She played it back as she started to undress. It was Sue. Apparently, she had left the message the night before, when Danielle had been in Frank's apartment. Sue hurriedly told Danielle to wear a short wig, dress in casual women's clothes, and stop by her apartment before going in to work. She seemed to be excited about something but no explanations were given. Sue said she would explain at her apartment.

Danielle got naked, shaved, and quickly showered. She hated to wash Franks body smells off her but she needed to clean up. She threw on a beige bra and panties then covered them with jeans and a feminine pink cotton blouse. Makeup was quickly applied, a couple of rings, her watch, a gold bracelet, matching gold earrings, and necklace, and she put on the short blonde wig that Sue had referred to. Black flats to match her purse, and out the door she went.

Danielle arrived at Sue's apartment at 6:30. Sue opened the door with a worried look that changed to relief when she saw Danielle. "I am so glad to see you. I didn't know if I would ever get in touch with you. Grab that hang-up bag and lets go. You drive and I'll talk," and she pushed Danielle back out the door and locked it behind her.

"Drive to the 13th Precinct," she said as Danielle put her car in gear. "We have been reassigned. I didn't think you would mind with all the kidding you have taken about crossdressing. I sort of messed around with the departments central computer system and changed a few things. Here look at this." She held out a copy of the departmental transfer order that Danielle read while they were stopped at a red light. It transferred one Danielle Klein, female officer, and her partner Sue to the 13th precinct.

Danielle couldn't believe it. How had Sue done it? The transfer orders looked official. They even had the Chief's signature on the bottom. The 13th precinct was out in the Southern suburbs. Neither one of them knew anyone out there. It was considered a cushy job because of the lack of violent crimes there. It was pretty much of a bedroom community for the high teck firms that were headquartered near there.

"How did you do this?" Danielle asked, handing the folder back to Sue. "It certainly looks official."

"It is. As you know, the department had all personnel records computerized last summer. Because of my college background they had me help transfer all the manual records into the computer. All manual records were discontinued just a month ago when the department was sure the system was working. I still have an access code to get into the computer system. All I did was access your file to change your name and file information to indicate a female officer. Then I sort of arranged for our transfer to the 13th precinct. They are increasing manning and trying to get a representative number of female officers in the precinct. Most the city growth is in that direction, with people moving from the older sections nearer the city center, South to the suburbs. As far as the department is concerned, two female officers are scheduled to report this morning for duty. We are among the first women to be assigned there. I think there are a total of four all together with the two of us."

Danielle just shook her head when she heard all this. She didn't know much about computers, but it seemed hard to believe it would work. It could get them both fired if someone found out. But the thought of having to wear men's clothing, and dress like a man had become too depressing lately. Especially since her sexual identity had been awakened. She had no desire to live as a man.

"What about a new ID card?" Danielle asked while running through all the potential problems in her mind.

"Already applied for a new one via the central computer. Everything goes through the computer now. It shows that you had yours torn while arresting a suspect and the paperwork is being processed for a replacement. When the paperwork comes through just take it to the photo ID office and get your female ID card." Sue was pleased with herself for thinking through all the problems.

They pulled into the 13th precinct parking lot and several male officers watched them get out of the car. "Ladies, this lot is for police personnel only. You'll have to park out front, in the visitors area" one officer advised as they walked towards the building. Sue and Danielle just smiled and flashed their badges as they continued towards the station house.

"Sorry, ladies I didn't recognize you as police officers," he said and turned back to the other man he was talking to. When Danielle glanced back at them they were all intently watching Sue and Danielle walk towards the building. Danielle blushed when she heard them talking about her, as she and Sue walked away. Something about wanting a piece of her tight ass, as best she could make out. She became intensely sensitive to the feel of her tight jeans shaping her nice butt cheeks and felt some signs of arousal in her panties.

They flashed their badges at the desk sergeant and introduced themselves. He was friendly enough and pointed out where the dressing room was. He advised them to hurry as the watch commander did not like anyone late.

Sue and Danielle walked into a tiny locker room that look like it had been recently converted from something else. It was freshly painted pastel pink and they noticed they already had lockers with their names on them. Sue pulled two uniforms out of the hang-up bag and gave one to Danielle. They hurriedly changed clothes. The uniform shirt was fitted, and conformed nicely to Danielle's feminine profile. Her breasts filling it out quite impressively since it was just a slight bit too small through the bust. The pants were also fitted well and emphasized her nice round butt cheeks. It was a little tight in the waist but she snugged up the belt, and ended up with a nice shape which she was admiring in the mirror. Now this uniform, even though of the same material looked and felt infinitely better on her than her male one. They quickly combed their hair, touched up what makeup they had on and went out to find the briefing room.

When they went in, all heads turned their way and conversation almost stopped. A couple of officers introduced themselves and Danielle and Sue said hello and introduced themselves. Apparently everyone knew they were coming. The watch commander entered and they all sat down.

He was about forty and had slightly graying hair. He introduced himself to Danielle and Sue and welcomed them to the 13th Precinct. Danielle was glad when he advised the rest of the officers that he had reviewed their records, and even though they were female, they had commendable records with several Departmental citations. He said records like these were second to none in the precinct.

Apparently, Sue had done a good job because he seemed to have not noticed anything wrong with the records. Also since they had been partners before, he would leave them together. A groan went out from almost everyone. Most of them had thoughts about long lonely nights sharing a patrol car with them. Both women were more attractive than they had imagined. Danielle saw several of the men looking her over. While exciting, the appraising looks of the men made her somewhat uncomfortable. She thought about Frank and wondered how he was doing. She doubted anyone in the room was as well endowed as Frank. She felt kind of glowy all over just thinking of her night with Frank. She wondered if his cum was still soiling her clean panties.

After the morning briefing, the watch commander came over and shook their hands. "Are you ladies settling in OK?" He asked looking at them in an appraising way. "Since there were only two other females in the precinct, be sure to come directly to me if you encounter any sort of harassment with the other officers. They are for the most part a good bunch but they have not worked with that many women before. Also, any suggestions for our facilities? We set them up in a hurry when we found out women were to be assigned."

Sue looked at Danielle and started grinning. "Well a Tampex dispenser in the ladies room would be a nice touch." She continued to look at Danielle with a smirk on her face.

Danielle turned red with embarrassment. Sometimes Sue did not know when to cool it. The watch commander, somewhat embarrassed too, said that he would inquire for them and thanked them for the input. They heard him muttering to himself when he walked off.

Sue said she would check out the vehicle and went off to see about it. Danielle went to the ladies room, entered the stall then pulled down her uniform pants and panties for a long overdue pee. She noted just the slightest trace of Frank's cum on the cotton liner of the panties. She thought about him and decided she needed a recharge that night when he came over. She checked her makeup on the way out and went to find Sue.

One of the officers, who had been looking at Danielle in the briefing room, came up and introduced himself to Danielle. "Hi, I'm Chip Walker. You sure do brighten up the scenery around here."

As he chatted about the weather and other mundane things Danielle could see him looking at her breasts filling out her uniform blouse and the underlying shape of her body. She glanced down and noticed he had an unmistakable hard on. She pretended not to notice, but felt stirrings of her own and some dampness in her panties.

"Are you married or seeing anyone special?" he asked looking at her ring finger. When Danielle told him she was seeing someone, he was quite visibly disappointed. "Well, you let me know if you need anything. Anything at all, day or night."

Danielle was quite sure he wasn't talking about a cup of sugar or something. Sue came to rescue her and they got into the patrol car and hit the streets.

It was really a different patrol environment than they had been used to. Larger homes, small shopping strips, and one large shopping mall was in the precinct boundaries. They made a few routine traffic stops and took turns approaching the cars. Women seemed relieved to have female officers to deal with, even though they still got tickets, and men seemed to think they could talk their way out of it.

They stopped one man in his mid forties. Danielle asked to see his drivers license. He gave it to her and was leering at her. "Honey, you're not going to give me a ticket are you?" he asked while examining her breasts.

"I'm afraid so, you were doing 45 in a 30 zone," Danielle reminded him.

"You female cops are all a bunch of male haters, you're just jealous of me because you don't have a penis," the man declared angrily as Danielle handed him the ticket. "What you need is a man and a good fuck."

"Sir, you better be careful what you say. I'll ignore your language just this one time," she smiled as she handed him the ticket. The penis comment struck her extremely funny considering what was tucked away in her panties. Sue and she had a good laugh as they drove away.

She thought again about Frank. She reminded herself to be careful and keep her mind on what she was doing. All it took was one careless act and she could end up dead. Would really give the coroner a start when he pulled off her panties.

They ate lunch at a fast food place that had a salad bar. It was amazing to Danielle how little she was interested in eating. She found herself constantly concerned about fitting all her nice female clothes.

As they were pulling out of the parking lot a car sped by them down the road. It was doing a good 20 miles an hour over the limit. They caught up with it and turned on the lights. The car sped up and suddenly turned a corner. Danielle advised the dispatcher they were in pursuit and gave their location and a description of the car. After a minute, the dispatcher advised that the car had just been reported stolen, and dispatched another car in the area to assist.

The driver of the car was driving like a madman. He was in and out of the opposite lane of traffic and nearly hit several cars. Sue was doing a wonderful job staying with him. The car turned into an alley behind two commercial buildings and only then did they realize he was trapped. A large delivery truck was blocking the other end of the alley. Sue pulled up at an angle and they blocked their end of the alley with the patrol car. They both drew their guns and used the car and the car door as cover.

The swarthy looking suspect sat in the car, apparently waiting for them to approach. Danielle heard another car screech to a stop behind them and turned to see it was the other patrol car. Danielle directed two other officers to cover them as they approached the stolen car. Danielle approached the drivers side and Sue on the passenger side. Danielle strained to see if there was a weapon in view but could not see one.

"Put your hands on the wheel where I can see them," Danielle demanded as she approached the car from close behind the drivers door. The driver put both hands up to the steering wheel and turned his head to look at Danielle.

"It's a funking cunt! I got stopped by a funking cunt," he repeated, his words slightly slurred. He seemed high on something. "Why don't you just step on in here and I'll fuck your brains out" he continued. "You probably don't get none at home."

Danielle saw him squinting at her in the rearview mirror. "Keep your hands where I can see them," she warned again when one hand started to drop out of sight. She saw Sue moving closer on the passenger side to where she could get off a shot if necessary.

"Say, you're pretty for a cop. You should be a hooker instead. I'll pay you an hundred bucks to fuck your mouth." the man slobbered. "Two hundred if I can cum in your mouth"

"Open your door and put both hands on the top of the door when you step out." Danielle ordered, her gun aimed at the man's head. "Slow and easy or I'll blow your brains out all over the place."

The man reached down with his left hand and began opening the door. Danielle hoped he was left handed. Suddenly he swung his left hand towards her and she saw a large caliber revolver in his left hand. She fortunately was far enough behind the door that he couldn't aim it at her because of the door post.

"Drop it or you're dead meat," Sue shouted from the other side of the car. The suspect did not know she was there and started to swing the gun to the right towards her. Danielle lunged forward, smashing the gun hand against the car door. The gun dropped from the man's hand to the ground and Danielle twisted his left arm backwards against the door post till she hear him grunt in pain. Then she pulled him out of the car and forced him face down on the pavement with his arm twisted behind his back. With her knee in his back, she cuffed one hand and then the other.

Danielle was really pumped up with adrenalin. Sue and the other officers approached and searched the suspect. They found some drugs and another gun strapped to his ankle.

"That was beautiful; a real classic collar." one of the male officers said, thumping Danielle on the back. Suddenly he realized he was thumping a woman as he would another man when he felt her bra strap under her uniform shirt. He reddened slightly, and then just sort of hugged her. Danielle liked the hug better. "You must work out or something, I was surprised how strong you were. Anytime you need a partner let me know." This time Danielle knew he didn't mean for sex either.

When they ran the man's ID through dispatch, they were told he had several outstanding warrants including armed robbery with attempted murder of a liquor store employee. "You ladies have had quite a first day" another officer commented. "Glad to have you on our side."

They cuffed the suspect in the back of their car and took him back to the station for booking. He seemed pretty docile now. Whatever drug he was on was wearing off, but they were happy to turn him over to lockup for booking. They started filling out all the paperwork associated with the bust.

The watch commander came up with a big smile on his face. "Nice work ladies. Just thought you would like to know that the stolen car belongs to a city councilman. He is going to be real happy with us for recovering it so fast in one piece. Really happy you transferred here. Anything you need just let me know. As soon as you get the paperwork done you can go on home. You deserve leaving a few minutes early."

"That was nice of him," Sue said as they walked to the female locker room. "Let's change and get out of here before he changes his mind."

When they entered the locker room there was a woman in her bra and panties changing clothes. Danielle almost turned around to leave, but realized she was one the girls now and belonged there too.

The petite brunette smiled when she looked up and saw them enter. "Sure glad to hear about your collar today. Maybe we women won't have to take as much crap from the men around here anymore. They were all talking about you two. My name is Sally Amaray. Glad I had a chance to meet you right away."

They introduced themselves and Danielle could see Sue checking out the woman's firm full breasts filling our her bra and the nice shape of her body. Sue was really shameless sometimes, and continued to watch Sally as she got dressed.

"Got to run and join my partner." She hugged Sue and Danielle and hurried out. Sue obviously enjoyed the hug and lecherously watched Sally leave. Peggy certainly did have reason to worry about her girlfriend.

Danielle changed back into her pink blouse and tight jeans. She couldn't really shower here, although she certainly could use one. She dabbed on some perfume and hoped it would do until she got home. When they left, several other officers were talking about them and got suddenly quiet when they walked by. Danielle heard one say he was surprised the blond in the pink could be such a tiger during an arrest. Another was happy just to watch Danielle's shapely butt wiggle past in her tight jeans.

"You like to stop by for a drink or something?" Danielle asked as they walked towards the car. "We haven't done anything socially for a while."

"I would really love to, but Peggy has me under tight reins lately. She seems jealous of you. I suggested we get together and she nixed the idea." Sue seemed unhappy at being manipulated by Peggy. "When she goes away on a trip let's get together. OK?"

"Sure, just as friends though. You don't need anymore trouble with Peggy." Danielle was glad she could use Peggy as an excuse to avoid sexual involvement with Sue. She did not want to screw up her chances with Frank when she enjoyed being with him so much more than Sue.

Danielle unlocked her apartment and picked up the mess she had left early in the morning. Her answering machine was blinking. She opened a beer and sipped it while it played back. She was still not used to leaving lipstick marks on cans and glasses. She found it mildly exciting.

"Hi, Frank here! Like to see you this evening. Will pick you at your apartment about 10PM. See you then. Been thinking about you all day. Bye"

Danielle practically melted when she heard his voice. Ten was six hours from now. She turned on the TV only to see that there was nothing on worth watching. It was a little warm in the apartment and she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her pink blouse. The feel the warm dampness under her bra was very erotic when she felt the cooling effect of her unbuttoned blouse. She clicked through the programs several times. There was a knock on the door.

Through the peep hole she could see a delivery man standing in the hallway. "Who is it?" Danielle asked through the door.

"Aloha Floral," the man answered, "Delivery for Danielle Klein"

Danielle opened the door. The man in his early twenties handed her a box with an attached card. He ogled her partially unbuttoned blouse and could plainly see her bulging beige bra as she bent over to sign the delivery receipt. He watched her well formed ass in her tight jeans as she went to get her purse to dig out a dollar tip. He had heard stories about other delivery boys getting sex instead of a tip. This lady was a fox, and he could not conceal his disappointment when she handed him a dollar bill instead of what he really wanted. He walked away daydreaming about her naked body writhing in pleasure underneath his.

Danielle was puzzled about his look of disappointment but figured he expected more that a dollar tip. She opened the box and it was a dozen long stemmed red roses. She opened the card and read it aloud. "Been thinking of you all day. Thanks for the wonderful night last night. Love Frank"

She smiled and hugged the flowers. Her first. It really made her feel feminine. Frank was so thoughtful. She put them in a glass of water to keep them fresh.

She tried watching TV again but couldn't get her mind on anything but Frank. She fidgeted on the sofa, started to get another beer, but decided against it, and ended up freshening her makeup in the bathroom. Without thinking, she found herself, purse in hand, headed out the door. She just didn't feel like sitting home alone.

Danielle drove around and enjoyed feeling the late afternoon air blowing in on her from the open car window. She could feel her blouse ruffling in the wind. She thought about Frank and found herself getting damp panties. She was acutely aware of the pressure of the shoulder belt across her breasts, and the wind in her hair. The afternoons were getting warmer. She felt a little sweaty under her bra, and the wind blowing into her blouse felt good. She unbuttoned her top blouse button when sitting at a red light to get a little more air into her blouse. When she looked up, a man at the next light was watching her and smiled. She ignored him and looked back down the street.

She felt like walking after sitting in a car all day. Without any thought at all she stopped at the park where they had been on the stakeout. She walked completely around the little lake and sat on the bench where she had before during the stakeout. There was no one around as it was dinner time.

Danielle was sitting there, enjoying the lengthening shadows when she saw a young woman walking towards her. At first she thought the woman might be drunk because she seemed to be having trouble walking on her short high heels. When she got closer, Danielle noticed her feet and hands were somewhat large for a woman's. When she could see her face, the makeup was pretty bad and Danielle suddenly realized the woman was actually a young male crossdresser in his early twenties. Poor dear could use some help with her makeup and clothes. The outfit was not very well color coordinated either.

Danielle smiled at her and she smiled back. The young cross dresser started to walk by but then walked back over to the bench and sat down at the far end after Danielle said hello.

"Lovely evening isn't it?" Danielle said, not really looking at the newcomer, who looked very nervous. "My name is Danielle. "You come here often? I haven't seen you around before."

"I'm Judy. I'm sort of new here," she replied, her voice too deep for a woman.

"How long have you been crossdressing?" Danielle asked. Judy turned white and seemed at a loss for words.

"You know and you don't care?" Judy asked, looking at Danielle, her voice now completely male. "Most women are not as understanding as you seem to be."

Danielle laughed loudly and Judy's face clouded over with puzzlement and concern. "Sorry, but I am not really a woman either. I'm a crossdresser too," Danielle admitted to a very startled Judy.

"Are you serious? I never would have guessed. You look and sound so good. How do you do it? You are very attractive." Judy slid nearer, still studying Danielle with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Just had a good teacher. Would be glad to help you if you like. Some things you could do with your makeup and clothes, if you wanted some advise or whatever." Danielle detailed some things that could be done as diplomatically as she could. She suddenly felt like a big sister to Judy.

They talked for a while about clothes and makeup. It was nice to be sharing their secret with each other. Judy had not had anyone to help her and really seemed to enjoy their conversation. Danielle mentioned she had a date later that night, and Judy seemed very impressed that Danielle was actually dating a man.

"Say, lets go to the restroom. I need to pee." Danielle got up and started for the restroom. Judy walked with her and they continued to chat about clothes and dressing.

A dark shape watched them from the shadows. It was nearly dark and the heavy man had noticed the two women talking on the bench. He had walked by behind them and recognized the pretty one from before in the park. The other was new and definitely a man in drag. The queer probably thought the pretty one was a hooker and wanted her to do things for him. He would never have figured that, since the pretty one did not seem to have been soliciting. This was two easy. A hooker and a queer all in one place. The hate and rage burned within him as he followed them towards the restrooms. He made sure he was hidden in the bushes so they could not see him.

When Danielle started into the ladies room, Judy suddenly stopped. "You actually go in the ladies room?" she asked not sure whether to follow or not.

"Sure, couldn't go in the mens room dressed like this, could we?" Danielle asked and continued on in. She entered the stall and hurriedly pulled down her jeans and squatted to pee. Judy followed her in uncertainly. She had never dared to go into the ladies room anywhere before. They were then only ones there. They continued their discussion through the stall door and Judy took her place to pee when Danielle came out.

"Say, do you know how dangerous it is here in this park for a crossdresser?" Danielle asked. "You know about the killings, don't you?"

"I thought they killed the man," Judy said suddenly worried. "I thought it was safe again."

"I'm pretty sure they got the wrong person and the real killer is still loose" Danielle said without further elaboration as she was freshening her makeup. She heard the toilet flush and Judy came out of the stall and washed her hands. When they turned to leave they saw the man standing in the doorway to the restroom, his silhouette backlit by the bright light outside at the entrance.

"Yes, they did get the wrong man," he growled, the light glinting off an automatic pistol he had aimed at them. "You queers are still in a lot of trouble."

It was the heavyset man Danielle had seen in the park. His head was covered with a hood and he now had a ski mask covering his face, but Danielle recognized his clothing as what he always wore. He grabbed Judy by the arm and held the gun to her head.

"Don't even think about trying to run or I'll kill your friend right here." He said to Danielle and pushed Judy roughly back against the wall. "You fags just have to parade around and tease people all the time." he continued, running the gun down her face and down her blouse, motioning for Danielle to come and stand next to Judy.

Poor Judy was very frightened. Danielle hoped that she would not do anything brash that might get her hurt. She came over and stood next to Judy. Danielle's purse and her gun were on a shelf over the sinks. All the way across the restroom. If his attention was diverted long enough she could get to her gun.

"You are a pretty one aren't you?" the man sneered looking at Danielle. "I can't understand why a pretty woman like you would be talking to this one. Sure glad I came today." He reached over and felt Danielle's face and ran his hand down to her boobies feeling them. "You feel real nice." he said while roughly fondling her. He turned his attention to Judy "But I know this one has a cock in those pretty panties. You just run around sucking cocks and taking married men away from their wives and children."

The man did not make much sense to Danielle. It was obvious he was very disturbed. "Just let Judy go and you can do what you want to me," Danielle offered, not expecting him to comply.

"You shut up!" he roared and slapped Danielle across the face. "So you're Judy?" he said turning to Judy who had not said a word. "You like to suck cocks Judy?" he said to Judy who turned whiter than she already was.

"I've never sucked anyone's," Judy stammered. "I just dress up."

"Bull shit! You all suck each other all the time," he leered at Judy. "Now you eat the pretty one here while I watch. It should really disgust a queer like you to eat a real woman" He shoved Judy down on her knees.

"I can't. I've never done it before in my life." Judy started crying, and mascara was running down her cheeks.

"You start eating her or I'll kill you right now." He put the gun to Judy's cheek.

"No, Don't. I'll do it!" Danielle said and got down on her knees smiling weakly at Judy. "It's OK," she whispered to Judy.

"I don't care who does who. I just want someone eating someone so I can see what perverts you really are." The man pulled Judy up on her feet and pulled her skirt up roughly. "Now get it out, or I'll blow your fucking head off. Fucking head, that's a good one at that." He laughed demonically, obviously pleased with himself.

Judy timidly pulled down her panties and let her completely limp, penis out of it's hiding place. "Sorry," she said to Danielle who smiled back weakly.

"That's a sorry excuse for a cock at that," the man declared but seemed very interested in the exposed organ. "Now suck it hard or I'll kill you first," he said, putting the gun to Danielle's head.

Danielle took the cock into her mouth immediately. It tasted clean and slightly of cum as if Judy had been turned on earlier. Probably she was turned on just being dressing up.

Danielle gingerly started sucking the cock. The man leaned down to get a better look, and motioned for her to continue. At first the cock was limp in her mouth but as she sucked and used her tongue it became harder and harder growing rapidly in her mouth. She thought about Frank and imagined she was sucking him. Her sucking immediately got more vigorous and she actually started enjoying it as much as she could for the circumstances.

For being so small initially, Judy was really quite large when erect. Her 7 inches was slipping in and out of Danielle's mouth as she worked on the hard organ. Danielle looked at the man and could see he was hard in his pants from watching them. She hoped he did not want to be sucked. His clothes looked dirty and he was probably dirty underneath them. She shuddered at the very thought of some dirty strangers dick in her mouth.

"Cum in her mouth" the man directed to Judy while holding the gun to Danielles head. "Cum now or I'll kill her"

"I, I don't know if I can" Judy pleaded, looking down at Danielle sucking hungrily. Judy could see down Danielles blouse and watched her heaving bra covered breasts bounce as Danielle vigorously sucked her."

Danielle really started sucking hard and taking all of Judy down her throat, while gently raking the cock with her teeth. Suddenly Danielle felt the warm flood of cum in her mouth and she swallowed it as rapidly as possible to avoid chocking on the spurts of cum in her throat. Judy moaned and her hips convulsed as she came in Danielles mouth.

"Keep sucking, you queer bitch" the man put his gun to Danielles head. He laughed when he saw Judy's orgasm starting. He turned and threatened Danielle again with the command, "Suck him dry."

Danielle looked and saw the man feeling himself. As she finished sucking the last drops of cum from Judy, Judy pulled out of her mouth and looked down at her.

"Sorry" Judy said, looking down into Danielles face which had some cum around her red lips.

"It's OK" Danielle whispered looking up at Judy, then the man, afraid of what might happen next. Danielle was horrified to see the man unzip his pants and produce a short thick cock with pre-cum glistening the tip.

"Now it's your turn queer bitch," the man said putting the pistol to Judy's head, and pushing her down to her knees. You get to suck off a real man now. He thrust his cock in Judy's face while threatening her with the gun. Judy really looked terrified now. She looked up at Danielle as if for help then back at the thick hard cock thrust in her face. "You have ten seconds to start sucking or I put a bullet in your head right now," the man said pressing the gun hard against Judy's head.

Judy, shaking in fright, took the tip of the cock in her mouth. She could tell by the taste and smell that the man was not big on personal cleanliness. He brutally pulled her head towards him filling her mouth with his thick hard dick. Judy gagged somewhat from the strange pressure in her throat. She hoped that he did not have some terrible disease. Judy had dreamed of doing this for a man, but not like this, with this smelly pig. She just went through the motions of sucking him until he threatened her again. Judy looked up at Danielle who was watching the man stroking in her mouth. Judy didn't know what Danielle could do anyway when the man had a gun, but she did not want to die. She felt so used and humiliated. She started crying softly to herself, as she sucked the cock and tears streamed down, running her mascara even more. The man noticed her crying and seemed to enjoy what he was doing even more.

Judy could taste more of the mans pre-cum in her mouth. She suspected he was about to cum in her mouth. He moaned and started to thrust his hips at her, closing his eyes with the pleasure. As soon as he closed his eyes, Judy noticed Danielle slowly moving away towards the mirrors and sinks. She couldn't figure out why she did not just run away out the door while the man had his eyes closed. At least she could save herself, and maybe find a policeman to stop the man before he killed her.

The man opened his eyes and saw Danielle moving away. "What are you doing over there?" he said turning his pistol in her direction.

"Just washing my face off so I can come back and help Judy make you cum," Danielle said, hoping he would let her get to the sinks and her purse.

"What will you do?" he asked somewhat puzzled by her offer. Judy had stopped sucking during the conversation. "Keep sucking you queer bitch" he slapped Judy's face.

"Stand behind you and play with you while Judy sucks." Danielle offered.

The man thought about it for a while and said, "OK if you strip down to your underwear. I want to see how good you really look under those clothes." He was puzzled as to why the pretty one would cooperate so readily. She probably was just some kind of nympho who couldn't get enough. He decided to kill the pretty one first. Then he would have plenty of time to torture the drag queen.

Danielle went to the sink and washed her face. Then stripped quickly to her bra and panties. She had on a nice lacy beige bra and matching panties and black thigh top nylons. The man looked at her and she could feel his eyes probing her body. He was obviously pleased with how she looked and told her to come back and help Judy. He closed his eyes again for an instant, because of his pleasure. As soon as his eyes closed, Danielle slipped the gun out of her purse and put it in the back of her panties.

"Come over here bitch." the man demanded.

Danielle came over and pressed her breasts against the mans back. She reached around in front of him and fondled his balls while Judy sucked him. He groaned with the sudden pleasure of full breasts and warm body pressing against him and felt down Danielle's side and leg, feeling her panty covered hip and nylon clad thighs. He suddenly started jerking his hips and Danielle could tell from the gagging noises Judy was making, he was cuming in Judy's mouth.

In one swift move, Danielle reached for her gun and drove her knee into the mans kidneys. He grunted with the extreme pain and started turning around towards Danielle. Judy, out of fear and surprise at seeing Danielle produce a gun, involuntarily bit the mans cock. He screamed in pain and bent over grabbing his cock. Danielle hit him over the back of the neck with her own gun and knocked him to the floor.

He started to roll over to bring the gun around at Danielle only to have Danielle step on his gun hand with one high heel and stick the barrel of her gun right in his nose. "Freeze or I'll pick your nose the hard way. Police officer, you're under arrest!" Danielle continued. The man started to move, but Danielle pushed her gun harder into his nose and he slowly relaxed.

"Judy bring me my handcuffs out of my purse," Danielle directed, seeing Judy just sitting there on her knees spitting out cum on the floor in front of her. Judy slowly got to her feet and walked past the man glaring at him with hate. She returned with Danielle's handcuffs and watched Danielle expertly roll the man over on his stomach and cuff his hands behind him.

"You're no cop. I know all the cops in town." the man said looking up at Danielle. He was still wearing his ski mask.

Danielle reached over and pulled the ski mask off the mans head. She was really startled to see, Al Simpson, the officer in her old precinct. Now she could see why he had been so hard to catch. He knew everything being done to catch him. Danielle had never liked him. He always seemed like such a pig, but she never expected the killer to be a cop. His head must really be messed up.

"I'm a female officer in the 13th precinct," Danielle said before reading him his Miranda rights. "Judy, go to the nearest phone and call this in. Say you saw a man attacking a woman, who appeared to be a police officer. That should get them here quickly, then come right back here."

"I can't talk to the police like this!" Judy said thinking about the her name and picture in the paper for all to see.

Danielle thought about the situation for a minute and then detailed her plan. "Just go and call anonymously. Say you don't want to be involved, then beat feet out of here. Give me a call sometime and we can get together if you want." Danielle gave Judy her number on a slip of paper, and told her to call her at home.

Judy hurried off without even saying thanks. Danielle turned to Simpson and said, "If you ever say anything about Judy being here to anyone, I'll let it be known to the jail inmates that you like to suck cock and be butt fucked. You'll be in enough trouble being a cop as it is. Think about being some convict's plaything for years and years."

Simpson shuddered at the thought and lay silent. He couldn't believe he was captured by a woman cop. How humiliating for him. She had watched him get sucked by a man in drag too. What would mother say if she knew. He started crying.

It was only a couple of minutes before Danielle heard the sirens approaching. Officer in trouble usually got a good show of force. Sounded like half the cars in town where headed into the park. She saw the flicker of their lights coming in through the door. She heard officers outside the restroom door trying to decide how to enter.

"Come on in, this is Danielle Klein from the 13th precinct. I have the killer on the floor" she yelled to the open door. Danielle had her badge out in view of the door. She didn't want to take her eyes off the killer. Even though he was cuffed, he was still dangerous. She saw a gun and a face peering around the door into the restroom. When they saw the badge they carefully entered the room checking for other people.

They hurried over to her and the killer who was still crying. When they recognized him as Al Simpson, they were puzzled and wary of Danielle. She explained what had happened and they searched him. In his pockets they found a polaroid picture of his last victim, bleeding but still alive. He must have taken it just before killing him. Now they had no doubts about Danielle's story. They roughly picked him up off the floor and almost had to drag him out of the restroom. He was crying and blubbering about his mother.

"Are you the woman we heard about over at the 13th precinct?" one asked Danielle. "You've sure had a busy day. Don't you ever quit?"

"I just stumbled into this thing," Danielle said, suddenly feeling somewhat faint after all the excitement and danger. She realized she had not had much to eat all day. "I need to sit down somewhere" she said, her face somewhat white.

One officer put his arm around her and helped her walk out of the restroom to the nearby bench. Danielle could feel his hand slyly feeling the bra under her arm and he slipped his hand forward to cup the side of her breast as he helped her walk to the bench. She was too faint to care about being fondled. She thought about Frank and hoped she felt up to seeing him later on.

Danielle felt better after sitting down and gave her account of what had happened to the watch commander. She did not know him at all. Fortunately the responding units had been from the precinct adjacent to her old precinct. No one seemed to recognize her. She was told to make out her own report and submit it to her own precinct the next day.

"Can I drive you home?" the watch commander asked, concerned about her feeling up to it. She accepted his offer graciously. "I'm sure glad we got in on the bust even though you are from the 13th. There will be a lot of publicity on this one." As if on cue a news photographer took their picture. "The TV people are slow to arrive tonight," he mused. "Figures that they can only show up late when the real Queen Killer is found. Probably a good thing since he was a cop." The term Queen Killer was starting to grate on Danielle.

The watch commander refused to give the media a statement and drove Danielle home. He told her there was always a place for her in his precinct if she wanted to transfer. She just smiled and didn't say anything. She was very tired and hungry.

Danielle let herself into her apartment and went straight to the refrigerator and got out a cold beer and some chips from the cupboard. She devoured the whole bag of chips and then drank a second beer. The local TV news was promising a big story on the 10 O'clock news. She drifted off to sleep watching a network movie.

Danielle woke to the sound of a tampax commercial. She looked at her watch and realized that it was 10:05PM. She saw her own picture on the television walking with the watch commander in the park. The commentator said little was known about her but she was certainly courageous to have taken on a crazed male officer who outweighed her by at least 80 lbs. The station said earlier in the day she had disarmed and arrested a dangerous robbery suspect after a high speed chase. The station was trying to locate her for an interview.

They were calling her the Lady Supercop. The department public affairs officer said they were proud of her and that she typified the new female officer. The mayor came on and said he was grateful that the parks were finally made safe. He of course took credit for the effectiveness of the department and its policy of hiring more female officers like Danielle Klein.

Danielle groaned, turned off the television, and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. All this attention could bring real trouble. She was really worried about being discovered. It would be a miracle if she and Sue got through this without getting fired.

She heard the doorbell ring and looked out and saw Frank waiting in the hall. Just the sight of him lifted her spirits. She let him in and he took her in his arms without a word and kissed her. She just melted in his arms. His tongue explored her mouth and she hungrily sucked on it and slipped hers into his mouth.

"I heard about you in the park on the radio driving over here," he said. "You could have been killed."

"I was just lucky, and he was stupid," Danielle responded leading Frank over to the sofa. Frank held her close and she put her head on his shoulder. "I'm so glad you came over tonight. I need you tonight."

Frank kissed her gently and held her close to him. His hands started exploring her back and bra straps and then came around and felt her breasts. He pushed her on her back and laid on top of her. She could feel his cock hard in his pants, pressing against her pelvic area. She reached down with her hand and felt it through his pants as he kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue. He even tasted horny to her.

He took off her blouse and jeans. Kissing around her bra and down her tummy and legs. She giggled when his lips brushed past her panties. She could feel her own clit, hard in her panties.

Danielle helped him pull off his shirt. She ran her hands through his ample chest hair. He felt so good to her. She demurely reached down and opened his pants. His cock was bulging against some tight mens bikini briefs. She felt it as she kissed him. He stood up and she pulled down his briefs. His cock fairly sprung out at her. She did not remember it being as large as it was. She pulled him to her and she kneeled down in front of him.

She gently took it in her mouth. The taste of him was so delightful. She gently sucked him, working more and more of him into her mouth. As she sucked him, she cupped his balls in her hand. Soon the entire length of him was in her mouth and she was allowing him to slip down her throat.

He pushed her back on the sofa and turned around, putting his cock back in her mouth and kissing his way down to her panties. He sucked her hard cock clit through her panties then pulled them down. As he stroked his cock in her mouth, he kissed then began sucking her own. Her pre-cum tasted so sweet and nice to him. They rolled on their sides and continued 69'ing each other for a long time. Neither was in any hurry. They would work each other near the peak then slow down until it subsided. Soon they could tell just how far to bring the other, without prompting. It was almost like they had known each other for years.

Danielle felt like she was going to explode. Frank was playing her like a fine instrument, taking her to the crescendo, then slowing down. Keeping her as close to coming as possible without making her cum. But, she wanted him inside her. Without a word she got up and got the KY Jelly out of her purse. He smiled at her and motioned for her to return.

She came back and applied the KY to his large hard organ, which glistened with the lubricant, and throbbed in her soft red nailed hands. She lay on her back and he lay on top. He kissed her and she could feel his cock exploring her, searching for an opening. She moaned when she felt it near her opening. This time she was able to relax for him. He slowly but forcefully pushed inside, pausing momentarily then began to slowly stroke in and out.

The feel of his cock sliding in and out, pumping and churning her insides was wonderful. She writhed in ecstacy, her pelvis thrusting in concert with the probing of his cock. She gave herself body and spirit to him. His body was the center of her universe. His pleasure the only thing that mattered. He seemed to understand and felt as if he was melting into her. Their bodies fusing into one in sweet wave after wave of feeling. Their mouths locked together and tongues intertwined. Danielle moaned and declared her love for him. He increased the force and frequency of his thrusting.

She could tell he was near orgasm. "Fill me up with your cum," she whispered in his ear. "Have me body and soul". He stiffen, moaned, and began thrusting wildly. She felt the sudden wetness and warmth inside her. It triggered her own orgasm, that started with her tight tummy and ended with large spurts of her own cum between their bodies. Frank convulsed with great deep thrusts as he emptied himself into her. When he finished, he pulled out and licked her own cum off from her cock-clit and body. They lay together holding each other, and snuggling. Frank's cock no longer hard, was still large between them. She could feel his load of cum inside her slowly oozing from her bottom. She tried vainly to retain it inside her, wanting that part of him to be absorbed into her body, and become part of her.

"Move in with me," Frank whispered after several minutes of silence. "I want to be with you as much as possible. Then you can be a woman all the time. You won't ever have to dress as a man again."

"Are you sure?" Danielle asked, with waves of happiness washing over her. "I was hoping you would want that too. Yes! Yes! I want that more than anything at the moment." They were again in each other arms. Within an hour they were making gentle passionate love again, Frank's cock hard inside her juicy cum filled bottom.


The police department eventually discovered some discrepancies in Danielles file when an investigative reporter inquired about her background for a newspaper article. But, because of the good publicity concerned with the arrests, they were afraid to release the truth to anyone outside a few high police officials, for fear of jeopardizing the Mayor's election campaign. So they actually fictionalized more of her background to appease the reporter.

Since it would raise more questions than solve, to have the female Danielle Klein just disappear, the Chief decided to let her remain on the force as a female officer. She was later assigned to a special plain clothes unit and was instrumental breaking up a large drug ring.

Danielle at first avoided seeing her family, but accidentally ran into her sister in a department store. The shock of seeing a female twin was replaced by disbelief when Danielles sister found out it was her own biological brother. They had a quiet lunch together while Danielle explained all that had happened. Soon they were chatting together as would sisters. When they said goodbye, Danielle's sister admitted she always wanted a sister instead of a brother but never thought it could happen.

Danielle's sister arranged a meeting with their mother. Danielle's mother was initially shocked to suddenly have two daughters but she said she always knew that Dan was unhappy as a boy child. She hugged Danielle and said that whatever made her happy was the important thing. Danielle told her about moving in with Frank which she accepted immediately. Danielle beamed when her mother asked if Danielle and Frank would like to come over for a family dinner.

Danielle took hormone treatments and soon had her own breasts which she enjoys displaying with lowcut fashions. Frank suggested Danielle have re-assignment surgery. However, Danielle knew Frank liked her male parts so Danielle declined surgery for his sake. Danielle and Frank eventually found a minister that married them as man and wife. They have lived together as man and wife for over ten years with few outside the immediate family knowing the truth.

The Police Chief was discovered by investigative reporters to be gay but the Mayor was afraid to fire him for fear of loosing his newfound strong support on the election from the Gay and Lesbian Political Alliance. The Chief frequently asks Danielle's puzzled supervisors how she is doing. Not surprisingly, she has recently been promoted to Sergeant.

If an attractive police sergeant should stop you for a traffic violation, treat her with respect. She may have got her job the hard way. And, who knows what she may have hidden in her panties.

The End

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