That Boy is Full of Surprises

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Apr 28, 2012



This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

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That Boy is Full of Surprises

"Come on, please," Tommy pleaded.

"I just don't feel comfortable doing it," I replied.

"I'm begging you Riley, I think I really like her," said Tommy.

"I know Tommy, but, well, I think she likes me, it would be weird fixing you up with her," I replied.

"Yeah but you don't even like..." Tommy began but stopped short.

"Don't like what?" I inquired.

"Nothing, forget I said anything, I've gotta go," grumped Tommy, as he picked up his tray and left the lunch table.

I woke up from my dream in a cold sweat. It's been over a week since I had that conversation with Tommy and I've dreamt about it every night since. Something about the way he said "you don't even like..." what did he mean by that? What was it he was so sure I didn't like? Did he mean Kim Perkins? Did he mean girls in general? The answers to these questions not only scared me, they excited me.

I've known Tommy Baxter for most of the school year, he's in my biology class and I've secretly watched him since August. At 5'7" he's a little taller than me; he has dirty blond hair and big blue eyes. He's a soccer player and that's given him a nicely toned body. The piece de resistance is his braces, I don't know what it is but his metal mouth is just adorable. If you ask me he's probably the cutest guy in the 10th grade.

About two months ago, our teacher assigned us to work on a project together and we really hit it off. I spent the night at Tommy's house, that first weekend of our new found friendship, and it was like every gay boys dream come true. We shared his bed, he slept in his undies, and to top it off he had a wet dream. I hadn't nodded off yet and I paid close attention when he started to murmur in his sleep. When he woke with a start, went to the bathroom and returned in fresh underwear, I knew what had happened. I couldn't believe he'd cum in his pants while sleeping next to me; and this development filled me with all kinds of interesting thoughts.

After that weekend we started spending almost all of our free time together. I went to his soccer games, he spent most weekends at my house or I spent them at his, our parents even started to hit it off. One thing became instantly clear, Tommy was as comfortable around me as any of the guys on his soccer team. He changed in front of me, slept in his tighty whities, he didn't seem to care what I saw, and the reason for that was he was unquestioningly straight. While I'd held out the hope that he might fall for me, after the incident in his bed, I quickly realized that wasn't going to happen. He talked about girls all the time, I checked out his browsing history on the internet, tons of porn but all straight.

I was sad that I'd never have the object of my affection but I resolved to be the best friend he'd ever had. I'd been lonely for a long time; you see in middle school, I got the wrong idea about my friend Zane. Zane was incredibly cute and at the end of our 8th grade year, I came out to him and confessed my undying love for him, only to have it blow up in my face. Zane never liked me like that, I let lust confuse me and it almost ruined me. Zane was cruel; he told everyone what I'd done and let's just say; being a gay boy in middle school, in central Texas isn't an easy life. Fortunately I ended up going to a different high school and rarely saw Zane or any of my so called friends. As strongly as I felt about Tommy, I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. I liked everything about him and wasn't going to throw away a great friendship just because he was straight.

But then he said "you don't even like..." the vagueness of that comment and the fact that we were talking about a girl, made me wonder if it was time to come clean with him, to tell him who I really was on the inside. I had so many conflicting emotions that I couldn't make this choice alone, I decided to talk to the one person I could trust to give me advice. I met Aiden several months ago, he's the author of some of my favorite stories on Nifty and one day I got up the nerve to write him. To my surprise he wrote me back and I learned he was only a few years older than me. I decided to write him because his stories weren't the typical Nifty faire; you know the kind of crap I mean, stories that begin: "So one time I met this guy and we did it," or "So even though he was only 12 he had a foot long cock." Instead of worthless bullshit like that, Aiden's stories spoke to me, they read like things that could be happening in my life and it was clear he loved his characters and put a great deal of thought into them.

Our friendship blossomed from my admiration of his writing and I've come to count on him for his advice on navigating the rough waters of being a gay teenager. We talk almost every day and I was glad to see his screen name pop up when I logged on to my instant messenger.

SPQR19: Hey Pup!

HolyMolyTX: Hi Aiden, I'm glad you're on.

SPQR19: Well, it is that time of day. What's up?

HolyMolyTX: Tommy.

SPQR19: Yeah? Did he say something?

HolyMolyTX: No, I just keep going over what he said a few weeks ago, you know...

SPQR19: I know, I know, but I think you're reading too much into it, he was probably just talking about how you don't even like Kim.

HolyMolyTX: I guess so but if that's all he meant then why didn't he tell me when I asked what he meant?

SPQR19: If he likes her that much he might have just been mad that you wouldn't fix him up. Maybe his feelings were hurt and he just didn't want to talk about it?

HolyMolyTX: That's what I thought but I can't get over the look on his face, I know he wanted to say more.

SPQR19: How has he acted towards you since then?

HolyMolyTX: Like normal, he hasn't changed at all.

SPQR19: Well, if he did mean that he knows you don't like girls, it would seem as if he's ok with it.

HolyMolyTX: See, that's what I think. I really want to tell him.

SPQR19: What if you're wrong, remember what happened with Zane, you don't want to go through that again.

HolyMolyTX: You're right, I don't. But I really don't think Tommy would do that, after all I'd just be telling him I was gay, not that I'm in love with him.

SPQR19: Yeah, but you are in love with him.

HolyMolyTX: I know, but I'm not going to tell him that part, I know he's straight.

SPQR19: Then what's the point?

HolyMolyTX: I'm just tired of being alone, I need someone to know and not care.

SPQR19: I understand, I just worry about you Pup.

HolyMolyTX: I know, and I appreciate that, it's why I'm talking to you about it.

SPQR19: Look, just promise me you'll be careful.

HolyMolyTX: Of course I will, I don't want to get my ass kicked or anything.

SPQR19: Good, I really don't want to have to fly down to Texas just to beat some punk's ass.

HolyMolyTX: Hahahahaha. Thanks.

SPQR19: Don't mention it. So what are you going to do now?

HolyMolyTX: I'm spending the weekend at his house his family is having a St. Patrick's Day Party, if the opportunity presents itself, I think I'm going to tell him.

Aiden wished me luck and then I logged off. I went to bed that night and actually slept peacefully for the first time in a week. I still had to get through tomorrow but I at least had a rudimentary plan and that made me feel better. I knew, deep in my heart, that Tommy wouldn't hurt me. Looking back at things, Zane was an asshole, he was cute and I wanted him so I overlooked his bad qualities. Tommy wasn't like that, he was nice, kind, everybody's friend, no, Tommy wouldn't react like Zane.

The next day, I rode the bus with Tommy, to his house and we played video games while we waited for his parent's party to start. I was feeling good, we were having fun, goofing around like normal but the party started and that complicated things. Being a family event, there was mixed company, kids and adults, and as a result there were two punch bowls, one with alcohol and one without. Tommy wasn't trying to get drunk, but he ended up totally smashed when he started drinking from the wrong bowl. When Tommy started to get sloppy, I helped him up to his room so he wouldn't get busted by his parents.

Tommy really can't handle his liquor and was wobbling on his feet while he tried to undress for bed. I didn't want him to get hurt so I put my arms around him to steady him. Once I was sure he wasn't going to fall over, I helped him take off his shirt. Next I unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans. I got on my knees to help him pull them down and when I tugged on them, his tighty whities ended up coming down with them. It was only for a moment but I got my first look at his cute circumcised dick. I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't take advantage of him. I'm a little bit of a perv, I mean I'm 14 for Christ sake, but I'm not going to molest my best friend when he needs me. Instead, I pulled up Tommy's underpants and guided him over to his bed, then stripped down to my underpants and climbed in next to him.

The next morning I woke up with Tommy's arm draped over my chest. He was still asleep, I could hear his slow, rhythmic breathing, and I reached out and stroked his arm. A few minutes later, Tommy woke with a snort and looked over at his arm.

"Oh, sorry," Tommy grumbled, then pulled his arm away and went to the restroom to take care of his morning needs.

I watched his cute butt, which looked ever so perfect in his white Hanes briefs, then got up and got dressed. When Tommy emerged from the bathroom, he quickly dressed and we went downstairs for breakfast, after which, we returned to his room and started playing video games.

"Thanks," said Tommy.

"For what?" I asked.

"You know, last night," said Tommy.

"Oh, that. Don't worry about it, I didn't want you to get in trouble," I explained.

"I know, that's why you're my best friend, you care about stuff and I appreciate it," Tommy admitted.

"Listen Tommy, there's something I want to tell you," I began.

"That you're gay?" said Tommy, casually.

"That I'm... wait a minute, did you just say..." I stuttered.

"Don't worry about it Riley, I've known for a while," said Tommy.

"So that is what you meant," I stated.

"What I meant?" said Tommy, quizzically.

"When I wouldn't set you up with Kim, you were going to say `but you don't even like girls,' but stopped, right?" I asked.

"Oh, that, yes. I didn't want to hurt your feelings," Tommy admitted.

"Thanks," I replied, then went quiet.

We played our game for a few more minutes before I got up the nerve to ask my next question.

"So you're ok with it?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

"It doesn't matter to me, you're still just Riley to me, I don't care who you like," Tommy smiled.

"Ok, I just don't want it to be weird between us, I mean, you're my best friend too," I admitted.

"You don't have to worry, I'm cool with it. I'm just curious though; do you think I'm cute?" Tommy asked, with a mischievous grin.

"Cute? No, a total hottie? YES," I blushed.

Tommy laughed and we continued our game. Now that the cat was out of the bag, we talked casually. Until Tommy posed yet another interesting question.

"Have you ever done anything with a guy?" asked Tommy.

"I wish, but no," I admitted.

"Really?" Tommy exclaimed, "Even I've jerked off with a buddy before."

"You have?" I asked, somewhat stunned.

"Sure, it wasn't anything, we were just horny," Tommy explained.

"Well, I've never had the opportunity," I explained.

"Have you ever even kissed anyone, even a girl?" asked Tommy.

"Nope," I replied.

"I haven't either," said Tommy.

"What, you, Mr. Studly Soccer Jock has never kissed a girl?" I teased.

"Shut up," Tommy laughed, giving me a playful punch to the arm.

"We could practice," said Tommy, after his fit of giggles subsided.

"Practice?" I asked, unsure what he meant.

"You know, kissing," said Tommy.

"You want to kiss me?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"It's just for practice, just to see what its like," said Tommy, innocently.

"Yeah but I'm a boy," I said, stating the obvious.

"So, lips are just lips," said Tommy.

I thought about it for a moment before responding.

"Ok, I mean, if you want," I practically whispered.

Tommy looked at me for a brief moment, studying my face, then he leaned forward and pecked me on the lips.

"Your turn," said Tommy.

I gave him the same tentative look, then pressed me lips against his for a quick peck.

Our eyes locked and we stared at each other, then Tommy smiled and put his lips against mine. This time he held the kiss and I pushed back against him. His lips were like heaven, they were soft and tasted sweet and then, they parted and I felt his tongue against my lips. I opened my mouth ever so slightly and I felt his tongue dart inside. We made out for several minutes, his tongue explored my mouth and to my surprise, he let me explore his. I was taken by surprise because it was one thing for him to kiss the gay boy and quite another for him to let the gay boy kiss him, at least that's what I thought. I loved running my tongue along his braces and when we were finished, he smiled and simply went back to playing our game.

We didn't talk about our make out session the rest of the day, Tommy was so casual about it, it was like nothing had happened. I didn't know what to think. He said he was straight, his browsing history backed that up, but why was he kissing me? Did straight guys really do that? Was a pair of lips really just a pair of lips? I kept these thoughts in the back of my mind, I didn't want to be the one to act weird and cause Tommy to think I didn't like it. Hell, I was hoping he'd want to do it again.

I got my wish that night. When it was time for bed, we stripped down to our underwear and climbed. I lie there, waiting for Tommy to join me, when he pulled back the covers he grinned at me.

"You want to kiss some more, huh?" said Tommy.

"Only if you want to," I replied.

Tommy flashed another confident grin then climbed on top of me. That was a first, I didn't expect that. Tommy lay between my legs, I could feel his package pressing against mine, separated by nothing but the soft cotton of our briefs. Tommy nudged my nose with his, tilting my head back, then he kissed me. We kissed passionately and the more we kissed the harder we both became. I could feel his shaft pressing into my and to my surprise he started to slowly hump against me. I humped back against him and as we reached a fever pitch, a soft moan escaped my mouth. Tommy broke our kiss and looked down at me.

"I'm sorry I ..." I began.

"Listen, I'm not gay," said Tommy.

"I know," I replied.

"I'm not gay, but, well, I like you," said Tommy.

"Of course you do, we're friends after all," I stated.

"No, I mean, I like you like you. You know, like how a boy likes a girl," Tommy blushed.

"Wow, really?" I asked.

"I know it's weird, but I like you, I can't help it, it feels right," said Tommy.

"You don't have to label it," I advised him.

"You don't care that I'm not gay?" asked Tommy.

"It's just a word, you like me, I like you, why do we have to give that a name?" I replied.

"So this is ok then" Tommy smirked, as he started to rock his hips back and forth against mine.

"It's ok, as long as this is ok," I replied, resting my hands on his ass.

Tommy smiled and pressed his lips back against mine. I spread my legs wide and sucked his tongue while he continued to hump me. I rubbed his firm, athletic butt and moaned into his mouth. His humping became more intense and soon he was letting out a series of soft moans and whimpers.

"Riley, I'm close," panted Tommy.

"Don't stop," I moaned.

Our crotches were slapping against each other, our underpants slick with precum. He broke our kiss and humped harder and faster, focusing all of his attention on the duel taking place between our legs. When Tommy arched his back and slammed his body against mine, I exploded in my pants. Tommy held his position as long as he could, then slumped against me. When he rolled off, our underwear were soaked in boy juice.

"I think I could get used to this," panted Tommy.

"No kidding, that was amazing," I replied.

"Time for bed?" asked Tommy.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted," I stated.

Tommy reached over and turned off the light, I expected him to roll over and go to sleep but he surprised me once again by spooning behind me. It was a strange contrast, his warm arms wrapped around me and his damp crotch pressed against me.

I slept more contentedly that night then I ever have before. When I woke up the next morning and felt Tommy's arm draped over my chest, I stoked it, only this time there was no worry about being caught. I couldn't help but think that we were miles from where we'd started out yesterday but I liked the direction we were heading and as for Tommy, what can I say, that boy is full of surprises.

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