That Secret Smile

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 26, 2003




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I had pulled off the dumb sky-blue tuxedo jacket by the time my sister Maureen came out of the doctor's office. Kenneth was in his black tuxedo, sitting with his hands wrung together, and he jumped up when Maureen exited in the wheelchair while Mom carried the crutches for her, Maureen's white bridal gown slit open to let her cast-covered leg move freely. He saw her and ran his fingers through his up-to-now-still-perfectly-groomed, jet-black hair, and his blue eyes showed distress, the small mouth on that long, curving cheek open slightly, the lightly tanned face, and he looked right then like the best-looking man in the entire fucking world. "Darling, are you all right?" he asked.

"I'll be fine." Maureen said with her secret smile. I always called it "cat that ate the canary" from a cartoon where Sylvester had just (temporarily) eaten Tweety. He had that same smile on his face for a moment there. That was Maureen's face. "But I'm afraid that the honeymoon will have to be postponed."

"That's true." Doctor Corazon agreed a little too eagerly. "She'll have to keep off that leg entirely and cannot withstand any pressure on this limb until it heals." I knew from that moment that he was a bought man; I had wondered why she had refused the regular emergency room doctors and waited until he had arrived for even as much as an X-ray.

"How long will that be?" Kenneth asked. He had a right to be concerned, he had just married my sister earlier that same day. Walking down the steps of the chapel, everyone throwing rice, I had had a front-row seat to see that secret smile on Maureen's face just before she "caught her high heel" and went tumbling down the steps, and sat there, clutching her leg. "Oh, it's broken!" she had groaned. "Get an ambulance, quick!"

It had all been pre-planned, I knew it right then. My sister had long had a very-justified reputation for being a flirt and a tease, but really, I had thought she had outgrown it. Very pretty from a young age, she had learned how to twitch her buttocks and roll her eyes in a way that turned most men into jelly. She had enjoyed that power she had held over the men in her life. Again, I thought that she had outgrown it, been determined to settle down. Seeing her with Kenneth in that snapshot she had sent, I had thought at first, "What an absolutely beautiful couple!" and then second, "There's that smile on Maureen's face!" When I'd read the letter, about how much money Kenneth had and how the picture had been taken on the Isle of Capri where he had flown her on his own private jet and so on, I knew that she had decided to cash in on her looks.

But this latest bit of secret smile had me baffled. Surely Maureen, now that she had her catch of one of the world's most eligible men, would surely stop the game of cock-tease, wouldn't she? Talking to Kenneth the day of the wedding, I had learned that she had chosen to "save herself for marriage" and now.... Would Maureen be a virgin until the day she died?

"I'll go get the car, dear." Kenneth said after an awkward, appalled silence. "I'll take you back to our house, and you and I will stay there while you get better."

"You'll hire a nurse for me?" she asked quickly. "And I'll want my mother to stay with us, too."

"Of course. And the very best of nurses." Kenneth agreed and kissed her tenderly. Damn her, anyway, she offered a cheek for that kiss at the last second and looked right at me and grinned. When Kenneth left, I said, "Let me help you to the front door, Sis." I said and took the wheelchair from the orderly. I let Mom get ahead and I leaned down and said softly, "Aren't you even going to give the guy one night with you before you cut him off entirely?"

She knew I had her figured out, she didn't even try to dissemble. "Why should I? Nasty, smelly thing to be doing, don't you think?"

"No." I said.

"The way you played with yourself all day long as a kid, I didn't think you would. But I have his name now and he can have his floozies on the side. By the time this leg gets better, he'll have given up on sex with me. Because I'll be tired and worn out and insist on flying to Jamaica alone to rest and recuperate, and by the time I return from there, he'll be used to the idea of being married without any sex. We'll have a few talks between now and then, just to make it clear to him. I already had us set up for separate beds. Mom will sleep in the other bed so she can keep me company, and he can crash in the guest room. He might as well, because Mom is never going to give up that other bed. She feels the way I do about sex, except she was too dumb to figure out how to avoid it like I did. Oh, and before I forget, you need to follow us home and come in with us."

She told me everything on that short trip, it was like she had to brag about this to someone and I was the only one she could do it with. "Kenneth's family is too old-fashioned to let him divorce me, especially with him wanting to go into politics. Don't think he married me just for my looks, the connections our family has are the main thing he was after, too. And I'll be an excellent political wife, you can bet, with no scandals or secret drinking. He'll climb right to the top with me as long as he can keep his tramps well-hidden. But if he tries to dump me, I'll create a stink that he'll never get rid of, up to and including a rape accusation if he forces me."

She had it all planned out. Kenneth was planning a run for the State Assembly the following year, and it was his first step on a road that would lead to Washington. Yes, he couldn't afford to divorce her. And my father was working on his campaign with him...

Shit! Poor Kenneth! He seemed like a decent guy, too. And good-looking.

VERY good-looking.

I followed their car back to his house, hoping mostly to find some way to stop this plot before it got started. Like many people with as much money as Kenneth had, the house was NOT some huge mansion. He had several small houses in various locations, as opposed to one monstrous house. So the house was small but in a nice part of Beverly Hills, a two-bedroom place. By the time we got there, it was well past eleven o'clock. We got Maureen put into one of the twin beds and Mom, who had apparently been told what to do, dropped the bomb of her taking the other bed. "But we have a guest room, Mother Hardin." Kenneth said.

"Oh, but I want Mom with me!" Maureen wailed immediately. "It hurts!"

"But, darling..." Kenneth started and Mom cut in.

"Besides, Harold is staying with us tonight." she said. Whoops! That was why Maureen had wanted me to come with them!

"Uh, that's okay. I can drive back to our place." I said.

She gave me a frown and shake of her head. "But we live clear out in Manhattan Beach." she protested. "I don't want you traveling so far this late at night. I'll just stay here with Maureen and you and Kenneth can share that big bed in the guest room, and we'll all be quite cozy." And once Mom was moved into that bed, she would never be moved out. I was a pawn in this, as well.

"Uh." I turned to Kenneth, looking for an argument.

"Of course you can stay." Kenneth said. "Maureen needs her mother nearby until we can hire the nurse."

"I can take better care of her than any nurse." Mom said definitely. I mean, as in she wasn't going to budge, definitely. "I'll just stay here in her room until she's better. You don't mind the guest room, do you, Ken darling?"

"No, of course not." Kenneth said. I turned and got out of there. Poor "Ken darling" was dead meat and I couldn't bear to watch the rest of his emasculation.

I went into the guest room and sat on the bed. It was so damned unfair, what Mom and Maureen were doing to this guy. When Ken came in about ten minutes later, I looked up at him.

"Well, Harold, I hope you don't snore." he said, smiling.

He looked so damned good, in that black tuxedo, that kindly face.

"After everything else they've done to you tonight, my snoring is the least of your problems." I blurted out.

"What do you mean?" he asked me.

"Sit down, Kenneth, while I explain just how badly you've been screwed tonight. Or not screwed, as the case may be." And I told him the entire tale of Maureen and her plans.

He was frowning. "Oh, I think she loves you well enough." I concluded. "At least your position in the community and all, she loves that. She'll be a real killer assistant for you in your political race, and loyal to the core. She just doesn't plan to sleep with you, ever."

"She wanted to save herself for marriage." Kenneth protested. "I understood that."

"I don't know what else I can say, then." I said. "You'll have to figure it out for yourself. Just understand this. Her leg isn't broken. She plans to use that as an excuse for a while, then she wants to go to Jamaica to recuperate. I figure she'll stay there at least six months on you. By the time she returns, she'll have dropped the rest of it on you, that your marriage is a farce and always will be. But your political race will be running full steam by then, and you won't dare start a divorce." I shook my head. "I would have warned you, but I really thought she had changed her spots. Right up until the moment she took that phony fall. I was looking right at her, I know she staged it. And I'll bet you an X-ray would show that cast was wrapped around a perfectly good leg."

He believed me, then. "She mentioned Jamaica tonight." he admitted. "Her mother was saying she would want to recover in some warm climate, and she said Jamaica."

"Our whole family has tricked you." I said. "I just...I just wish there was some way I could make it up to you myself, for what they're doing to you. Tricking you out of your wedding night. She could have at least given you that much. A man looks forward to his wedding night."

"Especially when she saves herself for marriage." he agreed. "He really looks forward to it then. I haven't...I haven't been touching myself, wanting to save a little for myself for this night."

"You poor guy." I said, understanding. "You must be ready to explode right now."

"Yeah." he said, looking at me. Looking.

"I wish I could make it up to you." I said again, losing myself in those blue eyes. Those big, clear, sky-blue eyes.

"Maureen told me about you." he said. "All about you."

"Oh." I said.

Nothing else needed to be said. He was taking me in his arms and I was giving myself to him as he did it. That sweetly-handsome face of his was reaching for mine and I nearly dribbled saliva on myself when those soft lips of his touched mine! I reached out and took him by his waist, my arms beneath his. He was doing this! He was real!

His tongue slid into my mouth like the ambrosia of the gods, a sweet tasting, sharp-tipped, dancing, pink caller upon my hospitality and I greeted it eagerly, sucking the honey-flavored nectar off of it, and then dared to offer him my own. Timidly, I extruded my tongue and when he felt it touching his teeth, he gave a warm chuckle and then sucked it inside abruptly.

Trapped by his lock on my tongue, I was at his mercy, and I could ask for no better fate. I let him lie me back on the bed, and his hands fumbled at my buttons, camouflaged under an elaborate front of sewn cloth. I dared to reach into that tuxedo, the beautifully shiny black jacket and hit the cummerbund. It was wonderfully awkward, the two of us dealing with these unfamiliar clothes which we did not understand ourselves. But in time, both of our shirts had been opened wide and now his fingers were raking through my chest hairs, and I was touching that wonderfully haired chest of his. His hair was both denser and darker than mine, whereas he only raked his fingers through the scattered hairs of my chest, I had handfuls of the softly tickling stuff in my own fingers and I groaned when he pressed his body to mine and I felt our hairs meet and caress each other.

Now for those pants, which at least were not so confusing. I undid his fly then managed to get both my hands beneath the cloth at his back, and then fished then under those briefs he wore beneath, and had my hands on twin hairy buttocks, clasping them tightly while he unfastened my own fly and fished out my cock, stroked it with one hand. I groaned and he tugged at the waistband of his briefs and then our cocks were pressed together and held in his one hand and he resumed this stroking now on both of us, and I was groaning.

He really had been holding off, because his cock was pouring slimy precome onto my own, until the entire handful was a sticky, slurping-noisy mess. I looked at Kenneth, supporting himself on one outstretched arm while he manipulated us with the other and then I grinned into his own smiling face and I thrust us both over to be on top of him.

"Time now for me to start making things up to you." I assured him and I slithered down his body to find his cock (it jabbed me in my chin) and then I was upon it and I slurped him down.

"Agh!" he gasped out as I gripped his cock in my throat, holding the entire length down inside of me and not letting go, not wanting to let go. He squirmed and thrashed, and that half-opened tuxedo was a shining testimony to his movements. He looked up at me with raised head and glazed eyes and dazed expression and I grinned around his cock and then I released him briefly, only to plunge down again, and again he groaned with sheer rapture, and broke into pants.

"Man, you are hot!" I said to him as I released him again.

"God, it's been so long." he begged me. "Not since I started dating Maureen. I never did it with anyone else and never touched myself from the day I asked her to marry me. Some days I thought I would explode."

"Well, now you can blast away to your heart's content." I assured him and went down for another deep throat possession.

He took me at my word, when I got that full length down, he groaned, grunted and I was suddenly flooded with his backlog of semen, I was gulping hard as I could and he was pumping a huge load, it took several swallows before I could get all of it down and he was lying there, panting and gasping for breath and I sucked him absolutely dry before I let go this time. When I released him, it was no rigid pole of towering manhood, it was a limp flap of soggy tissue!

"There now, do you feel better?" I asked him as I scooted up to him. I had my own hard-on in my hands, but it wasn't that important right now, if you see what I mean.

"Some." he conceded.

"What else is going to make you feel better?" I asked in some confusion.

He grinned at me, a wide, toothy grin, and then he was doing the scooting and I found my pud in his mouth and his suction at work on me before I had sorted out the impressions.

He bobbed and sucked the entire length like a pro. I was gasping and grunting.

"Damn, man, you've done this before!" I gasped out. "Lots before, oh, man!"

He let go of me to answer and I groaned in protest as those sweet lips turned loose of me.

"Sixteen, our family chauffeur Rico, my bedroom in our Barbados home." he said and got back to work.

"That was your first time?" I gasped. Ten years ago. "Who was your last?"

He let go again. "Oh, I still got Rico in Barbados when I can get there. But I haven't visited him since I started dating Maureen."

And he was bobbing again. "You haven't lost your touch." I assured him and reached down to run my fingers into that oh-so-perfect hair of this oh-so-perfect man who was sucking my cock oh-so-perfectly.

"Here's a little trick that Rico taught me." he said and went back onto my cock.

I groaned. He was humming somehow, in a way that vibrated my entire cock as he thrust his head up and down. It was like one of those vibrating beds you see in cheap hotels, the same sort of sustained jiggling motion, only this was fully under his control. He even managed to direct the humming in some way that focused it on my prick, first on the head, then on the skin below the flange, and then along the shaft on one side. It was like having a million tiny dancers on my cock, and he somehow kept it going on and on and on...

I didn't last long either, not with this incredible hum-job he was giving me. I grunted, groaned, then louder to warn him, but he held fast and I gave up, blasted into his throat and felt his throat muscles move as he sucked my cock with the same fervor I had given him.

Done, me still panting from the exertion, he scooted up and we lay in each other's arms. His face looked relaxed in a way I hadn't seen on him before. "You must have really been worked up." I said. "All that time without any sex."

"I was saving myself for my wedding night." he pointed out.

"Well, it's your wedding night." I said. "I may not be the one you intended to do it with, but I'm certainly here and willing, I'm just glad I could, uh, pinch-hit for her tonight. God, I've wanted you since I saw the first picture of you with Maureen!"

"Pinch-hit!" he grinned. "I like that. Well, you've got me." he said. "With me starting my political campaign, I'm not going to dare step out. So what say I hire you to work on my campaign with me? It'll require a lot of very close contact."

"I could use the work." I said. "And the fringe benefits sound terrific all right."

"There's one more fringe benefit." he said and explained. I laughed and agreed that it was perfect.

The next morning, very early, Kenneth and I showed up at Maureen's bedroom with suitcases in hand.

"Good morning, dear." Kenneth said casually.

"Going somewhere?" Maureen eyed our suitcases.

"Well, since you're going to be laid up with that leg here, it seemed a shame to waste the vacation trip to Trinidad we booked." Kenneth said. "So Harold is going with me. You and your mother will be very comfortable here, and I'd just get in the way. Harold and I will make out just fine."

"We'll be at the home in Barbados when you're ready to join us." I added. "He's got a chauffeur there I've just got to meet."

And as we turned to go, with Maureen looking at us, stunned, I did something I had wanted to do all my life, had practiced in the mirror until I could imitate it perfectly.

I gave her the "cat-that-ate-the-canary" secret smile that was her trademark, as I put my arm around her husband's shoulders, and we left the room.

Let her chew on THAT while she's "recuperating in Jamaica!"


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