That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Jul 26, 2021


"That Was Unexpected 02"

Copyright 2021

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. This edition features considerable more sexual scenes than in chapter one. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. It reads better that way; and this isn't an English Lit assignment. Although that would be an interesting idea... I do claim responsibility for all typos!

Thank you for reading....

From part 01.....

Mark raised his finger up to my lips and laughed.

"Shhhh!" he said softly, "I could never hurt you!"

He smiled.

"I'd rather do this," he said, "Something I've wanted to do since the day I first met you...!"

Slowly and very passionately, he kissed me on my lips!!

Part 02

I stopped breathing the minute Mark's thick, luscious lips met mine. For over a year this moment had been something that I dreamed of, and jacked off to, over and over and over. Now it was really happening!

A small squeak escaped my lips as he pressed into me. My cock was less than a millisecond from exploding in my jeans.

Nothing could have adequately prepared me for this. Mark's scent; the heat of his tall, lean body; the sound of his breathing; all overwhelmed me.

Pulling back, I broke our kiss. He looked at me curiously. Those damned eyes of his were like lasers; focused completely on me!

"You like guys!" I squeaked.

It had to be the stupidest thing I ever said in my life. And that's saying a lot.

There came that smile AGAIN. Those teeth. I'll never stop thinking about them. A crooked little goofy grin swept over his cute face.

He shook his head "No."

Confusion must have shown on my face.

"But...!" I started to say.

He gave out a soft giggle. He giggled! Hearing such a reaction from him..... aroused me even more!

"Only one," he said softly.

For a moment the words didn't register on me.

"Only one!' Only one!' `Only one!'" kept repeating in my brain, "He means YOU!!!"

Stupid! Slower than a tortoise! How had I managed to live so long while being so naive?

"Let's try this again. Just relax and don't talk so much!" Mark said with another cute giggle.

I watched as his face moved closer to mine. Our lips met again. Fireworks went off in my head. I felt warmth and softness and a subtle power that was beyond anything imaginable.

There was more.

My body arched forward and then I felt it. Something pressing against my lips. It was Mark! His tongue was......

Instinct took over. It hides somewhere in every boy's mind. My lips parted. Instantly Mark was inside me! Well, his tongue was.... invading my mouth. Searching for something that he obviously wanted. Needed.

He quickly found it. My tongue met his. They entwined. We both moaned and groaned.

Falling back on the bed together, we embraced and rolled over and over on the soft mattress.

Mark turned me over on my back. Breaking free from what had to be the longest kiss imaginable, he straddled my body and stared down at me.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this!" he panted.

My eyes teared up. I had been so fucking stupid!

I sniffled.

"Don't cry," he said, "It was all my fault. I should have known. I DID know. But I was too scared to act!"

Hearing him confess like that when I didn't think he did anything wrong only turned me on even more!

He was surprised when I pulled him back down on top of me. Face to face. Still clothed, we squirmed, wiggled and thrust our young bodies against each other. I pressed my cock into him. I wanted him to know I was ready. For whatever came next.

There was a response! Equally passionate and fierce! I felt his hardness pressing into my slender body.

I gasped.

Mark had something between his legs that was..... very big! My eyes must have signaled what I felt.

He just smiled and again thrust his body into mine. Hard.... Harder......

"Oh yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" he groaned.

I saw a twinkle in his eyes.

My cock was about to betray me! It...had become so unruly since I first met him.

Those little books that my parents had not-so-discreetly left in my bedroom as I marched into puberty didn't cover any of this. Only in passing had they discussed masturbation, a "skill" I had already competently mastered.

Curiosity had eventually led me to the public library, where I learned a little bit more. Most guys apparently needed to "recharge their batteries" after having an orgasm. Not me.... I was one of the lucky ones - although up until now it had been more of a curse than a blessing - who seemed to be able to keep on going. For a long time. Over and over.

That kind of dovetailed with the "problem" I had noticed on those road trips: spontaneously shooting my load without really having to do much at all to make it happen.

The sex books, and the library resources that I read, all talked about the "disadvantages" of being... "quick on the draw." Yet those same resources all assumed and centered on some straight boy banging his girl friend. And having only one shot to do it before time out.

My "problem" might turn out to be a big asset after all....

"No....No....No!!!!" I heard Mark gasp.

My mind snapped back to reality.

"Clothes!' he croaked, "They have to come off!"

Again my mind reeled.

We both sat up and looked each other over. My boner was painfully evident as was a huge wet spot. I hadn't cum yet.... what was showing was only the "precursor" to a larger main event.

My eyes focused on Mark's bulge

"No! That can't be real!" my mind told me, yet a huge damp spot disagreed with what I was trying to comprehend.

"Okay...!" I said, "Let's take them off...!"

Where and when had I developed such courage?

Mark shot me the biggest grin ever!

Instinctively I started to pull off my shirt.

"NO!" he squeaked, "Let's undress each other!"

I smiled in complete agreement.

"Please start with me!" he pleaded.

Cute green eyes. Puppy dog eyes.... begged me.

I weakened. Hell, no "weakening" was required!

We were both kneeling on the bed. Facing each other.... My hands shook as I reached out to lift up his cropped T shirt. The material was flimsy and well worn.

"Shouldn't you start with my hat?" he asked.

Somehow it had remained on his head during all our in-bed tumbling.

A novel idea flashed in my head.

"No," I said.

He shrugged and smiled.

Slowly I raised his shirt upwards. Past his nipples. They both protruded like small, erect pegs. I made a mental note to explore those later....

His stomach and chest were smooth, hairless and tanned. Much more so than mine!

I reached his armpits.

Mark raised his long arms so I could easily slip off his shirt.

There was a shock of hair in each `pit. It was the same blonde/ginger shade as the hair on his head. His arms were mostly smooth. Once the shirt cleared his head, Mark took it from my hands and tossed it on the floor.

His jeans were next.

I looked down. WOW!!! eye popping shape was teasing me!

"It would probably be easier if we both stood up for this!" he said softly.

I agreed.

We both arose. He kicked off his shoes.

His cute grin made me shiver.

I smiled back. The moment had arrived. For months I had wondered about Mark. He was a tall boy. 6' 4". Everything about him seemed proportioned to his height. He has huge hands. Not grotesquely oversized, but just perfect to fit his body. And he wears size fourteen shoes. He talked about that all the time.

I always wondered if he was trying to tell me something....

Yet simply being tall didn't mean a guy automatically had a big cock. I thought back to my high school gym days and remembered several tall boys that were... well.... unimpressive.

Mark was definitely not in that category. In any event, the moment had arrived. All my curiosities would soon be answered.

My hands trembled as I reached for the buttons on his Levis.

"You're shaking," he said softly.

"I'm scared," I said.

"Don't be," he replied in the same quiet tone.

I may have been scared, but my cock seemed to have not noticed....

"Pop" went to first button, then the second, third and fourth.

Slowly I started to pull the faded denim down off of his smooth hips.

"No tan lines!" I gasped.

"No tan lines!" he said with a chuckle.

The outline of his cock kept distracting me while I slowly tugged on his Levis. There was nothing at first except smooth, soft skin. Then a nest of pubes appeared

I knew I was almost there. I really started to shake.

Mark reached down and took hold of both of my hands.

"RELAX!" he said.

His voice was powerful yet calm and reassuring. Deep, resonant and confident.

I had waited so long for this yet here I was; scared and shaking like a little baby.

Looking up, I saw him smiling. Those bright green eyes reassured me: it was the same friendly, gregarious Mark!

Gently tugging, his jeans peeled down a bit more. Then I saw IT. The base of the shaft of his cock. Resting in a nest of ginger pubes.

"WOW!" I gasped.

It was HUGE! Thick, veiny, pulsating with life...

Mark's jeans peeled down his long legs like a banana. My eyes were riveted on the pendulous, fat prick slowly emerging from behind the thin denim cloth. Finally it got to the end; a perfectly shaped mushroom head capped off the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life.

What did that mean? How many cocks had I seen in my twenty-one years? Up close like this? Other than mine, none! Nevertheless, as Mark's cock sprang from its confinement and leaped out, claiming its freedom, I knew that he was far above the so-called "average."

Those little sex books had said that the "average" was between five and a half and six inches. That always made me feel good because using that criteria, I was definitely "above average." Those same little tomes also said that when a boy has an erection, it is because the penis (I loved reading those clinical descriptions; let's don't call it a COCK or a BONER!) fills up with blood.

Mark must have a lot of blood in his 6'4" body! His cock swayed back and forth while jutting out perpendicularly from his groin. It looked weighty. Substantial. Thick. Heavy. Formidable. But it wasn't just long... It was... Fat. VERY thick. The purplish colored mushroom head was big enough... much more so than mine...yet as my eyes tracked down the long, pulsating veiny shaft to its root, I noticed how his cock got thicker and thicker closer to its base. Like a giant wedge! My asshole clenched at the thought of that huge spike spearing my skinny little body!

Hanging underneath his massive "weapon" was a soft pouch of skin covered with bright ginger pubes. Two extremely large, pendulous objects were nestled inside the protective sac. My mind tried to estimate their size; having sold many while working for my Dad, "golf balls" kept coming into my mind

His pants fell down to the floor. He kicked them off one leg at a time and stood there smiling at me, wearing only his socks and baseball cap.

"WOW!" I gasped again.

A large clear drop of precum formed at the tip of his magnificent endowment.

Mark's cock had another quality. It cast a primal, overpowering spell over me. I had already been drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Now his cock was pulling me in like a super magnet.

I was on my knees. Staring at a vision of heaven. His overpowering scent wafted into my nostrils. No power on Earth could have stopped me. Leaning forward, I opened my mouth and swallowed the head and two or three inches before pausing.

My first cock! My first blow job! My mind played back exactly what the boy in the park had done to me last December.

"OHHHHH!!!!" Mark groaned as his body shuddered.

My eyes flickered up to him again. He was looking directly at me. There was a lust, a longing, a pleading in his face.

"Please....!" he whimpered.

Mark was begging me? That was all it took. I had practiced for this moment for years. Well... a moment like this. I never actually dreamed it would be with the most beautiful boy in the world!

Slowly I continued to ingest his massive rod. Halfway in, then three quarters, until my face was pressed into his public bone. I had swallowed every inch of his fat cock! No gagging. No choking. No problems as all. Everything I had done to make this happen had worked. Perfectly!

"I ...can't believe swallowed ....all!" he stammered.

I was just getting started! Quickly reversing direction, I let his beast slip almost completely out of my mouth before repeating my initial assault.

"DAMN! I still don't believe it!" he cried.

My mouth was full of saliva and his dick juice. That acted as the perfect lubricant for my task.

Suddenly two hands grasped my head over my ears. Mark started to fuck my face! My cock was hard as granite but still imprisoned in my clothes. I knew the chances were excellent that I would lose control any time now and start flooding my tighty whiteys with a huge load of jizz!

Mark's hands only served to guide my head up and down the length of his massive rod. He never forced me at all. We were working together in perfect harmony...going incrementally faster as I deep throated my friend.

His breathing suddenly became quicker and shallower. I felt his cock swelling up in my throat as he cried out my name....., "OH FUCK RANNNNDDDDYYYYYY!!!!"

Mark's cock began pulsating and throbbing as he shot his wad. It was injected deep and forcefully into my gullet.

He sobbed. Moaned. Cried. Shivered. Gripped my head with the incredible strength but never once overpowered me.

Slowly the flood of cum tapered off. I let his slimy cock slip out from between my lips. Quickly I proceeded to tongue wash his massive prick until it was completely free of any latent jizz.

I looked up at the boy I had just blown. THE BOY I had lusted after for over a year. He stared at me and then shot me a goofy smile.

"How the fuck did you DO that?" he exclaimed.

"It was easy!" I chirped.

My mind was too preoccupied with hearing him use the word, "fuck!"

"I... I... never thought anyone would... could... be able to take all of it!" he stammered.

A smile crossed my face.

"I've only wanted it for... well...ever since I first met you!" I said softly.

Before I knew what was happening, he scooped me up off the floor. My legs wrapped around his waist while his strong hands gripped my tiny ass. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and torso. Leaning towards each other, we kissed.

This time, I eagerly let his tongue inside my mouth. I felt his rigid cock poking at my butt.

Breaking free from our kiss, he stared into my green eyes.

"I always dreamed of finding a guy like you," he said in a very soft, sensuous voice.

I felt like I was hearing my own words!

We kissed again....

Gently Mark laid me down on the bed.

"Now it's YOUR turn!" he said with a big grin.

I had completely forgotten that I was still fully clothed. I sat upright as he nestled next to me. The heat from his body was like a furnace. His boy scent and that fresh strawberry essence combined to make the perfect aphrodisiac.

He reached for my shirt. It quickly fell to the floor.

"Nice!" he said while running a hand over my chest.

"I'm too skinny," I remarked.

"You're just fine!" he replied.

Like Mark, I had a shock of hair in my `pits but otherwise my chest was completely smooth. That seemed to excite him. He paused at my "nips." I was puzzled as he flicked each one with his fingers. Then in a super fast move, he leaned in and nipped at one with his teeth.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I moaned.

It didn't hurt at all. It actually made my cock throb as my body shuddered.

"Oh.... You like that!" he smiled, "We'll have to explore that some more...!"

I shuddered yet again!

"Nice smooth skin," he whistled, "So pretty!"

"I'm not tan at all!"

"That's fine. You look so pure and innocent!"

Who is he kidding? I could have written a book on that!

"I don't want to stay innocent all my life," I said.

Mark laughed. A low, robust sound that made me tremble in anticipation.

"Don't worry. It's all going to change tonight!" He said while reaching for the buttons on my Levis.


Mark looked at me curiously.

"I don't have ANY kind of a cock like you do!" I said quietly.

"I don't care," he said, "It's not the cock that matters; it's the guy that it's attached to...!"

My eyes started to water. Did he just say what I thought he said?

"You mean m-e?" my voice broke.

Mark grinned and looked around my bedroom.

"No! I mean that guy hiding in your closet!"

I started giggling like a little boy.

He unfastened the top button on my jeans.

"Don't worry," he cooed, "I can see.... it's pretty fucking obvious... there's something nice hiding in these jeans!"

"When did you start cussing?" I chirped.

"When I get completely turned on," Mark replied, "Just like I am NOW!"

His huge, rigid cock was complete evidence of that claim...

"Snap" went button number two. Then three. Four.

My jeans started their trip down to the floor. For the first time in my life, they were coming off at the hands of another guy!

Like Mark, my entire torso was smooth. Not a hair anywhere.

He reached my underwear.

"Nice tighty whiteys," he laughed, then he stopped.

My cock was trying to claw its way free from a soft cotton prison. His hand touched my throbbing bulge.

"Holy cow! Did you jizz already?"

My underwear was soaked with precum.

I shook my head, "No!"

"Oh wow!" Mark exclaimed, "You've been leaking like a.... fully running faucet!"

He leaned in and stuck his face right into my crotch. I heard him inhale.

"OHHHH YEAHHH!!!" he moaned, "You smell SO good!"

Then he opened his mouth and started gnawing at my underwear. And the cock trapped inside.

A small gurgle of pleasure escaped my lips. Reaching down, I pushed Mark's face into my bulge. That only turned him on even more!

He turned his head and stared at me. Fire lit his eyes.

"Enough!" he said.

He yanked my jeans off in one swift movement. Then came my sodden underwear. Free from its prison, my cock jumped up and slapped my belly before assuming a position perpendicular to my body.

"Beautiful!" Mark gasped.

He grabbed my bone and lightly squeezed it.

"Nice! Good and thick!"

I was about to pass out from excitement.....

"My cock looks like a giant toadstool," I barked.

"No, it does not! It's thick. And just the right length.... About....!" Mark started to say.

"Seven inches! A FULL seven inches!" I boasted.

"So? That IS perfect! And that head...!"

My cock DID have a huge, oversized mushroom head. Mark's was normal. Like other guys. Mine? When I got a boner it really became apparent how fat AND long it was. Just the head itself! Hence....a big toadstool....!

While my mind was denigrating my cock, I missed something Mark had said...

"What?" I asked.

"A battering ram! A big fat battering ram! That thing is a WEAPON!" he grinned at me.

He grabbed my balls and rolled them around in his hand. I thought my balls were decent... Not like the boulders he had, but acceptable.

"I bet these babies can really crank out the cum!" he said softly.

My head swooned. He LIKED my cock. He LIKED my BALLS!!!

Quickly Mark peeled off the rest of my clothes. We were now both naked. Completely. Except for our socks and that baseball cap perched on his head.

"You are perfect in every detail!" he told me.


There was no answer. Instead Mark quickly pushed me down on the bed and laid on top of me. We began to "wrestle." Rolling over and over, back and forth. Our cocks ground together...and leaked...spewing endless streams of clear dick juice which acted as a lubricant.

"OHHH!" I moaned.

Mark stopped. I was on top of him. My boner was wedged in between his ass cheeks.

"Fuck me," he whispered.

"What?" I croaked.

"Take that battering ram hanging between your legs and fuck me. For all it's worth!"

My eyes rolled back in my head!

"I've never....!"

"You'll learn. Really quickly!" He reassured me.

I sat up and stared at Mark's ass.

It was perfectly shaped. Hairless. Firm. Not flat, not plump. It looked as toned as the rest of his body. The REAL attraction was a sharply defined cleft between both of his ass cheeks. Dark. Alluring. Inviting. I knew I couldn't hold on much longer....

"How do I?" I started to ask.

I remember looking at my own hole. I knew things would fit in it. That it was remarkably elastic, but....

"You have anything to use as a lubricant?" he asked.

"Under the bed," I said sheepishly.

Reaching under, he pulled out a tube of cocoa butter lotion.

"Hey! This stuff works pretty good!" he exclaimed.

"What?" My mind thought, "He uses it too?"

Almost magically I found the tube in my hand. Spreading some on my fingers, I reached down into that dark cleft.

Mark arched his body upwards. I found the opening and slipped my finger inside. He moaned. His body bucked on the bed.

I applied some of the magic cream to my drooling cock.

"Ready?" I asked.

"I have been for months!" he replied.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to fuck HIM! Somehow I had always envisioned it being the other way around.

Taking aim, I slipped my cock into his crevasse. At first I missed the target.

Then I found it. Gently pushing, I felt the tip of my "battering ram" starting to spread open his sphincter.

I went for it. Well, it was my first time. I didn't finesse entering his hole at all. With one hard shove, I pushed my cock all the way inside. My body sank down on top of his until we rested together.

By the way Mark reacted, I wondered if I had screwed up. His body shook like a rag doll and he let out with a wall-shaking "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

I froze.

"Are you okay?"

"Battering ram!" he stammered.

Mark was impaled on my cock!

Slowly I began an easy fucking motion. Out and then in... over and over. Pressure that had been building up in me since he walked into my apartment quickly approached the boiling point.

"Faster," he said.


"Fuck me faster! Harder! You have a battering ram! Use it!"

What guy doesn't like hearing praise like that? I did as he instructed.

Mark came alive. His strong body arched upwards, forcing me deeper inside. He made noises. Lots of them. All were sounds of a young stud in the throes of ecstasy.

"I can't last!" I cried.

Damn my quick trigger!

"Don't worry about it!"

"Where I ...cum?" I asked.

It had to be another one of the stupidest questions I ever asked.

"IN MY ASS!" he laughed.

I complied.....

The load that had been building up in me all evening; being teased over and over, cut loose like a flood.


My little ass humped up and down as I rode Mark like a bull rider! Sweat poured off of my forehead. My hair whipped back and forth as my jizz blasted into Mark's guts.

Finally spent, I slowed down and rested on top of the boy I lusted after for so long. My cock remained buried in his hot ass. That ass had gripped and milked the cum out of me like a vacuum cleaner!

The sound of our rapid breathing filled the room. The smell of raw sex hung over us like a thick cloud.

"You handled that like a pro!" Mark whispered to me, "You must have had a string of horny guys in your past."

I said nothing. Why correct his lavish praise with stark reality?

We remained coupled together for a long time. My cock showed no interest in deflating.

Mark continued to massage my ego with his compliments.

"I only wish you could do it again," he said.

"Now?" I asked.

He turned his head sideways and looked at me.

"You mean .... you CAN?"

I said nothing. My actions answered for me....

Afterwards we laid together side by side. Mark twirled my hair while singing more continuous adulation about my sexual prowess. It was just what I needed to hear after twenty-one years of NOTHING.

The look in his eyes bordered on adoration. I could hardly get a word in edgewise. So I snuggled next to him. And drank in his scent. My mind conveniently ignored one big fact. Tulsa was soon to be a distant sight in my car's rearview mirror.

Both our stomachs growled.

"I'm hungry!" he announced, "Let's eat! I can fix us something!"

He bounded out of bed towards the kitchen. I followed in quick pursuit; staring at the ass I had just fucked. Twice.

I found him scoping out the pantry and the refrigerator.

"How do you live?" he laughed, "Peanut butter, dry cereal, soup and TV dinners?"

I nodded sheepishly.

He reached up to a top shelf. My eyes zeroed in on that perfect butt.

"Nothing!" he chortled as he turned around.

Our eyes met, then I looked away.

He smiled. Teeth again.... A crooked grin...

"You used to do that to me at work," he chuckled.

I turned beet red.

"You knew?"

"Of course!" he giggled.

Again. Mark giggling...

"And you didn't care?"

"Care? I was flattered. And it turned me on!"

"I'm surprised you didn't get a boner!" I laughed.

"What makes you think I didn't!"

"How did you hide something that big?"

"When you've had to deal with it all your life, you learn how!" he chuckled, "Now.... Do you see something that you like?"

I blushed beet red.

"It's yours for the taking!"

Our eyes met. He was pulling me into him again.

"Here?" I croaked.

There was no answer. Instead, Mark spun around, spread his legs while bracing himself against the kitchen counter top. His ass beckoned to me......

We did it again!

Fresh with the smell of sex, he said, "It's Friday night! There are plenty of places open on Brookside!"

"Okay....!" I replied.

"Pizza?" he hinted with big puppy dog eyes.

I laughed and nodded.

Watching Mark stuff himself back into his jeans was erotic enough.

As we walked to his car, he said, "We smell like sex."

"Gee! I wonder why! Should we have washed up?"

He laughed.

"No. The girls won't really notice it. But the guys will!"

"On both of us?" I asked.


His eyes twinkled.

"We'll be telling everyone without actually saying anything that we are a couple!"

My heart skipped about ten thousand beats...

"You've marked me. Claimed me as yours!" he said softly.

My eyes started to water....

Damn! Mark sure looked good waiting in line to order our pizzas! He was taller than any of the other guys there. The place was packed. Wearing his faded Levis and cropped T shirt made him stand out over everyone else. I tried not to ogle him too much but after what we had done together that evening, it was almost impossible.

Every time I saw his ass move or flex in those jeans, my cock shuddered. I had been there! Several times in just a few hours!

I noticed something else, too. People paid attention to him! Girls and guys. I didn't care about the girls. I knew they would never even catch his eye. It was surprising to see how many guys checked him out! I wasn't jealous at all. Why should I be? Mark was mine.

Then, for the first time since he showed up at my apartment door that evening... like a lost puppy looking for love.... it REALLY hit me hard.

"You're leaving in three weeks!" my mind said.

I looked at him again as he talked to the cashier. How could I walk away from THAT? He was more than anything in my wildest dreams. I started thinking. Maybe...

He turned to look for me. That infectious smile! My knees weakened. I smiled back and helped him with the food.

On the drive home, I mentioned how people had been checking him out.

"And you too," he added.


"People were checking you out too," he replied.

"I didn't notice...!"

"I bet you didn't notice something else!"


"When we walk together, you're close. Closer than two straight boys when they walk together."


"I don't care! I like you being close to me!"

That comment made me feel sooo good!

"So then I should... leave more room between us?"

"Heck no! Let them wonder. Or guess. I bet more than one guy could smell the sex lingering on us...!"

That thought made my cock throb again.

"You think so?"

"Yeah... Guys are like dogs in heat. All the time. Especially the ones cruising down here. Poor things. Most end up going home and pounding their aching cock...!"

I laughed. Mark seemed to know a lot about human nature. I suppose it was because he watched everything and everyone!

"You have some pizza sauce on your lip," I told him after we finished eating.


"Here. Let me get it...!"

I leaned in and kissed him. We were back in bed in less than fifteen seconds. Another fifteen or so and I was mounting him again....

It was around 1:30 in the morning when we took a break. Lying next to each other, I stared at the guy who had finally tumbled into my life.

"It's late," I said.

"Yeah. Do you have to work tomorrow.... Or rather... today?"

"I promised Mr. Spinner I'd be in for four hours1"

"Me too," Mark replied.

Even though he had a completely different job than mine, Mark had started out running blueprints. He was always dependable when overtime work was needed.

We stared at each other for a few seconds.

"I....!" he started to say.

Damn! I didn't want him to leave! There was so much for us yet to learn about each other. And his insatiable sex drive easily pushed me to new limits of self discovery.

"Yes?" I said softly.

"I was kind of....!" he stammered.

Shit! He looked so damned cute when he was tongue tied!'

"Go ahead," I urged him, hoping he might be trying to say what I was wanting to hear...

"I... planned on .....!" he stammered, "I planned on spending the night with you!"

My eyes shot open wide.

"YES!" I yelped.

Mark perked up and smiled at me.

"Really? It's okay?"

"FUCK YES!" I exclaimed., then I grinned, "You don't sleepwalk do you? Or snore?"

He laughed and said "No! ... but I do have to sleep with a night light!"

For some reason, his honest "confession" only made him more adorable....

"Okay! There's one in the hall..... I'll move it! I said.

"I'll be right back!" he promised as he jumped out of bed with that big cock flopping from side to side.....stopping only to squeeze into his jeans.

He was in such a hurry that he skipped putting on a shirt or any shoes.

A minute or so later there was a knock at the door.

"What...?" I said as I climbed out of bed.

Quickly putting on an old pair of ill-fitting gym shorts, I opened the door.

There stood Mark, just as he had left, with the addition of another baseball cap and a tote bag in one hand.

"Hello, sir," he said, looking down so that the bill of the cap hid his face, "I was wondering if you could give shelter to a lost boy for the night...!"

"Get in here," I giggled while pulling him through the open doorway.

Mark glanced at my shorts.

"You look VERY good in those!"

He licked his lips.

I smiled and glanced at his tote bag.

"You had this all planned out, didn't you?" I asked.

He blushed. Cuter than ever. And nodded, "Yes."

I dragged him back to the bedroom. Our clothes - as few as they were - quickly scattered on the floor.

The bed springs squeaked and this time the headboard slammed against the wall as I bored my cock deep into Mark's delectable ass.

My dream of sleeping with him finally came to pass!

It was more than perfect! For openers, we DID actually sleep. And cuddle. Feeling him lying next to me. Holding me. His rhythmic breathing somehow made me feel safe and secure. My years of being alone had finally come to an end...

His arms wrapped around me. Then mine around him. Our bodies pressed together and we almost became as one. When he snuggled up to my backside, I felt his enormous cock pressing into me. I looked forward to the day when he would take my cherry!

Daylight came way too soon. We both hopped into the shower and primped for work. Mark groused about me having nothing but cold cereal and Pop Tarts.

"We're going grocery shopping after work," he announced while vainly searching through the cupboards for anything else to eat.

I wondered about work. Things were different now.

"How do we act...?" I started to ask.

"Well," he said slowly and deliberately in his alluring Okie twang, "I don't think we should be fucking on the folding tables!"

I rolled on the floor laughing.

"It's the same as before," he said, getting serious, "Nothing has changed at work!"


"Just try not to stare at my ass!" he hooted.

I kissed him.

He moaned.

"We don't have time now. But just wait till later!" he promised.

There were more people at work than usual. We had taken both of our cars to avoid any prying questions. Not that I really expected any. Mark was all business for the entire four hours. Yet he would occasionally give me a knowing look....signifying that things WERE different now.

Noon finally arrived and we went back to my apartment. I watched while he went through the cupboards again.

"You don't have a mixer.... Any decent pots and pans!" he complained, "And...!"

"Why would I need a mixer?" I asked.

"How do you make mashed potatoes or pancakes?" he replied, "do you even have a juice decanter?"

The vacant look on my face must have said everything.

"Okay. First we'll go to Kmart; then to the grocery store!"

My voice......seemed to be acting on its own.


He looked up at me.

A evil grin betrayed my intent.

Mark was not dumb at all.

"What?" he asked as his eyes focused on my crotch.

"I want more of you!" I stammered.

He complied. Quite willingly. Right there in the kitchen. Using some butter for lube, I pounded his ass against the kitchen counter top. His strong body arched back, pushing me in deeper.

After we finished, while he was shoehorning his tight body into some faded Levis, he laughed and ruffled my hair.

"I've created a monster!"

"Think you can handle me?" I boldly replied.

The smile on his face gave me my answer.

"We're only getting started."

I thought about that as we went to Kmart. The ticking clock. Three weeks to go...

Inside the store, I deferred as Mark picked out everything he thought we might need.

"I'll pay!" I offered.

"Forget it! I'll handle it!" he said.

Then it was off to the grocery store.

He shopped. I watched as the cart filled up. Wondering why he was buying all this food when he'd be going home soon.

During our shopping foray, I took time to notice other people. Most were women shopping alone or with kids. A few couples. Straight couples. I mean a guy and a girl. Then there was us. If anyone had paid attention, they might have figured it out...

There were a couple of guys here and there and Mark had been right. They walked further apart than we did. Probably afraid to touch another person of the same sex...

"There," Mark said as he piled on the last few items.

"You know," I laughed, "They'll always sell you more groceries tomorrow or next week. You don't have to buy one of everything on your first trip!"

He just laughed.

"I like to be prepared!"

After arriving back home and stashing away everything, we both flopped down on the sofa.

"Now we're ready!" Mark proclaimed.

"Are you sure you know how to fix all this stuff?"

He feigned indignation. His face looked so cute when he "pouted."

"I'm sorry...!" I said, "I can make you feel better....!"

He snapped up and with effortless ease carried a squealing me to the bedroom.

We did it again. Just to make sure, we tried it a few more times....

"You're a stud," he whispered in my ear.

I blushed at his praise. My cock reacted accordingly.

"So are you," I replied.

Making up for lost time. It seemed like that's what are doing. Mark was becoming addicted to having my cock in his ass. Why should I complain? Not to be misunderstood, I never let him go unsatisfied either.

After showering (again), we discussed options for our Saturday afternoon. The skies were overcast, foretelling of likely storms. Rain is a constant way of life in the summer (it turns into ice or snow in the winter). You can never plan any outdoor events without having an alternate indoor option. The humidity made simply walking out to the car turn into a sweat bath.

Mark suggested that we go to the mall. So we did! Two of them, to be exact. It's a perfect escape from the wilting summer heat. Neither one of us bought anything. We just looked. Talked. Laughed together. Watched the people.

At a couple of large bookstores, I noticed him lingering in the "Travel" section. Flipping through books about the Southwest....

"Are you sure you want to leave now?" my brain asked me.

"Stop reminding me!" I told myself.

I was falling for Mark so badly.... Every minute with him was a slice of heaven! We walked close to each other. I didn't care if anyone noticed us or not!

That evening he whipped up a fantastic dinner. Huge steaks, mashed potatoes and a leafy green salad. The kind of meals Mom used to cook. I hadn't had one of those in a long time. To thank him for the effort, I washed all the dishes. He protested, saying that the "mess" was his fault. I overruled him. He easily acquiesced. My heart is melting so fast....

After dinner we watched some TV then out of nowhere he said, "Let's go for a ride."

I was learning that this is Mark: spontaneous. Always wanting to do something. I mean, other than having sex. Which we did. All the time. If I kept track of every time we were pleasuring each other, it would have made quite a record!

Off we went in his Challenger. Mark's scent filled the car. My cock was hard during the entire ride. He knew where he was going. East of town, down a series of roads that got progressively smaller. Until the lights of the city were just a glow on the horizon.

One last turn and we came to a dead end on a slight rise. The distant lights of Tulsa were in our windshield. He shut off the car but let the radio play in the background.

"Neat, huh?" he asked.

"I thought you were lost!"

"You forget. I've lived here ALL of my life! I know every back road out here!"

I loved to hear him talk. The sound of his voice. Deep. Resonant. Filled with that intoxicating drawl. Me? I just sounded like everyone else. Nothing special at all.

He stretched out his long lanky frame.

"I enjoyed cooking your dinner!" he said softly.

"I enjoyed eating it," I laughed, then I paused, "Why did you buy so much food....?"

He hemmed and hawed. Which is so adorable to watch. Then he turned to look at me. I KNEW I was getting the puppy dog eyes again.

"I was....!"


"I...kind of....!" he stopped.

"I'm listening!"

"I was hoping I could....!"

I wanted him to say it...

"Go on!"

"I was hoping I could spend the night at your place again!"

"On the couch?" I snickered.


I guess he missed my lame joke.

"You said you wanted to spend the night at my place!" I laughed.

His face lightened up. He got the point.

"NO! Not just at your place! With you! Like we did last night!"

"Come here!" I said. We leaned over the center console and kissed.

"There's your answer," I said quietly.

"NEAT!" he chirped.

We settled down deep in our seats. It was perfect. The glow of the city to the West, and dark starry skies everywhere else. Somewhere way off in the night an occasional flash of lightning could be seen.

My ears perked up to a certain song on the radio.

"I love this!" I squeaked as I fiddled with the radio.

Carly Simon's "(We Have) No Secrets" was playing through the static.

"Damn!" I exclaimed as I tried to retune the radio, "KAKC is such a weak station!"

Mark laughed and agreed.

"They don't have much power...!' he said.

"FUCK! My refrigerator light has more power than they do....!"

He placed his hand over mine and turned down the radio.

"I have an idea!" he said.

Not knowing what to expect, I was all ears.


"Let's tell each other our own secrets!" he said softly.

My mind reeled at where this might go...

He continued.

"It can be anything. Funny. Serious. Embarrassing. All of those. Or more...!"

My body trembled. Mark was willing to open up completely to me! Was I able to the same?

"Okay!" I said again.

"Cool!" he chirped.

We sat there in silence.

"Who goes first?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. It was his idea. Maybe I should step forward.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Anything!" he replied, "I'm not.... I'd never make fun of you. That's not why I came up with the idea!"

He wanted to lean more about me!

"Okay," I took a deep breath before speaking...

"Well....!" I hesitated, "One time I stuck a candle up my ass...!"

There was silence. Then he spoke.


He didn't laugh.

"I wanted to see... To know what a cock might feel like!"

He didn't laugh again.

"Candles aren't very thick!"

Again he didn't laugh.

"It was a very big candle."

"Not like those dinner ones?"

"No. It was one of those fat Christmas candles!"

"The ones that are about this thick?"

He made a circle with his hands.


"And about eight inches tall?"


"WOW!" he gasped, "How did you get it in your... butt?"

I laughed.

"Oh... I had to carve it down. I mean one end of it. So it was shaped like a cock!"

We both laughed.

"And?" he asked.

"It hurt. Like hell!"

"I can imagine. That's because it was a candle. Not a cock."


"It's because... As thick and long as my cock is....!"

"Your cock is a lot longer than that candle!" I interrupted him.

"I know!" he giggled, "Anyway, as long and thick as a cock is, it's pliable. I think the longer they are, the more pliable they are. Your's is rock hard like a....!"

"Battering ram?" I laughed.

"Yeah but it's a cock. Not a candle. It can conform to the shape of your...!"

"Oh!" I said.

"You're lucky it didn't get stuck or something!"

I laughed.

"It did break!"

"OH NO!" he exclaimed, "What...... Did you....?"

"I was saved by the wick," I laughed.

He understood what I meant and started laughing so hard he almost choked!

"When I pulled it out and saw the cracks, I threw it away!"

"Oh shit!" Mark exclaimed as he shook with more laughter.

"Then I.....!"

Don't tell me there's MORE!" he roared.

I blushed but in the darkness it wasn't visible.

"I...became very well acquainted with the produce section in the...!"

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Mark chuckled, "Bananas?"

"Yeah and...!"

"You stuck a banana up your ass?"

"NO! I thought about trying but....!"

"They're too rough and....!" he started to say.

"OH! And how do YOU know about that?" I hooted.

"Because I thought about trying it too!"

The whole car shook from our combined laughter.

"I DID try sucking a banana!" I said, "And there were cucumbers and squash...!"

"You sucked a fucking banana?" he asked.

"No, just a regular banana!" I chirped.

He thought for a moment and then started laughing again.

"Yeah. I'd go in the store and search through the bunches looking for different sizes ....!"

Mark shook his head in disbelief.

"But I did learn how to keep from gagging and throwing up!" I said.

"OH WOW! So THAT explains how you are able to suck my....!"

"YEAH!" I chuckled, "The cucumbers and squash didn't work out too well in my butt, though!"

After about ten minutes of laughter, silence crept over both of us.

Suddenly, Mark just blurted out, "I fucked a watermelon once, and a cantaloupe and a pumpkin!"

Now I was the one staring...

"A cantaloupe?"

"It was too small," he said.

"What about the pumpkin?"

"That didn't work either. Pretty messy and.... it's not really solid enough inside... and my cock smelled like pumpkin too.....!"

I broke out in hysterical fits of laughter.

"WHEN did you do this?"

"In my Junior year...!"

"Holy cow! That wasn't too long ago!"

"I couldn't help it. I was so fucking horny and I wanted to see... to try... to get an idea what it would feel like...!"

"What happened .... What about the watermelon?" I asked.

Even in the darkness I could see Mark's grin.

"I hit the jackpot there!"

"You're kidding!"

"No... I cut a bunch of holes in it... All different sizes and....!"

"How did ... WHERE did you keep it in your house?"

"Oh I couldn't do THAT! It was a one time thing. I mean I bought one....and...took one of our trucks... I didn't have my car yet... and drove out someplace where no one would see me...threw some blankets in the back and....!"

"Lucky watermelon!" I giggled.

"Yeah! I mean... I had to throw it away after I was done so I... cut a lot of holes in it and... fucked it full of my jizz!"

"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!" I squeaked, "I could just see your cute butt humping away!"

"It was kind of sticky though.... and melons have a pretty strong odor....!"

After the laughter, silence settled in again.

"I wasn't a virgin when .... I meant you....!" I stumbled all over myself.

Mark's bright eyes were clearly visible in the dim light.

"I didn't think you would be... a cute stud like yourself...!"

Hee always managed to say something.... good!

"No... I mean I.....!"

And I told him about the park encounter while saving the best, or worst, for the very end.

"I don't care. That was before we actually.... You know... Before now," he said.

"But... but...!" I stammered, "When I unloaded in that kid's mouth...both times... I ... I... saw YOU. Just as if you were there! My mind.....!"

Mark leaned over and put his finger to my lips.

"Shhhh! It STILL doesn't change anything!"

"You're not... You don't think I'm weird...?

"NO!" he reassured me, "You don't know how many times I'd get home from work and beat my cock to death thinking about YOU!"

"Really?" I croaked.


"I can't imagine you beating that beast to death...!" I chuckled.

Mark was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

"Besides. I wasn't a virgin when we met either!"

That didn't phase me at all. A stud like him?

"It was a long time ago...!"

"How could it have been `a long time ago' when you're only twenty?" I said.

"Well.... It was in the seventh grade so.... that seems like a long time ago!"

"You were... you mean... you could...?" I stammered all around saying the obvious.

"Heck yeah! I started growing sometime between the fifth and sixth grades. All the parts of me. It seems like they all grew at different rates. My hands were too big for my body and so were my feet. Dad said `Don't worry about it. Everything will even out in the end.'"

"He sure was right!" I said.

Mark smiled at me.

"It was... In Phys Ed class. Seventh grade was the first year we had to suit up. That meant...!"

"...Taking showers!" I said with distaste.

"Yeah... I guess I kind of stood out.... If you know what I mean!"

He grinned.

"You weren't as big as you are now.... were you?" I asked.

"No. Maybe eight inches or so but....!"

"WOW!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Lots of boys back at that age hardly had a noodle hanging down there. And I had my ginger pubes sprouting likes weeds, too!"

Hearing all of this was making me hard as a rock. Harder, actually. I felt like if I had struck a rock with my cock, the rock would have shattered into dust....

"So this one boy... Oh damn... His name....was... Robin... I don't remember his last name... Anyway, he was always staring at me when we changed in or out and showered."

"You...Did you know you liked guys then?"

"Oh yeah! But poor Robin just had a little bitty noodle. No pubes at all... Anyway, one day as I was walking home... Well, starting to.... he caught up with me and started talking," Mark grinned, "And he kept looking at my crotch!"

I laughed.

"Horny little fucker!"

Mark smiled.

"Yeah! ... And so... he just comes out and says, `You sure have a big dick!'"

"The direct approach?" I chortled.

"I guess so. Anyway, hearing him talk like that made me start to bone up. And he saw that... So he asked me, `Can I see it?'"

"I think I know where this is going!" I laughed.

"Yup! In no time we were behind the bleachers and he was down on his knees TRYING to suck my cock."

"Holy fuck!" I yelped, "Did he...?"

"He got a mouthful all right. But he did get better with time...!"

"WHAT? He did it more than ONCE?"

There was Mark's sly grin again....

"Too bad you couldn't do him...!"

"Oh I did.... I mean his little twig got hard and he.... had I guess... a dry cum. Or two. Or three... But least by the end of the year he FINALLY shot a little bit of slimy jizz in my mouth!"

"That's it? No more....guys....?" I asked.

"Well.....!" Mark stammered.

"Yes?" I said gently.

"One more. But I know him. I've always known him!"

That answer scrambled my brains. What the heck did he mean? For a moment I wondered if he was ..... certainly not with one of his BROTHERS?

"Uhhhh!" I mumbled, "You don't have to tell me if its painful or something!"

"It's not painful.' It's more like something!'"


Mark hemmed and hawed for a moment before he blurted it out, "I can suck my own cock!"

Once the words were out, it really didn't surprise me. I mean... His cock was sure long enough!

"WOW!" I gasped.

"And I can do other things with it too!"

My mind was processing what that meant.

"Like...?" I asked.

"You'll think I'm a pervert or something...!"

"No, I won't!"

"I can fuck myself too!"

If my head could have spun all the way around on my neck, it would have....

"How is that possible?" I exclaimed.

"Easy. I just lie on my back...with my legs bent... and pull my balls to one side.... and then bend my cock around and ....!"

"You can DO that?"

"`Pliable!'" He said, "Remember the candle isn't.... Yeah... I can. Really easily!"

"So that's how you could take me when....?" I started to ask.

He nodded, "Yes."

"Ohhhhhhhkay.......!" I said, switching back to the lighter topic of his school days, "What happened after seventh grade? I mean, like next year? Between you and Robin?"

"Wait! It doesn't bother you that I can...?" he asked shyly.

I shook my head "No!"

He smiled.

"I don't know. I mean about Robin. I never saw him again. I guessed his family must have moved away...!"

There was another pause before I spoke.

"I've never been with a girl!"

Mark laughed.

"I could have GUESSED that!"

He paused.

"I've dated several....!"

"WHAT? WHY? Don't tell me... PLEASE... that you were interested in ....!"

"HELL NO!" Mark laughed, "I got set up....!"


"It must have started in the tenth grade when I still had a half year of Phys Ed. You know.... how guys all check each other out... Even though they pretend not to....!"

I nodded.

"Well.... word must have gotten out.... and it's funny when you think about it...the only way that happened was with guys spreading the news about....!"

"Your big cock?"

Mark laughed.


"Was it... as big then as it is"

"Yup. I finally `grew in!' Dad was right. Everything did even out....!"

"Then did you have the biggest cock in your school?"

I could sense that Mark was blushing.

"Well... That's always going to be a question since we didn't have any kind of a contest... And I never walked around with a boner...!"

"That would have made the evening news!" I chuckled.

Mark laughed again.

"But the word was definitely out. I was a `big boy!'"

"No shit!" I giggled.

"In my junior year....!"

"The watermelon year!'"

Mark almost choked on his soda.

"Stop it!" He laughed, "or at least let me know when you're gonna say something like that!"

"Sorry," I laughed.

"One by one, girls started hitting on me...!"

"`Dogs...,' or were they....?"

"Heck no! One was the head cheerleader!

"No shit!"

"But it turns out all they wanted to do was see it... I mean I spent a lot of money on dates and... Well... Nothing would have ever happened anyway... But there was a lot of groping and gasping....!"

"You didn't get hard....did you?"

"Are you kidding? No way! They ...every one of them... asked me how big it got when fully boned and after I told them.... most of them turned white as sheet....!"

"Too big for them?"

"Yeah!" Mark chortled, "But it sure solidified my reputation as a stud!"

We both laughed.

"How did you make it stop?"

"I started using the oldest excuse in the book.... `I'm not dating until I graduate!'"

"And that worked?"

"Yes!" Mark said.

We paused. I reflected on our conversation. It was light. Sometimes silly. Funny.....but the best thing is that.... I felt us completely opening up to each other!

"I skipped going to my senior prom," I said.


I told him about starting my senior year in a new school and having to leave all my friends behind. That kind of segued into my Father not being able to keep a job.... and then that led to where my so-called `family' is right now.

"That's sad. You deserve so much better than that!" Mark said in a very quiet voice.

"I went to my prom," he added.

"With some hot babe hanging on your arm.... or your cock?" I chuckled.

"NO! I went to it stag....!"

"No date??"

"No. Mom and Dad just wanted the tuxedo photos....!"

"I graduated 23rd in my class," I said.

"I knew you were smart! I only made 29th ....!"

"`Only?' That's great!"

We paused for a moment.

"Don't you wanna ever fuck me?" I asked.

That question must have really taken him by surprise.

"Well... you said... `No Secrets!'" I laughed.

Mark didn't hesitate to answer...

"Of course I do.... Your ass is so damned cute!"

"MY ass? What about yours?"

"Yeah but YOU asked ME about....," he lowered his voice, "About fucking YOU!"

"True!" I said.

"I've wanted to since I first laid eyes on your.... butt!"

I blushed.

"So why.... what's keeping you from...?"

"I don't want to hurt you!"

"Oh I bet I can take it!" I boasted.

"You think so? When my big fat cock tears past your ass ring and sphincter and slams all the way into your body? And then I start pounding you like you do to me? The initial shock of my penetration would probably make you pass out from the pain. Or start crying from the same... And then there would be blood. Lots of it... You think I wanna have to take you to the Emergency Room because I wanted to seed your tight little ass? I could never forgive myself for hurting you like that!"

I sat in complete silence; his brutal honesty was overwhelming!

"But aren't you.... Is it fair... for me to fuck you all the time and you can't....!"

"Randy.... Look.... It will happen. Some day. Soon. I promise. But I have to be sooooo careful with you. The last thing.... I'd DIE if I made you bleed or suffer any pain!"

My eyes started to water. I leaned over next to him. The bucket seats were starting to be a real pain!

"Wanna get in back?" he asked me.

My head nodded so fast it's a wonder I didn't get whiplash.


"There. That's better!" he said as we cuddled together.

I purred like a kitten....

"There's only three things that really set me off," he said.

"So we're still playing the game?" I asked.

"Yes....No.... Kind of...!" he replied.


"One is jerks who pick on weaker or smaller or different guys."

"Did you have a lot of that at school?"

"Not after I laid a couple of guys out flat!"

I shuddered at the thought of seeing Mark doing something like that.


"Number two is people who lie. Mom and Dad taught me never to.... A lie will always catch up with you. And bring dishonor to you....!"

I thought about my Dad....

"One more?"

"Guys who cheat. I mean... I.... I....!"

"Go ahead.... Take your time....!"

Mark paused....

"I mean... I guess it's because I'm a hick country boy living in a backwater state....!"

"You're right about the state but you're NOT a `hick country boy!'"

He smiled at me.

"I .... I've always known I.... am gay... but it never really dawned on me what that meant or how hard it could be. I just figured I'd find guy and settle down and live life like anyone else. But I can't.... I won't.... cheat on anyone and I expect the same from my .....!"

He sniffled and stopped talking. Was Mark CRYING?

I started to....

"Oh if you only knew....!" I said as tears flowed down my face, "How I've thought and said the same things so many times!"

"And you're leaving!" he said softly.

"Yes," I replied, "I can't stand this place any longer. There's a whole country out there waiting to be discovered."

Mark sat in silence.

"Besides... You wanna go through what just happened? Again?"

He knew what I meant.

On June 8th, while I was heading across Arizona and New Mexico, coming back home on my big road trip, Tulsa had a massive outbreak of tornadoes. At least ten. More than $40 million dollars in damage and twelve people killed. The Brookside area was hardest hit. There was still plenty of evidence of the total destruction. My apartment hadn't been damaged. I was lucky.

I didn't even know it had happened until I saw a story about it in an Albuquerque newspaper.

"I'm sick of the shitty weather. Ten fucking tornadoes at once? And the heat. And the humidity. And the bugs. And the ice storms in the winter. And the flat, butt ugly landscape!"

"Yeah....!" Mark said quietly, "Just when I finally met someone.... That I might be able to trust.... he's going away!"

My heart almost broke in two....

There was a deafening silence in the car. The only audible sounds were the radio and our breathing. My mind was cartwheeling over the events of the evening. Mark was staring out the back window into the darkness.

"What is he thinking?" I wondered.

Had I blown it? No. I played it straight and truthful. Our little "game" had suddenly turned very serious.

I thought I heard a sniffle. My head jerked in his direction. Is he CRYING? MARK? No way could that be possible! Then I thought about it some more. Here was my definition of the perfect guy. Honest. Funny. Smart. Caring. Strong.... and sensitive... Any straight guy would never get caught dead crying or expressing any emotion other than anger.

I heard it again.

He IS crying!

"Come here," I said softly.

Reaching over, I pulled him next to me. My supposition had been correct.

"You''re...crying!" I said softly.

He burrowed his face into my shoulder. The tables were turned. That's usually what I did! I felt him shake.

"Please!" I said quietly.

"It's just...!" he said SO softly that I could barely hear it.

"What?" I replied in an equal tone.

"We're so perfect....together!"

I held him tightly.

"Yes... We are!" I said.

"And now you're leaving...!"

I cursed myself for not being stronger. For not taking events head on and trying to sweep him off his feet months ago!

"Yes... I am!"

"I understand why! This place really is pretty crappy!"

"Yeah... I mean there are worse places but... this one doesn't rate very highly!"

"I had so much fun tonight," he said.

"Me too!"

"I wish it could go on forever!"

"Yeah! That would be like paradise!"

"You're the only guy .... the only person I ever slept with!" Mark confessed.

"Same here!"

"I want to do that again. For a long, long time!"

"Me too!"

He paused again. My brain was screaming at me: "Are you going to fuck it up AGAIN???"



"I was....!"

He paused.

"Go ahead, Mark!"

"It's probably not possible...!" he sniffled.


"Just an idea I had...!"

"I'm listening....!"

He stopped. Okay. Mark may be everything I described, but deep down inside he's still a shy, naive country-style guy.

"GO FOR IT!" My brain screamed at me.

"Why not?" I thought, "I have nothing to lose if it fails. Except him. And that's preordained anyway unless I try...!"

"Could we....?" he started to ask.

"I thought maybe....!" I started to say.

"It might be possible...."

"Maybe we could... you and I...!"

"That you might let me....!"

"Leave here together," I said softly.

His head spun around and he stared at me.

"REALLY? You'd even CONSIDER letting me go with you?"

"Are you KIDDING?" I laughed, then I turned serious, "It would be a much bigger change for you than me. I really don't have anything here. You have your family and your farm and your job...!"

It was like a dam had burst.

"I don't care about my job that much!" he said, "Not compared to losing YOU!"

Hearing him say that made ME start to cry.

"And yeah.... I know I have my family.... but farming isn't what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have to leave home sometime. Find my own way in the world. And... I.... think it would be great to do that with you!"

We both cried. And hugged. And kissed.

"Would you let me...?" he started to ask, almost as a confirmation.


We embraced again. And kissed. More tongue time than ever before!

"I meant what I said," he whispered in my ear.


"Only me. No cheating. No lying...!"

Was he kidding? I should be struck by lightning and drawn and quartered if I ever betrayed someone as sweet as Mark Ellis!

"I promise to be yours and only yours. And to take care of you as best as I can!" I said.

"YEAH!" he exclaimed, "I'll stand by you forever.... FOREVER!"

He started crying again.

"I don't want to lose you," he sobbed.

"You won't! I'd walk over hot coals for you!"

"That would hurt!" he giggled.

Just like that it was solved. Mark was going with me. I wasn't going to lose the brightest thing in my, up to now, rather dreary life.

"Mr. Spinner is gonna shit when you give your notice!" I laughed.

"Yeah!" he chortled.

Then he looked into my eyes. Even in the darkness I could see them almost glowing.

"Randy....!" he said softly.


"Please fuck me!"

My cock almost exploded.

"Here? We could go back home and...!"

"....Do it again," he laughed, "But.... I can't wait! I want you inside me! MY man INSIDE of ME!"

Hearing a stud like Mark begging a wispy little twig like me to....take him.... was .... something out of a dream.

"Do you have any lube?" I asked.

We scrambled around looking for some.

"No!" he said, "But we can do it anyway!"


"Take off your clothes!" he commanded.

My strong Mark was back...

We were naked in about five seconds.

His cock loomed in the darkness like a giant redwood....

"How...?" I started to ask,

Mark hocked up some spit and slicked up my boner. I almost shot my wad right there. Then he plunged his middle finger deep into his hole.

He shuddered....

"There. I can take you now. I know I can. Besides, you leak a ton so that'll lube me up too. Just go a little slow on entry!"

He got down on all fours. The seating made it very cramped. I moved behind him and gently positioned myself with my cock rubbing against his hole.

"Take me!" he begged.

I pushed. Gently. There was some resistance, then my cock popped inside his butt. He cried. I froze.

"You okay?"

"Hurts a little!" he panted, "But I'm okay!"

I waited for a minute or so. My cock throbbed, urging me to proceed.

"I'm ready!" he whispered.

He was correct! Once I started gently riding his tight ass, it rapidly became easier. And more sensuous. As I got closer to cumming, something changed. It was Mark. His body began bucking and thrashing in the car seat. When I seeded him, he let out a moan that shook the windows.

"Are you okay?" I asked as my cock slipped out of his hole.

Sitting up, he flashed me the biggest grin, "You fucked the cum right out of me!

I apologized for his mess on the seat.

"Why? You didn't do it. I did!" he hooted.

Mark seemed to be glowing as he drove us home. I could easily understand why... We didn't talk a lot. That had already happened. Surprisingly, we didn't have sex again once back in my apartment. Two quick showers and we fell sound asleep. Mark was almost glued to my body all night!

Sunday morning, I awoke to the soft, smooth sounds of his breathing.

"I sure could get used to this!" I thought. Looking down I saw a huge tent in the sheets. A devilish grin crossed my face. Peeking under the covers, I saw Mark's "tent pole."

"Perfect!" I thought to myself.

Gently I crawled out of bed and tip-toed into the kitchen. Slowly and quietly I searched until I found it. One of those brightly colored twelve inch plastic rulers; a holdover from my high school days.

Backtracking to the bedroom, I discreetly crawled back under the covers.

Ruler in hand, my mission was looming in front of me.

I took the instrument and gingerly placed it at the base of Marks' towering cock.

Now to somehow press it against his fat veiny rod so I could.....

"You'll probably find that it doesn't quite reach the end of the ruler," a booming voice declared, followed by a giggle, "What exactly are you doing? As if I didn't already know!

I quickly pulled back.

"Uhhhh... Nothing!" I chirped.

Mark sat up and grinned at me.

"Well...since you're so fascinated with my cock, maybe you should suck it for me!"

He gripped the back of my head and "forced" me towards his massive bone. Not much effort was needed on his part...

That's how our Sunday began. Forty-eight hours. Less than that, actually. Everything had changed. Completely.

After our morning sex, Mark padded off to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"You don't have to....!" I started to protest.

"I didn't buy all of this stuff to just let it sit here," he laughed.

It was supreme: bacon, eggs and chocolate chip pancakes.

"Just like you get at IHOP. Except mine are better!" he bragged.

He was right!

Over breakfast I pointed out something....

"It's my fault," I said.


"I forgot to move the nightlight. You spent two nights here without it!"

"I.....I....You're right! I've always had to have one!! I guess it's kind of childish but...!!"

"Maybe you found something better," I replied.

"There's no `maybe' to that!" he said as he stared into my eyes.

I "tipped" the chef. By delivering a load of my best cream in his butt as he braced himself against the kitchen counter top. We decided that was a really fun position....

The rest of the day we talked. About last night.

Had he any second thoughts? NO! He was more excited than ever.

"I can fit all my clothes and records and stereo stuff in my car!" he said.

That made sense. We didn't have any furniture that justified renting a trailer. And a trailer would only slow us down.

"What will your parents say?" I asked him.

"I think my brothers will understand. Especially Stan [the oldest one]. What about yours?"

"I haven't told Mom I quit yet..... Let alone that I'm leaving. She knows I hate it here... As for Dad... Who the fuck cares? He had twenty-one years to be a Father and he failed."

"Is it really as neat out West as you said?" he asked.

"YEAH!" I exclaimed, then I started talking about it again.

Sunday came to a close. Mark seemed kind of fidgety.

"What?" I asked him.

"I don't want to go home," he said.

I laughed.

"Won't your parents wonder ....?"

"Oh...they know exactly where I am...!" he smiled.

"But for how long?" I asked.

Mark suddenly had that look like.... he was trying to hold back something.

"Come on... We have no secrets!" I said.

He fidgeted some more. Which made him look so adorable!

"I planned...." he stammered.


"I planned.....," he stopped and then suddenly it all came out rapid fire, "I planned on staying here until I could convince you to let me go with you!"

That was another "head spinning" moment for me.... At least it now made sense why he had bought so many groceries!


That was about all I could say....

"And...!" he stopped again.

"`And?'" I repeated.

"I can't help it," he sobbed.

His eyes started to water...

"Tell me," I implored him, "We have no secrets....!"

"I... I.... I've fallen completely in love...with you!" he cried.

Next: Chapter 3

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