That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Nov 4, 2021


"That Was Unexpected 06"

Copyright 2021

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. It reads better that way; and this isn't an English Lit assignment. Although that would be an interesting idea... I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Thank you for reading....

From Part 05...

"I.. I... I.... wanted.... to... know..... you guys are GAY.....aren't you?"

Mark and I swapped astonished looks.

"Yes," I said.

"That's what .... why.... I wanted.... I saw what you two were doing!"

Mark broke out laughing.

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled.

Skipper looked at me and stammered, "It doesn't.... hurt... when...he.... he... puts it.... in you?"

Part 06

I don't know who laughed the hardest or longest; Mark or me.... but the room echoed with our reaction to Skipper's question. He sat there, eyes darting between us, probably wondering what was so funny.

"It.... It.....!" I stammered, trying to reply, "If.... it hurt then I wouldn't do it!"

We were still both roaring with laughter.

"Oh!" Skipper squeaked, "Is that... Were you....?"

He looked at Mark. I mean AT Mark, not at Mark's big long hose.....

"Cornholing him?"

Skipper nodded towards me.

Just as I thought I might catch my breath, we both broke out in another outburst of hilarity.

"Cornholing!" Now there was a word almost vanished from my vocabulary. Hearing a barely- fifteen year old boy use it brought back memories of my freshman and sophomore years in high school. Those memories weren't particularly fond ones.... The word was generally used in a negative fashion when speaking of gays. By the time I had moved into my junior, and then senior year (at a completely different school in another state), the word had thankfully vanished from everyday use.

"Uhhhh.... that's kind of a bad word to use....!" I started to explain.

Skipper turned beet red.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me... I didn't mean....!"

"Hurt you?" Mark interrupted him, "Why on Earth would we do that? You're just a boy!"

"I am NOT!" Skipper puffed himself up, "I'm FIFTEEN! How old are YOU guys?"

"Twenty-one!" Mark replied.

"Oh.... Gee..... That's old!" the boy exclaimed.

"We're not over the hill yet! ..... But what I.... and he.....!" Mark nodded at me, "...Want to know is why a fifteen year old boy is peeping into someone's bedroom at night, and why that same boy seems so interested in two guys having sex ....!"

"Don't you LIKE sex?" Skipper chirped, "Because it sure looked to me like you both do!"

Mark and I couldn't help laughing again....

I saw down next to this rather interesting and somewhat precocious brown haired, brown eyed boy...

He was bracketed between Mark and myself. Both of us were naked and semi-aroused by the situation. Skipper was wearing short, frayed cutoffs and a cropped T-shirt.

"Yes. We like sex a whole lot.... But.... Mark wasn't cornholing' me," I paused before continuing.

It felt like I was giving the kid a sex education lesson...

"We were...fucking!"

"Can two boys do that?" Skipper gasped.

More laughter....

"You were watching us. What do you think?"

I could almost see the wheels turning in his young brain.

We both spoke simultaneously...

"Anything a guy and a girl can do, two guys can do!" I said, "Except... for getting pregnant. And that's a good thing!"

"But fucking is for... making babies...isn't it?" he asked.

I looked at Mark.

"Don't look at me," he hooted, "YOU started this!"

I wasn't too sure that assessment was correct. After all, I wasn't the one who had dragged a squealing, squirming boy into our bedroom!

Skipper and I again spoke over each other...

"They can?" he said.

"Having sex is for more than just that!" I explained.

He stared at me.

"Didn't you have any sex education classes in school? Or maybe you're still too young for that...!"

It also occurred to me that maybe not all parents air-dropped illustrated little books explaining the changes occurring in adolescent bodies...

"Oh that stuff.... Yeah... It didn't really explain a lot and left me with more questions...!"

"Then you should have asked your teacher!" I replied.

Skipper looked shocked.

"The classes were given by our nurse... She....!"

"Oh!" I chuckled, "That might have been difficult...!"

Skipper nodded "Yes!"

"Anyway, I learned a lot from other guys...!"

That remark was revealing and somewhat troubling, especially if the "other guys" were his age.

"Well... You have two live gay guys here.... Anything you wanna know...?"

"Is it okay to like another guy?" he chirped.

"Heck yes!" Mark spoke up.

"Then why do people say such bad things...!" Skipper started to ask.

"Because they are stupid!" Mark barked.

"It's just as natural for two guys as it is for a guy and a girl!" I added.

"Really?" the boy exclaimed.

He seemed relieved to hear the news..

"Why? Is there a boy you kind of like....?" Mark asked.

Skipper's eyes suddenly turned all dreamy... I knew that look so well!

He nodded "Yes!"

"Is he in your class? I mean.. The same age as you?"

Another "Yes!"

"Does he like you?"

"I...I ... don't know... We have two classes together and gym too... He' cute... and we talk a lot and he's always looking at me! Especially when we shower after gym class!"

"Those are good signs!" I laughed, "What's his name?"

"Scotty... I mean... Scott!" Skipper replied.

"Why don't you ask him out for a movie or something....!" I started to ask.

"You on a date?" the boy gasped.

"Sure! Just don't call it that! you... play any sports or....?"

Skipper nodded a very enthusiastic "Yes!"

"We both swim and play baseball and basketball!"

"Well then... try that! Maybe after school or at a park!" I suggested.

"What if he turns me down...?"

"You won't know until you try!" Mark chuckled.

Sitting next to Skipper was starting to have the inevitable effect on my cock. It was compounded as I saw Mark's fat, long beef stick also starting to grow...

"Your cock is HUGE!" the boy exclaimed, then he looked at me, "And yours... the end is so FAT!"

Well.... At least he paid me a compliment! Which made my bone really inflate....!

"I have a big dick too!" Skipper suddenly remarked.

Mark and I just nodded. ALL high school boys think they have a big cock until they see their first live-in-the-flesh-real-life truly BIG one!

Skipper looked at me, then Mark. His next comment sent my ego crashing...

"Mine's not as big as his!" then he turned towards me, "But bigger than yours!"

Why? Why? Why? Is there no fairness in life? Hearing a barely fifteen year old boy claiming that his cock is bigger than mine... at twenty-one years.... kind of sent my ego into a tailspin!

"Oh yeah?" Mark chuckled, obviously not believing Skipper's claim, "There's more to it than just size. You have to know what to do with it!"

"How am I supposed to learn that?" Skipper asked.

Mark seemed to be looking to me for help. I had to suppress flashing him an "eat shit" grin!

"Well.....," he replied in his textbook "Okie" drawl, "There are some things you can figure out by yourself...!"

"Oh... I think I know all of those!" the boy giggled.

"Really?" Mark smiled, again looking at the boy with a ton of skepticism.

"Yeah! Except... Well....cornholing," Skipper paused while blushing, "I mean.....!"

His voice suddenly lowered in volume as he looked around the bedroom.

".....Fucking!" he said softly.

Mark and I both laughed again.

"There's no one here but us three!" I pointed out, "So you don't have to whisper....!"

Skipper blushed some more. His eyes kept darting between Mark and me, or rather both of our fully erect cocks.

It was unavoidable. He was drawn to Mark's long, fat bone, just like a bee to honey...

"It's so big!" he gasped.

Mark actually blushed.

"What about you?" he shot back.

His question brought Skipper to attention.

"What?" the boy squeaked.

"You said you have a big cock! So.....Do you?"

Mark glanced at me.

"What are you doing?" my mind screamed.

"Uhhh.... Uhhhhh.....!!!!" Skipper stammered.

"It's okay!" Mark continued, "You're still very young. When you grow up and your body starts to change....!"

"But it already HAS changed!" the boy squeaked, "A LOT!"

Mark just smiled again and gave a soft laugh.

"Wanna see?" Skipper challenged him.

I wasn't sure about this at all. Three naked guys, or rather two naked guys and an overly curious, aggressive young boy. It reeked of things possibly going awry...

"Sure!" Mark dared him.

I really don't think he was expecting Skipper to accept the challenge.

The look on Mark's face was....interesting to say the least.... as the boy stood up and peeled his T-shirt over his head. A lean, tan, well defined and completely hairless chest and stomach made Skipper's young body stand out.

"Nice!" Mark observed, "Your abs are really taking shape!"

"I do lots of calisthenics and gymnastics," Skipper explained, "The parallel bars and trampoline and....swimming when I can!"

"Your efforts are sure paying off! Some boy is absolutely gonna love what he sees!" Mark whistled.

"Really?" Skipper chirped (again).

"Yup!" Mark nodded.

The moment of decision had arrived. I thoroughly expected Skipper to chicken out.... Was I ever wrong! He snapped open the buttons on his Levis cutoffs and let them drop to the floor. Without hesitation and with a quick tug, next came the tighty whitey briefs.

A smallish, circumcised cocklet measuring maybe just shy of five inches dangled below a very sparse nest of pubes. Skipper did seem to have two very large nuts hanging below in a sac covered with a soft down. I felt relieved. The boy's "gear" was impressive but no threat to mine.

If I had been more observant, the folds of skin between the perfect mushroom head and the base of his cocklet should have told me something....

Skipper beamed with pride as he stood facing both of us.

"Not bad," Mark said, trying to fluff the young teen's ego.

"Wait until I get a boner!" Skipper giggled.

"Oh?" Mark chortled.

"I guess it's because I'm kind of shy...!" the boy started to explain.

Mark and I both snickered. If anything, Skipper was not shy at all....

"What?" Mark asked.

"Why it's not boned now. Usually it seems like I have one all the time!"

"We both know that feeling," I laughed.

"I can make it hard! It's EASY!!" Skipper boasted.

"Just like that?" I asked.

"Sure. Now that I know you guys are okay!"

"Well that's good to know," Mark snorted.


"That we're okay!'"

Mark and I both laughed again.

"Oh sure!" Skipper replied, "I understand it now...! You guys are... boyfriends! Right?"

Mark and I tried to hide our surprise.

"Precocious!" my brain howled.

"Are you an only child?" Mark asked.

"Shucks, No!" Skipper scowled, "I have a dumb sister...!"

"Why do you call her that?"

"Because she's going to be a senior this year and she's dating now... and Mom and Dad give her too much attention!"

"Oh!" Mark acknowledged.

"But her boyfriend is sure cute!" Skipper added.

"Oh?" Mark repeated himself.

"Yeah. He's on the football team or something and he's really.....!" the boy's eyes suddenly turned very dreamy, "...really fun to look at... and sometimes he looks back at me!"

Mark and I shot each other another curious glance.

"Wanna watch me get hard?" Skipper challenged us, "You two are. So I should be too...!"

"You don't have to...!" Mark started to reply.

"Here it goes!" the boy chirped.

It was almost like turning on an electric motor... Skipper closed his eyes as that little cocklet sprang out and began to grow in length and girth. Quickly it rose upwards towards the young boy's stomach. A sinking feeling quickly overwhelmed me as I watched something small take on much larger dimensions.

"YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Skipper groaned as his prick quickly passed mine in length before reaching up just below his bellybutton.

Mark's face registered complete astonishment at the sight standing before us. A skinny little boy with a cock that...seemed like it belonged on a much larger, older guy!

"SEE!" Skipper beamed with pride.

The boy hadn't lied. Just guessing, I think he had me beat by a good two inches or more in length. I still had my fat mushroom head and decent sized shaft; Skipper's cock was a bit thinner than mine.... but in pure length, the boy had not lied. At all!

"Told ya!" he giggled again.

"That impressive!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah!" I croaked in agreement.

What Skipper said next totally floored me.

"Teach me things!"

His eyes radiated excitement and innocence.

"UHHH!!!!" Mark stammered, "We're kind of old for you.. remember?"

"It's okay," the boy giggled, "I was just having fun with ya!"

Mark looked at me for help. I don't know why he kept doing that. What am I supposed to do?

"Well.... I'm.... We're flattered that you...!"

"I put something up my butt once!" Skipper laughed, then he added softly, "More than once...!"

Mark and I did a double take!

"What....?" I started to ask, not knowing if I really wanted the answer.

Visions of candles danced in my brain....

"My Sister's hairbrush!" the boy chirped.

"I hope it was the handle end and it wasn't made out of wood!"

"No, plastic!" Skipper snorted, "And of course I used the handle end!"

"And you cleaned it all up after...?" I started to ask.

"Shoot no! My butt is clean! I just kind of wiped it off and....!"

Mark started rolling with laughter.

"And Sis has all these long, tall bottles of stuff she uses to make herself look pretty for Chuck," he stopped, frowned, then added, "I don't think any of them are really working....!"

Mark and I both chuckled at his remark.

"They aren't.....!" I hesitated, "glass bottles, are they?"

Skipper recoiled in shock, "NO!"

Mark and I broke up again. If nothing else, the boy's honesty was refreshing and funny.

"Did you use something to lube up your butt hole?" I said.

"Huh? What? Oh yeah! Sis has all kinds of things that are really slippery...!"

Mark and I laughed yet again.

"For your sake, I hope she doesn't catch on to what you're doing," I chortled.

"Naw.... She doesn't have any idea....!," he paused, looked around and continued in a low voice, "I even jacked off twice into her jar of face cream!"

"WHAT???" we both exclaimed and then started rolling with side splitting laughter.

"She's always complaining about something and Mom and Dad listen to everything she says and do exactly what they have to make her happy!" Skipper said, "And she treats me like I'm a five year old or even invisible!"

His complaints sounded to me like the typical brother-sister feuds that I had heard a million times before in high school. I tried to move on with his first lesson.

"Well... When it comes to lubing up your butt hole, whatever you do, stay away from heavy, oily stuff. Use something that cleans up with water."

"EWWW!!! I know! I used some Vaseline once and it was so gooey. My butt felt slippery for days!" the boy explained.

That "revelation" brought more laughter from Mark and me...

Skipper stopped talking and stared at me.

"But doesn't it hurt at ALL when he.....,"

He glanced at Mark....

"...When he puts that..... I mean.... it's so BIG!"

"No," I laughed, "I started out very carefully and slowly got used to it!"

"How often does he cornhole........," Skipper stopped and then corrected himself, "does he fuck you?"

"As often as I can!" Mark chuckled.

Skipper blushed.

"It still seems like it would hurt!"

"I'm very careful. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt him," Mark explained.

"Oh!" Skipper chirped.

There was a brief silence before he cracked a goofy smile and asked, "Can you guys do this?"

As casually as most people breathe, the young boy leaned foreword and swallowed a good six inches of his own cock. Soft whimpering sounds came from his throat as he began servicing his impressive tool.

Watching this was too much for me. I glanced at Mark and could tell he was feeling the same way.

"Baby....!" I whispered.

Mark flopped back on the bed and raised one leg, then another, until he was contorted into a pretzel. His asshole beckoned me...

""YEAH!" I panted.

Sliding up to him, I spit on my cock and then easily slipped it deep into his ass. Skipper's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw that! The "icing on the cake" happened when Mark swallowed his own cock!

"YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"I sighed.

Mark moaned as my cock began slamming deep into his body.

Skipper was conflicted between trying to watch us while swallowing a good portion of his young prick. It was easy to tell this was something he did quite often!

The room quickly filled with the sounds and scents of three horny boys. Since I was the only one that didn't have anything hard shoved down my throat, my vocalizations were the loudest. Mark and Skipper could only mewl and moan as they serviced themselves.

As to be expected, Skipper shot his load first. His young body thrashed up and down on the bed as he swallowed his cum. That set me off and my cock began filling Mark's guts with a torrent of spunk. In turn, Mark's massive fuck stick unleashed its gusher of jizz down his throat.

The room reeked of sex as Mark untangled himself while Skipper sat up and grinned. A long strand of cum drooled down from his lower lip.

"Damn!" Mark exclaimed, "That was....different!"

"It was FUN!" Skipper giggled, "How did you learn to do that? I have to try it too!"

"I took gymnastics in school just like you did," he explained, "Plus it helps to have a big dick!"

"YEAH!" Skipper cried, "You sure do have a REALLY BIG DICK!"

"There's nothing wrong with yours!" Mark assured the boy.

"You think so?" the boy asked, again seeking reassurance.

"Are you kidding? How many guys can suck their own cock?" I asked him, "I can't even do that!"

"It's kind of fun and it doesn't leave any mess. I used to jack off into a sock but.... I was afraid Mom would find out... And one day I was just playing with my boner and the idea hit me! So now when I make sperms, there's nothing left behind!"

I laughed at his description.

"It's called cumming,'" I explained.

"OH!" the boy giggled.

"You're already ahead of yourself and don't even know it," Mark said.

Skipper's face looked blank....


"You already know how to suck cock! All you have to do is try it on another boy instead of yourself!" Mark explained.

"Like Scotty!'" I added.

Just mentioning the boy's name made Skipper's cock throb and squirt out a long strand of dick snot.

"Someone's still horny!" I laughed.

"What? Huh?"

"He means you.... You wanna do it again!" Mark chuckled.

"OH!!! YEAH!!! Sometimes I do it over and over!" Skipper laughed, "But what I really want... Gee... I wish you would cornhole..... Uhhhh....fuck him again!"

Mark smiled at me.

"I think he wants to see my cock sink into your ass!" he said to me.

"OH YES!" Skipper giggled, "Can you do that again?"

"I think we can arrange that," I said in a very raspy voice.

Lying down on the bed, I looked into Mark's eyes.

"Let's give Skipper a good show!" I said softly.

Mark didn't say a word. He didn't have to. I knew what was going to happen next!

Skipper's eyes almost popped out of his head as Mark lifted my legs up on his broad shoulders and then slowly thrust his long, fat cock into my willing asshole.

"OHHHH!!!" the boy cried as he watched our bodies join together, "And it doesn't hurt?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I moaned, "It ...feels like ...paradise!"

As Mark began to pump his long bone in and out of my body, Skipper twisted himself into knots trying to watch the spectacle taking place in front of his young eyes.

"I never ...!" the boy started to say.

"You have ....two holes... and a pole," Mark gasped as he thrust himself deep into me, "Learn how use them..... in every way possible!"

"You mean.... Cornholing myself?"

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Mark exclaimed, "You're nimble and big enough to do it... OH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!"

I could tell that Mark wasn't going to last very long and neither was I.....

"Are you guys gonna make sperms....?" Skipper paused, "I mean.... cums.... cum..... already?"

"YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried, "There's something inside a guy's butt that.....makes it happen so easily!"

Skipper reached back and began fingering his hole. From the look on his face, I could tell that he had found what I was talking about....

"OHHHH!" he squeaked.

"I think he's gonna shoot!" Mark giggled.

"So ...I!" I gasped.

"Get ready baby!!!" Mark cried.

Skipper eyes fluttered as he kept probing his young butt.

"OHH!!! OHHHHH!!!!!!!" he squeaked.

Doubling over, he swallowed his cock just in time. Actually, the timing was what could be considered textbook perfect. All three of us shot our wads almost simultaneously. I was the only one whose cum rained down on my body and face. Mark's went deep inside of me while Skipper drank his nectar down like it was fine wine. Or considering his age, a tasty, thick, creamy malted shake.

"WOW!" Skipper exclaimed, "That was GREAT!"

He watched as Mark's long prick slid out of my gaping hole.

"And it really doesn't hurt you?" he chirped.

"If it did, I wouldn't keep doing it," I replied again.

"There's so much to learn! How will I ever figure it out? What if I find someone who likes me and I don't know what to do? How did you guys learn all of this stuff?"

The boy bombarded both of us with an endless stream of questions.

"You will learn really quickly," Mark said, "Your entire body is.... Well, you'd be surprised what can turn a guy on...!"

With that, he reached over and started nibbling on my ear. Which made me groan and shiver. Naturally, my cock also responded.....

Skipper's eyes were riveted on both of us. It was beginning to dawn on me that I LIKED showing off in front of another guy. As long as it was Mark who was turning me on!

One thing led to another and soon it was my turn to tap Mark's ass. It was even more erotic this time because we both had an audience. One very horny and inquisitive teenage boy....who seemed to have an endless supply of cum from his own very impressive cock.

"He never runs out of jizz because he keeps swallowing it," Mark laughed after I finished filling him with my spunk.

It was getting very late. Neither of us were particularly sated; Mark had the ability to push me on to increasingly impressive displays of my sexual prowess.

That sounds funny. "Sexual prowess." From me? A year ago I would have laughed at the notion. Something about my ginger haired stud did...almost magically....push me to new limits. Was that due to being in love with the sexiest boy on Earth? It would have taken a really hard sell to convince me otherwise.

"Just remember what I said. Your whole body can be used for having fun! Don't be afraid to try new things. Experiment. You won't break anything!" Mark laughed.

"Can you guys do it again?" Skipper begged.

Mark and I looked at each other.

"Don't you have to be getting home.... I mean it's after one!" I asked.

"No... My parents sleep like a couple of bears. They don't have a clue that I'm not in my bed...!" the boy giggled.

"Well....!" I laughed, "We have to go to work in a few hours!"

"Oh shoot! This is so much FUN!" Skipper whined, "Just one more time....?"

I looked at Mark. An idea had popped into my head. So far neither of us had any sexual contact with the adolescent sexual dynamo sitting on our bed. We had just provided him with live-action ideas about what two guys can do together.

"Can you cum spontaneously?" I asked him.

"Huh?" Skipper grunted.

"He means can you make sperm by just thinking about it....!" Mark started to explain.

"You mean like my wet dreams? We learned about THAT in our Sex Ed classes!" he chortled with big smile.

"No. I mean something completely different," I said.

"Like what? I don't understand!" Skipper whined.

I leaned in close to his face. His body heat was absolutely radiant!

"I mean like this!"

Then I kissed him. On the lips. Skipper's body shook and trembled. Small squeaks came from his throat as my tongue forced its way into his mouth.

"MMMMMPPFFF!!!!" he mumbled as I felt my tongue contact his.

"Just let it go," Mark said softly as he watched the two of us.

Slowly our guest began to "warm up" to this new experience. His tongue began meshing with mine.

"I can't take this!" Mark groaned.

He dropped down to my waist and quickly swallowed my aching boner.

My moans ricocheted off the bedroom walls while I tongue fucked Skipper's throat.

The three of us were a twisted, writhing collection of boys in heat. I shoved my cock deep into Mark's throat while continuing to explore Skipper's mouth. The boy had completely submitted to me; only muffed, garbled sounds of satisfaction managed to escape from his lips.

Skipper did keep trying to reach for his cock, which looked to be hard enough to penetrate steel. The entire shaft throbbed and carried a dark purplish hue, while the perfectly shaped mushroom head looked like it was ready to explode. Repeatedly I swatted his anxious hand away. My goal was to make the boy shoot his load with no physical contact to his pulsating, drooling prick.

Withdrawing from his overworked mouth, I shifted to an earlobe and began gently nibbling. Now freed from my invading tongue, Skipper was able to vocalize. And did he ever....

High pitched squeaks and gurgles filled the room along with my deeper moans as Mark revved me towards a pending massive explosion.

"Just remember," I whispered in his ear, "Your whole body is a very sexy toy....!"

"YESSSSS!" Skipper cried, "I'm gonna...make sperms!"

Smiling, I moved down to one of his tiny "nips." Both were erect and standing out like little nubs. I gently nibbled on one...and then it happened!"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Skipper squealed as waves of cum came blasting out of his long hard cock. His dick juice managed to strike all three of us. I felt a gentle rain of hot jizz landing on my body.

Instantly my cock was triggered by Skipper's orgasm. It began pumping wads of thick hot cum deep into Mark's throat. His lips and tongue created a vacuum, suctioning out every drop I could offer. And that was a lot....

We fell back together on the bed. Mark dutifully lapped up as much of Skipper's spunk as he could before handing us some clean towels.

The boy was panting like a race horse and, well.... so was I.

"That's what I mean by spontaneous!'" I laughed, "Get real good at it and you'll be able to do it anytime!"

"Really?" the boy chirped, "This is so cool! I feel like I'm a man now...!"

"You are a man! And a very cute one at that!" Mark complemented the teen.

"Really?" Skipper squeaked again, "I just don't wanna look stupid when ..... I mean if'..... Scott and I!"

"You won't look stupid....!' Remember.... Scott or whoever you meet probably won't know any more than you do," Mark paused, "I take that back... You probably already know a LOT more than Scott or anyone else!"

"So I can be the leader?" Skipper exclaimed.

"Heck yes!" Mark chuckled, "You are a natural born leader. A true stud....!"

The boy looked confused.

"What's a stud?'"

Mark and I broke out in riotous laughter while I deferred, letting him explain the meaning of Skipper's new "title."

"And unlike those boys at school who talk about all the pussy they never really get, you're already miles ahead of them!"

"Really?" Skipper squeaked yet again.

The boy hadn't actually done anything sexual with Mark or me. Other than some simple foreplay and watching the two of us go at it for almost three hours.

"It was like a long instructional video," I laughed to myself.

The time was at hand; actually long past, for our guest to go home.

"I wish I didn't have to leave!" he said softly, "I wish you both weren't moving away!"

"But you said we're both old!'" I tried to console him.

"Yeah but you sure know a lot!" the boy chirped.

"The only way we learned was by trying things out together!" Mark said.

"But I don't have anyone!" Skipper protested.

"And you're only fifteen! You have your whole life ahead of you!" Mark explained.

We both could see tears in Skipper's eyes as he crawled out of bed and headed toward the patio door.

"Uh Uh!" Mark said, "You can leave by the front door!"

"Really...? But....but....I thought you might not want anyone to know about me.....!"

"WHY??" Mark exclaimed, "You should be proud of yourself! Do you know what it means by getting to first base....!'"

"Sure.... It means....!" Skipper started to reply.

"Not in baseball," I laughed, "Mark means like what we did tonight!"

The boy thought for a moment, then his face lit up.


"Yeah!" Mark chuckled, "NO one gets anywhere near that with me or Randy... You've been the only one!"

"WOW!" Skipper gasped as he puffed up his chest.

Reaching the door, we said our goodbyes and watched the nimble and very sexy teen disappear into the darkness.

Back in bed together, the first thing I said to Mark was, "You aren't mad because I kissed him.... Are you?"

He just shook his head "No" and laughed.

"If you can be lured away from me by a fifteen year old boy...!" he started to say.

Both of us agreed that we had never laughed so much in our young lives. Skipper had been more than entertaining with his curiosity and abundant, overflowing energy

Mark looked at me and then silently whispered, "There's just one thing left ......!"

Even in the semi-dark room, the silhouette of his long, fat cock was impossible to miss as it swayed back and forth......

"OH YEAHHHHHHHH!" I whimpered while sliding down towards his throbbing prick.

Friday morning we both dragged ourselves to work. The previous night with our young guest had kept us "up" (in more than one way!) much later than expected. Because of work, we had little time to talk about the events of our "tryst."

I kept wondering about that. Was it really such a thing? Neither Mark or myself had actually done anything with Skipper. It had been more like an illustrated lesson for a very horny boy. The one thing that both of us had taken away from the event was how erotic it had been performing before an "audience."

"Would it have been considered cheating if either of us had actually done anything with Skipper?"

That question kept playing over in my mind. Mark didn't seem concerned since we were both there. It wasn't like, say, Dad did...going around behind Mom's back.

After work there was precious little time to talk to Mark about my concerns. The minute we arrived home, he hopped in the shower and then started fixing dinner. That was a bit unusual. The standard routine, if such a thing could be said to exist in the short time we've been together, was for both of us to relax...and screw around (literally) before meal time.

Also different was his attire. Not the usual "birthday suit." Watching that tight ass as he worked in the kitchen always lead to... but not this evening. He was "dressed" in typically frayed shorts and a cropped T-shirt. If it was a plan to suppress my ravenous sexual lust for his irresistible body, it was only marginally working.

If anything, I think my horniness was on overdrive.

"You need to take a shower and cool down," he laughed, "Take your time so I can get everything ready."

That phraseology somewhat mystified me. I did comply.... fighting the urge to jack off in the hot steamy water. I seldom did that anymore. In the shower or anywhere else. Why would it be necessary? There was a "supercharged ball of energy" always within close proximity.

After toweling off and looking myself over in the mirror, I dressed in a similar fashion and headed towards the kitchen.

What I saw made me stop in my tracks!

The table was set with a rich tablecloth, floral arrangement and tall dinner candles. The scent of incense started to fill the dining and living area.

Mark glanced at me and smiled. I wilted. Well, most of me did...

"What...?" I started to ask.

"It's a special dinner," he replied.

I wondered what that meant, but didn't ask, "Special?" How so? I mean, every day that I woke next to him was special to me!

Try as it might, the incense could not completely cover the smell of something that made my stomach rumble.

"It's almost ready," he chirped.

I had to restrain myself from not grabbing him and fucking his brains out or shooting a load in my shorts while watching him gliding around the dining area.

"Okay!" he said after a few minutes, "It's ready!"

He had the table arranged so we would be facing each other while we ate. It was a much more condensed version of the long table at his home.

"Go ahead," he smiled, "Be seated!"

"Shouldn't I help you...?" I started to ask.

He nodded negatively.

"I'll take care of everything!" he grinned.

As long as "everything" included ME, that sounded great!

I could easily detect his scent as he ladled out the food on my plate.

"Chicken almondine with sauteed almonds, rice and broccoli!" he said softly, "And some dinner rolls!"

"WOW!" I gasped, "Why....?"

"Because I love you," he whispered in my ear before giving it a slight nip.

My body trembled at the sensation.

"Pepsi okay?" he asked.

"Sure!" I croaked.

We sat down to dine. I had NO idea why this was happening; the only things I could affirm were the food was excellent and the host was equally appealing....

We talked about work, and the fact that there was only one week left before our lives would chart a new road together.

"Mr. Spinner says two new people are starting Monday," he told me.

"Great! So maybe Timothy won't be too inconvenienced," I laughed.

"I could always break his other wrist!" he chuckled.

"Oh no! Don't do that!" I exclaimed.

Mark looked at me oddly.

"You...know.... that would....completely kill off his sex life....!" I started to say.

My comment went unfinished as we both broke out in laughter.

Finally we got around to talking about Skipper.

"He sure is a ballsy fucker!" Mark remarked.

Hearing him say that made me start laughing again.

"Yeah... What he lacks in knowledge he sure makes up for in determination!" I agreed.

"That friend of his.... Uhhh.. Scotty.... is sure gonna have his hands full!" Mark replied.

"And various other parts of his body too!" I giggled, to which we both broke out in more rounds of laughter.

"....Horny little guy trying to sneak a peek at both of us!" he said, to which I replied, " trying to?' I think he managed to get quite an eyeful! He couldn't stop staring at your big cock!"

"...Which belongs to one and only guy!"

My heart melted when Mark said those words.

"....Forever!" he added.

"You are the best thing that could have ever happened to me!" I said.

"Oh yeah? So are YOU!" he shot back.

Dinner was over; Mark arose and headed for the kitchen. I started to join him.

"No! We haven't had dessert yet!" he said.

I stared at his crotch.

"You'll get some of that soon enough!" he hooted.

"I have to ask....!" I started to say.


"Where did you get all of this? The tablecloth, the candles, the candle holders, the flowers, and the.....!"

My eyes widened as Mark returned to the table with a bottle and two very elegant glasses.

"What?" I gasped.

"Champagne!" he said softly. "A toast for us!"

"But.... but!"

I felt giddy watching him.

"To answer your question, I got all of this stuff when we picked up our cars!"


My head almost spun round and round.

"I didn't see you.....!"

"Because Stan kept you occupied while I loaded it in my car!"

The ramifications of what I was hearing completely amazed me.

"Then you've planned... been planning this for a while?"

"Oh yeah!" he said softly.

The cork popped on the bottle and Mark poured out the bubbly fluid.

"You don't drink this, you sip it!" he said authoritatively.

"Oh... And what do you know about champagne?" I chuckled.

"I used to get to sip it once a year... on New Year's Eve!" he laughed.

Even though I rolled my eyes, inside I could barely control myself. Just watching this amazing boy.... young man.... made my entire body tremble and ache with lust. And now....that he had been planning this dinner for over a week? I still wondered what was the occasion!

He raised his glass.

"To us!" he said with a big smile, "Forever!"

I reciprocated and carefully imbibed.

My cock was throbbing so hard I expected it to rip right out of my shorts!

After we finished our drink, Mark started clearing the table.

"Oh no! You're not doing all the work!" I protested.

"But I planned....!"

He never got to finish his sentence. I leaned in and mouthed the huge mound in his shorts. A soft moan escaped his lips...

"Fuck it," he said softly, "The dishes can wait....!"

I felt myself being lifted into his arms as we headed to the bedroom...

My mind reeled at the events of the evening. The dinner was surprise enough but what Mark and I did afterwards was....something that will always be burned into my brain! To say we had sex was an understatement!

It had been one week since.... Mark and I had our first marathon sex it "came" again!

We did everything that two boys could ever hope for... I mean....based on what we both knew about having sex.... Maybe it was just "basic" vanilla sex. So what? I like vanilla! And we both served up a lot of it!

The walls echoed with our passion; the bed kept slamming into the wall as Mark fucked my ass and then I did his. Our cum salvoes flooded each other's guts as we drank down cascades of that thick hot nectar....

Last week's marathon event seemed like old news as we sailed past our previous "record" and reached even greater heights. I remembered his previous admonition about stopping because he didn't want to hurt me.

"Let me worry about that," I told him, "Just keep making me scream!"

I did just that. The neighbors HAD to have heard us unless they are all deaf!

There was something quantitatively different about Mark's level of passion. This night he was electric. Completely primal and unrestrained in his display of raw sexual power. More than once my mind flashed to those words, "supercharged ball of energy" before being jolted back into reality as his long thick cock hit all the right spots in my young body.

This doesn't suggest that there was no tenderness or gentleness in his performance. Mark displayed both, which signaled the depth of his love for me.

To think that I had nearly walked away from this ginger stud; leaving him behind in the hell hole that is Tulsa, almost made me cry. But those tears were soon washed away by another mind numbing, convulsing orgasm...

We didn't have to work tomorrow. The days of overtime were now a thing of the past; at least on the weekend. Our days at ATCO were soon to end.

"How long...?" he started to ask me.

"Please don't stop!" I cried as his long thick bone slammed into my hole.

"I don't want to hurt you...!"

"If this is what pain' feels like, then keep going!" I panted.

It was after one in the morning before we finally paused.

"I never....!" I said softly.

"Me either!" Mark replied.

"Skipper would have gone nuts ....," I paused, "If he could have seen us!"

Mark thought for a moment.

"I don't know! I bet he could have kept up with us... The only bad thing for him would have been not having a partner!"

"He sure likes sucking his own cock!" I chuckled.

"Well," Mark laughed, "It's healthy and he was correct: there's no mess to clean up!"

We both broke out laughing. I nestled in his arms. To say that the bedroom reeked of sex would have been an understatement

I was almost purring as he held me.

"You're amazing," he said softly.


"Don't Huh' me.... You're a fucking stud!" Mark laughed.

"Me? I think you have it all backwards!"

"The hell if I do! Oh yeah! I've got a big elephant cock but you... you take it like it was made to fit inside of you...!"

"Maybe it is... I mean.... every time... it seems more and more intense....!" I confessed.

He smiled.

"I like hearing that!"


"Because it means you aren't getting bored with me!"

"BORED with YOU? Are you kidding? Just tonight alone.... A special candlelight dinner. Champagne. And then this.... What we just did together made last week look like a trial run!"

Mark pulled me closer to him. His body heat was like a furnace. I could actually hear his heart beating!

"You're so special....!"

He stopped and gazed into my eyes. There was that adorably shy puppy dog expression on a guy who just fucked my brains out. For hours!

"One week to go," he said quietly.


"That's why... I have to say this... to tell you something really important. At least to me!"


"Yeah! It's been gnawing at me for... well... almost since I turned up on your doorstep...!"

"...By design!" I giggled.

He blushed and grinned. There were those teeth... and thick lips that... drove my cock wild...

"I have to say it now. Now or never!"

My curiosity was piqued.

"Go ahead...!" I urged.

He seemed tongue-tied. Which only made him look cuter.

"It's about us...the way...what it .... I mean.... I... I... I just can't have sex with you anymore....!"

When those words escaped his lips my face must have fallen to the floor.

I started crying. I don't mean a soft crying. A body-wracking sobbing...

"But why? Why? Why? What did I do wrong? Please! Is it because of Skipper? I'll try and be better. Please! I... I... thought...after what we just did....!!!"

I felt his arms encircle me. I tried to resist but couldn't. Suddenly it seemed like I was going to Phoenix.... or wherever.... all by myself! All alone!

"No! No! No!" he said, pulling my tear-laden face towards his.

Our eyes met and through my tears I could see that Mark was also crying.

"I never loved anyone more than you," he said softly.

"Then why....?" I started to ask.

"Because....! Oh FUCK! I really messed this up!" he chided himself.

"Is there someone else.....?"

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" he cried.


"I can't ever have sex with you again! What we have together is so special! It's like nothing else imaginable...," he sobbed, "We can NEVER have sex again together! Having sex is what people do who don't really know each other that well... a casual thing... something with no emotional attachment. When I have sex.... I mean when we are together it's... it's....!"

I looked at him, trying to figure out what he was attempting to say...

Mark took a deep breath....

"I can't have sex with the guy I love... I can only make love to the guy I love! That guy is YOU!"

Quicker than taking a breath, my emotions went from crashing to soaring!

"That... Does that mean... are you trying to say....?"

"YES!" Mark yelped, "I'm so much love with you. You're my lover. Not just a boyfriend.' That's way too casual to define how I feel about YOU.... And.... Having sex.... that's what animals do!"

I had to laugh through my tears.

"I can only make love to you!" he sobbed.

I cradled his cute face and tried to stare through our tears into his fiery green eyes. What he just said was everything I ever wanted to hear!

"OHHHHH Marky!" I sobbed, "That's the sweetest thing you ever could have said to me...!"

"Then you....?" he started to ask.

"I love you. Forever. And yes! No more having sex! That's for boned up high school boys lusting after some pussy. We're so far above that....!" I replied.

"We....aren't like other guys. Gay or not," he said, "It's.... because of... what you do to me. How you light something inside of me...!"

I laughed at his assessment.

"Don't leave yourself out of the equation! You infected my brain.....on the first day I met you! And I hope it's an infection without a cure!"

He snuggled into me...

"Did you really think I was dumping you?"

"I... I.... don't know... the way you said it.... no more having sex.'"

"Yeah. I guess I kind of blew my lines!" he chortled,

"All my life," he continued, "I knew I was different...!"

"You mean because you like boys?"

"No," Mark replied, "I mean... Yes.... But even before then.... I was different. Solitary. A loner."

I felt like he was describing ME!

He continued, "I mean.... I knew I was faster and stronger than most boys. And taller too. Even at a really early age. I stood out. But then when.... I guess it was in the fifth grade when...some boys started noticing girls.... I wasn't interested. At all. Then my nuts dropped that only confirmed to me how different I was...!"

"You sure turned out just perfect!" I giggled.

"Ed helped me a lot. He knew. A long time ago. About how I was gay. And a loner. A high energy little boy who was starting to grow into adulthood. Not very smart but full of energy...!"

"STOP THAT! You are NOT stupid or dumb or anything like that. You just proved it by planning this dinner. You ....You watch everything and everyone. You don't just WATCH, you LEARN! You're smart in so many ways I could never hope to be....!" I exclaimed.

"I watched you from your first day at ATCO. My heart was pounding when I shared my lunches with you. I didn't know what it was other than you're cute as hell....and so nice...and honest...and smart... so REAL! Not like so many other guys!"

Hearing his confession only made me cry even more.

"I thought I was the one checking you out!' I confessed.

Mark laughed.

"I know you were. I saw you trying to look at me without actually looking at me!"

We both laughed.

"You really....?" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah! I....Kept looking at ..... at your body..... your.... Uhhhhhh! Your ass.... your face.... I wanted to throw you down on one of the [blueprint] folding tables and.....!" he paused and smiled, "I was going to say have sex with you' but.... now....!"

I smiled at his honesty.

"Now it would be making love to me!'" I said quietly.

"YES!" he squeaked.

"So much of what you said about yourself sounds like me! Except you have a solid family and they all love you...!"

"Your Mom loves you...!" he interjected.

"Yeah I know..And that's great! But it would have been better if I had some brothers or SOMEONE. Because Dad sure turned out to be a real asshole!"

Mark pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around my skinny body.

"You have me now. Forever. I know I can't make up for what you never had when you were growing up... but I'm here now. To care for you. To protect you. To....!"

"Love...honor...cherish...respect...defend and protect...!" I whispered.

"Oh baby YES!" he sighed, "Forever!"

"What now?" I said softly.


"Well I mean... a week ago you .... made love to me with such a passion... With such energy and duration.... I never imagined anything like that to be possible....and now... tonight... I mean...What's next....?"

He flashed me an evil grin.

"I still wanna take that challenge!"

"Huh?" I grunted.

"To see how many times I can....!"

"Then we better move to a rainy place so we'll have a whole day to find out!" I laughed.

Mark sat up and reached under the bed. In the semi-darkness I couldn't tell what he was doing...

"Here!" he said, handing me a jewelry case!

"What's this...?" I started to ask.

"Open it and see!" he said shyly.

The box was marked "Zales Jewelers" so I knew it was something of great value. My hands shook as I opened the container.

"OHHHHHHH DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried.

"I got one for me too. So we'!"

"...A couple!" I cried.

There it was. An eighteen karat gold necklace! Even in the darkness I could sense its luminescence.

"MARKY..... You shouldn't have.... It looks so expensive....!"

"It'll look even better around your soft, silky white neck," he said shyly.

My hands trembled as I lifted it out of the case.

"Let me help you," he offered, "It's really easy to put on but.... I can see you're shaking...!"

"I'm shaking because the most beautiful guy in the world just gave me something that signifies his love for me!" I said softly.

I felt Mark's breath on my neck as he closed the clasp.

"There!" he said, "It looks perfect on you!"

My body was still trembling as Mark donned his matching necklace.

"We're.....OHHHHH!" I cried, "We' love and ..... together!"

He nuzzled my neck. His scent drove me crazy.

"Let's make love again!" he whispered in my ear.

The next morning I awoke to the smell of something tasty cooking in the kitchen. Once again, Mark beat me by getting up first. I guess life on a farm does that to you.

I felt the gold chain around my neck,

"It's real," I thought to myself.

Yet somehow it seemed so unreal. Like a dream. Mark loved me more than I ever realized. He had for quite some time.... All the while I thought it was me....surreptitiously checking out his....fantastic body... and that cute, adorable face.... while he had been doing the exact same thing to ME!

We are....lovers! Not "boyfriends." What do lovers do? They make love!

"I can do that!" I giggled to myself.

There he was: in the kitchen gliding around making something delicious for both of us. Although what I SAW was more appetizing than any meal! A 6'4" stud standing buck naked at the counter top. Wearing nothing but an eighteen karat gold chain around his tanned, sexy neck. Yes. Sexy. Everything about Mark Ellis reeked of raw, high energy sex.

"No wonder I have a twenty-four hour boner," I thought to myself as I slid up behind him....

"OH YEAH!!!" he sighed as my cock slipped into his ass crack.

"Ready?" I whispered in his ear.

"Take me...please!" he whimpered.

It was our last Saturday in Tulsa. One week from today we would be leaving together. That sounded like a dream come true. I tried not to think about the other side of the coin. We wouldn't have our own place any more. Or any jobs. Nothing except each other. That thought kept me sane. I wondered how I ever imagined it would have been possible for me to just pack up and leave all by myself.

Mark was the anchor in my life. Nothing phased him. He was a cuddly, cute, fluffy "barn owl" who happened to love me! I watched him as the days drew nearer and his excitement level was building! That translated into everything he did, including when we....made love.

"Making love." That phrase had an adult sound to it. Not that I was in any hurry to grow old and grey... but he was correct. Having sex is something two strangers do. Like the boy in the park who gave me my first (two) blow jobs.

What Mark and I did together was so far above and beyond that... He really loves me! The gold necklace was...a physical manifestation of that love. Of course I could have done without it. As long as I have him. Yet once again, he had managed to completely amaze me. The very observant, smart boy who had taken over my heart.

We spent part of the day sorting through our possessions and trying to determine if everything would fit in both cars. It's not like we would have to throw out anything. Either Mom and or his parents would be happy to hold on to any items that didn't fit into our departure.

I had already completed a change of address kit with the Post Office. All my mail would be forwarded to Mom's place until we got settled. Mark didn't have to worry about that until the same time; then he would either fill a kit out or have his parents do it for him.

The biggest problem I had was with packing were my clothes. We talked about getting clothes bars for the cars but decided against it.

"We'll look like tourists for sure," Mark laughed.

Instead we opted to pack our clothes in boxes.

"And everything will end up getting wrinkled!" I groused.

"So... Just iron them when we get to .... our destination," he said, then a smile crossed his face, "You DO have an iron, don't you?"

I blushed because the answer was obvious.

Mark grinned. I melted again...

"Then we'll get one when we get there!" he laughed, "Of course I'll probably have to show you how to iron, too!"

"I... I....!" I stammered.

"How come a city slicker' doesn't own, or even KNOW how to iron his own clothes?" he chided me.

"I... I.... Mom always did it...!" I protested, "Besides, I don't have a lot of clothes that normally need ironing!"

Which is true... Levis, cords, only a couple of pairs of old dress slacks, tons of polo and T-shirts and some flannel winter button downs. I liked dressing casually. Which pretty much mirrored Mark's wardrobe.

He laughed at my dismay.

"I never really needed to learn how," I said in my own defense, "But I can do a lot of other things... really well!"

"Oh?" he flashed me a cheeky grin, "Like what? Show me....!"

I did....

Later in the afternoon, Mark's Mom called and invited us for another Sunday dinner.

"We can go through your stuff and see if you have everything you want ...," I started to say.

He agreed.

That evening we went to Brookside for the last time. Things were starting to recover from the tornado outbreak; there was a lot of new ongoing construction and many vacant lots were cleared and awaiting rebuilding.

The usual mob of high schoolers and young adults were out in force. I spotted Timothy's car headed in the opposite direction and once parked outside a popular gathering spot.

"He won't make any more trouble," Mark declared.

"If he's smart he won't," I laughed.

We agreed on pizza. Instead of taking it back to our apartment, Mark suggested dining at the restaurant.

"We can watch all the games being played!" he chortled.

I had no idea what he meant. As usual my awareness of such things was a little..... "slow!"

One big highlight that came up right away was watching Mark's ass in his nice well-worn Levis as we headed inside to place our order. Both of us had dressed almost identically in equally faded jeans and T-shirts, although his was cropped, highlighting a spectacularly flat and tight stomach. I was too self conscious to go in that direction.

"You should. Your body is fucking sexy as hell!" he told me.

I smiled at his choice of words...

"You have the nice tan body!" I said, thinking of him lying nude in the sun on his own little private balcony. That image made my cock start to bone up...

He flashed me another smile with those perfect white teeth.

We ordered and then took a seat back in the corner. Very private and semi-dark; not that I was going to do anything like throw him on the table and start banging his ass.... although that idea did have a lot of appeal! The entire dining area was somewhat dimly lit, which is a nice contrast to places like Dennys or Howard Johnsons with their hospital-like brightness.

Mark watched the people coming and going, and I watched him. Amazed that this handsome young stud had found love in me instead of the myriad of other boys floating in and out of the establishment. We munched on bread sticks until our order was called.

Mark picked up the pizzas while I guarded our table; not that I expected any problems. Watching him coming toward me was a treat for my eyes. His body was fluid, supple and yet conveyed a hidden strength. Oh yes and the real treat was below his belt line. It was impossible not to stare or lick my lips. He was so casual about flaunting himself.... The best part is....Mark is all mine!

"Here!" he said with his toothy grin.

Soon we were munching on the four pizzas and a huge pitcher of Pepsi.

It wasn't like eating at home. There we could stop and do....anything we pleased...and of course clothing was a (rarely exercised) option. Now we were out in public. Surrounded by what I guess would be called our "peers."

Despite, or maybe because of, the venue, I noticed Mark beginning to subtly tease me.

Oh.... No complaints here! But watching his long, talented tongue slurping down pieces of pizza made my cock spring to life.

He wasn't just slurping them down (with the same tongue that he used to drive me into ecstasy).... if it were only that.... Oh No! Mark would take a piece of pizza and hold it up in the air over his mouth while slowing letting it slide down his throat...... The same throat that I fed on a regular basis!

I knew my cock was drooling like a leaking pipe....

"Tasty!" he said with a shit-eating grin.

I could only nod in agreement.

"A week from now we won't be here anymore!" he added.

I nodded again.

"How far do you think we'll get on the first day?"

"I do-n't know!" I squeaked as my voice cracked.

He smiled again.

"I was thinking Wichita Falls... but it would be nice if we could get all the way to Abilene... It's that long stretch of two lane road I really wanna put behind us!" he said.

I could only nod. The room felt very warm...

"You're awfully quiet tonight!"

"I...I'm just thinking!" I replied.

"My whole Family will be at your place on Saturday. At eight o'clock....!" he said.

"Mom will be there too!" I croaked.

"Our families will finally get to meet each other!" he laughed.

"The landlord will be there too... For a final inspection and hopefully to refund my deposit!" I said, then added, "Expect Mom to do a lot of crying!"

Mark smiled.

"Oh yeah! Mine will too!"

"Abilene would be nice!" I mused, "I guess it depends on how late we get started."

"Yeah! I just wanna see Oklahoma in my rear view mirror!" he chirped, then he looked into my eyes.

It felt like I was being drawn into those brilliant green orbs...

"I never thought anything like this would happen to me," he said softly, "I expected to grow up, live my life and probably some day die right here in Oklahoma!"

Hearing Mark bare his deepest thoughts made my eyes start to water.

"Then this cute brown haired boy swept me off my feet and.... my life hasn't been the same since!" he added.

I could feel a wet patch on my jeans. We both had skipped wearing underwear. The spot would be obvious when I got up from the table....

"I...I....!" I stammered, "WHAT cute brown haired boy?' Have you been seeing someone else on the side?" I giggled softly.

"Nope!" he replied quietly, "There's only ONE boy in my life. And I care barely handle HIM!"

Somehow I think he had our roles reversed. Before I could speak, I felt.... it! My eyes flew open as I looked at Mark.

Something was caressing my thigh! It had to be.... it was... Mark's FOOT!

"What....?" I squeaked.

"Just relax and enjoy it," he said.

Damn! Mark is such a stud! Here he sits, eating pizza and putting on a tongue show while talking to me as casually as can be. Meanwhile, his foot is rubbing my inner thigh.... then he moved it slightly upwards until I felt a soft contact my cock.....well, my denim-covered cock...

My eyes must have said everything!

All he did was flash me a cheeky grin!

"What?" I whispered.

"You said you liked doing it in front of people...!"

"Yeah... that was Skipper.... a fifteen year old boy in our bedroom!"


"This place is full of people...!"

"....And it's dark and no one is watching!"

My back was to the crowd of hungry customers, all of whom were engaged in conversation as they busily consumed their food.

"Look into my eyes!" Mark said softly.

I didn't need to be persuaded to do that!

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

I nodded "Yes!"

"Then relax and get ready!"

"Re-ady?" my voice cracked.

He just smiled again. So sexy. His foot began to massage my boner. I remembered he had worn tennis shoes with no socks.... now I wondered how far in advance he had planned this!

" shoot your load!"

"HERE?" I squeaked, "You know what a mess that will make!"

"I'll be right there with you...making a mess too!"

My eyes fluttered. How did he plan on doing THAT?

"How...?" I croaked.

"Because you turn me on so much!" he giggled.

His foot was starting to drive me crazy. My cock felt like it would split my jeans as his gentle massaging continued. Mark casually downed another piece of pizza while I gripped the edge of the table with both hands.

"Don't let it get cold!" he smirked while glancing at the pizzas.

NOTHING about me was cold right now!

My body trembled slightly as pressure started to broil in my balls.

"Do you know how much I love you," he said in a barely audible voice.

All I could do was stare into his eyes.

"That's good! Keep looking at me like that! You're gonna make your Marky cum. A lot!" he whispered.

It was all I could do to keep my head from flopping backwards as bolts of energy shot through my body.

"I never much.... I could love someone!" he continued, "From the first moment... I laid eyes on you .... I knew... I wanted you...I had to... have you so badly... it hurt...a good hurt...but it hurt a lot...!"

Mark was confessing his deepest love for me on a Friday night in a crowded pizza parlor while he pushed both of us towards massive spontaneous orgasms!

Well... Maybe that was slightly wrong... He was most definitely manipulating mine as he quickly coasted towards his own completely self-induced eruption....

His eyes...told me everything! They sparkled like two brilliant gems. Lit with a fire that I had come to recognize from my "supercharged ball of energy!"

There was no turning back now. No stopping at all. It didn't matter any more. I didn't WANT to stop! I WANTED to shoot my load right now!

"Baby!" I whispered.

He knew! He could tell! Mark could read me like a book!

"Just let it happen!" he smiled as his tongue ran around those thick pouty lips.

That did it for me. Gripping the table edge with both hands, my body stiffened as it hit me. In overpowering waves my cock began discharging its hot thick load of spunk.

"YEAH!" Mark smiled, "I can feel it!"

HE could feel it? I was the one lost in a cloud of euphoria!

My eyes watered at the intensity of the pleasure washing over my young body. Mark could sense what was happening to me... and that sent him over the edge as well!

"YEAH!" he softly cried.

His lean body wracked with convulsions while he gripped the table with both hands. Mark was completely spontaneously shooting his load!

"YES! YES! YES!" he whimpered.

I knew it was really driving him crazy to keep silent as he jizzed himself. Between the two of us, Mark was always the noisier one.... not that I was a meek little church mouse!

After we both shot our wads, a serene, warm feeling washed over me. My eyes remained focused on Mark. Two people, alone in a crowd, had just consummated an act of love. None of the noisy crowd around us had any idea what had happened.

"Forever," he whispered softly, "you and me!"

"Yes!" I said softly.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I blushed and nodded.

"I had to do it!" he said, "I wanted you so badly and....!"

"It's okay," I smiled, "But now what?"


"What do we do next?"

"Finish our pizzas!" he giggled.

There it was again. His boyishly cute face. The innocent smile.


My mind reeled. Yes. Mark IS innocent, and so am many ways... But in other areas he is miles ahead of me. I never would have thought of doing this....

"You said you liked doing it in front of people!"

His statement interrupted my thoughts. Actually, it was almost like he could read my mind.

"This is a little different than teasing Skipper in our bedroom...!" I repeated an earlier comment.

"Not really. That was a warm-up for this! We don't ever have to do anything like it again if you don't want to...!"

My small-town, virtuous brain said, "No!" but my cock was... Well..... it hadn't gone soft after I flooded my jeans with a lake of dick juice. I could only imagine about the torrent that Mark's firehose had produced.

"No... It's just kind of new to me...!" I said.

"Me too!"

I knew Mark wasn't lying, but he sure as hell managed to pull it off with perfection: for both of us!

"My jeans are soaked," I said quietly.

"I know! Mine are too!"

He made a quick glance under the table. There was a muffled laugh.

"Don't slip on the cum when we get up to leave!"

Shock must have registered on my face.

"Don't worry about it! No one will figure it out and even if they do, we'll be long gone by then!

"What about our jeans? People will....!" I started to say.

"No they won't. Look around. No one is paying any attention to us. It's dark enough anyway... If you like, I'll follow!"

That offer made me feel a little more relaxed. It would also give me a chance to stare at Mark's perfect ass.

"Besides," he chirped, "I know you like to ogle my butt!"

I shook my head and giggled. CAN he read my mind?

We stood up to leave. The dampness of the sticky cum felt cool on my thigh.

"Ready?" he grinned.

I just nodded.

Mark glided through the crowded restaurant almost like he was floating on air. I tried to act as casually as possible.

Only when we exited the building did I start to feel relaxed.

"See?" he said, shooting me a toothy grin, "I told you!"

I leaped on him and wrapped my arms around his lithe body.

"You're gonna pay for this when we get home!" I whispered in his ear.

"Oh.... I was counting on that!" he snorted.

Sunday we went to the Ellis house for a last Family gathering. It was another huge meal filled with excellent conversation, dominated by Mark. As what I had determined to be "par for the course," Stan excelled in out-eating all of us. Not to say that he didn't listen to his younger Brother. The whole Family was good at listening to everything. Now I know how my Marky managed to hone that valuable skill.

Mark took one last look through his bedroom to make sure he had everything he planned on taking with him. We carefully rolled up his posters and placed them in drawing tubes.

"Perfect!" he chirped, "They won't take up much room at all!"

In my heart I knew this was a much bigger step for him than me. I had so many bedrooms and houses and even towns scattered through my life that none of them meant anything. Mark was leaving his birthplace for the first time in his young life. And it wasn't just to move across town. We were going on an adventure together!

While Mark was busy loading up his car, Raymond managed to draw me to one side.

"We'll all be at your place on Saturday at nine," he said.

I nodded in agreement.

He looked uncomfortable before making his next statement.

"Look...Randy... I know... it's none of my business... but.... Mark told me about your Father... and his reaction to....!"

"Oh!" I said softly.

"What he did...the way he treated you... is unconscionable for a parent. If I had my way, I'd....!" he paused.

His face was beet red.

"No one .... No MAN should ever abandon his son! I don't understand everything about how .... about you and my Son. But I know he's so happy. So ecstatic to be going away with you... I guess you have managed to handle my "supercharged ball of energy!"

We both laughed. I blushed at the thought of some of that "handling."

"I.... It's not my place but," he stammered, "But to Martha and me, and my sons, you are a part of the Ellis Family. I know I can't replace a Father....!"

"I never really had a Father!" I said softly as my eyes teared.

A heavy look cast over Raymond's face.

"I know that... but as far as we are concerned... YOU are a part of OUR Family!"

I couldn't help sniffling at the monument of his words. If only my Father had been even close to this....

"Thank you, Sir!" I croaked.

"Just take care of my son," Raymond said with a smile, "He NEEDS you!"

"No, sir... I need HIM....!" I paused, "We NEED each other!"

"We all noticed the gold necklaces...!" he added.

"That was Mark's gift to me. Sort of a way of bonding us!" I explained.

"Really? Then you really must have a lock on his heart!"

Just as he ruffled my hair, Mark suddenly popped out of nowhere and flashed me a goofy grin that made my heart melt (and my cock stir).

"I'm all ready!" he exclaimed, "Mom gave us some more leftovers!"

Raymond and I both laughed.

We said our goodbyes and headed back to the apartment. "Our" apartment. For just a few more days...

On the ride home I kept admiring the boy who had stolen my heart. Naturally Mark noticed me ogling him.

"Keep it up and I'll start charging for each look!" he giggled.

"Oh? What method of payment is acceptable...?" I chortled.

Another cheeky grin....

"I bet I can think up something you can afford!" he laughed.

"I was just... thinking about you. About us. About how glad I am you turned up at my front door one evening...!"

He grinned again.

"It took me forever to work up the courage!"

Hearing that admission (again) from a boy who laid out Timothy Cole in one swift blow made my head spin.

"You are very brave," I replied, "Thankfully, braver than me or where would we be now?"

"I had to try. Because it looked like you weren't going to...!" he said.

I wanted to kick myself (again).

"And besides, win or lose, I HAD to try because.... because..... I wanted so much!"

I started to cry again.

Through my tears, I managed to mumble, "Make love to me when we get home!"

Mark said nothing. He didn't have to. The effervescent look on his face gave me the answer I needed.

It was countdown week, Five days left at ATCO, and then on Saturday we were off! Mom invited us for dinner Tuesday evening.

"She might cry," I warned him.

"It's okay! She's your Mother and she loves you!"

Dinner went without incident. No crying. No tears.

"I promised myself I wouldn't break down in front of both of you," she laughed.

Of course she also noticed our necklaces. When I explained that Mark had bought both of them, her eyes widened. She looked at the tall, lean and adorably cute boy sitting across from me.

"How sweet!" she gushed.

Mark blushed.

"I wanted something... a way of showing.... that we are a couple!" he stammered, tripping over his words several times.

"Oh honey, I already knew that... From the way you... took control and calmed Randy down after that day with his....Father!"

She literally spat out that last word.

"There is something so deep between the both of you! Everyone should know such a feeling!"

We both blushed.

After dinner, we headed into the living room for dessert and some conversation.

As things were winding up, Mom handed me an envelope.

The puzzled look on my face said it all.

"Go ahead, honey! Open it!"

I peeked inside and gasped in shock.

"A check? For.... $2500? Mom! You don't have that kind of money!" I protested. [$14K in 2021 dollars]

She just laughed.

It's not from me. Well....," she paused, "I guess in a way.... You see... It's from your Father!"

"WHAT?" I barked, "I don't know if I want it now...! Is he still trying to buy me off?' Leave Mark and....!"

"Oh!! No No No!!!!!!" she cut me off, then flashed a wicked smile, "I twisted it out of him in order to finalize our divorce!"

"WHAT?" I exclaimed again.

"Your Mom did say she knew how to deal with him!" Mark interjected.

"EXACTLY!" Mom replied, "I ... Well... the air was blue when I got through with him...!"

"YOU?" I snickered.

"Oh yes! When it comes to dealing with an asshole who rejects his only son!" she barked.

"But it's so much money!" I gasped.

"Who cares? It's your Father's money... Or rather it was....! It's a cashier's check made out to you, so when you get wherever you are going, it will be easy to deposit."

Mark and I had discussed how we were going to handle our money. Or rather, transport it on our trip. This Friday after work we were both going to close out our bank accounts and convert most of the money into cashier's checks, traveler's checks and some cash.

We planned on keeping the money hidden in our vehicles as long as we were in them. Overnight it would remain with us in a motel room or wherever we slept. The main goal was to never let the funds out of our sight.

Once I realized what I was holding in my hand, things started to look a lot better.

"This is GREAT!" I exclaimed, "If we have trouble finding work or...!"

"I won't!" Mark said.


"Won't have trouble finding work. I can always work in construction and make a ton of money. Enough for both of us!"

"Yeah but that's hard work! It's dangerous and .... it's outside!" I laughed, "I want you working someplace indoors!"

Everyone laughed at my observation.

"Don't worry! I don't plan on making a career out of it!" he laughed, "Just something to get us started!"

Our financial condition had just improved about a thousandfold over what we already had planned....and it hadn't been that bad before!

I gushed with thanks to Mom, and so did Mark.

When it came time to leave, I could see her eyes watering.

She sniffled and said softly, "I'll see you both on Saturday!"

I hugged and kissed her, and to my surprise she did the same with Mark!

"Take good care of my baby!" she whispered to him.

It was a whisper I could barely hear. What he said next made me start to cry.

"I will! He's my whole life!"

That evening we made love. Passionately. Repeatedly. Noisily. When Mark fucked me, all I could see were stars.........................

Wednesday Mark and I received a going away cake at work. It was overwhelming! The largest layer cake I had ever seen in my life; shaped like the state of Arizona with a huge saguaro cactus in the middle and the words "Good Luck on Your New Adventure" arched over the top of the cactus. It was decorated with different colored frostings to imitate saguaro flowers and other desert plants. There was also chocolate fudge ice cream, which Mark drenched with thick chocolate syrup.

What can I say? He loves chocolate....

"We decided to give you the cake a couple of days early so that you'd have time to eat all of it before you leave," Mr Spinner said.

I could sense that he was sad that both of us were soon to be gone.

Even after encouraging everyone who came into the Department to have a slice of cake, there was still a lot left for us to eat in just two days!

Mark and I both noticed that Timothy studiously avoided our celebration.

I think Mr. Spinner also observed the same thing; in fact, I wondered if he was starting to come to the conclusion that something had happened between Timothy and me, or Timothy and Mark, or all of us.

Friday finally arrived. We processed through the Personnel Department around three o'clock. Mr. Spinner was there to say goodbye. We made a quick trip through the Department to say farewell to Eloise, Rhonda and Gregory. Timothy had called in sick that day.

Neither Mark or I believed that was true.

Mr. Spinner walked us to the parking lot and offered best wishes for our journey. I knew from the expression on his face that he was REALLY sad to see us leave! That made me happy and sad as well: happy because we both must have made a very good impression on him, and sad to think that we would never see him again.

"Feel free to have anyone call me for a reference," he said with a smile.

Then, just like that, it was over. Neither of us no longer had a job!

"Does it feel funny?" I asked Mark.


"To be out of work....?"

"No! I've been out of work before. So it doesn't bother me. Anyway, I have what I've always wanted...!"

His eyes drilled right into my soul.....!!!!!

We had different banks, so off we went to close out our accounts. Around five-thirty we ended up at our apartment.

Now came the moment of truth: trying to cram all of our possessions into both cars!

It turned out that Mark was a lot better at figuring out how to make everything fit in the available limited space. I kept babbling about renting a trailer and he just kept saying "Nope, It'll all fit!"

I had a lot more stuff than he did; mostly owing to the fact that I was living on my own and he had still been at home until moving in with me. It didn't matter anymore; everything was now considered "ours" instead of "mine" and "his." That sounded just fine to me!

After a couple of hours we had it all stowed away; making sure that our driving visibility wasn't diminished in any direction. We only kept out some personal items and toiletries that would be needed that evening and before leaving in the morning.

Walking through the apartment seemed kind of sad. There was even a echo in the living and dining areas. All the groceries were gone except for a few dry goods and some sodas. We opted to order some chicken and eat our last meal at the dining table. After which, we headed to bed very early.

Saturday was going to be a BIG day and we both wanted to be ready for it. We didn't even have sex.... Oh....yeah... "make love".... just off into dream land. Mark wrapped himself around me; I could easily feel heat of his body. His scent overpowered me while the beating of his heart lulled me to sleep.

We both awoke early on Saturday. I felt a massive, hard object pressed against my backside.

What's a boy to do? I let him inside me. I felt him seed my hole several times!

"You're hornier than usual!" I whispered to him.

He just giggled and then drilled me again....

After showering, we dashed out to McDonalds for breakfast and made it back home just before eight o'clock. There was no morning paper. I kind of missed the image of Skipper pitching it up to the doorstep.

"This is it!" I said.

"YEAH!" Mark exclaimed.

His face was electrified.

"No second thoughts about leaving?" I asked him.

"I go where you go!" he replied.

In my mind, I knew we were going to end up in Phoenix. Mark had turned into a walking encyclopedia about Arizona. His eyes glistened when he described the state in great detail. I had to smile at the thought of all the books he had bought about our new home. Now we were ready to take that big step...

Reality jolted me as I felt his hand rubbing my crotch...

"Do we have time...?" I asked.

"If you're fast," he snickered, "And you ALWAYS are!"

He was right....

His Family showed up first. A station wagon packed with all four of the Ellis Family pulled into the parking lot around 8:45. Raymond and Martha took a quick tour of what had been my, and then our, apartment, before we settled down in the living room.

"So this is the big day," his Father said.

"Yes, sir!" Mark chirped.

We talked for about fifteen minutes. I could tell that Mark's Mom was ... well, not crying, but she was certainly sad....because her youngest son was leaving.

A little after nine, my Mom showed up and it was time for the families to meet. Well, as much of my family as I had left. It went very well. Probably because all that really mattered is that Mark and I had each other and we are so much in love. What else IS needed?

The landlord was late. He didn't make it to the apartment until almost ten. Very apologetically, he explained about some trouble he was having in another complex. The walk-through inspection went fine. He wrote out a check for my deposit.... since I had no bank account, he made it payable to Mom. She would keep it for me until we got settled.

After he left, we all gathered in the parking lot. This was the one moment I dreaded. I knew there would be tears. And there were. Mostly from my Mom.

"I guess I failed. I told myself I wasn't going to cry," she said softly.

"You didn't fail. You raised a fine son," Raymond said.

His comment really made ME start to sniffle.

Mark hugged me. Right there. In front of everyone. He was so right. It didn't matter where we ended up as long as we had each other!

Raymond said a final goodbye to Mark, reminding him to "take care of the boy you love."

Now THAT really made me start crying!

"I sure will!" he declared.

Ed whispered in my ear, "You just keep taking care of my little Brother!"

I must have blushed scarlet red while nodding.

"Mom.... You can always fly out and visit us!" I reminded her.

She heard me but kept sniffling anyway...

Mark and I got in our cars and tuned our CB radios to channel three. More handshakes and kisses before we fired up the engines. And just like that... we were on our way!

A couple of blocks from our former home, I spotted two boys on bicycles waiting to cross an intersection. One of them was unmistakable: it was Skipper. Dressed in the same very short cutoffs and a cropped T-shirt. He seemed to be having an animated discussion with the other boy.

Looking up, he recognized our cars. A sad smile crossed his face as he waved to us. We both returned the gesture and watched as he faded into the distance.

Heading North on Sheridan Road to the expressway (Interstate 44), we turned and headed West.

Mark spoke first on the radio...

"You okay, Jackrabbit?'" he asked.

"Yeah... I... That was Skipper!"

"I know! And he seems to have friend!"

"Wonder if it's Scott?" I asked.

There was some issue with communicating as he taught me to say "over" every time I was through speaking.

"Why do I have to say that?" I asked.

"Because we both can't talk at the same time like on the telephone. So saying over' lets a person know when you are through speaking...!"

"Oh....!" I said, before adding a late "Over."

Then I added, "Where did you learn that?............................................Over!"

"Well.... You saw all the magazines.....!" he laughed, "Over!"

That remark made me smile. Which is what I needed... Yeah... A large assortment of CB and truckers magazines had been scattered all over the apartment. Along with Mark's dirty clothes which I had to confess....gave me the hardest boner ever when I inhaled their scent!

"This is IT!" he exclaimed, "We're on our way!...........................Over!"

Yeah! He is so right! Finally! A new adventure and a new life awaits us. Tulsa disappeared really quickly in the rearview mirror. Everything I had come to hate about living in the "Oil Capital," including that stupid fucking statue at the fairgrounds.... All were gone!

Oklahoma is infested with toll roads. You can't really drive anywhere without paying. Unless you want to take the back roads and add at least an hour to any trip. No thanks!! All we both wanted to do was get out of Oklahoma forever.

The first stop was the toll booth for the Turner Turnpike to Oklahoma City. The tolls might not seem like a lot, but by the time we got to Wichita Falls (on another toll road, at least in Oklahoma), they would start to add up.

Once out of the city, Mark quickly took the lead. Sometimes he would range several miles ahead of me before slowing down and dropping back. Once our radio signals became weak, that was his cue that he had gone too far.

"Don't get a ticket!" I cautioned.

He was riding with and between the truckers, Speeding up and slowing down as they did. I soon found out that the truck drivers were all operating on channel nineteen, and they kept tabs on the whereabouts of all the highway patrol vehicles.

From my perspective, leaving Tulsa now came in fading, measured steps....mainly found on the radio.... the first to go was KAKC. One of Tulsa's two top 40 stations.... it quickly died by the time we passed Stroud. The second station, KELI, made it all the way to Oklahoma City before disappearing in a hash of noise. Two more "Tulsa milestones" had faded from my life....

The trip to Oklahoma City took just under two hours. We stopped there and gassed up.

Mark was so animated! While we were filling up the cars, I could see his eyes roaming all over my body.

"What?" I giggled.

"It's finally really happening!" he exclaimed, "Just me and my Jackrabbit!'"

I wanted so badly to.... do what we always do.... And the sparkle in his eyes told me he felt the same way!

"What's next?" he asked me.

"We should get something to eat. It's almost 2 « hours to Wichita Falls and...!"

"Don't tell me... I already know... another damned toll road!"

We ate lunch in Oklahoma City and then hopped on the H.E Bailey Turnpike for the last leg of the Oklahoma part of our trip.

Interstate 44 continued heading West-Southwest to Lawton before dropping South towards the Texas border. Nothing spectacular happened along this section of the trip other than enjoying Mark's high energy comments about EVERYTHING; always ending with "this place is boring as fuck!"

"Can you say fuck' on the radio? I asked him

"Who fucking cares?" he shot back.

The Texas border loomed up at around three -thirty. Suddenly it seemed like we had been gone from Tulsa for hours!

Mark let out a loud and distorted "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEE! GOOD FUCKING BYE TO THIS PLACE!" as the Oklahoma border sign disappeared in our rear view mirrors. Crossing the Red River, we were now in Texas!

No more toll roads! Now we only one had section of really crappy road before Interstate 20 would take us West across Texas. Exiting the highway, we pulled into the driveway of an abandoned building.

"We on our way!" Mark exclaimed as he hopped around me, "Just you and me!!! I love you SOOOO much!!!"

He hugged me and I felt his massive boner pressing into my skinny body.

"Let's make love!" he panted.

"HERE?" I giggled.

He looked around.

"Why not?"

Before I could reply, Mark was pulling me into the empty structure. Our pants came down in seconds, allowing both of our cocks to launch out into freedom. We had both skipped the confining restrictions of any underwear.... a spray of dick juice flew into the air.

He hocked up a wad of spit and slicked up my cock. I almost shot my load right there.

"FUCK ME!" he moaned.

No boy in their right mind could refuse an offer like that....

After I seeded him and then drank his massive offering, we stuffed ourselves back into our jeans.

"First time making love to my Jackrabbit' in Texas!" he crowed.

I smiled. He kissed me. Deep, long and passionate.

"Thank you so much!" he cried.

"For what?" I asked.

"For loving me!"

Tears formed in his deep green eyes.

Who is he kidding? I fell in love with Mark the minute I laid eyes on him!

"I'll love you forever! I promise!" he sobbed.

I gently twirled his hair.

"We made it! We're on our way!" he squeaked.

Yes... we are!" I thought.

Oklahoma was gone from both our lives forever.

I looked to the West. That was our future.... with a new life together!

Next: Chapter 7

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