That's an Order!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 1, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Reveille hit me more painfully than usual that morning. I'd been up all night the night before last, standing sentry duty, and last night had been interrupted three or four times for drills. So I'd had about three hours of sleep in the last forty-eight. But I was game as I ever was, I got out of bed and made it in the quick, smooth motions any private learns in boot camp. Four more days, I told myself, four more days to graduation and this would be over.

The drill sergeant threw open the door with his usual "slam!" and I hastily got into position, a private at full attention, head forward, arms straight at my sides, my chest out. I saw my comrade across the way trying with his eyes to get my attention, the little motions you learn in boot camp. Look down. Look down at what? Other privates were looking my way, but not at my face, looking down and....

"What the hell is this, Fields?" Sergeant Brenner was suddenly screaming in my face! Not a face that any recruit would face calmly under ordinary circumstances, but he seemed positively furious! What the hell did I do?

"Sir, I don't know, sir!" seemed safe enough.

Safe or not, that seemed to be the wrong answer. "You don't know? You don't know!" he screamed at my face, his nose nearly touching my own, so that my own view was just his blazing eyes and furrowed brows. Furrowed in anger. His spit was flying from his mouth and splattering my chin, but I didn't dare wipe it off just now.

"Sir, I don't know, sir!" I couldn't imagine what he was talking about.

"You don't know about this?" His hand carried a short baton, they used it to knock you out of bed if you were still in it when they came by your bed. Sergeant Brenner used it to lift something at my crotch, and I suddenly knew what he meant, and blushed furiously.

Okay, so I had an erection and it was poking out of my boxers. Everyone has had that happen to them at the tender age of nineteen and I'd even seen such on other privates in the barracks. I should have realized the problem when Jenkins had kept trying to get me to look down. "Sir, oh, yes, sir, sorry, sir!" I said and hastily broke formation long enough to tuck my monster back into my boxers. That had always been enough to get Sergeant Burn-Ass to move on, he'd embarrassed you and gotten you to tuck it back inside your boxers.

But not me. I'd hidden something about my dong all this time, carefully ducking away from the other privates when showering, even tucking it inside my legs when I would lather my hair and so on. I didn't want people to get too close a look at it, not here, not in this situation.

You see, I got a big, fat cock. Over ten inches long, and thick, it could make people goggle at it wide-eyed and envious even in its flaccid state. Erect, it was a temple of manhood enough to make the strongest, bravest man blanch and question his own virility. Which was why I was keeping it as secret as I could. Shit, and only four days to go! Now I'd get slapped with some dumb-ass nickname like Superdong or Monsterprick!

But I still had Sergeant Brenner in my face. "Do you think it's funny to flash your junk around the barracks, Fields?"

"Sir, no, sir!"

"Did we interrupt you spanking your monkey?"

"Sir, no, sir!"

"Then what the hell did you think you were doing, Fields?"

"Sir, nothing, sir! Sir, it was just a morning woodie, sir!"

"Just a morning woodie! Just a morning woodie! If you have enough energy to throw a boner in the morning, Fields, then we aren't working your ass hard enough during the day, are we?"

"Sir, I...." How the hell do you answer that? "Sir, you're working me hard enough, yes, sir!"

"I don't think so!" At least Sergeant Brenner stepped back from me and looked down at my crotch. I must have gone down by now, though I didn't dare look for myself. "Report to me after breakfast, Fields. I'll have some special duties for you today. You won't have any more problems with morning woodies after I get done with you." And with that, Sergeant Brenner turned and walked back out. He hadn't even finished walking down the line, not that he was going to find anything by now, not four days before graduation. Nobody wants to fuck up four days before graduation from boot camp. They might kick you out, or worse...make you go through boot all over again!

"Tough luck, Jamie." Jenkins said to me.

"He's going to ride your ass the next four days for sure." Lohn added.

"Why'd you have to throw a woodie four days before graduation?" Schiff put in.

I shrugged as well as you can while pulling on boots. I could dress in less than two minutes now, most of which was pulling on and lacing up my boots. So could everyone else. "I sure didn't mean to. Didn't even know it was there and outside my shorts until he shoved that baton under it."

"I was trying to signal you."

"Sorry, I was slow on the uptake." I stood up with a sigh. "Well, nothing to do now but go face the music."

Lohn stood up, he was done. "Well, good luck, Frankendong."

Ah, hell! That tore it, I was now slapped with a moniker. It'd haunt me the rest of my career, even when I was a gray-haired relic at the VFW, it would be "Hey, Frankendong!"

I got dressed and ate hearty. It might be my last real meal for the rest of the four-day period until graduation. Done, I set off in search of Sergeant Brenner. Whatever he had planned, this was going to be grotty!

Brenner wasn't on the parade ground. I asked another drill sergeant and was told he was in his quarters, he'd taken the day off. Great! I was going to have to scrub his quarters with a toothbrush or something! Found his quarters, one of a row of private apartments reserved for the base staff, and knocked deferentially at the door.

"Who is it?" came the call.

"Sir, it's Private Fields, reporting as ordered, sir!"

"Get your ass in here!" came his voice, surly and mean as ever.

I opened the door and was looking at the living area. Couch and television, all in an area only about ten foot square. "Sir?"

"In here, asshole!" came from the other room. The sergeants ate in the mess hall, though they had their own serving and seating area, so this room must be the bedroom and....

I got into the doorway and stopped cold. Sergeant Brenner was in there, standing by his bed facing me and he was stark fucking naked!

"Sir?" I said in lieu of "Oh, dear fucking Lord!" which is what I wanted to say.

"Is something bothering you, Fields?" he barked.

"Sir, no, sir!" Nothing ever bothered you as a recruit, not if you wanted to stay off nasty duties.

"I just happen to be naked right now, that's all."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

He fixed me with a steely eye. "Do you think it's right that you be wearing clothes in front of me when I'm not?"


"Strip, Fields!" he rapped out.

There was no give in him at all. I had four days before I got out of boot camp and out of his hands forever. No way was I doing anything to fuck this up. "Sir, yes, sir!"

"Shut up and strip!"

I got dressed as fast as I'd gotten dressed earlier, you really get good at that sort of thing, my clothes were laid out neatly folded on the single chair the room boasted, and ready for further use, even the boots were aligned beneath them. As I was putting them there, Sergeant Brenner said, "Are you naked yet, Fields?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I said, turning around.

"Atten-shun!" Actually, what he said was more like "Ten-hut!" but you might not get the idea if I wrote it that way. I jerked to rigid attention.

Sergeant Brenner was only a couple of feet away from me, and two steps brought him right up beside me. I was looking straight ahead, determined to stand and endure whatever bit of private hell he had planned for me, so when his hand caught hold of my cock, I just gasped, and held perfectly still. He could squeeze me hard as he wanted, I wasn't going to move, I wasn't going to move, I wasn't....

He began to pump on my prong instead. I gave out a small soft grunt, but nothing else. He was trying to freak me out, some sick game, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

Ah, damn, that hand felt good! Even Sergeant Burn-Ass Brenner was better than what it had gotten in the last several weeks, which was nothing at all. Being found out with a huge schlong was bad enough, but if I'd been stroking it when they found out....ugh! I was already Frankendong, I didn't want it changed to Superjerk or something.

But I wasn't pumping it, Sergeant Brenner was. He wasn't hurting me, far from it, a firm grip and a steady stroke, I was inflating in a surge of frustrated hormones and submerged in a maelstrom of submission to authority pounded into my skull. You don't ask questions in basic training, you do what you're told, when you're told, and it's all for your own good whether you understand its logic or not. Five and a half weeks of that and you'll let another man pump your cock for you and not complain.

"So this is what you're packing between your legs, is it, Fields?"

"Sir, yes, sir." I said as steadily as I could.

"You got yourself one major pecker-packer here."

That didn't seem to need an answer. I kept silent.

"How long has it been since you gave this dong a work-out, Fields?"

"Uh...sir, it's been about eight weeks, sir."

"Not even self-abuse, Fields?"

"Oh, uh, sir, that's been about six weeks, sir."

"As long as you've been here, huh?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"I thought so." And Sergeant Brenner dropped down to his knees.

I looked down, not daring to move my head, my eyes only and that was risky. I hadn't been told to break attention, not even "At Ease!" which meant a slight shift of one foot and bending your arms at the elbows and holding both wrists behind your back. Trust me, that helps a lot!

But my eyes moved and I saw Sergeant Brenner as he lifted my dong and guided it to his lips and took it into them, sucking me down with a talent that spoke of much practice in the past. This wasn't some virginal soldier indulging for the first time, he had done it before. He took me deep and he took me well, and I closed my eyes and moaned.

Sergeant Brenner released my prod just long enough to rap out, "Attention, Fields!" and then he dove back down.

If "Attention" is tough enough to handle even when unmolested, holding it while someone sucks your cock like a master is even tougher! I stifled the next moan that wanted to slip out of my lips, and just shuddered.

But Sergeant Brenner felt it. "At ease, Fields!"

I slumped my shoulders and shifted my foot and lowered my head to look into his eyes...and they were furious! "I did not say Rest, Fields, I said At Ease!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I went into proper, parade "At Ease" pose, chest out and shoulders back. And Sergeant Brenner went back to sucking my cock. Oh, God, he was really going to town on it, he was taking me deep and pulling tight on the draw back up and my cock was singing hallelujah, hallelujah! And I wasn't to move my head, my arms, my entire body while he was doing that to me!

All I could do was hold myself in position and let the pleasure wash over me. Oh, God, this sergeant bastard was turning me on so fucking much! And I wasn't supposed to shift position at all!

God, Sergeant Brenner had my dong slicked up with a thick coat of his saliva, his mouth was able to slide back and forth, all the way down his throat with the entire shaft, and if I'd been turned on before, I was practically delirious now! How can someone suck your cock but still be in total charge of you? Somehow, Sergeant Brenner had managed it, I felt this passion because he chose to let me have it and no other reason. His to command.

He stopped sucking and I felt like fainting from frustration. "All right, soldier, I'm going to give you commands and you are to follow them, without question and to the letter, do you understand me?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I gasped out with the last dregs of my will. I couldn't call it free will, because it wasn't free, it was totally under his control.

"Good." Sergeant Brenner went to his bed and crawled into it. "Now get over here, climb in with me, on your knees, and shove that cock right up my ass, Fields! Right now!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I was ready to do that, orders or not. But his parade-ground manner had me in thrall, I practically marched over and got into the bed between his legs and his legs spread themselves to let me knee-walk over to position myself.

"Now shove it in me!" Sergeant Brenner ordered.

I positioned my dong with one hand and pushed gingerly at his ass. The glans slid into his ass easily enough, but the flare was stretching him pretty hard and I wasn't sure....

"You call that shoving, Fields? I said to shove it in me, damn it!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" And I thrust with my hips as hard as I could, driving my dong into him. God damn, but he was tight! He was moaning like crazy, but I didn't dare ease up on him, he'd ordered me to shove it in and I was shoving!

"Yeah, God damn it, yeah!" He groaned as the final inches of it slid into him. "That's the way to handle a rod like you got, Fields! Shit, yeah, yeah!"

"Sir, it's in you, sir!" I gasped. God, he was tight, I could feel his bowels throbbing around my shaft.

"Good man, Fields, good man! Now, fuck my ass, Private, fuck it good!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I sobbed. Finally, God, finally! A command I could follow eagerly! I began to move my buttocks back and forth. Experience had taught me that most wanted it slow and easy from a fuck with a cock like mine.

"Do you call this fucking, Fields? My grandmother can hump faster than this! I said fuck my ass and you're bobbing like a freaking rocking chair? I said fuck my ass, and I meant fuck my freaking ass!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I began to hump at him faster. At this speed, most of my prior partners had been yelping and begging me to stop. Surely this would.

"I said to fuck me faster, Fields! What are you, an old woman afraid she'll fracture her hip! Faster, I said faster!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I shifted myself so I could rest my hands on either side of him, that got me in closer and let me hunch at his ass quicker.

"Okay, you're up to half-speed now, Fields! Now try and take it out of first gear, boy!"

Good God, was this guy's ass made out of old leather? Most asses would be bleeding from such a rough treatment by now, and he wanted more?

Okay, I'd give him more! He wanted it hard and fast, I'd give bastard Sergeant Burn-Ass Brenner an ass-fucking he'd never forget.

I shifted in tighter and began to try to make this hard-ass squeal like a pig. I was rabbit-fucking him now, and breaking it up with some slower but deep strokes, pulling my long length out and ramming it right back in.

Now I had Sergeant Brenner happy. "Yeah, that's doing it, Fields, that's fucking my ass, now keep it up, make me come, just from your fucking me, don't make me jerk myself to finish up, or you'll be down on your knees scrubbing the floors with your tongue! Come on, make me squirt all over you!"

"Arrrggghhh!" came a voice from my throat I hadn't even know was in there. Raw frustration and rage, is what it was. And in that moment, I shifted into a dimension of ass-pounding I'd never hit before. I was doing everything I could to split this ass of his right in two! Hard thrusts, damned hard, I was bruising my forelegs on his ass-bones, I was butt-ramming him so hard. The noise of my fucks as we impacted were like gunshots, "Thop-thop-thop-thop-thop!"

"Ah-hah, ah-hah, ah-hah!" Sergeant Brenner was grunting as I fucked him. "That's it, that's it, I'm coming, Fields, I'm coming!"

"Yeah, yeah, ah, yeah!" I grunted.

"I didn't tell, you you could, talk!" Sergeant Brenner panted. "Shut up, and fuck, my ass! That's an, order, Fields!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I gasped in my own turn. Shit, I was making this bastard come, just from fucking him. He loved my cock, big as it was, thick as it was, it made most men pale and beg off, or switch their plans from a lusty fuck to a real fun handjob, I'll do you good, man, I promise, it'll be just like fucking, just like fucking! Well, this was real fucking, and I was ready to tell the next one that he was absolutely fucking wrong about fucking!

"Ah-ha-ha, hah, hah, hah, AH, HAH, AH, AH, AH, GAH-HAHHHHH!" Sergeant Brenner delivered on his promise, he blew his wads all over both of us, hot lusty bursts of male orgasm that flew everywhere, exploding on my body and his like ak-ak fire over a battlefield.

And his ass was spamsing on my cock, and with my thrusts, that was so fucking wild, I hit my own climax and started creaming right into that still-flailing, still-jisming sergeant's body!

I arced my back, which drove my huge pud all the way inside him, and that was where I ejaculated. "Ah-uh-huh, UH-HHHHHHUUUHHHHHH!" I groaned through clenched teeth, and when I was done, I lost all control of my body, I just lay down on Sergeant Brenner's heaving, panting form and joined him in the sole concentration of effort it took to suck in air to replace all that had mysteriously vanished in that few seconds of orgasm.

I was so damned tired, I could have gone to sleep in that position, still buried in his ass and lying atop his sweat-drenched body. But then I heard the words from Sergeant Brenner's lips, right next to my ear, words in whispers that were louder than shouts had ever been, that told me my ordeal was only just beginning.

"Did I tell you that you could stop?"


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