The Adam Chronicles

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Oct 15, 2013


Copyrighted 2013: This story is protected under US copyright law. No part of it may be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the author. The author grants and its mirror sites permission to post the story on their websites.

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains descriptions of homosexual activities between adult men. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

REMEMBER: Give to the site so that you can continue to read (and get off) with great fiction and non-fiction. Thanks to all my fellow site-posters who continue to inspire my writing (and my cock).

This Story is a semi-true one. It began on a social networking site between a young graduate student and me. This young man wanted an older, athletic man to be his coach, mentor and trainer. After some initial give and take, we began a correspondence on that site. Eventually, we moved into private emails. This story, told only through our correspondence, is about how a man seeks a Coach, what that Coach provides him, and how both of their lives may be changed by the experience.

From Coach Luke to AdamPENN, September 2012

Why did you decide to hit me up on the site, Bud? Your profile says you don't like older men or those with just dick pics. While I'm not a fan of the `dick pic only', it looks like I have a few... If you really want a Coach to train you, tell me why you sent me a friend request?

From ADAMPENN to COACH_LUKE, September 2012

It was the face pic sir that convinced me to give a try. I have a class at 10:15. My GPA is 3.7 and my goal is to complete the year with 3.75 to qualify for magna cum laude. I appreciate this opportunity sir and I promise to give it my best. May I ask how many hours will be required for practice and training?


From Coach_Luke to ADAMPENN, September 2012


It looks like you've spent most of the day online and playing with your junk instead of going to class! WTF? Required: 2 hours of studying for every 1 hour of class plus 2 hours of workout each day, that includes 1 hour of cardio- either roadwork or pool, up to you (though the site of your tight ass in that speedo did give my crotch a jolt), and one hour anaerobic- lifting or equivalent. On makeup days this could be combat, full court sport, or a reward time with Coach based on your efforts that week.

I like what I see and hear from you Bud, except when I log in to check (social site) email and I see you're still logged in! I know it's cool to get props from all these older guys fawning on you, Son, but it ain't going to help u in the long run. No matter what anybody tells you, your cock will never get bigger than it is right now. I want to help u be all the Man you can be. Now get outta here and get some work done! I'd really like for you to earn a private workout next week! Happy weekend, Lil' Stud,



September 14, 2012


With all due respect, just because I appear logged in to ___(social site) doesn't mean I'm on there. I realized if I use my phone to check messages or notifications, it looks like I'm logged in until I turn off my phone, no matter what other webpages or apps I open. However, I will try to limit it as you've requested. It's not so much for chatting--I do have a few buddies on there but mainly to recommend good porn clips. No matter how hard I work I seem to lose focus unless I beat off at least twice a day. I just have a really strong sex drive I guess and I can't help it.

I am definitely surpassing your study requirements--yesterday I led a group discussion in my Cognitive Science class, met with my honors advisor and had a good reaction to my draft in my thesis writing seminar. I spent more than four hours studying and reading texts, most of it at the uni library. I only took one break to jack off in the men's because I was too horny to concentrate.

Today I have my usual 1000 meters scheduled at the pool (three times weekly minimum) and plan to hit the bike trail for intensive off road ride at least two hours. I usually only do weights and treadmill, etc. in winter when the weather precludes mountainbiking and running, so I would appreciate some guidance as to what gym activities I should pursue. I prefer building strength instead of bulk.

Sir, I know this is a commitment, and I promise I am going to give it my all. My goal is to earn reward time, and to know I am a willing partner in your efforts to train me as you see best.

Have a great weekend too Coach!


From Coach_Luke to AdamPENN, September 14, 2012

Thanks for the explanation, Son. I forget, even though I'm typing on the iPad, that I don't know all of the tech standards these days. Let me know how the thesis advisor conversation went and where you are with your proposal. I'm happy for you to lift for strength and not worried about your bulk. What are your 200 split times in your 1000 meters? Just curious.

I'm okay with the jack off regimen too if it helps to keep focus. I just don't want you hooking up with random twinks who'll cause you to lose focus when they "fall in love" with your cock. Save that for the real men.

Next time, we'll discuss dildo action and what kind of workout your hole may require in preparation for me.

Good work so far, Coach

From ADAMPENN to COACH_LUKE, September 21, 2012 Dear Coach,

Thanks for the response, and the encouragement. That's awesome! I will work in some weight training three days per week effective immediately, and consult some of the trainer dudes at the uni gym for strength training regimens. As I taper off the outdoor stuff come winter I'll increase time with weights. I'd like to take up the kickboxing training I was doing in sophomore year again with your permission sir. Just want to be sure that fits into your plan for me.

I'm averaging about 21 for the 1K swim, or about a little over a minute splits in a 50m pool. I know I'm not the fastest but I try for consistency and testing my endurance.

The advisors seem pleased with my progress on the thesis, and I have a pretty well rounded complete outline with three polished chapters that have been well-received in the review seminar. If all continues to go well I should be able to just ace magna cum laude with a 3.8 GPA.

I won't fool around with guys my age if I can at all help it, and keep my beat-off sessions to twice a day. I'm grateful for your approval on that, and wouldn't want to abuse your trust. Knowing you are cool with two helps me resist the temptation for a third load LOL. Just so you know, the dildo I've had since 12th grade is 8" and moderate thick with a slight taper from the head to shaft. I've always found it to really work for me (on the rare occasions I use it) cuz all I want is a little stretch tension at my hole when the head is rubbing my spot. That usually produces a righteous load. Other than that, I'm probably average in my experience for my age.

Look forward to hearing from you Coach, and thanks for your encouragement. The idea that I may earn a reward session with you has me really psyched!


From Coach_Luke (ONLINE) to ADAMPENN, September 23, 2012

Dear Adam,

Thanks for the update. Have been in meetings all day and am now running to one with others. I appreciate all of your hard work. Amazed by your dildo experience but don't want you too stretched when reward time cums.

This is brutal for me pal, cause I have to type on iPad with two fingers so I'm trying to figure it out. Will email in the morning with renewed, explicit instructions. Sounds like you're getting close, Ace. I'm very proud of you.


From ADAMPENN to COACH_Luke, September 23, 2012

Thanks Coach, If you could only see the grin on my face! LOL


From COACH_LUKE to ADAMPENN, September 24, 2012 Dear Adam,

Please email me at my private account for instructions about what your possible reward could be like this weekend.

I don't need to remind you that this is a private email that I don't give out to just anyone. I expect you to respect my privacy as I'll respect yours. I think you're gonna find that it's worth it.


From AdamPENN to Coach_Luke

Yes sir, I'm on it. You know you can trust me Coach.


From Adam, to Coach Luke, September 25, 2012 at gmail

Hi Coach,

Heading out to a class in a minute, but I really look forward to hearing from you.


From: Coach Luke, To: Adam, September 25, 2012, 11:48 AM

Dear Adam,

If the remainder of this week continues with your successful training, physically and academically, you'll earn your first 'reward night' with me on Friday evening. I wanted to give you a detailed summary of what usually happens when one of my players earns his first reward night with his Coach. This will give you the opportunity to 'opt out' if you feel this may be too strenuous for you, or it may encourage you to work harder. In addition, I require that you forward via email at least one photo of your cock. This requirement is new, but based on our earlier correspondence it is an area of which you are concerned. Sending this to me will show me that you trust me - and this trust is required. I will not share this photo with ANYONE or post to any site. You have my solemn word of honor on that. I may delete it after I view it. If it is not a photo of YOUR cock, I will know it soon enough. However, it is now a requirement for your training.

Based on your daily email and truthful updates of your performance on Tuesday - Thursday, if all is well, Friday morning I will give you a location address and time to meet me. I will expect you to arrive straight from your swim at the pool, without showering there. You can dress in your warm-ups but take no shower at the pool. I know you'd prefer to warm down the muscles after your swim, but there are reasons. You will bring the appropriate documentation of your academic work for the last two weeks as well as the latest blood/urinalysis report showing that you are drug/disease free and have been so for at least the last two months.

Upon arrival at my house, I'll welcome you appropriately. We'll go to my master bath where I'll undress you and we'll get into my shower. I want to smell the cold chlorine still on your skin and I want your muscles still trembling from your 1000 meters. I will wash you and clean you with soap and warm water. This will include your pits, your pubes, and your anus. Upon inspection, I may wish to do additional cleaning in this area (potentially an enema) if you have not maintained it properly. If no irrigation is necessary there, I will then turn off the water. I will instruct you to kneel and take my cock in your mouth. I will then probably pull out and urinate all over your face, chest, and body. You do not have to drink my piss unless you want to; however, I should clarify I'm not really into 'water sports' or those perversions. This exercise at this time is purely symbolic. I will clean you and then I will mark you. From now on, you will carry my scent, figuratively if not literally. We'll then dry off and I will physically CARRY YOU to my bed. Also part of the symbolism of this evening.

From here, some of this action may depend upon you and your reactions. After all, this is a training exercise even if it is a reward for a job well done. Typically, I would place you on my bed on your back and put your hands through flexible restraints attached to my massive oak and leather headboard. These will not hurt you but I can see from those blazing blue eyes, Stud, that you are an Alpha, no matter how disciplined you want to become. That side of you will not be tamed lightly, I know. But I have trained other men, Son, who have gone on to find great happiness, and who can control their Alpha beast within all as a result of the training I offered and the rewards they earned. I hope it is so with you. Once restrained at hands and feet, I will begin to slowly work your entire body with my tongue. You carry the scent of one of my markings and the remainder of this evening will be pleasuring you so that you carry the remainders of my marks. I will focus on your young nipples first and then lick my way down your belly to your raging hard on. This may take a while. I will work both of your balls slowly, enjoying their musk masked by mine now, and savoring each one. Only after you are writhing and begging, with your uncontrolled alpha lust begging me to do so, will I take your cock head in my mouth. As I work your shaft and your dick head, you'll realize that you have never been sucked before in such a way as this. Depending upon your compliance, I may give you instructions as well so that this seminar is a lesson you may apply later to my cock.

I will roll you onto your belly, adjusting your feet restraints and spend the same amount of time licking and servicing your ass hole. I may or may not release your feet restraints. After an hour or so, and with you begging for it once again, the alpha in you reduced to my pliant pup, I intend to fuck you. You will be facing the headboard on all fours. It will be a long and a hard fuck, as much training as pleasure, and I intend for you to remember it. I don't know who first fucked you and if it was memorable or not. This night will be the loss of your second virginity, and I intend for you to remember it. Always. Tonight you will become a man, in multiple ways. You will own your manhood and control it, or at least begin to. For the only time in this ongoing relationship, I will NOT use a condom (you will find in your backpack, upon your departure, affidavits that I've provided to show I'm drug/disease free - as I required of you). Again, this is symbolic. As you wear my scent and have tasted my waste, you now will be breed by me, purely and freely. When I do finally cum, at which point you may have already seeded my sheets at least once if not twice, I intend to bury my seed deep within you. There you will carry it as your second mark and second reward.

At this point, we will discuss what you have learned. Depending on your beast within, I may fuck you again, but only if you do and say as I require. This too will depend on your compliance. Then, we will retire to my kitchen, where I will instruct you how to assist me in meal preparation. It will probably be a light protein (fish or chicken) and a salad. Beer or wine may be of your choice, or if you choose to not to partake because of training, I will definitely respect that and we'll drink water. We will be nude at ALL times, unless there is an apron or two involved to protect myself and your cock - which now belongs to me as well.

We will review your academic paperwork after dinner and I will comment or make suggestions as needed. I may do some physical measurements and record some dimensions of muscle tone, etc. for my files. I'm sure though, that after less than an hour, and in close proximity, your cock will be hardening again. We'll discuss continued strategies for control. A true Alpha is ALWAYS in control, Son. This you will learn eventually.

Depending on the evidence and what I learn here during this time, I may dismiss you and you may get dressed and return to your place, OR I may reward you with an additional time. My hope is that you have earned the latter. For this final reward of the evening, you will follow me to my bed but I won't carry you - this additional respect you will have earned based on your prior performance. I will stand as you sit on my bed and instruct you in how to properly service my cock. If you're a good man, you may have the chance to at least tongue my anus, if not service it completely. You will then sheathe and lube my cock. Then, I will lay you on your back, raise your legs, and fuck you again, face to face. This most intimate of fucks is only reserved for those young apprentices who have shown promise, who are working as hard as they possibly can to tame the Alpha beast within them, and who have learned to channel their sex. At no time during this fuck will you be able to touch your cock until, begging, I finally allow you to stroke and shoot your load.

I see much promise in you, Adam and I hope that I will be able to fuck you face to face, reward you with kisses, and take your ass for this final time. My hope is that you will seed your chest and pubes when instructed while I fuck you. I want to taste your seed and share it with you. Then finally, I intend to mount your face, and cum in your mouth. You will swallow and clean my load taking ALL of my seed within you.

Now will you truly be mine - you will bear my marks, you will bear my seed in your gullet and your ass. You will not shower for 24 hours after this night. At this point, I will send you home and wish you goodnight. Part of my continued discipline is that I never let new players stay over. Someday, you may earn this respect totally so that you may awake in my bed as an almost equal - a man who can control his true animal lust, but not this early in your training. That may come later, if possible. We will discuss future reward sessions that include grooming and self-control (that fuzz on your chin will have to go soon - it shows your desire for dominance, which you'll have no need of while you're in training). I see great promise in you Adam. You have worked hard. But that Alpha light in those blue eyes of yours is strong. You have been an untamed fucker, seeking pleasure in all things, and being controlled by your cock for long enough. I know that your spirit is strong. But the time for fucking twinks and boys, or meeting old men in restroom stalls is over. Measuring out your jerk-offs in a daily strategy to maintain focus is admirable, but is not enough. If it were, you would not have enlisted my assistance. Some day in the future, if you complete this training, you may meet other men much like you, men who came to me as mere boys but with desire and heart and a tremendous work ethic. They've gone on to do great things, some have even become coaches themselves. You may become a part of this fraternity someday. We'll see this week if you're strong enough. My sincere hope is that you will be.

Good luck, Coach

PS - as a token of my continued good faith, I've attached a cell phone photo taken on my drive home last Friday. This is shared for you and you only and is not on any site or other media.

From Adam To Coach Luke, September 27, 2012

Dear Coach,

As promised, attached are some pics of my dick. I am psyched hoping to "make the grade" for Friday night.

Respectfully, Adam

From Coach Luke, To Adam, September 26, 2012

Dear Adam,

Thanks for these. It means a lot to mean to know that I have you trust. This is very important, Son. Without that, we could not go forward.

These pics are awesome. I can already see the benefits of your ongoing work and discipline. The leanness of your trunk and your abdominal definition shows that the effort you're making in the pool has a lasting reward. Your cock, and that shot of your load, were especially pleasing to me. I hope you ate all of that load - as a man never wastes his own protein. I'm most impressed by the sight of those low-hanging balls! I can envision the endowed man you're growing to be, and when you fill out those low-hangers, I'm hoping that I'm still around to witness what you can do with them.

Again, it is my hope that this week goes well and you earn your true reward. I would encourage you to try for an extra 100 meters today, for endurance purposes only. On those two extra laps out and back, think about how those full, sensuous lips of yours are going to feel the first time I allow them around my cockhead and imagine that my training is pushing you on so that by the time you crawl out of the pool, I might be there, towel opened, ready to greet my boy on a workout well-done.

I'm extremely pleased with your progress and the pictures. I long to continue your training, and to see you beneath me, as I reward you with my cock.



From Adam, To Coach, September 26, 2012 5:52 PM

Dear Coach,

A million thanks. Your compliments on my pics makes me so proud, probably way prouder than I should be for my own good, but still I'm like "Yes!"

Just a couple of points I'd like to touch on if it's OK with you...first on the matter of trust. I agree that is an essential thing for the work you have been generous to undertake with me and I just want to stress again that you have mine completely. I have never ever, with either a girl or guy, top or bottoming, had unprotected sex. If I earn my reward, you will be the first to ever shoot his seed in me raw, and I will be honored to receive it Coach. I went to the uni med center lab this morning early before class for the blood work and urinalysis you requested, and I'll have that with me for sure. I appreciate you providing me with the same, but like I said, my trust in you is complete, and your word is all I need.

My second question, and you can tell me if I am getting out of line or ahead of myself, is this: What is your future relationship with the men who have completed your training? I know they go out in the world with a valuable depth of manhood because of what they were so fortunate to learn under your guidance, but do they still keep in touch? Maybe get to see the coach again from time to time? Do the ones who become coaches in their own right ever introduce you to the boys they are training? Do they sometimes come to you for support and advice?

Again these are just questions running through my mind, and you can tell me if I need to just save it for another day.

I not only took your advice for an extra 100m today, I went for 200. The thoughts you gave me to inspire the effort definitely gave me the strength for that extra push. By the second lap I was getting close to loopy but the image of you waiting with the towel pulled me through. I would not have won points for form at the final stretch, but I did it Coach!

Hope I haven't run on at the mouth too much, but I'm a bit excited and skittish these days. I'm sure you will get that under control...LOL

Back to the books...another two hours of study tonight, and then sleep with no jacking off, as I already met my quota of two loads. I guess it's only fair to admit those were inspired by thoughts of my possible reward session.

Yours, Adam

From Coach Luke, To Adam, Friday, September 28, 2012, 11:38 AM

Dear Adam,

Thank you for this update and for the pictures. The evidence of your hard work, academically and physically, is apparent. You have earned your just reward.

Before I provide information about tonight, I do want to respond to many of your questions in your last email. You never have to apologize about "running on". Part of my responsibility as your coach, mentor, and trainer is to answer your questions as honestly and knowledgably as I can. There are few boundaries between us and when you cross one, I'll definitely let you know. However, asking questions is something you should never have to apologize for.

The medical tests are a requirement, and as I stated, it is a one-time deal. I'm proud that in your prior experiences you have shown the good sense to protect yourself. I cannot honestly say that at your age, I was not always so thoughtful. However, since becoming disciplined, I have always played safe. My test evidence will be provided to reward your trust. It's how I play.

Secondly, you ask about others. As I've mentioned before, you have entered a fraternity of men with whom I've shared this mentoring relationship. You are number 19. These men come from all walks of life and now live all over the place. While there are a few still here in the Metro area, a number live in the region, many all over the US, and one is now in London, since he finished his degree at the Wharton School. He is an international director for an American investment firm there.

Am I in touch with them? Certainly. The degree of this involvement is based on their proximity, careers, and interest. My Christmas card box is always full. However, with some of them, this is my only annual correspondence. A few I still see frequently, and many call and email almost monthly. A couple are now dear friends, and one is as close to a son as I may ever have. I am currently a silent partner in his business venture. I am proud of all of my former "players."

Specifically, I have mentored young men for a minimum of two months up to two and one half years, in one instance. All have been younger than me, but one was only 3 years younger. The youngest, at more than 20 years younger than I at the time, was only 18 1/2 when I began working with him. Despite my level of involvement with all of them, I do hear from them when they need advice and I relish that role with each of them. Some of them have become friends among themselves and occasionally we have 'family' events where we all come together and share our mutual experiences. Some like to share their 'worst' stories about what they had to overcome and many try to outdo one another about the most trouble they ever got into with me. Which is all hyperbole, as most of them were sincere, over-achieving young men already when I started their training. Of your 18 predecessors, two are actual partners now commited to each other solely and living together in Upstate New York. Four that I know of are coaches in their own right, and do call or email occasionally for advice. One of those, who lives nearby, has asked me to consult on one or two of his apprentices. In the case of his first, I did make a house call or two to consult on that young man's progress. There is more to share, but you will be learning this over the next few months as your training continues and as your success increases. Based on your performance these past two weeks, I have no doubt that you will one day be joining this group of fine young men.

I am impressed with your efforts in the pool and that you doubled what I asked you to reach for! Excellent work! I think you will be happy with the results in the long run.

Tonight, I expect to see you at 8 PM sharp at my home at 152 E. Whitaker Street. Follow the instructions I sent in your prior email about your swim this afternoon and how to arrive prepared. There is no reason to be skittish. However, tonight is when you see what true hard work and discipline can lead to and the ultimate reward that they may bring. We will move beyond verbal coaching to physical modeling. I am, as you wrote, as "pumped" as you are, and looking forward to sharing this experience with you.

Do not be late.

Expectantly, Coach

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 10:17 AM, [AdamPENN> wrote:

Dear Coach,

Thanks for this...I am proud at the thought of joining that fraternity of 18 fortunate dudes, and I'm so looking forward to tonight. I already did a Google search on the address so I won't get lost or be late.

I scheduled my swim for 6:15 so I can come directly to you from the pool. I'll probably just put on my jeans over my speeds to save time and thus show up a little damp. I plan to flush out my colon prior to the swim, and only take a toothbrush in way of post-workout hygiene. The results of my blood work are ready for pickup at the med ctr, so I'll get those after lunch.

My only class today is Currents of Alienation in 20th Century European Lit, which I'm acing and totally prepared for, so don't worry that I'll lack focus today due to excitement. Also, I'm not touching my dick at all no matter how horned up I get, so my "low hangers" should be amply stocked by tonight, ('though it probably won't take much to make me bust the first time LOL).

Until then,


From Adam To Coach Luke, September 28, 2012 7:40 PM SOS!!!


My jeep stalled after leaving the pool and the fucker will not start back up. I knew the fuel pump was faulty but I put off replacing it all week and now at the worst time possible it fails.

I called three buddies for a ride but nobody is available due to Friday plans or whatever. Taxi said he doesn't want to go that far before his shift ends. On my ipad at student union now typing while waiting for AAA

SIr, I hope this doesn't disqualify me in your eyes...i never imagined something like this tonight of all nights. Is it possible for me to make it up to you? I am always so good about being punctual and dependable, but now you probably think I'm a loser!!!!

Prolly not the best time to confess this in light of this screwup, but I am so stressed right now I want to cry. When the tow comes I will walk to my place and await word from you.

I am truly sorry coach.


Will Adam make it in time?

To be continued in The Adam Chronicles: Part II Reward and Responsibility

Next: Chapter 2

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