The Adam Chronicles

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Nov 17, 2014


Copyrighted 2013: This story is protected under US copyright law. No part of it may be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the author. The author grants and its mirror sites permission to post the story on their websites.

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains descriptions of homosexual activities between adult men. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

REMEMBER: Give to the site so that you can continue to read (and get off) with great fiction and non-fiction. Thanks to all my fellow site-posters who continue to inspire my writing (and my cock).

This Story is a semi-true one. It began on a social networking site between a young graduate student and me. This young man wanted an older, athletic man to be his coach, mentor and trainer. After some initial give and take, we began a correspondence on that site. Eventually, we moved into private emails. This story, told only through our correspondence, is about how a man seeks a Coach, what that Coach provides him, and how both of their lives may be changed by the experience.

To AdamPENN, From Coach_Luke Friday, October 19, 2012 5:42 PM

Dear Adam,

As promised, here is the written transcript of our `interview' today. I enjoyed our time together, Sport, and I look forward to observing your interaction with Rusty's apprentice, Jason, when you arrive at the gym at 7 PM.

Best, Coach

Transcript Ð Adam B____, October 19, 2012

Lucas B. Miles, Ph.D.

LM- Hey Bud, come in.

(shake hands)

(leans out of door) That will be all Cheryl, you can head on to lunch now. (voice mumbled) Yes, I've already placed the order and it should be here in an hour. Yes, thanks if we're still in conference, hold the calls.

(closes door. A. is standing gawking at the shelves and moves to the window)

A.B. Ð That's some view coach. A corner office in the Admin. Building.

LM- Well, it's a rear, corner office but I like it. (I go and stand by you at window). I can see the belltower across the lake and if you lean just to your left, (I move you a bit by the shoulder) you can see the gym there on the right side of campus. My favorite place next to this one.

AB Ð Thanks for seeing me, Coach. I, um, it's been hard to be with you at the gym and not be able to just talk to you, especially after my, um, discipline.

LM- It's okay, Bud. We've got at least two hours blocked free.

AB- two hours? Thanks. (AB leans in to hug and LM returns the favor, then is somewhat surprised when student raises up and kisses him.)

LM- Okay Bud. Thanks for that, but we have some work to do. Lunch should be here in an hour so let's get started. Why don't you make yourself comfortable here on the couch (he motions toward sofa, leading subject along).

AB- So this is really gonna be like visiting the shrink? (He sits on leather sofa. Interviewer takes club chair next to him.)

LM- Not at all. You and I have a much more intimate relationship than psychiatrist and patient, but despite that, we still don't know that much about one another. However, if I'm going to continue to train you and help you I need to know a great deal me.

Now before we begin, I need to tell you that our conversation is being recorded Ð should have mentioned that from the get-go; so I hope that's okay with you. If you'll affirm by answering yes?

AB- Um, sure, I guess so. WhereÉ?

LM- Internal device here in the office- comes in handy for transcription.

Okay, if you'll remind us of your full name, birthdate, and just state for the record that you're here of your own free will.

AB- Okay, I'm Adam B-----(Name interrupted for FERPA reasons), DOB 07-18-1987 (insert actual b-day?) and I'm here to learn more about myself and work with my coach. I guess that means I'm here `cause I want to be.

LM- Excellent. Alright Bud, let's start from what just happened.

Why did you feel the need to kiss me just now?

AB- I don't know, Sir. I guess because you had put your hand on my shoulder and then I just leaned in and, I'm not sure.

LM- Adam, you have to know that you can say anything to me. It's not a simple question but it's part of what we need to begin to uncover. While my touch was familiar, it wasn't necessarily sexual. It might have just been to move you along.

AB- Coach, sometimes when we're working out, I just want to grab you. It was the same at Rusty's last week with the sparring partner, or even running with Derek. It's not enough that I'm in the company of a man and we're engaged in physical exercise, or maybe it's because of that, I don't know. When I'm engaged physically, I need to be engaged sexually, I think.

LM Ð You think? Hmmm. So, is it a physical attraction to ALL men, or just some men? Or men that you work out with?

AB Ð I'm not sure. I think I am physically attracted to men who work out, and are fit, but I don't think that's all of it.

LM Ð So if the President of the university had been standing there and moved beside you to adjust your view and just let his hand linger on your shoulder, you think you'd have pressed into him and then probably hugged and kissed him?

AB- Uh, President Barton, definitely NOT!

LM- Okay, so it's not the physical presence of ALL men, just some men. InterestingÉ

AB- what does that mean?

LM Ð I'm not sure. I just think it may be interesting. What do you think it means?

AB- Ah, shit, Coach. Now you do sound like a shrink!

LM- Profanity is not acceptable, Sport! Think and respond like a man, please. And I am functioning here as a questioner to help you self-examine. You might want to provide some self-reflection instead of saying, I'm not sure' and I don't know.'

AB- Okay, I'm sorry. I'm justÉ Well, you do make me nervous sometimes, and I don't want to say the wrong thing.

(LM reaches over and pats him)

LM- This is your story, Bud. No wrong answers. Why don't you stretch out there and let's start from a different tack. Tell me what you think I need to know about your growing up. What kind of childhood did you have?

AB- Well, as I mentioned before, I was an only kid. Grew up in the city. Both my parents are educated, career-minded, and pretty well loving and accepting.

LM Ð Accepting you say. In what ways accepting?

AB- Well, I think they always wanted what was best for me. They really pushed me to excel academically and they did not tolerate low grades, soÉ

LM- so they were not accepting when it came to sub-par academic performance?

AB- Well, no, but they still loved me. I mean, I wanted to excel academically. I wanted them to be pleased and not disappointed in my school work.

LM Ð So, you felt that their love and acceptance was tied to your being a good student?

AB- No, I mean, I don't think so. They demanded I do well, and I always did well, but, shit, I think they'd have loved me anyway if I didn't do well in school.

LM- Again, son, does the expletive make it clearer? I didn't think so.

So, they were accepting and loving, but demanded academic excellence. What else? Did they encourage you in athletics Ð swimming? It seems a big part of your life?

AB Ð I guess so. I mean they did take me to swim lessons and then I wanted to compete so they signed me up. They were there for most of my meets, at least. I think so. I really don't remember.

LM- You don't remember if you parents attended your meets? Did they cheer you on? Offer you lifesavers after a defeat? (he chuckles)

AB- I guess so. Honestly, I don't remember them making that big a deal out of it, one way or another. It was just something I came to do.

LM Ð Okay, switching gears. So did your parents hope for more children or was it always their plan for you to be an only child? Did they ever talk to you about this?

AB- I'm not sure. I know I always asked if I could have a brother, but they said "why would we want another child when we already have the most wonderful son in the world?" Stuff like that.

LM- So, you asked for a baby brother?

AB- Well yeah, but you know, I always dreamed, actually, that I'd have an older brother. You know, someone to look out for me, to show me the ropes and stuff.

LM Ð Hmmmm. So you were lonely as a child.

AB Ð Yeah, at times. I mean, I always had lots of friends but sometimes my parents didn't like for them to come over and they rarely let me have sleepovers or anything. I LOVED it when I got to go stay over at a friend's house, especially my friend Bobby.

LM Ð What was so special about Bobby? Did you guys have a lot in common?

AB- Well, we were in the same class two years running in elementary and we did play on the same little league baseball team, I think after 4th grade. But Bobby had two older brothers, and they were always teasing him and swattin' him around. When I was there, they'd sort of pick on both of us. It was fun.

LM- It was fun to be picked on?

AB- It was fun to be in a house full of guys Ð always running, and wrestling, and fighting. It was just different from my house. I guess the grass is always greener, you know?

LM Ð The cliche'? Yes. But what does that mean to you?

AB- Huh?

LM- What does it mean to you that you enjoyed being with your friend, not so much because he was your friend, but because he had two older brothers and they treated you just like they treated him?

AB- I guess I really never thought about it that way. But if I did, I guess, I mean Ð I liked it. I liked it when they just didn't pick on us, but showed us stuff, like Billy Ð the one closest to Bobby, maybe two years older than us, he would sometimes play catch with us. I remember him trying to teach me how to throw a curve ball, showing me how to grasp the ball with my index finger on the threads. Gosh, I'd forgotten I remembered that.

LM- Forgotten a memory? More like misplaced it for a while. So, you liked Billy too? Liked when he paid attention to you?

AB Ð Yeah. (he breathes out a loud sigh)Billy was so cool.

LM Ð Anything else about this dynamic of your friend and his brothers that you want to share?

AB- Well, Brandon was the oldest. I know, they all had "B" names. Come to think of it, I think their parents did tooÉ what was their name? I can't remember.

LM- Anyway, BrandonÉ

AB- He was probably five years older than us. Already in high school, I guess when we were in 5th grade. He played football. I seemed to remember that he always had his shirt off and he always seemed sweaty. And he was muscled Ð or at least to me in 4th/5th grade, he seemed like some Adonis or something.

LM- so you were physically attracted to him?

AB- Shit (oh excuse me), I mean, I don't know. In 4th grade? I don't think I knew that. Should I have?

LM- I don't know. I'm just asking. There's no right or wrong here.

AB- Okay. Um, what was the question?

LM- Were you attracted to Brandon?

AB- I don't know, honestly. I think I wanted to be him. I remember that. I remember going home and taking off my shirt and walking in front of the mirror Ð pretending to be him. And, oh yeah! I remember, he cussed. He was the first person I remember cursing in front of me. I'd say `shit!" and stand like he did.

LM- So there was some body worship, hero worship going on, maybe?

AB- Yeah, maybe. I think he knew Bobby and I looked up to him, even more than I did to Billy. I mean, one time, Billy showed us how to look through the bathroom key hole and we could see Brandon jerking off to a Playboy. I think that was the first time I found out what masturbation was.

LM Ð Did you follow up on that?

AB- I'm not sure what you mean? I mean, I don't think my dick was working yet, at least not that way.

LM Ð Okay, we'll come back to your first sexual emissions. Let's follow up with the B family. What else stands out about them for you?

AB Ð Well, one time, Billy dared Bobby and me to go into Brandon's room (he was the oldest, so he had his own room) and steal some condoms. I didn't even know what they were. We got caught. I'd forgotten that. Man, Brandon could be scary too.

LM- Scary, how?

AB- Well, he was bigger, you know. And sometime he'd get mad at us for messing with his stuff, more at Bobby than at me, but he didn't care if I was there. This one time though, when he caught us there and Bobby holding the rubber - he slapped Bobby so hard that it split his lip and Bobby started whaling on him, then Billy saw it and he jumped on his back and was hitting him and then Brandon just spun around with both of them hanging on and he was laughing.

LM- What did you do? Did you try to help Bobby?

AB- Um, I'm not sure what I did. I don't really rememberÉ

LM- Adam, you had a profound memory in vivid detail up until this point, you even remember the slap and Bobby's split lip. You don't remember how you reacted.

AB- Well, maybe,(pause and another sigh) I think I started crying. Shit, I was such a pussy.(pushes both fists into the couch)

LM Ð Why do you think you were a pussy?

AB- Well, I could've stood up for my friend, don't you think?

LM- I'm not sure what to think. I think it was a foreign dynamic to you, as an only child. I'm assuming your parents did not argue in front of you and they certainly never struck one another in front of you, correct?

AB- Oh yeah, I mean, I knew they disagreed, but they always went into their bedroom to have their `discussions."

LM- So, this fight was a new dynamic for you. Brandon had never hit anyone in front of you before?

AB- No, I mean we'd wrestled and stuff and he'd lost his temper and cussed before, but it seems like I'd never been scared of him, until this day. This time. At least, I don't think so.

LM- Did Brandon ever do anything to you specifically? Something else that made you fear him?

AB- No, well maybe, I'm not sure.

LM- Did he threaten you or hurt you in any way?

AB- Well, I think he threatened me. I know he did. He said if I told his parents or my parents what he'd done to Billy he'd kick both our asses. We were both terrified. I do remember that night, Billy was still upset, crying and stuff. I sort of held him in his bed and we finally both went to sleep like that. Gosh, I'd forgotten some of this stuff, about Billy.

I wonder what he's doing these daysÉ?

LM- Okay Sport, maybe this is a good place for us to stop. We've gotten a good ways into your past and reviewing what makes you tick. I think we can look ahead for some interesting conversations in the future.

AB- That's it, Coach? Um, Did I do okay? I mean, it didn't seem like such a big deal.

LM- It was fine. No worries. You did just fine.


From Coach_Luke to AdamPENN, Saturday, October 20, 2012, 10:35 AM

Dear Adam,

I'm sure you're probably asleep again now that you're back safely in your own bed, but I wanted to follow up the events of last night with this reflection for our continuing correspondence. First, let me say overall how pleased I am with your performance and your effort and attitude last night confirmed that you are moving in the right direction and learning more and more each day. While I've witnessed this first-hand during our lifting sessions, it was a joy for me to observe you in two different settings Ð one athletic/physical and one physical/sexual- and to see the level of self-control you've now attained. Now that you've moved through two stages of the mantra, you are so close to learning the final phrase and achieving the end result. I'm hoping that within a month or two, you can close the gap and achieve this final reward.

So, back to last night. The smile on your face as you met Jason in the ring for the first time may have been viewed by some as a bit of self-confident swagger, but after our enlightening interview on Friday afternoon I knew that it was genuine. You looked like a kid who was just happy to be there. And in your boxing shorts, shoes, gloves, and headgear, you looked every inch the athletic stud that you are. I was extremely proud of you.

As you learned, I was meeting Jason for the first time. I had done some observations of his training and had, with Rusty, gone over his file and training records so I knew a great deal about him though we hadn't met. At just 5' 7" and about 130 pounds with less than 1% body fat, he is a pure whip of solid muscle. Rusty informs me that over the almost two months of their training he's grown almost an inch taller and added a good bit of that core muscle. Rusty thinks he could be 5'11" before he turns 21 and he just might. However, as you learned in the ring with this sparring partner, he's small but tenacious. It may have been a bit unfair for us to loose you in the ring with him since he's had quite a bit more boxing training than you, but Rusty and I both felt your size compensated for your inexperience and we wanted to see how you both responded.

Clearly, Jason's response was admirable. He was not intimidated by your few inches and greater weight and that first near knockdown he gave you certainly seemed to improve his confidence. However, I was most impressed with your concentration and your physical strength to get back up and to continue to move, learn, and respond to your opponent. When Rusty offered instructions to each of you, I could see you comprehending and seeking to implement his guidance, and for that I was grateful. Most of all, I was pleased with the way you controlled your responses, using your strength and your body to fight, but not letting your temper OR your emotions dictate your physical responses. This was a HUGE improvement in your training. We both could tell, over the course of the three, 8 minute rounds however, that this was less about fighting to impress your coaches and learn what we suggested than about trying to impress one another with your athletic and physical prowess. Rusty asserts it was a side of Jason he had not seen but he'd hoped he could cultivate. With you, I knew it was there, but I wanted you to learn to control and use it to your advantage. You both seemed to grasp this lesson, but it was clear there was a different electricity in the room. When Rusty called it a draw and brought your sparring to a close, I could sense almost a degree of disappointment in your sweat-covered face. After we'd assisted you both in de-gloving and sent you to the showers together, that disappointment was quickly gone. When Rusty told you both to shower quickly and then meet us in the locker room that disappointment seemed to re-appear. Were you hoping for some playtime in the showers, Son? If so, I think you eventually received what you wanted, even if it was in a different context. Am I right?

When you reappeared first in the locker room dressing area and I handed you your towel, I was rewarded with that winning smile of yours and it was all I could do to exert my own self-discipline and not rape your ass right then and there on the bench. As it was, I remained your faithful coach, slapped your ass, and then pulled you into a congratulatory hug. After we adjourned to Rusty's office so I could instruct you, I'm certain Rusty did the same with Jason.

Once in the office, I essentially gave you the same summary as above while informing you about the rest of the evening's upcoming events. I wish I'd digitally recorded your facial expressions at that point! Though your dick had been hard at attention, towel or no, since you'd emerged from the showers your face was lit with glowing anticipation when I outlined the next experiment. As I explained, Jason had benefitted from numerous training sessions with Rusty and his tenacity and boxing skills were excellent for a 19-year-old who'd essentially just been a competitive swimmer and cellist for most of his life. Rusty was a GIANT inspiration to him and had been a wonderful coach and mentor so far. However, in the sexual realm, Rusty had shown guidance and comfort, but he refused to exert himself with Jason. Part of this was size. As you may have inferred (you were blindfolded at the time), Rusty is extremely well-endowed as befitting a man of his stature and weight, and though Derek (or I for that matter) can occasionally handle his engorged 9-inch member, it is an acquired capability. Jason and Rusty had shared some loads as part of Jason's earlier reward training but Jason was ready to lose his anal-virginity. I wanted to erase the thought of you back-room fucking whatever ass that came your way and give you the opportunity to exert your manhood in a controlled setting. Essentially, I wanted to test you and see how you might respond sexually with a younger brother when fucking him for the first time. I could tell you were, as you stated, "juiced" by this prospect, but as I laid out some of the parameters there was a hint of anxiety in your eyes.

Would you be able to exert your own self-control and put the feelings and sexual pleasure of another man ahead of yours? How would you face intercourse with another alpha who was your equal in everything save perhaps height and weight? In other words, would I see a street fuck or would I see the physically and sexually mature MAN I was hoping I was crafting? Based on our afternoon interview, I knew you were still dealing with raging currents of emotion and memory, lust and love, and conflict within your memory and heart. I hoped you would be able to focus as a man and exert your own self-discipline and self-control. When I volunteered that Rusty and I would be watching, recording, and perhaps transcribing parts of your `activities' I saw a quick flash in those blue eyes of yours and was afraid you might just balk. But just as quickly, those eyes turned down and you said, "I will do my best to impress you both, Sir. I won't ruin this tremendous opportunity."

"Okay Champ." I encouraged. "It's show time."

"Sir," you paused, "If I don't get the chance, will you thank Rusty for me. Let him know I appreciate the trust he's placing in me."

"I will, Bud." I offered. "Why don't you exhibit that gratitude to Jason as well. He had to agree to do this too. IF he's not in here, we'll know he said no." With that, I opened the adjoining door from Rusty's gym office into his small, spare adjoining bedroom. Jason lay naked on the bed, waiting for you, cock already up, hands clasped behind his head and a cock-sure grin on his face.

"Let's get started, Stud-man! I want to know what it feels like to have a bud's hard dick up my ass!" he taunted.

You didn't need any encouragement and sprang onto the bed and on top of him. I quietly backed out of the room and joined Rusty at the one-way observation window back in his office. He was already grinning when I took a seat next to him at the video controls.

"What are your grinning at?" I asked him.

"You! You're positively glowing." He joked.

"Fuck you," I shot back.

"Well, maybe later," he countered. "Let's see how well your boy fucks mine right now."

And for a while we turned all of our attention to the two of you. I occasionally made notes on my notepad or adjusted the camera or audio feed. Rusty occasionally laughed, grunted, and often stroked his cock. (I don't want you to think our observations were purely clinical Ð we are men, after all.)

I will not transcribe word for word here as you probably remember it well and at some point the video will be made available to you for clinical, training purposes. Like game film, we'll re-evaluate your performance. But I will point out some strategic observances and encouraging facts that I gleaned from your endeavor.

You are both physically superior specimens though as we've mentioned you are a bit heftier. Your medium skin and dark hair contrasted with Jason's almost translucent white skin, blond hair and nearly white-haired pubes. Both blue-eyed, dick size was about the same at a medium 7 inches though your girth seemed a bit larger and your balls (as previously noted) were definitely larger and more man-sized than your partner.

Also of note to me was the playful banter and sensual foreplay you engaged in to relax the excited, but clearly a bit anxious, Jason. While rubbing dicks you teased him by saying "You nearly kicked my ass out there tonight."

He countered, "If I'd known what Coach had in mine and that you'd be the one to bust my cherry, I wouldn't have tried to kick your ass so hard. You better not take it out on my ass."

"Easy and slow, Bud. I remember my first time." You said.

I'm not sure what happened at that moment as I just had the audio feed and your back was to the camera, but Jason must've seen something cross your face. He reached up and said, "Man, as soon as you walked in the ring tonight, I wanted to feel this cock."

He grabbed your hardened dick above him and just that quickly you too were swapping spit, rubbing dicks, and wrestling across the bed. It was a pleasant, fun sexual romp and I for one was happy that you seemed less intent on proving something and more engaged with having fun with your assigned partner. Just as you'd both asserted your physical strength in the ring, here you seemed to want to measure out your play, tune in to what turned each of you on, and then follow through on pleasuring your partner with your physical and sensual capabilities. As you soon learned, Jason is an expert cocksman despite his virgin ass and he licked and sucked your cock and nuts with untoward abandon. For a moment Rusty and I both thought you'd shoot your first load in his mouth and not his ass, but you quickly turned the tables on him and we enjoyed the give and take of your sweaty, spit-filled sixty-nine. (In fact, it wasn't long until my attention was turned to Rusty's hot mouth on my own cock, but that's not part of my clinical observation. That'll be a story for another time.)

We were both desperate to see how you'd mount this boy for the first time and I was pleased with the lengthy rimming, licking, sucking and fingering you gave him. By the time he reached out to the supplies on the bedside table and rolled the condom on your cock, his ass was all but begging for your dick (and in fact, the audio recording shows him clearly.)

"Fuck me, Man. Give me that big cock up my ass."

In your defense, you didn't rape it but slowly teased him. With Jason on all fours, you mounted him and slightly engaged your mushroom head into his sphincter, instructing him the entire time.

"Okay, Little Bro, it's only gonna hurt for a second. Push back on my cock. That's right. Like you're about to take a dump but don't."

"yeah, like that. Fuck, you are one tight, hot hole."

And slowly and workman-like, you opened and plowed Jason's virgin hole. By the time you'd flipped him on his back and opened him way up, he was giving as good as you were, and Rusty was pleased to see him become an alpha-masculine bottom. When he taunted you there near the end ("That all you got, Bud? You gonna fuck me hard like a man, or not?") I bit my lip hoping you would not lose your temper. But you just smiled and laughed, then leaned down and kissed him.

"This is the fuck of your life-time, Bud. Your first. And you're never gonna forget it, I promise," you asserted. And then you backed that up and fucked him `til he shot his load all over his belly. I could see the orgasm in your ear-tips first, the rouge rising there and on your chest and I was pleased that you didn't cum like a Hollywood-fuck star, but instead you kept your cock inside him and you seeded that hole (even if it was wrapped in the raincoat) and you showed him what cumming in the ass feels like (in a controlled, safe way).

Even more fulfilling was observing your laughter as you both fell into giggling hugs and then promised to wrestle to see who topped whom next. Rusty and I then adjourned ourselves to another room for a well-deserved beer though we left the video recorders running. I won't transcribe the ongoing couplings here (I've skimmed through all 8 hours of the video), but it's clear that you both must've fucked off and on throughout the night.

I will write that it was a night of celebration for us all and as I complete this missive I am contemplating taking my sore ass and dick back to bed as well. (Unheard of for me at mid-morning on a Saturday). Of course, one must rejuvenate the batteries when required.

When I roused you this morning and uncurled you from your position wrapped around Jason, I must say it was like observing two Botticelli cherubs, roused from their garden slumber after a night of playful romps. It is an image I'll replay in my mind for the remaining weeks. I appreciate the fact that you woke quickly, hopped up and then dressed in the locker room, and then got in my jeep with no complaint or questions. When I kissed you goodbye at your apartment house, you didn't even question me about your performance or ask questions about when/if you might see Jason again. You politely said, "Thanks for this training, Coach. See you Monday." And then you were off.

Well done, Son. Very well done.

I'm an extremely proud Coach this morning. I'll see you for workout on Monday.

Sweet dreams,


From AdamPENN to Coach_Luke , October 26, 2012

Dear Coach,

I hope you got my phone messages. I'm sorry for missing workouts. I met with my thesis advisor on Monday and I am FUCKED. I have to start all over Ð despite what she'd said earlier- I have a committee member who's question a source and my foundation. I've just been spinning out of control. I'm sorry Coach. I'll call or email as soon as I can get back on schedule. I'm just fucked totally this week.



From Coach_Luke to AdamPENN, October 27, 2012

Dear Adam,

I received the many messages. Academics come first, always, as I've continued to assert. However, when crisis strikes, Son, we don't abandon those who might help us. You need the discipline of your routine. We can help you through this but not if you won't let us. I'm here for you but our training can not continue if you do not resume this week. You are so close, Bud. Don't quit now, just because life got a little tougher.

I'm waiting to hear from you.



Coach's Addendum late December 2012:

I did not hear from Adam that week or the following week. He totally dropped out of site. Since I had no `official' role with him academically, I have not contacted his thesis advisor or his professors. I offered my help and he did not avail himself of it.

Jason, Rusty's protŽgŽ, graduated from our program the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving and we all celebrated the holiday together at the cabin up state. I did not hear anything from Adam until after the end of the term and then only by chance. Derek said that he came into the bar right at closing time just the Saturday night before Christmas Eve. He appeared to Derek "strung out" and had clearly lost weight and look disheveled. He asked to talk to Derek and as Derek was coming out of the back room to greet him something spooked him. He took off out of the bar and though Derek tried to chase him down and bring him back, he lost him once he hit the street. Sadly, we have not seen or heard from him since.

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