The Adventures Of A Horny Married Man

By Harrison Morris

Published on Dec 15, 2011



It was a warm evening near the end of August when I began to see my life differently than I had seen it in many, many years. I'm Greg Hogan. I'm 46 years old. I work as a science teacher at a high school about 20 miles from where I live. I know what you're probably thinking. 'A science teacher? He's probably some pencil-thin, four-eyed nerd who is so untanned that his skin is bordering on translucent.' I like to think I don't fit that description. I workout to keep in shape. I eat right and take care of myself as best I can. Although I'd have preferred to wait a few more years for it to happen, my hair has started to turn gray. I'm certainly not ever going to be one of those guys who runs to the drug store to load up on Just For Men hair care products. I've always been just the slightest bit creeped-out when I run into a guy in his mid-60s with brown or blond hair. I mean, come on guys. Who are you fooling? No, I'm perfectly content to grow old gracefully...if only it could've started a few years later! I've been married to the same woman for 22 years. Angela and I met in college, dated for a few years, and then got married. Four years later, Angela gave birth to our only child...our son Matt, who has grown into a fine young man. In fact, he had just left for his first year of college a few days earlier. His mother had gone with him to help him get settled-in, and then spend a couple of weeks with her sisters, who she doesn't get to see as often as she'd like.

To those on the outside looking in, my life had been and was the sort that most people dreamed of having. And, when I didn't let myself really think about it, I could fool myself into thinking the same thing. But the truth is that there's a part of myself that I had denied and kept hidden since college. Growing up, I knew that I wasn't like other boys. While they talked about which girls were hot and which ones they wanted to fuck, all I could think about was which of my male classmates and teachers I wanted to strip naked and suck off. I came from a very devout and strict Catholic family, so there was no way I could ever explore these feelings without feeling an intense amount of shame or being worried that someone would find out that I was gay. When it came time for me to go to college, I became excited. I picked a college several hundred miles from home, thinking I would be far enough way to safely start exploring my attraction to other men. However, outside of a few drunken hook-ups, I found it hard to shake the shame I'd felt for so many years. I had a regular jack off buddy in my dorm roommate, Henry. We were both seeing girls at the same time. But when we had urges that our girlfriends couldn't - or wouldn't - satisfy, we'd turn to each other for help. Though I knew I was gay, I doubted that Henry identified himself that way. Outside of jacking each other off and an occasional mutual blow job, Henry and I never took things any further. We had only been fooling around for a few months when things began to get serious with Angela...and he ended up proposing marriage to his girlfriend at the time. We broke things off and that was the last sexual experience I had with another man. I felt as if settling down and marrying a nice girl was what everyone in my life expected of me. At that time, I didn't think I was strong enough to deal with the fallout of coming out, so I did what I thought I had to do. I put my attraction to other men in a figurative steamer trunk, locked it, and threw away the key...thinking those feelings were gone forever.

But the feelings weren't gone forever. How could they possibly go away? They were a part of who I was...who I am. Throughout my marriage, I never strayed. I was faithful to my wife and her idea of the man she married. But that didn't mean my eyes didn't wander. As the years went on, it got harder and harder to keep that proverbial steamer trunk locked shut...especially when I was alone and I was on this particular late August evening. With Angela having already been gone for four days and slated to be gone for another two and a half weeks, I didn't know how I was going to make it. I had to restrain myself from going online and searching out porn to release my tensions. After some thought, I realized what would help ease my mind and calm my nerves...a nice dip in the jacuzzi out back...accompanied by a slow jerk off session, thinking about Jim Dobson, the sexy track coach at my high school. I was on my way to the back door to walk out and get the jacuzzi ready when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door, opened it, and saw standing there the last person I needed to see on a night like tonight while I was feeling horny and son's best friend, Aaron.

"Hi, Mr. H! Is Matt here? He hasn't left for school yet, has he?" Matt & Aaron had been close friends ever since they met in middle school. I was puzzled by Aaron's presence at our front door. Surely Aaron knew that Matt had left earlier in the week. In fact, I knew that Matt had hung out with Aaron the day before he left. But I decided to play along with Aaron's 'dumb' act.

"Aaron. Good to see you, bud. Sorry. Matt left earlier this week. Mrs. Hogan went along to help him get settled in and to visit family."

"So you're playing bachelor, then? Cool! Me too. My parents are out of town at a high school reunion." Aaron was going to a local community college. From what Matt told his mom and I, he had intentions of transferring to a four-year university after a year or two. I knew what Aaron's angle probably was by coming here tonight. As I mentioned, I knew that HE knew Matt was already gone. I also knew that Aaron had a thing for me. I'm not just being vain. When he and Matt were in school together, whenever he'd be over here, I'd always catch him making furtive glances my way. One evening, he was staying overnight and I needed to ask Matt something. I walked into Matt's room shirtless and saw Aaron's eyes practically bug out of his head. If this were any other night, I'd have politely encouraged him to head back home. But tonight...with my family out of the house and, horny as I was, encouraging him to leave was not what I did.

"Say...when you rang the doorbell, I was just about to take a dip in the jacuzzi. Since you don't have anyone to get back to at home and you're already here, would you like to get in?" I knew I shouldn't have asked. I know what happens when two people - of any gender or sexual orientation - get into a hot tub together. ANY IDIOT knows what happens. But I was being guided by something other than my brain. Whatever was going to happen tonight between Aaron and I, I no longer cared about stopping it.

"Sounds good, Mr. H. But I don't have any swim trunks."

"That's okay. We'll get in in our underwear!" Did I really just say that? If Aaron had been under age, I imagine this is where Chris Hansen and a cameraman from Dateline would've come out and shoved a camera in my face for trying to lure a teenage boy into a lurid sex act. I felt myself transforming from a mild-mannered high school teacher into some sort of sex-crazed predator! Except, that wasn't exactly the correct analogy. Aaron was almost 19 years old...perfectly capable of saying no to anything that might take place tonight.

"Okay. Then I'd love to get into the jacuzzi!" I led the way out to the backyard and, as I turned on the jacuzzi to let it start warming and uncovered it, Aaron began undressing. By the time I'd finished making all of the necessary preparations, he was already beginning to lower himself into the warm water. The kid kept himself in shape, all right. I caught a glimpse of his toned chest and flat stomach briefly before he sat on the seat, submerged to halfway up his chest in the jacuzzi water. I must have been staring, because Aaron smirked at me, "Come on in, Mr. H! The water's fine."

The parent and teacher in me knew that I should back out of what I was about to do. I was about to get into a hot tub with my son's best friend. Let's not play dumb here. We all know what happens when two people get into a hot tub together. I was about to betray my son's trust in one of the worst possible ways. As I took in the sight of Aaron watching me from the jacuzzi...his right arm swaying back and forth under the water as if he was rubbing his underwear-covered cock, my cock spoke up to argue with my conscience. I felt this voice in my head say, "Sure, what might happen once you get into this hot tub would be a betrayal of Matt's trust. But what he'll never find out won't hurt him!" Immediately, I brought my hands up and started unbuttoning my shirt. I tried not to look at Aaron as I was disrobing, but the cocky side of me was all but certain that he was watching me the whole time. My suspicions were soon confirmed.

As I shook my shirt off of my shoulders, Aaron remarked, "Wow, Mr. H! Your chest looks awesome...for a teacher, I mean."

I smirked at Aaron's compliment. It felt great to have someone notice my body. After slipping into the routine of a comfortable marriage, Angela never complimented my physique. "Thanks, Aaron. I try to work out as often as I can."

"Mrs. H must be one happy woman..."

"I wouldn't know. We haven't had sex in a long time." Did I really just divulge details about my sex life with my wife to my son's best friend? Inappropriate? Definitely!

"That's too bad," Aaron replied with a slight lilt in his voice. "A man with a body like yours shouldn't miss out on sex." I knew I was hot for Aaron in this moment and I already knew Aaron had a bit of a thing for me. But were my ears deceiving me or was Aaron possibly trying to seduce me? I was already horny, but all of this sex talk was starting to make my cock hard. Suddenly I became self-conscious about going any further with my undressing. It was one thing for Aaron and I to be hot for each other. But to slip into the hot tub with a noticeable hard on tenting my underwear struck me as just a bit obscene. However, that same cock that was making me second-guess what I was doing also prodded me to continue. Aaron was right. I shouldn't miss out on sex. And I certainly wasn't going to pass up an opportunity for some tonight with my family out of the house.

"Yeah, well..." I said as I began to unbuckle my belt and undo my slacks. "Tell that to Mrs. H." I winked at him and grinned. I turned away from Aaron slightly, pushed my pants down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I didn't want to scare Aaron off with my erection. Maybe I could make it into the hot tub without him seeing it in my underwear.

From behind me, Aaron's reply to my last statement stunned me just a little. "Mrs. H. doesn't have to know. In fact, she probably shouldn't." His brazen seduction language had surprised me so much that, without thinking, I turned to face Aaron.

"What did you say, Aaron?"

His eyes were glued to my bulging crotch. I think I even saw him lick his lips slightly. After a brief moment, he brought his eyes back up to mine. "Uh....nothing, Mr. H." He made no mention of my obscene erection...just encouraged me to get into the jacuzzi. "Now, don't leave me hanging in here alone. Get in before I need to get out because my skin's turned all pruny!" It seemed like we were both on the same page now. We were using a large helping of good, old-fashioned avoidance. As I slipped into the warm water, I wondered how long it would take before avoidance went out the window and we both surrendered to our raging hormones.

I slid over and sat next to Aaron...not scrunched up along his body, but with a little bit of space between us. I was determined not to come off as some sort of skeevy predator, so I tried to keep the conversation casual to begin with. "Matt tells Mrs. Hogan and I that you're planning on transferring to a four-year school after you get a couple years under your belt at the community college. Do you have any schools in mind that you're looking at?"

"Not one in particular, but I'd really like to go to school in the Northeast. I've heard great things about that part of the country. Sounds like a great place to be."

"It is. Before Angela and I got married, I lived in Rhode Island for a couple years. It's a great part of the country. You'd like it there." Not wanting to let the conversation continue to drop into awkward silence just yet, I continued talking. "How's your love life going? The last Matt told us, you were dating Susie Knapp. Are you two still seeing each other?"

"Nah. Sooz and I broke up before graduation. I'm not seeing any one person right now...just keeping my options open." After answering my question in such a cryptic way, Aaron looked at me with a smirk on his face. Was that his subtle way of telling me that he was exploring homosexuality? "What about you, Mr. H.? If things with Mrs. H. aren't satisfying, are YOU keeping your options open?" He kept that damn sexy smirk on his face. It was obvious that he was purposely trying to make me squirm. And the fact that my underwear-confined hard on was still going strong under the water wasn't helping matters either.

" offense, but I don't really think that's an appropriate question for you to ask your best friend's father."

Aaron smiled at me. "Well, that answers that question, now doesn't it?" I was flabbergasted - and turned on - by Aaron's boldness. This sexy prick was doing his best to seduce me! And though I started out wanting it to happen, I was starting to chicken out.

"Aaron, maybe you should..."

Before I could finish the sentence, Aaron interrupted me. "Mr. H., you really should keep your options open. The opportunity for great sex could be closer than you think." With that, he slid closer to me and put his right hand on my left thigh. I didn't respond. I couldn't think of anything to say. Silence hung in the air along with the thick sexual tension between Aaron and I. Though my apprehension was completely gone and I wanted this kid badly, I was frozen. I couldn't make the first move. He was going to have to. I didn't have to wait too long for him to do so.

"Mr. H. I have a confession."

"What's that, Aaron?" I looked at him.

"I hope you won't be offended by me saying this, dick is so hard right now. I can't stand it!"

I chuckled...and my cock pulsed in my underwear. "Aaron, I'm not the least bit offended...for two reasons. One, getting hard is a fact of that shouldn't cause embarrassment. Two, I'd be a hypocrite if I got offended by your hard on. You see...I have one too."

Aaron looked at me. "Really? What a coincidence...." His gaze was smoldering and seductive. Damn, this kid knew how to turn it on!

"Yeah," was all I could say in response. Without warning, Aaron reached over and groped my bulge.

"Yep! You're hard, all right! Don't you think we should do something about these hard ons we've got?"

The father and teacher in me made one last attempt to stop this from happening. It was a feeble attempt, but an attempt nonetheless. "Aaron, you're my son's best friend. And I'm married. We shouldn't be doing this." Of course, I made no move to push his hand away from my crotch. Without the action to back up the words, Aaron knew I didn't really want us to stop.

"Remember what I said, Mr. H. You need to keep your options open. We're not betraying Matt or Mrs. H. We're just two guys helping each other out."

If that's how he wanted to rationalize what was about to happen between us tonight, I was more than willing to go along with it. I wanted this kid bad...and I knew he felt the same way about me. I reached down and pulled his hand from my crotch. The look on his face told me that he was confused...thought I was putting a stop to his seduction. What I did next told him that was the last thing I'd be doing tonight. I reached under the water, lifted my ass up slightly and pulled my underwear down and over my legs. I held them up for Aaron to see and then flung them over the side of the hot tub. "Much better. I was starting to feel cramped in those things!"

Aaron followed suit and before I knew it, his hand was back in my crotch, this time gripping my hard cock. With his other hand, he reached over and rubbed my chest, tweaking my erect right nipple. Aaron faced me and our eyes locked on each other. I saw the lust in his eyes and I'm sure he saw the same in mine. Overcome by an uncontrollable wave of lust, I reached up with my left hand, gripped Aaron behind his neck and pulled his face toward mine. I leaned forward and met him halfway in a kiss. It started out softly, our lips kissing each other. But once we both opened our lips and our tongues came into play, the kiss exploded into a frenzied passion...our tongues passing back and forth into each of our mouths. After I pulled my mouth from Aaron's and began kissing down his neck, he whispered into my ear between gasps. "Oh, Mr. H! Oh fuck, man. You don't know how long I've wanted this! Damn near five years I've been hot for you!"

I kissed my way back up his neck and alternated kissing him on the mouth and talking to him. "Well, boy." Kiss. "I'm all yours." Kiss. "Now what..." Kiss. " you want..." Kiss. " do with me?" Kiss.

Aaron looked at me playfully. "First of all, I need you to sit up on the edge of the hot tub." For a moment, I hesitated. After sitting in the tub, I knew it would be a shock to my body to be out in the cooler air. But the lust that now had completely control over me and idea of what he was going to next made it a hesitation of only a split second. I was perched on the edge of the tub with the water streaming down my hairy chest and my hard cock jutting up and out of my crotch. Aaron leaned back and looked at me with admiration. "Damn! You are one hot stud, Mr. H. I still can't believe you aren't getting your needs met. If I had you in my bed every night, you'd never be unsatisfied!"

Those words brought a smile to my face and made my cock twitch. I wouldn't mind spending every night in the bed of someone who wanted to take care of my body...even if it was my son's best friend. "Come here, boy!" Aaron moved between my legs and leaned up to meet my lips with his again. I wrapped my arms around his body. Between us, our chests rubbed against each other and our cocks battled. Aaron broke our kiss after a couple minutes and began kissing and licking his way down my neck to my chest.

As he rubbed his face in my hairy, wet chest, he marveled at it. "Damn, stud! I love a man with a hairy chest! I've wanted to feel it against my face for years!" Wow! Aaron really had been lusting after me for a long time. Part of me was worried that I might not be able to measure up to whatever fantasies he'd been harboring for me. That worry went away quickly as he suctioned his lips to my right nipple and began licking and nibbling at it. Anyone who gives such passionate attention to another man's body couldn't possibly be disappointed. Speaking of disappointment, the sensations he was giving me were the exact opposite. I hadn't felt this way in years. Eventually, Aaron made his way down my chest and torso to my cock, pointing straight up at him. He wrapped his right hand around it. I hadn't lost any of my hardness during his attentions to my mouth and upper body. I wanted this badly! Aaron looked up at me mischievously. "You ready, Mr. H?"

"OH YEAH!" I said, eagerly.

"I've been told that I give pretty good head. I think you'll be happy." When he took my cock into his mouth and began licking the head, 'happy' couldn't even begin to describe the way I felt. This kid definitely knew what he was doing. He flicked his tongue along the sensitive underside and swabbed his way down to my balls. I'd never felt like this from a blow job. Angela didn't do it very often, because she thought giving head was nasty. And when she DID do it, she was just awful. I always pretended like I enjoyed it for her benefit, but nothing she ever did to me could compare to what Aaron was doing. He was driving me crazy with lust! At one point, I threw my head back. It was then that I remembered we were in the backyard of my non-secluded backyard with neighboring houses on either side. Anyone could've been watching what was going on in my hot tub. Without startling Aaron, who was still heartily at work on my cock and balls, I raised my head up and looked at the house behind me. All was dark. I remembered that the Russells were out of town for a couple weeks. No one could possibly be watching from their house. Unfortunately, the same could not be said of the house on the other side of mine. I looked across my backyard and up at the Turner house. Lights were on on the lower level of the house. Just one window on the upper level looked out onto my backyard and I could make out the shape of a person standing in front of the window! As I focused my eyes more, I could make out the figure of Bill Turner standing there, watching Aaron and I.

I began to panic! Bill was 58 and retired from the military. He and I had never become good friends, but his wife, Marcy, was great friends with Angela. Would Bill tell his wife about this...who, in turn, would tell Angela when she came back to town?! My panic started to effect my hard on. I felt myself beginning to go limp...even with the fantastic attention Aaron was still giving me. However, my panic went away in an instant when I noticed something else. Bill was standing at the window watching us...and though I didn't have a great view of him, because he was partially hidden by the shadow of a tree, I could see definite arm movement. It quickly became obvious to me that Bill was watching Aaron and I and stroking his cock. A grin came on my face and gave myself back over to passion. If ol' Bill wanted a show, I didn't mind giving him a point.

'Stand up for me, Baby." I called out to Aaron. I had a double reason for asking this. First, Aaron's excellent blow job had me about ready to cum...which I didn't want to happen yet. Secondly, I wanted to show off for Bill. As Aaron stood out of the water, his toned body and hard cock coming into view, I was amazed. This kid was a stud! I couldn't believe that I was on the verge of rebuffing his seduction just a little while ago. I reached up to rub his chest...bringing my hands down to play with his balls and stroke his hard cock. Aaron threw his head back at my touch.

"Fuck, Mr. H! Keep touching me like that!" His cock was already leaking precum and I had hardly touched him. I leaned my head forward and licked at his cock head with my tongue. "Oh shit!" I needed no further encouragement. I took more of his cock in my mouth, working my tongue around his shaft. As young as he was, I assumed he wouldn't last long. Soon enough, I was proven right. "Mr. H, I'm about to cum." I only sucked and licked harder. I wanted Aaron's cum down my throat. As if on cue, I got it...and then some! With a guttural moan, he let loose with a steady flow of cum into my mouth. I'd forgotten how good cum tasted. In that moment, I decided I wouldn't go so long in between times next time. Looking up at the contented look on Aaron's face above mine, I was glad I had been able to satisfy him. For a moment, I wondered if Bill was still watching our show. However, Aaron's wobbling back and forth soon took my attention. He looked as if he was about to collapse from being so worn out. I immediately stood up and turned him around so his back was leaning against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his chest and pinching his nipples. "Oh yeah, Mr. H! Hold me like I'm yours."

I whispered in his ear. "You ARE mine...for tonight, at least." Aaron turned his head toward mine and our mouths met in a passionate, tongue-filled kiss. This kid had me under a spell. I couldn't stop myself from rubbing my hands all over his body as we kissed. I reached down and cupped his deflating cock with my hand. Meanwhile, my still hard cock lay in the crack of his ass. We broke our kiss and I trailed down to kiss his neck.

"Mr. H?" Aaron croaked out, still exhausted. "I want you in me."

"Are you sure, Aaron?" He and I fucking tonight hadn't even crossed my mind. But now that he put it on the table, I knew I wanted him.

"Yeah, stud. I want you to make love to me."

"You got it, baby! But not in here. Let's get out and dry off." We stepped out of the hot tub and I handed Aaron one of the big towels I'd brought outside. As we dried off, my cock still hadn't gone down. It couldn't possibly, now that I knew I was going to get to fuck this hot stud. After we had both dried off, I pulled him to me and we shared another passionate kiss. I glanced across the backyard to the Turner house and thought that I was able to make out Bill still standing at the upper floor window. My cock twitched. I broke my kiss with Aaron and pulled him over to a chaise lounge that looked out of place among the other furniture on the patio. Though we had gotten new patio furniture several times over the years, Angela and I had always insisted on keeping this particular chaise lounge. It held sentimental value, after all. On the night of our tenth anniversary, Angela and I had made love on this very lounge. It had been sacred to both of us. Now, I was too overcome with lust to be concerned with that. After tonight, it would still be sentimental and sacred to me...but for a far different reason than it would be for my wife.

Aaron lay down on the lounge on his back and I stood above him, looking down on his muscular body. What a hot, hot man he was. I lay down on top of him and we kissed, with his arms wrapped around my back and mine embracing him. I rose up into a kneeling position and began preparing his hole by rubbing it with my fingers and my cock...trying to give it time to relax and dilate. All the while, Aaron rubbed his hands through my hairy chest and we looked into each others' eyes and whispered terms of endearment to each other. It felt like we were two newlyweds on a honeymoon. I don't know what had happened to me. Just earlier today, I was wallowing in misery and loneliness. Now, I felt like I had been brought back to life. It felt wonderful!

When I felt like Aaron was ready, I lined my cock up with his hole and began the slow task of pushing in to him. I knew he was no novice at fucking, but I still wanted to go slow. As horny and full of lust as I was, there was something about this kid that made me want to protect him and be gentle. After several minutes of slow going, I was finally in all the way. I looked at Aaron's face. There still seemed to be a mix of pain and pleasure there. "Are you okay, Baby?"

"OH YEAH, Mr. H! I've never been better. You don't know how many times I've fantasized about this moment. I'm on Cloud Nine right now!" That brought a smile to my face. If this is something he'd been fantasizing about for a long time, I was gonna make sure he got his money's worth! I began slowly pumping my pelvis back and forth, pulling my cock in and out of him...each time, pulling back just a little bit farther. The way I felt, I knew I wouldn't last long. This night had been too good and it had been too long since I'd been with another person like this, I felt that familiar stirring and knew I was about to cum. Because we were in the backyard, I didn't want anyone other than Bill to hear what was going on. I leaned forward and told Aaron I was going to cum...then pressed my mouth to his to drown out my moans. As we kissed hungrily, I shot my load into Aaron's ass.

As I came down from the euphoria of cumming, I broke our kiss and we lay there on the lounge with our hands wrapped around each other. After a few minutes, I lifted myself into the standing position and looked down at Aaron. "Are you okay?" I asked again.

Aaron looked up at me with a goofy grin on his face. "Better than okay."

I smiled at him. "Good. Say...when do your parents come back from their trip?"

"In two days."

I smiled even wider. "Good! I get two whole days with you. I hope you don't need to go home for anything, because once we go upstairs tonight, I'm not letting you out of my bed until time for your parents to come home."

"Maybe I should go home and grab some clothes to wear."

I reached down and pulled him to his feet in front of me. "Trust me, Baby. For what I have planned for us this weekend, you're not going to need clothes." I leaned in and kissed him.

Aaron smiled at me. "I like the sound of that."

"I hoped you would. Why don't you go inside and clean up? I'm going to shut off the tub and then I'll be in. I wanna spend the night with that hot ass nestled against my cock."

"Don't be long, Stud." As Aaron walked inside and I caught a view of his ass as he did, I started cleaning up in record time! I was about done straightening up everything in the backyard when I took one last look up at the window on the upper floor of the Turner house. I caught a quick glimpse of someone making a wiping motion along the window sill. I chuckled to myself. Bill must've enjoyed the show.

My encounter with Aaron tonight opened my eyes. I had been denying myself so much over these several years. My marriage to Angela just wasn't what it used to be. We were just going through the motions now. I wasn't having my needs met. I wasn't sure if I was ready to file for divorce or not, but I knew for certain that I was ready to begin exploring my attraction to men again. And, as I stepped back inside my house to join Aaron upstairs in the bed I shared with my wife, I knew exactly who I wanted my next sexual encounter to be with.

Aaron and I spent the next two days in bed together in every position you could possibly think of. But, by Sunday, he had to go home. His parents were due back that afternoon and he had to get home and make it look like he'd been there the whole time they'd been gone. I was sitting in the family room of the house preparing to watch a full slate of NFL games...and planning out exactly how I was going to get into the pants of my next potential conquest when opportunity the form of a knock on my front door.

As I opened the door, I knew I didn't need to try to come up with a way to get into his pants anymore. The man I wanted was looking back at me from the other side of the door...Bill Turner.

Copyright Harrison Morris, 2011

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