Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Nov 2, 2008


The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch. 16, by justjames17.

Con about to set upon Mark his old school mate up in the dunes was interrupted by a sudden blocking of the sun, he stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder, he frowned as he looked at the figures behind him. With the bright sunlight behind the figures he had to squint to see who it was standing there, his face changed expression from surprise to anger as he saw the two Americans standing there smirking down at him. Mark awoke and rolled onto his back shading his eyes as he looked around Con's torso then he asked, "Who are your mates Con?"

Con growled, "They aren't my mates they are a couple of weird Yank tourists that seem to be stalking me for some reason, maybe they fancy my body or something."

Vlad and Victor chuckled and both replied at once, "Or something."

Con growled, "Why don't you two arse holes piss off and let us have a little peace and privacy."

Vlad looked down at the angry hunk and said, "What so you can attack your nice mate and rape him like you usually do?"

Mark looked at Con and realized suddenly that he was straddling him, he reached up and shoved his mate causing him to fall onto his side in a spray of sand as he growled, "You complete prick Con, were you about to rape me?"

Con spat sand from his mouth and replied, "No I was about to put suntan lotion on your back you stupid clown, I wasn't going to have sex with you while you slept."

Mark sat up and then climbed to his feet glowering down at his old mate, he gathered up his gear and said, "Keep away from me you bloody pervert, if you come near me I'll punch the crap out of you."

With that he turned on his heel and stormed away through the scrub leaving Con protesting behind him, "Mark come back you can't believe what these creeps are saying. Please mate come back."

Mark ignored his pleas and walked on over the sun hot white sands towards the tall dune separating the scrub from the beach, he marched up the rear of the dune and stopped on the top surveying the shoreline. The crystal blue sea sparkled in the sunlight and the surf creamed and crashed on the white shore, Mark realized how much he'd missed the surf working in the west hundreds of kilometers from the coast. He slid down the steep face of the dune and headed back up the beach towards the club and where the red and yellow flags fluttered marking the safe swimming area.

Behind him Con was putting on a brave front with the two living dead, he didn't suspect just how dangerous the two beings were as he postured and threatened to punch out their lights. Vlad smiled at Con as he admired the superb physique of the young stud as they closed in on him, Con was watching them his head swinging from side to side as he tried to back away. The two vampires suddenly leapt on him and pinned him to the sand where he bucked and twisted helplessly in their clutches, his muscles rigid, arteries and veins bulging under his smooth glistening bronzed skin. Vlad's eyes gleamed hungrily as he watched the pulsing of Con's heart as it pumped his blood about his taut straining body.

Vlad knelt beside Con and reached out taking his chin in his hand then bent the struggling man's head back and to the side arching his corded throat, he bent in close and ran his tongue up the salty sweaty smooth skin starting at his collar bone and working up to his ear. Con groaned through clenched teeth as he felt the moist member laving his hot flesh, his body shivered as he struggled due to the sensations ripping through his sensitive throat into his overloaded brain. He couldn't believe that he was helpless, never had he ever been so powerless to resist or fight off attackers like these, they weren't even straining in the slightest yet he was trying with all his might to break free.

Victor watching his lover licking that superb throat was fumbling with their victim's speedos undoing the cord and drawing the tight yet flimsy lycra down exposing the young man's limp dick. He looked down at the dark brown penis and licked his lips at the succulent appearance of the 4inch flaccid flogger, he noticed the shaved smoothness of Con's crotch and his egg sized balls stretching the smooth sack. Victor bent in close and breathed heavily on Con's crotch watching those large full nuts squirm in the satiny scrotum. He mouthed the hot flesh sucking those big balls into his mouth and working them with his tongue, Con moaned loudly, "Aaargh! Gees! Ooooh hell."

His balls tightened and Victor pulled back his lips locked on those excited eggs, he tugged them down making Con arch up flexing his mighty buttocks, Vlad then lip locked with his victim was dueling tongue against tongue. Con sucked on his writhing muscle and they swapped spit continually, Victor transferred his attention to Con's now rigid 8-inch rod as he sucked and bobbed up and down the hot meat. Con was moaning as his fat cock was pleasured as it had never been before and the way Vlad was manipulating and making oral love to his throat and ears, the weaving insinuating tongue danced and laved about sending Con into waves of blissful pleasure.

His writhing contortions flexed his superb muscles that glistened as they tensed and relaxed under his satiny smooth flesh, the more excited he became the harder his heart pounded pumping his blood vessels full to bursting point as they pulsed madly. Vlad and Victor could sense the gushing hemoglobin as it raced about Con's contorting beautiful body. Their senses were overpowered by the amazing strength of their victim's body, he was such a superb athletic build from his constant body building and eating the correct foods making him a delicious feast beyond their imaginations. Both vampires continued to arouse the nearly demented Con as his wails and moans filled the area, his massive cock was pulsing and jerking excitedly as his raging climax approached, then slowly ebbed as both living dead stopped stimulating him.

Again and again they worked Con into a lather of sexual arousal, his body saturated with perspiration and flesh quivering and twitching as his body flexed and contorted, writhing about in the entities grasps. The stud was in the throes of cumming as two sets of fangs pierced his tensed firm flesh, Vlad pushed into Con's pulsing jugular while Victor's needle sharp fangs penetrated deep into the blood engorged prick as Con blew a massive load of thick sperm into his hungry mouth. Con convulsed and wailed, announcing his climax to the sky as slowly the vampires drained his rich tasty blood taking his essence into their ravenous bodies.

Con slowly collapsed his chest rising and falling frantically as he gurgled and gasped for air, his deeply bronzed flesh lost colour gradually as the blood left his body while Vlad and Victor both looked incredibly healthy as their pale complexions took on a rosy glow. Con passed away with a tremor and a whimper as his empty husk of a body slumped in their grasp, Vlad and Victor stood up looking down at the once thug lying stretched out at their feet. They bent down and picked the remains up carrying the lifeless limp body away deeper into the scrub where they buried it before heading back to the beach after brushing away all signs of their presence.

Meanwhile Jake was being examined by the doctors at the hospital, they took blood samples and disinfected the wound after checking there was no needle remains left in his foot. Jake was ashen faced under his tan and shivering with shock and fear, his eyes were everywhere as he watched the chaos around him in the casualty department. Finally the doctor finished with Jake and told him it would be three months before they would be certain he was uninfected but that it was most unlikely he was as the virus didn't stay virulent long in the air. He let Jake sit quietly while he called Mike in to see him, the doctor filled Mike in on the situation and how Jake needed support and possibly counselling. Mike agreed and Jake was allowed to leave the hospital, the drive back was slower and Jake was very quiet, wrapped in his thoughts and Mike gave up trying to talk to him.

They arrived back in town and Jake asked Mike to drop him at home as he didn't feel like going to the club, Mike detoured to Jake's house and pulled up in the drive, Maxine Jake's mother came out onto the veranda to see who it was. She saw Jake climb out looking pale and favouring his foot as he hobbled towards her, she hurried towards him and asked what was wrong, Jake broke down and bawled his eyes out as Maxine hugged him to her. Mike approached and she asked him what was wrong, Mike looked uncomfortable at her direct question, as he wasn't sure if Jake wanted her to know. Mike said softly, "You'd better ask Jake when he's ready to talk I'm sure he will tell you."

Maxine tightened her hug defensively as if shielding her son from the world, Jake buried his face into her neck as he cried and sobbed and Maxine gently released Jake and began leading him by the hand inside the house. Mike stood there hesitantly then climbed into the car and headed for the club to tell Thomas the news. The whole club was on a downer and they had raked the sand all about the area searching for any other syringes buried by the irresponsible drug users. None were discovered as the morning clean up had cleared most except the one Jake found.

Maxine had sat Jake down in the kitchen and made a pot of tea and some chicken, lettuce and mayo sandwiches, she sat beside him encouraging Jake to eat some food, he picked up a sandwich nibbled at it then dropped it again he just couldn't face food while his mind raced in circles thinking of what might happen to him.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 17

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