Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on May 3, 2008


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The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 3, by justjames17.

Con hardly slept as he plotted and planned how he would get his hands on the tall slender young Jake, if Toby didn't come through he decided that he would concentrate on getting Jake either on the way to or coming home from the beach. He would kidnap the sexy young dude if necessary and then have that sexy but adorable body to play with. His big bone throbbed at the thought of what it would feel like to run his fingers and tongue over that taut tanned flesh, tasting it and feeling Jake's youthful muscles moving as he writhed trying to escape. Con could almost taste Jake as he tossed and turned on the bed his aching erection pulsating and his balls screaming for relief, the stud reached down after spitting on his palm and began rubbing his moist palm across his cherry red cock crown.

Con's fat cut cock pulsed like a living creature as his hand stroked it, guttural sounds not unlike a big cat purring issued from his parted moist lips as his tongue writhed like a python in his mouth. Con's superbly fit heavily muscled body writhed about on the sheet glistening with sweat as he fiercely jerked his manhood, precum flew from his open piss lips as his flying hand wanked his hard hot post, the moist wetness as his clenched fist rushed up and down over his slippery glans dragged him grunting and groaning towards a mighty conclusion. Con muttered through gritted teeth, "Jake take my cum, feel my cock spurting up your tight virginal vent as I give you my babies."

At those grunted words his balls released a huge volley of sperm that flew up and over his thrashing head to spatter on the wall behind the bed head where it slowly slid down the painted surface as gush after gush creamed Con's face, throat and writhing torso. Con's arched tensed body slowly slumped back as his fever subsided and his drooling dick oozed its last sperm. He lay there covered in his dick juice, pools of cum dotted all over his sweaty body as he rested recuperating still holding his semi hard tool in his cum coated fingers, his muscled chest still rising and falling as he panted eyes closed a slightly triumphant smile on his parted lips. Con opened his dark eyes and stared up at the ceiling where a large mirror reflected his mahogany coloured body lying on the rumpled white sheet his torso glistening with sperm and showing the tracks where it ran down his sides onto the sweat dampened bed beneath him.

The sun awoke and rose from its rest gradually lighting the bedroom where Con finally slept, the soft light glistened on the streaks and dried puddles of his sperm that had dried from his body heat, his big thick limp log lay at rest across his upper thigh a dried cum bubble clogging the slit, his thick black pubes stuck together with the dregs that had drooled down over his clutching fingers. The gentle rise and fall of his chest showed he was alive and as he suddenly moved so the light wasn't in his face he mumbled, "Jake come on snuggle up with me."

Con was dreaming of his hopefully future boy toy, Toby had had his run and Con wanted to move onto new ground, the tall gangly young Jake was firmly in his sights and by hook or by crook he was going to bed the boy. The sunlight shone on Con's meaty bubble bum, his thick crack hairs glistened in the light lining his deep crevice hiding his dark sphincter from view. Those meaty muscled arse cheeks looked so ravishing and palpable, any gay guy would love to squeeze and fondle them, spread them apart to peer into the dark hairy crevasse to find that hidden portal to paradise, not that Con was a bottom, in fact he was a total top but his arse was monumentally sexy and attractive. The only arse play he enjoyed was his boy toy face jammed deep in his crack making oral love to his rectum, that was a huge turn on for Con and the feel of a wet tongue wriggling up his insides made him squirm and moan but woe betide anyone who tried to poke even a finger inside that sick furnace. Many a bloke had come unstuck attempting to finger fuck his tight hole and left weeping and bleeding profusely after he'd beaten the crap out of them and tossed them out minus their clothes and wallets. Con wasn't a very nice bloke, in fact as you might gather he was a thug and a bully who fancied younger guys he could dominate entirely and didn't care how he obtained them.

Jake innocently awoke to the new day his sweet young erection pointing north as he stretched like a cat yawning hugely, he scratched his sweaty balls and lifted his hand up sniffing the cloying aroma of his sweaty crotch, he then rubbed his friend gently enjoying the feeling as his long loose foreskin moved moistly over his swollen pale pink knob before grasping little Jake and beginning his morning toss off. Again his brain conjured erotic pictures behind his closed eyelids, this time it was Toby with the young Japanese student, Jake envisioned the difference in their colouring and the total difference in builds as Toby and the student sucked and wanked each other. His excitement built as his imagined sex play built to a climax, his decided the Japanese boy would erupt into Toby's sexy mouth that in turn sent his mate over the edge to flood the student's mouth causing cum and saliva to ooze from the lad's stretched straining lips. Jakes balls exploded and his morning discharge spattered across his upper body as his muscles tightened like steel springs straining under his silky smooth skin.

Jake laid back grinning and puffing as he slowly caressed his cummy cock, he let it drop wetly to his abdomen and brought his hand up licked it clean before fingering the scattered pools up sucking his tasty juice and loving every drop. He again stretched and squirmed like a cat before springing off the bed in one lithe movement and padded to the bathroom whistling tunelessly to himself, jumped under the shower and washed himself quickly. He dried off after finishing and returned to the bedroom to dress, he picked up his grey briefs he'd worn yesterday, they looked clean and he sniffed them, they smelt sexy where his genitals had sweated so he decided to wear them again. He chuckled to himself thinking what his mum would say if she knew what he was doing, but he was feeling horny and the pheromones turned him on big time. He wondered what today would bring, the weekend over he had no lifeguard duty but he decided to go to the beach and stroll the sand and maybe go to the far end where the rocks now and then tumbled from the sandstone cliffs to thud heavily on the sands below. The area was out of bounds and signs warned beach goers not to venture past the limit but Jake was feeling on top of the world and adventurous to boot.

He ate breakfast chatting to his mum and being reminded not to talk with his mouth full, after he'd eaten he cleaned up the table and washed the dishes, his mother was in the laundry preparing to do the washing. She pulled out a sheet and saw to her amazement the huge cum stain from Jake's nighttime wet dream, she looked at it thinking, "My goodness he hasn't done that in years and there is so much of it."

Jake unaware of his mum finding his sperm coated bedding happily went to his room and dug out his Ipod and tucked $10 in his pocket to buy lunch before setting off on his bike towards the beach. He reached the nearly deserted car park and didn't notice Con sitting there watching him, after all why would he? He didn't know Con or dream of what might be in store for him as he dropped his bike inside the fence around the lifesaving club and sauntered down the ramp onto the beach, jiving to the musical beat in his ears and clicking his fingers as he twisted his hips about. Con watched the sexy display as Jake's slim body moved erotically to the music from is Ipod, his eyes gleamed hungrily as he climbed from his van locking the door before setting off after Jake who was well down the beach already.

Con set off striding down the ramp to the beach he had removed his boots leaving them in the car and enjoyed the feel of his bare feet sinking into the warm soft sand, he reached the damp firmer sand along the edge where the waves lapped up the steep sloping beach, the cool water lapping and gurgling around his ankles. Jake was a distance ahead of him and heading away from where the few sunbathers were close to the clubhouse, Con was smiling gleefully as he watched the innocent teen still jiving along to his music. Back at the surf club Toby arrived on his bike and was going to do his usual run through the soft sand to build up his leg muscles as he put his pushbike in the club's grounds he noticed Jake's bike already there. He looked around and saw Con's distinctive panel van in the car park so he hurried across to see if he was in it, finding it empty and seeing Con's shiny boots on the seat he immediately realised what might have happened.

Toby raced up the outside stairs to the upper deck area of the club and searched the beach looking for Con and Jake, he spotted them a long way up the sand nearing the cliffs and started running after them. Jake meanwhile was still jiving along ignorant of the man slowly closing the gap behind him, Con wasn't in a hurry he hoped Jake would keep going climbing over the boulders till he was out of sight to the beach. Con knew there was a sea cave in the cliffs where the wave action had chewed away at the sandstone creating a large cavern where he was planning to corner Jake. Toby was a long way behind when he saw Jake climbing over the huge sandstone boulders, he couldn't hope that his mate would hear him but he yelled at the top of his voice in the hope it would carry the distance. The sound of the breaking surf drowned out his futile attempts as the waves crashed lazily onto the shallows, Toby ran on and saw Jake disappear from sight as Con began climbing the first rock following him.

Toby's chest heaved as he ran on doggedly along the firm sand, he could see the two sets of footprints here and there between the spots where the surf washed them away, the sight of them spurred him on harder as he could no longer see either Jake or Con but he was getting closer to the tumbled sandstone slabs lying on the sand beneath the cliffs. Jake now well along under the cliffs found the huge entrance to the cavern and moved cautiously inside out of the bright sunlight, his eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom as he moved deeper into the huge cave, its sandy floor littered with drift wood of all shapes and sizes along with other flotsam and jetsam, plastic drink containers and even a couple of the big glass floats used by the Japanese fishing boats.

Jake's mind conjured thoughts of pirates' treasure as he ambled deeper into the dank cool underground. He whistled and listened to the echo return and giggled called out his name and heard his voice bounce back, behind him Con had arrived at the entrance and crouched behind a boulder close to one wall smirking confidently as he listening to his prey's voice bouncing about the cavern's walls. Jake decided it was a good private place to enact one of his sexy fantasies and tugged off his sweaty t-shirt and felt the chill of the dank cave on his warm skin as his smooth skin goose bumped instantly and he shivered from the chill dampness. Jake dropped his shorts and rubbed his crotch feeling the warmth of his soft genitals in his hand, in an instant he was hard as he pictured his crew of pirates milling about burying the treasure chest in the sand, he pictured his young cabin boy, a youth he'd captured from a Spanish galleon and called to him to come and suck his stiff throbbing dick as he began squeezing his stiffy in his soft cotton briefs.

Be4hind Jake Con watched the lad and was becoming incredibly aroused as he watched Jake's cute arse flexing as he played with himself, he stood up and began creeping towards the now softly moaning young lifesaver, Jake oblivious in his fantasy, imagined the young swarthy cabin boy was kneeling at his feet kissing and fondling his erection. Con was now right behind the swaying lad he felt the warmth emanating from his fit young body against his bare torso as he rubbed his hands across his superb pecs stimulating his large soft nipples making them tingle and harden. He reached out his hands encircling Jake's narrow waist then slipped his hands down displacing Jake's where he was manipulating his cock and balls. Jake in a sexual trance hardly noticed the action but leaned back as Con clutched his burning hot bone in both hands while slowly drawing Jake back towards the entrance of the cave.

Toby struggled up and over the huge rough sandstone boulders panting from the long run still couldn't see either Con or Jake, the cave was hidden from his view by a large section of cliff that had fallen down from above, he paused wiping the sweat from his eyes before tackling this last impediment. He was scared for Jake and hoped he was going to be in time to stop Con hurting the sweet lad, he slid down the face of the slab to hurry to the huge blockage in front of him then reached up fingers searching for a hand hold to begin scaling the final hindrance. He pulled his fit muscular body up bare feet scrabbling on the rough surface, toes gripping a crevice he heaved himself higher and little by little he scaled the face of the massive boulder until his head was above the edge and he could look down on the sand and cave entrance. There he saw Con clutching Jake as he moved backwards to where there was a large flat slab of sandstone like a table, Jake was struggling but Con's fist clutched the lad's genitals tightly inflicting pain to force him to do, as he wanted. Toby could see Jake's face twisted in pain as he was pulled backwards.

Toby looked about him searching for a weapon, he needed something or Con would beat him senseless and still have his way with Jake, the both of them would be no match for Con's superior strength and his foul way of fighting. He watched as Con manoeuvred his mate around the slab pushing him down onto the flat top looking up at his attacker, Con's back was to where Toby crouched weapon less and frustrated until he spotted a lump of drift wood bleached white by the sun and salt lying in a crack nearby. He tugged it free and climbed over the top of the boulder sliding down on his arse to the beach and began sneaking up behind the struggling couple. Con on top pinned Jake down by raising his hands above his head baring his taut sweat gleaming torso as the lad twisted and humped trying to escape, his bulging briefs still showing a full hard on.

Toby now right behind Con could hear Jake's grunts and groans as he struggled and Con's derisive laughter at the lad's futile efforts to escape as he said, "Don't fight it you sexy little spunk, you are going to love what I'm going to do with your virginal body. I love it when boys fight against me but I always win and take what I want and I want your tight little hole."

Con pinned Jake's hands with one hand as he began ripping off the cotton jocks with the other, Toby raised the lump of wood and swung it hard, there was a sickening thunk and Con collapsed soundlessly like a felled tree on top of Jake driving the air from his lungs with a loud gasp. Jake felt the full weight of Con's muscular body and the heavy cock resting beside his own boner, he opened his eyes looking up past Con's shoulder to see the beautiful vision of Toby standing there holding a lump of drift wood in his hands. Toby's shiny blond hair glowed in the sunlight as he looked down, a worried expression on his sweet face showing his concern for Jake, Jake gasped, "Toby! Where did you spring from? This arsehole was going to fuck me, thank heaven you found us before he rammed his big fat cock into my bum."

Jake strained to shove the unconscious man off him and Toby tossed away the wood grasping Con's broad shoulders tugging him off his mate's body, together they rolled him aside onto his back beside Jake who then sat up staring at Con's supine body. He looked scared as he asked, "Shit Toby you haven't killed him have you?"

Toby looked at Con's muscular bronzed chest and saw the gentle rise and fall as he breathed, he shook his head telling Jake that Con was alive and that they had better beat a hasty retreat before he regained consciousness and wreaked his revenge on the pair of them. He helped Jake off the rock and they hurried into the cave to recover his shorts, t-shirt and Ipod then the two hurried to scale the first huge boulder and begin the return to the beach. The two lads finally dropped to the beach their feet thudding into the soft sand, Jake looked at his mate and reached out his hand touching Toby's arm as he smiled and blushed before saying, "Thanks Toby for coming after us I still can't believe you somehow found us but I'm really in your debt now and will do anything for you mate."

Toby looked at the blushing lad and grinned at him, "Think nothing of it Jake. I'd hope you would do the same for me, but be careful what you say mate or I might take you up on your words."

Jake nodded and whispered, "I meant every word I said you saved me and I'll never forget what you did."

The two lads stood there facing each other, Toby standing on a flat slab of sandstone, their eyes locked together then Jake shuffled slowly to close the distance between them, he slipped his slim arms about Toby's firm waist and rested his head on his friends chest. Jake heard Toby's heart racing pounding like crazy matching his own. Toby kissed Jake's unruly hair as his hands moved to grasp Jake's firm rounded buttocks pulling them tightly together as their teen dicks strained to full erection. Jake trembled like a leaf in a gale as his body reacted to a fantasy he'd so often indulged in, being in Toby's arms. Toby whispered, "Jake lift your head up."

Jake slowly raised his face to Toby's his eyes dreamy almost glazed as his breathing accelerated, his parted pink lips moist glistening in the sunlight as his fast breathing huffed sweet breath that Toby inhaled hungrily before pressing his lips to Jake's and kissing him so softly. Jake responded snaking his agile tongue out rubbing on Toby's teeth and inside his silky lips before he gained entry and both lad's moaned in a duet of bliss. They kissed feverishly, their hands investigating each other's hot trembling bodies until Toby gasped, "Ooh Jake! You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you but now we have to get out of here or Con will catch us so lets jog together back to the club house."

They set off jogging hand in hand along the surf's edge as the tide raced in gradually forcing them higher up the beach, back at the cave Con still out to it lay sprawled on the slab his feet on the sand as the waves invaded the beach. Soon the water was swirling about caressing his bare feet and the cool water caused him to awaken, he moaned and clutched his aching head as he slowly sat up. Bright flashes filled his head as it throbbed intensely with pain, he squinted his dark eyes against the glare and peered about him searching for Jake and wondering what had hit him, he surmised that maybe a rock had tumbled from above and knocked him unconscious allowing Jake to run away leaving him there. The water was becoming deeper as the tide rose further he staggered to his feet knowing he had to get out away from the cave or be trapped until the tide receded again, not wanting to be stuck here for hours he began scaling the huge block of sandstone, his head spinning and aching, stabbing bolts of pain blurred his vision as he climbed. Before reaching half way up the massive boulder his head spinning weakened his grip as he fumbled almost blindly for hand holds, he slipped and slid on his stomach down the rough rock skinning strips of skin as he fell, he landed on his back in the surging sea.

The jolt and shock of the salt water stinging his cuts and abrasions brought him back to reality, he staggered to his unsteady feet and realising he couldn't make the climb he retreated inside the cavern to try and survive through the high tide and to wait for the next low tide so he could regain his strength for the climb out. Con moved in as far as he could and climbed up onto a ledge hoping he would be above the high water mark, he lay on his back on the water smoothed rock looking at the vaulted overhead and saw a patch of blue sky through a hole running up through the cliff. Con suddenly realised that hole was a vent where the sea had compressed and shot out high in the air, it was a blow hole, he couldn't remember there being such a thing in the area and he realised it must have been created eons ago when the sea level was much higher, he prayed it was so and that he was safe where he was.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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