Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jun 21, 2008


The Adventures of Jake a Lifesaver, Ch 8, by justjames17

The Surf Club's dance had fizzled out as the alcohol inspired revellers drifted off into night to find places to get together and enjoy one another's bodies, George and Jake had adjourned to the dunes where their first tryst was consummated and Jake took George's cherry it was now George's turn to pleasure his hot young lifesaver's tunnel of love. Jake was atremble with trepidation he had loved doing George but he was slightly petrified of George hurting him, Jake was a chicken regarding pain, he knelt on the soft sand his pale orbs raised up as George's face was pressed to his smooth crack working his agile pink tongue back and forth laving and teasing Jake's twitchy little muscle. The whimpers and moans issuing from Jake's blubbering lips as he mouthed his forearm were turning George on; his cock was alive and throbbing with his arousal.

Jake's body was abuzz with different desires, his genitals were painfully stiff and tight while he was dribbling onto the sand between his knees, his anus was twitching and tingling while George's saliva was lubricating the flexing ring, Jake's arse was begging for more than that moving moist appendage as it licked and poked. Jake was quivering and his white buttocks swayed side to side hypnotically, George heard Jake's strangled muffled words, "George do it, come on stuff me; your tongue is driving me nuts, I don't care if it hurts I just need to feel you inside me."

George heard his plea and his heart pounded like a bass drum; this so sexy lifesaver wanted him to have sex, he actually was crying out for him to do the dirty and slide his sticky dick inside that hot hole. George kissed each smooth firm buttock as he caressed them with one hand while he stroked his stiffy frantically; Jake moaned and mumbled, "Use plenty of spit George so you can slide in easily."

In the car park Con's van was moving as he wrestled with the drunken Chad, even though intoxicated the studly blond surfer was still a force to be subdued, he was superbly fit and built but Con's superior weight and strength slowly overcame the lad's resistance. Con's lips covered Chad's grimacing mouth as he struggled to shout but his muffled squawks could be heard only inside the closed van, slowly Con played with the straining lad like a cat with a mouse slowly wearing him down. Dominating him using just enough of his superior power to let Chad think he might still be able to win his freedom while laughing to himself at the lad's futile struggles. Con's inflated weapon was rubbing against Chad's thigh as he struggled in the man's grasp; the young surfer felt the hot hardness and shuddered at the thought of that monstrous prong poking him.

Con suddenly tiring of the game and needing to assuage his burning desires grasped Chad and flipped the lad onto his back, Chad's blue eyes opened wide at the sudden display of raw power and realised he couldn't stop the inevitable stopped struggling as he gazed up at the hot man sitting on his crotch. Their eyes met and Con's burning almost black eyes sent a charge through the young surfer that seemed to concentrate in his loins and cause his semi erect dick to pulsate, the desire visible in those dark brown eyes caused Chad to stop panting momentarily as he gulped hard to clear the sudden constriction in his throat. Con saw the sudden change and felt the exhilaration of victory surge deep inside his chest, this awesomely spunky lad was surrendering to him, giving him not only his superb body but also his befuddled and confused mind.

Con slowly moved, while keeping his eyes locked on Chad's, he bent down and pressed his sexy lips to the lad's; Chad lay there unmoving, feeling those moist pads of flesh on his own and Con's warm breath puffing on his nose and cheeks. Chad seemed hypnotised as Con's tongue slid across his lips and back again, he slowly opened his mouth and greeted the visitor with his own appendage sliding together in his warm moist cavern. A huge shudder shook the young surfer and he gasped a huge breath into his depleted lungs while his body twitched and his heart thundered in his chest.

Chad was confused and repulsed but at the same time eager to continue this strange liaison, his youthful psyche was aroused and being in his prime, testosterone was flooding through his quivering sweaty body. He was beginning to burn with desires as Con massaged his smooth muscular torso; the feel of those experienced palms and fingers feeling and caressing his hot flesh was turning him on to the nth degree. His bone throbbed under Con's weight as it rested trapped under the man's crotch, both erections rubbed side by side excitedly. Con felt the large soft nipples on the young stud's rock hard pectorals his fingers squeezed and rolled those spongy tits, Chad gurgled in his mouth as the lad's tongue whipped about frantically. The supple nipples firmed and grew to hard nubs under the ministrations, his body now strumming like a taut wire Chad was becoming attuned to Con's wishes.

Con was ready to take Chad to the next level and he decided the hot surfer needed a little assistance and he fished about on the mattress's edge searching for the small bottle of Rush to bring the lad to his maximum potential. His fingers located the container and he brought it close and unscrewed the cap before placing it under Chad's left nostril, the surfer smelt the acrid aroma and tried to pull away as Con held him in position and kept his other arm about the squirming youth pulling him against his stronger body as he pinned the lad's legs with one of his. Chad gasping as he struggled inhaled the chemical making his brain spin, the stuff flooded his senses and highlighted the sexual excitement he was experiencing, his beautiful boner was stiff ready to burst as he began to lust for sex. Con knew the lad was now ablaze with raging desires as he breathed more and more amyl into his overheating system, Con began undoing Chad's well worn denims and groping the steely hard erection and full balls as he did so.

The jeans were undone and Con worked them down the muscular thighs exposing Chad's tiny tight speedos, which barely contained his dripping erection, the feel of the satiny material moving over the hot hardness was incredibly sexy for both Con and the reeling dizzy Chad. Chad was moaning loudly as he squirmed against Chad's hot body, the lycra encased cock massaged Con's pulsing prick, the lad was aroused past reason and giving way to primordial instincts. His arse was crying out for pleasure as was his incredibly hard horn, front and back Chad was a sexual beast no longer quite human as he gave way to his desires.

Con now bared the sweaty squirming lad as he tugged off the skimpy togs and moved Chad onto his side then pushed his drooling dong into the deep crevice separating Chad's full buttocks, the surfer sighed and pushed back onto the purple plum sized head of Con's pole. The feel of the lad's hot moist crease excited Con as he rubbed up and down prodding into the flexing muscle guarding Chad's arse. Con could smell the hot muskiness of Chad's sexy arse as he pressed in to the attack, the scent of male arousal was pushing him on to complete his conquering of the squirming young surfer. Chad's mind now in a haze blurred by the affects of the drug was now open to and wanting sex pushed his sexy arse up towards Con in an invitation and Con wasn't a man to reject an invitation like that.

Jake, in the dunes with George, was now naked and kneeling on the soft sand his knees sunk into the sun warmed sand as George made oral love to his twitching twat, the sensation of the wet moist appendage licking and caressing his anus was driving him mad with pleasure and his frantic moans resembled a dingo howling at the full moon. George's cock was rigid and drooling as he clutched Jake's firm taut buttocks stretching them apart opening his hot hole to be slobbered on, Jake was writhing about pressing back onto George's face which opened his ring and allowed that sinuous tongue to penetrate inside his hot quivering hungry hole. George grasped his throbbing drooling dong as he pulled his mouth away from Jake's rear, he shuffled forward and placed his pud onto Jake's slick ring and eased himself in spreading that tight muscle open making Jake gasp loudly.

The engorged swollen knob slippery with jiz gradually stretched the youth open and suddenly Jake's muscle relaxed and allowed George's smooth slick knob to pop inside. Jake bit down on his forearm to stifle his loud cry as the burning pain ripped through him, George was shuddering with pleasure as the hot silky flesh moved about mushily on his excited cock head. Both lads stayed still, only their fast shallow breathing showed their excitement, George held Jake by the hips as he knelt head down watching the connection of their bodies. His eyes semi glazed watched his pulsing prick as it throbbed inside the distended ring of Jake's anus, Jake was shaking still as George inched a little more shaft into the aching furnace of his rectum. The pain was easing as his ring adjusted to the intruder and he was calming down as his panting eased.

George was shivering with delight, as Jake's hot mushy chute seemed to suck him inside, the hot silky walls of Jake's colon quivered and caressed his slowly drilling dick giving him the most incredibly exquisite sensations as he bottomed out crushing his soft fluffy pubes against his lover's firm arse. Jake moaned as he arched back with the cessation of the plundering, he knew George was as deep as he would go and his arse had swallowed the hard dong without causing excruciating agony. Oh yes he'd felt pain as he was penetrated but after a short time that slipping moving mass had begun to stimulate things he'd never experienced in his young life, his shrunken limp dick had fluffed up growing in spasms as George moved in and out.

George's fat knob was massaging his love button and soon it was driving juice from his pulsating prick as it pumped back and forth in his hot manipulated innards, Jake was in a daze of lust and pleasure as George began rooting him steadily. George's sweaty face was pressed to the side of his neck, his hot gasps of pleasure heating Jake's ears as George's hands slid up Jake's sides and under his arm pits to clutch his shoulders pulling him back as he drove deeply up his colon massaging and stretching the kinks from his slippery chute. Jake was on fire with pleasure now that his arse had accepted and attuned to George's penis, the feel of his stretched ring massaging around George as his shaft slid back and forth was awesome; George too was in a haze of erotic bliss as he humped into Jake's sexy body.

Back in the car park the van was still in position way across in the darkness, inside Con was working hard on the dazed stupefied Chad, the young fit blond surfer was now completely naked lying on his back as Con having pushed his muscular legs up onto his chest was working on the lad's tight rear end with his warm wet tongue. The sensations of the moving muscle across his tight excited ring was stirring Chad to his depths making him feel strange as unknown desires began to surge through his previously hetero body. Chad had never experienced such an incredibly erotic feeling, his anus was on fire and he felt it flexing crazily under Con's teasing tongue, the wet moist massage was driving him crazy with primordial urges. His body was craving Con's attention and his moans of pleasure filled the inside of the van drowning out the wet sounds of Con's saliva sloppy tongue.

Con having reduced Chad to a quivering lump of raging desires was ready to make the next move and slide his long fat throbbing pole up and down the Chad's hot sweaty crack, the superb young man was now putty in his hands. Con moved up bending over Chad staring down at the flushed features, the closed eyes and parted lips being continually swabbed by the lad's sexy pink tongue was turning Con on even more as he began massaging his fat oozing knob up and down Chad's slippery wet hole. The new sensation as Con's glans slid back and forth from his swollen excited perineum down over his twitchy sensitive entrance added to Chad's desire to feel more and he squirmed about under Con's hot muscular body, their combined sweat making them even more sensitive and slippery.

Con pushed in suddenly his bulbous boner head squelching against Con's quivering muscle, the combined slipperiness of saliva, sweat and pre cum made an ideal lubricant and allowed Con to open the defences as his knob coursed through the portal making Chad gurgle gasping with shock. Con pressed on driving deep into Chad's contorting body, plunging into the buttery heat stretching and filling the silken clinging chute. Chad tensed up his ring locked about Con's shaft strangling his erection, Com groaned in pleasure as the lad's rectum went into spasms, pulsating and massaging his hot engorged muscle. Con slowly dragged his tool back rolling on the ring of tortured tight muscle, Chad's innards sucked and shrank behind his receding knob as it rubbed on the silky nerve filled flesh.

Con paused as his flared flange caught on the clenched muscle, he twitched his erection making it pulsate and throb increasing both their sensations, Chad groaned and tensed his arse increasing the pressure around Con's cock. Con grunted and plunged back forcing his thick prick through that tight clenched resisting ring of muscle enjoying how it stimulated his raging rod and feeling the mushy clinging colon stretch opening to his invasion while massaging his tingling knob. Chad's youthful fit body was throbbing to the beat of his pounding heart, his chest constricted as he held his breath while Con plunged deep into his quivering innards. The awaited pain didn't eventuate just a total feeling of fulfilment as his guts adjusted about the thick hot meat, he gasped aloud filling his deprived lungs as his head spun, his brain a total kaleidoscope of contrasting exploding colours and sensations. He was totally involved sensing every nuance of being loved by another man, the pain/pleasure, the feeling of being overpowered and at the same time surrendering his virginity to such a powerful bloke.

Con felt the sudden change in his young victim, the feeling of his taut fit body as it moulded back against him, the full firmly muscled buttocks pressing up and back against his hunching hips as he savaged the delicate tight ring wrapped about his straining throbbing tool. Chad was his do root as he wished, now he'd overcome the resistance Con eased up in his slamming brutality and he slipped back and forth slowly and gently thriving on the hot gripping lad's inner flesh. Chad's grunts and groans turned to moaning purrs as he writhed and humped back to get as much cock as he could inside his hot hungry hole, gasps of pleasure as Con bottomed out so deep inside his body made Con delighted with his choice for the night as he ploughed the fertile field below him.

Con Grasped and flipped the delirious Chad over spinning him on his inserted pole, Chad's young cock now raging, achingly hard, throbbed between his writhing abdominals and the mattress stimulating him closer and closer to a massive climax, his moans increased apace with his excitement then with a howl like a banshee he cummed, hot viscous sperm spewed from his pulsating prick spurting in huge creamy gobs between his torso and the mattress, his rioting ring clamped down on Con's pole dragging him along too and Con bellowed bull like as he drove his horn deep into the lad's writhing guts as he too erupted forcefully painting the hot clinging lining of Chad's molten insides. The force of Con's climax pushed Chad face first into the mattress flattening his raised arse and the lad felt his sperm squishing on his hot sweaty flesh as he collapsed gasping for air.

Con lay on top of the exhausted surfer his big cock throbbed again and again in the final throes of his incredible ejaculation, Chad felt the living creature moving deep in his guts and he groaned in lust thinking of Con's sperm swimming inside his body. He dreamed of having the hot stud's babies but knew it was a fantasy, still he had become totally enamoured with the dark saturnine stud that had just raped and plundered his innocence. He felt emotions that he'd never experienced before in his life, he felt an overpowering attraction to the man and wanted to be his, to be used and abused by the hunky handsome stud with the big fat tool.

Con now his lust had been satiated lay atop of the muscled youth idly day dreaming that it was Jake as he swirled his hips stirring his long fat dong deep inside the cummy colon, he knew Chad had a better built body but he still fancied like crazy taking the tall slim lifesaver and desired to root him stupid. He wasn't going to be satisfied till he'd bedded Jake. Con pulled his schlong from Chad's no longer tight arse and listened to the popping slurp as he withdrew and the disappointed whimper that issued from the sexy young surfer's hot lips as his cock ripped free.

He rolled to the side and spoke, "Ok Chad you can fuck off now pal we've had our fun."

Chad lay there rigidly, he couldn't believe his ears this arsehole had just forcefully rooted him, taken his virginity and now he was being dismissed like a schoolboy. Chad bridled and rolled to his side feeling Con's cum oozing from his aching arse, he looked at the darkly tanned face and saw utter blankness as if he didn't exist. He realised he'd been totally used and abused for nothing other than this prick's self satisfaction, he was totally devastated as his heart fell his dreams of love shattered completely smashed like a crystal goblet tossed uncaring into a stone fireplace. He lay there feeling and tasting imaginary ashes in his mouth, ashes of innocence destroyed and cast aside.

Chad scrabbled for his clothes as Con sat up his muscular tanned body glistening under the dim light in the van, he reached out and opened the rear tailgate and sat there grinning in triumph as Chad shedding tears of pain and self disgust crawled out into the cool night air his clothes dangling from his nerveless hands. Con climbed out behind him and closed the tailgate before strolling to the front and climbing in to start the car and drive off leaving the naked disconsolate Chad weeping in the dust of his departure. Chad watched the red taillights disappear through blurry tear filled eyes and vowed somehow to get revenge on the arsehole, he didn't know how but he'd work out something someday. Chad pulled on his clothes and limped bandy legged away down onto the beach where he curled up in the foetal position trying to sleep but the pain and hurt stopped him dropping off while the feel of Con's slime oozing from his abused arse made him feel like a piece of garbage tossed aside once its purpose was fulfilled.

He was passed later by Jake and George strolling happily hand in hand back from the dunes, they saw the huddled shape and heard the heart rending sobs issuing from Chad, they didn't know who he was but felt the need to ask him if he was alright. Chad heard the voices and sat up peering up in the gloom to see two guys bent over looking down at him, he sat up and asked what they said. Jake repeated, "Are you ok do you need help?"

Chad shuddered and sobbed, "No thanks I'll be ok, I just want to be left alone."

Jake and George looked at each other and knew this guy was in trouble of some sort so they sat one on each side of him and stretched an arm around him holding him to their warm bodies. Chad felt their caring act and it triggered him to break down completely blubbering and unable to speak. Jake and George held him compassionately as he bawled, tears running down his face drenching his t-shirt, his fit young body wracked by soul shuddering sobs.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 9

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