The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl

By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 22, 2001


The Adventures Of Ultra Woman And Mega Girl

by Ann Douglas


Part Three

"I have to be dead," Jo said as she opened her eyes and stared at the blank whiteness of the ceiling above. "Cause I can't image anything in life being better than that." She laughed.

"I guess that's a compliment." Jackie replied as she climbed up alongside Jo. "At least I'm going to take it as one." she smiled.

"And now it's my turn to do that for you." Jo gushed, the excitement in her voice causing her words to race.

Jo took Jackie's face in her hands and kissed her long and hard. She could taste small residues of her orgasm as she licked the corners of the brunette's soft lips. It was a flavor she was familiar with, having sampled her own juices over the years. How much more exciting it was, she thought, to taste them on the lips of a lover.

Words couldn't express how fantastic her orgasm at Jackie's tongue and fingers had been. Bill hadn't had that phobia that she heard a lot of guys had, about going down on a woman. But even so, he usually only did it long enough to get her wet enough for penetration. Not that the orgasms she'd gotten from intercourse hadn't been good, she was honest enough to admit they had been. But the one she'd just experienced had been really great.

Now she was determined to give Jackie the same.

Jo stretched Jackie out on the bed, letting her eyes run across her naked body from head to toe. It had to be, she thought, the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.

"I feel like a kid who got locked overnight in the candy store," Jo laughed. "Everything looks so good I don't know where to start."

"You make me feel like I should cover my body with chocolate syrup." Jackie laughed back.

"Well, I could call room service," Jo grinned as she crawled back onto the bed. "But I've got a better idea..."

Taking hold of each of Jackie's long legs, Jo spread them apart and slid between them. Both of her hands glided along the soft flesh of Jackie's thighs until they came together at the damp, hairy mound between them. Her left thumb rubbed along the center, briefly parting the pink folds beneath the dark patch.

Then, with a wide smile, Jo brought her face close enough to replace her thumb with her lips. The first kiss was soft, and ever so brief. At the same time, it was endless -- the fulfillment of a thousand dreams.

Joanna thought back to the first moment she became aware of her interest in other girls. It was back in junior high school, when most of her girlfriends had begun discussing boys. They'd talked about their cute smiles, how nice some of their bodies looked -- which boys had the best muscles. On a few late nights, there had even been some interesting speculation about who might have the biggest cocks.

It was on one of those nights that Jo realized that she was more interested in the gentle curves of her friend's developing bodies, the emerging bosoms they all secretly compared. The gentle softness of their lips. It was a secret she had kept to herself -- until today.

As much as she wanted the touch of some of those girlfriends, it was nothing compared to the secret fires that Jackie had ignited within her. Fires which now filled her young body like a raging bonfire.

With skill practiced in innumerable daydreams, Jo reached out with her tongue and parted the way to Jackie's clit. Up and down it glided, sending ripples spreading out from Jackie's sexual core - increasing with intensity with each passage.

Soft moans issued from Jackie's lips, manifestations of the joy Jo had brought her. The sound filled the younger woman's ears, matched by the pounding of her own heart.

"Oh yes, that's the spot," Jackie purred as she felt Jo's tongue send a jolt of rapture through her supine form.

Jackie truly loved having her pussy licked, it was a talent she highly prized in a lover. Joanne didn't quite possess the skill others who found themselves between Jackie's legs might have had, but she did have enthusiasm. And right now that was more than enough.

Jackie laid back, eyes closed and waded in the waves washing across her. Her pussy throbbed with excitement as Jo's tongue drew more and more sweet nectar. She buried her face between Jackie's thighs, causing the brunette to erupt again in a burst of sweet honey.

"Mmmmm" Jo moaned as she sucked the fruit of her labors into her mouth.

Jackie was now lost to the world as succeeding torrids of ecstasy raced through her. She gripped the sheets beneath her tightly as her body shook twice more. Finally she could take no more, feeling both exhausted and satisfied. All resistance faded from her body as she gave way to the thunder crashing within.

Jo laid there for long moments, cradled between the softness of Jackie's legs. The warmth of contentment filling both her face and heart. Nothing in her life had ever felt so right. Happy seemed such an inadequate word just now. But then again, right now she didn't need words.

Words also seemed to fail Jackie as she reached down and gently stroked Joanna's hair. If she could read minds, as one of Creative's more successful characters could, she'd find that her thoughts mirrored Joanna's. The lovemaking she's just shared was as close to perfect as she could imagine. And deep inside, she knew that it could only get better. She wondered what Jo's opinion was on the use of toys.

Both their thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ringing of the phone. Jo rolled over and off Jackie in order to let her sit up to answer it. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Jackie picked up the phone and began talking.

Jo ignored the short conversation, preferring instead to run her fingers up and down Jackie's back. Planting a kiss at the base of her neck as she did.

"How bout that," Jackie said as she hung up the receiver and turned back to her lover. "It seems we were such a big hit this afternoon that they'd like us to headline the costume call tonight. I told them that we would. I hope that's okay with you?"

Oh yes, of course," Jo smiled as she extended the line of her fingers path until they crossed Jackie's breasts as well. "That's was the second most fun I had today." she added with a grin.

"Well," Jackie said as she took Jo's hand in hers and kissed it. "I guess we should make some kind of attempt to clean ourselves up. They want us downstairs by five thirty. I want to make a few calls back to New York so why don't you hop in the shower first."

Jo looked a little reluctant to let go of Jackie. Now that they'd shattered the barrier between them, she didn't want to leave her side for even a moment. Then reality reimposed itself and she realized how silly that was. She kissed Jackie softly and then headed for the bathroom.

Jackie waited until she heard the sound of the shower running before she got up from the bed and quietly walked over to the bathroom door. Just as silently she opened in, catching sight of Jo thought the opaque shower curtain. She lied when she said that the organizers wanted them downstairs by five thirty. Actually they wanted them at seven. A little turnabout was fair play after all.

She stood there a few moments watching the outlined form of Joanna's back through the curtain. The image brought a renewed warmth to her breast.

"I guess this is a job for Ultra Woman!" she said silently to herself as she pulled open the curtain and stepped inside.

.......... and the Adventures continue......


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