The Arrangement

By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 23, 2001


The Arrangement

by Ann Douglas


Part Three

Pamela took one last drink, draining the glass, then put it down on the edge of the bar. She moved to the center of the room and started to sway to the music. Raising her hands high into the air, she swung her hips back and forth. As she did, her breasts heaved as well.

"This is actually kind of fun," she thought as she watched Victoria through the corner of her eyes, noting the effect she was having on the older woman. "A lot nice than the drop your pants and spread your legs attitude most men gave her."

Pam ran her own hands up and down her slowly gyrating form. Across her hips and up to the underside of her breasts. She moved them higher and felt her nipples grow hard beneath her fingers.

Victoria could feel her heart beating faster, her breaths coming quicker. She ran her fingers across the bare skin above her dress, feeling the warmth of her own flesh.

The older woman slid off the stool and moved to join Pamela Jean. She stepped behind the dancing girl and began to mimic her motions. Almost as one, the two danced to the music, their bodies moving closer with each step.

Pamela's ass pressed against Victoria's pelvis, her bare back against her satin covered breasts. She reached around and replaced Pamela hands with her own, sliding her own fingers beneath the white material.

"Ohhh" Pamela moaned as she felt her hands on her. "So soft."

Removing her hands, Victoria wrapped her arms around Pamela and spun her around until they were face to face, their breasts now pressing against each other. Their lips met with a passion Pamela had never dreamed possible in the hatchet lady. A passion that made her want to surrender to her desires.

Victoria worked her way down the back of Pamela's dress, undoing it as she went. Pamela did the same. Once done, they stepped back just enough that they could slip out of their clothes.

They stood in their undergarments. Pam in the green set she had bought, Victoria in a blue lace set just as sheer.

"That's my favorite color." Victoria said as she stepped forward and touched the half bra that barely supported Pamela's mounds. "And it's quite beautiful, as are you."

"It's not very practical I'm afraid." Pam said.

"It doesn't have to be." Victoria said as she leaned forward to kiss the top of her breasts. "You won't be wearing it long." she grinned.

With that, Victoria undid the small metal clasp in the front of the green bra, releasing the large globes. They dropped into her hands as she began to massage them.

Pamela's deep pink circles drew Victoria like candy to a little kid. Her lips closed on the closest nipple, drawing it deep into her mouth. Her tongue stroked it gently.

"Oh yes." Pamela said as the tingling of her nipples spread and multiplied across her breast.

The actions of Victoria's mouth were so unlike anything she had ever felt from a man. Usually a man was so enamored by her large mound that they attacked them like they were food to a starving man. In contrast, Victoria treated them like a delicacy to be savored.

After repeating her ministrations on Pam's other breast, Victoria continued her downward journey across the younger woman's body. She came to the sheer green panties, smiling as she saw the small damp spot in the center. She kissed the wet spot, licking the moist material. Victoria took a deep breath, taking in both the scent and the taste of Pamela's womanhood.

Now on her knees, Victoria took hold of the sides of Pamela's panties, pulling them down an inch at a time. As each small piece of flesh was exposed, she kissed it. Finally, all of it was bare.

The quick trim at the lingerie store had left Pam's bush in almost a perfect triangle. The light blond hair was almost translucent, giving a clear view of the joys beyond.

`Why don't you move over to the couch were you can get more comfortable." Victoria suggested.

The now naked Pamela quickly complied, dropping down in the center of the plush couch. She spread her legs and slid down enough that the woman on the floor would have easy access to her sex.

An access Victoria wasted no time in using. Like that of a darting snake, her tongue drove up and in the younger woman, bringing pleasure in its wake. The brunette quickly lost herself in the fires of her attraction to Pamela, concentrating all of her attention in bringing her to orgasm.

"Oh God!' Pam exclaimed after only a few minutes as she felt the first waves of a climax starting to build.

Not even by her own hand had she ever risen to a level of excitement like this so quickly. Victoria knew exactly which buttons to press. What shortcuts to take. What would feel good the most.

"Oh God!!!" Pam yelled even longer and louder as those cresting waves abruptly burst into a full-blown orgasm. It was the first time she had ever had climaxed from oral sex.

Feeling Pamela's body react to her attentions, Victoria held on to her tightly and increased her efforts. She didn't stop until the younger woman finally stopped shaking.

"That was ..." she panted as Victoria moved out from between her legs. "That was incredible."

If this was any indication of what lay ahead, Pamela now understood Eleanor's answer of a few hours before.

Victoria stood up and removed her own panties, revealing a smooth shaven womanhood. She ran an extended middle finger along the center of her opening, enjoying the pleasing sensation it produced.

"I banished my pubic hair the day it started to turn gray," she explained when she saw Pam staring at her bare pussy. "Then I found I enjoyed it more this way and decided to keep it."

Reaching behind her back, she undid her bra and held it together with one hand. Her other hand came to rest against the cups of her undergarment, holding it in place when she let the strap fall.

When she did let the bra fall away, Pamela viewed what she had to say, were near perfect breasts. Growing up, the standard she and her girlfriends had held to had always been size. She accepted that because that was what men judged them by. And of course she had boobs that just didn't quit, as some of the boys in her class said.

Pamela was also prejudiced by age, reasoning that a woman twice her years could never have a bust better than hers. Looking at them now, she realized that not only were the forty-three year old's mounds nicer than hers, the perfectly rounded small globes would probably still look great when she was fifty-three, while Pamela was already beginning to worry about the effects of gravity on her own.

After giving Pamela a good look, Victoria climbed on top of the younger woman, placing her legs astride Pam's, and in leaning forward, her breasts parallel to the blonde's face.

"Suck my breasts." she said as she leaned even closer, stopping when her small dark nipples brushed against Pam's red lips.

Pamela opened her mouth and felt the tiny firm stub pass inside. She pressed her tongue against it, feeling both the harness of her nipple and the softness of the skin around it. She began to suck on it as if she were a baby seeking nourishment, and it a way she was. If not of her body, then of her deepest desires.

Rocking back and forth as Pam suckled at her breast, Victoria rubbed her pussy against Pam's leg. In turn, the older woman's leg rubbed against Pam's mound as well. She kept this up all the time Pamela nursed at her fountains, as she moved back and forth between mounds.

"Let's move into the bedroom," Victoria whispered to Pamela as she pulled the blonde's face to the crevice between her small spheres. "I have another surprise for you there."

The two naked women walked across the long living room, hand in hand. If Pamela believed the living room was breathtaking, then there were no words left to describe Victoria's bedroom. In the center of the room was a large oversized canopy bed, covered with sheets of soft emerald green. All the light in the room was indirect, with no real source. An illumination both soft and muted. Double glass doors, the drapes of which were pulled back just enough, added the light of a full moon to the surrealistic setting.

Still holding Pamela's hand, Victoria parted the gossamer portiere that hung from the canopy and led her onto the mattress. The large custom-made bed could've held four women their size, so there was plenty of room for them to stretch out.

"Lay this way." Victoria told Pamela as positioned her diagonally across the expanse.

By this point, Pamela was willing to follow any suggestion Victoria made as a command. The night had unfolded so differently than how she had imagined it would. Her take on Victoria had been all wrong. Pamela wasn't totally ignorant, at least not as much as most people took her for. It had never been that she was the cliché dumb blond. She had brains when she made the effort to use them. Unfortunately, she learned that it was less effort to let men take care of her instead.

The younger woman was also greatly surprised by Victoria's demeanor. After leaving the office Monday, she began to do some research to help her make up her mind. It wasn't often that she used her natural intelligence but when she did, she didn't do such a bad job.

Reading a bunch of articles she downloaded on one of the computers at the public library, she discovered there was almost as many types of lesbians as there were straight women. This came as a great surprise as she'd believed up to this point that most lesbians were ugly women who couldn't get a man. That was why she was so surprised to discover that Victoria was gay. She didn't fit her preconceived image.

She was, Pamela did conclude, what they called a dominant. But before she could really research that more, her time on the machine was up and an impatient middle aged man waiting for his turn was quick to point it out. When the man saw the topic of all the printouts Pam had made, he gave her a really nasty look. A look that left her so upset that she didn't stay around to wait for another terminal to become free.

Pamela had expected Victoria to act like some sort of drill sergeant, giving orders and commanding her to please her. Instead, she had seduced her, made her want to do the things she wanted. Her manner had been firm, but never forceful.

As Victoria turned and twisted her body the other way, Pamela immediately realized they were moving into a classic sixty-nine. Only this time, instead of having a man's cock resting between the legs of the person next to her, it was Victoria's hairless mound.

A warm flush filled Pamela as she felt Victoria pick up right where she left off in the living room. The fervency of the older woman's tongue made her want to try to emulate her. She ran her hand across Victoria's mound, sliding her finger inside her as if it were her own. Ever so sensitive to another's touch, Victoria reacted to the gentle entry with a quiet murmur.

Pamela followed her finger with her tongue, running it up and down exposed pinkness, hesitantly sampling the fruits of a woman. It was, she quickly decided, not the horror she'd hear some men describe. It was different, but far easier to take than the first time a man had come in her mouth.

Her initial curiosity now satisfied, Pamela began to work at her prize with more enthusiasm. With the delights Victoria's ministrations were producing in her own body as a guide to what was possible, Pam used both her fingers and mouth to try and return the favor.

Stretched out in the opposite direction, Victoria was enjoying both the enchantments of Pamela's pussy as well as the neophyte's attempts to please her. The blond wasn't a natural born pussy eater, despite her vast experience with men. Then again, Victoria hadn't expected her to be. It was enough to just have her try. There would be plenty of time to teach her later, and she had always been a patient teacher.

Their mutual cunnilingus went on for another quarter-hour. By the time Victoria decided they were ready to move onto what she had planned next, Pamela was already showing signs of improvement in her technique. A good portent for the future.

"Are you enjoying yourself?' Victoria asked as she moved up next to Pamela and stroked her breasts.

"Oh yes I am." came her reply.

"As much as you would with a man?" Victoria asked further.

"Well,.." Pamela said as she ran her one hand across Victoria's breast. "It's different, that's for sure."

"But missing something ..." Victoria added for her.

Pamela seemed hesitant to answer.

"I won't be offended, dear." the older woman smiled. "It's a common reaction of women who've only been with men before."

"I'm sure I'll grow to enjoy it more." Pam said, her tone a mixture of hope and apology.

"Sweetheart, you're not a prisoner here." Victoria said, still stroking her breasts. "You can leave anytime. I'll admit that I might have come on a little strong the other day, but that was because I'm so attracted to you. I do like to be in control, I admit that, but I also want my partner to enjoy herself as well. Can you tell me that you haven't?"

"No, I mean yes I've enjoyed myself."

"I know you called Blair Scott to see if that job offer was really on the level." Victoria went on. "And I'm glad you did. It's important for you to know that I'm not lying to you the way Paul Ryan and so many others have in the past. If I promise you something, you can count on it."

"I'm beginning to see that." Pamela answered.

"So do you want to stay or go?" Victoria asked. "Either way, anything I've promised still stands."

Pamela thought about the choice for a few moments and then asked an unexpected question.

"What would you do in my place?"

"I guess you expect me to say that you should stay and be my love slave," Victoria laughed. "But that would be too easy an answer. If I were you, I think I'd decide what is the best for me. What have I made of my life so far and how do I set it straight? Do I take her offer and share her bed every now and then, and when I'm not there, learn what I can. Or do I put it all behind me and start over somewhere else."

"So what do you do?" Pamela Jean repeated.

"Well, keeping with our earlier desire to be frank with each other," Victoria went on. "I'd say that if you started over in some lower level position somewhere else, you'd find another Paul Ryan in your life within six months. Left on your own, it'll be too easy for you not too. You lack discipline in your life. I know because there was a time when I did too." "So if I did stay here, and be your part time lover, you'd control my life." she said to the older woman.

"To a point, and only to a point. I have no hold on you other than your desire to be with me and take whatever I can give you. I won't even promise you that tomorrow night there might not be another woman laying right were you are now. Just like I don't expect you to promise me that you won't sleep with anyone else either."

"Even men?" Pamela asked.

"Even men." Victoria answered. "Though I hope you would do better than the likes of Paul Ryan. Realize this, and remember it well. Right now, even if you don't recognize it as such, you are the one with the power. Power enough for me to want to take the time to educate you in return for your company. I might be older but trust me, I have no problem filling my bed with young women. But if it's you I want, then I have to pay the price you want to keep you. There will come a day when one or both of us will no longer need the other, that usually happens in any arrangement like this. The important thing is that you make the most of it while it lasts, and come out of it with more than when you went it."

"I guess I'll stay then." Pamela decided. "And see what I can learn both in and out of bed." she laughed.

"Well I think I have a lot to teach you in both areas." Victoria said as she kissed Pam and then started to move off the bed.

"You're leaving?" Pamela said in surprise.

"I'll be right back," Victoria promised. "I have something that I'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy."

"Well you haven't been wrong yet, that's for sure." Pamela Jean said, but not loud enough for Victoria to easily hear.

Victoria disappeared into the large walk in closet for a few minutes, only to reappear wearing a dark red sarong. The single piece wrap around now covered from her breasts to her knees. Without comment, she rejoined Pamela on the bed.

Pamela started to phrase a question but Victoria stopped her by raising her hand. She then took that hand and reached for Pam's. Once it was in her grasp, she guided it to the opened fold of her sarong.

"Is that what was missing?" Victoria asked as she left Pam's hand between her legs.

Now on her own, the younger woman was quick to unwrap Victoria like a Christmas present. She couldn't wait to see what she had just felt.

"Damn!" Pamela called out as she pulled aside the thin material and exposed the thick nine-inch strapon hanging from a harness. "It almost looks real."

The reason it looked so real, Victoria explained while Pamela admired it, was that she had ordered it from a company that made them from actual molds of real cocks. The result was a rubber facsimile, complete right down to the veins and hanging balls.

Pamela was about to say that you mean there's a guy walking around out they're with a cock like that and I haven't met him, but then thought better of it.

"I really don't go in for things like this myself." Victoria said, "But I have some friends who like toys like this. And as I said, I like my partners to enjoy themselves."

Pamela started to reach for the new toy, then hesitated.

"May I?" she asked, remembering that Victoria liked to be in control.

"Of course." she grinned in reply.


Pamela crawled across the bed and took Victoria's "cock" into her mouth. Slowly she slid it deep inside her mouth, covering it with saliva. Running her tongue up and down the length, she treated it as if it were real. Watching her devour the make believe cock, Victoria was sure that if she was a man she would be begging for more.

She let Pamela suck it a while longer, both for the physiological enjoyment she was getting as well as the way she was lubricating it with her saliva. Finally she pulled the rubber phallic from the blonde's mouth. Pamela only let go with reluctance.

"Get down on your belly." Victoria said as she moved to give Pamela more room. As Victoria adjusted the straps, Pamela assumed a doggy position in front of her. It was the submissive streak that she had observed in Pam that had first attracted the older woman to her. Watching her offer her pussy up to her sent a surging rush of excitement through Victoria.

Moving up against her, the brunette pushed her fingers down between Pamela's legs and up into her already lubricated pussy. She pushed all five fingers in, stretching the opening.

"Oooo" moaned Pamela as she felt the initial intrusion.

Victoria pressed her naked body up against the back of Pamela's own. She lifted her hanging cock and positioned the head against the now saturated tunnel.

"Spread those beautiful legs, honey." Victoria leaned over and whispered into Pamela's ear as she nibbled at it. "Cause you're about to find out you don't need a man if all you want to do is get fucked." she added with a kiss.

With that she began rubbing the round tip of her cock up and down the length of Pamela's pussy, lubing it up even more, before taking a firm grip and pushing it within her.

"Aaaaa!" Pamela yelled as she felt herself being penetrated. She had never had a man this large inside of her.

"Relax." Victoria said as she eased the dildo out a little, before pushing it back in twice the depth of her first attempt.

Victoria reached around and rubbed her fingers against Pamela's clit. When she did use the strap-on, doggy style was her favorite position, it gave her such a feeling of control. Her frantic motions against the small nub at the top of Pamela's cunt helped distract her from the initial pain as Victoria began to thrust deeper within her with an ever-increasing frequency.

Gradually, the pain lessened and gave way to an increasing pleasure. Even through the artificial cock, Victoria could feel the walls of Pamela's cunt grabbing hold of her as she thrusted inside her one more time.

"You love this, don't you?" Victoria asked between thrusts as she grabbed both of the taller woman's hips and pulled her ass hard against her. "Being the slut, giving yourself up to someone else's control."

"Oh yes," Pamela panted as she began to match Victoria's rhythm and draw the dildo deeper inside her.

Victoria slid her free hand up and down Pamela's body as she continued to fuck her with ever increasing ferocity. Her fingers closed tight against her breasts as she used then to pull Pamela against her time after time. Victoria always got off fucking other women more than she ever admitted. Being on top this way was always such a rush.

Victoria pushed Pamela's head and shoulders down across the oversized pillows, giving her greater access to the depths of her pussy. The constant rubbing against her own love button was sending her into pre-orgasmic fits as well. Hot sweat covered each of their bodies as both shook with the energy and passion of unrestricted sex.

Totally lost in the fury of her passion, Victoria grabbed Pamela's long hair and pulled her head back. With a fierce fire in her eyes, Victoria pressed her lips hard against the helpless woman beneath her. The taste of their tongues as they intertwined was enough to push her to within an inch of the abyss.

"Deeper." Pamela gasped as Victoria's tongue slid out of her mouth. "Harder!

Try as she could, it would've been physically impossible for Victoria to get any more inside Pamela. At least in the position they were in.

"Roll over!" Victoria commanded as she pulled the dildo all the way out. "On your back!"

Not even giving Pamela time to comply, the younger woman pushed her onto her back. She followed a moment later and rammed the large rubber cock between her outstretched legs.

Pamela screamed in ecstasy as Victoria drove the dildo it's full length within her. Victoria's smaller mounds pressed hard against Pamela's globes, causing an electric tingling as their nipples touched.

Burying her temporary manhood deep inside her new lover, Victoria's body quaked in anticipation of the explosion she knew was imminent. Beneath her, Pamela was lost in a similar state.

Continuing to pump away with all of her strength, Victoria was taken by surprise when Pamela reached up with her legs and wrapped them around her buttocks, allowing her to penetrate to an even greater depth. Her arms also wrapped around her, binding them together in an unbreakable lock.

"Fuck me!" Pamela screamed at the top of her lungs. A cry so loud that for a moment Victoria wondered it she could be heard by the people in the apartment next store. If so, so what. She'd heard even stranger things come between the walls some nights.

One final thrust was enough to unleash the explosion that had been building within the two of them. Both bodies jerked violently as they were consumed by the bodyquake that ripped through each of them.

Pamela drove her short nails deep into Victoria's back as an orgasmic paralysis gripped her. Victoria continued to plummet the captive pussy that was pressed so tightly against her own. Until she too was gripped by that same loss of control.

Their journey of sexual bliss was both instantaneous and timeless. Rivers of joy caressed their quivering forms. Soft, quiet moans filled the air as hearts raced uncontrolled. Moans that continued until they both collapsed exhausted.

"Oh God, that was so fantastic!'' Pamela said as she sat up and leaned against Victoria's sweaty naked form. "I can't believe how much fun that was."

"I thought you'd like it." Victoria said as she ran her finger along the length of her toycock and then brought the now wet digit up to her mouth.

"Mmmm," she purred as she licked her finger clean.

"I'm so glad I stayed." Pamela said as she stretched out on the bed and closed her eyes. "But I'm so tired now, I feel like I could sleep for a week."

"Well I don't know about a week," Victoria said as she undid the straps around her waist and slid up against Pamela, wrapping her arms around her. "But we do have at least the weekend."

But Pamela didn't hear as she was already succumbed to the weariness in her body. She would sleep for hours, dreaming of the new world that had just been opened to her. Her last thought before sleep overtook her was that she hoped she didn't throw out that receipt for the panties. The one with the phone number on back.


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