The Avengers

By Mitch XD

Published on Nov 14, 2012


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the movie "The Avengers" ... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens who are, of course, of legal consenting age)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty? Do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. Feedback is enjoyed (positive/negative/bizzare) so feel free to comment. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Copywright belongs to Marvel Comics. If you have not read my previous works and like this one, check out "Chuck," "Merlin," or "Psych" in the Celebrities section. Have fun reading!

(Author's note = A/N ) Please RE-READ MY CELEBRITY sexuality clause that I will repost just so I cannot be sued by anyone... and remember that this is JUST A STORY! This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

A/N - Requests for pairings will be considered but there will be no guarantee. After seeing the film I couldn't resist putting these two together... we'll see how it goes.

Steve Rogers, known as Captain America, had been fighting off a series of enemies trying to reach the red lever that would slow down the engine turbines so that Tony Stark, or Iron Man, could escape their deadly spin. After taking out all but one soldier, Captain America hurried over to the level and moved it as quickly as he could. Stark, who was being beaten and battered by the turbines, finally felt the blades slow momentarily, he then proceeded to fall from the engine and try to regain his bearings. His suits propulsion engines kicked in unevenly, causing his aerial flight to be somewhat unsteady. He called over his comlink, "Thanks Capsicle." his sarcasm only just covering his panic from nearly becoming shreds of metal inside of the SHIELD engine moments earlier. He then sped over to where Captain America was huddled, trying to stay out of the path of the bullets being fired by one of Loki's troops. Iron Man sped up and slammed into the gunman, knocking him to the floor, unconcscious. Stark stayed for a minute, getting his bearings and trying not to shake from the adrenaline rush that he had felt while being stuck inside of the engine. Captain America leaped over to Stark's side and said, "Better late than never, right?" He smiled and held a hand for Tony to take. Stark, who's face was covered with the helmet, scowled and ignored the hero's hand, pushing himself up.

MEANWHILE - In the Detention center

It had always hurt getting shot during his training, he knew that, but the sensation of a large pointy metal object being jammed through his chest... much worse. Agent Phil Coulson had been sure that he had the god, Loki, cornered. The massive... albeit, unknown, powerful weapon trained on the god of mischief. He hadn't taken his eyes off of Loki for a second and didn't know when he had made the switch. He just knew it hurt! He heard the cry of Thor, still trapped in a cage designed to hold the hulk. Coulson felt his legs give way as the pointy staff was removed from his body. As he slid down the wall, Coulson knew he had to use the weapon to try and obliterate the evil god who had destroyed hundreds of lives in the last few days. The god spoke words to Coulson, who wasn't really listening, just biding time while the weapon silently warmed up. Coulson counter-argued against the god as he dropped Thor in the steel trap, "You're gonna lose." "Am I?" "It's in your nature." "You're heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky. Where is my disadvantage?" "You lack conviction." "I don't think I..." Coulson fires the experimental weapon, blasting Loki through the wall, "So that's what it does." The world begins to go dark and COulson tries to hold on to life.

Director Fury rushes into the room, kneeling near Coulson, his face smoothed over trying to remain neutral. The wound is too deep, Agent Coulson's chances are looking grim. Coulson tells Fury that he needs to check out soon and that this is what the Avengers needed to motivate them. Fury tries to get Coulson to hold on but cannot. The paramedics come speeding down the hallway and just as Coulson's eyes are about to close for the final time he sees two things, a woman, dressed in a long, flowing white gown, with pure white eyes, and she is holding... my Captain America cards? He hears a soft voice resonate through his head, "You will be fine soon Phillip... but he still needs you." The voice is so soft and calm, Coulson feels his pulse rate slow and his blood flow begin to return to normal. The woman, who is unperceived by the rest of the SHIELD staff, holds up her right hand and a shimmering white bead of light lands on Agent Coulson's chest. The wounds, while extensive, heal enough to save his life, but to the Medical staff, Coulson's body appears dead. "You will revive in ten minutes... until then... sleep." Coulson's eyes droop heavily and he feels sleep pull him away. "Who are you?" He thinks desperately, trying to give his savior a name. There is no response but as unconsciousness takes him, Agent Phillip Coulson feels a warm presence hold his body and he thinks, "What does she mean, 'Captain America needs me?' "

Captain America was making his way back to the control room of the SHIELD he heard Director Fury's voice speak over their intercom, "Agent Coulson is down." Another voice says, "PARAMEDICS ARE ON THEIR WAY" Fury replies, "They're already here. They called it." Steve felt his heart stop as he realized what has happened to Agent Coulson. I didn't even sign his cards, he thought dully. He stopped walking for a moment as his legs began to lose their Herculean-like strength. I didn't have time to sign some cards for him? Captain America sat down on the ground, hard.

Moments after the Avengers have left the SHIELD Station, a call comes in from the medics directly, and only to Colonel Fury, "Sir... Agent Coulson's vitals have come back and he is stable! What do you want us to do?" Fury whirled around and said quietly to his earpiece, "Fix him the rest of the way you morons!" Turning to Agent Hill Fury said, "Let me know of any changes!" He then took off to the medical bay.

When he reached the doors, Fury looked inside and saw Agent Coulson lying on a nearby bed, his EKG beeping regularly. "What in the HELL is going on here?" Fury said angrily as he entered the room. "Colonel Fury... we have no idea! He was dead when we arrived. No brain activity, no lung, heart, or organ function. He was legally and literally deceased!" Fury turned to Coulson and said to the staff. "Keep him in a private room with no visitors except myself. Keep his vitals steady and if he wakes call me immediately, understood?" The Medical staff nod emphatically and Fury leaves to return to the main control room.

Steve Rogers had recovered from the physical portion of the fighting since the Avenger's had defeated the Chitauri but the mental healing process had yet to begin. He felt as though he was walking through a haze, still maintaining himself but his mind was always somewhere else. Steve had made his way back to the SHIELD base and was going over security footage from the day of the invasion. He was watching himself save Iron Man and Thor fighting the Hulk. Finally, he came across Thor trying to put Loki back into his cage. Being tricked into the cage himself, Thor attempts to break free to no avail. Just as Loki is about to drop Thor to his demise, Agent Coulson comes out with a weapon and tells Loki to stop. Rogers can feel his pulse race as he wonders how long it will- and Loki is behind Coulson. "NO! Agent Coulson he's-" too late. The point thrusts through Coulson in front of Captain America's eyes. Losing control, the Captain picks up the screen and throws it across the room, crashing it into a random shelf. He sinks to the floor, eye's moist with tears that are threatening to fall. I need to get out of here, now! Rogers got up, throwing on his mask and sprinted for the nearest exit...

Agent Phil Coulson had just regained consciousness when he heard noise coming from a nearby room. He got up painfully and made his way to the exit of the med-bay. Why was I in a private room? He wondered. Then he remembered the sceptre, the woman, the pain... SHIT! He moved as quickly as he could. He heard a familiar sound as he approached, it was Thor yelling at someone. He turned the corner of the hallway and saw a slightly ajar door. He snuck up quietly and peered inside. What he saw made him become pale. A man... he wasn't sure who, was watching security footage from the attack on SHIELD. He saw Thor inside the compartment meant for the hulk, then he saw himself stopping Loki with the strange weapon. Finally he saw the point of the sceptre pierce his chest. Agent Coulson watched, transfixed as he saw the tip pointing out of him. Apparently, the person watching the video did not enjoy this, go figure, thought Coulson, because seconds later he heard a roar and the man lifted the gigagantic monitor and threw it across the room in anger. Agent Coulson felt panic well in his throat. What if they were looking for Loki? Agent Coulson started to beat a hasty retreat and made it back to the medical bay just as he saw Captain Steve Rogers go sprinting down the hallway with his mask on. What was that? Thought Coulson. He was just about to follow him when a doctor noticed he was up and dragged him back to bed, giving him a sedative so that he could rest and recover.

When agent Coulson awoke, his head was swimming. What the hell did they give me? He thought. He slowly stood and the world around him swam as though a cameraman couldn't keep up with this body. He felt a wave of nausea sweep through him and he stopped moving for fear of vomiting. The moment passed and he pushed himself off of the bed, his arms were weak. He called out but his voice was hoarse. He tried to swallow but his throat was dry. He saw a nearby glass of water and downed the entirety in one gulp. He then proceeded to walk about the room as his equilibrium returned. He felt pain scream through his chest whenever he tried to do any bending or reaching. Must be a side effect of having your heart stabbed, he thought dully. He was just about to head out of the medical bay when Fury came bursting into the room. "You gave me a scare today Coulson." His voice was even, but his eyes seemed to beam when he saw Coulson moving around. "Me too, Director Fury." Coulson joked. "How did you...?" "I don't know." Said Phil softly. He thought about the woman, she probably wanted to stay anonymous anyway... but wouldn't she have shown up on the video feed? Coulson vowed to look at the tapes as soon as he could.

Fury took Coulson in for a hug and said, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you're okay and the Avengers have defeated the Chitauri. Now, you are on an extended leave until you have fully recovered." "What?" Agent Coulson felt off balance, he hadn't had a day off in... ever. He wasn't sure if this was a temporary leave or if Fury was trying to move him into another, less dangerous setting. "Sir, once I have recovered, what will my-" "You'll still be in the field Coulson." Replied a gruff Fury. Coulson breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Where am I going to be stationed?" "First of all Coulson, there is another mission you will be doing during this leave. Second, you will be located in the center of New York City." Coulson felt his pulse beat hasten. "What is my mission Director?" Fury paused and said, "We need you to assume the identity of a foreign diplomat, change your appearance and watch over various members of the Avengers. Especially those who do not wish to remain under SHIELDs scrutiny. Iron Man and Captain America will be your targets. Your identity will be an ambassador from France who is trying to improve the environment in the depressed side of Queens." Agent Coulson was uneasy, disguise myself from the Avengers? Wouldn't they know? "Sir, with all due respect, wouldn't they know it was me?" "Not if you brush up on your French."

(A/N - I will include translations for French in Parentheses - Sorry for the lack of accents... it's a bitch in Notepad)

Agent Coulson felt slightly ridiculous in his French diplomat disguise. The bureau had decided to maintain his basic facial structure, nose, and jawline, but had made adjustments to his hair color, eye color (contacts), weight (the fitness was hell), and other minute details. By the end of the month of preparation, Phil Coulson resembled a French Diplomat but he was sure that all of the Avengers would see through the disguise. Coulson had been studying his French in intense situations that involved heated debates, lively conversation, and random occurences. This trained him to act, think, and speak like a Parisian. He was installed into a modest apartment that had feels of French culture. He was told that his background included a "Live like everyone else mentality." (non-typical for the French)

He was supposed to meet Captain America and Iron Man at a conference for the rebuilding and restructuring of New York after the Chitauri attack. It was going to happen in about an hour and Coulson couldn't shake the feeling that he was going to have trouble pulling the wool over Steve Roger and Tony Stark's eyes. He took some time to look at his reflection. A little different but not completely unrecognizeable. Maybe they'll think I resemble... him/myself. Crap! I've got to get downtown now! Coulson left his apartment and locked the door. He beat a hasty pace towards the conference and was just about to arrive at the steps to the hall when he saw him.

Captain America was sitting on the steps to the building, staring intently at the ground as the world passed around him. He had a small frown on his face and was holding some small paper in his hands. He stared at the paper a little longer and Coulson saw it was his stack of trading cards! I never did get a copy of those signed. Coulson steeled his face and immediately began to think... French culture, French diplomat! Fixe les pensees sur le but! (keep your thoughts on the goal) He straightened his spine and walked brisquely towards the building not hesistating to walk five feet from captain America. Once he moved past the Superhero he felt the other man pause and shift.

Steve Roger's stood and turned to face the stranger who had just blown past him in a hurry. Out of the side of his vision he had sworn... but it couldn't be... I saw the tape. He died! Captain America started to follow the man, he was the same height, but was more muscled and had different hair. But something felt familiar in his movements. Steve Roger's sped up and tapped the unknown man on his shoulders and said, "Ummmm... excuse me? Do you know where the foreign delegations conference is supposed to be held today at noon?" Trying to use this as an excuse to see the man's face. The man turned slowly and Captain America felt his anticipation build... could it be?

In a heavily accented voice "Non sorry cher... Ah am luking for zis conference also." He met the Captain's eyes with a blank expression of neutral indifference. He watched as Captain America stared at his face intently for a few seconds and then Coulson said, "Deed you need some-zing elze?" Captain America met the man's eyes and saw that they were a steel colored grey, not like Coulson's bright blue eyes that had dazzled Captain America the first time they had met. Even though he felt the familiar feeling of protectiveness for this man whole slightly resembled Agent Coulson, Steve told himself it was just his imagination. The two turned back to the building and Captain America said, "Can I join you? In case you find out where we need to go?" "Oui, m'sieur. Suivez moi (follow me)." The two men climbed the stairs and walked down a corridor. Both men knew where they needed to go but stopped to ask for directions to feed the lie. They arrived at a banquet hall furnished with luxury furniture, a full orchestra playing music and massive tables. "And ze rest of ze city struggles to get zome food and zeir 'ouses sealed so zat zey do not lose too much 'eat." Coulson scoffed. Captain America said, "I agree. Why do we need this spectacle to show that we are serious about helping the city get back on it's feet. How did we even fund this?" "Some amereecan idiot weeth too much money." Captain America laughed and felt himself relax. Albeit this French guy was a little... sharp, he seemed like a nice guy. Holding out his hand he said, "I'm Steve Rogers... Comment vous appelez-vous?" His french was broken but understandable. The man perked up and had a slight smile, "Je m'appelle Jean-Philippe Fils-DuCharbon.(I'm John-Phillip Son of Coal ;) It's a pleasure ->) Enchante. Je connais votre nom... vous etes diplomat?" (I know your name... are you a diplomat?) Captain America blushed and said, "I'm not super good at French. You asked if I was a diplomat? No, I'm not." "Ze name is familiar... eet weel come to me." "I'm sure it will."

The duo sat at a table as guests began to pour in from all sides. Tony Stark saw Captain America and made his way over to the hero, who had stood to get a drink from the bar. "Hey capsicle. What's up?" Steve Rogers was still taken aback by the current slang. "I just met an interesting diplomat." "Oh yeah? Where is she? And more importantly, what country is she from? Are you going to work some superhero magic on her?" Captain America laughed and said, "No! and HE is over at my table." He pointed to the table and Tony Stark turned. He gaped for a few seconds and said nothing. "Where is this guy from? And what's his name?" "I'll introduce you. Come on!" Captain America walked back to the table, holding a scotch and drinking from his own glass. "Jean-Phillipe, this is Tony Stark. Tony, This is Jean-Phillipe." Tony stared at Agent Coulson intently and Agent Coulson maintained his neutral expression, "Do all you amereecans stare at each other?" Tony looked away and shook himself, "I'm sorry Jean, you look like one of my friends who just... passed away." "Oh eez zat so? I am so sorry."

The rest of the evening passed with little that was difficult for Agent Coulson, his prepared speech was received well and he proposed the beginning of a charity fund to fuel the rebuilding of New York City that would begin tomorrow. After receiving a standing ovation, Coulson returned to his seat and he maintained small talk with Captain America and other foreign diplomats for the rest of the night. When the conference was over, Captain America asked Agent Coulson if he needed a ride. Coulson replied "Non... Ah leeve close. I like to conserve energee." The Captain nodded and said, "I guess I'll do that too." The duo walked down the street and began to walk the same direction. "So... where are you staying Jean-Philippe?" "Ah leeve on Simpson street. And you?" "I live on Simpson too! Cool!" The two men walked a while longer and finally Coulson turned towards his building and said, "A bientot mon ami! Ah weel see you tomorrow?" "Yes you will, mon ami! A demain!" Coulson entered the house and watch as Steve Rogers walked down four houses and across the street to his house. What did Fury have in mind?

Hello Nifty-ers! If you don't already know me... I have three other series on Nifty "Psych," Merlin," and "Chuck." If you want to get a feel for my writing style try those! More updates soon on this story. Bear with me some weeks... my job can be stressful. This story will be Captain America and Phil Coulson so if you don't like that... send me a request and I might include it, or I might not. Either way you'll get an email from me. I also write a lot during the night so my grammar is not at it's peak. Sorry for the errors <- as a post-emptive strike. (pre-emptive for future chapters) If you like this story please comment! If you hate it... COMMENT! This helps me improve as a writer and gives me an idea as to what you all want. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to write many more soon!

-Mike XD

Next: Chapter 2

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