The Avengers

By Mitch XD

Published on Nov 26, 2012


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the movie "The Avengers" ... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens who are, of course, of legal consenting age)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty? Do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. Feedback is enjoyed (positive/negative/bizzare) so feel free to comment. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Copywright belongs to Marvel Comics. If you have not read my previous works and like this one, check out "Chuck," "Merlin," or "Psych" in the Celebrities section. Have fun reading!

(Author's note = A/N ) Please RE-READ MY CELEBRITY sexuality clause that I will repost just so I cannot be sued by anyone... and remember that this is JUST A STORY! This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

A/N - Requests for pairings will be considered but there will be no guarantee. After seeing the film I couldn't resist putting these two together... we'll see how it goes.

As Steve entered his apartment, he wondered how long Jean-Phillipe had been following him. He decided Jean-Phillipe must have made sure that Steve was okay. It's a good thing too, thought Steve. I would have been dead. Steve felt as though there was something strange about Jean-Phillipe, apart from his apparent expertise of martial arts. Steve went to his fridge and pulled out the container of food. Maybe I should have Tony run some tests on this... I don't think that Jean-Phillipe is up to anything, but better to be safe. Just as he was about to return the food to the refridgerator, he felt something on the bottom of the container. What's this? He thought. He felt a small square and some tape. Carefully removing the tape, Steve Rogers pulled the small square off the bottom and saw something that made his heart hammer and his vision swim. It was one of the collectible cards of Captain America saluting. Steve swallowed. Is Coulson... Jean-Phillipe?

It had been three whole days since Steve Rogers had seen Jean-Phillipe and he was still not sure if the French diplomat was his friend Phil Coulson. Each night, Steve turned the card he found over and over in his hands. What does this mean? Thought Steve. Does this mean what I originally suspected? Steve set the card next to his bed each night and took it in hand each morning.

On Wednesday, Steve Rogers picked up the card, like usual, grabbed a shower, ate breakfast, and left his apartment to go into the city on a reconstruction project spearheaded by Tony Stark. Steve had agreed to work on the contruction of three new, energy independent multistory office buildings. Joining with Stark at the job site, Captain America began working with the construction workers on the skeletal outline of the fifth floor of the office. Using his incredible strength and agility progress was quick. After a few hours of work spearheaded by Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit, the building had quickly added a sixth and seventh floor. Steve was keeping an eye out for Jean-Phillipe, but had not seen him during the the morning hours.

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, a faulty iron bar used to support the the third floor is under too much stress and is slowly warping, ready to bring the entire building down. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and the construction crew had left the site for lunch at twelve-thirty and were in the process of eating Schwarma when Iron Man and Captain America were called off to intervene in a standoff on ninth street. The two men sped off while the construction workers finished their lunch. They made their way back to the site and saw a man waiting outside of the construction site. He was a French diplomat named Jean-Phillipe Fils DuCharbon and he began to work with the workers on reinforcing the structure of the building. The progress was slow-going without the two superheroes assistance but the workers noticed the french diplomat was taking up a large amount of work and giving it his all. The workers began to appreciate the work and said things to encourage Jean-Phillipe, "Thanks Johnny!" "M-air cee John!" and "You're a big help buddy." Jean-Phillipe gave a smile nod and continued his work in silence, he was lost in thought and few workers wanted to disturb the diplomat, fearing reprecussions from their bosses.

As the day wound down a few of the workers heard some creaking but dismissed it as the wind. The men had finished with the foundation reinforcements but needed to begin placing walls and divisions on each floor so that the next floors would support the weight of the construction workers. After finishing two floors, Jean-Phillipe took a break and saw a figure approaching the building, it was Captain America. He was covered in dust and dirt. Captain America had tears in various locations on his uniform and a few scrapes and bruises, some which were already healing due to his increased recuperation.

Steve Rogers had just finished beating the crap out of twelve gang members on ninth street with Iron Man when the hero made his way back to the construction site. Both agreed that more work needed to be done before the day finished, but unfortunately Iron Man needed to return to Stark Tower. They vowed to return the next day to help the workers finish the project. As Steve Rogers made his way to the building he saw that the workers had made a great deal of progress without his, or Iron Man's help. He also saw a familiar albeit, sweaty face working on the third floor. It was Jean-Phillipe. He was shirtless and standing near the middle of the third floor. Around him were the construction workers, diligently putting up walls and reinforcing the walls with metallic beams. Steve stopped to study the body of Jean-Phillipe, he was very well built. He had well defined biceps, a tanned chest with a six-pack abs, and a light amount of dark hair dusting his upper chest and trailing down below his belt. Steve felt his pulse race as he oogled the french diplomat. I need to stop! Thought Steve. I cannot think this way! Steve was just about to turn to face Tony Stark when he saw Jean-Phillipe looking at him with a small smile. Captain America smiled and waved, which Jean-Phillipe returned.

Jean-Phillipe heard a sound just after waving to Captain America, something was wrong! "Quick! We need to get out of 'ere! Zis building is going to fall!" He grabbed two of the workers and pushed them towards the stairs. He had just gotten everyone to the bottom floor when he heard the snap of the metal. "Merde!" (SHIT!) He picked up two workers by their necks and threw them out of the building. Steve saw this action and began to move more quickly towards the building he looked into the face of Jean-Phillipe and saw fear and concern. Steve began to run towards the building when he heard it. A crack! Jean-Phillipe turned towards him and Steve said, "Jean-Phillipe! Get out of there!" Then, as Steve watched, heart pounding in fear, Jean-Phillipe looked up and the building fell in upon itself. "NO!" Steve's heart wrenched and he sprinted, full tilt, to the crumbling building. He ran to the rubble and began to move objects. The two workers who had been thrown out of the building were also moving rubble, trying to get to the group of men.

The entire building collapsed, thought Steve. We can't get to them before they suffocate... His breath caught in his chest. I can't lose Jean-Phillipe like I lost Agent Coulson! NO! Steve threw himself into moving items, the progress was too slow and Steve felt his heart break in sadness. He called over his intercom to Iron Man, "Building collapsed. We need you here now!" "On my way." Came Stark's voice. "Hurry! Jean-Phillipe is trapped underneath the rubble!" He tried to keep his voice steady but couldn't manage. It's too much weight and I don't hear them... any of them. Steve couldn't keep working his body so hard and had to take a break. The two workers continued to move items as quickly as they could and Steve felt his strength return, but his hope diminish. Please, Steve was practically in tears, which were hidden by his face-mask, please let him be all right!

Iron Man arrived on the scene in five minutes and the wails of ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance. "Thank..." Steve's voice cracked and Tony Stark looked questioningly at his fellow Avenger. Steve began to attack the pile again with fervor. Tony grabbed his shoulder, but Steve pulled away. "Steve-" "-Don't say it." His voice was shaking and his shoulders were trembling. He couldn't hear what Tony was about to say. He threw himself at the pile... trying desperately to catch a glimpse of the one man who reminded him of... someone precious. "Steve. I-" "NO!" Captain America sank to his knees and pounded against the rubble, refusing to let the metal man tell him to stop. "He isn't dead, damn you!" Tony Kick in his jet propulsion and lifted the troubled hero to the top of the pile, a good seventy feet off of the ground. He then said, "Steve... my scanners indicate that-" "To hell with-" "..They're alive!" Steve felt his heartbeat race, "What?" "They're alive I needed you to calm down and watch out for falling debris for me... okay?" "Y-yeah." Steve wiped away a tear and watched as Iron Man sent out a beam of pure energy straight downwards. The two men moved down to the center of the wreckage and what they saw astonished them. Standing close together were the other construction workers and Jean-Phillipe was standing just in front of them. His hands were stretched above his head and a blue wall of energy was supporting the wreckage from falling on the workers and Jean-Phillipe. Jean-Phillipe was ghostly white and had blood running from his nose. "You got 'ere just in time M'sieurs." His voice was slurred and he looked like he would fall from exhaustion. Iron man blasted the debris above the group and made a safe passage to the exit. Jean-Phillipe, who was glowing blue, couldn't move and had to have steve carry him out. As the group left the building Jean-Phillipe's form went limp and the building crashed in upon itself once again. He held the rest of the building for close to ten minutes. Steve looked at the french diplomat... who might be his friend from SHIELD. If he was Coulson, how long had he had those abilities and why had he hided it? Steve set Jean-Phillipe down on the ground and saw that the man had stopped breathing. "Tony! I need that ambulance... quickly. Jean-Phillipe isn't breathing!" Tony sped off with his jet propelled boots and returned seconds later carrying an ambulance. He set it down and the medical team rushed over. They leaned over him and examined him for a few moments. "We need to take him back to the hospital now! He need to be examined by the staff there!" Iron Man picked up Jean-Phillipe and Steve Rogers and flew off towards the hospital. Hold on, thought Steve Rogers, Hold on Jean-Phillipe.

A/N - Hey all... it may be a while before my next update... I have finals to prep for. Ugh! Hope you like the chapter. No other notes tonight.

Hello Nifty-ers! If you don't already know me... I have three other series on Nifty "Psych," Merlin," and "Chuck." If you want to get a feel for my writing style try those! More updates soon on this story. Bear with me some weeks... my job can be stressful. This story will be Captain America and Phil Coulson so if you don't like that... send me a request and I might include it, or I might not. Either way you'll get an email from me. I also write a lot during the night so my grammar is not at it's peak. Sorry for the errors <- as a post-emptive strike. (pre-emptive for future chapters) If you like this story please comment! If you hate it... COMMENT! This helps me improve as a writer and gives me an idea as to what you all want. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to write many more soon! If you have questions about the French, shoot me an email.

-Mike XD

Next: Chapter 4

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