The Avengers

By Mitch XD

Published on Jan 20, 2013


No copyright infringement intended, just a fun story I wrote about the movie "The Avengers" ... Whether or not my character portrayal is accurate, these stories are intended for adults (or curious teens who are, of course, of legal consenting age)... if you don't like men having sex... why the hell are you on Nifty? Do us a favor and go away... seriously. If you have comments please send they will be welcome. Feedback is enjoyed (positive/negative/bizzare) so feel free to comment. Again no money is being made so no copyright infringement is being done. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Copywright belongs to Marvel Comics. If you have not read my previous works and like this one, check out "Chuck," "Merlin," or "Psych" in the Celebrities section. Have fun reading!

(Author's note = A/N ) Please RE-READ MY CELEBRITY sexuality clause that I will repost just so I cannot be sued by anyone... and remember that this is JUST A STORY! This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.


"Phil I'm..." He was embarassed for his fuse being so short. Phil just smiled between kisses and said, "Steve. It's all right." Steve was trying to hold back the wave of pleasure, but in the end, the battle was futile. Phil's hand had just reached the tip of his cock when he felt the pleasure rush through his body. His cock jerked and Phil felt warm cum spill on to his hand. Phil released his hold on Steve's cock, tucked his cock back into his boxers and pants, zipping and rebuckling him. His childhood hero, and current lover, slowly moved off the bed and sat back in the chair, he looked tired but he moved over to Phil's waist and said, "My turn." Phil nearly came then. But managed to last long enough for Steve to take his cock into his hands. Just the sight of the man he had admired his whole life being his partner and jerking him off was too much and as he came, he sat up and kissed Steve on the lips. "Thank you Steve." "Thank YOU, Phil." Phil said, "I'm glad you like kissing, because I forsee much more in our future." Steve smiled and said, "Good... cause I haven't kissed someone in about 70 years."

Phil had insisted on them maintaining public discretion due to the two men being both publicly scrutinized figures. But as soon as the men entered their apartments, they held hands, put on a record and danced to classic music from the thirties and fourties. Phil had become accustomed to watching a movie with Steve, catching the hero up with current trends and helping him to adjust to life in the era of technology. Every time Steve's face lit with understanding when he mastered a new aspect of "life in the future," Phil smiled and felt wonderful. The two men were discrete in public, neither drawing attention to themselves.

As Coulson talked with Steve during their evenings, he found something that had given him pause. Coulson had asked about Steve's life before the crash. Steve had talked about his military career with a look of remembrance. Then he began to talk about Peggy, the woman he had loved before he had crashed into the ocean. Coulson listened as Steve talked about her for more than an hour. Phil could tell how much she had meant to the captain. Phil began to doubt if Steve was even truly interested in him, so far the two men had only been holding hands, even around the apartment. Agent Coulson had understood the hero's apprehension to the relationship. Even still, thought Phil, I wish we could kiss more soon.

Even worse were the dreams that were beginning to run through the SHIELD agent's mind during his sleep. He would be talking with Steve and a sudden impulse would come over him to kiss the man. He leaned forward and Steve immediately pulled away, his face a mask of confusion and surprise. 'Agent Coulson, what are you doing!?' his voice was strained and he looked uncomfortable. Coulson felt himself flush with embarrassment, 'I...' he couldn't even find words. Steve said, 'I... um... I don't think of you like that Agent Coulson and in my time, those kind of... feelings were not appreciated by other men. Please don't do that again.' His voice was firm and his eyes seemed colder than Phil had ever seen them. Phil stammered out ' Y-yes, Steve.' Steve glared at him, 'Call me Captain America, not Steve.'

Every time Phil had this dream he woke in a cold sweat and his heart hammered in his chest. The next day, Phil would always wonder if Steve was really attracted to him, especially after having talked with Captain America about Peggy. Phil would go through the day of work, he had finally been returned to the SHIELD station to work on mountains of paperwork. Fury had imformed him that he knew about the relationship between the two men. He told Coulson that if his work ethic fell by the wayside that he would make Phil's life harder. Coulson, who did not know how Fury knew, nodded as he visibly paled. Fury then dismissed him, seconds before the door closed Phil swore he heard Director Fury say, "Congratulations Coulson."

Weeks had gone by and Coulson still felt as though Captain America was still in love with Peggy from before he was frozen. Coulson had researched Peggy one day on the SHIELD database and had discovered that she had passed away some time ago, had married and had children. Phil didn't want to tell Steve for fear of his reaction and so he held his tongue. But it seemed to Agent Coulson that Captain America was preoccupied with Peggy. Coulson couldn't help but feel sad about the situation, but at the same time, he felt responsible too.

Steve and Phil had agreed to go out for dinner on the town one night. Phil had asked Colonel Fury if he needed to maintain his appearance as the French diplomat. Fury said yes, it would be too risky to have him vanish after a couple of months. It would make Tony suspiscious and he would draw public attention to the situation. So while out at a small diner, Agent Coulson had to maintain his French identity. The waitress, who Captain America had saved during the Chitauri attack was their server and was super attentive as soon as they came into the cafe. She looked from one person to the other, ony just recognizing Steve Rogers as Captain America. Steve put his finger to his lips in a 'shhhhh' motion and the waitress nodded. She led them to a corner table away from prying eyes and said softly, "It's such a pleasure to have you here Captain America! And who is this gentleman? quickly oh wait! Can I ask that?" Steve smiled and said, "Of course you can. turning to Phil Jean-Phillipe, would you like to introduce yourself?" Phil smiled at the waitress and said, "Jean-Phillipe, ambassador for ze rebuilding of man'attan. Oooo are you?" The woman laughed and said, "I'm Allie. Ravie de faire votre conaissance!" (It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!) "Eh bien? Vous parlez francais?" (You speak French?) "Bien sur! J'apprendais la langue pendant mes etudes universitaires. Comment connaissez-vous monsieur 'le capitain America?'" (Of course! I learned it during my college studies. How do you know Captain America?) "Euh... il va vous dire cela." (Uhhh... he'll tell you) Allie gave a small laugh. Steve looked uncomfortable. "What just happened?" Allie laughed harder. "Nothing... so Captain, how do you know Jean-Phillipe?" Steve saw the look that Phil gave him, it said, 'I didn't say. You decide.' Steve motioned her closer, she complied, her eyes becoming wide. "Can you keep a secret Allie?" Allie nodded emphatically. "You have to promise me... it's very secret." Her eyes got even wider. "I promise, Captain America." Steve looked at Phil, who nodded as if to say, 'she's trustworthy.' "We are here on a date." Allie's expression went from shock, to happiness, to a smile. "Oooookay. I see. I didn't take you as the type. Either of you for that matter. Well Jean-Phillipe, know that you are probably the most envied man in the entire female, and 10% of the male world... possibly more." Phil smiled. Allie then switched into waitress mode and said, "What'll y'all have?" Steve and Phil ordered their meal and talked with each other quietly until it arrived. Allie studied the two men while they talked and ate. They seemed to have feelings for one another, but neither seemed to be initiating any contact. In this restaurant, thought Allie, there's enough discretion to hide a kiss. Allie made eye contact with Captain America and she tilted her head to Jean-Phillipe, mouthing 'kiss him!' Steve blushed and turned to Phil. He stared into Phil's eyes for a moment and gave him a quick, chaste kiss on the mouth. Phil smiled wide and looked around. Allie rolled her eyes in exasperation... well, it was better than nothing.

The two men were walking home when they turned to a street not even two blocks from their respective apartments. Captain America gently held Phil's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug, before giving him a small kiss on the forehead. "Thank you for a wonderful dinner Phil!" Just as Phil was about to respond a harsh voice cut in. "Hey faggots! God's already gonna smite you dead, might as well just finish the job yourselves." A man, who was heavily inebriated walked towards them, swaying in the breeze. Phil moved himself out of Steve's grasp just as he felt the large man stiffen. "Especially you! points at Coulson Your the woman in this relationship. It's a sin to be a woman with a man!" As if he wasn't stupid enough, thought Coulson, now he can't even make a coherent sentence. The man staggered towards Coulson and said, "If your man wasn't here... I'd teach you what for! I kick your faggy ass until you bled out in the middle of the street. Oh hell... you faggots don't fight anyhow. Might as well give your man a view into what his future will be like if he doesn't give up his sinful ways. rounds on Coulson You aren't worth saving. The poisons spread too deep." The man closed the distance and swung his first into Coulsons face. Coulson reacted too slow, he lessened the blow but still fell from the force. He got up quickly and saw that Steve had tried to intervene, knocking over the man.

Steve was crouched over the man, his face flushed with rage. "If you EVER touch him again I will end you! He is worth six of you!" "Of course the fag would defend his bitch... or are you the -" WHAM Steve Rogers moderated his punch, but still managed to break the man's nose. As the man lay bleeding on the pavement a crowd began to form. Agent Coulson tugged on Steve's sleeve. "Steve... we need to get out of here. NOW!" Steve glared at the man and said, "One word... and they'll never find the rest of you." Before walking towards Coulson. Agent Coulson, who looked sad said nothing but began to beat a hasty retreat to his apartment. "You didn't have to-" "Yes I did." Coulson said nothing but continued to walk in silence.

A week had passed since the incident and Steve had noticed that Agent Phil Coulson had been mysteriously absent from the social functions that Jean-Phillipe was supposed to be attending. Director Fury had talked with Steve about Phil's need to maintain the facade. Surprisingly, Fury had been okay with the couple when Steve admitted to having a relationship with the SHIELD agent. Steve suspected he already knew through various underhanded ways. Fury had only said that if Phil's work suffered, then so would Steve. Steve had began to wonder if he had irritated Fury somehow and was making Phil work late shifts every night. It hadn't helped that Tony Stark was constantly prodding Steve to go public with the relationship. He had apologized to Steve for his behavior and what he said when Jean-Phillipe had been in the Hospital. Now he wanted to help Steve to publicize his relationship to show that the US foreign policy had a new ambassador. "Yeah... I can see the newspapers and the "tweeter" handling my relationship with Phil... Jean-Phillipe well." Stark just laughed, "Well at least the headline won't read, 'Captain America - Queen from Queens.'" "I'm from Brooklyn originally..." Stark rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

Cold. Everywhere. And an eerie silence. Nothing moved or stirred in the wreckage of the plane that had belonged to Red Skull. He remembered the impact, being thrown violently into the steering column and feeling his muscles clench. He felt the wind blow through the enormous hole in the bridge of the ship. Soon he saw water rising slowly, he felt tired. He was sure he was going to die, his heart rate slowed and he felt his consciousness ebb away. His last thought was of Peggy, the woman with whom he had a date next week. Stay safe. I love you...

Steve woke from the nightmare in a cold sweat, he hated the cold. He couldn't believe how much he hated it. He reached down to grab an extra blanket from the floor of his apartment, only to realize he had none. He stood and quickly made his way to the closet, grabbing an extra blanket and pajamas. He hated the cold. He remembered the last time he hadn't woken up with the nightmare... it was when Coulson and I... Steve Rogers blushed crimson in the night. He felt a pang of guilt rush him as he sat down on the bed. He had failed Peggy, she had died some twenty years ago, peacefully. She had married and had three children who were now grown. Steve felt his heart ache as he realized, it seemed like yesterday when he had told her how special she was.

Now he was with Phil. The minute Steve Rogers had met Phil, and they had had an awkward conversation about Steve's sleeping habits and Coulson's unhealthy obsession with trading cards and watching Steve sleep, Steve had felt his heart reach out to the agent. He wanted to tell him how flattered he was and how much he wanted to get to know him. He had also felt the crushing weight of despair, having lost his first love and never having done more than told her. When Loki had stabbed Phil, Steve couldn't breathe... couldn't see... couldn't function. Now Coulson was back and Steve had taken the first step with him. It felt good... but then why did Steve have a nagging feeling he was missing something? Coulson seemed to be avoiding him and when they spoke, the agent, although extremely talented at being non-emotional, left Steve with a look of sadness that Captain America couldn't fathom. Why is he sad? Thought Steve.

Steve had returned to his apartment from a long day. He had been fighting off a very pissed-off Doctor Doom, who had somehow managed to absorb the power of Johnny Storm and was using it to melt large portions of New York City. The fight had lasted eight hours before Steve had come up with a solution to return the young man's powers and stop the evil dictator of Latveria. After doom had been incapacitated, he was taken by the fantastic four to be put into a 'proper prison' as reed had called it. Captain America had returned home and had just finished eating four sandwiches Agent Coulson had made for him for his lunch. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him, he heard a soft, "Hello Steve..."

"What the hell?" Steve blurted out after hearing the woman's voice. He turned his head, searching his apartment for the source of the mysterious stranger. She was gently sitting on a coffee table, her eyes were white and she was dressed in nearly opaque white silk. "Where did you come from and what the hell are you doing here?" He felt annoyed that this woman had breached the security of his home. He stood and walked towards her. She put one hand out as if to stop Steve. Steve felt his feet root to the spot. "Do not be afraid... seeing his expression or irritated, Stephen. I am here to offer you some help." Her voice seemed to trail off at every sentence, as if she had all of the time in the world. The voice was calming. She stared into Steve's eyes and said, "I wish to send you back." Steve felt his jaw drop, "Back where?" He said tentatively. "To your own time... when you were robbed of something... precious." Her voice seemed to be bittersweet and Steve felt his heart tug, he couldn't seem to steady his own voice, "P-peggy?" The woman nodded. "You wish to tell her all. I can give you this one chance to do so. You must take Agent Coulson back with you. He will be integral in your potential future... But first I must ask, do you wish to return to the ninteen-fourties?" Steve felt his legs shake with nervousness and anticipation. "Yes." His voice was firm but he felt his heart race at the thought.

The woman placed her hands in front of Steve and she traced a circle of sparkling light. Steve peered through the circle and saw the army base he had communicated with just before his crash. This was when I decided to go on that final mission. As Steve stepped through the portal he heard a sound come from behind him, Coulson had apparently been teleported to the same time as Steve Rogers. Their clothes were the same as the present day. Coulson blended in with the business crowd and Captain America... well he was Captain America. Steve turned to Phil and said, "I've been given a second chance to... to make thing right." Phil looked astounded and was about to turn to the portal and return to his time when the woman appeared. She spoke quiet words with Phil for a moment and Phil looked over at Captain America. The sad look was in his eyes again, but he turned back to the woman and nodded. She placed her hand on Phil and he vanished.

"Wait! Where did you send him!?" Steve panicked. She could have done anything to him. "He made a choice to change an event... he must do so carefully and does not want you to follow. He will see you soon. But now, you must walk this path alone. For it is a private path that Phil felt you must explore without his guidance. Go, Steve. This is your one chance to live whatever life you choose." She reached her hand out and gave Steve a pocket watch. "Wind this once to go backward one day. Rub the outside to call me to you. The chosen path will reveal itself in the picture in the watch. Use this wisely Steve Rogers. It will only work while you choose your path. Once your path has been chosen, the watch will be just a watch." Her body seemed to fade into the background.

A/N Please be sure to comment, even if you hate it/love it/ate cookies this morning/just had sex... whatever.

Hello Nifty-ers! If you don't already know me... I have three other series on Nifty "Psych," Merlin," and "Chuck." If you want to get a feel for my writing style try those! More updates soon on this story. Bear with me some weeks... my job can be stressful. This story will be Captain America and Phil Coulson so if you don't like that... send me a request and I might include it, or I might not. Either way you'll get an email from me. I also write a lot during the night so my grammar is not at it's peak. Sorry for the errors <- as a post-emptive strike. (pre-emptive for future chapters) If you like this story please comment! If you hate it... COMMENT! This helps me improve as a writer and gives me an idea as to what you all want. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to write many more soon! If you have questions about the French, shoot me an email.

-Mike XD

Next: Chapter 6

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