The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on Jun 4, 2018


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Chapter 12—Epilogue

Our lives are made up of many episodes that we braid together to make a continuity of ourselves. People and events become part of the braid for a while and fray off. And that Memorial Day weekend, which ended with Danny, is just one of the snippets of braided threads. It was an important one among many in my life. Yet, there are always questions, many unanswered. What happened next? What happened to? Why? Humans by nature are curious. We are curious about the world around us, the people in that world, sex. This is good, and I hope I never have all the answers because I am not sure I have all the questions.

Thread One

I showed up for work Tuesday exhausted and wanting to have a quiet day. I was barely at my desk when some of the more gossipy women were at my desk curious about my weekend because I had left them Friday with noncommittal statements but I was also obviously excited over something. I just told them that I went trout fishing for the first time and how exciting that was. I omitted the where and whom. Most of the ladies did not believe me. But let them guess.

Jack came in with chipper. "Good morning." A swarm of curious gnats moved from me to him.

Later he requested some financial figures. That put me in Jack's office. "So what are the vultures circling for?" he asked with a shake of the head.

"They wanted details about my weekend."

"And?" Jack asked.

"I told them that I went fishing, and it was a great weekend." I smiled at the thought of the weekend. "Some believed me, some did not. Let them image as they want."

"Limited lives." Jack commented.

"Thank you for inviting me." I paused thinking. "I have never had such great sex, but the companionship was better."

"Me too." replied Jack, "Me too."

The next day, Jack and I went to the gym together. He asked me as we were dressing if I had texted Danny.

"Danny found me," I said, waiting. I got the reaction I wanted and continued, "He showed up at my apartment Monday night."


"He decided the trophy needed to be in the bedroom on the dresser"

"You're killing me man."

"Danny spent the night. It was nothing athletic, but it was perfect."

"And now what?"

"We date, explore our feelings, experiment a little." I grinned at Jack, "He is anxious to meet Stud and Carissa for a meal."

"I'm happy for you, and I want to be the best man."

"Too soon, man." I was starting to see a future with Danny.

After I returned from the gym, the hens wanted the scoop on Jack's body. I demurred that it's impolite for men to look in a changing room. If they only knew what I knew about Jack's body.

Thread Two

After the not subtle continuing attempts to hook me up. I had had it with the women, so I confided with them that I was gay. I hoped that was the end of the matchmaking. It was not. Now they had eligible brothers, cousins, friends, friends of neighbors.

Finally, fed up, I stood up on my desk, "Announcement everyone, I have a boy friend; no more match making." Several of the other guys in the office applauded. Jack was in his office, which had a window. He fell out of his chair in hysterical laughter. The end result was I that I was left in peace. Perhaps because a single man just started. I hoped he was an open gay with more balls than I had when I started.

Thread Three

Leo invited me to meet him and his ex-wife at a gay bar. She thanked me for destroying their marriage and saving their friendship. They are both happier and now good friends. She was dating. That night she was Leo's wingman. She actively scouted the crowded bar looking for a partner for Leo. I do not understand women and find mates for single men.

Thread Four

I heard the Demetrius's wife sued him for divorced, irreconcilable differences. This is not a surprise. Jack sees him occasionally and says he has several women to pump his dick into. I just hope he is less aggressive.

Thread Five

Carlos is fighting extradition because he is an illegal immigrant. Apparently, his parents illegally crossed the border when he was six months old. He discovered it when he needed a copy of his birth certificate. He served in the military but is now facing deportation to Mexico. He is appealing, while he tries to earn citizenship. It may take five to ten years to prove he is worthy of citizenship.

Thread Six

Danny. We are dating seriously. The time apart has softened both of us, if that is the right word. I am more flexible and he is tamer. He and I have gone to Stud and Carissa's home a few times. You should see their basement. The Middle Ages did not have so many devices. Carissa liked to watch Danny and I double bang Stud, but we don't go very often any more. Believe it or not, it was too kinky for Danny.

Thread Seven

Jack and I went a few times alone to his cabin and a few with Danny. We three did a Labor Day weekend with Stud. It was fun, lots of sex. Jack in a leather thong and nipple clamps, if only for five seconds, was the highlight.

Thread Eight

Danny and I got married.

Jack was my best man and Stud Danny's. Jack and I wore white satin tuxedos. Danny and Stud wore black leather. One of Danny's sisters was a groom's person for me; she was sweet in white satin. Danny's brother stood with him. I think he enjoyed too much the leather pants. Carissa was the officiant; most of the men, however, were more interested in her cleave as it flowed out of her red leather bustier than the service.

My mother cried; I knew my dad would have approved. He always liked Danny.

Danny's parents were effusive about me being part of the family. His two sisters and one brother pulled me aside and gave me juicy stories about Danny growing up. They figured I'd need the ammo. I would like to say the stories shocked me, but they were pure Danny. Danny's parents gave us silver cock rings with our names engraved on each. My mother thought they were napkin rings—I didn't tell her otherwise. We bought two more and use them as napkin rings. Our gay friends are amused; my mother is impressed at our fashion style. And yes, we have used them as intended.

Stud and Carissa gave us a black box, which Danny and I refused to open in front of anyone. It was a variation of Rodin's Kiss, except it was two men. If you looked close, one has a woody. It sits on the dresser with my trophy, which I did turn into a lamp.

Jack and his wife gave us crystal stemware. I don't think Jack will be anything but vanilla, but I like his vanilla.

Leo and his boyfriend Sam and his ex-wife and her husband attended. It was nice to see them happy. Leo and Sam hinted at a camping trip. We did and Leo was a sexual animal.

Thread Nine

I finished my MBA specializing in international taxes. Learned some German and Japanese. Danny became a vet specializing in exotic animals, especially large cats. Our jobs have us traveling frequently. Often we can arrange together. Eating sushi from a navel is just as fun as schnapps, especially if the young man of interest is tied to the bed. Danny still has his kinky side, which I now encourage.

Thread Ten

Jack took a VP job in New York. We meet when we are passing through.

He sold us the cabin in Wisconsin, to which we immediately started adding civilization. It has running water, electricity, and indoor toilets. We added two bedrooms. It is totally off the grid: solar, wind, and propane. Now, it is gay rustic

We kept the fire pit and the outhouse. Part of the root cellar, Danny turned into a dungeon. We use it when we invite guys up for our candy weekends.

Thread Eleven

Danny and my marriage vows promised to love and cherish each other but not to be exclusive. It is all right for some couples and maybe when we hit 80 for us. Our primary rule is to be honest, say whom and give details. Often with share or one of us just watches.

We did not promise each other that we will love each other forever. Forever is such a long time and people change, needs change. We promise that we will love each other today. That is enough. I guess that explains why our relationship works.

Thread Twelve

I am of the opinion that people get old when they look more to what they did than what they will do. I vowed to never be so attached to the past that I cannot get excited about tomorrow. With Danny, I see many tomorrows.

Here is to tomorrow and all its unwrapped candy.

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