The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on May 22, 2018


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Chapter 4

I awoke the next morning with Jack still sleeping inside me. Stud had stoked the stove and put a kettle of water on top, firm bare ass bent toward me. My tongue lapped a little drool from my lip.

"As soon as it boils, I'll make coffee," he said. I could only nod because I had a mild hangover.

Stud moved around the stove checking the fire and the kettle. I scuttled away from Jack, who mumbled, "don't go", and crawled out of bed. I looked down and realized I was naked. I shrugged and said to myself what the hell: who cares.

Stud looked at me in my nature's own and stumbled out, "Want to help me move the table in. Then we can start breakfast. After a good fuck, I am sure everyone is hungry." So we went naked into the frigid morning.

Once the table and chairs were inside, Stud started fixing breakfast. The water was boiling and Stud took two large handfuls of coffee grounds and threw them in the kettle.

Stud turned to me and asked, "I need help" I blinked uncertain. "with eggs and other things for breakfast from the root cellar?" Again he gave me that smile like I was bread pudding soaked in brandy with a dollop of cream sliding over the edge.

I agreed, mostly because I had never seen a root cellar before. All I could imagine was a scene from Goonies. I threw on jean and a jacket. When I went out earlier naked, it was ball bluing cold; it was not much better now. We went out the front door and around to the north, I think-I looked for moss, side of the house. There beside the house was a door to a small room, much like the outhouse. Stud put a key in the padlock and opened the door. It was dark and damp and smelled of earth. Stud lit a battery lantern and revealed a staircase that led down into darkness. The root cellar was actually under the cabin and was very spacious. It had shelves, like in a library, against one wall and a canoe, oars, fishing equipment against another. The center had a large wine rack. It had about 20 bottles of wine, but could hold maybe 100. Stud led me over to the pantry area. There were canned goods: vegetables, fruit, tuna, escargot. The last almost surprised me. On a lower shelf were potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables that I did not recognize.

Stud said, "Timmy, grab six potatoes and two carrots, while I get the eggs and bacon." Stud went to one of three coolers and pulled out a cartoon of eggs and a pound of bacon.

Suddenly, Stud turned to me, he was still naked--the cold did not seem to bother him--and I saw all of him chiaroscuro by the lantern. "Do you like what you see?" he asked me.

I slowly eyed him top to bottom, bottom to top, and settling my eyes on his groin. "Mighty fine." He smiled his big but slightly embarrassed smile. I continued, "Now I know how you got the nickname Stud." He was not flaccid anymore, just a hint of tip peeking above the foreskin—sunrise in the mountains.

He laughed, "actually, if you promise not to tell anyone, Stud is my given name."

"No way! How?"

He shook his head and shrugged. "My Dad was a big fan of Studs Terkel, the author."

"Yea, I heard of him."

"Well," he went on, "there was a mistake on my birth certificate. The left off the final s. So Studs became Stud."

"Weren't your folks upset? Stud for a name. Not that it is bad." I hastily added.

"They did not realize the error until I was about two, so what could they do?"

"Didn't you want to have it corrected? It must have been hell growing up."

"My dad was very pragmatic. He just said I needed to grow into the name. And so I did."

Looking at his dick again, "So you did."

"So I did. In junior high when I was teased, I would pull it out, and it shut everyone up. By high school my size was mostly common knowledge. I would prance around after football practice and do helicopters. This impressed everyone. And I was always very popular with the girls. However, I fucked far fewer than my reputation claimed."

"Ever do boys then too because you would have had me all over you?" I asked.

"A couple of times. My best friend was gay, so we experimented. But we both decided I was best left for girls."

"So why are you here if you do not like sex with men."

"I did not say I did not like it," he replied, "I said I was not good at it. I guess you could say I'm bi, but then most men are."

"You get tired of vanilla ice cream and occasionally want some rocky road."

"Yeah, basically," he answered with a smile. "There are just some things that are better with a man." I nodded in understanding. "I work construction and am around men, shirtless men, constantly. But I am the boss and do not play with employees. These trips release some of that frustration."

"Yeah, I would have a hard, hard time around men all day. And I don't think I could hide it." I said patting the front of my pants. "so what are you looking for here?"

"You may have notices that all of us are pretty hot."

"Yes, very hot," I smiled thinking of Jack last night.

"And we are very diverse."


"This is to allow for any fantasy and many variations. We do not want the same. That is why we all, except you, have wives."

"So one gay guy is part of the diversity. Am I a quota?" I said with rising anger.

"Yes," replied Stud matter of factly, "Didn't Jack explain this to you."

"No!" I was getting steamed. "I do not like being manipulated."

"I am sorry," Stud said honestly concerned. "Do you want to go home?"

I paused, let my anger rise and then pass. "No, I am actually enjoying myself. I have never been away in the country before. I like the smell of trees and an open fire. I like the solitude and stars." I paused and stared at Stud long enough to make him uncomfortable. "I like the sex, so far." Stud breathed a sigh of relief. "Do I have to let all of you fuck me?"

Stud let out a great laugh, "Only if you want too. But if you don't, someone will be very disappointed because we are anxious to see what you can teach us. We are all a bunch of closet hedonists."

"Men after my heart...and ass." I paused again. "So what part am I to play with you?"

Stud looked at the ground, looked at the eggs and bacon in his hands, looked at me.

"Not something with raw eggs and bacon in a grubby root cellar" I said looking him directly in the eye. "I don't do food unless it is whip cream."

Stud took a step back, "No, no, oh no!. That is gross." a pause "Whip cream, possible if Jack brought some," Stud seemed to have his thoughts together and proceeded. "You know, the affair you had with the zookeeper." I nodded and waited guessing at where he might be going. "When our turn comes, could you do some of that with me?"

"I really do not like to be whipped, chained or abused." I said firmly.

"Not you, but me."

I was taken aback. I was younger then and more easily surprised. "OK," I replied hesitantly.

"On my job I am always in control. With my wife, she always wants me to be in control. I want you to be in control. Just nothing that I would have difficulty explaining when I get home."

"I and Dan did some interesting things that you might like." I looked around the root cellar. "There are a few things down here that might be...interesting."

Stud looked around the root cellar and panic crossed his face. Was he getting himself into something beyond what he thought. Finally, he said, "I trust you."

"That is the first step to being a good slave"

"Slave," he queried, "your slave?"

"Yes, my slave, but not until our time together. So move you're naked ass up those stairs. We have hungry men to feed." I flicked a finger against his butt. He jumped and grinned.

Stud trotted up the stairs like a happy puppy, locked the cellar door, and we went into the cabin to everyone's stares.

"Just getting some meat," I cheerily said as Stud and I entered the cabin.

We put everything on the table, Carlos put a frying pan on the stove while Leo pulled a bowl out from the storage space under the sink and began to break eggs into the bowl. Demetrius and Jack started setting the table. The last thing that Jack did was set the bag of candy on the table.

Soon we were all at the table eating like ravenous wolves and discussing who would be a better fuck: Channing Tatum or Matthew McConaughey. I suggested Matt Bomer. Everyone had seen Magic Mike...twice.

After breakfast, the candy bag was passed around. Jack went first and drew a Milky Way. Leo went next and pulled a Mounds. Demetrius and Carlos both had Snickers. I grabbed a Mounds and that left a Milky Way for Stud. Demetrius and Carlos went immediately to a bed. Jack and Stud said they would clean up. I looked a Leo.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" Leo asked grabbing my hand.

Next: Chapter 5

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