The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on May 23, 2018


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Chapter 5

"Leo," I said not having any other suggestions. "I would like taking a walk with you."

Jack broke in, "There should be some wild strawberries near the road, and you should find wintergreen at the edge of the woods." Stud handed me a bowl. "Go guys, have fun." He then winked at me.

As I passed Jack, he whispered in my ear, "Don't underestimate Leo."

Leo and I walked away from the cabin along the road in silence. My ignorance nagging me, I asked, "What do wild strawberries look like?"

Leo smiled, "City boi ne'er sawd a wild straawberree. Whell, they ain't nothin' lik' a city straawberree. No they tain't." He laughed; I laughed. The ice was broken.

"What am I looking for?"

"Wild strawberries are small—smaller than a pinkie thumbnail, and they hide under the leaves. So you need to look close."

We walked a while down the dirt road until he finally stopped, squatted, and said, "Here is a good size patch."

I looked around and saw nothing that looked like strawberries or strawberry leaves. Leo motioned me to stoop near him. As I watched him he pulled back a small shock of leaves and under were three small red beads.

"This is a wild strawberry." He picked the three and handed two to me.

I popped them in my mouth. They tasted like strawberries but with a touch of spring. "Wow, these are good." Leo just smiled in my pleasure. "Will we find enough for everyone?"

"Maybe, if Carlos doesn't get to them first," said Leo, "but not if we keep eating them."

Picking the berries was hard work. They were small and hard to find. They were very close to the ground so your back and legs hurt from stooping. But Leo made it fun. He was full of funny stories about his female patients. Women breaking teeth on the bedpost during sex. Strange items caught in vaginas. The ugly, the petty, and the absurd wove into his description of the women he was most intimate with. The things people say under anesthesia. The things women say about their children, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, and, of course, sex. We laughed for over an hour as we picked.

Abruptly, Leo stood up and said, "I don't think I can do this anymore."

I stretched and turned my spine to realign it after all the bending. "I think we have enough berries for a small plate each." I said.

"No," replied Leo with angst in his voice. "No, the whole gay thing."

"We do not need to have sex." trying to reassure him. "I am have fun just being with you. You are very funny."

"No, it is not about having sex with you. I want very much to have sex with you." I looked at him confused. "I think I am gay. And I am not sure I want to be."

I stopped. I looked at Leo and then looked at the trees trying to think of how I should respond.

"For me, I did not have to think that I was gay. I just knew I was."

"Fine for you, but I am married," he said as if that explained everything.

"But you are getting a divorce."

"Yes," said Leo, "and maybe it is because I am really gay. My wife says that I am distant when we make love."

"Are you?"

"Maybe," Leo thought and then continued, "we both enjoy the sex but there is something missing. A connection."

"I knew I was gay by the age of 13."

"How did you know?"

"I would be with friends at the mall, and they would comment on the hot chicks. I noticed the hot guys. The girls were attractive in an ethereal way. I would notice their sense of style, how they walked, the way they did their hair. It was very superficial. Now the guys, I would image them with their shirts off. I would want to stick my tongue in their ear. I wanted them to notice me."

"Let's assume that I am gay because all those things I would like to do to you." Leo found a log and sat down. "I have never wanted to do those things to my wife. Although I have done them."

"Yup, you're gay." I smiled at Leo to easy his turmoil and put a hand on his knee.

We sat there in silence for a long time, my hand moved up his leg—no response from Leo. "You know Timmy," Leo finally said, "I thought that admitting that I'm gay would destroy me, but," he paused, "I feel happy. I just worry about how it will affect my practice."

"A gay gynecologist should make your practice grow. I mean no worries about woodies from you."

Leo let out a loud laugh, "Got that right."

"Pretending to be who we are not is a great burden." I picked a berry out of the bowl and handed it to Leo. "This is a toast. Leo, to your found self."

He took the berry like was handing him a glass of champagne, put it to his lips, kissed it and then gently pulled my lower lip down and placed the berry in my mouth. I turned toward him and kissed, pushing the berry with my tongue into his mouth. Leo's eyes bulged, but he did not pull away. It ranked up there as one of the three best kisses I ever had.

"I guess, I'm gay." he sighed. "What the fuck do I know about being gay. I'm 37 years old."

"What the fuck do you know about being straight." I returned. We both laughed and he hugged me.

"Will you teach me?"

"I do not know that I am the best teacher," I replied, "I am only 22 and have a few things on my bucket list of perversions. Although this weekend is ticking off several."

"You still know more than me. Besides, I can think of no one better to learn from."

"Where do you want to start?"

"Blowjobs," replied Leo immediately, "Show me how to do a good blowjob."

So, I spent the next hour teaching a new born gay blowjobs. I would demonstrate on him and then he would reciprocate on me. If college had taught this way, I would have enjoyed learning more.

Leo was an adept learner. He had an average dick that was on the thin side. But his mouth could send a saint to hell. It was warm and soft. His tongue was almost prehensile in the way it curved around my dick. Within an hour, he gave me a very credible blowjob with the right amount of teeth to suction. Gasping as he sucked me dry, I whined, "Leo with that mouth you could make a Mormon marry a man."

He grinned as some sperm ran from the corner of the mouth. "You can spit it out if you like." I said coming down from one of the best blowjobs ever.

"Oh, should I?" He slid a finger over the drop escaping his lips and sucked it back into his mouth. "I really like the taste. It's like butter on popcorn."

"It's OK if you swallow." I reassured him, "Some people are queasy about it, and think it is not safe. And not all sperm tastes the same." I admonished. "I've had some really nasty that I couldn't spit out fast enough—gym socks and stale tobacco."

Leo laughed, "I definitely like yours." He gave a sly smile, "Ever think of bottling it?" He stood up and pulled me off the road to a small clearing littered with pine needles where he pulled me down onto the ground. He was stronger than he looked. "I want to learn anal, both active and passive."

I blinked confused for a second, "The correct term is top and bottom. No sex, no matter what the position should never be passive. If it is passive you are doing it wrong."

"I think my wife and I had mountains of passive sex." He frowned in thought, "I will need to apologize to her when I admit that I am gay." He looked at me intently. "You know I do love her, and always will." I moved closer to hug him. "But she is right; love alone does not make a marriage. But I will still be her best friend."

"Why did you marry her, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was in my last year of residency; I had secured a position in Chicago at a fertility clinic. I was single, lonely, confused about sex—almost a virgin. She was a nurse at the hospital, smart, cute and perky, and a big flirt." Leo smiled at the remembrance. "We dated, had fun—she's so funny, you'll like her when you meet her. Marriage seemed the next step in a normal life." Again, Leo slipped into the funk he had in the car to the cabin. "I guess I am not normal." That elicited a thin rueful smile from Leo.

"Leo you are gay and that is normal. Being gay is normal. Never think that you are not normal. Not normal is being gay and denying it. One of the great things about this adventure for me. I am never this sexually active. The last time I had sex was over two months ago. One of the great things about this weekend is meeting you. I would love to continue being friends afterwards."

Leo pulled me into a tight hug, mostly to hide the start of tears. He pulled away. "I need to know how to fuck. Top and bottom and sideways if possible."

"Sideways is possible and so is upside down. If the body can move that way, you can fuck that way." He gave a sound laugh and slapped me on the shoulder. Before I could take a breath, his pants were down and his dick was up. "I think we will start you fucking me. I still need a little time to recover from that awesome blowjob. I'm not 17 any more."

I slide off my jeans and positioned myself on my back on a soft bed of pine needles (mostly soft, the needles insisted on poking me occasionally too). We will start with missionary position, since you are probably familiar with that. Except aim for my ass."

"Right, no vagina," Leo slide a condom on and some lube. "I've fucked guys this way before. I've come with Jack for these weekend several times. We always fucked this way." Leo cautiously entered me, gentle like I was rice paper.

"That sucks," and then I quickly added when I say the look on Leo's face, "what you are doing is good. I meant that you tried only one position." Leo smiled and started serious pumping. "Slow down. My ass is not a fast food joint. Feel me. Feel my muscles contract and release. Try to find my prostate. It will increase my pleasure, which will increase yours."

Leo's face changed from grim warrior to beatific vision. "Yes, you are part of my rhythm. I feel you. You are definitely not passive. I never knew sex could be so spiritual, so intimate." He leaned into me, not loosing pace, and kissed me. "I am getting close. Time to cool off." He gently pulled out and collapsed on top of me. "That was fun." Leo's face beam from exertion and delight.

I was so proud that I had birthed a gay. "Now fuck me when I lay on my stomach, then we will try doggy style and finally my ass in the air."

"I don't know I'll last that long." Leo mimed exhaustion. I laughed and rolled on my stomach to pine needles in my balls. Leo, with more confidence entered me. I squirmed as he hit my g-spot repeatedly. He was getting better. My temporary fugue from the steady waves of pleasure broke when Leo started panting, "Oh, shit, fuck , fuck, fuck, I'm coming, FUCK." Then he collapsed on my back. "That was fucking amazing," he said, "I don't know why all men aren't gay." His breath was rapid in my ear. I was ready to fuck Leo.

Leo rolled over onto his back trying to regain focus. "I want to rim you first. It will relax you, and it feels damn good."

"I am not familiar with rimming?"

"I play with you anus with my tongue"

"Like hell you will." Leo growled, "It's disgusting."

"For many people everything we are doing is disgusting. I guarantee you that it feels amazing."

"I don't care how amazing. I'm a doctor and I know the diseases that are present in fecal matter."

"If you are properly cleaned, the area is tasty." I gave Leo a dirty smile.

"Right now I am not clean. No rimming." Leo saw disappointment on my face. I was so looking forward to giving him that first experience. "Maybe another time." I sighed disappointment but pulled out a condom and extra lube. "It is now my turn to explore your insides."

I took a large amount of lube and played with his rectum. He stiffened; I said relax. My continued massaging released some tension. "I am now going to insert one finger into your rectum. It may be uncomfortable at first, but if you relax the sphincter, it will be easier." He nodded, but understanding is not the same as doing. God he was tight.

As I pushed further in, I saw his face scrunch as I pushed forward. "I am using one finger then two and finally three. This will loosen you up so that my penis will feel more comfortable to you when I enter."

Leo nodded, but his eyes were closed as he concentrated on how his body felt. I found his prostate and his eyes opened wide. "That feels so good."

"It gets better." I had three fingers in and twisting around until I felt his ass relax. "I am going to insert my penis now. It may hurt a little, but it will soon be replaces with intense pleasure." I inserted and gently made my way partial in, then partially out repeatedly until I was sure he was fully prepared for deep penetration. I found his prostate and made every effort to tease and please it.

Leo moaned, "Yea, that's it. Wow, Fucking amazing." I noticed his cock was erect and oozing. I quickened my pace. Leo grabbed his cock and started jacking. Our rhythms were synced. I started to perspire, despite the chill in the air. Leo was thrashing his dick as if it were a viper. My balls tightened and I shot, screaming blessing to the trees. I stayed in and kept a soft motion while Leo brought himself to the peak and over.

I snuggled into Leo, and we lay motionless for forever. "Is it always like this?" Leo asked.

"No," I had to be honest. "Sometimes better, not often, more often worse."

"How can anything we have done be worse than blissful?"

"Chemistry, mutual needs, lust can taint the encounter. I have been with men who were only after themselves. The sex was OK, I got off, but it was nothing special. Today was special." I kissed Leo. His lips are very soft.

Finally, we got more practical: safe sex, how to pick up a guy in a bar or on the street, how to estimate the size of a dick from 10 feet, how to enjoy just the presence of a man.

It was almost noon; we had laughed ourselves silly. Leo said, "I guess we need to get back."

"We don't want to ruin our reputations and have them think we were intimate."

"I feel that you have ruined me. And I like being ruined." I hugged Leo as we walked back to the cabin side by side. Suddenly, Leo broke away and rushed over to a group of trees. "I almost forgot the wintergreen."

"Wintergreen is a real plant and not just a flavor of gum?" I asked as I followed Leo.

"Here, over here," pointed Leo to a small plant waxy dark green leaves. He plucked a leaf and handed it to me. It smelt similar to peppermint but with the scent of wind as it comes across Lake Michigan when it freezes.

"Pick a couple of hands-full. And look for the red berries; they are very good too."

"What will you do with the leaves? They seem tough," I asked.

"You are right they are too tough to eat. Chew a leaf and then spit it out like gum."

I popped a leaf and chewed. It was nothing like wintergreen mouthwash. It was like peppermint on steroids. It was ice, pepper and juniper. "This is amazing" I smiled at Leo. "Want to take some home with me."

"You can put the leaves in vodka." Leo added as we gathered leaves and berries like children hunting for Easter eggs.

"How will you use them?" I asked

"I'll make a tea from the leaves and serve the berries with the strawberries," answered Leo. "The tea is good on a chilly night, particularly with brandy."

When we got back to the cabin, everyone was on the patio in back. I ran up and showed everyone. "See what Leo and I picked," I enthused.

Jack looked at me and Leo and the grins on our face and said, "I bet it wasn't only berries that were plucked." Leo just grinned broader.

"Wash everything well, I don't want forest critters in my berries." Jack stated. "And lunch will be ready soon." Jack looked at me, "I hope you have enough stamina for another go at the candy bag."

"Feed me and I will have another three of four loads to give."

"I will be happy to over stuff you if it will aid the cause," Stud smirked.

Next: Chapter 6

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