The Bag of Candy Weekend

By Ronald Speener

Published on May 24, 2018


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Chapter 6

Jack and Stud were finishing the burgers for an al fresco lunch complete with French fries fresh from a large cast iron pot sitting above the fire. Soon everyone was chowing down of the burgers with pickles and onions, fries, and a green celery jello that Jack's wife made for the trip. The jello was not that bad.

"I really need to shower and shave. I must smell like a bear by now," I said. This elicited stares from all the other men. Like I had farted at a dinner party.

"We are in the wilderness," Jack stated flatly. "We do not shave or shower."

Demetrius chimed in, "We are natural for three days."

Stud added, "You can always wash up in the stream over there." He pointed to where we had looked at the river yesterday. Everyone laughed.

"A wash up in the stream sound pretty good to me." I smiled, "I have a lot of cum to wash off." Everyone agreed that I was a cum magnet.

Carlos spoke up, "Yes, you need a good dip in the stream. Why don't we carry him down there now?"

Leo grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms. Soon all of the guys were on me divesting me of all my clothes. I struggle only enough to be a challenge but not a hindrance. Five hot men ripping my clothes off, every gay guy's fantasy. Soon I was buck-naked and carried, a guy each to arms and legs with Leo marching between my spread out legs; he occasional tickled my balls.

Once we arrived at the banks of the river, Jack said, "We need to take him over here where there is deeper water. Don't want to damage anything on the rocks." Jack leading the way, they carried me screaming and kicking to a smooth area of water below a stretch of rocks and boulders.

"One," yelled Jack.

"Two," screamed Stud.

"Three," chorused all of them, and then I was airborne. I flew high and far, arms flailing, into the stream. I hit the water and every muscle and bone in my body contracted at the cold.

I came up, "Holy fuck, fuck, fuck that is cold," I screamed as every pore went into hypothermia. "You fucking bastards. I'll get you for this." I wanted to yell more but my sack was suddenly pulled to my throat by the cold. What made it worse was that everyone on the bank was in hysterics at my dripping body. I stumbled to the shore seething so that I barely felt the cold. I started to trip and stumble over some small rocks at the edge of the river. Jack saw I was having trouble and gallantly came and extended his hand. I grabbed Jack's hand, planted my feet and yanked. Jack came flying over me and landed in the water.

I finished climbing out and yelled, "Who is next." They three remain on shore tried to scramble to safety but Carlos slipped and he was mine. They had underestimated my strength and Carlos was soon in next to Jack. "Come back here," I yell after Demetrius, who was well up the path by now. I glared at Leo, who was just smiling at me. Stud went over to help Jack, but Jack with a gleeful yelp pulled Stud in.

"I guess I deserve a dunking too," Leo said still with a bemused smile. He took off his jacket and handed it to me. "I brought your clothes." I looked at him madder than drag queen with a wardrobe malfunction. "Do you want to throw me in or push me? Pushing might be better since I am larger than you."

I walked up to Leo, glowered at him and then throw my arms around him. "Thank you for the clothes." He put his arms around me and I felt his warmth. It felt good.

Carlos, Stud and Jack had manage to emerge from the river laughing and splashing each other.

"That was a good one Timmy," said Jack.

"Damn you're strong," added Carlos.

"You all better remember that," I said

"Got to watch out for the skinny guys," Stud said with admiration.

"Well we need to dry off before our cocks freeze off," grinned Jack. "It would be a bummer weekend."

We laughed our way to the fire pit, which Stud had built up in the morning, arm-in-arm, a picture of male bonding. However, I think was more that we were all so cold that we needed each other's warmth.

At the fire pit Jack, Stud, and Carlos striped off their wet clothes and laid them on the logs around the fire pit. The four of us, with Leo sitting on a log, stood naked near the fire, first dick side, then butt, side, rotating as each side heated up. Leo looked at the four of us, took off his clothes and joined us around the fire.

Jack checked his clothes, "Still damp."

"Naked is good," rejoined Stud.

"It is candy time," said Jack as he looked at our naked bodies and our shriveled members.

"Now that," answered Carlos, "will warm me up."

So five naked guys walked back to the cabin enjoying the warmth of the sun on our bodies. The bond between us was not sexual. It was men who enjoyed each other's company. I understood now the real reason Jack had these outings.

In the cabin was Demetrius, playing solitaire. He looked up at the five of us, shook his head and turned over another card.

"You missed one hell'va good time," Jack said.

Demetrius looked at Jack and said, "I don't want my ball froze back to nubs like yours are now."

Jack looked down, "Damn, I've been gelded." He looked at the rest of us. "Sing for us Stud. You look like a castrato."

"A warm mouth has great healing powers," Stud replied.

"Yes, it is candy time," yelped Jack. Jack went to the wall where his bed was up and took the bag of candy from the shelf.

I was given the honor of going first. I drew a Mounds. Leo next drew a Snickers. Demetrius pulled a Snickers. Jack pulled a Milk Way. I was excited because it was fifty-fifty that it would be Stud. Carlos reached in and grabbed a candy bar, but he hid it from view. Stud put his hand in and move his hand around as if he was looking for gold. There was only one candy bar left. He took his out and hid his candy bar also. Both Carlos and Stud knew what the other had and who they were paired with. It was either Jack or me.

Carlos looked inside his hand as if he had a treasure. "Do you want to exchange," he asked Stud.

"No, no, absolutely not," blurted out Jack. "That is not in the rules. What you pick you keep."

"Where in the rules," asked Carlos, knowing that there were no written rules.

Stud broke in, "Jack is right. I will keep what I have." He then tossed his Mounds bar at me. I smiled and Stud blushed. "Come Timmy, I promised to take you fishing." With that, we rose and left the cabin.

We went to the cellar and Stud grabbed two paddles, a pair of fishing poles, a tackle box and a basket with a hole in the top. I had never seen a basket like this before.

Stud winked at me. "I will teach you how to fish if you show me how to play hard."

I smiled back at Stud, "We will needs some rope." I looked around and grabbed a butternut squash from a bin.

Stud winced. "I hope that is not going up my ass, he asked, fear and anticipation in his eyes.

"Only the small end," I paused, "to start with." I gave him my most evil grin and tossed the orange phallic gourd into the air, giving it a nice spin. I then grabbed a bottle of wine. I looked at it; good it had a screw top. "This will ease the pain," I said. Stud just looked at me, then together we took everything up out of the cellar.

Once everything was on the lawn, we put the fishing poles, wine, squash, ropes, canoe, paddles and other things that Stud said we might need. "I need a few thing from inside," I said and then dashed inside. Inside, I took my night bag from my case, pulled a few thing out and put a few things in. As I was leaving, I grabbed some Twinkies, chips, a candle and matches. Jack gave me a curious stare. "We might get lost and be out after dark." I said giving him an innocent look.

"Why not take a lantern or flashlight?" he asked.

"Candlelight is far more romantic,"

Jack shrugged, "You and Stud need to tell me later. This is just too kinky for me."

"Kinky is a word for the narrow minded," I laughed and darted out of the room, stuffing the stuff in my bag.

Once outside, Stud was waiting by the canoe. "So what did you need?" he asked.

"You will see," I replied with a cryptic smile and patting my bag.

We picked up the canoe and headed off, not toward where we went the night before but toward the outhouse. "I need to stop in here," I said pointing to the outhouse. "I have been trying to avoid it but the force is strong inside me." Stud laughed. "Do you want to accompany me?" I inquired.

"You need me to wipe your ass?" laughed Stud.

"No," I said with a certain amount of dignity, "I have never used one before and do not know the protocol."

"What protocol? You go in, sit, shit, wipe, and leave."

"That I know," I smugly replied. "I was potty trained before the age of two." I paused, "I am afraid of snakes"

"To cold for snakes. I am having second thoughts about such a sissy being my trainer."

"We all have our fears, and maybe I will find yours." evil grin.

The inside of the outhouse was remarkably clean and a fresh roll of toilet paper hung from a hook across from the seats. I figured it was Leo that cleaned the place, gynecologist and hygiene. I sat; Stud stood and peed. God, he had a fucking large dick soft, and with luck, I would be the riding that stud.

Once outside, Stud looked at me, "Was that so terrifying?"

"No, but then I had a big, strong man to protect me." Stud did not reply. "But we will see how big and strong he is by the end of the afternoon."

"Are you challenging me?" Stud asked.


We followed a small path through the wood to a river. Last night was a stream; this was a river. It was about fifty yards across with large boulder, eddies, and a ripples on our side.

"This is a good place to put in because it is shallow and slow. The opposite side is deep and fast. And a ways up this side is deep and fast."

"Does the stream you threw me in run into this river?" I asked.

"Yup. Just behind those trees." Stud pointed to some pine trees that kissed the edge of the water. "Once we get in we need to paddle upstream toward the middle. The current is slower there."

"Why upstream?" curious because I had never canoed before.

"It is easier returning downstream tired than paddling upstream tired." Stud suddenly looked at me with panic realization. "You have never canoed before!"

"The wildest water I have been in is the Lazy River at a waterpark. Is this a problem?"

"You can swim?" I nodded yes, "That is something; it just means more work for me. You get in first, face front, sit and do not move." Stud held the canoe parallel to the bank, and I carefully move to the front. It was like being in a waterbed that was alive. The front of the canoe wanted to splay out into the river, but Stud had a firm hold. He was soon in the back of the canoe paddling with strong, firm strokes. "Now sit very still," Stud commanded. And very still I sat; I knew how cold the water was.

After a few minutes where Stud maneuvered the canoe to the middle of the river, we were silent. Finally, I risked asking, "Where are we going?"

"There's a small island up river that has a calm part below it. It is a great place for catching trout." Stud did not lose a single stroke as he talked. "I built a small platform up in the trees on the island last year when I was up here with Jack. It should still be standing."

"A treehouse." I was excited because as a kid I had always wanted a treehouse.

"Not a house, just a floor and the trees for a roof." Jack answered. "Treehouses make you feel so above the world, separate. Didn't you ever have a treehouse?"

"It is pretty difficult when you live always in an apartment."

"Oh," Jack responded. "I need your help right now, pick up the paddle and put it in the water on your right side." I put the paddle in. "No flat side facing the water. Hang on because the current will want to rip it out of your hand." I did as he said. "Now dip the paddle in the water in front of you and pull the paddle back in one long pull." I did. "Not bad, again." As I pulled my paddle back, Stud did the same on his side and the canoe slide forward in the water.

I was so excited that I started to turn around. "Hold on, don't turn." The canoe began to rock; Stud steadied it with his paddle. "Now when I say `stroke', dip your paddle in and stroke."

"Stroke" I stroked, then Stud stroked, "Stroke, stroke, stroke." Soon we had a rhythm and the canoe moved gracefully up stream. I felt a synchronicity with Stud that was more than just the timing of our paddles. "Have you ever had sex with a woman?" Stud broke my bond.

Taken aback by the sudden noise, I took a few seconds to reply, "Yes, I experimented in high school.'

"Go on," encouraged Stud.

There was this girl; she was very pretty. A cheerleader.

"You nailed yourself a cheerleader?"

Don't sound so surprised," I replied tersely. I was popular in high school."

"Continue," Stud waved his free hand.

"Well, she came on very strong, because I did not date anyone in high school. I was semi closeted and more butch than fem."

"That has changed," snorted Stud.

"Be nice," I warned, "I can swim."

"Sorry. Proceed."

"We started having lunch together, I helped her with homework. We then dated, went to movies, I asked her to the senior prom. She accepted."

"How long did you date."

"She started her seduction the end of junior year. We did not see each other during the summer. Then she came on stronger the start of senior year."

"And you didn't do anything that whole year. If she was that hot to trot I would have banged her after three weeks."

"I think I was her second, and the first was not magic."

"You were magic?"

"Yes, I was magic. I was shy, romantic, and mysterious, and gay."

"I wish I had tried that in high school. I took what I wanted, and if they did not want me, some didn't, there were others that did."

"You were one horny fucker then."

"Yes, I think it ruined my appreciation for women. Things acquired too easily are not appreciated."

"The curse of being a stud." We both laughed.

"OK, go on." Stud was breathing heavily from paddling, I think.

"Any way, September and October we socialized. November and December we started dating. I gave her a friendship ring for Christmas. January and February we did heavy petting."

"What is heavy petting?" Stud asked.

"We kissed. I sucked her tits. I finger fucked her. She helped me jack off."

"Wow, how could you not just jump her and fuck her silly."

"I'm gay you know. It does not have the same attraction to me."

"Right, I fuck men and I'm not gay. A nice man ass is tighter than many pussies."

"We did eventually have sex, but that was latter."

"Sorry, I did not mean to interrupt."

"Around Easter time, I found courage and told her that I thought I was gay."

"Whoo, how did that go over."

"She kissed me and said, `Maybe, maybe not.'"

"What, she did not hit you, scream, yell, kick you in the balls."

"No, she said that she thought I might be gay too, but she still liked me, and we would always be friends."

"That was it?"

"Oh no, she said, `I still want you to make love to me, just once. And then you can decide'."

"Fucking way no."

"Some women think that the right woman will change a gay man to straight. All it does is confuse them or offer an alibi."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"But that was not her; she really like me for who I was inside. She felt it was better if I discovered one way or another with someone who would not judge."

"Fucking amazing."

"So we went to the prom together. I had arranged a hotel room for afterwards. The prom is one of my best memories. We danced, we laughed, we slow danced like lovers. My guy friends would ask if I had plans for afterwards; I was noncommittal. Her gal pals were begging her to call the next day with details."

"Your prom dance was sure better than mine. I just got drunk, and fucked my date in the back of the limo."

"After the dance we went to the hotel room where I had a dozen red roses and sparkling pear juice."

"No champagne/"

"I was under twenty one and had promised my parents and her parents that we would not drink."

"You were a geek."

"Still am." I smiled and tilted the paddle, which earned a frown. "In the room we sat on the bed, nervous. I put on a mix I had prepared of Barry Manilow, Luther Vandross, and Lionel Richie."

"That is mood music?"

"We ... she finally kissed me and started unbuttoning my shirt. Soon we were both naked in bed. The rest is a bit of a blur."

"That bad?"

"No actually it was great. We were Romeo and Juliet if they had not died. The sex was great. She said it was the best sex she had ever had."

"Women will lie that way."

"She was not lying."

"So you not gay?"

I laughed. "No, I said that the sex was great, but I was definitely gay."

"You lost me."

"You said you like sex with men, but you are not gay. One can have sex with someone and it is just sex. She knew I was gay because we had good sex but did not make love. Sex is superficial; love is intimate. She knew the difference."

"So what happened?"

"We got dressed, watched some Letterman, stopped for a bit to eat and had her home by 2:00 AM. We had a deep, long kiss on the porch, more for the benefit of her parents and younger sister who were peeking behind the blinds."

"So what happened to her?"

"We are still very close friends. I told her about this weekend. She has finished her masters in counseling and is working on a PHD."

"So is she married? Does she compare her husband to you?"

"Strangely, and it is not my fault because she was planning this before prom, she became a nun."

`Holy crap, no fucking way."

"She did not want to go into the convent without knowing what she would miss. She felt it made the decision more rational."

"Timmy, you keep amazing me: fucking in a lion's gage, bagging a nun, almost nun."

I smiled, sort of amazed too. "And now this weekend and you five. You know this is every gay man's fantasy. Fucking straight men in hopes of turning them gay."

"Sort of like girls with gay men?"

"Yeah," I suddenly felt manipulative, the puppet master. "But not any of you guys, I definitely like you straight. You are more like a cookie jar that I am finally tall enough to reach. Despite my trepidation at the beginning, I am really enjoying myself. And it is not just the sex, which has been good so far." I did not mention Leo. It was his right to tell or not. "I do not want you to be the first disappoint meant."

"I never disappoint." Stud huffed.

I silently congratulated myself; I was the puppet master. Stud was mine to use.

Stud was slowly guiding us upstream when a tree covered island loomed into view.

Next: Chapter 7

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