The Ballplayer

By G-Rex

Published on Dec 7, 2000


The characters, story line and locations within this story are pure erotic fantasy, involving the mutual passion of two minors. The story is original and may not be copied without the approval of the author.

The Ballplayer (4)

It was 8:30 Friday morning and the week had gone very well for Elroy. Coming into the breakfast room the boy looked spectacular in his chosen black Corinthian leather pants and jacket with alligator belt and boots, stud wear for his lineup of classes for today and for later. In two of the classes he was always the center of attraction, with the girls especially, and especially with his current fuckdoll Edna Raye who was in both, biology and homeroom studies. He had spent the afternoon yesterday at his friend Zacks playing and drinking beers with the girls. They had ended up naked as usual, with Zack dickin Edna's sister "wha the fuck, name", in his bedroom while leaving him alone on the small living room couch to fuck the brains out of his nympho Edna.

He was disgusted with the bitch when she had screamed and beat at him when, as a kinda change of pace, he drove deep up her fat ass with his rubber encased cock. "Bitch only take it halfway an ah din even get it.fucking bitch". "Wha a shitty stink.fuckin ho". "Then she say she love me..can believe the skanky girl." "Fuck her sorry ass.she screamin like a nickel me wi no nut.fuckin white bitch!" He had withdrawn to clean up in Jake's private bath with little Edna taking the guest bath to do the same, both frustrated and unsatisfied, and, finished with their ministrations, had driven her home in silence to the same house he had brought Bobby last week, and, the boy, not being too dumb, connected the dots. "Damn....least someone in tha family lik ta git me a nut, ...fucking bitch", he thought, as he kissed her insincerely and watched her move up the walkway through the picket fence gate, and enter the house.

The next morning, Jake Richy greeted his son as Elroy walked to the breakfast buffet, then continued his work, entering the material log for the coming week's executive meetings into the laptop. "Hey, wassup dad, mine if ah take da James t'school t'day....gutta thin goin", smiling knowingly at the big man seated at his desk. He took the food offered by their attending cook along with the messages he had failed to read that week, and gazing out the bank of windows overlooking the exquisite formal portico into the manicured boxwood gardens, he nibbled at the bacon and egg sandwich their cook always had ready for him while looking over the messages. Rak had called him for the third time. "Sheeeit....forgot all bout the boy", he mused, and, standing there gazing out, he promised himself to call him later, but not today, he was gonna be busy. His dad looked up and gazed at his leather clad boy, so tall and strong for just 16, he couldn't help but feel a tremendous pride welling up within him.

"Anythin you wanna do Elroy....of course, take the James but be sure that Bruce gets it cleaned before you put it back in the carriage barn." Jake's passion was classic autos and bikes and he had constructed a rear showroom addition to his eight-car garage to showcase his collection, including some very classic early, restored Indians and Harleys, along with several custom bikes. This particular bike was made especially for him by the famous Jesse James, an apple green beauty with blinding custom chrome exhaust, riding low and when in motion, the piston fire could be seen striking the four cylinders in the open casing at top, in a deep rumble, like something moving out of Hades, moving to take possession of this small Akron suburb of Oakmont. Elroy was spectacular in it and for some reason he wanted to further impress the very young date he had this evening. His mind wandered back to last night's blue-ball failure,. ".fuckin bitch.", he muttered, "Show her....gwan git me s'mo o tha baby puss".

The leathers were riding up tightly on his very muscular legs and thighs and as Elroy turned to leave and without any self-consciousness, moved his jock encased dick and nuts, adjusting them for comfort and show. Jake watched his son, laughing at the boy, "hey Elroy, yo gonna wear tha thang out fore yew reach yer nex birday....done go catchin nothing I wouldn't catch", he chuckled, knowing his son very well and that his boy had been using rubbers since he was eleven. His love and confidence in his son was total and Elroy's affection for his Dad was returned in equal measure. They shared the grief of the loss of the only woman they both had loved. Elroy's mom had been killed in an aircraft accident when he was just ten and they had fallen as close together as father and son could get in solace and comfort, he being the only child that the couple had yet produced. Jake and his wife had opted for his career advancement over any more children. It had been a serious and bitter mistake for Jake. He had so wished for a girl....a girl resembling his beloved wife Donna. Sighing, he returned to his laptop, "Ha a great day boy....see ya t'night....later".

The chauffeur had been alerted and was standing beside the custom James with its orange fire licks covering the fenders and frames on a bright metallic apple green background, blinding in the early morning sun. Elroy acknowledged his chauffeur, Bruce, with a nod and, tying down his gym gear and book bag, mounted the molded seat, the wide low frame throwing his huge legs out. Kicking the manual starter, the bike roared to life, and the chauffeur watched as his employers handsome son roared down the winding entry way, the auto gate opening electronically at his approach, he watched as the boy flew off, the gold maltese cross-decorated helmet protecting his head, all black leather, brilliant chrome and apple green-orange fire, looking like some very rich Hell's Angel out on a rave.

8 year old Bobby had risen early for his chores. He had to clean the bathroom on Fridays and his mommy helped him. They had just finished up with the tub and Rachel turned to her child with the lotion she had been using to heal the bruises her son had gotten last week from his, "fall on the slide". "Oh, mommy, I done need no more of that. I'm ok now..see?"....showing her that the bruising was almost gone except for some dark remnants low on his throat. "Just let me check honey and we'll see..", and then, satisfied with the healing, Rachel got up, returning the salve to the medicine chest after the closer inspection. The boy, his chores finished, returned to dress for school and for later. He had anxiously anticipated his date all week. Rachel puttering around downstairs, hustled the twin 16 year old girls, Jeanette and Edna out the front door, handing them their bag lunches as the walked to off to the bus stop. It was an exhausting routine but so far she was able to get it done. Her older son Charlie had visited with them last night and was staying over on the couch. The young man was still asleep as she walked past him quietly, into the kitchen to clean up and ready herself for her workday. Coming back through, she placed a breakfast of ham and eggs down for her oldest son, shook him awake and went upstairs to complete her preparation for work.

Bobby's little frame looked lost in the very loose fitting denim shirt and low riding baggy pants, belted to hang on his tiny hips so that his white jockeys showed. He was gonna show Elroy he was "the man" too. His long white blond hair was washed and uncombed, haphazardly falling over head, shoulders and blue eyes, and framed his beautiful face hiding portions of it behind a lovely screen that needed continuous brushing back for the child to even see where he was going. He knew he looked good and wanted to make his big boyfriend like him a lot, just like he liked him a whole lot too. Taking up his shoulder book bag, he launched out and down the steps, picking up the lunch bag left for him on the hall console, and, shouting back, "See ya later t'nite mommy. I'll be home late, gonna play at my friend Jimmy's house", he ran out and down the walkway and through the gate to catch the fourth grade school bus coming up the street. Rachel heard her son leave, and, thinking nothing of his remarks about getting home late, happily sang to herself as she finished dressing.

The classes had been so fucking boring for Elroy he had skipped homeroom studies and moved early to the gym for his workout and some quick basketball. The play had left him alert and tired at the same time as he returned to the locker room to change. There were just a few of the team along with the 2 PM class, getting dressed for their PE routines, as he finished up his reps. Standing and glancing out over the playground, he couldn't see anyone, and walked back to the showers through the crowd of smaller boys who cast furtive glances at the big black naked boy, towel in hand, easily moving like a panther through them and into the shower room. The few boys there who had waited to finish up, moved quietly in behind him just to catch further glimpses of the massive endowment hanging between Elroy's huge black thighs. A few had to turn facing the wall to hide their erections, not wanting to be humiliated and called a fag or nothing.

It was a show Elroy loved to play. Soaping up his body, he rotated slowly; cupping his big soft 10-inch dick and tangerine sized balls, cleaning them languidly while whistling some inane tune he had heard. He bent over frequently, showing his ass crack to the boys and washed his hole and butt slowly as well. It always amused him to tease these white closet fags and watch them as they tried to hide their arousal from the others, turning up the heat to steam cover their embarrassment. Elroy's mind drifted back in anticipation of his secret meeting at the gazebo later on. Remembering the sweet feel of the constricting throat clutching at his shooting member, the big black snake began its rise at he handled it, his eyes closed, dreamily. He momentarily forgot that he had company there as he began to stroke his cock but snapped out of it when he heard, then saw two of the small ninth graders move on either side of him, taking up their showers, their erections plainly visible as well. "Sheeit....ah aint goin there no fucking way", he muttered", and, looking straight ahead, 11 thick dick inches jutting out, said, "Get yo skinny white fag asses ba o'r that uter side boys fore I f'get yo mammas wan you to live. Git the fuck o'r there, NOW". The two red-faced boys returned to the far shower wall and took up their positions again with the other boys, quickly finishing up, and left. They would be dressed and gone within three minutes, not wanting to risk any further humiliation from the huge black in the locker room.

Elroy returned to the locker and putting on his skanky yellow bike jockstrap, uncleaned for over two months now, walked over to the benchpress. Sitting down, he looked out to see a small boy dressed in clothes that were way to big for him, smiling and waving back at him through the picture window, not 20 feet away. Elroy's date had arrived. The big black teen, not wanting to give any notice or alert to the boys finishing up in the locker room, looked directly at the child, nodded and smiled, and spread his legs facing him. Reaching down and grabbing the thick pouch contents he pulled it up for show, smiling and licking his lips in a lewd expression of raw sexual anticipation, and the black dick chubbed out. Bobby's pretty thin face immediately grew very serious, his thin blue lips in a tight line as if avoiding the inevitable, and he immediately erected to a slim jim 3 inches, hard as a nail but nearly invisible in the baggy mass clutching low on his tiny hips. Turning quickly, the boy ran across the infield and toward the path that would take him to the gazebo hidden in the deep woods looking back frequently to make sure his big boyfriend saw his direction.

Elroy lay back on the bench and began his workout routine, massive yellow jock barely holding the contents there. The rest of the boys left him to himself as he went into his routine. A few minutes later, Coach Jackson walked out of his office and approached the boy. "Elroy, tell your friends to stop leaving messages here. This is the third message from this guy, Rak", and handed him the note. Elroy reading it was visibly annoyed as Coach walked back to his desk. "Hey boy, why you don't call and meet with me"..."I gotta tell you about the schedule for us next week, you wanna play don't you". With the return phone noted on the slip of paper Elroy crumpled it and bringing it with him, returned to his locker to dress, cutting short his finish, and not wanting to be too ripe for his boy. Getting back into the leathers was very difficult. When he was finished he took the helmet out of his locker to carry it out with him to his bike. "Fuckin thieves....steal my stuff", he thought, for the helmet was his fourth in a year and he had learned not to tie it down on the bike at school anymore. He was always on the lookout for his other three stolen helmets he was sure had been taken by one of the kids in the school.

The child watched from the edge of the woods as Elroy emerged from the school and walked toward the parking lot. His little mouth fell open in wonder and delight as he saw his big black lover start up the bike and turn it toward him. He was both shocked and amazed at the sight. Elroy saw the tiny boy peering out and he new he looked magnificent, riding in profile and showing the child a few bike moves including two wheelies. The color and glitter of the cycle left Bobby's mouth hanging open in awe. As Elroy turned off the road toward the opening, he slowed down on the grass, making sure that the soft ground would not obstruct his entry, while Bobby seeing him approach, turned and ran through the sun-dappled woods to the gazebo, in excitement and anticipation. Not wanting to appear like a goofy kid, he adopted his most casual pose, leaning on the post at the stair entrance and waited for Elroy to emerge into the clearing, the roar of the 4-cylinder engine shattering the silence of the woods. Bobby saw the carburetor explosions giving off an eerie blue light as the big bike threw off clouds of exhaust through the woods that appeared to ignite the smoke, and for a few seconds the boy felt the same fear he had felt last week. Taking a big gulp, arms casually folded on his thin chest, he put on his best most serious "man" look, and just before Elroy emerged, sitting wide and low on the magnificent vehicle, coming like a black ghost through the lightning haze, rumbling slowly toward the highly impressionable child. Elroy, seeing the boychild, knew he had scored already. The kid won't know what hit him and he had plans for him.."gwan git mah nut for sure wi this babyboy agin", "bettr'n any fuckin bitch ah nut sofar", he thought and he came to a halt, lowered the kickstand, and dismounted.

"Been waitin long honey?" he asked as he slowly moved toward the covered building. Bobby, intimidated and shying again at the approaching mass of tall black muscle, said, "Yessir.oh..I mean nosir.I.I just got here too", and Leroy, bending down to the boy, placed his leather gloved hand under the chin of the shy child and raising his little head, kissed his little lover, lingering to savor the innocent sweet boy taste and odor coming from Bobby. The child immediately clasped his thin arms around his lover's neck and Leroy lifted him like a feather pillow into his arms, carrying the child up the steps and into the privacy of the interior covered room.

They sat together, Leroy with the boy sitting on his lap facing him, as he petted the beautiful gold locks surrounding the pearl like skin of the child saying, "Yo.boy.ah tol yew ya was my babyboy din't I..and here I is for feel it honey.I save it for you baby".as his huge bike jock clad dick grew, pressing against the tiny ass of Bobby. Kissing each other lightly, the boy, pecked back on the neck of the enormous black teen, Elroy, loving the feel of the child against him, tilted the child's head again and again to lave his lips and pressed inward with his thick tongue trying to gain entry into the sweet chamber of the baby boy. The both of them were now highly excited, Elroy paused and drawing back said, "Hey Bobby, ya gotta hep me gi outta these leathers..fuckin thins painted on me boy". Moving the child off him, he stood in front and looking back down as he removed his leather jacket, said, "Now baby, wha done chew get outta them baggy pants..k? Standing there, he watched as the child quickly undid the belt holding the baggies up and shoved them down and off, leaving him in his tiny white jockeys, so cute, his little pencil dick sticking out. "C'mon man.hep me ou wi this thang boy", and moved to place the enormous leather covered dick bulge into the face of the child the cock smell and jock stench reeking through. "Hep me git them button open kid..c'mon yer hand up and open me up boy.yew want my dick doncha..gotta get it kid". And the child reached up and started in.

Elroy opened the wide belt and released the top clasp and button while the child grasped both sides that were loosened, and tugged down with all his might. There was a little give and, as Elroy released each button downward, the light force and weight of the little boy was enough to move the tight black leathers lower until, with the release of the final button, Bobby fell forward with the movement of the leathers down and over the huge jock encased genitals, falling nose first into the stinking yellow bike jock. Elroy clutched the blond head into him as his dick pulsed and leaked, soaking the smelly jock further, and the child, overcome by the odor or sex, began lapping like a puppy at the underside at the huge elastic-enclosed black nuts full of cum, "thes were they is boy, .hot chocolate baby milk in them balls boy, just fer yew honey".

Bobby, overcome by his lust for that cock, fell to his knees and, barely was able to get his little mouth around it, sucked in the massive purple meatus, holding the black tube with both small hands and, moving the stretched hood completely off the cockhead, he tasted the head cheese that Elroy so carefully had left for his boy all week, ...and there was a lot of it. Bobby loved it and sucked and sucked, licking all around the perineum until it was totally cleaned and eaten. He was addicted now and couldn't get enough, sucking on the head like his mamma's big brown teat. Elroy was going crazy and close to shooting. He leaned against the wooden frame, his black legs framing the cocksucking child and, bending his knees began to move the thick black snake into the child's interior but Bobby again sensed his need and attempting to push back, clasped the bull nuts, hanging down for the massive dick, and squeezed. " tha thang", and Elroy reaching down with one hand to hold the child's head in place, thrust forward, driving his massive black dickhead well past the tiny throat opening and down, the shaft curving deep into the esophagus of the choking child as little Bobby tried again desperately to back away.

Elroy went crazy.the feel of the little hands milking his nuts and the child struggling, sent him over the edge and, thrusting again, drove his cock the full 11 inches down the little boy's throat into his stomach and came.force feeding the beautiful suckling and struggling baby boy ropes of thick chocolate cream, again and again, into the little belly, however, this time he backed out of the child's mouth to where the little boy's lips locked behind the fat meatus, allowing him time to gasp for air into his lungs and to taste more of the shooting organ. The boy breathed deeply around the huge thick cockhead, feeling the pulsing dick along his thin stretched blue lips, as Elroy continued shooting cum into his mouth. They were developing the cock sucking rhythm, finally, and Elroy exulted at the aptitude of his tiny pupil, the huge muscles in his arms, chest, and legs aroused and bulging as he again drove forward in his best fuck yet, his steel asscheeks clenching in cum-shooting ecstasy. His fat black dick slid much easier down the slippery cum-soaked esophagus of the struggling child, again, to his bush hairs. He kept shooting for minutes into the boy.backing out,.shooting, . thrusting in to the hairs, .shooting, .the child, flopping around in front of the massive black triangle formed by Elroy's legs, struggling, completely skewered on the black teen's massive dick, held deep into his belly, and by Elroy's huge hand holding his head in place by his long blond golden boylocks, as Elroy in his ecstasy, fed him ribbon after ribbon of thick ropy yellow cockmilk.

They finished like that, the boy suckling and cooing, his tongue tasting the enormous cockhead slit, still oozing cum for him, as they both calmed down, the child nursing on the bull-man, grasping and pulling on the great black balls as if they were bull udders, and sucking for all he was worth, the child shuddered and came again, his fourth since the erotic ballet between them had begun over 30 minutes ago, and the man, leaning forward over the sucking child, his head resting on his supporting forearm, slowly fucked in and out of the mouth of the nursing baby boy, feeding him the last of his cum milk and sighing in the deepest sexual satisfaction of his young life. The teen didn't even know what a slave was or, for that matter, any of the sadistical acts performed by so many in the world today against the innocent, but he was an instinctive student, his charge, at his feet, completely dominated by the towering cumming fucker feeding him above.

Reaching down and lifting the sucking boy off his dick and into his arms, Elroy held the child to him and sat on the cold bench, his deflated and defeated 10 inch dick and balls resting between his flayed black thighs, the child in the saddle, his naked pink legs surrounding the teen's tight thin waist and they kissed again. Elroy tasted his tangy cum again as he sucked the boys tongue into his mouth, and Bobby, allowed the thick black tongue into his mouth sucking like crazy the substitute pacifier offered by his lover. Neither of them in their languid haze noticed the man looking in through the window opening, field glasses to his eyes. Rak, amazed and highly aroused by the display of lust he had witnessed, quietly withdrew into the woods but not out of sight of the clearing and gazebo have jacked off three times, and waited there.

"C'mon honey, ah wanna shew yew mah bike.les go on out ..c'mon boy..pick up ur pants an a got mine". Elroy stepped back into his jock and carried out his leathers the boy following behind, and they walked to the bike. The sun was still in the afternoon sky as the walked around it, the boy amazed and in love with it and Elroy, and the teen jock proud, his fat dick tumescent and encased in his stinky yellow bike jock. "Wanna see wha it feel like boy", he asked, and, lifting the jockey clad kid up into the bike saddle, watched as the boy leaned way forward making vvvvroom.vvvvroom noises, smiling, insanely happy to be there with his big man. Elroy, seeing the child's thin legs and addidas covered feet barely able to reach the pedalstands, grasped his dick pouch again and moving beside the boy bouncing up and down on the tooled leather seat, his little white clad ass slapping again and again on it, he kicked the engine over. Drawing his bare leg over and behind the child, Elroy mounted behind the child and clasping his bare midriff, pulled the little boybutt into his massive crotch. The child, deeply in love with Elroy now, the throaty roar of the 4 cylinder engine deafening in his ears, broke into an enormous toothy smile and continued bouncing, this time his little ass coming down again and again, arousing the elastic encased monster within.

Elroy had done it with a few of his bitches before.he took up his leather jacket and pants, removing the KY he had in the jacket pocket and made a bed on the gas tank which was custom made and set at a comfortable 45 degree angle, securing them under the leather seat. Moving back a bit, he watched as the child continued, both feeling the rumble of the idling bike in their loins. As it chugged in idle, the boy frequently looked back at Elroy, down at the stinky yellow jock pouch and then back to the bike and handlebars, absolutely beyond joy, and Elroy, opening his jock and smearing the KY all over his huge 11 inch dick put and extra gob of the goo all over the great thick and pointed purple head. "We gwana haffa do this to be real boyfriends Bobby.we gwana haffa fuck.cause tha watt' a man has'ta do baby keep it fine.yew gotta fuck with me now boy". And with that, he picked the child up and turned him back, resting on the leathers, and moved forward, raising the child's reed like legs together. Bobby gazed up at his lover fearfully but quietly and with trust now, as Elroy reached down and removed the little white briefs the child had worn to their secret tryst.

The boy's ass was incredible! Elroy gazed at the hard white baseball size buttocks and opened the boys legs. Bobby's little pencil dick stiffened to its nearly 3 inch highly excited length, as Elroy placed the heels of the child on each of his massive pectorals, too small to reach his shoulders, and greasing his fingers, softly applied the slippery clear jel to the tiny and impossible virginal opening, and pushed the grease inside, one finger entering the baby boy. Again and again he did it, with very little protest from the child. Amazingly, the boy was still hard and knew this is what big boys did on their dates, and he loved Elroy a lot. The feel and smell of the carbon blue smoke and the rumble of the engine in his buttocks and back kept little Bobby at the height of sexual arousal, as it always did to Elroy. " heav'n", .he whispered to the child as his fingers moved deeper into the boy, rotating and opening the child to his advances. Leaning further, Elroy, whispered close to the childs face, "Yew like tha honey boy.wha am doin to yer butthole, ...ahm almos ready honey..Ah gonna go real slow an maybe we only get some of it in yew this time..yew ready for me honey", he asked breathing deeply on the child's face and planting light kisses on the boys eyes and nose and mouth as he continued to finger fuck the child, this time rotating more that three fingers inside.

It just amazed him that the kid never once whimpered or cried out. Taking his rampant black dick and bending it down, he removed his fingers from the child and quickly, placing the pointed head of his huge cock at the tiny virgin opening, leaned into the child and, he slowly entered his mouth with his tongue as little Bobby, a quick learner, sucked it for all he was worth, while at the same time, holding his huge long cock at the tiny hole, slowly applied the pressure to the opened and lubed boyhole, being careful to allow the elastic asslips to accept the massive black cock. He pulled back.and slowly pushed in, ...millimeters at a time, gauging his success on the tension he felt with each tiny thrust, in the body and mouth of his boy lover beneath him. As he thrust deeper, Bobby, feeling the blunt instrument for the first time gaining one inch purchase inside him, gave a muffled cry into his lovers mouth, tensed his little body, and bit down on the black's tongue in pain. Elroy immediately backed out, allowed the child to bite and suckle his tongue the both, tasting his blood the boy had drawn with his sharp teeth, and, quietly cooing to the boy, reached down and applied another massive gob of KY to the wide open asshole of the little child, a hole that knew what it wanted even if the boy didn't quite yet. Moving back into the child and trapping his arms along the handlebars overhead with his free arm, the black teen again placed the huge cum-delivering cock at heaven's gate, and thrust again.. Bobby went rigid again but did not cry out as Elroy's big dickhead moved in, this time about 2 inches, greatly widening the asshole, and then back out.and then back in, ....keeping the rhythm of the fuck, inching forward until little Bobby no longer tensed or clamped shut the hole he was giving up to his teen lover,.and Elroy was patient, more patient than he had ever been with his bitches including that fuckin slut Edna. The kid didn't know bout her and he wasn't bout to tell him. He didn't know if the kids ass was up to it but he sure was giving it a try. After twenty minutes the black teen pulled back so that just the tip of his organ rested inside the child and leaning into him, again cooed and kissed the boy calming him and allowing them a pause in the near impossible coupling tried so unsuccessfully by so many and at such an immense personal cost. Neither of them were thinking of the consequences but only of their lust and the adoration and trust in little Bobby's eyes as he gazed into the kissing and sucking face of his black lover, giving no indication of the great pain he had felt or was about to feel, the both of them rumbling together on the back of the potent custom James motorcycle.

From the lengthening shadows of the woods, Rakeem watched them as they attempted to couple. Never in his life had he seen or even imagined that a child could take such sexual abuse willingly but here the fuckin kid was, on his back gittin dicked. An him in the fuckin woods like a goddam voyeur, pullin on his pud, watchin..watchin that hard black ass he so lusted after, clenching and thrusting little baby thrusts into the little baby boy. Jees, he had cum three times already watching the action and now stiff and ready, he shot all over his shoes and down his open pants in frustration.he was gonna have that black ass if he hadda kidnap and hogtie the teen baseball boy, his balls so fuckin blue!

Next: Chapter 5

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