The Ballplayer

By G-Rex

Published on Dec 10, 2000


The characters, story line and locations within this story are pure erotic fantasy, involving the mutual passion of two minors. The story is original and may not be copied without the approval of the author.

The Ballplayer (5)

Bobby eyelids fluttered back open. His body was tense his little legs trembling with his sixth dry orgasm of the afternoon on the back of the bike. It had left him aching and exhausted. His little body jackknifed under the looming black teenager above him was trapped, his heels embedded in the pockets of the cupping shoulders of Elroy. He cried out again, stopping the boy above him from fucking in any deeper. Struggling he remembered what had driven him into nothingness and it was still lodged deep in stretched asshole. He felt its mass forcing wide, separating the twin globes of his asscheeks, so thick was the cockstem, and he remembered....

Huddling down over the child, Elroy cooed to the boy. He was still shaking with the initial two inches of the boys dick embedded in the tiny hole and the 200 pound teen was still trying to fuck his big cockhead past the resisting opening. Little Bobby's asslips were stretched thin, almost to the ripping point yet only half of the black cockhead was inside. Elroy reached under the kid's head and took an inhaler out of the pocket of his leather jacket. "Here baby, take a sniff o this shit, make yo feel mo better".

Feeling the tip of the plastic lozenge moving into his nostril, Bobby took an instinctive deep sniffle, and like a knife, the amyl was sucked deep into the child's lungs and brain, sending him away on an incredible rush, and the boy, feeling the man's hot skin on him, and his asscheeks wrapping the fat black cock trying to enter him, totally relaxed, falling into the black teen above him, giving up all resistance and tension, his little hands struggling to gain purchase so that he could move his ass deeper onto the fucktool. His brain soaring and eyes rolled back, he could taste the intoxicating flavor of the stimulant rushing into every part of his senses as he began coughing, his little asshole clamping down on the embedded dick.

Elroy felt the boy giving in to him and cooperating with his effort. He knew that the child would now be ready for him. The moment he had prepared for had arrived and he took it. As the boy gained control over his initial coughing fit, he bent back down and deep throated the child muffling any chance the boy would have to cry out, and with a mighty thrust, rammed in. Bobby emitted a high pitched screech.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNuhhhhhhhhh", "unnnnhhh", "nnnnnnhhh"...around the black tongue he was sucking, in a staccato rhythm, to the thrusts of the teen who had forced his cockhead in past the little asslips, moving in deeper with each thrust and ripping the child's virginity finally and forever away. He continued to thrust.

"Oooooh"..."oooooh", the little boy cried again..and the teen, moving away from the boy's sucking mouth, groaned in lust and, sweating, his eyes glazed over and handsome head thrown back, fucked his cock deeper into the ass of the slim baby boy, watching the impossible girth of it move over half way up the child's bowels, feeling the whole 85 pound torso trembling around his dick. "EEEEEEEeee" the child screamed, still deeply aroused by the stimulant in his brain, and, squeezing the cock in his ass in a death grip, fell back and groaned, his little legs slipping wider so that his heels rested in Elroy's armpits. Elroy, feeling his body in perfect union with his child lover now, sucked on the tip of the inhaler. The amyl making a great rush to his head, and with the baby ass ready for him now, the powerful black baseball jock rammed his cock in to the ballhairs, his pubes kissing the baby porcelain-white cheeks of the boy like a rutting black bull, his bullnuts tight against the child's ass, and he shot again, deeply, crushing the prostate of the boy. Bobby, feeling the massive cock pulsing in his ass, erupted again, sucking-biting Elroy's thick black lips in another orgasmic haze. They collapsed on the back of the rumbling James cycle, locked together, Elroy cumming deeply in the child, his pulsing cock making tiny thrusts with each release of bull cum, kissing the exhausted child, the 8 year olds eyes closed, his thin blue lips pursed and making little ooo, ooo, ooo, noises with each of Elroy's shooting thrusts.

"I'm his boy now", Bobby thought, opening his eyes wider and watching the great black arms and chest tensing with each little thrust. They stayed locked like that as Elroy, holding the child tightly in their unnatural embrace, again increased the motion on that ocean and Black, sensing his acceptance in the child's well lubricated and wide opened hole, began the real fuck,..again, long deep 10 inch thrusts, and in and out and in and out...the thick black cock seated deeply. They came together again for the last time in that clearing, as the thick blue smoke of the rumbling custom James enveloped them.

It took him over 30 minutes to uncouple for the child had locked around his cockhead and they had to wait for the tumescence to go down, just like a great black dane, its tennis ball sized knot locked into his chosen bitch, but with Elroy's withdrawal, he and the boy quickly dressed, their caution heightened, for these woods and gazebo were a favorite location for lots of people. Throwing the child back onto the saddle in front of him, Elroy playfully nibbled on his right ear and, telling him to hold onto the bars tight, roared out of the woods and accelerated onto the roadway. They flew past the open-bed '88 Chevy truck parked a little way down on the park side without noticing or suspecting a thing, and the occupant lying on the front seat came back up, staring after the boys as they roared away.

Bruce watched the two as they entered through the kitchen, after Elroy had dropped off the James inside the showroom garage to be cleaned. He wondered why young Elroy was carrying a child in his arms, a very strange sight indeed. Shaking his head and returning to move the bike to the washroom, he remembered the unspoken rule of all the servants in the household, "see nothing, say nothing", and adjusting the gentle water spray, began the cleaning process, looking for any scratches or other damage that would indicate a return to the west coast for repair or paint touchup.

The house appeared empty as the teen walked up the back staircase to the second floor bedroom suites. Bobby was still moaning and he was concerned. He wanted to just leave him at his home and get back to his life but that seemed impossible now. He felt the wetness seeping through the front of his shirt where the boy was pressed. "Hey Bobby, yew gonna love the bath I got here." "We gonna get'chu all clean up and so you can get together again wi me, kay?" Ringing downstairs for the cook who had just returned from shopping, he ordered some milk and finger sandwiches and turned to his new charge. "Wha I gonna do wit yew boy", he said softly, "Hey, I got some food comin up so gwan and git outta them clothes gin and lets get chew in tha shower".

With that he prepared the bath, getting some Neosporin and clean white towels, placed them on the bath chairs and returned to find the child naked and standing in the middle of his bedroom silent, one hand bunched at his mouth and the other behind him holding the puffy center of his violated ass in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the flow of cum discharge reddened by some obvious tearing. An immediate rush of sympathy for the little boy brought him to Bobby and picking him back up in his arms, he dropped one of the towels he had brought to cover the discharged fluids and carried the boy into the waiting bath. "C'mon baby, gi on in that and sit down, lemme make sure it'taint too hot fo yew", and he ushered the kid onto the bench, adjusting the temperature, as the warm healing water gently washed away the grime and outside evidence of their lust. Moving back and watching the boy raise his arms and build up a soapy lather, he stripped naked, except for his yellow bike jock, and entered the shower to clean up and help his boy.

"C'mere baby", he beckoned, as he sat on the marble bench feeling the spray on his black skin. The boy rose and shuffled over. "I gwan tek a look'it yo asshole baby, lemme git chew o'er on my lap". He picked the thin blond boy up and turning him over on his knees, looked at the little butt that he so recently had fucked. Prying open the bruised cheeks he saw the puffy red hole much widened from their impossible coupling, watching the yellow viscuous fluid oozing out still, specked with blood. Gently touching around the violated asshole, he asked, "Does dis hur chew kid", moving his finger from spot to spot around the blasted asshole.

"Oww", Bobby complained, when Elroy pushed down on an especially suspicious spot. "Thas it kid, I got it. Yew gotchu a little rip an I be the doctor". And squeezing out the ointment from the tube he had brought with him, applied the healing salve around and inside the boy's asshole, now the very center of the child's being, and of Elroy's passion. He lifted the child placing him in front and began to rub and wash him all over, loving the feel of the soft baby skin as he cleaned him, and Bobby, leaning forward placing his hands on the black teen's massive chest for balance. Love alone and concern for the welfare of his little man showed in the creases formed on Elroy's brow. The child still, fascinated, gazed down at the soft huge mound of cock flesh under the yellow jock, and sprung another tiny boner. Elroy paid it no mind finishing up the bath with a quick soap and rinse of his own massive body, the little boy moving back watching him, the both caught in the fine hot gentle spray of the bath.

The cook entered quietly and set the food at the dining area placed in front of the garden windows leading to the private balcony. Ringing the bell to announce his arrival and departure, he left, paying no attention to the pile of kids clothing and towel on the floor. They sat together in the dressing room and Elroy again examined his boy. The bruises around the child's lips and down his neck were back. The odor of cum still lingered on the boy's breath even after gargling with mouthwash. "You gonna be jes fine boy", he said. "I gotta get back home Elroy, my mommy is gonna be waitin for me an its getting dark out". "Sure Bobby, yew all dry now, c'mon an get cher clothes back on, and I got some stuff for us to eat fore ah tek yo ba t'home", holding his little lover's hand and walking back into the bedroom. The boy sat on the floor and slowly put on his jockeys and the rest of his stuff, stopping for help from the big man when he had trouble getting into his addidas and especially tying them. Together, Elroy naked in his wet jock padding over with the boy at his side, and Bobby, walking with him and holding the side strap of the wet jock, they arrived and sat to enjoy the setting sun and the cold milk and ham sandwiches left there for their enjoyment.

Elroy had dressed in his high school baseball uniform and carrying his workout bag in one hand and Bobby holding the other, walked into the main garage to his '88 classic Corvette. "Is that your's too", he gasped, holding back to admire the shiny blue convertible. "Wha chew thin kid...course t'is, gwan, get on in there", opening the passenger door for his baby lover. Jumping in and at the same time, slapping the door opener, he backed out, just missing the rising garage door, flipped on his favorite station, and volume full up, surged out and down the exit through the gates to deliver his boy back to his home, only, this time, leaving him at the corner, waving goodbye in his rear mirror, watching as the child waved back, clutching his backpack. He didn't want to take the chance of running into Edna, the kids sister or for that matter, anyone else, his guilty mind working overtime now examining the consequences of his actions.

Next: Chapter 6

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