The Ballplayer

By G-Rex

Published on Jan 25, 2001


The characters, story line and locations within this story are pure erotic fantasy, involving the mutual passion of two minors and an adult. These events do occur off and on throughout the history of mankind, have their own passion, and are played with all the sincerity of the copulating people in that erotic homosexual maelstrom. The story is original and may not be copied without the approval of the author.

Rakeem had made it very clear to Elroy before he had left the walkup apartment the week before and Elroy had missed his little friend so badly that he had agreed. He would bring the child with him and he would be allowed the intimacy with little Bobby missing from his young life the past month.

The tryst with Rakeem that he had resisted before and in which his asshole and buttocks were savagely battered as he was fucked over and over at each meeting , had inevitably grown into a rape fantasy so intense for Elroy that had it not been for the darkness of his skin, the bruising around his hole, butt, and lower torso, it would have been readily apparent to everyone when he bared himself in the gym before and after games. Rakeem now filled Elroy's every thought. It had been like that ever since his initial surrender to the blackmail. His mature lover closely held the evidence of his rape of the little boy, but that was not what was now capturing Elroy.

Thirteen thick inches of hooded black steel rammed deep into his psyche as he lay tied and helpless was his world now, the unnatural cock possessing him as he drooled and screamed out his pain and his lust from the fuck he so craved. Rakeem made him wait for it every Friday and wouldn't allow the teen access to his dick until then. It had been like that for the entire month even on the baseball field during the pickup games they played together almost nightly. Elroy was often caught steeling glances at his rapists cock bulge and the player teased him by turning slightly toward Elroy and grabbing his jock crotch, a smirk on his face.

Rakeem left the lusty boy sighing and unsatisfied and with no outlet for his sexual frustration except for Friday afternoon, and only with him. Elroy now even held his friends Zach Thomas and Paul Martin at a distance and hadn't attended any of their usual sex sessions with the twins Jeanette and Edna Rossi. Elroy's only sexual outlet was his right hand and his dreams, filled with captured images of his violation, jerking to ejaculation alone in his room, as Rakeem's bitch.

Little Bobby had not forgotten his promise and was unusually quiet now around his family and in school. He wondered why his boyfriend Elroy didn't stop for him anymore. He made it a point to wait for him every Friday afternoon in the same place, the benches at the bus stop where he had returned again and again like a good boy for the past month, and this Friday it was no different. He hadn't seen Elroy through the windows of the men's locker room and had thought that his friend had moved away when, glancing back again at the school doors for the umpteenth time, his heart leaped as he saw the young black teen emerging, gym bag in hand, nodding and shuffling forward toward him, an enormous smile of acknowledgment on his face.

"S'up Bobby...missin me baby?", he said, flopping down beside the blond child. "Hi Elroy", the child peeped bashfully. "I thought you didn't wanna see me no more", the child said in a voice quavering with tears forming in his ice blue eyes. And as Bobby leaned against the hard left flank of his big friend, Elroy began cooing to to comfort the little boy in his best black gangsta style as his arm encircled the child grasping his reed thin thigh. "Yo....we be, me, we got a thang now boy. C'mon wi me now boi, got a crib t'town an we gonna get it on. Hey, boy, doncha go ballin on me now, gonna love ya like neva before. Dint ah say dis cock was yours and ah need yo ass boy and ah gwan give it all to you baby".

The stream of lusty, barely comprehensible words poured over the tearful child and calmed him as them remained seated there for several more minutes, Elroy quietly holding the eight year old child against his hot black sixteen year old body and talking quietly to him, took him back into his confidence, reminding him again of their pact. Elroy rose and the child rising with him, he strode to the lot where he had parked his restored Chevy '78 Impala, a brilliant yellow eight cylinder four door. Taking the child up by his waist, he dumped him laughing in the passenger seat as he opened the drivers side and slid behind the wheel, the amazed and happy child seated beside him now, his long blond hair in disarray around his beautiful face, gazed up at his black teen paramour. They sped off and down the highway, the two mismatched lovers, impatient to be together in private.

The innocuous brown Ford Taurus station wagon moved away from the curb and followed behind them at a safe distance. The young girl had thought that she was ready to provide the report of her target's activities to her client last week but had been delayed because she had been unable to set up her cameras to film the activity in the downtown walkup. Her surveillance team was in place now and as she followed, she wondered how the powerful Jake Richy would take the revelation of his boy's sexual life, and the unnatural acts and the association he now had with a mature man. She guessed at the tie, but so far could only speculate. The interviews with Elroy's friends had produced nothing except their affection for the boy and gave no hint of their knowledge of his current involvement. This little boy was a new and very strange twist to the case, and it was definitely more than casual, as she had witnessed with the embrace on the school bench.

"Yah boy yew got it on t'day, yew so cute, man, gotta get mah nut wit you honey. Hey Bobby honey, feel tha dick boy, gwan, grab mah cock and see what I got jes fo you honey". The boy, feeling much better and more secure as they raced down the highway in the open convertible, moved closer toward Elroy as he smiled down at him, and Elroy unbuttoned his loose gangsta style dockers for the kid. The yellow jock pouch he revealed was massive, encasing the enormous black cock and the boy gasping in awe, felt the object of his lust with both his small white hands. "Oh fuck baby.....sheeet boy....git tha cock honey...gwan fuck yo baby ass off...". The child's brow knitted in concentration as his little hands slipped under the elastic wasteband and felt the damp, hard, enormous dick and soft black cum filled nuts. Elroy nearly shot with just the first simple strokes of the child. He swung his muscled arm around the boy hugging him into his side as the child continued to play with his dick. The child's simple mind was filled with joy, his little 3 inch dick stiff as a nail.

Rak hadn't let on to his captive lover that he would not be alone. His apartment cleaned and waiting, he poured the rum spike into the iced pitcher of coke, and put it into the refrigerator where he knew Elroy would find it and went to his bathroom to prepare himself as he always did for his boy only this time there would be no flickering grainy film to excite his lust. The child would be there to do that. He locked the bathroom door and waited looking through the camera hole he had used to run his film and wound the reel again this time though, for them all.

Charlie Rossi, young Bobby's nineteen year old brother had just come over from work. He was flopped on the couch and was engrossed again in the silly talk shows. This time the tube featured a handsome young black who was brought out by Jerry Springer to decide whether he wanted to go with the sloppy white whore he was currently sleeping with or return to his fat, loud, and angry white wife, whom he had abandoned along with the baby girl he had fathered with her. The two "ladies" had been provoked to battle and were in the process of being restrained from killing each other, with the raucous crowd cheering for battle, when the phone interrupted him.

"Yeah?" "No." "Hey what you say?" "No nobody name Elroy lives here." "Hey, you Jeanette's boyfriend aint cha?" "No." "Oh, Elroy's Ednas friend?" "That a fact?" "No, hey I didn't know that Elroy even know my kid brother." "No man, they aint here". "I'll tell Jeanette you looking for her." "Ok. You too, man. See ya later boi".

Charlie brushed aside the information he had gleaned from his sister's boyfriend for a moment, interrupted by the roar of the TV as the two bitches on screen slammed into each other and fell to the stage. The Springer audience rose to its feet in a frenzy of clapping, yelling and unbridled excitement. Seeing the young black husband smirking on stage as he watched the two white girls in his life fighting as if to the death over him, Charlie thought aloud, "Now what the fuck does that nigger Elroy goin round with my baby bro for?" "Him an my sister too?" "What the fuck!" He was not a stupid boy and his clever mind added up the probabilities along with the smells, bruises of a few weeks ago, and unnatural silences his little brother had developed since that time.

Paul Martin hung up the phone with no sense of satisfaction. He had gotten no real information from the twins' brother. He knew something was up with his best friend, Elroy, and he had also added up the facts. He thought, "well, since Edna and her twin sister are with me an Zack here, an Edna sitting out on Zack's veranda alone..."

His suspicions had prompted the call to the Rossi house since he didn't know what was going on with Elroy and Rakeem but he had seen him with Edna's kid brother, Bobby, several times at school. Walking back into the living room he sat and joined Edna and Zack there. Paul felt like the third wheel in this teen hookup session and he felt lonely. He was greatly attached to his very best bud Elroy who had not come with them for weeks, but, unhappily, the distracted Elroy wasn't playin anymore with him. He'd talk to Rakeem he promised himself, next practice.

The door to the walkup apartment swung open and Elroy walked in with the child moving closely in beside him. Elroy led him immediately to the guest bedroom The boy shyly hugged the blacks slim hips, his small head buried against Elroy's left hip. "Hey honey, see wha tsova t'thet chair there", "I got chew a player pacman". "Gwan over there an wait for me sweetie an I gonna get some drinks for us kay?" "Okay Elroy", the boy piped. Moving to the chair, he picked up the hand toy and became quickly absorbed in it as Elroy brushed by him and into the kitchen. There was a dark pitcher of Coke left there along with some Chocolate Chip Cookies left out on the table and the teen tossing his leather jacket onto a chair, turned and was startled to find the big man standing there, dressed only in his baseball pants, the belt open revealing the upper elastic portion of his jock. He had put on the black glare screen under his eyes and looked like he had just begun to strip after the game.

Elroy backed against the kitchen table slowly shaking his head side to side in disbelief as Rak approached and snapped the leather studded neck ring in place, attaching the training chain and leather lead to the metal eye loop, like a dogs collar. "Get outta them clothes baby", Rak said. Elroy slowly removed every stitch, except his yellow stained jock and stood back up, shaking out of pure lust for his master. "Yew look real nice baby", now gwan take tha boi some o tha coke and later give him some a dat dick the kid wants. I be in later"when you all dickin the kid. "Yew ready fo me t'nite boy?" "Yew got cher hole clean and greased up?" "Yessir", Elroy said and, moving around the huge muscular black man, he walked back into the bedroom with the refreshments.

The child looked up and a stunned look appeared on his face as he saw the now naked jock-clad player move into the room, stopping to turn the lighting to dim and walking toward him, a collar and dangling leather leash at his neck. Setting the pitcher, the glasses, and the cookies on the table in front of them, he bent and poured two tall drinks, his massive muscled black ass in the child's face. Turning again, he lifted the boy into his arms and sat down with him on his lap.

"Lets get chew outta them clothes so we can see you too honey...yew reddy fo me baby, cause ahs sho reddy fo you", he said, as he began to unbutton the child's clothing, removing it piece by piece until the boy, flinging his sneakers onto the floor in front of them, was completely naked and sitting on the huge cockmound of his muscular black lover. They sat like that for a while, the black's thick thighs spread opening the thin white legs of his baby boy even wider, his 3 inch dick sticking tightly against his blue white belly, drinking their cokes and eating a few cookies and the little boy got very loose and relaxed, the rum taking effect quickly.

Elroy raised the child and turned the boy into his chest after placing their empty glasses on the table. "Oh honey baby, ah sho mis yew", and bending down, placed his tongue at the entrance of the child's mouth licking his lips and waiting for entry. Little Bobby sighed and reached up to his lover shoulders and upper arms, feeling the huge biceps there, he opened his little mouth to the French embrace. The kiss was long and deep and left them both anxious for more. Elroy slipped the child to the floor in front of his open legs and handed the leash to him as he nudged the boy into his immense smelly piss stained crotch. "Gwan boy, eat tha dick". The boy moved into the center of his life now, not sure why he was holding the leather lead, as Elroy moved his jock down and pulled out the huge stiff 11" member, the cum filled nuts resting on the yellow elastic jock propping the teen package for the child's eager tongue.

"OH FUCK KID....OOOOHHHH FUCK....". The boy had taken the head of Elroy's black cock and was sucking the pre-cum out of it before he could produce more. The incredible sensation was too much for the teen and taking the little boy by the head, he rammed his cock deeply, penetrating the child's throat half way in the first lunge. The boy began flopping like a fish caught on a thick hook the bait lodged deeply in its gullet.

Elroy, feeling the incredible constrictions around his huge black knob, fell to his knees. With the boy caught on his cock and with one mighty lunge, he penetrated the boy completely. The fat black balls bounced on the eight year old boy's thin porcelain chest, the child's thin lips impossibly stretched around the base of the immense cock, his neck grotesquely bulged out, as Elroy came, pulsing ropes of cum again and again into the constricting gullet of little Bobby.

The effect of the alcohol took the fear out of the child as he drunkly slobbered and sucked on the shooting cock, snorting and breathing through his nose, his little buzzer twitching in his third orgasm in the few minutes of Elroy's own ecstasy. Their impossible union realized again, the child nursed the milky cock juices from the huge fat balls, sucking on the delicious cockmeat over and over, as Elroy fell back against the front of the chair, his little lover eating his seeping dick.

Finished, the teen slowly withdrew his soft fat cock from the throat of the little boy at his feet and pulled him again into his arms, his long black dick resting on his defeated soft black nuts, he kissed and frenched the child's cummy lips and mouth, tasting his own essence again. They sat and rested in the chair, the naked boy and he drinking another glass of the delicious coke.

Rak saw them beginning to doze off. The mirror placement had given him a clear view of the entire sequence he had witnessed and filmed from the adjoining bathroom. He flicked the motion picture projector on and watched the two as they came out of their drowsy condition. The boy sat quietly and watched as the scene was revealed. There he was again, on the bike in the woods with his Elroy fucking him. He should have been surprised but in the haze of alcohol and the afterglow of sex, he relaxed as his lover rose with him in his arms and moved the child into position on the bed. "Gotta ha yew honey. Gonna git a nut in yo ass". He placed the docile drunk child on his stomach and propped the boy's tiny pink ass up using the stiff triangular pillows left there for the purpose. The boy watched the movie as Elroy moved behind him, greasing his rising dick and sniffing the Amyl inhaler as he knelt on the bed, legs wide, his hardening dick moving toward Bobby's tiny bruised asshole. "Sniff on summa this honey". Handing the inhaler to the child, he applied more grease around and inside the boys hole as the eight year old moaned, the amyl taking immediate effect.

Elroy saw the little body collapse, totally relaxed on the stiff cushions, his little asshole ready. He moved into position and, snorting a dose of the amyl himself, grabbed the tiny hips for purchase and rammed home. The scream could be heard for blocks! Elroy's mistake was quickly corrected. He smothered the next screams with his huge hand but the recording across the street in the apartment leased for the very purpose had done its job. Through the drunken haze the boy heard himself screaming muffled by the smelly hand of his fucker. And Elroy forgetting the child's size fucked like he was a well used bitch, his bitch, using long deep strokes until in a mighty lunge, he rammed his cock totally up the child's ass, his nuts tight against the base of his dick. Connected in lust, he began the slow fucking strokes they both had loved, the child's screams dying and changing into moans and gasps as the raping black dick took him again and again deeply.

Rak moved silently into the room. His greased black monster and nuts sticking out of his unbuttoned baseball pants, 13 inches of massive cock on a six and a half foot lithe black frame, a master of black dominance, as he moved toward the fucking couple. The teen boy, Elroy felt Rak's hands moving his thrusting thighs apart first and jumped forward thrusting deeply into the little boy still watching his initial rape on the wall projection. Rak methodically tied the teen's legs to the bedposts again as they had done so many times before. Little Bobby gasped and moaned, his little bald 3 inch dick twitching again and again with little boy orgasms, not realizing what was occurring behind him. And Elroy, if he was hard inside the child when he started, his cock became a thrusting thick black pipe, as his master moved behind him and nudged his monster dick at the moving target of his own lust.

Elroy, greatly excited and impatient for his man's cock, stopped briefly on the outstroke and Rakeem ramming forward, drove half of his huge organ into the screeching teen. The boy felt the full force of the thrust and Elroy's black thighs humped forward again sending his own immense thick cock into the boy's pink and bruised bottom again. Rak, taking the leash from the child's hand, pulled back on the choker and thrust a second time, driving the remaining 7 inches of bull dick into the screaming teen baseball player's well fucked asshole to his bull nuts, their fat black balls banging against each other as they fucked together in unison, the boy now sucking on the nozzle of the amyl pacifier, his head spinning in copulating ecstasy.

The reels continued to spin...the one flickering on the dim lit bedroom wall in front of the fucking trio, the second beside it taking in the entire meeting and session of the two and now three fuckers, and unknown to them, the long range camera across the street recording the entire play in color and stereo for the private audience of the investigator's lone client Jake Richy.

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