The Bar

By Amy Hart

Published on Mar 4, 2006


The bar was a very special place.

And Linda Gray loved it there. She was a "regular", known by all of the employees and many of the customers. And it was the one place in the world where she felt completely comfortable.

The decor was classic urban bar, minimalist, blacks and whites. There were about 20 barstools along the graceful counter. A few booths circled the bar itself and Linda had spent many an enjoyable evening nestled with a friend -- or several friends -- in those booths.

Yes, thought Linda, this is quite a bar.

But Linda Gray knew this was no ordinary bar. No, indeed, it was a very special place. An urban oasis that catered to women with Linda's tastes. Membership only. No strays were welcome in this bar, only members who knew what they were coming there for. And Linda was one of them, comfortable in her own skin in this very special and kinky place.

The bar was not ordinary and the employees weren't either. Specially selected by management for their stunning good looks and willingness to assist in the kinky desires of the members.

And all of them female.

In fact, all the patrons, management and everyone associated with the bar were female.

Yes, Linda Gray, a 42-year-old who served as the head of accounting for Wexma Corp. here in Seattle, was a confirmed lesbian and the bar appealed to her sexual and deviate appetites.

Right now, a Tuesday night in the middle of July, Linda was sitting on one of the bar stools and the bar was pretty crowded. Linda was not spending anytime looking at the other patrons; her eyes were locked for the moment on the stacked, blonde bartender in front of her. The bartender was, like all of the other female employees, a gorgeous, early twenties blonde. The bartenders and other employees all looked very much like her. And Linda liked that look very much.

Linda did not know the blonde's name, that much familiarity was prohibited by club rules. The blonde was strictly a bartender, mixing drinks for the female patrons. The bartenders and other employees knew the names of the patrons -- from their credit cards if nothing else -- but the customers were not allowed to know the names of the employees. Anonymity was a key watchword at the bar.

Linda thought again how much she loved this bar and she also liked it that this girl was completely nude. Not too many bars where one could walk in a view a beautiful, young blonde in the buff. The blonde's charms were clearly on display and Linda continued to gaze up and down the nude young woman's body, her eyes particularly lingering on her breasts, ass and cunt. Some of the other bartenders weren't completely nude, but their bodies were nevertheless on display. Linda had noted that night that one of the other bartenders had on fishnet stockings, stiletto heels and a push up bra that pushed up her tits but kept the nipples open to plain view. Another of the blonde female bartenders was wearing only sheer thong underwear and a pair of sneakers. Obviously there was no dress code for the bartenders and they were pretty much free to dress as they chose, so long as there wasn't much of it between them and the customers.

Linda's mouth was getting dry as she watched the good-looking blonde and she knew she needed another drink. The drinks in this bar were pretty expensive -- $50 per glass -- but Linda didn't mind at all. Especially since the drinks here were her favorite kind.

She signaled to the bartender and the young woman walked over.

"Yes, Linda" the gorgeous specimen of femininity said to her, "what would you like?"

"I'd like rum and the special mix," Linda replied.

"You bet," said the blonde.

The bartender then walked a few steps over to the spot on the bar where the rum was kept and poured a shot into a tall, clear glass. Then she walked directly back to where Linda was sitting and -- while looking directly into Linda's eyes -- proceeded to lower the glass to her crotch.

Looking directly into the patron's eyes as she did what came next was an important part of the ritual they were playing out. Just as with the anonymity of the bartenders and other employees, the looking into the eyes at this point in their transaction reminded the drinker of what a lowlife they were, that they would do what came next without even knowing the bartender's name and while the bartender knew their name and looked into their soul as the interaction was consummated. The management of the bar knew well that the kind of women who enjoyed drinking piss in a bar enjoyed it even more when it was from the bladder of a woman whose name they didn't even know. It kept the kink level even higher; the beautiful bodies providing the piss were like fine bottles of wine or alcohol, beautiful, but nameless.

Linda kept her eyes on the beautiful bartender's deep blue eyes as the blonde lowered the glass slowly to her crotch, held it in just the right position and began to urinate into the glass, letting her piss join the rum and filling the clear glass to the top. Once the blonde had finished urinating, she brought the glass over to Linda and set it in front of the accountant.

"There you go Linda," said the blonde bartender, "that'll be $50, anything else."

"No," Linda said, "thank you very much." And she laid down three twenties and a five, leaving a handsome tip for the bewitching blonde girl. Good tips were a must at the bar and Linda always tipped handsomely. No matter how many times Linda saw a blonde at the bar piss into a glass of alcohol and offer it up to the slut in front of her, it always caused her pussy to spasm.

Linda lowered her eyes from the blonde's soul-searing gaze and looked at the piss drink in front of her. She reached out her hand and touched the glass, enjoying the warm feel of the piss through the glass. She knew that soon all of that piss would be in her stomach, where it truly belonged. Linda Gray was a toilet and she loved this piss bar and what it provided to her twisted sexual psyche.

Everything here was perfect, the scantily clad, leggy and busty blondes, the twist of humiliation, the atmosphere, it was all just perfect for a pervert like Linda.

She lifted the still warm glass to her lips and sipped at the drink, it was her third of the evening. In addition to having a bellyful of girl piss, she had a little buzz on as well, making her feel just fine as she ogled the bartenders. Taking another sip, she looked down the bar and noticed the other customers drinking their urine-laced cocktails from the 16-ounce glasses. Other women like her, nasty women, filthy women with a taste for this bizarre entertainment.

She had been coming to this bar for five years and it had only been two years earlier when she had discovered the secret place behind the bar, a place where even more bizarre tastes were satisfied.

It was in that secret place, open only to certain members of the bar, that the shit eaters went. And Linda was certainly one of those shit eaters.

Her discovery of the secret place had been quite accidental. She was sipping a rum and piss one night that had been provided by the same blonde whose piss she was drinking now. Linda had struck up a conversation with the young girl and asked her if she knew any other spots where things got even kinkier.

The blonde raised one eyebrow and stared at Linda.

"Are you one of those?" the blonde inquired of Linda.

"What do you mean `one of those'" Linda replied.

"You know, the only thing kinkier than this is eating bowel fruit from a beautiful woman's butt, are you like a shiteater?" the blonde asked again.

Linda gulped and didn't reply right away. Flashing through her mind, however, was the last time her former Mistress had taken a shit in her mouth. Yes, she was a shiteater, but it was hard to find someone beautiful and willing to be the provider.

Taking a big gulp of her piss drink -- the young girl smiled at her enthusiasm for her urine -- Linda whispered a low yes.

"Well, let me get you set up," the blonde said and walked out from behind the bar and across the room to an office door.

A few moments later she was back, accompanied by a stunning 40-something blonde.

"Linda here is a shiteater," the blonde said to the older woman, "and I thought she might like to visit the secret place." The older blonde looked directly into Linda's eyes and said, "Ok pig, why don't you follow me." She then turned on her heel and strode away, the younger blonde waved her hand indicating Linda should do as told and follow.

Not at all sure of herself, Linda got off her seat and followed the luscious ass of the older blonde, whose delightful butt was encased in a tight-fitting, slinky black dress. The woman in front of Linda pushed a part of the black wall behind the bar and it opened and both women went through. Linda again followed the spectacularly built goddess in front of her into a comfortable office just beyond the door.

Before entering the office, Linda got a look down the hallway and saw rows of rooms on both sides with glass windows that allowed viewing into the rooms. She couldn't see, but there seemed to be activity in some of the 10 or so rooms. Once seated in front of the blonde in the office, Linda took an inventory of the woman who had called her a pig. The lady was definitely a looker, even though older than the bartenders who provided the piss cocktails in the bar.

"Ok, pig," the blonde began and Linda was still a little shocked at the repetition of the word pig, but she did feel her pussy getting squishy, "let's start with the basics, the same rules apply here, we know your name, of course, but you can't know the name or names of the shitters, cost per shit load is $450 with a big tip expected, we accept charge cards and require that you tape a brief statement indicating you came here asking to be fed shit from a woman's ass. We need to know that you are not with law enforcement and that this isn't a trap you are pulling."

Without further delay, the older blonde held up a video camera with the red light flashing and said, "Ok pig, tell us why you are here."

Linda hesitated and then began, "My name is Linda Gray and I am here today so that a young woman can take a shit in my mouth."

"And will you eat every bit?", the blonde asked nonchalantly.

Linda had given no thought to this but knew the right answer was yes and she blushed as she blurted it out.

"Fine," the blonde said and turned off the camera.

"Now the next step pig is for you to select a shitter, we have some pictures here that you can go through. You should know that all of our girls eat a special diet that allows them to produce huge and firm turds. If you're really queer and want diarrhea, you will have to call ahead so we can arrange that."

Linda leafed through a book of photos of nude blonde women and had trouble deciding. Linda asked if she could have the blonde bartender, but the older woman told her no that that girl only was piss provider and refused to participate in being a shit giver. Then she hit on a solution.

"You know, I would like to be with the youngest woman you have," Linda said.

"Excellent," the blonde said, "I'll arrange it immediately, the girl turned 18 only two weeks ago and she's a real looker, in fact, she's my daughter."

That revelation hit Linda hard and she had to ask a question.

"How did you allow your daughter into such a business," Linda asked impolitely.

"Well pig, you are venturing into an area that is out of bounds, but I'll tell you a little as I'm sure it will further excite a pig like yourself. I used to be one of the shit providers and I'm one of the owners here, but I quit providing shit to eaters like you a few years back after I had made enough money from it, but it was a good first career. It's good money and not hard work -- basically you just have to take a shit into a weirdo's mouth instead of into the toilet -- and I thought it would be a good career for her," the blonde said blithely.

Then the pretty lady showed her a photo of her daughter and Linda thought she would cream her pants right there. The young girl was truly beautiful and voluptuous, a real wet dream. Linda's pussy turned into a swamp realizing that in only a few minutes that same girl would be taking a shit in her mouth and probably watching her eat it.

Linda paid the charge with a credit card and gave a $150 tip and the older blonde ushered her into one of the rooms. Once inside, Linda realized that the window on the hallway was in actuality a one-way mirror, mirrored on the inside. The blonde told her that members of the secret place could pay $100 per evening and watch whatever was going on in the rooms.

"You mean that others might be watching what I am about to be given," Linda asked. The reply was, of course, yes. Linda decided to proceed anyway.

The woman who had brought her to this point then proceeded to leave.

"Ok pig, my daughter will be in here in a few moments, please take your clothes off and make yourself comfortable, all of our girls insist that their eaters are naked when accepting shit. Revel in the fact pig that momentarily, you will be receiving some of the finest female feces anywhere, and you'll be eating from the butthole of a beautiful young girl."

Linda began to look around the spacious shit eating room. It was clean with no odor from previous shit meals that had been obviously served here. The room had a hard tile floor and bare walls. The sole furnishings were a small couch on one wall and a portapotty device that had its obvious use on another wall. Linda stripped and sat naked on the couch, wondering what other women had occupied this same room for these types of deviant activities.

A few minutes later the gorgeous young woman Linda had seen earlier in the photo album came through the front door, clad in a lush white robe that was cinched around her waist. The girl uttered not a word and walked to the far wall and turned her back to Linda and began removing her robe. Viewing the girl from the back, Linda was again struck by her beauty, long, gorgeously tanned legs, a firm but substantial butt, an impossibly thin waist and wonderful, long blonde hair.

Then the girl began to talk, still with her back to Linda as she hung the robe on a hook that Linda had not previously seen. The girl had a pussy-sure attitude, confident of her own beauty and position and all knowing about the slut in the room with her.

"Ok pig," she began just as her mother did, "soon I'll be giving you what you paid for. As we go through this, you can tell me what you like and want and that way it will make it easier for me to make this what you want the next time you come back."

Linda continued to gaze on the vision of loveliness in front of her and was struck by the words "the next time you come back." This wonderful creature was so sure of herself that she was about to take a shit in Linda's mouth and she already knew the woman would return for more.

"For now, why don't you get on your back with your head under the hole in the portapotty and get ready for my waste."

Linda began to move and then saw the girl turn around and she hesitated. She wanted to see this beauty full on before becoming her toilet. The girl posed with one hip jutted out to the side and one arm raised in the air, showing all her worldly charms for Linda's stupefied gaze. The breasts, the flat stomach and the wonderful legs from the front were all dazzling.

"Like what you see pig," the girl said, "well, you should know that I have a gutful of what you really crave, my shit. Let me assure you that the turd I'm about to give birth to -- your dinner -- will amaze you, huge, nasty looking and foul, just what you eaters crave. You'll get every penny's worth tonight. Now why don't you get on your back."?

"On your next trip here we can fool around in other ways, but for a first timer with me, you'll need to take it this way, until you get used to the bulk I produce."

Shortly, Linda was on her back and the only view she had was of the girl's glorious buttocks and her winking anus. Unlike many a woman who might mount the throne and put her feet on either side of Linda's body, the young blonde set her rubber soled shoes squarely on Linda's stomach. As she set her feet on the older woman's stomach, she told her to play with herself and Linda did, strumming her clit while waiting for the blonde to take a shit in her mouth. The blonde's asshole puckered and a small fart wafted out of it and blew across Linda's nose, reminding her of just how close her meal was. The smell was intoxicating and Linda couldn't wait any longer.

"Oh please, give me your shit, take your dump in my mouth I can't wait for your turd to make love to my insides," she croaked.

The sexy girl began to dribble urine on Linda's breasts as her asshole began to flower open. Linda's eyes were fixed on the unfolding sight near her face. She noticed each and every crinkle of the rosebud anus and how the small cracks expanded as the asshole began to push out its treasure.

The young girl's anus expanded outward to a ring about the size of Linda's wrist and the blunt end of the turd was exposed. The turd then slowed its progress and Linda heard the lilting voice of the girl.

"Can you see the head of it now pig?" the girl asked. After she heard Linda's grunting acknowledgement, she told her to "kiss it pig, show me how much you love my shit."

Linda, caught now in an increasing lustfest and swamped with the pungent shit odor emanating from the barely exposed bowel fruit, lifted her head and kissed it, making a smacking sound as she did so.

"Not a closed mouth kiss, pig, French kiss my shit," the girl commanded her.

Linda looked at the butt end of the shit pipe and brought her mouth to it again, this time giving it an open-mouthed kiss, sticking her tongue into the filth.

The young girl felt Linda's lips attach to her distended asshole and she imagined but did not feel as Linda's tongue burrowed into her shit tongue.

"Ok shiteater, your dinner is coming," the beautiful blonde said. And with that, the beautiful woman began to shit in Linda's mouth.

And slowly the shitpipe began to enter Linda.

The only movement was the prow of her turd, like a ship, slowly making its way through the saliva filled harbor of Linda's mouth toward a previously undiscovered berth. And Linda loved it. My god she thought, I'll be a regular here.

And then with the shitroll moving into her mouth, Linda also heard the unmistakable crackle of shit leaving a woman's anus, a lovely sound she thought, considering what it really meant to her. She was being filled with a newborn shit and was about to eat it.

Once the young woman had finished shitting a huge pipe of her waste into Linda's mouth, she rose off the portable toilet seat and looked down at Linda with her mouth stuffed with the young girl's feces.

The beautiful blonde liked to see her waste sitting in another woman's mouth and she knew exactly what to say to a shiteater at this moment to help them enjoy their degradation even further.

"Eat my shit you fucking pig," the girl said, "dine on it and let it slide into your belly."

Without a further word, she squatted down, took Linda's hair in her hand and wiped her ass with it, rose and strode out of the room, leaving the dining older woman feasting on her crap.

As she ate and diddled herself, Linda thought about her situation and knew she would be back, just as the blonde had indicated. Linda's only regret was that she had failed to tell the pretty girl what she liked for her next visit.

Question -- should this continue as a series

Next: Chapter 2

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