The Bar

By Amy Hart

Published on Apr 22, 2006


Blondes was not just an average piss bar. It wasn't just a place for queer lesbos to go and drink the urine of beautiful blonde goddesses. No, it was much more. There were many special nights and Linda Gray and the other customers really looked forward to those as well.

One thing that management had found was interesting had to do with the blonde bartenders' periods. That time of the month occurred -- much like when women live together -- pretty much at the same time for all of the beautiful young and nameless blondes behind the bar. Since it came at the same time, management had decided to make a special week out of that time, rather than face the unpleasant alternative of closing down for such an extended period of time. And the perverted lesbians who made up the customer base at Blondes loved that week of female bleeding.

So, once a month, there was about a week of special drinks for the customers. Those special drinks were red tainted and contained the iron rich menstrual flows of the gorgeous blondes behind the bar. The blondes smirked and proudly displayed their superiority much as when they pissed into glasses and watched emotionlessly as the kinky customers downed their golden brew.

It was on one of these special nights that Linda Gray found herself wondering where she was going with her shit eater's life. Increasingly, this bar and its perverse, kinky services were becoming the focus of her existence. She found herself thinking about the UPS ad line which said, "What can Brown do for you?", and she knew that what Brown was doing for her was controlling her life, driving her to eat shit regularly for her sexual thrills.

"I know that eating shit is disgusting and I am repulsed by it when I think about it, but I also know that given a chance or even half a chance, I'll do it everytime, it's a wonder I'm not out begging women in bars to take a shit down my throat, I find it so very erotic and satisfying. I've found that I can come just by being a toilet, again, even though I know it's a disgusting practice."

As she looked at her favorite blonde, the one she had paid $2,000 to take a shit down her sewer of a throat a few nights earlier, she noticed that the young woman was leaking her menstrual fluids down her leg and Linda also found this erotic. In fact, starting with consuming the bloody flow in her drinks at the bar, she had also found that the girls in the back, secret place, would also (for a fee) sit on a slut's face and serve up a big helping of menses, clots and all, and Linda had taken advantage of that service on a number of occasions as well.

All in all, it was a smorgasbord of kinky, perverse sexual thrills that drew Linda back to the bar regularly. She just couldn't withdraw.

As she watched her favorite blonde bartender leak from her cunt, she noticed a woman she had seen in the bar several times. She had asked about her and found out her name was Patricia. Linda just knew that she looked like the kind of shit eating slut who would find her way back to the special place for a meal of brown food from the shit queens back there.

Patricia, who was 29 years old, had short brown hair and brown eyes, with a little nose. She was tall, just a shade over 6'1" and fairly thin and flat chested. Patricia's best feature would be her legs, which were fairly muscular with the look of a gal who rode her bike everywhere. She just had that look of a shit eater and Linda was determined to find out more about her. She had the bartender take her over a drink of leaking menses mixed with Galliano. Patricia looked at the drink, heard from the bartender who had brought it for her and lifted the glass in Linda's direction and saluted Linda. Then Linda walked over to visit with Patricia.

Linda quickly found out that Patricia was a closet lesbo, but one who harbored a strong desire to serve as a human toilet.

"Well you have come to the right place and from the way I see you drinking that blood and other cellular debris from that blonde's uterus, I can tell you have great potential. Do you want to eat shit tonight?"

Patricia was a little taken aback by Linda's direct approach, but in her heart she knew she wanted to do it and wanted it badly, wanted the humiliation and degradation of another women taking a shit in her mouth and laughing as she ate the bowel fruit. Patricia shuddered as she thought of the possibilities, but could not deny the attractiveness of the nasty vision.

Patricia, coy little shitbag that she was, nodded her head rather dumbly, as if she couldn't make up her mind. But Linda made it up for her.

"You are going to eat shit tonight and I know the perfect girl for you. Her name is Amy Hart and she's new here, but she's supposed to be one of the nastiest ever. It's best that a garbage shitbag like yourself gets broken in right, by a real domme shit queen. Someone who can look into your soul and see the vacuousness there, just as she will know your soul, her asshole and it's foul meal will know your mouth and her shit will know your insides. Now we aren't supposed to know any of the names of the bartenders here, but the word slipped on this new girl Amy and she's the one for you."

Linda asked the menses leaking blonde behind the bar if Amy was available that night and the blonde bartender told her she was out of line.

"You bags of shit know you aren't supposed to know any names of the girls who work here, but as long as you seem to have her name, I'll go check."

The blonde handled the inquiry and found that Amy Hart was in the special place and ready to be serviced. The arrangements were made and Linda and Patricia were ushered back into the special place into one of the shit eating rooms.

Once inside the two sluts began to discuss what was going to happen next. Patricia had, of course, paid the fee with her American Express card. Linda had also been charged a fee even though she was only going to watch.

The attendant had told her that "listen garbage girl, you are going to be there getting the benefit of smelling the blonde's feces and you will probably try to sneak a bite or two so we're not going to just let you watch for free."

As they spoke about the shit eating that would occur, Linda told Patricia that Patricia should probably get naked as the shit queens always expected their sluts to be naked and on their knees, awaiting their special meal. Patricia decided to follow Linda's advice, recognizing that the older woman was more experienced in the ways of the shit rooms than she was. Patricia stripped out of her clothes and stood naked in the room. After Patricia disrobed, Linda asked her if she had ever eaten shit.

Patricia shook her head, "Nope this will be my first time."

Linda smirked.

"I love it, a virgin shit eater, you are gonna love this honey, it's all your dreams of humiliation and domination wrapped up in one bowel movement.

And then it happened.

Young Amy Hart, a spectacularly built, 19-year-old blonde walked through the door and absolutely took the two sluts breath away. Lush curves, tan yet silky looking skin, the package was all there for blonde cunt worshippers. Not even old enough to work in a regular bar, Amy was the newest employee in this shit factory and she walked in and immediately commanded the room.

"Ok shit girls, which one of you wants to dine from my asshole, I haven't taken a shit in two days and whichever one of you that wants to dine is going to get a real treat."

Patricia shuddered, this young girl was certainly her vision of domination, or the kind of woman she wanted to be dominated by, but she was beginning to lose her nerve to be used in such a vile way. Linda could see the hesitancy on Patricia's face and thought she better speak quickly to keep Patricia interested.

"You heard her Patricia, get on your fucking back and get ready to have all of your fantasies fulfilled, a gorgeous young girl is going to use you as a shithole, think of how lucky you are."

Patricia wasn't certain she was lucky but she laid down, naked as she was, with her head under the portapotty seat, her face looking up through the hole in the portable toilet seat. Patricia began to realize she was nothing more than a commode for this young and beautiful girl.

Amy didn't want to use the portapotty and she kicked it out of the way, telling Patricia, "get ready, I just want to squat right on your mouth and feel your lips suctioning my asshole to get your brown treat. Open that mouth and stick out your tongue, my asshole is ready to make love to your mouth."

"So how many times have you eaten shit?"

Patricia told her it was her first time as a toilet.

"Great, I love using a shit virgin."

With that, she squatted over Patricia's mouth and was pleased as the older woman's lips were sealed and locked around her asshole.

"That's it shit eater, flick your tongue inside my poop chute and then suck on my asshole to bring out your first turd."

As she crouched over the slut's mouth, she looked over at Linda and winked, "You like watching your friend eating shit, huh? Maybe you'd even like a little taste of my brown sugar."

Linda was mesmerized, her jaw hanging down as she watched the beautiful package of femininity prepare to commit one of the most despicable and yet erotic acts known to womankind. Beautiful Amy was about to shit down the throat of Linda's new acquaintance Patricia.

Patricia was wondering what she had gotten herself into and she was very nervous and shaking even as she sucked on the beautiful girl's butthole.

Slowly, she felt her mouth begin to fill with brown sludge leaking from the crouching beauty's shithole. The taste and smell were overwhelmingly nauseating, but those two foul results were overshadowed by an incredibly strong erotic feeling that came from Patricia's knowledge that she was fulfilling her dream of being a toilet to a beautiful blonde girl.

Amy, meanwhile, was thinking of what a piece of human shit was beneath her, serving her in the most base way possible. Amy was one of the blondes who really loved using the shit eaters who came in and paid to be filled with girl excrement. She got off on knowing that her shit was flowing through the veins and serving as perverse nutrition for women in the city. Barely of legal age, she reveled in the knowledge that older women enjoyed consuming her bodily wastes.

Patricia was beginning to lose her nervousness and realize fully that a big, really big turd was working its way out of Amy's colon and would soon be entering her mouth and making its kinky love to her mouth, throat and stomach, and, eventually, her blood and tissues.

With her tongue buried deeply in the beautiful queen's asshole, she felt the first firm mass of crap touch the end of her tongue. Oh no, she thought, there is a turd coming to me, this girl wants to send her feces into my stomach and though it's what I have fantasized about for so long, I'm not sure now that it's here.

But her lust overcame her and she began to paint the end of the turd with her brown-tinged saliva. Then she heard the girl's stomach rumble further and she knew it was going to be on the move. Slowly her tongue was pushed out of the shit tube and back into her mouth. The turd followed.

Then it was being birthed, actually born into the warm confines of her mouth, which she realized had in every sense of the word and officially become a shithole. As the brown mass moved into her mouth, she willed her teeth to begin moving and bit into the foul but intoxicating waste. The thick and gooey mixture slowly turned to slime in her mouth and she realized that Amy had moved and was staring down at her as she ate the girls' shit.

"Oh yeah, you bag of shit, eat what you came for; my waste, isn't it good, don't you love eating it."

Patricia realized that if she could have answered those two questions, she would have said no to the first -- the taste was incredibly bad, not good -- and yet she would have said yes to the second, she loved being the young beauty's crap repository.

"Oh yeah, I love watching you queers consume my bodily waste, the leftover food that my body has rejected, it's wonderful to see a girl so in love with it that she'll eat it."

As Patricia finally consumed the last of her bizarre meal, Amy told her that if she wanted anymore she'd have to let the blonde goddess fuck her in the ass while she ate it. Patricia thought about the offer for only a moment before agreeing and Amy quickly pulled a strap-on out of one of the cupboards and pulled it around her tiny waist.

She also placed a plate in front of Patricia and gave the slut a fork.

"Ok cunt, here it comes I want you to dine on my shit while I fuck you in the ass."

The rope of crap slowly exited Amy's bottom and piled up on the plate in front of her. The smell was still overpowering but was becoming more attractive.

"Just think, after you have been here a few more times eating this shit, you'll come to love the taste, you'll be begging for it."

Then Amy stepped behind the rookie shit eater and plugged her asshole with the oversized dildo, pistoning it in and out of the slut's body.

"I just love to fuck a slut while she dines on my poop, keep eating shit eater."

And Patricia kept eating the crap on the plate in front of her.

After she had tired of plugging the older slut's butt, she told both Linda and Patricia to kneel in front of her.

"You two are so lucky to be in my presence and here's a final gift to you both."

And Amy positioned pussy so it could dump a golden shower on the faces of the two shit eaters.

Once finished, she turned and walked out, leaving the two slime eaters to their own thoughts. Nasty, perverted thoughts.

Note: Thanks for all the continuing feedback, for those ideas I haven't yet gotten to, please be assured I will try to work them into future chapters.

Next: Chapter 4

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