The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on May 29, 2013


This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give productive and/or constructive advice or Criticism, I welcome it.

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The Beckham Boys – Part 2

Dexter turned into the slip road that headed into the Heathrow Airport loading area, steering the car towards the main entrance and onto the "No Parking" section, reaching over to flick on the hazard lights before putting the handbrake on and shutting off the engine. One of the other Beckham staff would be along shortly to collect it and drive it back to the house.

"We made pretty good time in the end, traffic was light" he said, turning to David in the passenger seat beside him. "I'll get the bags out and onto a trolley then I'll come back for you three, same routine as always yeah?" he asked, looking past David out of the window to see the paparazzi already beginning to congregate near the terminal entrance.

"Yeah cool Dex, don't seem to be too many this time, none of those boys from the Sun at least" David responded, looking out of the tinted window beside him.

Dexter open his car door, the flash bulbs going off for a moment then quickly stopping once the paparazzi realised he was a nobody, and David watched as he headed around to the trolley park, grabbed a trolley and then moved to the rear of the car to load the bags onto it.

"Dad, I need the toilet, I'm busting" Brooklyn piped up from the back seat of the car. "I've been holding it for ages".

"I said to go before we left didn't I?" His Dad responded, looking around at him.

"Yeah I know but I need to go now" Brooklyn lied. In truth the load of cum he had shot before whilst looking at his hot little brother's erection had made a mess that was now getting a bit uncomfortable.

"OK. We will get the bags in and then you can go, but Dexter is going with you, there's a load of pervs out there, it's not like it will be as private as the toilets in the lounge" David relented, giving his son a stern look. "Do you need to go too Romeo?" David asked, turning to his younger son.

"No Daddy, I don't thanks" Romeo responded. He seemed to have perfected the innocent little boy routine, and he knew it too judging by the beaming smile his Dad gave him.

Dexter tapped on David's window twice, signalling that he was ready for the three of them to get out. He had placed himself roughly between the car doors and the main entrance to the terminal, one large had resting on the trolley and one hand on the car.

"OK boys, get your things, and Romeo hold my hand please" David told his sons, motioning with his hands for them to both get out of the door on his side of the car as he reached over to pick up his Burberry travel bag that Romeo had put on the rear seat for him earlier.

The three Beckhams got out of the car, Romeo and David both toting their travels bags, and an explosion of camera flashes suddenly went off. Over the years they had all learnt to look down slightly and squint so as not to get blinded, but it was still a bit full on.

Romeo moved to his Dad's side and slipped his hand into his Dads, staying close, with Brooklyn and Dexter following closely behind. They headed straight across the terminal foyer and towards the Virgin Atlantic Upper Class check in terminal, David handing over his and the boys passports to Dexter who moved a few paces forward to the desk to check them in.

As they were waiting a small boy wearing an Arsenal shirt approached David with what looked to be his Mum. "Can he get a photo with you?" the boy's Mum asked nervously.

"Course he can" David smiled at her, motioning for the small boy, who appeared to be around Cruz's age, to come closer. He bent down until his roughly the same height as the boy, placing his hand on his shoulder as he did so and smiling for the camera. He had done this more times than he could remember, it was almost a reflex now, the pose and smile.

The little boy beamed as his Mum took a few snaps on a mobile phone, stealing glances to look up at David between shots, obviously in awe of his hero.

"Thank you so much David, I think you made his year" the Mum gushed, clutching her phone close to her side and beckoning her young son back over to her.

Dexter came back over to David and handed over his boarding passes and passports, stopping beside Brooklyn and opposite David, who was waving the young fan and his Mum off.

"They say the 11.35 has been delayed, it won't leave till 12.35, something to do with an earlier flight being delayed, so we've got an hour to kill" Dexter informed them, sighing.

"We can just kill the time in the lounge, should be quiet at this time of day, the boys have their IPads and I have that paperwork to look over. Come on boys, get your stuff. Brooklyn you can use the toilet in there" David said, bending down to pick up his bag.

"OK Dad, I guess I can hold it another 5 minutes" Brooklyn sighed, looking a bit uncomfortable due to the soggy underwear.

The four of them headed off in the direction of the First Class lounge, Romeo again holding his Dads hand. Everyone in the terminal seemed to be staring at them, and the odd camera flash went off now and then, either from paparazzi or fans, which all four ignored.

They went through the small entrance to the lounge, David not needing to show the passes as he went, so familiar were the staff with him by now. They found a small square of 20 chairs arranged in five seat blocks around a low table piled with various magazines, with only two other people sitting; a suited businessman in his 40's on one side with an expensive looking Apple laptop resting on his knees, and an elderly woman directly opposite him on the other side.

David went across to one of the unoccupied sides of the seating area, Romeo still trailing along beside him, and plonked himself down in a chair, leaving his bag on the floor in front of him whilst reaching into it to pull out some papers.

Romeo took the seat right next to him nearest where the businessman was sat, looking over at the businessman and his laptop, who had looked up now and noticed who was joining him in the seating area.

Dexter moved over to the other unoccupied side, plonking down his small sports bag on a chair and sitting down, taking up almost two seats in the process.

Brooklyn had stopped and was looking around trying to remember where the toilet was, before spotting it. "Dad I'm going toilet OK?" he said, moving around behind the small seating area to walk a little further into the lounge where the Men's toilets were located.

"OK, but use a cubicle OK Brooks?" his Dad responded, raising his eyebrows a tad to emphasise his point.

Romeo was still looking at the businessman's laptop wondering if it was better than the one he had at home, when he noticed him look up towards Brooklyn as his Dad mentioned using a cubicle, and watched him follow Brooklyn with his eyes as he went off to the toilet, before looking back down to his laptop.

Romeo was used to seeing people stare, but it was usually at his Mum or Dad, not often at him or his brothers. He continued to stare at the man, who was quite slimly built, had short brown hair and blue eyes and was wearing a light grey suit. The man seemed to sense the attention and looked over at Romeo, before giving him a nervous looking smile and then looking back down at his laptop, looking up again to see if Romeo was still looking a moment later.

Romeo knew that there were pervs out there who liked younger boys, and had long lectures from his parents about what to look out for and how to be careful, but this man didn't seem bad, he had a kind face Romeo thought.

Romeo decided to give him a little test and put his feet up on the table in front of him, which made the bottoms of the openings of his shorts slide back showing off his long, skinny, tanned legs with not a single bit of tan line. Sure enough, the man looked up at Romeos legs, his eyes moving up furtively to his shorts, taking in the view, before looking up to Romeo's face to see the young boy grinning at him, before quickly looking back down to his laptop.

Romeo felt he knew for sure that the businessman was one of those pervs, but still wanted to be sure.

Brooklyn returned from the toilet, looking a bit happier now he had a chance to get the sticky cum cleaned out from his white boxer briefs a bit, and took a seat two up from Dexter, pulling his IPhone out of his pocket as he sat down, glancing over to Romeo briefly as he did so before focusing on something on his phone.

Romeo got up from where he was sat and headed over to the table to where a small stack of fashion magazines had been laid out and picked up a copy of GQ magazine, heading away from his Dad to sit on the same row of seats as the elderly lady, roughly in the middle, with his father sat in the bank of seats on his right intent on some paperwork he was reading and Dexter and Brooklyn sat in the bank of seats on his left, with the businessman sat in the bank of seats on his own directly in front of Romeo.

The businessman had glanced up and seen the boy's movement, but then looked back down to his laptop. Romeo saw his eyes dart up every now and now then to take in Brooklyn and then Romeo, who pretended not to notice the looks and focused on reading his GQ magazine.

Romeo again put his feet up on the table, this time allowing his legs to open quite widely, knowing that even though his blue football shorts were a good fit, they would still give the businessman a look right up each leg to his lime green briefs, which would stand out a mile to anyone looking. Romeo pretended not to be paying attention to the businessman whilst still keeping a sneaky eye on him, waiting to see if he took the bait and looked.

The businessman looked up a few minutes later and was going to look back down when he stopped mid motion and stared at Romeo, and not at his face. Romeo saw the downwards glance and made a move to nonchalantly scratch his right leg, pulling at the leg of his shorts at the same time causing more of his lime green briefs to be put on display.

The businessman couldn't tear his eyes away from the cute little 10 year olds underwear, taking in the view up his shorts, before looking around to see if anyone was watching his gaze, before turning back to look. Romeo had stopped reading now and was just staring at the businessman, waiting for the inevitable look up to Romeo's face.

Sure enough, the businessman looked up to Romeo's face after a few seconds, to again seeing the cute boy grinning at him. He smiled back, a smile that was a mixture of panic and surprise, and looked back down to his laptop.

Romeo grinned to himself, the businessman was definitely a perv, and he was looking at him. Romeo felt his little dick begin to stiffen a bit, and tried to not think about it for a minute knowing it would show up in the shorts he was wearing like it had done for in the car with Brooklyn. He made a quick decision, remembering how the businessman had stared after Brooklyn as he went to the toilet before, and hatched a plan.

"Dad, can I go to the toilet?" Romeo asked turning to his Dad and also looking over to the businessman to see if he had heard, pleased to see him look up seemingly interested in the exchange between father and son.

"Yeah OK I will take you in a second, let me just finish this paragraph" David answered, not looking up.

"But I'm desperate; can't I just go on my own? I'll use a cubicle, it's only over there Dad" Romeo whined, looking over to the toilet.

"OK, but don't be long" David replied, looking up at the boy. "And remember to wash your hands" he added.

"OK Dad!" Romeo responded, grinning, before looking over to the businessman and giving him a rather obvious wink that clearly surprised him, as his laptop almost slipped off his knees.

Romeo headed off between the gaps in the seats, and took a quick glance back to look at the businessman and smile, hoping he would follow. He had just reached the toilet door when he noticed the man was putting his laptop into his bag beside him and looking at his watch casually, looking like he was about to leave, just as Romeo entered the empty Men's toilet, assuming the businessman wasn't going to follow.

Romeo went over to the small bank of three urinals, taking the one farthest from the door and reached into his shorts and briefs and fished out his soft penis, holding the hem of his t-shirt up with his left hand before rolling back his foreskin and beginning to pee. Around 30 seconds later he heard the door to the toilet open and turned around to see the businessman enter the toilet and walk up to the urinal at the far end of the three, leaving one urinal between himself and Romeo.

Romeo turned back to focus on the task at hand, and had almost finished peeing, when he heard the sound of peeing coming from the other urinal and looked over to where the businessman had pulled out his own dick, the head exposed. Romeo stared at the businessman's far larger dick, which was certainly bigger than his own currently soft two inch dick.

He looked up into the businessman's face, which now had a grin of his own plastered to it, having clearly seen Romeo staring openly at his dick. Romeo smiled back, having finished peeing but still with his dick in his right hand, holding back the foreskin. He looked up at the businessman, taking one step back on his left to stand slightly more facing him, giving him a better view of his now quickly stiffening little dick.

"Oh my god that's so cute" the businessman spoke, looking down at Romeo's dick which was now at its full three inches and hard as a nail, and was now pointing straight up and quite close to his clearly hairless pubic area. "Are you Romeo Beckham?" the man asked, looking up to Romeo's face briefly.

"Yeah I am" Romeo replied, putting on his best cute voice and smile, loving having the older man obviously eyeing him up. "Can you get your willy hard too?" Romeo asked, almost pleading.

"Sure thing" the businessman responded giving his dick a few strokes at it reached its full 7 inches, making Romeo gasp slightly.

"Cool, it's really big!" Romeo exclaimed, his eyes glued to the older man's dick, his own hard little nail now being grasped tightly in his right hand. "Can you make it shoot the white stuff?" Romeo asked. He has seen a few porn movies at sleepovers, and always loved seeing that, not that he had ever seen it for real given he was too young to produce any cum of his own just yet.

"Oh yeah, for you sweetheart I sure can, can you turn and face me and lift your shirt up a bit more so I can see your tummy, and maybe pull your shorts down a bit so I can see your balls too?" the businessman asked.

"OK" Romeo replied, releasing his dick to slap back onto his belly and reaching down to tug his shorts down a bit from resting beneath his small hairless ball sack, reaching back up to pull his t-shirt up to reveal his tight tummy and mini six pack that he was so proud of. "Like this?" he asked.

"Perfect, won't be long" the man grunted, looking over at the perfect little boy in front of him, marvelling at the lack of tan lines and how hard his little 3 inch erection seemed to be. He continued to wank for few seconds before grunting, and shooting a thick stream of cum into the urinal, some missing slightly and running down the side of the bowl.

"That was awesome!" Romeo said, his hand still holding up his t-shirt, his dick still rock hard. "I wish I could do that".

"You will soon no doubt, god your so cute do you know that? I can't believe my luck. Do you mind if I take a picture of you?" the businessman asked, knowing this was never likely to happen again, part of him wondering if it was even happening now.

Romeo thought for a few seconds, remembering how his Dad had stopped to take a picture with that fan before in the terminal, deciding it was rude not to take photos with your fans. "Um ok then" he replied, smiling up at the man.

The businessman fished his phone out of his pocket and snapped a few photos of Romeo holding up his shirt and with his hard little erection on display, grinning at the camera like he had been taught to do for his Burberry ad campaign.

"Oh my god thanks, this is amazing, but I really better go" the businessman said, putting his phone away and hurriedly doing up his trousers knowing he could be caught at any minute. "You have probably made my year" he called over his shoulder at Romeo as he hurried out the toilet door.

Romeo turned back to face the urinal for a few moments longer, playing idly with his still hard little penis, enjoying the feeling of rolling his foreskin back and forth over the head, sighing to himself, before the door went again and he turned to see Brooklyn's head poke around the door.

"Come on Romeo, they said our flight can board now" Brooklyn said, looking over to the boy at the urinal. "Didn't dad say you gotta use a cubicle? Why are you over there?" Brooklyn asked.

"Um I wanted to pee here instead, I'm not a baby anymore, I can pee at a urinal on my own you know" Romeo responded, a little miffed but at the same time a little wary not knowing what his brother would say if he knew what he had just had done.

"OK whatever, we better go" Brooklyn responded, looking over to his brother as he pulled up the front of his shorts.

"Yeah ok, but Brooks...?" Romeo asked, trailing off.

"What is it?" Brooklyn answered, a bit impatient now, some of his earlier grumpiness returning.

"You said I could see yours, can I see it now quickly please? You have seen mine?" Romeo pleaded, giving his brother his best puppy dog eyes.

Brooklyn thought for a moment before the hormones kicked in and he stepped over to the urinals with his brother. "OK but quickly yeah?"

"Yeah, OK!" Romeo excitedly agreed.

Brooklyn reached up to his waist and undid the button on his jeans, pulling down the zip shortly afterwards, his white boxer briefs coming into view with a few damp patches showing from his earlier cum mishap in the car. He pulled the waistband on the boxer briefs down, revealing the small patch of pubic hair, reaching in with his free hand to fish out his soft 3.5 inch dick, to Romeos gasp.

"Cool, it's pretty big" Romeo said excitedly. "Can you make it hard?" he asked, looking up from his brother's dick into his face.

"OK but we gotta be quick" Brooklyn responded, beginning to stroke his 14 year old dick into a quickly growing erection reaching his full 5 inch length in no time, his dick jutting away sharply from his smooth tight tummy, arching up slightly towards the end. He skinned his foreskin back to show Romeo the head of his dick, watching as Romeo stared intently, his hand now having gone back down to the front of his shorts to grasp his own obviously hard little dick.

"It's wicked Brooks, way bigger than mine. Can I touch it?" Romeo asked, almost whispering.

"Yeah, OK" Brooklyn responded, breathing in, in anticipation.

Rome reached out his small hand, glancing up at Brooklyn briefly, before wrapping his hand around his brother hard dick, being surprisingly gentle, causing Brooklyn to release the breath he was holding. His brother's hand on his dick felt amazing!

Both boys were startled back to reality by the sound of their Dad calling out to them from the corridor. "Come on boys, we gotta go" they heard him say.

Romeo quickly released his brother's now swiftly shrinking dick, watching as Brooklyn stuffed it back awkwardly into this boxer briefs, before beginning to do up his zip. Romeo ran around this brother and quickly headed out the door, thinking he would give his brother time to get anything put away.

Brooklyn finished zipping up when something caught his eye. He could see what looked like cum on the side of one of the urinals. He reached out and touched it with his finger, bringing his finger up to his nose and smelling the unmistakable scent on cum.

He suddenly wondered what on earth Romeo had been doing in here, and then remembered the businessman that had been sat across from him who had come out of the toilet a few seconds before Brooklyn had gone in.

Romeo never normally went to the urinals; their Dad was too paranoid about some perv taking pictures so always told the boys to use the cubicles. Had Romeo been doing something with that businessman? Is that why he was at the urinals and why there was cum running down the side of the one next to where Romeo had been standing? Brooklyn didn't think the cum could be Romeo's.

"Brooklyn, come on!" his Dad poked his head around the door, jolting Brooklyn out of his thoughts. "We need to go!" his Dad remonstrated.

"Yeah OK Dad, I'm coming!" Brooklyn responded, heading quickly towards the door, grinning at his own little pun.

Brooklyn joined his Dad, Romeo who was again looking as innocent as anything, and Dexter as they headed out of the lounge. Brooklyn pulled his little brother back by the arm, slightly out of earshot of the two men. "What were you doing in there just before I came in?" Brooklyn asked.

"Tell you later!" Romeo grinned at his brother, skipping back up to his Dad to hold his hand.

The four of them heading towards security and the flight back to LA, Brooklyn left wondering what his little brother had gotten up to in the toilet, and thinking about how nice his little hand had felt on his dick.

End of Part 2

Thanks for the feedback thus far, even though it's only been a day. Someone commented on a toilet/airport scene which was very funny as I had already nigh on written this chapter.

Keep the comments coming, the encouragement really helps motivate me to write more. I am sure the boys will get up to more once they hit LA, with little Cruz to come into the mix, not to mention a world of cute Hollywood boys, I am sure the Beckham boys have a lot of celebrity friends to choose from!

Next: Chapter 3

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