The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on May 30, 2013


This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give productive and/or constructive advice or Criticism, I welcome it.

Please send all feedback to

The Beckham Boys – Part 3

Getting through security was relatively painless, it helped to have the surname Beckham at times, and the four of them were in their seats in Upper Class inside 15 minutes.

They were sat near to the front of the cabin, with David and Dexter facing each other diagonally on one side of the aisle and Brooklyn and Romeo facing each other diagonally on the other side of the aisle.

Both boys had kicked off their shoes and put them under their seats, both instantly, and had buckled up their seatbelts, being old hands at flying.

Around 10 minutes later an announcement came over the speakers from the captain, advising the passengers that there were ready to depart and to ensure they had their had their tables and belongings stowed as was standard, whilst two stewardesses gave the safety instructions, hand signals included.

The plane taxied its way out from them terminal and onto the runway, pausing for a few moments, before accelerating and taking off. It climbed for a few minutes before level out, which signalled the usual stream of passengers and stewardesses walking up and down the aisles.

Brooklyn looked across to Romeo to see him with his headphones on and already watching something on the small TV by his side. He had his seatbelt on, but he had leaned back and tucked his legs underneath him, curled into a ball on his side slightly. Brooklyn knew it wouldn't be long before his little brother dozed off, as was his way on anything moving, so put his own headphones on and chose a movie to watch.

A couple of hours into the flight, Brooklyn's attention on the small TV by his side was broken by a stewardess laying out a small table from the side of his seat for him. He looked over to Romeo to see that the younger boy was indeed fast asleep. He looked so utterly innocent that Brooklyn found it hard to believe he could have done anything dirty in the toilet back at the airport, but something clearly happened.

His was still daydreaming, his dick having gotten a fair bit bigger but not fully hard, when the stewardesses returned and put the tray of food down in front of him, before looking up to Brooklyn's crotch and then face, smiling slightly.

Brooklyn blushed, realising that he had a little tent in his jeans where his dick how now reached its full 5 inch length whilst daydreaming about Romeo. He quickly took the napkin and made of show of putting it on his lap and doing his best to cover his problem. "Great, now it will be on twitter that Brooklyn Beckham got a boner over a stewardess" he thought to himself.

The thought made him daydream again however. He had never really had a girlfriend before, and although he wanked off to normal porn, he looked at the guys as much as the girls. The incident with Romeo on top of that made him start to wonder if he was bi, or maybe even gay.

The flight went more or less without incident, with the 11 hours going relatively quickly, or so Brooklyn thought. Shortly after the plane landed the four of them collected their carryon bags from the overhead lockers and began to shuffle off the plane, the two men on one side and the two boys on the other.

Brooklyn was walking behind Romeo when the younger boy suddenly stopped as they were about to make the turn to their right for the exit. Romeo was looking into the premium economy section of the plane and Brooklyn followed his gaze and recognised the businessman from the airport, and then saw Romeo give him a little subtle wave before getting off the plane. Brooklyn looked at the man and smiled, realising now that something had for sure happened, before turning away and following his brother off the plane.

They made it through passport control OK and watched as Dexter again headed off to get a trolley and deal with their bags, the two boys sat side by side on the edge of a large trolley stand whilst their Dad David was on the phone, pacing back and forth 3 or 4 meters away from the boys.

"What happened then?" Brooklyn asked, nudging Romeo in the side with his elbow.

"What?" Romeo asked, in a world of his own watching the people go past.

"What happened with that man from before? He was on the plane, I saw you wave at him as we were getting off" Brooklyn replied.

"Oh nothing really, I just showed him my dick and he made his sperms come out for me" Romeo responded, calm as anything, like he had just said he had bought a newspaper.

"What? Are you crazy?! He could have done anything to you!" Brooklyn exclaimed, quite loudly, causing his Dad's head to turn momentarily before turning back to his pacing. Brooklyn noticed and stopped talking.

Romeo looked at his brother and saw the obviously worry on his face, and looked down at the ground, suddenly feeling bad. "I didn't think he would, he seemed nice" he managed to croak out, sounding upset.

Brooklyn could see that Romeo understood that what he had done was wrong, this fact reinforced by the look on Romeo's face when he looked back up at his older brother, tears now just about being held back. Brooklyn instantly felt bad, Romeo looking sad had that effect on just about anyone, and leaned in closer to him, putting an arm around his shoulder, Romeo naturally leaning into his brother.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you bud, I mean I just don't think you should do that, you know what Dad says about pervs, anything could of happened, he might have hurt you!" Brooklyn whispered, his face quite low and near to his brother's.

Romeo looked up and saw Brooklyn wasn't mad anymore and, then leaned further into him, getting comfortable. "I'm sorry Brooklyn, I won't do it again, promise" he said, solemnly. He was glad he hadn't told Brooklyn about the photos, he'd go crazy about that for sure.

"OK" Brooklyn replied, pulling little Romeo close before looking up to his Dad to see him smiling at the two of them lovingly, obviously thinking what a good brother Brooklyn was.

"You two ready?" David asked, now standing in front of the two huddled up boys again. "Dexter has the bags and says the coast is clear, seems they flight delay has confused the paps".

"Yeah lets go" Brooklyn responded, getting up, the three of them now walking away, Romeo holding Brooklyn's hand, still looking for a bit of reassurance that his older brother wasn't mad.

The met up with Dexter and walked thought the terminal behind the large bodyguard, who was pushing the trolley containing their bags in front of him. They were met outside by an airport valet, who handed a set of keys to Dexter and pointed over to a black, anonymous looking Mercedes.

Dexter pushed the trolley over to the back of the car, beginning to load the bags as the three Beckhams got into the car, David again sat in the front with the boys in the back. Dexter finished loading and closed the boot, moving around to the driver's door and getting in.

The trip back to their LA home was stop start, they had run right into the rush hour traffic, but they eventually pulled up to the large black gates 45 minutes later, the gates opening automatically allowing them to drive in and up the long driveway to where the house was set back from the road.

The house was a fairly modern looking construction, full of sharp angles and glass, quite a contrast to some of the older more traditional homes around them.

Dexter pulled the car up to the main entrance, a set of large back steel reinforced double doors, which opened allowing another member of the Beckham staff to exit. A short, homely, Mexican woman dressed in black, a beaming smile on her face.

"Hello Mr David" she exclaimed as David got out, seemingly pleased to see them.

"Hi Gloria, is Victoria home yet?" David asked the housekeeper.

"No señor, she is still at her work, she say she gonna be late she think" Gloria responded, her Mexican accent thick but cheerful, as was her natural state most of the time.

The two boys had made their way past their Dad and engulfed Gloria in a combined hug, pleased to see the housekeeper. "Oh my boys, how are yous, have you been good for you Dad, he works so hard you know, he work very hard" she said, placing one hand on each of the two boys faces.

"Yes Gloria" the boys replied in unison, before skipping around her to run into the house.

"Where is Cruz?" David asked Gloria, taking his and Romeos travel bag form the rear passenger seat of the car, the younger boy having forgot all about it in his rush to get in.

"He in the pool señor, I go watch him now yes?" she replied, moving to leave.

"No its OK, I'll go, you help Dexter with the bags and getting the stuff unpacked, I think the boys will probably eat something a bit later and then be zonked out, so you should have any easy night" David replied.

Gloria was officially the housekeeper but she served as a surrogate Mum for the boys as well, which was a necessity given how often their parents were at work.

"Si señor, I help Mr Dexter, you go" she replied, moving off to the back of the car and hovering around Dexter as he put the remaining suitcase in the floor, which was comically almost as big as her.

David walked into the house and through the open lounge area into the kitchen/informal dinging area that opened directly onto the pool. He could hear splashing noises and excited whoops, so it seemed Cruz was not alone in the pool anymore.

He walked out the open sliding doors onto the decked area, and then out across a short path to the entrance through the safety gate to the pool. Brooklyn was nowhere to be seen, not doubt in his room already as was the way with teenage boys, but Romeo had joined his little brother in the pool, his Paris St Germain shorts and shirt seemingly thrown vaguely in the direction of one of the sun loungers by the side, the shirt half on the floor.

"DADDY!" Cruz bellowed, having spotted his Dad, rushing to get out of the pool as fast as he could, almost slipping on the wet tiles as he did so before jumping up into his Dads arms, getting him sopping wet in the process. "I missed you Dad!" Cruz beamed at his Dad.

"No I think you got me alright, I'm wet as anything you little scamp" David replied, hugging his youngest son close all the same, his hands around the little boys tiny bum, Cruz's arms around his Dad's neck. David loved nothing more than being with his family; he appreciated it even more given the long years of traveling and being away from them for the various football clubs he had played for.

David managed to peel the clearly happy little boy off from him, putting him back down by the pool. Cruz Beckham was the youngest of the Beckham boys at 8 years old. Like his brothers he was skinny, though not as skinny as Romeo, with a small amount of puppy fat that young boys tend to have. He had very short brown hair and brown eyes, and looked like a nice mix of his Mum and Dad's looks. He was also the palest of the three boys, and never seemed to get that tanned, burning more often than not. He was wearing a pair of blue camouflage board shorts, the type of swimwear that boys sadly tend to favour these days.

"Romeo I'm going back in to get dried, watch your brother OK?" David asked, watching as Romeo climbed out the pool to do a Dive. He was now wearing just his lime green briefs that clung close to his body, everything the little boy had being clearly visible where the briefs were soaked though. "You want me to bring out your trunks?" David asked.

"Nah I'm ok Dad, I'll come in soon, I just couldn't wait to get in the pool, and I'll watch Cruz" Romeo replied, just before diving in.

David left the two boys to play, picking up Romeo's discard clothes and trainer's as he went, heading back into the house.

The two boys followed him in an hour or so later, both looking tired, Cruz especially so. He had clearly played himself out. Cruz padded over to Gloria who was in the kitchen area, and wrapped him in a towel. "Take your wet things off chico, I put them in the wash" Gloria said, after doing her best to towel the small boy down.

Cruz obediently slipped his board shorts down revealing a small, soft two inch dick and balls, which unlike his older brothers was minus the foreskin due to an infection as a baby. Cruz displayed no shame as he padded across the marble floor naked to the laundry pile, putting his wet shorts down on some clean laundry to a sound of displeasure form Gloria, before heading back over to Gloria, his little package wiggling as he did so, to put on the SpongeBob onesie Gloria was holding for him.

"Time for bed chico" Gloria said, picking the small boy up and heading over to where David was sat. Cruz leaned down out of Gloria's arms to kiss his Dad goodnight.

"Goodnight sweetheart, I'll be in to read you a story in a minute if you want?" David asked.

"Yeah OK Dad cool, can we have the Ben10 one?" Cruz asked.

"Sure thing Son" David replied. He looked over to Romeo who had followed in behind his little brother and evaded Gloria, and had sat on one of the dining room chairs and was fiddling with an Ipad. "You better get ready too Romeo, put your wet things in the laundry too" David asked.

"But Dad, I'll be naked!" Romeo exclaimed "Gloria will see!" he moaned, Gloria chuckling to herself as she carried a now sleepy looking Cruz out of the room.

"OK well go and get ready for bed in your room then, I'll come in and tuck you in later, you can watch TV for an hour if you want, until your Mum and Harper get in." David relented.

"Yeah OK Dad" Romeo replied, getting up to head to his bedroom, his lime green briefs a bit drier, but still stuck tight to his body.

Romeo headed off into the house, towards the wing that contained the bedrooms, the house being arranged over one floor. He had to pass Brooklyn's bedroom on the way, their rooms being located at the far end of the corridor away from all the others, sticking his head around the door as he went past.

"Hey Brooks, Dad says we got to get ready for bed" Romeo informed his older brother, despite David not having mentioned Brooklyn.

"I will in a bit" Brooklyn replied. He was sat cross legged on the end of his bed, his Macbook on his lap, his attention focused on it, before looking up to where Romeo was stood in the doorway.

"Why are you pants wet?" Brooklyn asked looking down at his brother's wet lime green briefs.

"I was in the pool with Cruz, couldn't be bothered to put on my trunks" Romeo replied, pulling his pants away from his body at the front where they had stuck to his soft dick and balls, Brooklyn watching as he did so.

Romeo stood there for a moment, an awkward silence between them, wondering if Brooklyn might show him his dick again. He hadn't really been able to see it for very long in the toilet at the airport as their Dad has called out for them to go. He stepped into the room and moved over to stand beside the bed near to where Brooklyn was sat.

"Brooks, can I see it again please?" Romeo asked, sheepishly.

"See what?" Brooklyn asked, knowing the answer from the now slightly enlarged bulge at the front of his little brothers pants, his hand going down to squeeze himself absentmindedly.

"Your thing" Romeo replied, grinning, now squeezing his almost fully hard dick through his wet pants, anticipating Brooklyn agreeing.

"OK, but go close the door yeah?" Brooklyn grinned back, pointing to the still open door. Romeo crossed back to the door and pushed it closed before returning to Brooklyn.

Brooklyn was still wearing his jeans and white long sleeved t-shirt from before, minus his trainers. He got up off from the bed and undid the button on his jeans, followed by the fly before quickly shucking them off, leaving him dressed in just his t-shirt, white boxer briefs and grey trainer socks.

He bent down to slip of each sock off in turn before sitting back down on the bed, patting beside him for Romeo to join him. The smaller boy was still pawing at his now obviously hard little erection, the front of his briefs now tenting out quite obscenely.

Brooklyn leaned back on the bed and lifted the hem of his t-shirt up slightly to reveal his tight tummy and little innie belly button, before using both hands to pull the front of his white boxer briefs down to release his own very hard 5 inch erection, with just a small patch of pubic hair above it, with a still hairless ball sack under which he stuck the waistband of his underwear.

Romeo studied his brother's erection for a minute, watching it twitch slightly in time to his heartbeat, before looking up to his brother's face as he reached out his hand, letting go of his own hard little 3 inch erection which was still confined by his now straining briefs.

"Can I?" Romeo asked.

"Sure" Brooklyn responded quietly, remembering how good his little brother's hand had felt on his dick before.

He watched as Romeo reached out and grasped his dick with his right hand, putting his left hand below it, before using both hands to slowly roll back Brooklyn's foreskin to reveal the now glistening mushroom head. Romeo rolled the foreskin back up over the head, seemingly fascinated by his new toy, looking to his brother to make sure he was still OK with everything.

Brooklyn gave him a small nod, and Romeo gave his brother dick a few gentle strokes, Brooklyn closing his eyes and leaning his head back as his 10 year old brother slowly wanked him off, knowing he would cum if he carried on a whole lot longer. Brooklyn looked up again at Romeo, causing him to stop his slow wanking of his brother.

"Get yours out too Romeo" Brooklyn croaked, keen to see his brother's hard little dick again.

"OK" Romeo replied, jumping up and pulling his lime green briefs straight down and completely off his body, his nail hard little 3 inch erection slapping tight against his hairless public area as he did so. Naked as he was, there still wasn't even the slightest trace of a tan line.

Romeo sat back down beside his grinning brother, Brooklyn having temporarily taken over the wanking of his own dick, Romeo now leaning back ready for his bother to explore his hot little body.

Brooklyn marvelled at how cute Romeo was, resting propped up on his elbows, his flat chest following down into his tight little tummy with an outie belly button, leading down into his smooth, hairless little pubic area. His erection looked so hard, like it could take someone's eye out if Romeo used it as a weapon, and stood just slightly off his tummy his little hairless ball sack drawn up tightly beneath it.

Romeo watched as his older brother took in the view, still wanking as he did so, before he reached out with his left and hand and grasped Romeos little rod with his thumb and forefinger, skinning back the foreskin to reveal the small pink mushroom head, making Romeo gasp.

Brooklyn rolled this brothers foreskin back and forth slowly, watching his little brother's sharp intakes of breath each time he skinned him back, clearly enjoying the attention. He continued to wank his own dick, feeling like he was going to cum, but trying to calm himself down, not wanting this to end too soon. He made a decision and released his brother's hard little dick, dropping off the bed onto his knees, moving in between his brothers legs.

Romeo had let his head drop back and had closed his eyes, looking up again as his brother released his dick and slipped down onto the floor, nudging Romeo to part his knees. Romeo wondered what Brooklyn was up to, not really connecting the action to what Brooklyn was about to do.

Brooklyn moved up close to the edge of the bed, reaching around to place his hands on either side of Romeo's hips before pulling him a bit closer to the edge of the bed, pulling the bed sheets off slightly as he did so. He then placed his left hand on his brother's flat tummy, and reached out and again pulled Romeos foreskin back revealing the pink little mushroom head. He moved his left hand again, up to Romeos hairless little ball sack, rolling to the two little boy balls around in his hand gently, before looking back up to Romeo's dick.

Romeo watched in anticipation, guessing now what his big brother was planning and watched as Brooklyn leaned down over his dick, poking out his little pink tongue and gently licking the mushroom head, causing Romeo to gasp and throw his head back.

Brooklyn could see his brother liked that, and in truth his dick tasted fine, a bit like the chlorine from the pool though. So he let the little mushroom head slide over his tongue and into his mouth, closing his mouth around it and sucking in Romeos dick all the way, stopping as he reached his hairless pubic area.

"Oh god Brooks that's awesome" Romeo moaned, watching as his brother slowly bobbed his head up and down on his hard little 3 inch erection, placing his hands on Brooklyn's head and rubbing it, giving encouragement. His dick had never felt this good before, Brooklyn's mouth being a warm and wet little dream.

Brooklyn continued to suck Romeo's dick, reaching down to grip it with thump and forefinger again, pulling back slightly with his mouth so he could concentrate on swirling his tongue around the little mushroom head at the same time as wanking him.

Romeo put his hands on each side of his brother head now, the feeling having intensified at Brooklyn's change in technique, Romeo trying to get more of his dick into Brooklyn's mouth, the feelings almost unbearably nice.

Romeo was panting hard, making little moaning noises, almost mewing like a cat, which only encouraged Brooklyn further. Romeo's dick felt so nice inside his mouth, hard and soft all at once. Brooklyn continued to suck his little brother, spurred on by the obvious sounds of enjoyment.

"I think I need to pee" Romeo suddenly blurt out, causing Brooklyn to stop sucking for a second.

"Nah your probably just close is all" Brooklyn replied, Romeo looking confused.

"Close to what?" Romeo asked, breathing heavily.

"Cumming, stupid" Brooklyn replied, smirking. He had assumed Romeo knew what would happen, but seemingly his little brother was a bit more innocent that he thought. "You know when you get that great feeling, like when your sperm comes out if you older. You have cummed before aint you?" Brooklyn asked.

"No, never. I don't think so anyway, I just stop and go have a pee" Romeo replied, looking confused, not quite fully equating the cumming he had seen the businessman do in the airport toilet to the fact that he could cum without shooting sperm and still get the feeling. "So I can cum too, but without with sperms?" he asked Brooklyn.

"Yeah course, you never done it before?" Brooklyn asked, clearly surprised as Romeo shook his head. "Oh ok well you're gonna cum now Romeo" Brooklyn grinned, bending back down and taking his little brothers dick back into his mouth and sucking him for all he was worth, causing the small boy's body to bounce up and down on the bed slightly.

Brooklyn continued to suck Romeo, the boy now moaning even louder, struggling to deal with the feelings his brother's sucking was eliciting from him, partly worried that he might still pee in his mouth and make him mad.

Romeo felt like his little erection was going to explode at any second, the whole of his little body tensing up, causing him to hold his breath and not make a sound. It felt like nothing he had ever felt before, then it got even better and his whole body started to shake, and he released the breath he was holding, letting out a loud moan. "Oh fuckkkkkkkkkk" he moaned, his little body shaking with his first ever orgasm.

Brooklyn took his head off his little brother's dick, watching as Romeo drew in lots of little breaths, his little dick twitching wildly trying to pump out sperm his body wasn't yet producing, his whole body shaking, his eyes closed tightly with a look of almost pain on his face, his first orgasm being almost too intense a feeling for his little body to take.

Romeos breathing started to ease, and he had now lay flat on his back fully, his little dick still rock hard and jutting up from his body, the little mushroom head now an angry red colour. He looked up to his brother, who was just watching him, grinning.

"Did you like that then Romes?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yeah it was amazing, sorry I swore" Romeo replied, remembering he wasn't allowed to swear and had used the F word when he had cummed.

"I don't think anyone heard" Brooklyn chuckled, not quite believing his little brother was worried about being heard swearing more than having just been sucked off to his first orgasm by his brother.

Brooklyn's thoughts went back to his own still hard dick, Romeo seeming to sense his brother's thoughts. "Shall I do it to you now Brooklyn?" Romeo asked, looking up at his brother.

"Yeah please" Brooklyn replied, not quite believing his first ever blowjob was going to be from his 10 year old brother rather than some random fan girl.

Romeo scooted up the edge of the bed, still completely naked, and motioned for his brother to stand up between his legs near to the bed. Brooklyn's dick was still hard and poking away from his body at roughly eye level to the sitting Romeo. Romeo reached out and took hold of his older brother's 5 inch dick and opened his mouth, leaning over to take in the head, his teeth scraping on it as he did.

"Owww! Careful with your teeth Romeo" Brooklyn yelped, Romeo now being careful, wrapping his lips over his teeth slightly.

"thooory" Romeo mumbled, his mouth full of Brooklyn's hard dick, now taking in almost an inch beyond the tip, trying get in as much as he could before he gagged slightly and let Brooklyn's dick fall out of his mouth momentarily.

Brooklyn watched as his cute little 10 year old brother took his dick back into his hot little mouth, seemingly having figured out a length and technique that worked for him, his right hand wanking Brooklyn as his little mouth and tongue worked on the head and the first inch or so. Brooklyn knew it wouldn't be long before he cummed.

Romeo sucked Brooklyn for a few more minutes, listening to his older brother grunting and moaning, his hands now on Romeo's head almost trying to force more of dick into the little boy's mouth.

"I'm close Romes, I'm gonna shoot soon, you better move your mouth" Brooklyn warned, watching as Romeo continued to suck him, either not getting what he meant or seemingly not caring.

A few more seconds passed and before Brooklyn moaned loudly, almost face fucking his little brother now, unable to hold out any longer. "I'm gonna cum!" he exclaimed.

Romeo felt the head of Brooklyn's dick twitch in his mouth before tasting something salty in his mouth. He took Brooklyn's dick out to look at what was happening and got hit by a stream of Brooklyn's cum right in the face, followed by another spurt that landed on his chest as he leaned back, before Brooklyn collapsed on top of the smaller boy and caused them both to land back on the bed.

Brooklyn lay panting on top of his brother for a few seconds, feeling Romeos still hard little dick poking into his tummy, before getting up onto his elbows and looking down at his brother below him, Romeo's cheek and part of his nose covered in little streaks of Brooklyn's cum, looking a bit shocked with a silly grin on his face.

"That was ace Romeo, sorry I got you in the face" Brooklyn giggled, looking down at his brother underneath him.

"That's ok, it was cooler, way cooler than that man in the toilet when he cummed. Some went in my mouth too, it tasted OK" the little boy responded, so happy that he had made his brother feel so good.

"Cool, but we better get you cleaned up, you can't leave my room with cum on your face" Brooklyn laughed, getting off his brother and helping him to his feet. "Here use your pants" Brooklyn said, picking up Romeos discarded lime green briefs and watching as Romeo used them to wipe the cum from his face and chest.

"Better?" Romeo asked, still naked and amazingly still sporting a hard little 3 inch erection.

"Never seen anything better I don't think" Brooklyn replied, beaming at his little brother.

"Cool, I better got get ready for bed before Dad comes. Can we do this again?" Romeo asked, hopefully, holding his damp, cum covered briefs in one hand, heading for the door.

"You bet, it was awesome" Brooklyn replied, watching his brother smile before heading out of his bedroom door, looking left to check the coast was clear before scampering out.

Brooklyn got himself cleaned up, putting his now soft dick back into his white boxer briefs before lying back on the bed, suddenly very tired. He was going to have a lot of fun with Romeo, a lot of fun indeed.

End of Part 3

Once again thanks for all the great feedback, keep it cumming ;)

Now that the boys are on slightly more intimate terms it's time for little Cruz to get in on the act for a threesome, before we expand further outwards to a few more characters.

What do you think so far? Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Next: Chapter 4

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