The Beckham Boys

By Nifty Story

Published on Jan 26, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts between minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 21 years old and over. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live. If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it.

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The Beckham Boys – Part 8

Friday couldn't come quickly enough for Brooklyn. Dakota's plane was due to land at LAX at 10AM and Brooklyn had thought of nothing else, imagining the possibilities it might be bring with it.

Romeo and Cruz had spent the previous few days away with Victoria on a fashion shoot, leaving Brooklyn's Dad, David Beckham, and Brooklyn's little sister Harper alone in the house. Gloria, their housekeeper, had taken a few days off to coincide with the emptier house.

It had been agreed that Brooklyn could accompany Dexter, the Beckhams heavily built family bodyguard, to the airport to pick up Dakota and that they would go in David's Maserati as a treat for the two boys, the sleek black sports car being one of Brooklyn's favourites. It was technically a 5 seater, but the rear seats were tighter than would be comfortable for an adult for long journeys. Fortunately the boys, being shorter and smaller, usually didn't have the same issues.

They set off at 9AM, not really expecting to be held up too much in the tail end of the morning free way traffic, getting to LAX at 9.45AM. Brooklyn and Dexter had chatted most of the way, Dexter smiling at Brooklyn's obviously excitable mood, the way he always was when Dakota came to stay, the two boys being so obviously close.

They headed into the main arrivals hall, Brooklyn trailing behind Dexter somewhat as he went to check the boards for Dakota's flight. As Dexter was checking the boards, Brooklyn watched the passengers coming out into the terminal from the latest flight, mostly a mix of businessmen and women. Brooklyn liked to people watch sometimes, imagining what lives the different people led.

Brooklyn watched as people waiting greeting the new arrivals with handshakes and claps on the back, and it was then that he noticed a familiar looking businessman seemingly waiting for someone on the flight. He was slightly built, with brown hair, looked to be in his mid 40's and was stood near to a news stand about 50 meters from Brooklyn. It was the man who had taken the pictures of Romeo back in the bathroom at Heathrow airport, before posting them online.

Luckily Brooklyn had been able to get the pictures removed, but he couldn't contain his anger at seeing the man who ha taken advantage of his little brother Romeo's innocent and trusting nature.

He looked to his left at where Dexter was still scanning the board, a piece of paper in his hand, and decided he could risk sloping off for a second to confront the man.

"Dex, I'm just gonna go look at the news stand, is that OK?" Brooklyn asked, pointing over to the news stand where the man was stood.

Dexter turned to him, the piece of paper still in hand. "OK, but be quick, the flight landed early. Dakota will get ushered out quickly by the chaperone, we won't have to wait very long" he replied.

"OK, cool, thanks" with that Brooklyn headed off in the direction of the news stand, Dexter watching him as he went. The boys were not usually allowed to wander off on their own, but lately Brooklyn had been given a bit more freedom.

Brooklyn dodged his way between the people between him and the news stand, entering it via the closest entrance, the one furthest from where the man was standing and made a show of looking at the magazines, knowing Dexter would keep an eye on him from afar. After a minute or two he headed out the other entrance and made a beeline for the man, bumping into from behind, seemingly accidentally, causing the man to look around and start to complain.

"Hey, watch where your......" he said, before he stopped mid sentence when he realised it was Brooklyn who had bumped into him.

"You watch it ass hole, because I know what you did, you fucking pedo" Brooklyn spat, whilst all the while maintaining in a relaxed grin on his face, giving the watching Dexter the impression it was a friendly conversation.

"What....what are you you talking about? I don't understand?" the man stammered, clearly put on the back foot by the Brooklyn's sudden verbal attack despite the smile he was flashing.

"You took my 10 year old brother's pictures and then put them online. And that's before we mention wanking off over him in the toilet"

"I...uh....I don't know what your talking about?"

"Yeah, right, whatever. You better delete them or your are in serious shit, you know how easy it is to find out who you are from the passenger manifests? You think Romeo won't tell about what you did? I am sure every one here would like to know" Brooklyn said, raising his voice slightly above the low tone he had adopted thus far, causing the man to look around in panic to see if anyone had heard.

"OK, OK, I will, I promise. Please keep you voice down!" the man pleaded.

"Your lucky I don't get my bodyguard to kick your ass, he's right over there" Brooklyn gestured, pointing to Dexter who was still watching him from afar.

"OK, please, I will do whatever you want"

"Where are the pictures?" Brooklyn demanded.

"They are on my phone, I uploaded them from there at the office" the man replied.

"OK, get it out and delete them right now, and show me"

Brooklyn watched as the man got his phone out of his pocket, tapping away at the screen, before passing the phone to Brooklyn. Brooklyn looked at the screen, satisfied that the pictures had been deleted, and then made a show of stepping back a few feet and taking the man's picture with the phone, before handing it back to him.

"Here you go ass hole, don't ever do anything like that again" he said, smiling as he did, before walking away wordlessly back to Dexter, leaving the man trembling at the encounter with the angry 14 year old.

"What was all that about, with that man?" Dexter asked as Brooklyn returned to his side.

"Oh, he was some foreign tourist, he was waiting for his daughter and was asking if there were any good places to take her in LA, you know like off the beaten track" Brooklyn lied.

"What about the picture?"

"He asked me to take his picture here, to send to his daughter, to say hurry up and I am waiting. For a joke kind of I guess"

"OK, but you shouldn't really stop and talk to strangers, you never know what might happen" Dexter warned.

"You're telling me" Brooklyn agreed. "Anyway, he was just a tourist, I was being polite"

"Well don't make a habit of it, OK?"

"What, being polite?!" Brooklyn grinned at the the large black man.

"Yeah smart-ass, that's what I meant" Dexter replied, sarcastically.

"Hey loser!" a voice said behind them, interrupting their exchange.

Brooklyn turned to see Dakota Goyo and a female Delta flight attendant stood behind him. Dakota's blond hair was unkempt, like a case of bedhead as if he had slept on the flight, but sporting a big Hollywood smile on his face, his bright blue eyes lit up.

"Dakota!" Brooklyn replied, moving over to unashamedly put his arms around Dakota in a friendly hug, Dakota returning it in kind, before breaking apart to fist bump and regain some of the teenage cool lost in the hug.

"Good to see you bud, you OK? Where's the rest of the gang?" Dakota asked, looking around. He was usually just as pleased to see the other Beckhams.

"It's just me and Dexter. Dad's at home with Harper and Romeo and Cruz are away with Mum. They will be back on Saturday, so it's just me and you tonight"

"Cool. How's it hanging Dex, you been working out?" Dakota teased the body guard, who towered over the 5"4 blonde teen, before giving him a fist bump

"Yeah right squirt, I ain't the one that needs some meat on his bones" Dexter quipped back, giving the boy a friendly punch on his skinny arm.

"Ow! That's child abuse man!" Dakota replied, mockingly.

"Yeah, you better hope that's all you get" he said before turning to speak to the flight attendant, an attractive blond woman in her early twenties with ample gifts in the chest department. "Thank you for bringing him to us, it must have tough putting up with him on a 6 hour plane ride".

"He was no trouble, really, a perfect little gentleman" She smiled back, taking in Dexter's impressive frame admiringly.

"Yeah, well I insist on lady's being treated as such, ain't no other way to fly" Dexter responded.

"I bet you do" the flight attendant replied, blushing slightly.

The two boys watched the exchange, sharing a grin with each other, seeing the two adults flirting.

"Always ma'am" Dexter replied, giving her his most handsome smile, before reaching out and gently shaking her hand and saying their goodbyes.

"Smooth Dex, very smooth!" Brooklyn quipped as the three of them moved away them

"Boy, I do not need advice from you, you ain't even got hair on your top lip" Dexter shot back, grabbing Brooklyn playfully between his shoulder and neck and steering him towards the exit.

"Yeah you do, I would have got her number at least" Dakota quipped from the side of Dexter, joining in with the teasing.

"You pretty white boys are all the same, thinking you all that" Dexter smirked, gripping Dakota in the same manner as Brooklyn before laughing at the boys mock protests at being abused.

They headed out to the Maserati, Dakota whistling when he saw it, Dexter putting Dakota's small bag into the trunk. Dakota, being the guest, sat in front and Brooklyn sat in the rear.

"Sweet car man, I want one of these when I get my license, if my Mom ever if lets me spend any of my money" Dakota smiled, rubbing his hand over the leather dash board, admiring the car.

"It is pretty cool, but I'd rather get an Aston, British cars are better" Brooklyn replied.

"No way, Italian cars rock. British cars suck, they all look the same" Dakota replied looking around.

"Yeah, like Canadians make cars. You guys just put a wheels on a horse and douse it in maple syrup, that's about as close of you get to making a car" Brooklyn replied, laughing as Dakota reached between the seats to get at him, Brooklyn sliding just out of Dakota's reach where he was already buckled in.

"Ass hole" Dakota said, finally giving up trying to reach him, just as Dexter got in the car.

"What?" Dexter asked.

"Brooklyn was making racial comments. About Canadians" Dakota replied, trying to look serious.

"Well, I can't blame him, too much maple syrup, snow and French up there for my tastes" Dexter shot back, buckling himself in and starting the car, Brooklyn laughing behind him.

"God, I am getting it from you too?!" Dakota smirked, folding him arms in mock protest.

"Aw don't worry Dakota, we don't hold you being Canadian against you, it's not like you had a choice about where you were born is it? I mean you WOULD have chosen somewhere else if you could, right?" Brooklyn said, having to dodge out of the way of Dakota's sudden lunge between the seats.

"Pack in in guys, I gotta drive here" Dexter complained, the two boys quietening down for the drive home.

The drive home was quick, taking only 25 minutes compared to the 40 minutes getting to the airport in the first place. Dakota told Brooklyn and Dexter about the film and some stunts he got to do, including a near drowning scene, suitably impressing them both.

They pulled up to the Beckham house, passing through the gates and heading up the driveway to the modern looking house, Dexter parking just in front on the black metal doors to the main house.

Dexter got out and headed to the trunk to retrieve Dakota's bag, the boys extricating themselves from the car. Dakota grabbed Brooklyn in a headlock and proceeded to hit him in the ribs, revenge for the earlier Canadian quips, before Dexter broke them apart to hand Dakota his bag. The large black man headed back to the car to go and park it in the garage building, leaving the two boys to enter the house.

Brooklyn led Dakota into the main living room, where his Dad David was sat on the sofa with an Ipad, Harper next to him.

"Hey Dad, were back" Brooklyn announced.

"Hey Dakota, look who it is sweetheart" David said, pointing out Dakota to Harper.

"'kota!" Harper said, holding out her arms to be picked up, smiling.

Dakota reached down to pick her up, lifting her in the air making her giggle before giving her a hug. He loved Harper as much as her brothers, and the feeling was mutual.

"Hey Harper, I missed you!" Dakota said, genuinely, before putting her down on the ground. "I've got something for you, wanna see what it is?" he said, taking the small girls hand and leading her over to where he had put his bag by the coffee table. He opened it up as she watched before he removed a small stuffed lion cub and handed it to her, making her squeal with delight and hug it tight to her little chest, a friend for life.

"That's really sweet of you Dakota, she loves it" David beamed, before getting up to give the blonde teen a friendly hug. "It's great to see you, you're getting big" he remarked, standing back to ruffle Dakota's hair.

"Yeah, must be all the maple syrup" Dakota grinned, giving Brooklyn a dirty look as he did.

"Brooklyn's been making racial slurs again then?" David asked, shooting a look at Brooklyn. "That's not really cool Brooks" he said, seriously.

"I was only kidding Dad, Dakota doesn't mind" Brooklyn said back, suddenly on the back foot.

"I actually find it pretty offensive" Dakota replied, deadly serious, looking at Brooklyn.

Brooklyn looked from the serious look on his Dad's face to the one on Dakota's, suddenly unsure as to whether they were being serious, before Dakota cracked a smile.

"It's cool, I know you secretly love Canadians. I bet you have Bieber posters and everything!" Dakota mocked, David laughing.

"He did when he was younger, you got him there. Remind me never to play poker with you Dakota, even I believed that serious face!" David remarked, before picking up Harper who was still gripping the stuffed lion and sitting her back on the couch beside him. "Go and get your bag packed away and I'll make some lunch".

"OK David, see you in a minute Harper" Dakota replied, waving to Harper.

The two boys headed off to Brooklyn's room, Dakota putting his bag in the corner and dropping himself down on Brooklyn's double bed. They did have a spare room or two in the house, but Dakota always stayed in Brooklyn's room when he visited, sharing the large double bed, though David and Victoria usually offered one of the guest bedrooms knowing that the boys wouldn't want to share a bed forever, or so they thought.

"God, Harper got so big, and it's not even been that long since I last saw her" Dakota said as Brooklyn sat on the chair at his desk.

"Yeah she has hasn't she, she knows loads of words now too"

"Cool. I'm pretty hungry, they didn't give me anything much on that plane, don't they know I am growing"

"OK, well lets go get some lunch and then play XBOX in he cinema room if you want, Dad won't mind"

"Cool, lets do it" Dakota replied. He and his family were not poor by any means, but what they had was dwarfed by the luxury on offer in the Beckham's house.

The two boys headed out to the living room and played with Harper whilst David made burgers for lunch, much to Dakota's delight, who ate his and half of Brooklyn's for good measure. They then headed off to the cinema room, the 100 inch screen being amazing for games, and lost themselves for several hours.

It was getting near to 8PM when David put his head around the door to say he was putting Harper to bed and that the boys should give the XBOX a rest for the day, to a chorus of moans from the two of them.

"You have been on that almost all day, your Mums would kill me if they knew I let two you waste the day away like that" David remarked, knocking back the complaints. "Go and get ready for bed and then you can watch the TV for a while. Dakota you need to give you parents a call to say goodnight as well don't forget".

"Yeah OK David, I will, I promise" Dakota replied as David headed out of the room and down the hallway. "Your Dad is kinda cool you know"

"Yeah he can be, especially when Mum isn't here" Brooklyn agreed. "We better got get changed, there is a movie on I wanna see that starts at 8"

"Oh, OK cool, what is it?" Dakota asked.

"Super 8, it's supposed to be pretty good. You seen it?"

"No, not yet. Cool lets go"

Brooklyn led Dakota out of the cinema room and across to the wing of the house where the bedrooms were located and into Brooklyn's room. Brooklyn heading over to his chest of drawers and grabbing an old grey t-shirt out of the top drawer and heading back over to the bed where Dakota was opening his bag and pulling out some blue shorts and a t-shirt.

Brooklyn undid the buttons on the check shirt he was wearing and took it off, laying it down on the bed, before pulling the white t shirt he had on underneath up and over his head, revealing a toned stomach and chest and still hairless armpits as he did. He undid the buttons on his jeans and pulled them off, sitting down on the bed as he did so, to reveal black boxer briefs and skinny pale legs.

Dakota had surreptitiously watched Brooklyn get changed out of the corner of his eye, feeling a stirring in his pants as his did so. Brooklyn was beautifully sexy, and Dakota was hoping they might get to explore that a bit further. Dakota had removed his own clothes now, dressed in just a pair of blue boxer briefs, and proceeded to pull on his bed shorts and put his t-shirt on.

Brooklyn had finished getting changed, now wearing just a t-shirt and boxer briefs, and grabbed his pile of discarded clothes and went to put them into the laundry basket. "Wanna give me your dirty clothes too Dakota?" Brooklyn asked, holding his hand out.

"Sure" Dakota replied, gathering up his own dirty clothes and handing them over to Brooklyn to put into the laundry basket. "Can I borrow some of your clothes if I need to? I didn't bring much with me" he asked.

"Sure, you can borrow anything you like, except my underwear!" Brooklyn smirked back. "You will have to wear your own".

"I don't want your fart filled boxers anyway man, no way" Dakota teased. The boys regularly shared clothes when they stayed with each other, it being easier than lugging mountains of clothes on planes with them. Being largely the same size it worked out well.

"Whatever, I'm not the one that lifts the duvet man, I swear it's like something crawled up your ass and died sometimes!" Brooklyn laughed, getting another dirty look from Dakota.

"Sure, and yours smell like roses don't they?" Dakota shot back.

"Sure do! You wanna go watch the movie? It's just about to start"

"OK, lead the way rose boy"

With that they headed to the TV room and settled in on the couch to watch Super 8, David stopping in and ending up joining the two 14 year olds to watch the movie, all three enjoying it.

The movie ended by 10PM and David sent the boys off to bed.

"That was pretty awesome, JJ sure doe know how to make movies" Dakota mused.

"JJ? What, your on first name terms now?" Brooklyn asked.

"Yeah, I met him on set a few weeks ago, he was shooting something in a sound stage near ours, he's kinda cool, he knows David's Dad, them both being Jewish and all"

"Oh, OK cool" Brooklyn replied as the entered his room, closing the door behind him and hitting the switch for the bedside lights as he did, the two boys heading over to Brooklyn's double bed. "Which side do you want?" he asked Dakota.

"Um...can I have the side by the bathroom? I always trip over stuff when I try and get to the bathroom if it's dark, your room is messier even than mine. I don't think I can take stubbing my toe in the middle of the night again"

"Sure, take it" Brooklyn replied, gesturing to the side of the bed as Dakota got under the duvet, before getting into the other side of the bed.

"Man I am so tired, I could just crash you know" Dakota said, yawning and stretching as he did. "The jet-lag catches up with me so quick"

"Yeah it sucks, I couldn't sleep for a few days after flying from London, but I'm OK now. You want me to turn off the light for you so you can go to sleep?" Brooklyn asked, moving his arm over to the switch on the wall.

"Not yet, we can talk for bit. I mean I think we should, you know, about everything" Dakota replied, rolling onto his right side to face Brooklyn, his head on the headboard, his blonde hair covering the left side of his face slightly.

Brooklyn sat up, raising his knees, and propped himself up against the head board and looked down at Dakota. "You know I'm totally cool with it, you being gay. It doesn't matter to me at all, your my best friend"

"I know, and your mine Brooks" Dakota smiled. "So your sure your cool with it?"

"Totally. I can hardly not be when I have being doing stuff with Romeo can I. Oh I forgot to tell you, I saw that guy at the airport, the one who took the pictures of Romeo and put them online"

"Really? What happened?!" Dakota asked, sitting up to mirror Brooklyn's position.

"Oh not much. I made him delete them from his and phone and called him an ass hole. You should have seen his face, he looked like he was going to shit himself right there in the terminal!" Brooklyn laughed. "What an ass hole"

"It was pretty mean thing to do, to Romeo I mean. But I gotta say, your little bro is pretty cute. I blew a load to his pictures, and you should have seen David's reaction, it was like he might cum without even touching his dick. I think he has had a crush on Romeo for a while, he loves dick man, its crazy. Can he still come over next week you think?"

"Yeah, my Dad spoke to his Mum and your Mum about it this morning when you were in the air, and are going to set it up. I think he's coming on Tuesday"

"Cool. I should text him goodnight" Dakota said, grabbing his phone from the side table and tapping out a text to David.

"Say hi from me"

"OK" Dakota said, his fingers tapping away across the screen before sending the message. Dakota's phone beeped a few seconds later. "He said hi back"

"Cool, you should give me his number. Can I get it out of your phone?" Brooklyn asked.

"Sure" Dakota replied, handing Brooklyn his phone.

Brooklyn copied over David's number, before idly scrolling though the messages from him on Dakota's phone. "Shit, he is kinda cute" he said, noticing a picture message of David, a naked selfie taken in a bathroom mirror.

"Hey, it's rude to go through peoples message you know?" Dakota said, grabbing the phone out of Brooklyn's hand.

"Sorry. I was just curious, I didn't mean to upset you. He is cute though"

"Yeah he is, I really care about him, I mean, I think I even love him"

"Really? It's that serious?"

"Yeah maybe. I don't know for sure, but he's really important to me. We spent a lot of time together, we are really close" Dakota replied, seriously.

"Cool. So what do you guys do then? I mean like sex? Have you done anal?" Brooklyn asked, curious as to the extent of his best friends relationship with David Mazouz.

"Yeah, but only once, last week. We tried before, but it was kinda difficult you know. But then I got this lube stuff and it made it easier. It was amazing man. You do it with Romeo?"

"No, we've just blown each other. Does he shoot yet? Romeo doesn't"

"Yeah, but not a lot, I mean not like me" Dakota replied, his hand going to his shorts under the duvet, his dick now at its full 6 inches following the talk of David and Romeo. "Man, I am super boned" he laughed.

"Yeah me too" Brooklyn grinned, his own hand going under the covers to grip his 5 inch erection through the fabric of his grey boxer briefs.

Both boys stayed that way for a few moments, smiling at each other, neither sure if it was cool to take the next obvious step.

"So you....." Brooklyn began.

"Can we....." Dakota said at the same time, before both laughing.

"This is kinda awkward right?" Brooklyn said.

"Yeah. But fuck it man, I wanna jerk off, you wanna do it too right, so lets just do it" with that Dakota pulled back the duvet, pulled down the front of his blue shorts and boxer briefs in one move and and pulled his 6 inch erection out, resting the fabric of his shorts under his balls, his hand going to his painfully hard dick and gripping it, looking for the reaction on Brooklyn's face.

Brooklyn just stared as his blonde friend, laying there holding his dick, not saying anything.

"Well? Are you gonna?" Dakota asked, giving his dick a gentle stroke, breaking Brooklyn's stare.

"Uh... yeah sorry" Brooklyn replied, pulling out his own uncut 5 inch teen dick and gently rolling back the foreskin to reveal the mushroom head as Dakota watched, slowly wanking his own dick.

"That's pretty cool, I mean the skin. Does it feel nice, when it rolls over I mean?" Dakota asked, examining his friends dick, which was different from his own cut dick.

"Yeah I guess so" Brooklyn replied, the two boys gently wanking side by side, not sure what to say.

"You wanna try doing each other, I mean if you want?" Dakota asked, hopefully.

"Sure, OK" Brooklyn responded, releasing his own dick and reaching over to take Dakota's dick in his hands, making the blond boy gasp, before Dakota reached across and did the same to Brooklyn.

"Hey man, what do I do, just like roll the skin back and forth?" Dakota asked, unsure about what to do with the extra skin.

Brooklyn reach across and put his hand over Dakota's and guided him through a few strokes. "Yeah like this, same as yours really"

"OK, Cool. This is kinda cool. You got tissues, to clean up?"

"Just use your shirt, Gloria will wash it, she don't care" Brooklyn grinned.

"Um, OK then" Dakota replied.

The two boys wanked each other, Dakota now leaking precum onto his friends hand as his slowly pumped his 6 inch erection, Brooklyn's hand gliding up and down the shaft with ease.

"Mmm this feels really good man. Wanna try sucking? I'll do you first if you want?" Dakota asked.

"Yeah OK" Brooklyn replied, reaching down to shuck his grey boxer briefs and throw them down to the side of the bed.

Dakota shifted around and got onto his knees between Brooklyn's legs, reaching up to grip his 5 inch erection that jutted sharply away from his small patch of pubic hair above his hairless balls, and gently rolled back the foreskin to reveal the glistening mushroom head. He scooted forward slightly before bending down and gently sliding his friends dick into his mouth, letting it glide over his soft tongue.

Brooklyn moaned as Dakota took him inside his warm mouth, holding just the mushroom head there for a few moments, before sliding almost all of Brooklyn's 5 inches into his mouth. "Shit" he moaned, before Dakota gently moved back up and let Brooklyn's dick slip out of his mouth.

"Nice?" Dakota asked, looking up at his friend, still holding his dick tightly with one hand.

"Fuck yeah, how do you get it all in?" Brooklyn asked.

"You like let it go in your throat. David does it for me all the time"

"Cool. You wanna put it back in there then?" Brooklyn replied, grinning at Dakota.

"Sure thing bud" with that Dakota slid Brooklyn's now slippery 5 inch dick into his mouth and began to gently bob his blonde head up and down, taking the full 5 inches in on every down stroke as Brooklyn moaned, gripping the sheets on the bed.

Dakota let Brooklyn's dick slip out of his mouth and looked up at his face as his rolled his tongue around the head and gently down the shaft, making Brooklyn squirm, before taking each ball in his mouth. He tongued Brooklyn's 5 inch shaft as he made his way back up to the head, before engulfing the head again, sliding his mouth down Brooklyn's full length.

Brooklyn couldn't believe how good it felt, Dakota was way better that Romeo. The sight of his 14 year old friend looking up at him as his deep throated his dick was too much, it was just too hot.

Dakota continued to suck his best friends 5 inch dick, alternating between deep throating him and gently tonguing him driving Brooklyn wild, all the time looking into his friends eyes, seeing how much he was enjoying it.

"I'm gonna cum soon man, fuck your so good at this" Brooklyn moaned, now beginning to gently thrust his hips of the bed, pushing even more of his dick into Dakota's willing mouth.

Dakota quickened his pace, wanting desperately to taste Brooklyn's cum and see the orgasm on his face. He gripped Brooklyn's dick, wanking it hard now and sucking it in a frenzied way, noticing Brooklyn's tight belly move in and out in short bursts, his friend panting and moaning.

"Oh god, mmmmmm" Brooklyn moaned, reaching out to grab either side of Dakota's blonde head, trying desperately to force his dick into his hot, wet mouth, now practically face fucking him.

Dakota watched Brooklyn, the look of ecstasy clear on his face, as he let him fuck his mouth, knowing he was so close to tasting his cum.

"Ohhhhhhhhh Fuckkkkkkkkkkk" Brooklyn moaned, ramming his dick into Dakota's mouth as his orgasm hit him, pumping two short burst of cum down his willing friends throat, continuing to pump into him as he did.

Dakota greedily drank down Brooklyn's cum, before letting his dick slip out of his mouth and pumping it back and forth to get the last few drops out, licking them off the now angry red coloured mushroom head like it was a lolly pop, making Brooklyn moan again.

"Oh man, that was fucking awesome Dakota. Your like an Olympic sucker or something" Brooklyn finally managed to say breathlessly.

"Yeah, it looked like it was fun for you, and we didn't need tissues, bonus! Canadians are good for something then huh?!" Dakota grinned, still kneeling between Brooklyn's legs, his now softening dick held gently in his hand as he looked at Brooklyn.

"Yeah, for sure. I mean your amazing Dakota, that felt so good man, I couldn't take it, you know what I mean? I almost wanted you to stop, it was just too intense" Brooklyn panted.

"Ace, happy to please. Now about that?" Dakota grinned, letting go of Brooklyn's dick and putting his hands on the bed behind him to push his painfully erect 6 inch dick forward. "Wanna go for gold here Brooks?"

"Sure thing, though I don't think I can match you. Romeo is gonna shoot for the first time for sure if you give him one of those blow jobs" Brooklyn laughed, reaching out to grip Dakota's 6 inch erection as the two boys spoke, before releasing it so Dakota could get off the bed and remove his t-shirt revealing his tanned torso, before shucking his blue shorts and boxer briefs in one go, now naked.

"Make yourself at home why don't you" Brooklyn laughed, removing his own t-shirt, both 14 year olds now as naked as the day they were born.

They swapped positions on the bed, Brooklyn now kneeling between Dakota s legs. Brooklyn looked up to Dakota's face and took in the sight of his beautiful, lean, tanned body, scarcely believing they were doing this nor how good it felt, before looking back down to his 6 inch dick, which throbbed slightly with the beat of Dakota's heart.

He moved over Dakota's body, their heads now close to each other, feeling his friends warm breath on his face, the two boys looking into each others eyes, before Brooklyn moved to his neck and gently ran his tongue there, letting it slowly move down Dakota's body to the dip by his colour bone, Dakota's breathing slow and steady.

Dakota watched as Brooklyn gently ran his tongue between the divide of his chest before moving over to his small brown, penny sized nipples and using his tongue to tease each one, making Dakota gasp.

Brooklyn continued his way down Dakota's tanned torso, following the bumps of his defined teen tummy and letting his tongue circle Dakota's innie belly button, before moving further down, his tongue tracing the journey as he did.

He moved now so he could slide his tongue up Dakota's left thigh, moving inside to let it gently tickle the space between his leg and pubic area, causing Dakota to giggle. "That tickles" He said.

"Sorry" Brooklyn smiled, before letting his tongue gently trace up from the bottom of Dakota's hairless ball sack, before taking each ball gently into his mouth, not having yet touched his friends throbbing 6 inch erection.

Brooklyn released Dakota's hairless balls from his mouth, moving down his body somewhat, lying down rather than kneeling, his bare shoulders resting on Dakota's thighs.

Brooklyn reached out towards Dakota's dick, stopping just short of grabbing it, looking up to Dakota's face to see his cute blonde friend willing him to touch it, begging him with his eyes.

Brooklyn smiled, before reaching out to grip his best friends' dick gently.

"Mmm yeah, suck it man I'm so horny" Dakota pleaded.

"Be patient bud, I'm gonna make you want it so bad" Brooklyn teased, an evil look on his face.

He gently stroked Dakota's dick, Dakota desperately attempting to thrust into Brooklyn's hand, Brooklyn using his other hand to push Dakota's hips back to the bed.

"Pleasesssss" Dakota begged.

Brooklyn decided he had teased him long enough and gently let his friends pink mushroom head rest against his lips, before letting it slide into his mouth over his tongue, closing his mouth and rolling his tongue over the head as he did causing Dakota to moan very loudly, and reach down to grab Brooklyn's head and attempt to force himself into the willing boys mouth.

Brooklyn gave into him now and sucked Dakota with all his might, knowing from the sound of his breathing and angry thrusting that Dakota would not last long.

Dakota pumped his dick into Brooklyn's mouth, his friend no longer teasing him, knowing he couldn't take any more of it. Dakota stopped pumping, Brooklyn taking over and furiously sucking on his best friends dick like his life depended on it.

"Ohhhh Brooklyn, Suck me man!" Dakota moaned as Brooklyn increased his pace.

Brooklyn continued to suck his 14 year old friend's hard 6 inch dick, never letting it leave his mouth, before he felt a sharp burst of hot salty liquid enter his mouth, and looked up to see Dakota holding his breath, a look of tortured ecstasy on his face.

Dakota held his breath, before he felt a second much larger burst of cum erupt from his now pulsing dick, letting the breath out in a loud moan, the feelings too intense, followed by two more short bursts.

Brooklyn felt the second much large burst of cum, and tried to swallow it as best as he could, some running out of the corner of his mouth, which was still clamped firmly onto his friends still pulsing dick, before letting it slip out of his mouth and lean back to watch Dakota's dick as it twitched wildly without any further cum leaving it.

Dakota could barely breath, the feelings were so intense, and he looked down to see Brooklyn had released his dick from his mouth and was watching it pulse with a mind of its own, noticing the small dribble of cum that rolled down Brooklyn's chin.

"Shit, that was intense, you really cum don't you" Brooklyn marvelled, still looking at his friends dick, which had stopped pulsing but was still rock hard.

"Yeah, but not like that much, I guess I was just super horny man, what with you making love to me with your tongue. God man, your good at this too, are you sure your not gay?" Dakota asked, still trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah I think so, I love girls too, but dick is pretty cool, especially yours"

"Thanks. God I need to catch my breath" Dakota replied, letting his head slump back onto the pillow, his chest moving in and out rapidly as he tried to force the air back into his lungs.

"You're welcome" Brooklyn replied, moving his hand to wipe Dakota's cum off his chin as he stood up and picked his discarded underwear from the floor to wipe it off, before moving over to lie down beside Dakota, who was still naked and breathless.

They lay that way for a few moments, until Dakota had calmed down, before Dakota turned onto his side to look at Brooklyn. "Thanks Brooks, that was so awesome, why didn't we do this ages ago?"

"I dunno, I guess we just didn't know the other wanted it. We could have had years of fun if we did, but it doesn't matter, we can make up for it now can't we?" he asked, moving close to Dakota, their two naked bodes touching slightly.

"Yeah sure, and we can get Romeo and David into too, it's gonna be ace" Dakota smiled, before reaching out and pulling Brooklyn into a hug, the two boys suddenly quiet and content.

"You think we should get dressed? I mean will someone see if we are naked? Does your Dad check on you?" Dakota asked, pulling apart from the hug, his arm still wrapped around Brooklyn.

"No, not normally, but we should go to bed though, if he sees the light under the door he might check. I am beat anyway"

"Yeah, OK, cool, get the light then" Dakota replied, as Brooklyn reached out and turned the light out.

"Night Dakota, thanks for this" Brooklyn replied, whispering it quietly into Dakota's face, theirs heads close to each other.

"Your welcome Brooks" Dakota replied, leaning his head forward to gently kiss Brooklyn on the lips, before turning onto his side to face away from Brooklyn, spooning his naked backside into his Brooklyn's crotch, sighing as Brooklyn wrapped his arm around him and hugged him close. The two boys drifting off to sleep, dreaming of what was to come.

End of Part 8

That was pretty intense to write, I must admit, and it's only going to get more intense from here on in.

Another Beckham comes into the mix next chapter, maybe even two, before David Mazouz makes an appearance in Chapter 10. And we still have the mystery new boy to meet!

I hope you liked this instalment, please get in touch and tell me about it.

Next: Chapter 9

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