The Black Trunks

By moc.loa@dnuhrebU

Published on Mar 22, 2002



The Black Trunks

Chapter One: The Changing Room

I was on the swim team at my university and I was about 19. There were four of us on the team. The college had a really famous record in swimming events: it was one of the reasons I'd wanted to go there. I hardly remember anything I studied: I mostly remember swimming.

There were these trunks we had to wear: nothing special in shape, usual standard-issue trunk-shaped trunks. But the colours had to be the school colours: blue and yellow. The coach had them specially made, all to the same design: yellow and blue checks all around, with the college badge just below the belly button. All of us thought they were pretty naff, except Paul Eluard, the official team leader.

Paul was the keenest of an already keen bunch: he acted even more proud of the school spirit than the coach did. He was a big guy, blond, about 6'2", and had quite a muscular build for a swimmer The rest of us were lithe rather than heavy build, but he had the kind of big shoulders and arms that can turn butterfly stroke into a true race-winner, rather than a show-off style. Weird thing was, Paul always seemed a bit older than the rest of us, even though he wasn't. It was partly because he was such a big guy, partly because of his position as team leader, and partly because he had a fairly hairy chest, whereas the rest of us were pretty smooth. I always remember the big hairy V of his shoulders and chest sloping down to those little yellow-and-blue trunks.

One member of the team, a guy called Gareth Hughes, particularly hated the checked trunks, and moaned about them at every opportunity. He was medium height, had red, curly hair, and the whitest skin I've ever seen. I mean, this was in the South-East of England in the 70's, so we were a pretty white bunch generally, but even for a white guy he was white. Anyway, he was the group nonconformist: there always has to be one. For swim practice, he was forever turning up in these red trunks that he said were more comfortable. The coach would insist that he got out of the water and change into the standard ones, even for a practice. It was a kind of battle of wills thing between them.

God we were keen in those days! We would all stay behind after school and practice some more, just the four of us, no coach, all trying to shave some tenths of a second off our time, doing lap after lap, or refining our relay technique.

Anyway, as soon as we started the evening sessions, Paul began to have his run-ins with Gareth, and got much more annoyed about it than coach did. The thing was, Gareth didn't take him so seriously. When Paul ordered him out of the pool to change, Gareth just ignored him and kept on swimming, that red curly head bobbing underwater as he turned for another length. I think what finally did it for Paul was the black trunks.

It happened on the evening I was suppose to be taking photos. Coach had wanted some photos of the school team, to put on the noticeboard, and I'd volunteered to bring my Polaroid. Paul had told everyone to bring their school trunks.

Gareth turned up with a new pair of trunks for the evening session. Unlike the red ones he usually annoyed the coach with, these were a different shape from the school trunks, as well as a different colour. They were black, and shaped like a jockstrap, with a broad waistband, a narrow piece in front to hold his balls, and a broader piece at the back to cover his ass. The narrow bit in the front really drew attention to Gareth's cock and balls, all jumbled up in it.

As soon as he saw them, Paul said that Gareth couldn't swim in them. Gareth just shrugged his white shoulders as he walked to the pool's edge. God, those black trunks! The strip in the front was so narrow you could see everything Gareth had (fair sized balls, bump of cock coming about halfway down them) jostling around as he walked. Paul shouted his name, and told him to go back to the changing rooms. Gareth turned and just looked at him. From the side he looked almost naked: just the black band round his waist. It emphasised what good shape he was in: slim build like the rest of us, but really nicely defined. If you looked closer you could see his cock and balls outlined by the material. Gareth dived into the pool and started doing lengths. Paul strode alongside him as he swam, shouting at him, but Gareth just ignored the big guy and went on swimming. Finally, Paul gave up and stomped off to another part of the pool to practice his butterfly some more.

Later, in the changing room, Rick and I were getting changed when Paul and Gareth walked in, arguing. I must admit I didn't notice them at first, as I was surreptitiously checking out Rick while he changed. It was a weird thing, you'd think we'd be "all boys together" in the changing room, but we all seemed to be quite shy changers: I'd never seen any of the other guys naked, and always wore a towel while changing myself. Like the rest of us, Rick tended to turn his back while he was actually naked, and I'd never seen his dick. He had a well cute arse though; tanned, like the rest of him, and kind of small. Both Gareth and I had a similar build: typical swimmers, trim and athletic, but Rick had that slim, square shouldered build you often find among swimmers, making him look more boyish. His curly dark hair and big brown eyes added to the impression he was an overgrown kid: I thought he was well cute.

Anyway, my attention was distracted from Rick's tanned arse by Paul raising his voice as he spoke to Gareth. "Hughes, don't ever wear those trunks again." he ordered, looking down on the shorter guy. "They're not school colours."

Gareth shrugged. "It's only a practice, Paul." he said, not even looking up as he toweled his wet hair. Paul grabbed the towel off him to get his attention. "I don't care, Hughes." he said. "You're still representing the school, even in practice, and I don't want to see those trunks again."

Gareth tried to grab the towel back. Paul snatched it out of reach, and pushed him. And that's how it started.

Within seconds the two were scuffling, ostensibly for the towel, but we could all see that it was more than that. It was also over very quickly: Paul was by far the taller and the heavier of the two: very in no time he had Gareth on the floor, flat on his back, with Paul sitting on his chest, knees on his arms, pinning him down. "Dave, get your camera." he said. I went off to my locker for it, wondering what Paul was planning.

When I got back, the scene had changed slightly. Paul had changed position, and was now straddling Gareth's chest, big muscular ass hanging over Gareth's face. This meant that Gareth's arms were free, but all he could do was flail them against Paul's broad back. Rick was sitting on Gareth's legs, so the guy's lean white torso was pinned down under the two guys, as they faced each other.

Gareth was still struggling, but the two strong guys held him fast. Paul's powerful upper body loomed over the belly and hips of the shorter whiter man.

"So," said Paul, looking down on Gareth's prone, white body. "What have we here?" he said, shaking his head and tutting. He reached out a big hand and snapped the waistband of the black trunks. "Non-regulation trunks, despite everything Coach has said. Not good." he said, snapping the waistband again.

"Let go!" roared Gareth, making a last ditch effort against the strong guys holding him down.

"And look at this." said Paul, leaning forward and tugging at the jockstrap-like front of the black trunks. "You can see everything; it's fucking obscene."

Well, he was right, you could see everything, particularly with Gareth in that position, prone beneath the bigger guy. His balls were clearly visible, and halfway down them you could see the bulge of his cock.

Paul tugged at the front of the trunks once more, saying "That's what you want, isn't it Hughes? Bit of an exhibitionist, aren't you?" he asked.

Gareth had stopped struggling, and was now as still as the rest of us, waiting to see what Paul would do next. He put a long bony finger inside the pouch of the jockstrap and pulled it out a bit, so you could briefly see Gareth's red-hairy balls, then let it snap back again, making him jump. I noticed that the bulge of Gareth's cock was getting a bit bigger.

"Oh, enjoying this are you?" sneered Paul, rubbing the growing bulge through the black material. "Giving you a stiffy, am I?" he said, continuing to flick the growing bulge. Eventually it straightened out under the black trunks, and pointed up to Gareth's navel.

Paul stopped flicking it at that point. "That's all you've got?" he sneered. "All that showing off, and its for this little cock?" he said. Unexpectedly, Rick reached up from his position sitting on Gareth's knees, grabbed the waistband of the trunks and yanked them down, exposing Gareth's stiff cock for all to see.

Actually, I wondered how big Paul's cock was if he thought this was a small one. Gareth's dick was a bit longer than average; perhaps a bit slim for its length, with a big head, only party covered by its foreskin. It curved up over his prone body now, jumping slightly in time to his pulse. His balls hung low under it, the whole set crowned with a bush of fiery pubic hair. "Hey guys," said Paul, "See what Gareth wants to show you!"

Well we were all looking of course: at that age you're curious about anything, what your mate looks like naked, how big his cock is, how much bigger it gets when he's stiff, all of that. Gareth meanwhile had given up struggling, and just lay there while Paul poked fun at his dick.

Paul looked up at me. "Got the camera, Dave?" he said. I nodded. "Well, take a couple of snaps of our porn star friend here, that likes showing his kit off so much."

Even though I was a bit dubious about the whole business, I definitely wanted a picture of this whole thing, especially Gareth's cock, so I took two or three shots.

"Let me see." he ordered, so I went over with them. He looked them over, and nodded his approval. "Okay." he said. "Put them in your locker and lock it."

I did as he ordered, and behind me I heard the big guy say, "Okay Hughes, from now on we'll do it my way. Unless you want those photos of your dick all over the noticeboard, where the whole school will see it, you'll do as I say. Understand?"

Gareth nodded. Paul flicked the stiff white dick once more. "That's great, Hughes, you're learning to do as you're told." He looked up to see Rick and I craning closer to inspect Gareth's stiff white dick. "That's right, have a good look." joked Paul, as we stared down at the Gareth's slim cock.

Rick leaned forward and flicked the stiff dick gently, like Paul had done. Then he grabbed it and Gareth moaned. "God, it's really stiff!" he said, and started moving the foreskin back and forth slightly.

"Oh, he likes that!" said Paul, noting Gareth's reaction. He reached forward and grabbed Gareth's slim cock with his own big hand, and began working the whole skin of his cock back and forward more vigorously. His hand was a blur: you could just see the head of Gareth's white cock, sometimes covered by foreskin, sometimes not, peeking out past the big fingers. He looked over his shoulder and down at the face of his victim. "Enjoying that are you Hughes?" he sneered sarcastically. Then he let go of Gareth's cock with a gesture of disgust and said, "Get up." as he stood up from the prone body, giving it a push.

Gareth had started to get up as soon as Paul was off him, and nearly fell at the unexpected push. I grabbed him and helped him to his feet. I noticed his stiff cock was still bobbing around.

"Okay Hughes, get dressed." said Paul. "And next time wear the fucking trunks."

Gareth plodded over to his locker and started pulling his clothes out. Paul looked at the two of us, still gawping at Gareth and said, "Okay guys, show's over."

But it wasn't. I could see how Gareth was glaring at Paul and I knew that this was far from over.

Chapter Two: A Private Performance.

Later that evening I was at home, doing some rare studying, when Gareth called on me. I was shocked and a bit guilty to see him. "Hey, Gareth," I said, "About what happened today-"

Gareth surprised me by grinning. "It's okay Dave." he said. "I could see you were enjoying the show, weren't you?"

I felt embarrassed. "Well..." I said.

He grinned again. "And I saw you eyeing me up before Paul did that as well. As soon as you saw me in those black trunks you couldn't take my eyes off them, could you?"

I hung my head, shamefaced.

"It's okay, Dave." he said. "I'm cool with you doing that. In fact, you could do more than that if you wanted to."

I looked up in surprise.

"Let's make a deal." said Gareth, looking sly. "You've got that photo of me, haven't you?" I nodded. "Okay." he said. "That's Paul's hold over me. I want the photo. Will you give it to me?" "But Paul-" I began, but Gareth held up a hand. "Oh, I know, Paul will be mad. But I can fix it so there's nothing he can do about it."


Gareth looked sly again. "Never mind how, just trust me. The thing you have to ask yourself is, do you want to help me?"

I shrugged. "What's in it for me?" I asked.

Gareth smiled. "Well, this is the deal. I do whatever you want this evening. Anything: I'll be your personal slave. And at the end of the evening, you give me the photo, what do you reckon?"

I looked him up and down. Like I say, he was a fit guy, with a cute face, surrounded by that mop of red hair. It was a tempting thought. Seeing my interest, Gareth said, "Did you like the black trunks?"

I nodded.

"I'm wearing them under my jeans." said Gareth. "Want to see?"

I nodded again.

Gareth grinned and got to his feet. He kicked off his boots and pulled his sweater over his head, so that he was just wearing his jeans. Then he unbuttoned those and took them off, to stand in front of me in just the black trunks.

He looked great. That white, lithe body, and the way the pouch of the trunks bunched his cock and balls together, just like they'd done at the pool. As he moved, you could see them moving around inside the pouch.

"Hi Dave." came a voice from the door. It was Rick from the swim team, dropping by with some books like I'd asked him to. He walked into the flat and saw Gareth in just the black trunks. "Jesus Gareth, don't you ever wear anything else?" he said jokingly.

"Hi Rick." I said. "Gareth's just agreed to be my personal slave for this evening. Isn't that right Gareth?" I said, turning back to him.

Obviously being slave to the pair of us was more than Gareth had bargained for, but clearly he realised that this was the only way he was going to get what he wanted, because he nodded reluctantly.

Rick raised an eyebrow. "Really?" he said eagerly. "I always wanted to do something kinky like that. C'mere boy." he said to Gareth.

"Yes sir." said Gareth, getting into the spirit of it, and he stepped over to Rick. The whole "boy" and "sir" thing seemed a bit odd, what with Rick being younger looking and lighter build and all, but they both seemed to like it. Nearly naked, Gareth looked whiter than ever next to Rick, fully clothed, with his dark curly hair and tan.

Rick looked Gareth up and down. "You love those trunks, don't you boy?" he said wonderingly. "Yes sir." said Gareth, still looking a bit embarrassed.

Rick was getting right into it though. He reached down and grabbed the pouch at the front of the trunks, making Gareth gasp with shock. He kneaded Gareth's cock and balls, saying, "You love to show this off, don't you boy?"

Gareth dropped his head, making the red curls shake, and quietly said, "Yes sir."

Rick turned to me. "Hey Dave." he said, "Come and check this out."

Well, I wasn't so quick to get into the whole master/slave thing as Rick, but I was definitely interested, so I went over to where he stood in front of Gareth, rolling around Gareth's cock and balls in the black trunks. Rick looked up from what he was doing, and said to Gareth, "You want Dave to play with you too, boy?"

Gareth gasped as Rick got a bit rougher for a second, then said, "Yes please sir."

Rick shrugged and let go. "He's all yours buddy." he said.

I reached out hesitantly, and stroked the front of the pouch. Gareth shuddered, but Rick grabbed my hand and shoved it up against Gareth's balls saying "Don't stroke it, grab it!", so I started gently kneading the soft pouch the way that Rick had.

Except that the pouch I was kneading didn't seem quite so soft anymore. I could feel Gareth getting hard! I dropped my hand.

"What is it?" demanded Rick. "He's getting a hard on." I said. Rick looked at Gareth. "That right, boy?"

Gareth nodded, looking oddly shamefaced.

Rick nodded back. "Wanna show us?"

Gareth nodded again. "Yes sir." he said quietly.

"C'mere." said Rick. Gareth stepped forward, and Rick grabbed the front of his trunks again, this time pulling them suddenly to one side, so that Gareth's half-hard dick and red-haired balls spilled out.

Okay, so I'd already seen Gareth's dick that day, but I was still fascinated to see it again. Half-hard it still looked really white, and the foreskin covered more of the head. I couldn't get over how red his pubes were.

Rick reached down again, and hefted Gareth's half-hard-on in his hand, making it bounce up and down gently. "Not bad." he said, appreciatively. Gareth shifted his weight as Rick appraised his dick. Rick looked at me. "Come on, he's your slave: have a feel." he said.

I reached down as well, and felt Gareth's cock. It felt smooth and hot, and as I touched it went the rest of the way up, the white foreskin pulling back a bit over the biggish head. It still looked a bit slim, but Gareth was a slim guy so it kind of suited him.

"Okay Gareth." said Rick, "I think you should take off the trunks now."

Still standing in front of us, Gareth hooked his thumbs under his waistband and pulled down the trunks, doubling up as he did so. He pulled them down to his ankles and over his feet, then stood up again, cock bouncing back to attention as he did. Impulsively I reached forward again and grabbed his cock for another feel. He stood passively as I did this. He had an incredibly rigid erection, pointing straight up to his navel. Rick reached out as well, and felt Gareth's balls gently, making him shudder again at the unexpected contact. Then he pulled back his hand and said, "Okay boy, turn around."

I let go of Gareth's cock as he turned around to show a small but nicely shaped white ass. "Bend over." said Rick, and Gareth did as he was told. To my surprise, Rick began to fiddle with the belt on his jeans.

At first I thought Rick was going to get undressed as well, though I hoped he wouldn't, as I was finding the idea of a naked slave in front of two fully clothed guys really horny. But I was wrong: he undid his belt and dropped down in front of Gareth's ass

"Now Gareth," he said, "Here's the deal. Your dick is ours for this evening, right boy?" "Yes sir." said Gareth, shifting his weight again, as Rick reached between his legs and grabbed his stiff white cock. "That's good, boy." said Rick, pulling Gareth's dick downwards towards him at an angle which couldn't have been comfortable. "So only we get to touch it, right?" Gareth grunted in discomfort as his cock was pulled away from it's upright position, and pulled downwards alongside his inner thigh, still hard. "Yes sir." he panted, as Rick almost gently stroked the red-haired balls with his other hand.

"That's good." said Rick, letting go of Gareth's stiff white cock and letting it slam up against his belly. Then he grabbed it and forced it down again. Gareth wriggled slightly with the discomfort, the small white globes of his ass shifting as he did so.

Ignoring him, Rick looped his belt around Gareth's muscular thigh, and included the stiff dick in the loop, effectively tying Gareth's stiff cock to his leg. "So your dick stays there until I undo the belt, okay?" "Yes sir." grunted Gareth. "It hurts, sir."

Rick shrugged again. "I never told you to get a hard on boy. Better concentrate on letting it go down some." he laughed.

Gareth nodded. His work finished, Rick stood up and surveyed his handiwork. You could see the strain on Gareth's rigid cock being held down in that position, and I noticed that it was starting to soften slightly already.

Rick reached down and tickled the exposed head of Gareth's slim white cock. Gareth groaned as his cock got hard again, and started to strain against the belt. I reckoned if he hadn't have been bending over, he would never have got his cock down at that angle. Rick turned to me. "Go on Dave, have a go." he said.

I reached down past Gareth's ass and felt the big head of his dick, poking out past Rick's belt. Even as I touched it, I felt it get stiff again, and once more Gareth moaned.

We did that a few more times, until Rick got bored and said, "Okay boy, stay where you are." Then he walked alongside Gareth's horizontal white form, until he got to his head. He looked down at his slave and said, "You do whatever I want, is that right?"

Gareth nodded. From behind, I noticed that his dick had gone really stiff once more.

"Good." said Rick. "What I want is a some head, boy. So open your little white mouth."

Gareth did it willingly. Rick stood in front of him and, unzipping his jeans, he reached inside and fished around for his cock. Then he flopped it out, dark, and apparently still pretty soft. Gareth leaned forward and sucked it into his mouth, then carried on sucking. Rick groaned.

Behind him, I squatted down to treat myself to the sight of that stiff white dick tied to his leg. Wanting to see what it looked like free, I reached over and untied the belt. Instantly Gareth's dick sprang up to his belly. I reached up to it, and pulled it down slightly, gently wanking it. My other hand, like something with a mind of its own, reached up and stroked his little white ass. I was rewarded with a muffled groan.

Okay, I thought, I'll take that as an invite. I stood behind him, facing Rick across that long, lithe, white back, and unzipped my jeans. As soon as I did, my cock stuck out of them; a bit thicker than Gareth's but about as long, and I pushed the head against Gareth's asshole. He wriggled against me, so I spat on the head of my cock. I only had to gently push and I was in.

Rick looked across at me and grinned. I could see he was fully hard now, and having a great time: Gareth seemed to suck like a pro, no lapse in his rhythm even as I fucked him. Between the two of us we got into sync, so for a while Gareth was shuttled between us like a piston in its chamber.

We only went on like this for a short while, then I came. So did Rick, seconds later, and we both pulled out, gasping. I noticed Rick's cock as he did this; it was about as thick as Gareth's, but shorter; with a slightly blunt head, like a hammer.

Rick came over to where I was standing, looked down at Gareth and said, "Okay boy, you'll get more of that if you don't behave." he warned. "Turn around."

Gareth turned around. His cock was back to being half-hard, probably on account of the ordeal he'd been through. Unable to resist, I reached out and pulled on the white foreskin. Gareth flashed me a grin as his dick rose up to it's former glory. I held it with two fingers in a V shape, just behind the head, and felt how hard it felt again.

We both stood, fully clothed, looking down at the naked white guy's slim, stiff erection. Rick flicked it, like he'd done before. We looked at each other.

"Gareth, sit on the couch." said Rick.

Gareth obediently went over and sat down, his dick still stiffly straining upwards. Rick sat to one side, me to the other. Without discussing it, I reached over and started shuffling Gareth's white foreskin up and down, just like Paul had done, only I persisted for longer. While I did this, Rick dropped his hand under Gareth's red-haired balls and started fondling them. As soon as he did, Gareth sat up from the couch and started gasping. I shuffled harder on his dick, feeling its steely hardness get even harder, and feeling it grow in pulses as he came.

The three of us sat back, getting our breath back. Gareth was first. "Well," he said, "Do I get my photo?"

I nodded. He'd earned it.

Chapter Three: Dog's Night

The next night wasn't a swim night, so I was surprised to get a call from Gareth. He said thanks for the photo, and that he was going to go and see Paul: would I like to come with him and bring my camera? Suspecting that there might be more fun in the offing, I willingly agreed.

Paul lived with his folks, in a smart part of town. His folks both had jobs which frequently took them out of town, so he usually had the place to himself. Tonight seemed to be just such a time, because only the light in Paul's room was lit.

To my surprise though, it was Gareth who answered the door. He looked pleased to see me, and led me upstairs to Paul's room.

Paul was sitting on the end of his bed, wearing just a pair of shorts, and he did not look happy. His big shoulders seemed to sag, and he swung his long, hairy legs despondently. Gareth smiled as we entered the room, and said, "Paul has something to tell you, Dave, don't you Paul? So go ahead and tell him."

Paul lowered his blond head and muttered something. Gareth tutted. "You're only going to make this worse." he said. "Now tell Dave what you've agreed."

He looked up at me. "I've agreed to be Gareth's dog for the evening." he said through gritted teeth.

I was amazed. "Why?" I asked.

"Because," said Paul, as he got to his feet (and don't forget he's a big guy: he pretty much towered over us), "You gave Gareth that photo." he said, looking unbelievably pissed off.

I shrugged. "So?" I said, looking up at the tall towering hairy figure. "You were only going to use it to make him wear regulation trunks. What's that got to do with this?"

Paul looked irritated, and for a moment I was acutely aware of how much bigger he was than the two of us, standing over us as we sat on the bed. He said, "Gareth's pointed out to me that the photo looks much worse for us than it does for him. He's obviously struggling and unwilling. If Coach saw it, we could all be expelled." He looked across at Gareth. "Except you." he said.

"Exactly." said Gareth, obviously pleased with himself. As he said this, he went over to sit on Paul's bed. He motioned for me to come and sit next to him, as if he owned the place or something. "So Paul's trying to make it up to me, aren't you?"

Paul nodded, unwillingly.

"Okay." said Gareth, looking up at the big guy, taking in his big shoulders, the V of his build, that hairy chest, and the powerful legs revealed by the shorts. Gareth said, "Let's make a start. Drop your shorts, Paul."

I looked on with interest. I'd always wondered what Paul looked like naked: despite his superb physique, he seemed much more body-shy than the rest of us: I'd never seen him without trunks or a towel. Whilst the garish pattern of our regulation college trunks seem deliberately designed to conceal all detail, I'd managed to work out that Paul had a fair bit in there to conceal.

Paul undid the cord of his baggy shorts, and let them drop, to reveal a pair of tight blue briefs. In the dimness of the room it was hard to make out any detail, but again there was a fair bulge in them.

Gareth pursed his lips. "Not bad." he said, appraisingly. "Dave, I want a picture of this." he said, looking at me meaningfully. I knew what that look meant: that I could be in as much trouble as anyone else if the other photo became public knowledge. I got out the Polaroid and took a shot.

Gareth looked at the results. "Hmm." he said. "You can't see as much in this." Then he had an idea. "Paul, put your foot up on that." he said, motioning at the small table next to me. Paul moved over, cock and balls jumbling around in those tight blue briefs like clothes in a washing machine, and put his big foot on the table. His balls were just a foot or so from my face in that position, nicely tucked up in the blue briefs.

With one leg up, the front of his briefs was much more visible; the outline of his cock in particular was much clearer. Even soft, it looked about the same size as Gareth's hard, so I could see why he thought Gareth was small. I leaned back and took another photo.

Gareth liked this one. "Much better." he pronounced. "Okay Dave, I've seen you gawping: you can stroke his balls if you like. In fact-" he said, as he had a sudden inspiration: "Paul, ask him to stroke your balls."

Paul looked up at the ceiling. "Please stroke my balls, Dave." he said.

I began to reach out, but Gareth grabbed my hand. "Oh no." he said. "That isn't how you ask. You call us 'sir'"

Paul looked straight at us. "What?" he demanded.

Gareth looked up at him, unfazed. "It's up to you, Paul. I can either have my fun now, or when Coach sees that photo of me. What do you want?"

Paul didn't have to think about it for long. He turned to me and said, "Please will you stroke my balls, sir?"

I shrugged. "Okay." I said, trying to look nonchalant as I reached out and stroked that big packet. God but it felt heavy and full! His balls felt like eggs, and while I was at it I appreciatively stroked his long cock as well. Gareth let this go on for a while, then said, "Okay Paul, over here."

Paul obediently took his foot off the table, and walked over to Gareth, his crotch on a level with Gareth's curly red hair. Gareth looked up, and inspected the full pouch. "Not bad." he said again, reaching out a white hand and gently kneading Paul's balls, just like Rick had done to him last night. I saw Paul take a deep breath as he did this, the big hairy chest expanding.

"Okay, turn around." commanded Gareth. Paul obeyed, and Gareth inspected the muscular globes of his ass, hairy skin revealed by the close-cut briefs. He reached out and fondled and stroked Paul's ass, and Paul shifted his weight as he did so. After a while Gareth seemed to get bored with this too, and said,

"Okay Paul, stand by the door."

Obediently, Paul went over to the door and faced us, once again presenting the impressive sight of that big well-built body, and that packet bulging out of his briefs.

"Take off the briefs, Paul." said Gareth.

Obviously hating every minute of this, Paul bent down, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of the briefs and yanked them off. As he stood up, we could both see his long thick soft cock dangling out of its big bush of pubic hair, the big balls now free to dangle low. We watched the whole packet dangle and move about as he stepped out of the briefs, and then stood completely naked and hairy before us.

Gareth had a good look, then said, "Come over here for an inspection, Paul."

The big guy reluctantly shuffled over to us, standing in front of Gareth, so Gareth's head was on a level with Paul's cock and balls. Gareth reached out his hands, and played with his dick some, stroking its impressive length, then bringing up his other hand so he could roll around Paul's big balls.

Of course Paul eventually got a hard on, and like I'd suspected it was long and thick: about 8 or so inches long, and thicker even than mine.

What I hadn't expected was that it had a pronounced curve. Like a big banana, it curved away to the right, so that even though Paul was facing Gareth, the head of his dick was pointing over at me.

Gareth laughed, bouncing the big bent cock up and down on the back of his hands. "Look at that Dave, did you ever see one like that?"

I shook my head.

Gareth grabbed the big head; it's short foreskin now completely back. He tried to pull it towards him, but Paul had to move slightly to let the head point at him. "God, it's a really stiff bend as well. What do girls say when they see this?" he demanded.

Paul looked away, embarrassed.

"What, you've never been with a girl?"

Paul shook his head.

"Or a guy?"

Another shake of that blond head.

Gareth shook his red curls in disbelief. "God, you've really let this hang you up. And you were so snide about my dick, about how it wasn't very big. At least it's normal!"

All through this discussion, Paul's cock hadn't gone down any, and Gareth toyed with the big bent thing as he talked. Then he turned to me.

"Got a hard on Dave?" he asked innocently.

I nodded reluctantly.

"Good. I want you to strip off and stand next to Paul." he ordered.

"But Gareth-" I protested. He held up a hand.

"No buts. You took the photo: you're in as much trouble as anyone. Now, are you going to do what I say?"

Realising that I was in deep, I stood up and pulled my shirt over my head. I'm not as big or muscular as Paul, but I've got a slightly heavier build than Gareth, and I hoped that looked good as I dropped my jeans and briefs. I struggled for a moment with my trainers, but finally I got it all off, and stood in front of the two guys showing my hard on for all to see.

It was a bit longer than Gareth's had been, and a fair bit thicker, but it still looked small next to Paul's big dick. It stuck up at an angle, obviously very hard.

Gareth looked at it and nodded. "Hold your dick next to Paul's" he ordered. "Paul, turn to face him."

Still embarrassed, Paul turned to face me, big curved dick bobbing as he did so. Next to his, mine looked very straight and a bit small. I reached out to grab his hot hard cock, and held it against my own. Because of the bend in it, it only touched a small surface area. Paul gave an embarrassed grin as I did this.

Gareth came up alongside, still fully clothed, and wrapped a cool white hand around our dicks. He shook his head disbelievingly. "You know Paul, I didn't even know you could get ones like that." he said. He dropped his hand. "Okay Paul, get down and do some push-ups."

Paul dropped to the ground and started doing push-ups, his big curved dick pushing out to the side each time his chest kissed the floor. After a few of these, Gareth reached down and fastened something round his neck.

"What the-" began Paul, stopping his push ups and feeling his neck. It was a black leather dog collar, with a D ring on it. I wondered what Gareth was planning now. I soon found out as he fixed a chain to the collar, pulled on it and said, "Come on Paul, we're going for a walk."

Paul began to get to his feet, but Gareth jerked the chain saying "Oh no, you're gonna be my dog: stay on all fours."

They set off together, Gareth fully clothed in brown jeans and sweater, leading the way; Paul, naked on his hands and knees, struggling to keep up. From where I stood, I could see that big muscular ass pumping away as he crawled alongside his master, and got an occasional glimpse of those big balls swinging between his hairy thighs.

Gareth took him along the landing, then stopped at the stairs. "Cock your leg on the bannister." he said, indicating the tall post at the stair head. Paul looked up at him, amazed (and from here, Paul's face did look a bit dog-like as he looked up in incomprehension), then he lifted one leg like a dog would, revealing his long curved cock, pressed up against his belly.

Gareth smiled at the sight of it, then walked him back to the bedroom. He handed the lead to me. "Here you go Dave," he said, momentarily glancing down at my stiff cock. "Take the dog for a walk."

Trying to give Paul a look of apology and sympathy (the poor guy wouldn't meet my eye), I did what Gareth had done, taking him to the stair head. Despite the strangeness of the situation, I couldn't help but admire Paul's beautiful long muscular back, and how the muscles in his shoulders stood out as he crawled along the carpet. At the stair head I turned to come back, but from the bedroom door Gareth said, "Forgetting something?" and so poor Paul had to cock his leg once more, flashing that big bent cock, and showing those big dangly balls. As he did this, there was a flash from the end of the corridor, and I looked along to see Gareth standing in the bedroom door with my camera. With one shot he would have got Paul in his cocked-leg position and me with my hard on sticking out.

Finally I had Paul back in the room, and gave the lead to Gareth. Gareth took the lead and led Paul over to the bed, where he sat down, looked at the big guy on all fours and said, "Beg."

Well, Paul had got the idea by now, so he knelt up and held his hands in front of him in begging position. The angle really emphasised his big hairy chest, and, of course, his cock poking out.

Gareth nodded. "Play dead." he instructed.

Glaring at him, Paul rolled over on his back, knees drawn up slightly. His cock lay against his belly, curving off to one side. Gareth leaned down and handled the big dick, pulling it away from his belly and letting it snap back. He did this a few times, then said, "Lick me."

Paul looked puzzled. Then he got the idea, knelt up again, leaned up against Gareth, and started licking his face, like a dog. After a few licks, Gareth nodded, then said, "That's good Paul: you can lick my dick now."

Paul's face was like thunder as Gareth undid his jeans, and lifted his ass to pull them down, then pulled down his briefs as well, to reveal that familiar slim white hard on. Paul looked at him for a second, then looked up at Gareth, and for a moment he really did look like a dog as he gave Gareth a pleading look. Gareth said nothing, however, and Paul bent his blond head down and started to lick the big head of Gareth's dick.

Gareth moaned, and wriggled a bit where he was sitting. He motioned at me to come over, then gestured at Paul. I guessed he was saying I should do something with Paul, so I knelt behind him and stroked his big, muscular, hairy ass. Then, remembering how sexy this had been with Gareth, I reached between his legs and felt his big heavy balls for a while. After that, it was an easy thing to reach further and grab that big cock, pulling it downward, and feeling the curve of it as my hand slid along its thick length, to rest behind the large head.

Well, Paul seemed to love that, as he lifted his big hairy ass higher, like a bitch in heat, to give me better access to his cock. I started slowly wanking it, and pulled it down a bit further, making him stick out his ass some more. By now his asshole was about six inches from my face, and on impulse I bent down and licked it, still jerking his big cock with my hand.

The lick had an electric effect: Paul seemed to have a really sensitive ass. He shuddered all over as I did it, and moaned as he licked the long slim shaft of Gareth's dick. Gareth looked up all that was happening with a kind of satisfied approval, as Paul's head moved up and down his white cock, licking like a dog.

Gareth said, "Well Dave, it looks like you're a dog too, sniffing another dog's behind like that. Isn't that right?"

Not sure of where he was going with this, but conscious he still had the incriminating photo, I nodded. He grinned, and reached into his back once more. "Lucky I have a lead for you too, boy. Come here."

I reluctantly stood up behind Paul, and walked over to him. I knelt down as he put the collar on. I felt ridiculous, but my dick was still completely stiff. Gareth flicked it after he'd put the collar on, then looked across at Paul.

"Okay Paul, you get to take my other dog for a walk now. Here's his lead." I noticed that this lead was made of leather, not chain like Paul's had been.

Paul stood up, towering over me once more. The collar round his neck looked really sexy; it showed that this big, macho man was someone's dog. I couldn't help but look down at his big curved dick, still poking out stiffly to the right.

Gareth took charge. "Okay Dave, get on all fours. Paul, take his lead."

I dropped to all fours, stiff cock bouncing against my belly. In this position my ass felt really exposed, but I was only able to focus on it for a second, as Paul yanked on the chain painfully. I looked up to see him grinning, the bastard, as he set off towards the door at a fast, long-legged pace. I struggled to keep up on all fours as he strode on ahead, his big hairy ass just above my head. We went like this along the landing to the bannister, where he stopped. I stopped for a moment, wondering what he was doing, then I yelped with pain as he slapped the end of the leather lead against my exposed ass.

"Cock your leg!" he ordered curtly.

Smarting with resentment, I assumed the stupid and humiliating position, and blinked as Gareth took his photo from the bedroom door. Oh great, I though, another incriminating photo, incidentally noting that Gareth was now completely naked too, and looked pale and white in the dimness of the stairwell. Then Paul whipped my ass a second time, so show it was time to move on. I scrambled once more to keep up with him, once catching my balls painfully between my legs.

As we drew near the bedroom door, Gareth showed me the photo. If I say so myself, it was really sexy. Like I said, I'm a swimmer, so I'm in good shape, and my dick looked nice and thick exposed as I cocked my leg. I hadn't realised my balls looked so big either: they always looked about average to me. Of course, the balls of the naked hairy figure towering over me were larger, and his dick was longer and thicker, even with it's weird curve. Him being so much bigger than me, and dominating me like that, made the whole thing even sexier, even though I resented the slaps on the ass.

Gareth guessed there might be an issue about that, because he leaned down and gently fondled my ass, saying, "Did your punishment sting, dog?" he asked, in a tone of genuine concern.

I nodded.

"Want to get even?" he asked, innocently.

I nodded again. What sympathy I'd had for Paul had dissolved in the pain of that lash.

Gareth looked up at Paul. "Get down on all fours, dog." he ordered.

Looking suspicious, Paul did as he was told, until he was next to me, like a longer, bigger dog. Gareth looked over to me. "Still got that hard on, Dave?" he asked.

I nodded again. Gareth squatted down next to me. "Cock your leg and show me." he ordered.

I took up the humiliating cocked leg position again, letting my stiff cock and swollen balls hang out. Gareth took a close look, then gently held my cock. "Not bad." he said quietly. "That's a nice thick dog-cock you have there, boy." he continued, as he stroked along my cock and down to my balls. He took my balls in his hand and gently rolled them. "So you want to get even, eh?" he said, "Wonder how we can do that. Paul!" he ordered, and the big guy's head came up. "Come around here." he commanded, and Paul crawled on all fours until he was next to Gareth.

"See this cock?" said Gareth, still gently stroking it and keeping it hard. "I want you to lick it."

Paul craned forward and started to lick at my exposed cock. Even though it was a strain holding my leg up like that, it was worth it for the sight and the feel of this cute big guy's head working it's way along my dick, tongue flicking out as he licked my dick like it was a lollipop.

After a while, Gareth pulled gently on Paul's collar and said, "Okay, lick his balls." and Paul shuffled back slightly, dipped his head, and started licking at my balls. My dick had been hard so long that my balls had pulled up, and Paul licked the apple-hard sac that held them. The sensation was weird: not so strong as when he licked my dick, but still powerful.

I guess that Paul obviously didn't mind his licking duties too much, as he went to them with a will. After a while, Gareth guessed that this wasn't much of a punishment as he said, "Okay Dave, you can lower your leg now." Paul scooted his big head out of the way as I did this, and soon I was able to rest my weight back on both knees again. Paul's head was just by one of my hips, Gareth squatted behind him, red bush of pubic hair clearly visible between his open legs, stiff white dick rising out of it like the stalk of some white flower.

"Ass still sore, Dave?" asked Gareth, solicitously.

Actually I could barely feel where I'd been lashed with the lead, but I decided to play it for all it was worth, so I nodded. Gareth pushed at Paul's head, the way you might push at a dog, and directed him round to my ass. "Lick his ass, Paul." he instructed.

I couldn't see Paul at work this time, but again I felt his eager tongue, lapping at the weal where he'd whipped me. "That's good." breathed Gareth. "Now lick his asshole."

There was a pause in the licking; Paul was clearly considering this one. Then I could almost feel him shrug, and felt his breath on my ass as he nosed in towards my asshole. Once he got licking there was no more hesitation: he went at it with the same enthusiasm. It was one of the most intense things I've ever felt; I desperately wanted to come, and began to reach back a hand to start pulling on my dick, but Gareth slapped my hand back, saying "No hands! Bad dog!". Still, I really, really needed to come, so I lowered my belly nearer to the floor (and I heard Paul shifting about too, to keep up his connection with my ass), feeling the rough texture of the carpet against the head of my cock, as I started pushing my dick back and forth.

Gareth intervened again, this time grabbing my cock (and him grabbing me nearly did it, but not quite, dammit), and holding it off the floor. He grinned and said, "You need to come, dog?" and I nodded desperately. "Okay." he said. He turned to look at Paul, still busy licking my ass. "Stop that!" he said sharply, and Paul's head pulled back. Then Gareth turned to me and said, "Dave, play dead."

Well, I turned over on my back, the way that Paul had done before, so that my belly and stiff dick were exposed. Gareth looked down on me and smiled, then said, "Paul, come over here."

Paul crawled alongside me, and Gareth said, "Straddle him, and lick his dick some more."

Paul and I were now head-to-toe: his head wasn't far from my dick, and his knees were by my shoulders, so it was pretty easy for him to swing a muscular, hairy, long leg over me, so that his cock was inches from my face, then dip his head down to lick at my cock some more.

Of course, because of the shape of his cock, the head didn't dangle directly above my mouth like it usually would for someone in that position. Instead, it was off to one side, where I couldn't get at it. I licked at the bit of the curved shaft nearest to my mouth, hoping he'd understand what I was after, and he did. He shifted his hips slightly, so that the head of his big dick was positioned above my mouth, and I started licking.

Gareth hadn't been idle either: I could feel him moving round by my head, to lick at Paul's ass, in the way I had earlier, and once more, Paul wriggled and moaned as he did this, the big head of his cock almost slipping away from my mouth once more.

I lost sight of what was happening for a bit after that, as Paul's licking finally paid off, and I came prodigiously over his face in what had to be my most powerful orgasm ever. I was still panting and getting my breath back, when I realised that Gareth had changed position, and that his feet were now by my head, as he squatted by Paul's ass. He was fucking the big guy! I couldn't believe Paul had let him do that so easily: he seemed such a macho type.

And he was really enjoying it too: the way his cock started thrusting at my mouth showed how urgently he now needed to come. I gave up on the licking business: he was moving around too much to make it practical, and angled my head up instead to take the whole head of his cock in my mouth.

Well that did it. The big, stiff head of his cock was only in my mouth for a couple of minutes before he came. He shoved in further as he came, but the shape of his cock stopped me from feeling like gagging: it didn't hit the back of my throat at all, but instead burrowed into the side of my mouth, so I could taste his bitter, creamy spunk as it spilled across my tongue.

A few moments later the movement from behind Paul got more frenzied, as Gareth came, then slumped over the big guy's long back. Paul relaxed a little, and lowered some of his weight onto me, so that his big chest rested against my stomach, his head in my pubic hair. His dick softened, and popped back out of my mouth, to dangle above me next to his big hairy balls.

Then I felt Gareth get off Paul and slap his ass, saying, "Good dogs. You can get dressed now."

Chapter Three: Back at the Pool.

When I got to the changing room the next evening, Gareth and Paul were there already, still dressed, but engrossed in some very intense conversation which they conducted in whispers. Finally Paul seemed to agree with something, very reluctantly, and they both started to change.

I was in the pool, doing my first lengths, when Gareth and Paul emerged from the changing room. To my surprise, Gareth was back in his red trunks. It was Paul who wore the black ones.

Even though I'd already seen Paul naked, had seen Paul up close and hard in fact, I still couldn't take my eyes off him in those trunks. The stretch fabric of the trunks seemed to fit Paul round the waist just fine, but his cock and balls were much bigger than Gareth's, and they were incredibly obvious, spilling around inside the tight fabric. I could see that one of his balls had positioned higher than the other, and his cock (which I knew was respectably long and thick even when it was soft) lay down the side of them, all crammed into the tight pouch. The trunks were obviously uncomfortable for him: I could see the whole package being mercilessly jumbled about as he walked towards the pool's edge.

The big guy was obviously very unhappy about this. Instead of strutting about the place the way he usually did, he walked to the pool looking incredibly embarrassed. Rick called something from across the pool, and Gareth laughed. To my surprise, Paul blushed. Then he dived into the pool and started to do lengths as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

After practice, we all gathered in the changing room to watch as Paul made his entrance in the black trunks. God, he was a well-hung guy! Even if I hadn't known it from my experience of the previous night, I would know it now by looking at the display he now put on as he walked in, big balls jostling with that thick cock in the limited space of the pouch.

Christ but he looked good though. The hair on his big chest narrowed down to a trail that temptingly vanished under the black waistband. And that packet in those little trunks!

"Paul, why the hell are you wearing those?" demanded Rick, toweling his hair.

Paul blushed again, and looked down at himself in the revealing trunks.

"Tell him, Paul." said Gareth behind him. We all turned to see the shorter, paler guy enter the changing rooms behind Paul.

Paul's head came up from the sight of his balls in those trunks, and looked at the two of us. "Ah, well, it seems, er," he started.

"It's like this." said Gareth. "I've got the photo Dave took the other day."

"So?" demanded Rick. "You've got a picture of yourself with a hard on. Big deal, or not-so-big-deal." he sniggered. I thought the comment about Gareth's dick was a bit much, given that I'd seen Rick's cock and knew it was smaller.

Gareth looked at Rick. "No, shit-for-brains, what I've got is a photo of three of you holding me down while Paul plays with my dick. I'm obviously struggling, obviously unwilling."

"Guys, it looks like assault." said Paul quietly.

"Shit." said Rick, finally understanding. If Gareth decided to show Coach the picture, we could all be expelled, at the very least.

"What do you want?" demanded Rick, looking at Gareth.

Gareth smiled. "Oh, just to get even. I'm sure you guys don't mind that, do you?" he said, looking at the two of us. We both nodded, sure that his revenge would just be against Paul.

And so it seemed to be. Gareth sat himself down on the bench, and looked up at the big guy, saying, "Come on Paul, assume the position." he said, patting his knees.

With great reluctance, Paul lay on his back across Gareth's knees, until his hairy muscular torso lay exposed in front of the lithe redhead, and the black pouch containing his cock and balls was presented directly under Gareth's face. Gareth nodded again. "Not bad." he said, hooking a finger under the edge of the pouch, like Paul had done to him and lifting the stretchy fabric, momentarily revealing Paul's big hairy balls. "You can barely get it all in there, can you Paul?" he taunted, tugging the big head of Paul's dick through the cloth. Then he dropped his hand to the bottom of the pouch, grabbing Paul's balls. Paul groaned, and Gareth grinned. He started to gently stroke Paul's balls, and between Paul's strong hairy legs.

I looked over at Paul's head, upside-down and near the ground. He had a hand over his eyes, as if he couldn't bear the attention. Or perhaps he was trying not to get a hard on. If that was his plan, it wasn't working. I could see Paul's dick shift and twist, but to give him credit, the big guy stayed where he was, bent backwards over Gareth's knees. I knew his dick was an impressive length, about eight or so inches I would say, and was probably the thickest one in the room; even thicker than mine. The thing was, unlike Gareth, his dick was big enough that it could get trapped in a downward hard-on. Smaller dicks can twist and move around inside underwear, or trunks, the way that Gareth's had done. Paul's cock was pushing downwards, and obviously uncomfortable for him.

Gareth obviously noticed this. He diddled with the cloth covered head of Paul's stiffening cock and said, "That looks painful Paul. Want me to let it out?"

"No!" said Paul through gritted teeth, but it was too late. Gareth's small white hands had hooked under the waistband above the pouch and yanked it down, letting the big cock spring free.

It looked just as impressive as it had last night. Big and thick, with a big pink head, totally exposed. It was also obvious to the group what he had always been so shy about. The curve on his big dick was so dramatic that it pretty much pointed at Gareth's white chest, instead of arching up over his belly, as Gareth's had. Rick laughed as he saw it. "Christ Paul, it's like a banana!" he said, as Gareth bounced the big head up and down in the palm of his hand. Actually, once you got used to it, the bend wasn't that severe; the curve was pretty gradual along its length, and it was still an impressive cock. Even so, Paul couldn't meet our eyes as we looked at that big curved cock poking out of its thick bush of hair.

"I suppose that it's because of that we've all got to wear those crappy trunks." complained Gareth. Then he looked up at the rest of us. "Okay guys," he said, "All I want is my revenge on Paul for what he did to me the other day."

"Looks like you already got that, Gareth." said Rick. "Christ, that's the weirdest thing I ever saw."

Gareth looked up at him. "You know what I had to go through to get the photo to make this -" and here he briefly tickled the big head of Paul's cock. Paul groaned. "-happen. No, I want some things done."

"What are they?" demanded Rick, who seemed to be becoming our unofficial spokesman. I looked up and down his slim body, and saw the outline of that short, blunt, hammerheaded cock poking out of his trunks.

"Well, first of all, you're a hairy bastard, aren't you Paul." He waited, then swatted the big cock pointing at his chest "Answer me boy!" he said. "You're a hairy bastard aren't you?"

"Yes sir." mumbled Paul. Gareth nodded, then looked up at the rest of us. "I think we should shave him, don't you?"

"No!" roared Paul, and tried to struggle upright. But Gareth just smiled and pushed his chest down. "Uh-uh Paul, remember the photo?" he said, chidingly, and Paul was still once more.

Rick was sent to Gareth's bag to get the shaving kit. When he brought over the electric clippers, Paul began struggling again, big cock waving around as he did so.

Gareth smiled again. "Oh wriggle all you want, Paul, it won't do you any good. Might even make me slip during some vital moment, eh?"

For a moment, Paul was still, thinking about this. Eventually, Gareth said, "I'll tell you what, Paul. Keep still, and I'll just shave your chest, eh? How about that? Lots of swimmers shave their chest hair to improve their speed, and it'll grow back pretty quickly: what do you reckon?"

Paul thought about it. "Just the chest?"

Gareth nodded. "Uh-huh, just the chest. Think of it as an experiment, as a change. Okay?"

Paul hesitated, then nodded. "Okay." he said. I was particularly aware of how hairy he was, the blond hair on his chest, the darker hair on his arms and legs, and that dark brown bush at his groin, hiding the first inch or so of that big curved dick.

Rick handed Gareth the clippers, and Gareth started work on Paul's chest. He looked like someone shearing a sheep as the clippers cut a swathe through the thick blond hair on Paul's chest.

Rick couldn't let it just go at that of course. He squatted down next to Paul (and I admired his little ass in his blue and yellow trunks as he did so), saying, "That's your pride and joy, your big hairy chest, isn't it Paul? And think, when Gareth has finished this, you'll look like a kid again, like you probably did when you were fifteen or sixteen. Just think: you'll look like a little boy, eh?" he said, as Gareth carefully clipped around Paul's big dark nipples, which, I noticed, were as erect as his cock. It was odd; you'd think he'd rebel again at the way Rick was talking to him, but he was clearly enjoying the sensation of the shave, and I think he was enjoying the mild humiliation Rick was giving him as well.

Gareth got Rick to hand him the foam and a disposable razor, to finish off Paul's chest and belly. While he did this, the enterprising Rick moved forward to play with Paul's hard dick as it curved over his belly, and taunt him some. I noticed that Rick's short hammerheaded cock was now poking out from his trunks and rubbing against Paul's knee.

Finally the chest and belly were finished and we all craned forward to see. Gareth was right, somehow a lot of Paul's authority had come from him seeming to masculine and hairy. Without the hairy chest he did look younger, less dominating. We all wondered...

It was Rick that said it of course. "Gareth, you're going to have to do his pubes." he said matter-of-factly.

"No!" roared Paul, and started to struggle again. Gareth looked down at the dense brown bush with that thick cock curving out of it and smiled. "Paul, I still have the photo. Keep still. After all, who's going to see this? You told me you've never had sex with anyone."

Humiliated, Paul was still once more. Gareth added, "Listen, we're going to do this, so stay still. You really don't want me to slip while I'm doing it, do you?"

Sullenly, Paul fell silent. I noticed his dick was as stiff as ever, so possibly he wasn't hating it as much as he pretended: he'd certainly liked having his chest done. Seeing his victim's compliance, Gareth said, "Okay boy, I'm going to need you to spread your legs."

Reluctantly, Paul parted his big muscular legs, letting his big balls fall between them. Gareth looked up at Rick. "Rick, I'm going to need you to hold his dick while I do the hair above it. You seemed to like doing it before." he finished dryly.

Rick just nodded. He was loving this: having the big guy at his mercy. His short, thick, blunt-headed cock was absolutely rigid in his trunks as he reached forward and grabbed Paul's bigger, curved dick, and yanked it to one side. Paul moaned as he did this.

"Okay." said Gareth, partly to himself. "Clippers first."

Again we heard the buzz of the clippers as they cut swathes though Paul's impressive bush of pubic hair. Rick talked again as he did this saying, "You really are going to look just like a kid when we've finished this, Paul: I'm going to have to get a photo. You've always been so hairy and macho, and you'll be hairless as a kid when we've finished with you."

Rick eagerly steered Paul's big curved dick again away from the clippers, yanking hard in this direction and that, harder than was strictly necessary. >From time to time, Paul would emit a deep groan as his cock was manhandled in this way.

Eventually came the razors, and the double-act of Gareth and Rick make short work of shaving off the remaining stubble. Despite Rick's increasingly rough treatment of his dick, Paul was very still for this part, for obvious reasons.

Finally, the deed was done, and Gareth told Paul to stand up.

Paul shakily got to his feet: he'd been held in place for a fair while during the ordeal. Despite this, his cock hadn't gone down during the whole thing, and was stiff now, bobbing above his big hairless balls.

Gareth had been right: he did look much younger without all the body hair. Rick was the first to step forward and look closely. "God, it looks even bigger without that hair!" he exclaimed, reaching to Paul's stiff, curved cock. Paul took a step backwards, but Gareth said, "Paul, put your hands behind your back and let the guys do what they want." and Paul obeyed.

Well, Rick and I both moved forward, and felt Paul's smooth big balls and the smooth place where his pubic hair had been. Rick gently wanked Paul's big stiff dick with one hand, and rolled his big balls with the other, just a big more hard than he really needed to. Finally, Rick tormented Paul just that bit too much, and the bigger guy suddenly brought his hands from behind his back and grabbed him.

"Hey!" shouted Rick, as Paul got him in a half-nelson, naked tanned legs thrashing at the air, "Hey Gareth, you didn't give him permission for this!"

Gareth looked up from his bench and shrugged. He said, "Well Paul, you've been an obedient slave. What do you want to do with Rick?"

Paul grinned, still holding Rick just above the ground. Rick's short cock was bolt upright, poking up in his stupid school trunks, that blunt hammerhead visible just below the badge. The big guy looked across at Gareth and said, "Gareth: do me a favour and take his trunks off, will you?"

Gareth smiled, obviously remembering how enthusiastically Rick had tortured him the previous night. "Sure thing." he replied, and got up, revealing a very stiff erection in his red trunks, making a tent of the material at the front.

As he approached Rick, the smaller guy began thrashing his legs about to stop Gareth from getting near, but Paul tightened his hold on Rick's head, saying "Stop that!", and Rick was still.

Gareth slowly approached Rick. They were about the same height, but Rick was much darker, and had a lighter build. Also he had more body hair: a little bit round his nipples, and downy dark hair on his forearms and calves. Apart from his fiery bush of pubic hair, Gareth was nearly hairless.

Smirking as he looked Rick in the eyes, Gareth hooked his thumbs into the sides of Rick's trunks. Rick's upright dick was very visible between them.

Then with a quick yank the trunks were down to his knees; a further pull and they were off altogether, revealing that short, thick cock with its blunt head, poking up out of a dark bush of pubic hair. Despite his protests, there was clearly something about the whole situation he was enjoying.

Paul thought for a moment. "Can you guys help me get him on the bench?" he asked.

Well I think we'd all had enough of Rick's bullying by then. He was the kind of guy who always has to take a joke further than it has to go: when Gareth was shaving Paul he was getting his own back: Rick was just being mean. "Yeah!" chorused Gareth and I together. I grabbed Rick's legs; Gareth took over the headlock from Paul. Paul moved over to the bench, the site of his own humiliation, and sat down. Gareth and I manhandled the shorter, darker man, until he sprawled across Paul's legs, face up and at his mercy.

"Will you guys help me shave him?" he asked.

"Don't you dare you bastard!" shouted Rick. Paul smiled as he looked down on the prone body, and flicked Rick's short cock back and forth a few times. "Look at this little thing!" he said as he toyed with Rick's short thick dick some more. "I swear it's the shortest one here. Hey, Gareth, you got a ruler in your school bag?"

Gareth smirked. "Only a six inch one." he said.

Paul smiled, happy to be back in control again. "Oh, I reckon six inches is all we'll need." He played with Rick's stiff cock some more, grabbing the long foreskin and pulling it back. "And look at this little head! It's all short!" he said, rubbing a big finger over the exposed blunt head, making Rick shudder with pleasure. He leaned on Rick's chest, while Gareth went off to rummage in his bag. All through this procedure, Rick's dick didn't go down at all.

Gareth handed Paul the ruler and took up his place at Rick's arms again. Paul took the ruler and held it against Rick's cock, then nodded, smiling. "Five and a quarter inches: that's nothing man. God, that's hardly a cock." he said, pulling Rick's short dick down and letting it spring back up again. He grabbed Rick's balls next. "Not very big here either, are you boy?"

Rick didn't say anything. Paul squeezed a big harder, and Rick yelped at the surprising pain. "I said, not very big here either, are you boy?" repeated Paul.

"No sir." forced out Rick through gritted teeth.

Paul nodded. "Apologise to these guys for having such a small dick." he commanded. Rick looked reluctant, so Paul grabbed his balls again.

"I'm sorry I have such a small dick." grunted Rick.

"And small balls." added Paul. "Say it all."

"I'm sorry I have such a small dick and such small balls." said Rick reluctantly.

Paul shook his head. "Look at this little thing!" he said, pulling Rick's cock back slightly then letting it bounce back. If anything, Rick had got even harder since Paul started all this, and this time he groaned Paul's big hand toyed with his cock.

Paul did the thing with Rick's foreskin again; pulling it right back and rubbing the small blunt head, and Rick moaned. "God, you love that, don't you? Ask me to play with your little cock some more."

Knowing what would happen if he refused, Rick said, "Please play with my little cock some more, sir."

Paul shrugged. "Okay." he said, and started swatting Rick's cock around quite roughly. Rick seemed to love it though: after a few moments his hips started moving, and noticing this Paul stopped. "Oh no." he said, "I'm not here to give you a hand job. What am I here for?"

"Sir, to shave my cock and balls, sir!" replied Rick.

Paul swatted Rick's dick a bit harder. "What?" he demanded.

Rick let out a short breath: that last swat had evidently been quite painful. "Sir, to shave my little cock and balls sir." he panted out.

"That's right boy: Gareth, could I have the clippers please?"

Gareth willingly produced the clippers, and I could see that he too had a very rigid hard on in his red trunks. With the general nudity of the group, I was surprised he'd bothered keeping them on.

"Now," said Paul, turning the clippers on "Let's work on this little thing." He started clipping through Rick's black pubic hair. "You know Gareth," he said, "This really is very satisfying to do, even with a little dick like this." He turned his attention to Rick's balls, gently running the clippers over Rick's sac. "Though I suspect balls are harder to do when they're smaller, eh boy?" he said, returning his attention to Rick.

"Yes sir." said Rick reluctantly.

"Yes sir what?" demanded Paul, getting just a little rougher with the clippers.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry my balls are so small sir." said Rick through gritted teeth.

"Hm." said Paul, "I think I'm ready for the razor now."

Gareth had brought his bag over so he could get at stuff easily: he reached in and handed Paul the razor and the can of foam. Paul busied himself finishing the shave. "Now Rick, I want you to keep very still during this." he said, then laughed saying, "Let's face it, you haven't much to lose, but you still probably want to keep it, eh boy?"

"Yes sir." said Rick, his face even darker than ever.

Finally the shave was finished, and Gareth tossed Paul a damp towel to wipe off the last of the foam. Paul inspected his handiwork.

"Well boy, I'm sorry to tell you it doesn't look any bigger." he laughed. "Get up and let everyone have a look."

Rick got to his feet and reluctantly showed everyone. Paul was right: Rick really did look like a kid. His short, blunt cock poked out of a hairless crotch, like something not fully grown yet. Paul looked over at us. "Well, come over and have a look, guys."

"Oh no," said Rick, getting ready to run, but Paul was too quick for him and grabbed him into a half-nelson once more, big hands locked behind the shorter guy's dark head. Rick kicked out, making his small hard dick bounce around even more, and exposing those small (compared with Paul's) hairless balls.

We all came closer and looked. "He looks like a kid." breathed Gareth. It was true. Rick had lost all dignity in the shave. Paul had come out of it looking different, but still very obviously male and adult: Rick seemed to have lost that. I hadn't thought of Rick's dick as particularly small despite Paul's taunting, but now it looked tiny and lost, against that smooth tanned skin.

Gareth reached out a hand and felt Rick's small smooth balls. "Smooth as a baby's bum!" he announced, to general laughter. After that, all our hands went out and were all over Rick's smooth dick and balls. He obviously hated it, and kicked out some more, but that didn't stop the pair of us from groping him.

"What's it feel like guys?" asked Paul from behind his victim, obviously happy to prolong Rick's humiliation.

"Really small." said Gareth, whose own long slim dick was now completely hard, I noticed. It poked forward in his red trunks, and I could clearly see the big head.

"Fuck off!" said Rick, struggling some more. Paul gripped him more firmly and painfully. "Bad dog Rick!" he joked. "Now apologise."

"Sorry." said Rick sullenly.

"Oh no, boy," said Paul, "I want you to apologise to Gareth for having such a small dick and balls again. And I want you to call him sir, understand?" he said, increasing the pressure of his hold.

"Ugh, yes sir." replied Rick, his face looking even darker as he looked at Gareth and said, "Sorry my dick's so small, sir."

"And your balls." reminded Paul.

"And I'm sorry my balls are so small as well sir." said Rick dutifully.

1; Paul really was leaving him with no dignity at all. To make it worse, Gareth was still playing with Rick's little dick like it was a toy, gripping the shaft and starting to wank him slightly. Rick twisted his body this way and that to stop him, but Gareth just grinned and brought up his hand to do what Paul had done earlier. With one hand he gripped the short shaft of Rick's cock, and pulled back his foreskin. This exposed the blunt little head, which Gareth began to rub, gently at first, then more vigorously. Immediately Rick began panting; his knees buckled slightly and he looked down at what was being done to his little cock. After just a few moments of this torture, Rick suddenly tensed up, flushed all down his front, and spurted cum all over his tormentor.

Still holding Rick in his grip, Paul walked him forward towards the short, white figure of Gareth. "Lick that off him." demanded Paul.

"Hey no, I-" he said, then, as Paul's grip increased, he yelped again, and bent forward to lick his come off Gareth's white chest and belly. Gareth shivered as he did this, and looked down at Rick's dark head, licking at his belly.

"Actually, while you're down there..." he began.

Paul was bent over too, holding Rick in position; his arms looked enormously muscular doubled up like that. He looked up at Gareth and said, "You want Rick to give you a blow job?"

"Well," said Gareth, "It seems only fair after I just did him a favour..."

Paul nodded that handsome blond hair. "Oh, absolutely." He said. "Hear that Rick?"

"Yes sir." came a reluctant voice from near Gareth's flat belly.

"You want to do it?" asked Paul, politely, just putting a little pressure into his hold.

"Yes sir." said Rick.

"Oh Rick," said Paul, "You make this such hard work. Tell you what, you have a go at asking me properly, and if you get it right, I won't pull on your neck again, okay?"

"Okay sir, thankyou sir." said Rick quickly. He thought for a moment, then craned his head to look up at Gareth before saying, "Er, Please may I suck your big dick sir, which is so much bigger than my little dick which is only five and quarter inches long sir."

Paul gave an appraising look. "Not bad boy." he said. "Your dick and balls are like a kid's, aren't they boy?"

"Yes sir."

A slight pull. "Say it."

"Ugh. My dick and balls are like a kid's, sir."

Paul nodded. "You got a hard on again? That little dick stiff for me again?"

Rick was catching on. "Yes sir, my little dick has a hard on again, sir."

"You wanna show everyone again?"

"Yes sir, I want to show everyone how small my dick is when it's hard again sir."

Paul looked up at Gareth. "Excuse me just a minute." he said, and pulled Rick's head and shoulders up again. His short, hammerheaded dick was indeed stiff again, sticking out from its smooth surroundings. Paul looked at Gareth and I. "Seen enough for now?" he asked. We both shrugged. Paul started lowering Rick's head back to Gareth's crotch, saying, "Okay boy, start sucking Gareth's dick."

Eagerly, Gareth yanked his trunks down to his knees, letting his long slim cock spring up; the big red head with its small border of foreskin pointing straight up in the air. As Gareth had a reasonably long dick, Paul didn't have to lower Rick too far before he could start sucking, and we all watched the dark haired head go up and down on that long slim cock for a while.

Gareth was obviously enjoying this, but still managed to say, "You know Paul, for your revenge to be complete you should fuck him really." I nodded my agreement: I wanted to see this.

As soon as the Gareth said the word, "Fuck", however, Rick made a muffled noise of protest, his mouth still around Rick's cock. Paul shrugged, still holding him in a strong grip. "Sorry Rick," said Paul, "It's Gareth's orders, and he calls the shots. We don't want that photo getting out, do we?"

Eyes bulging, but still sucking the head of Rick's cock, Rick shook his head slightly.

"So you're going to have to let me fuck you, okay?"

Reluctantly Rick nodded, without letting Rick's dick out of his mouth. Paul said, "Okay, I'm going to let go of you now, but I want you to stay in this position, okay?"

Another nod.

"Good. And I want to see you go down on that cock some," he said, unlocking his big arms from around Rick's neck, and pushing the shorter guy's head down further on Rick's cock. "Not just doing the head, understand?"

Another muffled noise of agreement. Paul seemed satisfied with that, and stepped back slightly from the shorter guy. I noticed that his big curved dick had been resting against Rick's ass cheek: anyone else would have rested their stiff dick in Rick's crack, but of course the shape of Paul's dick made that nearly impossible.

He turned slightly, so that the head of his big dick rested against Rick's asshole. I saw Rick's eyes widen slightly as he felt it, and with a little sliver of sympathy I said, "Paul, I reckon you should use a lubricant and loosen him up some."

Mouth muffled by Gareth's cock, Rick made sounds of agreement. Gareth was gasping a bit by now, but managed to say, "There's lubricant in my bag, Paul."

The big guy walked over to Gareth's bag (which seemed to contain everything: clearly he'd been planning today's fun), and leaned over to rummage round some, treating me to a sight of that big muscular ass: still hairy of course, unlike the rest of him. The contrast was marked as he turned round to reveal his shaven chest, cock and balls; it was like he was naked at the front. He saw me staring at him, especially at his big naked cock, and grinned. Whatever hang up he'd had all these years about the shape of his dick was clearly vanishing: he was obviously getting proud of its size.

Then he returned his attention to Rick's ass, and started massaging in the lubricant with his big finger. After that he slopped some on the big pink head of his cock, and threw the tube over to me. For a moment I was nonplussed, but I caught his knowing grin and looked down at myself.

Okay, I had a hard on as well, starting to poke above the waistband of my trunks. The head of my dick was just starting to get visible. I looked over at Gareth, who was leaning over as Rick went down on his cock, so his little white ass (which I had so enjoyed the other evening) stuck out invitingly.

I pulled off my trunks, letting my thick dick bounce out for all to see. Paul, in particular, was looking on appreciatively, and I wondered if he would let me fuck him sometime, bearing in mind how sensitive his ass seemed to be. Then I slopped some of the lubricant on it, and smeared a little around Gareth's asshole.

As soon as Gareth realised what I was up to, he wriggled his ass some, as if inviting me. Not needing any further signals, I stood behind him and was in seconds.

The procedure with Rick took a little longer, as he was considerably more reluctant, and given the girth of Paul's dick I really couldn't blame him. Eventually however, after some massaging with his big fingers, Paul was able to press the wide head of his cock against Rick's ass and get in.

For a few moments Rick's eyes went kind of buggy and lost rhythm on Gareth's cock, but he soon seemed to get used to the feeling. Paul and Gareth dropped towards each other over Rick's back, and put their arms round each other's shoulders in an almost comradely way, making a kind of arch above the prone figure of Rick. And on one side of the arch, there was I, humping away at Gareth's ass.

It was Gareth who came first of course: he'd been getting action from Rick for a while when all this started. He shuddered, and suddenly Rick's cheeks bulged in a comical fashion, then there was an audible swallow which made Paul and I grin.

Paul was next, pumping away at Rick's little brown ass, and I came shortly after that. We all flopped down onto the floor, dicks softening, breath coming in heaves.

Chapter Four: Encore

After a minute, Paul said to Gareth, "Christ Gareth, what else have you got in that bag?"

Gareth gave a sly grin and, still sitting on the floor, he reached over to the holdall. Reaching in he said, "Our new swimming uniform." and took out a handful of blackness. Separating the tangle of black stuff he chucked on at each of us. "Yours is in your size, Paul, so it should be more comfortable.

Grinning his dog-like grin Paul unravelled the black object to reveal a pair of jockstrap-like black trunks, like a slightly larger version of the ones that Gareth had worn. He got to his feet, thick hairless dick dangling between his legs, and stepped into them.

They looked pretty much as he had at the start of the evening, only his dick and balls looked less crushed into the pouch area, and so were able to look a bit fuller. He looked down at the three of us, sitting on the floor and said, "Come on guys, try them on."

We all got up: Gareth went to hunt for the pair that Paul had discarded earlier on. Rick looked dubiously at his pair. I noticed that now his cock had gone down he looked even more like a kid: his dick was just a little foreskin-covered acorn above his neat balls.

I stepped into my costume and pulled it on. It felt really comfortable. Looking around me, I could see the guys were all wearing theirs. Paul made a gesture with his hands, and we came and stood in a circle.

It was interesting to see how different we all looked in them. Gareth's packet was a familiar sight in those trunks of course: his fair-sized balls filling out the bottom, and the outline of his big-headed cock coming halfway down them. Paul's dick still tended to rest to one side even when it was soft, so it hung thickly down one side of his balls. My dick lay across the top of my balls and poked out to one side slightly: it's always done that, and frankly I'm grateful as it means that when I get a hard on it grows sideways and doesn't get trapped downwards.

Rick didn't make quite such a good show, but still looked dark and cute in the trunks. His balls made a small rounding at the bottom of the pouch, and there was a bulge where his small soft dick stuck out. Paul saw this and grinned, putting his hand under Rick's balls and hefting them slightly. "Your little dick looks cute in those, boy." he said. Rick blushed again, and twisted slightly as Paul kept kneading the little packet in the front of the pouch. "I like having you on display like that." he said as his big hand groped Rick's small balls, "Stops you being too cocky, eh?"

As he said this, Rick's penis-bump became more noticeable, and began to push out the front of the trunks. "Getting a little hard on for me there, boy?" asked Paul, rubbing his knuckles over the bulge of it. Rick looked up. I thought he'd hate all this humiliation, given how keen he was on humiliating other people, but he seemed to be loving it. "Kind of." he said.

Paul nodded. "Wanna show us?" he asked. Rick looked down and nodded. Seeing he was reluctant to say so, Paul made him. "Say it, boy." he said. "I want to show you my stiff little dick." muttered Rick. Paul's hand was still under the front of Rick's trunks. "And?" he asked. "And my little balls, sir." he added at last.

"Okay, flash." said Paul, and Rick yanked down his trunks again, to reveal the familiar sight of that short, naked, thick dick, with it's blunt head, foreskin barely opening at the front of it even when it was stiff. The way he revealed it, it was almost like he was ashamed.

"Hey, that's not so bad," said Paul, toying with the little thing in his big hand. Then his hand dropped and cradled Rick's balls. "Balls are still a bit small, though." he added.

"Please sir, can I see yours." "You want to see my dick?" "Yes sir, I want to see your big thick dick, which is so much bigger than my kid's cock sir, and your big balls." Paul shrugged. "Okay." he said, pulling down his trunks so they stretched across his big thighs. "There you go."

Even half-hard his cock was impressive; the curve only just beginning to be noticeable, but the foreskin already completely back exposing the big head. His balls looked big and smooth as well. Rick licked his lips looking at it.

"You know," said Paul, big hand still playing with Rick's balls, "That little thing isn't so bad." he said, letting Rick's stiff short cock rest on the back of his hand. "I mean, it would be a nice size to give a blowjob to."

Gareth and I looked at each other in surprise. We hadn't expected things to go this way.

Rick looked up at Paul hopefully. "Would you do that for me, sir?" he pleaded.

Paul looked down doubtfully. "You want me to suck that little thing?" he asked.

Rick carried on looking up. "Yes please sir." he said. "Please suck my little cock."

Paul shrugged again. "Okay." he said.

I expected him to get down on his knees, but instead he squatted, and grabbed Rick's thighs. Then to the surprise of everyone, including Rick, he lifted Rick up, and sat him on his shoulders, stiff little dick poking up in Paul's face. His big shoulder and arm muscles rippled as he did this: I had no idea he was so strong. "Hold onto my head." he instructed, and as Rick did this, Paul bent his head to Rick's dick.

Gareth nudged me and grinned; Paul's cock was completely stiff now, and poked out and around, above his big hairless balls. He went over to where the big guy was lifting Rick on his broad, powerful shoulders, and started fondling the big balls.

Taking my cue, I went round behind Paul. He really did have the most perfect big muscular hairy arse, and I couldn't resist reaching out a hand and fondling the perfect globes of it. For a moment, Paul shifted his weight as I did this, then I head a "plop!" noise as Rick's stiff dick slipped out of Paul's mouth and he said, "Hang on guys, if you're going to do that, I'm going to have to put Rick down."

He gently lifted Rick off his shoulders, and placed him down in front of him as if he were a child. Despite having been halfway through a blow job and now stiffer than ever, Rick looked uncommonly like a kid with his shaven appearance and short, stiff cock, almost flat against his belly.

Paul looked down at the stiff little thing and grinned. "Lie down boy." he ordered, and squatted down himself.

Rick lay down on the cold floor of the changing room, and the huge form of Rick squatted between his legs. From behind I admired his gorgeous ass as the cheeks parted, and noticed the brief glimpse of that big curved cock swinging down as he squatted. Then he leaned forward and started sucking Rick's short thick cock again.

As he did so, his gorgeous big arse stuck out, and I couldn't resist it. I squatted down myself and leaned close to lick that super-sensitive hole. I felt a shudder go right through Paul's big body as I did this, so I licked harder.

Round the front, Gareth had taken advantage of Rick's prone position by kneeling over his face and feeding his big-headed cock into Rick's open and willing mouth. It meant angling his stiff cock downwards, but he was plainly happy to put up with the discomfort for the enthusiastic blow job he was getting.

It was no good. I was going to have to do more than just rim Paul: you can't go around with an arse that and get away with just being rimmed. I crawled over to the near-empty tube of lubricant, quickly smeared up my dick (which was nice and fat with anticipation), and rubbed the rest on Paul's asshole (at which he squirmed with pleasure), and then, with suprising ease, I was in. Fucking Paul was very different from fucking Gareth. For one thing he was much tighter: it felt like a strong rubber band around my dick. The other thing was, he was clearly much more into it. Oh, Gareth enjoyed being fucked, but Paul seemed to love it. He moved back and forth on my dick, and worked into the fuck in a way that I'd never experienced before. Before long the two of us had hit a rhythm.

I reached around for Paul's dick: sweaty and slippery in it's hairless state. I gripped it just behind the big head, where the curve of it started, then began massaging the long, thick, curved shaft. It felt so good in my hand, it was almost more of a turn-on than the fuck.

Well that just about did it for both of us. A couple of strokes on that dick and Paul was done, and I followed shortly after. Pulling out, I saw that Rick had already come and Paul had released his dick (which was still nice and stiff though), and Gareth was speeding up the rate at which he fucked Rick's mouth. Eventually even he came though, and again, Rick audibly swallowed, which made us all smile as we collapsed in a heap.

Paul was the first to speak. "Well, I reckon we'll wear the trunks then." he said.

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