The Border Patrol Agent

By R. Jason Collett

Published on Jun 22, 2020



Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting adult men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to or @r_jason_collett on twitter. Enjoy!! :)

The Border Patrol

By: R. Jason Collett

It has been a long week and I was exhausted. I was a Border Patrol agent and me and my team had been assigned to patrol the border between the United States and Mexico. There had been a rush of Mexican citizens trying to enter the US ever since construction on the border wall had started and as a result, Homeland Security assigned the US Border Patrol to monitor the border.

The past few nights had been busier than normal as we had been capturing and detaining several immigrants as they tried to cross the border.

Now before you think I am heartless or anything, my heart goes out to them as they are just trying to better their lives and their family's lives, and I know the immigration process is a nightmare in the US so I understand why the rush to the border to get in, but I still have to take my job serious.

It was a Friday night and it was close to the end of my shift. I was standing at my post when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Using my binoculars, I could see what appeared to be a young man sneaking through some bushes on his approach to the border. He disappeared behind a small building by the fence.

I took off running towards him, the dark of night and my dark uniform acting as camouflage. He wasn't the first to try and use this building to hide their approach.

As I got closer, I slowed down and tiptoed towards the building and drew my taser. I was leaning against a corner of the wall ready to make my move when I felt something strike me from behind and everything go dark.

I WOKE TO the worst headache I'd ever felt. Then I quickly realized that I was tied up in the corner, inside the building.

I could barely see anything around me. I tried to listen for any noises, to see if anyone was in the building with me but all I could hear were faint noises from the distance, nothing to indicate that someone was in there with me. But I was wrong.

"Quien es?" This scared voice asked me in Spanish. I jumped in surprise.

"Soy Josh." I replied, quickly collecting myself and thankful that I had taken some Spanish courses in college. "Como se llama?" I asked back.

"Oscar." He replied.

"Hablas ingles?" I asked.

"Yes." He responded.

"Why am I tied up?" I asked.

"Because you would try to arrest me and I was scared." He said, the fear reverberating in his accented voice.

"That is my job." I responded. "You are trying to cross the border illegally." I said. He came closer and I could make out his features. He was young, about twenty-five and breathtakingly gorgeous. I drew in a gasp when I saw his chiseled features.

"What?" He asked.

"Noth-hing, I just didn't expect you to be so handsome." What the hell was I saying? My mouth was going faster than my brain. Wait, was that grin that came across his face?

"Gracias. You're quite handsome yourself." He said as he crossed the distance between us and knelt down. Before I even had a chance to respond, his lips were on mine, hungrily asking for a kiss, a kiss that I was forbidden to give but I didn't resist. I opened my mouth and invited him in. There was passion and seduction in his kiss and I lost myself in it.

I could feel his arms caressing my back, my arms and my face. For a moment, I had forgotten that I was tied up and I think he did too when he pulled back and looked at me. I could tell he was thinking of what I would do if he untied me. I just nodded my head to reassure him. He reached towards my hands and untied them.

What I did next went against everything I had ever trained for or swore to protect. I reached for his face and brought his lips to mine. With my hands now free, I explored his body. I could feel the tight muscles of his back. I felt his chest and what felt like a six pack abs over his thick sweatshirt. I had to know what his chest looked like. I tore off his sweatshirt to reveal the most perfect chest and abs I had ever seen.

Perfectly smooth, well defined and the most perfect shade of tanned skin I had ever seen. I looked at his face to see him smile as he realized I had been admiring his chest. He pulled me in for a kiss and all the passion we were experiencing just exploded.

His hands were working over the buttons to my shirt. I was working on removing my utility belt that held my weapon and other gear that I needed for my job. He had my shirt unbuttoned and off and was trying to pull my undershirt off by the time I had removed my belt. He reached down to start unbuttoning my pants.

I was as hard as a rock and don't think I had ever been that hard before. I had never been this turned on by a guy before.

Suddenly, he stood up and pulled me up with him. He yanked my pants and underwear down, revealing my erect cock. Without hesitation, he kneeled and took my cock with one gulp. I gasped with shock and had to force myself to not scream out in pleasure.

He sucked and sucked until I felt like I was going to cum but I wanted to see what he was packing first. I yanked him up and threw him against the wall and dropped to my knees. I had his pants down in five seconds and was admiring his gorgeous cock. I swear it was at least nine inches, uncut and literally throbbing and dripping precum. I didn't hesitate to suck on it. I felt him tighten up as I did. I loved that I was giving him this amount of pleasure. My own cock was throbbing and begging for attention. I slowly jerked off while sucking him, not wanting to cum yet. I could feel him squirming with pleasure against the wall. He too was fighting the urge to scream out. The last thing either one of us needed was to get caught.

The next few moments were a blur. He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up and twisting my shoulders and pinning me against the wall. Suddenly his mouth was against my ass as he started rimming me. I bit my finger to keep from screaming. He was just as good at that as he was sucking.

Five seconds, I swear that is all it took before I felt his huge cock going into my ass. I don't know where he got lube or a condom but I bit my finger harder as he thrust everything he had into me.

Once he was in, he waited a moment for me to adjust and then he let me have it. Passionate thrust after thrust gave me pleasure I had never experienced before.

His hands didn't leave any part of my body unexplored. He tweaked my nipples, jerked my dick until he could feel I was going to cum and would stop. He kissed my neck and ears, all the time keeping even thrusts in my ass.

I felt his hands dig into my shoulder and his thrusts went in harder and he muffled a scream into my shoulder. I could feel his dick pulsing as he was cumming inside me. His thrusts slowed until he stopped but he didn't pull out for a few minutes.

Just when I had caught my breath, he ripped his penis from my ass and whirled me around and dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. He bobbed his head on me until I was going to explode. I tried to warn him but he ignored me and I had the strongest orgasm I ever had into his mouth. It felt like a gallon of cum shot out of me as I bit my lip from screaming.

Then he was kissing me again, this time slow and gentle. I could taste myself on him and feel the sweat from his face mingling with mine. He put his arms around me for an embrace and I lost myself in his well muscled arms.

The high was coming down and realization was starting to hit. What had I just done? I broke so many rules, so many laws. I could lose my job for this, maybe even end up in jail. He pulled away, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What now?" He asked, the fear from earlier back in his voice. He and I both started to get dressed and I pondered my options. If I arrested him, he would go to detention and eventually be sent back to Mexico. If I let him go, it would be another law I would break. But again, my mouth would answer before my brain could.

"I am not going to arrest you." I glanced at my watch. "There is a shift change in twenty minutes. Everyone will be distracted. Wait until then and then make a run for it. There is a spot five hundred feet or so that won't have any guards watching. You should be able to make it across the border. Do you know what you are doing when you get there?"

"I do." He said. We were both dressed by the point. "How can I see you again?" He asked.

"There is no seeing me again. I am with Homeland Security, my job is to arrest undocumented immigrants." I said, a little harsher than I had expected. I saw the look of hurt crawl across his face for a moment.

"I know that." He said, any hurt gone from his voice. "But you are too sexy to not see again." I could feel any resolve I had melt away. Honestly, I felt the same way. I wanted to see him again. But it was so risky. I looked at his face and realized I wasn't going to win the battle within myself.

"Okay, in two weeks, meet me at the Starbucks on Fairfield Road at 6pm. I will be wearing a red shirt. We can figure out everything else then." I said. I straightened my shirt and made sure my hat was on right.

"I'll be there." He said as he drew me in for a kiss. I soaked up every bit of this moment before I broke the kiss. I placed my hand on his cheek and with one last glance, I made my way out of the building and slowly made my way back to the rest of my team. It would be quitting time soon.

Someone asked me where I had been and I just told them I thought I saw something and went to check it out but it was a false alarm.

During shift change, I made sure to keep my eyes on the building where I had just had the best sex of my life and met the most handsome man I had ever met. I saw him running towards the spot I had told him. I glanced around to everyone else and everyone was so busy with shift change that no one noticed him. I looked back just in time to see him disappear. I smiled. He'd made it.

IT WAS TWO weeks later and I was pulling up at the Starbucks on Fairfield Road. I was wearing my favorite red shirt. All I had done for the past two weeks is think of him and remember the sex we'd had.

I ordered my drink and picked a table close to the door but somewhat out of the way. I was nervous and scared.

And that is when I saw him. He was walking in the door wearing a tight, white shirt and blue jeans, a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon across his face. His smile was infectious as I felt a smile creep across my face.

I knew what I was doing was illegal, but at that moment, I didn't care. I was ready to risk it all for the sexy man sitting at the table in front of me.

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