The Borg

By Bucky-18

Published on Jan 29, 2004


This story is fictional in every account, contains graphic sexual language, depiction of homosexual sex acts, and is not intended for audiences who are under the age of 18 years old or do not wish to read it. You have been warned and the author assumes no liability in placing this wherever it is placed, read by whoever, or how it is used. The Borg and Star Trek are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and are used here with respect to Paramount. No humans or Borg were harmed during the writing of this story, and hopefully, all the animals in my computer case decided it was time to move. The Borg

By Buky-18

Chapter 9 - Assimilation Continued- After Surgery

I slowly awoke from my anesthetized slumber with a very bad taste in my mouth. I couldn't open my eyes, but I could hear. There was no talking in the room but there was a great deal of activity. I could hear drones moving about, instruments being placed on trays, pins being inserted and flesh being consumed by the Borg. After a long amount of time, I was lucid. My eyes were blurry, but things were quickly coming back into focus.

I felt sore all over, like I had been beaten. I was stiff and my muscles ached. My head rested on the cushion, comfortably, and I noticed I was once again, on the assimilation table and not the surgical table. I had no idea how many hours I had been out, but it seemed to be a great while. Lots of the guys I had gotten to know were either gone or on surgical tables in the room. Luke was missing.he wasn't on the assimilation tables or the surgical tables. I scanned the room but could find him nowhere. It was then that I noticed a familiar looking drone by one of the many entrances to the chamber.

It WAS Luke! His deeply tanned skin was now a light shade of gray/flesh with the glint of metal. He stood there completely naked, hands at his sides, staring into the chamber at nothing in particular. Luke had the familiar tubes going in and out of his skin all over his body, but there was something the underwear had been bonded with my skin, it looked like intricate patterns and patches of lycra were fused with this skin. Rings around his wrists, ankles, waist, chest, and legs made him look more like a bound leather slave than a Borg drone, but he was a Borg drone. No longer was his body the beautiful tan slim build belonging to a swimmer - his muscles bulged much more than they did the last time I saw him.

By the time my eyes had focused enough to see what had been Luke, the numbness in my entire body began to wear off. I began to move around and stretch on the table. For the first time in many hours, I was able to look at my body to see what had been done. I lifted my head and immediately saw why my right hand felt right hand had been removed!

The hand was gone..completely gone - missing just above the wrist. Attached to my wrist in place of my hand was a large cylindrical device that protruded several inches - my skin was wrapped around it and stapled to the surface. The implant ran along my radius and ulna in side my arm, distorting the skin and muscles around it, from my wrist to halfway up my forearm. Three tubes protruded from my skin along the device deformity, which then were implanted in my chest, my armpit, and into my bicep.

There was a large metal plate on my chest, on my left pec. It was somewhat triangular in shape and seemed to compliment the shape of my pec. There was what looked to be a small display screen on it, as well as hundreds of thousands of little circuits, screws, wires and weird things that looked uniquely Borg. From what I could see, there were several tubes connected to the sides of the plate at cylindrical ports. Two of these tubes were connected to the right side of the plate. These two tubes ran towards my right pec, through a thin metal block that covered most of my sternum. There were cylindrical ports on the plate for the tubes to hook in to, then there were two tubes hooked to the opposite side. No, wait. They were the same tubes that simply were being held down by the plate. The lower of the two tubes dove into my skin near my right nipple. It distorted the skin around it and stretched out my nipple a little. The upper tube entered my skin about 2" from my clavicle, burrowed underneath for a couple inches, then birthed from my skin. An inch from where it came out of my skin again, there was another thin metal plate like the one on my sternum. It had three cylindrical ports on it which three tubes ran through, including the one from the plate on my left pec.

The tube upper tube from my left pec passed through the plate and descended into my armpit. The other two tubes passing through the plate were oddly placed. One of them wrapped around my shoulder, went through the plate, then was implanted in the supple skin between my pec and my arm. The third tube was a weird one. It seemed to start down my right arm, was implanted near my elbow, traveled up my arm, through the plate, then split into two tubes and wrapped around my neck once, then disappeared down my back. There were metal retaining clamps keeping it in place as it made its journey.

My abs looked much as they did before surgery, with the exception of a few more metal fragments and tracings outlining my different muscles. I scanned down my body, following the trail of implants and found three new tubes that were here now than before the surgery. One of them was implanted at the far side of my right hip, pointing downwards. It distorted the underwear, which had been sewn into my skin, did a U turn near my navel, then descended toward my crotch. The other two new tubes, one of them was implanted in my left side well above my hip. It snaked down my front, but winded several ways before it neared my crotch. The third tube was implanted very near my groin area, but was very different. This tube was somewhat clear and had little capsules inside. There was a rounded end cap and a small square plate which it rested on, which was then attached to my skin.

On either side of my waist, there were two large circular devices implanted firmly into my hip. The left was located in the middle of the underwear strips and was directly below the end-capped tube. The one on the left was in the mirror position of the right one. The skin around them was very red and tender. These circular devices looked like connector ports for something, but I had no idea for what exactly.

The underwear that was cut into strips was a little bit tighter and fused to my skin even it was part of my skin. I looked at my crotch, only to find a very tight weird looking cock-ring around my balls and the base of my penis. It was silver, very thick, and had blue lights on it as well as controls and circuitry. The three new tubes in my abs were implanted just above my groin area in a circular pattern. Between these tubes were thin metal strips, like foil. My dick was fully erect, but it seemed unchanged by the Borg (except for the lack of hair at the base).

I noticed a rather large bulge in my scrotum. My testicles had grown to about 4x their normal size. There were also red raised welts on my scrotum from a laser scalpel. The Borg had performed surgery on my balls....and I wondered why.

My butt felt strange, so I used my left hand to finger my hole. What I encountered was not normal - I felt a strange shutter-like device and a large metal housing that replaced my asshole. The section of skin that led from my ass crack to my crotch was studded with millions of little needle heads.

It was then that I noticed that I did not lie perfectly flat on the table. There was something on my left shoulder blade. I sat up and tried to reach it with my left hand, but could only feel small parts of it. It was a circular piece of some sort with many tubes going out of it. They led into various parts of my back. Along my spine, there was a section of tubing and lots of metal fragments.

I then noticed that my entire body seemed to be giving off a silvery sheen. It was just like my legs and arms. Now, it was not just the parts with plating - it was everywhere. Every surface of my skin had these metal pins implanted. There were so many that it changed the color of my skin to a light gray/metallic color. Before I the Borg had put me out, they had not inserted the pins into my abs, but now they were covering every square inch of my abs and chest.

I brought my hands (relative term) up to my face to inspect. The cylindrical device looked like a giant connector. I picked at the skin around it, but it was already healed as if it had grown back naturally. There were no scars. My left hand was different. Besides actually having a hand, the blue latex material was stretchy like a second layer of skin, but contained million of metal pin- heads. I couldn't see my fingernails anymore, as they were encased in the latex material. The blue material ran all the way up my arm and had pins in it just like my hand.

I felt my head to see if anything had been done to it. There were connectors on the left side of my face that felt just like the ones on my left thigh. They ran halfway down my jaw and up to my temple.

I had no more time to inspect what the drones had done to me. The drones were alerted to the fact that I was awake and began to crowd around me in a circular fashion. First there were two, then four, then five and then six. There were two regular drones, but the rest were naked drones. One of the drones, at my feet, was wearing a green Speedo. His cock was pressed hard against the side....soft, but huge. He had a great tan and very glossy skin. His implants were very sparse, save for the ones in his head and under the speedo, his feet, hands, and a few tubes in his chest and abs. All of the drones spoke at once, " ASSIMILATION WILL NOW CONTINUE. STAND UP."

Next: Chapter 10

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