The Boy from County Kilkenny

By Greg Stevens

Published on Dec 29, 2022


The Boy From County Kilkenny

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

The Boy From County Kilkenny -- Chapter 1

"Good morning, Daniel" Deacon Frye greeted me in his office. As you know we will be receiving the 10 novitiates today. "I would like to brief you on the young man you will be sponsoring while he is with us," Deacon Frye said as I took a seat across from his desk. "Your charge is Declan and he is from County Kilkenny in Ireland. Declan is 20 and lives with and works on his Aunt and Uncle's sheep farm. Declan will arrive tomorrow, and you can meet him in the chapel once he has been introduced to the other novitiates" Deacon Frye explained.

I picked up the folder and looked it over. All the info I needed to know was on the pages including a picture of Declan. "Thank you, Deacon. I will take good care of Declan while he is with us" I said with a bright smile.

The next day I arrived at the church to pick up Declan. I planned to take him to dinner and show him around the town. "Nice to meet you Declan. I am Daniel Quinn, and I will be your guide while you are with us." I said extending my hand. Declan was about my height with red hair and green eyes. He had freckles across his nose and cheeks. Declan had a look of a man, but there was an innocence about him at the same time. "Hi, Mr. Quinn. Nice to meet you." Declan said in a very thick Irish accent. "Dan is fine," I said helping him grab his gear and put it into my car. We stopped at the local pizza place, which was Declan's choice.

During dinner, Declan told me about his home and explained that he lived with his Aunt and Uncle on their sheep farm. He told me that it was hard work, but he was grateful to his Aunt and Uncle for taking him in when his Mother passed. We made small talk about the church and town. Declan was very excited about all the things to see in a large city compared to County Kilkenny which was much smaller, and where the farm was located on the outskirts of town, it was even smaller still.

As we waited for the check to come, I could see that the long trip was taking its toll on Declan and he fought to keep his eyes open. I paid the check and drove to the house. I showed him to his room and bathroom and before I could say much more, he was laying on the bed ready to go to sleep.

The novitiates weren't due in church the next day, as it was a free day on their program. I let Declan sleep as long as he wanted to, then I figured we could head into town, and I would show him around. Declan finally emerged at 11 am from his room. His hair was tousled, and he still looked half asleep. Declan ate some breakfast and I let him relax for a bit.

"How about we get washed up and head into town?" I asked. Declan brightened up and headed for the shower. I went to my room to shower and get dressed. As I left my room, I saw Declan walking around the hallway naked. "Is everything ok?" I asked a bit stunned to see him like that. I couldn't help taking in his body; his shoulders were broad, and his biceps were much larger than they looked under clothing. His torso was lean with defined muscles that tapered down to narrow hips. Then my eyes were drawn to his large uncut dick that hung down low, over his balls, the pale color seemed to pop out against the red pubes surrounding it.

I pulled my eyes away and felt myself blush. "Did you need something?" I asked and my voice cracked a bit. Declan didn't seem to notice that I had been staring or at least he didn't say anything about it. "I forgot my towel in my room," He said simply. "I'll see you downstairs," I said excusing myself.

In the living room, my pulse raced as images of Declan ran through my head. His firm young flawless body and his uncut cock that was nestled in the patch of red pubes. "Fuck" I said in my head as I felt my dick getting hard. I had to push the thoughts out of my head. Nothing could happen as I was responsible for taking care of Declan and seeing that he was safe while he was in the program.

"Ok ready to go?" Declan asked, coming down the steps. I glanced at him quickly, trying not to make too much eye contact. Declan was wearing a black sweater with dark grey pants, and my eyes drifted to his crotch before I was able to quickly look away.

Declan wanted to try an "American" hamburger and I took him to a local diner for an early dinner. "Were you ever married?" Declan asked as we talked about our families. The question threw me for a minute as I couldn't reveal to him, or anyone connected to the church that I wasn't really into women. "No," I said finally trying to find some excuse, but Declan seemed to just accept a simple answer.

When dinner was over, Declan asked if we could go to a mall. Apparently, in County Kilkenny, there weren't any big malls, and he was eager to see one. As we pulled into the multi-tiered parking structure his eyes lit up. "This is huge!" He exclaimed as we entered the mall on the upper deck. I watched as he wandered through the big department store.

As he moved between racks of clothing, I followed behind him and I couldn't help noticing his firm ass as it stretched the dark grey slacks, revealing what looked like 2 perfect mounds of muscle. I could feel my dick getting hard again as thoughts drifted through my head as to what his ass would be like without pants on. What would it look like with him on all fours and my tongue running down the length of his creamy white ass? Would his hole be hairy with the same red hair that was on his head and pubes? "Fuck" I said to myself and forced myself to look away.

Finally, we headed home, and I grabbed some snacks that ate in front of the TV. "I think I need to go to bed," Declan said with a big yawn. The jetlag still catching up with him. "Good night," I said and watched him move across the living room. It was a fun day but being with Declan had made me very horny. I knew the thoughts I was having about him were wrong, but I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I finished watching TV, then turned out the lights, and headed for bed. There was no light visible under Declan's door as I turned to go into my room. I closed the door, lay on the bed, and pulled open my pants. My dick was hard and there was a visible wet spot from precum on my underwear. I pulled my shorts down and closed my eyes and pictured Declan naked in front of me. His white skin with red pubes; his dark nipples were set off by the creamy white skin tone. I began to stroke my dick thinking about what his uncut cock would look like hard. What would it taste like? Precum leaked from my dick head and my hand smeared it over my nob. I lifted my shirt and with my free hand, I began to play with a nipple. My nipples were sensitive and anytime they were played with, the sensation sent surges to my dick.

As I was slowly stroking, I heard a floorboard outside my room creak, and my hands stopped as I looked up towards the door. Standing in the narrow gap in the dark I could see part of Declan's face. "How long had he been standing there?" I thought as I held my hard dick. He had to know I could see him watching, yet he didn't move. I waited for a minute trying to decide what to do. When Declan didn't leave the doorway, I slowly began to run my hand down my cock. Still, he remained in the doorway watching. I slowly returned to stroking my dick and peering back at the crack in the door.

When Declan still did not move, I began to gyrate my hips, grinding my cock into my hand. There was a certain excitement that I felt putting on a show, but I also felt a bit guilty. Declan was in my charge and my job was to protect him, but at the same time why was he watching? I glanced up again and Declan was still there, still peering through the gap in the door as I worked my body.

I began to move faster stroking my hard dick and pulling on my nipple. I could feel my balls begin to roll as my orgasm worked its way through my loins. I moaned softly as I felt the edge of the orgasm begin; that feeling when your body starts to tingle, and that then builds into a vibration that leads to a surge of energy through every inch of your body. I tried to hold onto that feeling for as long as I could. I slowed my hand slightly and took a breath allowing the orgasm to slow.

Then, I let out a deep moan as my body surged with energy, as the orgasm came to fully engulf me. A white streak shot from my dick in a large arc hitting my chest with warm cum. Then a second shot followed and splattered my stomach and pubes. My hand continued pumping my dick squeezing out even more white cream as the orgasm slowly ebbed away. When it was over, I lay still on the bed, feeling my breathing return to normal. My hand holding my spent cock.

I looked up at the crack in the door once more, Declan was no longer standing there. A terrible feeling came over me. Why did I allow him to watch? Why didn't I just get up and close the door or at least pull the blanket over my body? I got out of bed and peered into the hallway. Declan's door was closed and there was no light shining under his door. I closed my door and went to the bathroom to clean the mess off my body.

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Next: Chapter 2

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