The Boy from County Kilkenny

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 4, 2023


The Boy From County Kilkenny

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

The Boy From County Kilkenny -- Chapter 2

I tossed and turned all night as guilt racked my brain trying to figure out what I was going to say to Declan. I felt terrible. I felt like I exploited an innocent boy. I was the adult, and I should have known better. Then my thoughts turned to fear; what if he said something to the Deacon or the other novitiates? I was just the church caretaker, but I could still be kicked out of the church and probably affect any standing I had in the small community.

Finally, the alarm went off, I felt exhausted. My stomach turned over in knots as I forced myself to get up and face Declan. I figured that the best approach was to say nothing and see what he might say. See if he brought it up, and if he did, I would apologize or better yet just lie and say I had no idea that he was there. Then my guilt and fear turned to anger; why was he watching? Did he have no respect for privacy? Why did he not walk away immediately? "Yeah, he shouldn't have been watching anyway" I reasoned in my sleepy state.

I showered and dressed and headed for the kitchen to fix some breakfast. A few minutes later Declan came down dressed in his white pressed shirt, tie, and dress slacks. "Good morning, Dan," Declan said brightly, then took a seat at the counter while I finished making breakfast. I placed eggs, toast, sausage, and hot water for tea on the counter, then took the seat next to him to have some breakfast.

My stomach was still in knots, so I decided to just focus on my coffee while Declan ate. When he was done, he cleared his plate and placed them in the sink. "Are you ready for our first day?" I asked, forcing myself to sound upbeat and innocent. "Yeah, I guess," he said slowly. I waited for him to say something about last night. "I guess I am just a bit nervous" he confided. "I am sure it will be great once you get through the first day or 2," I said, trying to sound positive and upbeat. The truth is I was happy, that was all he wanted to talk about.

When all the dishes were cleaned, I drove Declan to the church and walked him inside. "Greetings Daniel and Declan." Deacon Frye called out brightly. The other novitiates and their sponsors were in the conference room and the Deacon had a tray of cookies and some coffee set out. The other novitiates represented many other cultures from around the world.

"Welcome all, welcome." Deacon Frye started off with. "I know all of you are excited to get started. Today we will be in this room, and I will discuss the program as well as some of the cultural exchanges that we hope will enhance your experience. Each of you has had a day or two with your sponsors, who would like to tell me a bit about what your experience so far has been?" Deacon Frye asked.

The room went silent as the novitiates looked around at each other. Finally, Declan's hand raised, and a cold chill ran down my spine. "Yes, Declan do tell" Deacon Frye called out. "We had pizza the first night, real pizza. The next day we had an American burger, and we went to a huge mall with many stores." Declan relayed cheerfully. The kids laughed a bit, but all seemed pretty excited. "Then we went home, and we had some snacks and watched TV, and I went to bed." He finished. "Anything else you want to relay," Deacon Frye asked. Declan looked at me and I felt myself getting clammy. "Only that Mr. Quinn..." Declan started, and I felt sick to my stomach. "...has been super nice to me since I arrived" he finished.

I let out a slow soft breath as I felt my heart pounding in my ears. I glanced across the table at Declan, and he gave me a short nod causing a chill to run up my spine. I looked away and focused on the rest of the meeting, trying to push the thoughts and guilt out of my head. "It happened, it's over," I said to myself over and over.

The rest of the day went smoothly, and I drove Declan back to the house for some dinner. After dinner, we sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. Declan loved flipping through all the channels and checking out the variety of shows. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he got so excited every time a show piqued his interest. He asked questions about it, then moved on to another channel. "I better go to bed, I have some reading to do for class," Declan said after a few hours of surfing channels and probably wearing down the battery on the remote.

I watched as he walked through the living room and began walking up the steps. My eyes were fixed on his firm ass as he moved up each step. I could feel my dick getting hard in my pants as I watched. I turned off the TV and cleaned up the coffee table trying to push the thoughts out of my head. I shut out the lights and headed to bed. I decided to force my mind to focus on something else and forget about Declan.

As I lay in bed reading, my lack of sleep from the night before began to catch up to me, and I flipped the light off. Then sometime later, I wasn't sure how much time had passed, a sound in the hallway caused me to wake up. I listened carefully and figured I must have been dreaming. I lay still, listening for the sound as my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. Then I saw some movement; the door was partially opened, but I recalled making a point of shutting it tight before I went to bed. I looked carefully and could see a figure in the doorway. "Declan?" I asked, my voice groggy, but there was no response. Then the shadow moved quickly from the door and was gone.

I got up out of bed to see if everything was ok and as I left my room, I saw Declan standing in the dimly lit hallway. As I looked on, I saw that Declan was naked, and his uncut dick was hard. I looked at his hand wrapped around the base and then up his naked body. Declan looked back at me, then slowly moved his hand up the length of his dick. I wasn't sure what to do, I was frozen to the spot.

Declan continued to run his hand up the length of his cock as he stared at me. "Don't," I said feebly, but my mind was telling me to shut up, and my dick quickly tented out the front of my briefs. Declan smiled and moved his hand further up the shaft to the uncut hood. Then slowly pulled it back to reveal the mushroom head. Precum glistened and was visible even if the dim light of the hallway.

With his free hand, he ran his thumb over the slit at the tip and smeared precum around the head. My knees felt weak as I continued to watch the show Declan was putting on for me. My eyes trailed from his dick up to his face. Our eyes met and there was a sheepish grin on his face. As I continued to look at him, my hand worked its way into the elastic band of my shorts. My dick was wet with precum and rock hard. My fingers circled the hard shaft and a jolt of energy passed through my body.

Abruptly, I pulled my hand away, trying to steel my resolve. "This is wrong. Stop before it's too late." The voice in my head screamed. Declan had to sense the struggle I was going through, but he took a step closer to me anyway. "I can't," I said, placing my hand between us as I struggled to stop what was happening. Declan pushed forward; my hand had little resistance.

I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he stepped closer, his hard dick touched mine and my breath caught for a second. "Don't" I whispered, but it was a useless attempt. Declan let go of his dick and it flopped down against my body. Then he knelt down before me and began to brush his face over my cotton briefs, feeling my hard cock against his lips. I wanted to stop him, but I couldn't move. My body shivered with excitement.

Declan reached for the band of my briefs and slide them down over my hard cock, all the way down my legs. Then he took the base of my cock in his hand and pointed it towards his mouth, then tilted his head up to look at me as if he were asking permission. His green eyes shined as I looked into his face. I knew this was so wrong, but I wanted it so badly that I couldn't stop it. Declan returned his eyes to my cock and slowly opened his mouth and began to wrap his lips around it. I watched as it slowly passed between his lips going deeper into his mouth.

Declan began to gag and pulled his mouth off my dick trying to get some air. "Are you ok?" I asked, in a whisper as he coughed loudly. Declan nodded but continued coughing. "Take it slowly," I said as the coughing subsided. Declan took a deep breath and took my dick back into his mouth. This time with a bit more care. Then he began to draw his head back ever so slightly, then forward again. Declan's mouth felt good but there was a certain inexperience to and several times he raked his teeth over the shaft making me flinch.

After a few more minutes he seemed to find a rhythm as his head moved back and forth. I placed one hand on his muscled shoulder and the other on his head feeling his soft red hair. Declan began to move his head faster and grasped the shaft with his hand, sliding it along with his mouth to add additional friction. I watched as Declan continued his stroke and suck motions that sent spasms through my body.

"Stop," I said as I felt my orgasm getting close. I placed my hand on Declan's stopping its movement. Declan pulled his head back but his face was in front of my cockhead. I loosened my grip on his hand and he began stroking my dick. His eyes roamed up to my face and then back down to my cock. Finally, I felt myself getting ready to release. My dick seemed to move in slow motion as the head swelled and the tip opened like an eye; faster than I could react, cum shot out and hit Declan on his nose and lips.

The blast was so fast that it took Declan by surprise, and he backed away. He continued stroking and another shot hit him in the face, this time he took it straight on. A few more strokes and he milked out the last of my load, which seemed to fall straight down. I began to breathe heavily as the intense orgasm stole my breath. Declan reached out with his tongue and licked the piss slit clean of any cum that was left.

I was spent and my knees felt weak as I slumped back against the wall. Declan rose to his feet, my cum still splattered across his face. "Was that, ok?" He asked, with a heavy Irish accent. "Yeah," I said feeling awkward about making eye contact or talking to him about what had just happened. I looked down to see that some of my cum was on his abs, and onto his still rock-hard uncut cock.

As spent as I was, I felt my dick begin to stir as I looked at his lean muscled body and his large, hard uncut dick pointing straight out at me. Again, my inside voice told me "don't do it" but my mind couldn't stop my desire. I dropped to my knees and took his dick deep into my mouth in one large gulp. I could feel the cold cum on my tongue as I drove his dick deep into my mouth. "Oh god" Declan moaned, and his hands went to my head. His body began to twist as I began to suck on his hard dick.

I placed my hands on Declan's hips, then slid them behind him. With my hands on his ass, I began to pull him toward me driving his dick deep into my throat. Declan's ass was firm and muscled and I pulled the cheeks apart just enough so I could work my finger into the crack. As my finger made contact with his tight hole, Declan's body twisted, and he began to moan loudly.

Declan began to pant like a dog, his hands started to play with my hair as I drew his dick in and out of my mouth. I could feel his ass tighten slightly on my finger, and I knew he was getting close. I wasn't ready for him to cum just yet as I was enjoying the feeling of his young hard dick in my mouth. I stopped moving my mouth to allow him to calm down, but Declan was past that point. With his hands still on my hair, he began to drive his dick into my mouth, fucking my face.

I held on to his ass as he continued to drive his dick into my mouth. He let out guttural grunts and groans as he forced his dick deeper into me. "Thank you, sir," He moaned as his dick pulsed in my mouth "Oh Fuck" he yelled almost screaming and cum began to slide down my throat. "Oh god. Oh fuck. Oh god," Declan repeated over and over as more cum flooded my mouth. His body made random, uncontrolled movements as the orgasm passed through him.

As cum began to ooze from the corners of my mouth, Declan slowly stopped moving. I could feel his body trembling, and his breathing was heavy and deep. I slid my finger from his ass and Declan stepped back allowing his dick to slip from my mouth. Declan's dick was still rock hard, the hood was pulled back and his dickhead and shaft glistened with cum and saliva.

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Next: Chapter 3

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