The Boys of Basker Hall

By moc.loa@cramckcirtap

Published on Jan 22, 2010



The Boys of Basker Hall by Patrick Marc Copyright 2010 patrickmarc If you like this or any of my other stories on nifty, please feel free to send comments to me at You can also visit my site at to see my other works. Thanks for reading!

Boys of Basker Hall, BBH, is a secret society that only a select few ever get to participate in because not everyone is cut out for the sort of thing the society is about. Among other things, Boys of Basker Hall recruits only those males who deserve a place within our club... everyone else is there to service us and those that oppose us, suffer our justice, and it's fierce without mercy... that's how we are. We are in a way a nation of domination and only those males who can achieve power and control can survive with us. We love power, we love control... we are the dominators in secret, walking among a school of boys as one of them, knowing we are anything but. I'm Edmond, the original BBH member, a secret society unto myself until I met another with my predilection for dominance...Thomas. Together we form a powerful duo... together we secretly rule the halls and houses of Eton. Together we seek out others... together we will take others... and nothing will stop us... "Aye mate." "Aye, fancy a fag?" "Don't I always," I smile at Thomas. He leans against a tree on the edge of campus, near enough to the woods that surround the school on two sides, but far enough away that it'd be quite a walk before we could enter them. His uniform shirt, much like my own is disheveled and outside our trousers, our ties equally loose about our necks, our sleeves rolled up to the elbows. The look is way outside school regulation, but then again so is smoking...

but there we are, involved in both. "What do you think of Colin Lancaster? " "I don't know," he shrugs as looks at me. "I don't know much about him."

"Got quite a nice bum on him... I saw it in the showers the other day." "You don't say," Thomas is staring at me waiting to hear more. I know the look, it's the same one we gave each other that day we passed in the halls. It was the look of a lion hunting its prey... the look of lust filled want to overtake something weaker. "What's it like?" "New... like a baby's bum... soft... could really have a go at it," I blew smoke from my mouth straight into his face. He enjoyed every bit of it, staring at me threw the rising smoke, right into my eyes. His eyes were beautiful as the day I made him less than me in our society, the day I turned him.

You see Thomas always had the will to dominate others... but my will was stronger and he was forced to service me before he could join my society. "You think he'll come to the woods with us?" "Sure he will and if he doesn't we'll take him anyway... our way." "Then I hope he puts up a bit of fight then." "Let's go get him, I'm feeling a bit cheeky and I need to get bits off then," I told Thomas. My hand rubbed the front of my trousers right over my crotch. I could already feel how big my willy was getting, swelling up with excitement over Colin's bum and what we were going to do to it. Thomas' s smirk was unmistakable. He reached down and rubbed the front of his trousers as well. If not for a passing group of people, we would have had a good wank right there... but it was not to happen. Instead we cut across the campus, back toward the dormitories in search of Colin. I had watched Colin that afternoon in the showers after a game of cricket.

I studied the girly-ness of his body... it excited me a bit, actually it excited me a lot... the way his waist thinned from his slightly broader chest area, the white, creamy texture of his skin, I could tell because of the way the water seemed to slide off him in the showers... his eyes were green, his willy was smaller than mine, but not in a bad way... it suited him perfectly like his sack... he was hairless everywhere on his body except for the few hairs above his willy and the hair atop his head, both a sort of reddish-brown color, unlike my dirty blond locks and Thomas's dark hair... but like Colin, our tops matched our bottoms. Colin was amazing, more than that... he was an easy take. Thomas and I set about the library where Colin was last seen by a group of other boys on their way to play a game of tennis. Two of them we noticed were potential future servers. Among them was a black haired boy, older it seemed than his mates and very much interested in our interest in Colin. We stood watching them walk from where we stood, waiting to see if the black haired boy would turn to look at us as I whispered to Thomas he would. He bet against me and lost because he turned to stare at us. As expected, we found Colin among the stacks of books in the library neither Thomas nor I had ever bothered to spend much time in. We found a table near enough to him and waited, not having to say much of anything to each other. I pointed out a cart of books and Thomas knew what I was thinking. The matron studied us notably, knowing our kind could only mean problems. She kept eyes on us... we stared back at her and then I made faces at her and hand gestures, demanding sexual satisfaction from her and when she could stand it no more, she retreated to call someone to deal with us. By that time we took two books and sought out Colin again when we noticed he moved in between two shelves. Thomas went up one side and me the other, each of us pretending to read a book as we closed in on him in the middle of the row... "And the panther closed its eyes in the dark listless night, stars blossomed in the sky and the moon's light was bright," I closed the book and looked at Colin. "Oi Colin," I smiled a bit. "Oi," he sounded a bit surprised by my presence and speaking to him. "You seemed surprised to see me... are you surprised?" I asked him. "Um, a bit... you haven't really spoken to me before." "That was before," Thomas spoke up. Colin's head snapped around fiercely to find a smirking Thomas standing close to him. He looked back to me and I smiled again. "Don't worry Colin, we're not going to hurt you," I stepped closer. "We just want you to join us for a bit of fun is all." He swallowed the lump in his throat. Our sudden appearance definitely had him shaken. I guess it didn't help much that we were taller than he was... I slightly taller than Thomas, but you get the idea... "Oh right then, what kind of fun?" "The best kind," I leaned into his face. His green eyes filled with curiosity and fear. "Thomas and I found a shack in the woods, we're going there tonight after hours with a bit o' rum... smoke up plenty... good fun, isn' t that right Thomas." "Aye, good fun... so what do you think, you can join us if you like," Thomas stared directly into Colin's eyes... I taught him well. "Of course if you' re a coward you can follow the rules and stay in the dormitory, but the shack is cool and we can stay as long as we like." "I'm not afraid, I'll do it," Colin said nervously. "I bet you, you won't," Thomas goaded him well. I was impressed. "I'll do it, I swear." "Okay," I smiled. "Be at the bushes there at eleven, stay out of sight. We'll signal for you, three clicks of the torch light and then you come, understood?" "Aye," he nodded his head. Thomas and I smiled. The library matron's heels clicked as she came toward us. She was no doubt seeking us out, but Thomas and I were too cunning for her. We escaped out the side doors and went about our business. Lights out happened at nine o'clock every night in each of the dormitories. Thomas and I waited until the rooms were checked and the halls were clear before we set about leaving. Since we shared a space, it was easy enough for us to go. We took exactly what we needed and went to the tree at the edge of the woods. "Do you think he'll show?" "He'll show," I assured Thomas. "If he doesn't, he'll suffer BBH justice and you know how much fun that can be." "Maybe he won't show then," Thomas smiled. We waited the whole hour, smoking, drinking, and readying ourselves for the night's fun. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and reached over to Thomas, gripping the back of his neck and forcing his mouth to mine. I pressed my lips hard against his, shoving my tongue deep into his throat, kissing him roughly and dominantly until I was ready to stop. He knew better than to resist me. "It's eleven," I told him when I stopped. "Flash the light." Thomas stood up and pointed his torch toward the bush we told Colin to be at. Three clicks and a wait. Three clicks came back to us. "He's coming," Thomas said. I stood up next to him. The grounds were dark, nearly pitch black. Colin eventually came into sight; still wearing the school's uniform as if he never took it off. We stepped toward him to greet him. "You come alone?" I asked. "Aye, it's what you said. "You listen well... drink?" I handed the bottle to him. He took it, unscrewed the cap and brought it to his lovely lips. Colin coughed a bit and gave it back. Thomas brought out the blindfolds. "What's that for?" "To make sure you don't tell anyone about the shack or where it is... don't

worry, we'll make sure you don't fall or bump into anything," I told him as Thomas covered his eyes... his beautiful green eyes, and tightened it behind his head. "Give me your hands," Thomas demanded and didn't even give Colin a chance to protest because he snatched his arms behind him and used the other cloth fold to tie his wrists. "What are you doing that for?" Colin questioned. I put my hands on his shoulders to calm him even though my will was sticking straight up in my trousers. I massaged his shoulders gently. "Don't worry; it's all part of the fun. Tonight we have something special

planned for you, but you can't tell anyone because it's a secret, understand?" "What, what, what do you have planned?" "Tonight we're going to initiate you into the Boys of Basker Hall." "What's that?" "A secret society," Thomas filled in. "We're the only members and we only invite certain boys to join... it's our brotherhood and no one knows about

it. Tonight you get to become a part of it, but that's all we can tell you except," "Except what?" "Except if you tell anyone about tonight, we'll make sure everyone knows you're a twat and they'll make fun of you for the rest of your days here, got it?" Thomas touched his arm. Colin didn't speak. We were going to have a great time, I could feel it. We led Colin through the thicket and trees, deep into the woods where no one could find us. There was a clearing of sorts and that's where we set out the blanket and dropped our torches. "Here is good enough," I told Thomas. "Where are we?" Colin asked. "We're in the woods silly," I said with a laugh. Thomas laughed as well. We were well prepared to handle Colin. "This is your initiation; you do want to be a member of our secret brotherhood don't you?" "Not much of a choice anymore, we're already here aren't we?" Thomas's question really did not require an answer. He gave Colin a light shove causing him to stumble a bit. I caught him and we shared a good laugh. "Untie my hands, get this blindfold off me," Colin whined. "Shut up Colin, it's just a bit of fun." I shoved him toward Thomas. He stumbled again, but Thomas caught him and pushed him back. The entire time he protested like cut it out' and stop it', but he was in no position to demand anything. He was not there to be a dominator... Thomas and I had that covered. Colin was there to be dominated and we were not going to disappoint... not in the slightest. He was bound and blindfolded, bouncing back and forth between me and Thomas until the shoving caused Colin to fall to the ground finally. Thomas and I laughed, completely engaged in the fun of over powering Colin. "I bet he likes to be tickled, don't you Colin," I said just as Thomas and I pounced on him, our finger tips and hands moving all over his body. "Ugh," he whined as we touched him all over, not giving him a moment's rest. "See I told you he likes it," I told Thomas and moved my hand to feel Colin between his legs. He struggled a bit, trying to keep his legs closed, but his attempts only made things that much more interesting. "Take his leg, " I ordered Thomas. "Pull... hold it back..." I said. Thomas obeyed me and I reached my hand between Colin's legs and rubbed his crotch through his trousers. "See I told you he liked it... have a go Thomas, feel his willy and sack." "He does like it... you do like it, don't you Colin," Thomas spoke. " Answer me you pissy wanker, answer me damn it!" He slapped Colin's face. I offered a laugh and slapped Colin too before I went back to giving the bloke the best willy massage he'd ever gotten. he still had not answered Thomas's

question. I smacked his willy hard. "Answer him you piss wanker... answer him!" Whack! Another slap to his crotch and then I rubbed him there again, squeezing his sack through his trousers. Colin squirmed around a bit, but he could do nothing against our intrusion of his body, our intrusion because Thomas had taken to rubbing his chest, pinching his nipples through his shirt while I played with his sack and willy. Thomas tore open his shirt... Colin's bare body shown beneath it, his creamy white flesh apparent even in the dark of night. His little reddish brown nipples were playthings to Thomas. He pinched them, pulled at them and even licked and bit them in complete pleasure. "Aghh," Colin moaned. His sound turned me on so much that I really squeezed his crotch with my hand, joining Thomas at his nipples with my mouth just as Thomas moved one of his hands between Colin's legs... each of us with one hand on his willy and sack and a mouth on each of his nipples. He could do nothing but enjoy the moment of a shared, aggressive behavior. I was sure Thomas's willy was just as stiff as mine, a little bigger than my own,

but nonetheless poking straight up in our trousers. I smacked Colin's belly a few times until it felt warm which meant it was most likely red and then rubbed my hand up and down his skin before tugging on his crotch again. "Turn him over," I demanded and Thomas and I rolled a struggling Colin to his stomach. He groaned when Thomas put a knee to his back to hold him down. "Shit I think he really likes it... don't you like this Colin, isn't it fun?" Thomas asked the question just as I yanked him by the hair. I wanted an answer this time more than Thomas did. "What say you?" I shook him. "Aye... Aye..." "Aye what you wanker?" "Aye sir," Colin sounded on the verge of tears, but his eyes were covered and it was dark so we could barely see his face. I felt his cheeks for wetness..."That's a good boy, now you'll let us have a bit more fun won't you?" "I want to go back to the dormitories," he protested loudly. "You'll go when we say you can go, you're a naughty boy Colin and naughty boys get spanked," I scolded him and looked at Thomas who eagerly smacked Colin's buttocks. I smacked him too in turn. Colin grunted, groaned even with every smack that met his body. "Ugh!" He breathed heavily. "Ugh! ugh! ugh!" The sniffling told me he was crying. "He's crying like a bloody sissy," I laughed. "Shut your trap or we'll give you something to cry about wanker," smack! His blubbering continued as I knew it would. "Get his trousers down," I ordered. Colin did not resist. We tore at his belt and his trousers, pulling them and his briefs down simultaneously just below his buttocks. Colin was just as I remembered him in the shower... his skin was soft and fun to spank. "You have a nice bum mate... it's so soft and pretty, like a girl's bum only better because you' re a boy," I told Colin. "I'm going to spank you, you want me to spank you don't you? Say it," I demanded. "I, I..." "Say it," I demanded through clenched teeth. Thomas gave me a look and smirked. He whacked Colin's bare bum and rubbed the spot following. "I want you to spank me," Colin cried out. "Say it again!" "I want you to spank me." "Louder." "I want you to spank me...ugh" "Louder!" "I want you to spank me!" He yelled angrily, but with heavy breaths. We smacked his bum quite a bit, so much that the front of my briefs began to wet. I squeezed the front of my trousers. Thomas was breathing heavy across from me. We shoved Colin around to his back... "Look at his willy, it's grown from all the spanking," I grabbed hold of it and stroked the uncut, 15 cm flesh bit until Colin was fully stiff in my fist. Thomas pulled on his sack and played with his nipples. Colin resisted at first or at least tried to, but he soon enough gave in, moaning and making sounds of pleasure. "See Colin, it's all a bit of fun... you do as we tell you and everything will work out alright for you." "I, I'm not... I don't like..." "You do like it, you're willy is stiff and beginning to get wet." "Aggghhhhh!" He cried out when Thomas yanked his sack. "I have something to shut your piss mouth up," Thomas told him. He unzipped his trousers and straddled the upper part of Colin's body, pinning Colin. "Put it in your mouth," he demanded. "Put it in your mouth!" He yanked Colin's head toward his body; the tip of his swollen willy poking at Colin's closed lips. Thomas slapped his cheek and yanked his hair again, pinching his nose to force open Colin's mouth. He would have to open it or risk not getting breath and when he did, Thomas shoved the whole of his willy in Colin's mouth, letting go of his nose so he could breathe again. Colin was made to swallow every centimeter of his 23 cm length straight down to Thomas's pubes. I licked Colin's sack, biting gently at it before I sucked his willy. He moaned with Thomas still deep in his mouth, unable to do anything, but suck his

willy the way Thomas wanted. Thomas groaned too. I liked sucking Colin's willy, not because I was submissive, but because I had control over how it happened. I bit him gently right behind the tip and he jumped from the pleasure of it. I licked his piss hole where precome

formed a lathered, sticky coating over the head and around his foreskin. I loved it, he loved it... he loved the way I dominated his willy and sack.

Above me, Thomas was doing push ups with his hips over Colin's face, pushing his willy deep into his throat. Colin choked it, gagging with every hard push. The side of his mouth released saliva streaks as it frothed up. I thought Thomas was going to rip his mouth open, but it didn't happen... "He's taking it well, bloody hell it feels good... you're a bloody good cocksucker aren't you Colin," Thomas teased. "As good as you?" I asked Thomas with a deep smirk. I unzipped my trousers and took out my willy and forced it inside his warm mouth, a place I'd been many times before... and so that's how it was... Colin was his cocksucker and he was mine at the same time, but it was not enough. I forced Thomas away from Colin after he made my willy nice and wet. "Get on your knees now," I demanded of Colin. Thomas helped him to kneel in front of me. "Now suck it... all of it," I ordered him, shoving my 19 cm willy to the back of his throat. His lips formed a tight seal around it as I forced Colin to draw me in until my sack hit his chin and my pubes tickled his nose. Thomas stroked his willy hard and fast, squeezing when he felt Colin quiver so that he could not shoot his load until we allowed him to. His sack swelled to no end in the process. I grabbed his hair and thrust his head back and forth, yelling at him to suck my big willy like it was the last thing he was ever going to do, and he did as he was told. " Suck it you fucking wanker, suck it good... like that, yeah, yeah... you love it don't you?" I yanked his head by the hair. He groaned his response.

Thomas and I took turns having a go at his mouth. Colin had so much of us that his mouth remained opened even after we left it raw and well used, but it was not to be the end of things, not by a long shot. "Hold him still," I ordered Thomas as I moved to Colin's legs. I yanked his clothes lower and took down my own trousers and briefs. He tried to move, but Thomas and I would not let him. I touched the head of my willy to his bum, pressing between each of his fleshy cheeks until I found his hole.

He clenched his body when he felt me there, in his virgin spot... pressing against it teasingly and then... "Aggghhhhh..." Colin cried out the moment I entered his bum hole, stretching his tight muscle apart to form to the thickness of my willy, aching to go deeper inside his body... and I did. "Aggghhhhh," Colin cried out again and again until his sounds changed into quick, heavy, static grunts and groans. "Aghh, ugh, ugh, aghh... ugh, aghh, aghh, aghh," he felt every bit of me up his bum. I slapped my body hard against his with every thrust. There was nothing smooth or kind about any of it... I-wanted-him-to-know-he-was-mine! I slammed my willy deep inside him with emphasis on each word in my thought... it was bloody hot. Thomas watched me pound away at Colin's bum, licking his lips, salivating a bit as he waited for his turn. His willy jumped with anxious excitement and I smiled. He smiled back at me... "Give it to him Edmond, give it to him hard, make him feel every bit of it," Thomas spoke aggressively. "You like that, don't you, you bloody wanker?" "Aghh, aghh, aghh, aghh," Colin groaned. "Ugghhhhhhhh..." he cried out louder than any time before. His breathing was really intense. I slapped harder against his bum, driving myself deeper inside his warm, wet opening. "Ugggghh it feels great... I didn't know you would feel this good Colin," I told him. "I'm never going to stop do you hear me? Do you hear me Colin? I'm going to have a go at your bum and your mouth whenever I want it..." I thrust sharply into him so he understood. "Aghh," he groaned again, a most pleasing sound. My will grew really, really stiff as my body shook with a powerful build up. Colin's sounds drove me crazy. "Ugghhhhhhhh, aggghhhhh, fuck me... aggghhhhh!" I yelled out and slammed hard against Colin, emptying my sack juice up his bum hole. It took a few seconds for me to get my breath, but Thomas couldn't wait any longer. I suddenly felt my body being pushed to the side as he picked Colin up by the waist, shoving his face to the blanket on the ground. He yanked his hair and

held Colin down by it, mounting his ass like a dog. "That's it, that's a good boy, just like that... Your bum is wet and hot,"

he said as he forcefully thrust his hips behind Colin's raised bum. I thought I was a hard fuck, but Thomas really took control, pulling Colin back on his willy they way I had done to him during his initiation... I was so proud. My willy stood up again, ready for more action. I stroked it watching the hard pounding, listening to the grunts and groans of the two boys in front of me. Colin's mouth was waiting for it... I knew it. "Suck it you piss wanker," I demanded. "Suck it now!" I shoved my willy into his mouth and gagged him. Both his ends were filled with swollen boy parts and we fucked him eagerly, without kindness until Thomas exploded inside his bum and me in Colin's mouth... "Aggghhhhh, ugghhhhhhhh, aggghhhhh..." we both cried out simultaneously as we emptied sack juice all about Colin's insides... "I'm not done yet," Thomas said. he quickly stood over Colin. "Get on your knees wanker," he demanded with a slap to Colin's face. "Hold him Edmond; I want to cover his face." I smiled knowing Thomas would wank until Colin's face was covered with willy juice and I was right. I yanked Colin's hair and forced his mouth to stay open while Thomas shoved his willy inside, back and forth until he was ready to stroke it... "Ugghhhhhhhh, fuck..." Thomas groaned as he creamed Colin's cheek and lips. I shoved him to the ground and stood up; grabbing hold of Thomas's dripping willy and stroking the last bits from it. I gripped the back of his neck and forced my tongue down his throat again. He smiled at me when I looked at him again. Colin laid quiet beneath us, bound, blindfolded, breathing heavily and no doubt a bit sore... "What do you think? Think we should let Colin in the club?"

To be continued...

You get decide Colin's fate nifty world. Send an email with your vote/thoughts and then stay tuned to find out what indeed happens to the bloody wanker...

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