The Break In

By Snowblind94

Published on Apr 4, 2015



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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. I find it amazing how many words are spelled differently between Canada and the United States. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. There are prescriptions available to calm a person if they really get you upset.

Comments may be addressed to

The Break In

Max pulled up to his cabin, hit the garage door opener and parked inside. He sat for a moment and run his hands through his hair and rubbed his neck. It wasn't his first choice to be away from his home or mix with other people in what he considered to the city world. While he didn't mind wandering around in the little resort town for his day to day needs there were times he had to go into the city for meetings. He didn't like the city or most of the people who lived there. It was late afternoon when he got back to what he considered his sanctuary and he felt relief.

Max got out of the Explorer, grabbed his travel bag from the back seat and headed into his cabin. When he got inside, he looked to the kitchen and immediately saw it was not the way he had left it before his trip. Max had only been gone for a couple of days and was upset someone had broken in during that short time. He placed the bag on the floor quietly, silently moving into the kitchen. Obviously someone had prepared a meal for themselves, leaving the dirty dishes in the sink and a frying pan soaking on the counter after finishing cooking something. At least they thought enough to not make a total mess.

Max moved stealthy through the kitchen and around the corner into his office. Nothing had been disturbed in here he thought as he entered the room. He quickly moved to a bookcase beside the desk and reached for a hidden switch. He touched the control and the top half of the bookcase swung open exposing the contents. There was an assortment of weapons in the hidden compartment. Max reached for his favorite weapon, a Smith and Wesson 9mm semi-automatic pistol. He checked it, carefully inserted a clip and used the slide to load a round. Max grabbed a couple of extra clips and put them into his back pocket. He also grabbed a few plastic zip ties and put them into the other back pocket of his jeans before reaching up and closing the cabinet.

The cabin was fairly large, built on the edge of a rock outcropping, looking out over the lake. It was made up of a main floor which contained the garage at one end, the kitchen, living room, access to the upper deck, home office, full bath and 2 bedrooms. The lower level had a large den, sauna, storage area, two more bedrooms and another full bathroom. The south side of the house was almost entirely made of glass to allow him to look out over the lake where ever he was in the cabin. It also allowed him to look out into the serenity God had created in nature. The cabin was his sanctuary from the outside world and he really didn't like the idea someone had entered it. Hopefully, he or they were gone by now.

Max moved through the main level of the cabin without making a noise as he checked every place where someone could be hiding. The main level was clear, so he slowly made his way down the stairs into the lower level. Crossing through the den area while scanning it carefully with his eyes he moved towards the storage area. It was clear as was the bathroom and sauna. There were two bedrooms left to search. Other than the food and dirty dishes in the kitchen, he had seen nothing throughout the house which had been disturbed. Not your typical break-in he thought to himself. When he carefully looked around the corner into the bedroom, he saw someone sleeping in the middle of the bed, covers pulled tight up to his chin. Max thought before I deal with this one, I better check the other bedroom to see if he is alone. The other bedroom was clear. He moved back to the bedroom with the intruder inside of it.

He looked at the sleeping intruder while holding the gun pointed at the person. No, it looks like a young man now that I am a little closer.

"Wake up" he yelled.

The young man instantly sat up and rolled out of the bed and tried to get dressed. As soon as the words were heard, the young man's heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest it was beating so fast.

Using the two hand grip he been taught by his security personnel, Max had the gun pointed at the young man. "Stop. Don't move. I have a gun" yelled Max as he stood with the doorway to his back.

The young man froze in a bent over position trying to grab his pants. He stuttered as he pleaded "Don't shoot me, please don't. I will leave and never come back. I'm sorry."

"Stand up slowly, put your hands on the back of your head and step backwards very slowly towards me" said Max clearly. The young man did as he was told. When they had backed into the den, Max told him to get down on ground, face down. The young man complied.

"Arms straight out from your sides, palms up" barked Max. Again the young man complied. Max lowered the firing pin on his pistol, jamming it into the back of his jeans at the waist. He moved in, grabbed one hand and twisted it over the young man's lower back as he knelt. His right knee was on the floor while the other one straddled the young man's shoulder and on his neck, pinning him to the ground.

"Give me you other arm" commanded Max. The man complied again without a word. Max used a zip tie to bind the young man's wrists tightly together. Max stood and stepped back. He looked at the profile of the young man's face and he could see tears slowly escaping from his closed eyes. He was trembling as he laid there on the floor in just his boxers.

"Who are you and why are you in my home?' demanded Max.

The young man stuttered while speaking from the fear he was experiencing. "My name is Kevin. I was hitchhiking to look for a job. Last night was cold and I was hungry. I will leave. Please let me go" he begged.

"How old are you?" asked Max.

"Nineteen. I can work off the food I ate. Please let me go" he said.

"Why are you out here in the middle of nowhere? This cabin isn't easy to find" demanded Max.

"I was hitchhiking along the highway, hoping to find work at one of the towns during tourist season. I saw the tire tracks on the gravel road so I followed them hoping to find a camping site to spend the night. I came to your cabin and knocked, but no one answered" he replied.

"Why did you break into my cabin" demanded Max.

"It was dark, cold and I was hungry. I hadn't eaten for a meal for a couple of days and I was hoping there was some food in here" he replied.

"Where are you from?" asked Max.

"I don't have a home anymore but I was raised in Toronto" he replied.

Max was a good judge of character and this young man seemed to be telling the truth. But, there was also something else to this story which had not been said yet. He had been cross examining people for many years and sensed when they told the truth, half-truth or just an outright lie. Max realized he just hadn't asked the right questions yet.

The young man was beginning to shake from fear. He was trying to look at the man who was had tied him up out of the corner of his eye. He wasn't sure how to get out of this and was thinking how he had finally done it. He was going to be shot. He tried not to cry, but the tears wouldn't stop and escaped his closed eyes. Well, maybe death would be better compared to what he gone through in his short life Kevin thought to himself.

Max was looking at the young man. In his lifetime, he had dealt with a fair number of young people who had been caught and accused of crimes. He had seen the guilty, the guilty by circumstances, and even on a rare full moon a few innocent ones caught in the system. Watching Kevin's body language as he lay on the ground, he was beginning to think Kevin wasn't a hard core little dirt bag. He saw the tears leaking from Kevin's eyes and he felt something tearing at his heart.

"I am going into the bedroom to look through your backpack Kevin. Is there anything in there you have stolen from me, any weapons or drugs?" asked Max.

"No sir" Kevin replied. "I only ate some food and slept in the bed." Kevin added quickly "I forgot sir, I used the toilet on this level."

"Stay exactly where you are while I go into the room. Do you understand Kevin?" asked Max.

"Yes sir. I understand."

Max went into the bedroom and looked around. Nothing on the shelves had been disturbed as he looked through the room. He picked the clothes off the floor and went through the pockets. Kevin had a few coins and a couple of free hamburger coupons in his front pockets. Max pulled his wallet out and it had nothing except a driver's licence, birth certificate and a photo of Kevin with another young man, both wearing a speedo. They were both cute and even more so together. It looked like although they weren't hard they both had had started to bone up in the picture. The outline of their cocks was clearly visible to Max. There was no cash in his wallet or clothes at all.

He went through the backpack and found nothing except an envelope of papers, an old newspaper folded to an advertisement for seasonal workers in the local resort, a couple of toiletries, dirty clothing and an old worn teddy bear. The envelope had original copies of a Will from a woman of the same surname and named him as the sole recipient of her estate. He went through the clothing in the pack and he found nothing in the pockets at all.

Max went out to the den and he saw Kevin was quietly sobbing but he had not moved at all. "I am going to help you stand up Kevin" said Max. He leaned over and lifted the young man up to his feet. As he stood, his boxers fell to the floor exposing his body totally.

"I'm sorry" said Kevin. "They used to fit me at one time."

He started to kneel down to pick them up when Max said "Leave the there." Kevin stood up straight.

Kevin was not a bad looking young man. He was older than when the picture had been taken in the wallet but it was him. He stood about 5'11", 160 lbs. He had some muscle to him, but they were not as defined as they were in the picture. Kevin had lost a lot of weight since that picture. He had no chest hair and just a very light treasure trail above the pubic hair. The pubic hair was a light brown and untrimmed. His cock was impressive and even soft; it was 3-4 inches long and uncut. It was quite thick and hanging over a set of large low hanging balls which would be a nice looking package in a speedo. The balls, from what Max could see were totally hairless. Kevin's hair matched his pubes and was light brown in colour. His hair was definitely displaying the bedhead styling. It looked like it had been short on the sides and back and longer on the top, like a spiked style. Now it was overgrown and was in need of a major cut. He had cute blue eyes with long delicate lashes. His face was pale and sunken, another indication of his not eating on a regular basis. There was very little indication of Kevin needing to shave except every couple of weeks. He had no defined beard. He was very cute though.

Max walked around behind him. He had long legs with a light covering of hair on the calves with nothing above the knees. His butt was tight and very cute.

Max walked to the stairs, turned and said "Follow me."

"Yes Sir" he replied as he followed like a beaten puppy.

His head was hanging down, as if he had been beaten into submission in the past. Max went into the kitchen and straight to the wooden block on the counter where the knives were kept. He pulled out a big chef's knife and said "Turn around Kevin."

Kevin looked at the man with the knife and tears started to roll down his cheeks again. He knew he was going to die here in the kitchen where he had stolen food to eat. The man was going to cut his throat instead of shooting him. Kevin thought to himself about meeting his mother on the other side and resolved himself to his fate. He had been lucky his mother's sort of boyfriend hadn't killed him before his escape so he had been living on borrowed time anyways. Kevin turned his back to the man and through his sobbing said "could you do it quickly please so it's over with." He lifted his chin bravely to expose his throat. His tears spilled out his closed eyes.

Max approached the young man and heard what he said and watched as he lifted his chin. What the hell has this kid gone through in his life Max thought with his anger building? He reached to the zip tie and cut it off. Kevin immediately brought his wrists around front and started to rub them bringing his head back down in submission.

"What did you think I was going to do Kevin?" asked Max with concern.

"Kill me by cutting my throat" he replied.

Max reached out and lightly touched each shoulder, and turned him around so Kevin was facing him. He then reached over and gently placed a finger under his chin and forced his head up to look into his eyes.

"Kevin, we are going to do a few things in no particular order. We are going to have a long talk about what led you to my cabin. We are also going to be discussing about you having a long shower. While you are doing that I am going to make us both supper. The last thing is we are going to wash all your clothing. Is that ok Kevin?" asked Max softly.

Kevin looked at him for a long moment and then asked "Really? You're not going to kill me?"

"No. If I was going to shoot someone for breaking into my house, it would have been done a long time ago" replied Max.

Kevin stood and looked at him with wide eyes, not really processing what the man had said. This man was showing kindness, no one had done that in a long time Kevin thought to himself. He started to cry.

Max reached out and pulled the young man into him, holding him tightly yet gently, rubbing his back in circles as Kevin started to sob again.

Very timidly, Kevin brought his hands up and reached around Max with hesitation. The man didn't react negatively to his touch, so he reached around him more until Kevin was hugging him. After a few minutes, the sobbing stopped and Kevin released Max.

"I think we have a lot of talking to do Kevin" said Max. "Come on, I will show you to the bathroom and get you some shorts to wear in the house."

Kevin followed him into the bathroom and Max pulled out a big towel, placing it on a towel rack just outside the huge shower. He turned the shower on to warm it up, pointing out the body wash container and shampoo inviting Kevin to use it. He went over to the drawers near the sink and pulled out a new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste, placing it on the counter.

"This is for you Kevin" he said. "I will get you some shorts and put them on the counter as well. You may shower as long as you want as the water heater is an endless tank; it just keeps heating the water as you use it."

"Thank you Max" said Kevin as he stepped into the shower. Max left, returning a few moments later with a pair of running shorts and left those on the counter.

Max was rummaging through the freezer to find some food which he could get on the table in a reasonable time. He grabbed a large roaster of lasagna, put some water on it, and placed it in the oven for heating. The refrigerator had some lettuce for a Caesar salad and pulled it out. While tearing the lettuce he started thinking about Kevin.

He seems like a nice kid. He has obviously not been treated well and hasn't been eating regularly. Is he on the run? What is he running from? Does he have family? He said he has no home now. Max resolved to get to the bottom of this. Kevin is cute and although he was younger than the type he normally chased......Max consciously stopped this thought. It wasn't the time or place for that type of thinking.

Max is a 45 year old man who is the Senior Lawyer in his own law firm in the city. He was 6'1", 200 lbs with brown eyes and dark brown hair. His chest was hairy, defined but not muscular like those who worked out 6 hours a day to satisfy their own narcissistic desires. Max had a reasonably flat stomach for his age which he was proud of. He trimmed his chest and pubic region cutting it shorter but not smooth. He liked the look of trimmed, neat hair on a man. His cock was 8.5 inches long when hard and when soft it was a modest 4 inches. It hung to the left and only partially covered his low hanging large balls.

Max had worked hard as a lawyer and when his parents died; his father left him the firm. He diversified the firm into financial planning/management and real estate acquisitions as well as continuing to provide legal services. The firm made a lot of money and he lived by what his father had taught him; obtain the best people, pay them well and treat them well to keep them working for you.

After the death of his husband two years ago, Max had bought this cabin to live in seclusion and away from the hustle of the city life. He felt good out here and hated to leave it. He could do a lot of his business by computer or phone, but he still went into the city to work with specific clients. He was quite well known for his work in the Gay community with donations to the various programs as well as taking on some court cases they referred to him for people who needed it and without fees.

Kevin was in the shower enjoying the feel of the warm water pouring over his body. He was still nervous and felt sick about breaking in to the cabin and how would he make it up to Max. He had nothing to give him except the offer of physical labour to work it off. He was really sorry he had broken in but he thought about how desperate he was to eat. He had slept in the bed for a while last night after breaking in. He got up, ate some more food, and went back to bed again. He hadn't slept in a bed for a long time and it had felt so good. He didn't realize he had slept through most of the day.

Kevin thought about how good looking Max was. He wondered if he was gay. No, Kevin thought to himself, I couldn't be that lucky. He washed himself using the shower gel and shampoo. Kevin wondered what Max was going to do with him when he got out of the shower. If he was going to kill me, he would have done it already so was he going to call the police? Kevin decided it was time to go out and face Max. After brushing his teeth and pulling on the running shorts, he went out to see Max.

Max was deep in thought while mixing the salad dressing when he heard the water turn off in the shower. He set the dressing aside and got a loaf of bread out of the freezer to make garlic cheese toast. He sliced it, buttered it and spread garlic all over it. It was strong garlic, just the way he liked it. Some extra old cheddar cheese was grated over the bread and he was done. It just had to be put into the oven to finish it off.

Max was checking the lasagna when he heard Kevin quietly pad into the room. "Thank you Max for letting me to have a shower."

Max looked at him. He not only looked cleaner but more human. His skin was pink and fresh smelling. He had washed his hair and now it didn't look too bad. It still needed cut, but it looked better. He had dark bags under his beautiful eyes and they seemed to scar the beautiful fine features of his face. He was even cuter cleaned up thought Max.

"Would you like something to drink Kevin? Sorry, I don't have any milk but there are lots of other things to drink' said Max.

"Would it be too much to ask for coffee?" he asked meekly.

"I would love to have a coffee too. I will grind up some Guatemalan Antigua for us and it will just take a couple of minutes. Have a seat at the kitchen table Kevin" said Max. After grinding the beans, he poured the water in and the coffee started to drip immediately. "Would you like powdered cream, sugar, or sweetener?" asked Max.

"Powered cream is fine please" replied Kevin.

The air was thick with unspoken words between Kevin and Max. It wasn't uncomfortable for them as much as it was awkward. The coffee finished and Max brought it over to the table.

Kevin sniffed it and smiled. He took a sip and commented "That is real nice Max. Thank you."

"You're welcome Kevin. When you smiled a moment ago, your whole face changed and even your eyes twinkled for a second. It was nice to see that Kevin" stated Max.

"Thank you. I can't apologise enough for breaking into your home last night. Max, I really am sorry especially since you are being so good to me" said Kevin.

Max looked at him and studied his body language in only the way a lawyer can. "Kevin, let's talk about you after I tell you about me. I see things in the way you are acting which concern me of how you have been treated in the past" Max said candidly.

Max told Kevin about his being a lawyer and someone who has fought hard for his clients who were usually victims of social injustice. He explained he was gay and a proud supporter of the GLBT community and how he had tried to help people who had been targeted or discriminated against due to their sexuality. Max told Kevin about his parent's death and his husband dying from cancer two years ago.

Kevin got up from the table and brought the coffee pit back to fill both of their cups again, returning it to the burner after. He sat down again and looked at Max.

Kevin spoke, "I was a happy child in a single parent family for many years. I have no memories of my father but I do know he was killed in the Middle East while serving as an Army Major. My mom had already known I was gay when I told her at age 13. She was very supportive of me. A few years ago, my mother met a man who had a job as an accountant. At first he seemed to be really nice. They were off and on with seeing each other but it never seemed to be all that serious. Two years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and they did surgery. She was good for another year and then become sick again with it for many months. She spent a lot of time in the hospital over the last six months of her life. Her boyfriend moved himself in to our condo under the guise of looking after me during this time of her illness."

Kevin took a drink of his coffee. "Ed wasn't invited but he moved in anyways, ignoring my objections. I had finished High School and was planning on going to college. He caught me with my boyfriend one night in my bed in my own bedroom. We were just sleeping together at the time not that we hadn't had sex earlier. He blew a gasket and kicked him out with threats if he ever came back. He started to control the household and me, abusing me right away by yelling, throwing things at me as well as regular beatings. Ed tore up my college applications and the checks my mother wrote telling me faggots don't deserve to have an education wasted on them. I couldn't do anything right in the house and he made of point of constantly telling me how useless I was as a human being. It became obvious to me he had a drinking problem and would usually be drunk when he treated me the worst. He locked me in the basement after throwing me down the stairs every night."

"Ed knew how to play my mother though. He acted like a perfect angel in front of her and portrayed the image of a loving older brother for me. One night, just before she died, mom and I were alone in the hospital and visiting. I didn't want to go home because Ed was having a poker night although he had told her he was out of town visiting a client. Mom asked me for the truth about Ed. I didn't want to tell her but she made me. My mother knew something was wrong, but she hadn't realized how bad it was. She called the Doctor into her room and asked for her to contact her lawyer to come see her as soon as possible to do up a will. The lawyer actually showed up at 11 pm as the Doctor had explained my mother's medical status. My mother told her she hadn't updated her will in decades and wanted a new one with me as the beneficiary. The lawyer did up the will. even printing and signing it there at the hospital. She gave the original will to me to keep, a copy to my mother and kept a copy for herself. I spent the night at the hospital with my mother. I knew her time was short. She died the next day peacefully around lunchtime while holding my hand."

"When I went home, Ed had taken all of our pictures, my mother's personal knick-knacks and things my father had given us into boxes and tossed them into the basement. Other than the funeral, I wasn't allowed out of the house any more. Even at the funeral, Ed was glued to my side the entire time. He knew she had left everything to me but he wasn't going to give it up now that she was gone. The drinking and my beatings intensified from Ed. He had no problem telling me he wanted me dead so he could have the condo. Faggots don't deserve a condo or money. All faggots should be dead. He locked me in the basement for days on end unless he needed someone to clean house. One night, he was so drunk he forgot to put the padlock back on the basement door and I escaped. I started running a month ago and haven't stayed in one place for very long. I got some work for a couple of days a few times and it gave me enough to buy food. I got used to sleeping in dumpsters or hiding in the treeline of the road I had been hitchhiking on. I ran out of money a week ago and found the newspaper with the job at the resort up here. Last night I was delirious from cold and hunger and when I saw your cabin, I managed to get a side window open and got in. I ate and fell asleep in the bed until you found me" he finished.

Max looked at him. He had been watching Kevin's body language during his explanation as well as his eye movements of facial expressions. He took a sip from his coffee and was deep in thought when Kevin spoke.

"Max, I am truly sorry about what I did to your house and how I stole food. I don't know what to say or do so you understand that."

"Kevin, I forgive you. If I had met you on the highway I would have probably have taken you in for a shower, a meal and a place to sleep. It wouldn't have been the first time I tried to help someone out who needed it. Forget how you got here and we will consider it water under the bridge Kevin. Do you agree?" asked Max.

"Max, I cannot tell you how I appreciate that" replied Kevin with tears in his eyes.

"I will get the meal ready and would you get the documents for me to read while we eat?" asked Max.

"Yes sir" replied Kevin.

"Kevin, I am Max. I am not your master, you do not have to call me sir" said Max.

"It is a habit Max. I was slapped or kicked if I didn't call Ed sir. I didn't mean you any disrespect" he replied.

"None taken Kevin. No fears. We are both adults here and one is not better than the other" Max explained.

Kevin smiled as he looked at Max. "Thank you. It has been a long time since someone thought that way about me."

"You smiled and your eyes twinkled again. Get going so we can eat" said Max.

He left the room and Max heard Kevin bounce down the stairs. By the time he returned with the envelope, Max had the food on the table. He served Kevin a big helping of everything which soon disappeared like he had inhaled it. Max read the documents and he had a building anger within him as he read. The Will had been properly completed and was very clear as to who was the beneficiary to the estate in its entirety.

While he was reading the documents, Kevin asked if he could have seconds. Max nodded with a smile and soon Kevin was filling his plate again. Max put the documents aside and started to eat. In between mouthfuls, Max asked to tell him stories about his mother and what he knew about his dad. Kevin was more than happy to do so and he actually began to liven up and seem happier while he was telling stories.

They cleared the table together and Kevin offered to do the dishes and the ones he left from the night before. The stood face to face looking at each other in the kitchen when Kevin suddenly hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for not shooting me, for forgiving what I did, for the meal and for listening to me. I haven't had anyone listen to me since the night my mom died" he said. Max hugged him back and then on impulse, kissed him on top of his head. Kevin hugged him even tighter.

They stood that way for a minute and then Max said "I like this hug Kevin, but I have some things I want to do with the Will while your explanation is fresh in my mind. It won't take me too long Kevin. Maybe you can grab all of your clothes and start them in the washer."

"I will get the dishes done and start my laundry" he said. Kevin stepped back and Max noticed he very big hard-on he had in the running shorts. Kevin quickly covered himself by turning to the counter and starting the dishes.

Max had his own painful hard-on confined within his jeans. Max went to his office and scanned the Will. He sent the Will to one of his senior lawyers with instructions to file it with the courts, search the land titles and bank accounts of Kevin's mother, background search of Ed, and commence legal actions against Ed for unlawfully taking possession of the condominium. He also instructed the lawyer to contact the police and provide copies of any documents necessary if they find any indication of illegal actions by Ed such as fraud.

He phoned the lawyer who was named on the will. He apologised for calling at 900 in the evening and went on to explain the circumstances on behalf of his client. She was horrified at the story Max told her. She explained Ed had contacted her about a week after the funeral and told her there had been a handwritten Will signed by his girlfriend cancelling the Will she had and changed him to the sole beneficiary. While speaking to him on the phone he was intoxicated and abusive to her, hanging up on her finally. Ed had told her he had obtained the signature from his girlfriend the morning after she had redone the will. She had contacted the hospital and spoke with the Doctor who had called her originally. The Doctor volunteered to check the visitor registry for her. Ed was not recorded in the registry but the registry showed Kevin in the hospital for 18 hours straight, until after his mother died.

Max thanked her very much and asked her for a statement as well as copies of any notes she made during the conversation with Ed. She replied she would be very happy to do it and as he was not a client, there is no confidentiality between them.

Max sent another message to his office for the lawyer he had assigned to the file summarizing what he had been told.

He got up and left the den. Max realized he had been in there for a couple of hours, not the short time he had promised. He found Kevin curled up on the couch asleep. He looked much better with more colour in his face and he was actually appearing more relaxed. He was so cute sleeping all curled up. Max leaned over and stroked his hair gently. Kevin smiled in his sleep and repositioned his head in the pillow. Max went and got a blanket and laid it over him. It was a shame to cover such a cute body. He turned out the lights, leaned over and kissed him on his forehead and went to his room.

Max climbed into bed nude as he always did. He laid there thinking about Kevin's situation and how he felt attracted to the young man. Was it him being horny or was it something more he considered. In a typical lawyer fashion, he was creating a list in his mind under each possibility, trying to come to a decision. He was deep in thought when he heard movement in the living room and someone walking towards his bedroom. Kevin appeared at the door.

"May I come in" he asked.

"Of course you can Kevin. You looked so comfortable on the couch I didn't want to disturb you" said Max.

Kevin sat on the end of the bed for a couple of moments, picking at the bed spread. He looked as if he wanted to say something but couldn't get the courage to do it.

Max reached over and pulled back the covers on the other side of the bed and said "come on Kevin. You can climb in here too."

Kevin looked up and asked with enthusiasm "Really?

"Yes, Kevin. You can sleep here tonight' replied Max.

"Just a minute please" and Kevin left the room.

Max listened and it sounded like Kevin had run downstairs, and then back up again. He also stopped in the bathroom and Max could hear him taking a piss in the toilet. The toilet flushed and Kevin came through the door and crawled into bed. He had the teddy bear Max had seen when he searched Kevin's backpack tucked under one arm.

"You must think I am a baby needing the teddy bear Max" said Kevin. "It is the bear given to me by my mom and dad when I was born. I have kept it all these years and after mom died, I started sleeping with it. I know it may sound dumb, but I like to think I can feel my mom and dad's love come from within it when I hug it."

Max looked at him and then reached over, pulling him next to him in the bed, keeping his arm around him. Kevin snuggled in close and put his head on Max's shoulder. "It is very possible Kevin, very possible" said Max.

"Thank you for saving me Max. I have haven't felt this good in a long time" said Kevin.

Max replied to him after a moment "Kevin, I think I could get used to you around here, and smuggled up to me like this. It seems to feel right, and even better with the teddy bear."

"Me too" said Kevin. Max turned off the light and they both fell asleep quickly. The warmth of their skin contact was very comforting, creating a feeling of contentment inside them both.

The sun rose at about 430 this far north on the map. Max was used to it and Kevin didn't seem to notice. Max got up and quietly went into the bathroom to have a morning piss. Afterwards, he returned to the bedroom and noticed Kevin had moved over onto his spot in the bed and was clutching his pillow in a death grip of a hug.

Max got back into bed behind Kevin and snuggled in behind him in the spooning position. He reached around him and as he was positioning him arms for a hug, his one hand brushed a very hard dick belonging to Kevin. It was then Max realized Kevin had lost his shorts sometime during the night and was now naked in his bed.

Max moved his hand back down to Kevin's hard dick, and lightly played with the foreskin, gently moving it up and down the thick, hard, cock.

Kevin groaned an appreciation from deep in his sleep. Kevin's cock was leaking pre-cum and Max used it to lube Kevin's cock so he could stroke it better. Kevin squirmed a bit while he was moaning. He rolled onto his back, giving Max easier access. He moved the blanket over so Kevin's chest was still covered, but his 8" hard dick was sticking straight up and uncovered. Max readjusted himself so he could slide his mouth over the beautiful cock in front of him. He took it into his mouth and gently ran his tongue under the shaft and big head. Kevin moaned again. Max started to suck on Kevin's dick, and slide his mouth up and down on the shaft.

"Oh wow Max. That feels so good" exclaimed Kevin. Max looked up at him and could see he was now awake. "I have never felt anything so good Max. I thought I was having a wild dream" he exclaimed as he reached down and started stroking Max's head.

Max stopped for a moment and said "Lay back and enjoy this Kevin. This is all for you to enjoy." Max flipped the covers off the rest of Kevin's body and repositioned himself in between his legs. He took the hard member back into his mouth and sucked hard while he massaged Kevin's balls.

"Max, that is incredible" he exclaimed.

Max let the big cock pop out his mouth and he crawled up the young man's body to look into his eyes. He saw Kevin looking back at him, he beautiful blue eyes fully open and twinkling brightly. Max leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Kevin responded back with their tongues dancing together. Max nibbled at his ears a bit and kissed his way down Kevin's neck. Kevin responded with gasps of pleasure. Max moved down to his rock solid nipples and used his tongue to lick them and his teeth to nibble at them, pulling at them. Kevin was squirming and making unintelligible sounds of ecstasy.

Max licked and kissed his way down to Kevin's hard cock, dripping pre-cum all over his abdomen. Max licked up the spilled nectar and once again Kevin groaned. Max used his hand to steady Kevin's cock while he licked it. He started at the base and licked all the way up to the top and over the head. After doing this a few times, Kevin was squirming even more and moaning loudly. He took the dick back into his mouth and started jacking it with his hand. Kevin sat up and placed both hands on Max's head and screamed "God Max, I'm cumming."

Max felt the contractions begin from deep with Kevin's hard cock and soon he felt the sperm being squirted into his mouth. It was so sweet to Max, the sweetest he had tasted in a long time. Kevin seemed to pump into his mouth forever and Max swallowed as fast as he could to keep up. This kid was full of cum thought Max. Finally, Kevin relaxed and laid back on the bed, his eyes rolled back in his head. Max let his dick pop out of his mouth. He licked his lips and moved up, kissing Kevin gently. His lips were so soft thought Max.

Kevin was laying back in sheer incredible bliss. He had never had a blow job like that before and no one had ever tried to make him feel good like that. He didn't know his ear lobes and nipples were so sensitive, no one had even touched them before. He wasn't all that experienced in sex having only a couple of boyfriends before. He had been fucked, and had a couple of blow jobs but he had never felt anything like before in his life. He had thought Max was so hot and Kevin had really dreamed something like this would happen. He had resigned himself to it being just a fantasy and in reality he knew a hot guy like Max wouldn't even be interested in a young loser like him. He wanted Max to fuck him so bad but he was scared to say anything. Max kissing him was so fucking good. He loved the taste of him and the feel of Max's lips on his.

Max rolled over onto his back and pulled Kevin into him. The young man was already falling off to sleep again and he snuggled in tight and put his head on Max's shoulder, falling asleep quickly. Max had enjoyed giving Kevin a blowjob. He tasted so good and when he watched Kevin reacting by moaning and squirming, he realized he hadn't lost his touch.

The last time he had sex was with his husband just before he had been diagnosed with cancer. Max had realized something was wrong as Donald's stamina during sex had always been legendary. His stamina had been declining noticeably over time and one night he had worn out fairly quickly. He blamed it on being burnt out from work which Max thought it possible. The next evening, Donald had been taken to the hospital with chest pains. It wasn't cardiac and the tests revealed cancer. They found out a week later when Donald was told it was pancreatic cancer, final stage. Two weeks later, Donald was dead. It was quick and he didn't suffer for very long.

Max had dozed off without realizing it while holding Kevin tightly. Kevin was so relaxed and he was dreaming of staying here with Max, forever. His last thought before he had fallen asleep was "is this love?"

Max woke up a couple of hours later to the feeling of something warm on his cock. He looked down and saw a large lump under the blankets bobbing up and down. He shifted and pulled the covers up to see Kevin using both hands on his cock while he sucked on it. Kevin looked up and those beautiful blue eyes were sparkling at him. He was so beautiful Max thought. He flipped the blankets back so he could watch Kevin work on his cock. It was harder than it had been for a long time; even when he had jerked off looking at porn on the computer. This is so much better than porn thought Max.

Kevin looked like he was enjoying himself, his eyes so alive. Max had no clue how long he had been at this but he knew he wanted to cum. "Kevin, I'm going to blow" said Max.

Kevin just looked at him while Max came in his mouth, swallowing every spurt he was given as if was a life giving fluid. Kevin crawled up next to him and kissed Max gently.

"I was wondering if you were ever going to cum" said Kevin.

"What do you mean" asked Max

"I had been working on you for 20 minutes" he laughed. "I am going to have to build up some muscles in my jaw to keep that up" he chuckled.

"You did fine Kevin. Better than fine, it was fantastic young man" and Max hugged him in tight.

"Can I stay here today with you Max? I mean just for the day. It is nice to be with someone and not afraid" asked Kevin.

"Kevin, if you tried to leave I would have to use crazy glue on your ass and stick it on the bed" he replied.

"Really? You want to spend time with me?' he asked with water forming in his eyes.

"Yes Kevin. Let's give it some time so we can both figure things out but I am enjoying you here little buddy" said Max.

"It has been so long since someone wanted me Max" said Kevin.

"In all honesty Kevin, It has been a long time for me too. Maybe its fate which brought us together Kev" said Max.

There was silence for a moment when Kevin asked "Can I make you breakfast Max?"

Max smiled at him. "Let's both make breakfast. I need to feed you and get you gaining some weight little buddy. It almost broke my heart when your boxers fell off and you told me they used to fit. But, I was impressed by what I saw Kevin, very impressed." Max ran his finger up the ribs of Kevin. He jumped.

"Are you ticklish little man?" asked Max with a smirk on his face.

Kevin shrieked "NO" and jumped out of bed, running down the hallway naked to the kitchen. Man, what a butt that man has as it bounced out of sight. Max got up and chased him into the living room. Kevin was trying to keep the couch between the two of them while laughing "I am not ticklish Max. Don't you even try it."

Max lunged over the couch and caught him. He grabbed one of Kevin's feet and tested it by using his finger and lightly dragging it along the sole. Kevin started laughing and trying to break away from Max's grip. Max pulled on his foot and Kevin slid down the couch. He grabbed him again and pulled him lower. They were now chest to chest and eye to eye. Kevin leaned in and kissed him lightly.

"Do it again Kevin" said Max.

Kevin leaned in and kissed him longer.

"You are getting better at that Kevin. Please do it again" encouraged Max.

Kevin smiled, leaned in and kissed Max long and hard, using his tongue to pry Max's lips apart am dive inside his mouth. He leaned back and smirked. "Better" asked Kevin.

"Perfect Kevin, absolutely perfect. Let's get some food in you in Kev. If you start breakfast, I will check my email to see if answers have arrived to the questions I sent last night."

"Deal" said Kevin. He got up and headed to the bedroom.

"Where are you going Kevin? The kitchen is the other way" Max said.

"To get my shorts" he replied.

"I think I like us both the way we are. I like looking at your incredibly sexy body Kevin" said Max.

Kevin came back and stood in the hallway. "You think I am sexy Max? Really?"

Max got up and went to him and wrapped his arms around him. "I think you are the sexiest young man I have ever seen." Max kissed him and brought his hands around to cup Kevin's little ass. "And your ass feels as good as it looks Kevin."

Kevin hugged him and simply said "Thank you Max. I think you are the hottest guy I have ever seen, especially for someone your age."

"My age? You little shit I am going to tickle you so bad" exclaimed Max.

Kevin ran away giggling "I have to get breakfast ready so you can't tickle me anymore."

"I will save it for later Kev. I love looking at you naked young man" said Max.

"You're really hot to me Max" he replied.

Max went into his den and started the computer. Max was feeling something he hadn't felt in a long time. He was happy and enjoying himself. He was feeling revitalized. Kevin had done it in less than 24 hours. He started reading his emails.

Kevin was digging things out of the fridge and freezer. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had felt wanted by someone. He was actually laughing and enjoying himself for the first time in a year. He wasn't afraid, he felt safe here with Max. He hoped he wouldn't do something stupid to screw it all up. Ed told him he would be a fuck up his entire life.

He was cooking some bacon and thinking so hard he never heard Max come up behind him. But Kevin felt Max's arms being wrapped around his body in a light hug.

"Do you need some help?' asked Max.

"Could you make some of that coffee we had last night" he asked.

"No problem Kevin" Max replied and set about the task. He also made some frozen orange juice and set the table for them to eat.

"When do you have to go back to work" asked Kevin.

"I am at work right now. I do most of my work by computer with the odd trip to the city for court or an important meeting" replied Max.

"Wow" replied Kevin. "I wanted to study law at school. But I don't think that will ever happen thanks to Ed" commented Kevin.

"We'll see what the future brings Kevin. Nothing is absolute" stated Max.

They had a wonderful breakfast filled with good food and good conversation between them. They both talked more about their lives growing up, their dreams and the things they enjoyed doing. After cleaning up breakfast together, Max reminded Kevin to get his clothes out of the washer and into the dryer. Max rummaged around his closet and found some clothes which would fit Kevin fairly well. A little big, but they weren't bad. Max took him on a tour of the house and showed him the sauna and the hot tub outside on the deck around the corner.

They went outside and it had warmed up fairly well. The two walked around the cabin and Kevin showed him where he had got in. Max looked closely at the window and noticed the latching mechanism was not working properly which made it easy for Kevin to get inside. There was no damage to the cabin, not that it mattered if there had been. Kevin was relieved at Max's announcement.

Max led Kevin around the property. The cabin was a lot bigger than what it looked as it was built over the edge of a rock outcropping overlooking the lake. From the lake shore, the house was beautiful the way it blended into the rock face as well as the spruce trees. All that could be seen was the cabin's windows if you looked hard.

The two of them joked, laughed and just talked about their views on life. Both men enjoyed the other's company and they seemed to growing closer as the day went on.

They got back into the cabin from their walk about noon. Kevin went to fold his clean clothing while Max checked his email. He smiled as he read a couple of the messages which updated him.

"Kevin. Could you come in here for a minute" asked Max.

Kevin joined him and Max pointed to the computer screen. It was an email from the lawyer explaining the various court documents and orders he had filed against Ed. The police were involved in the case and had him in custody for fraud, impersonation and theft. There were warrants for his arrest from at least two other jurisdictions for breach of trust and embezzlement or misappropriation of client funds.

Although he had been unable to gain access to Kevin's financial inheritance, he had converted the condominium title to his name through forgery of Kevin's identity. He was to appear in Court this afternoon for a plea and there would probably be a show cause hearing in 48 hours for him to be kept in custody. The other jurisdictions were seeking to extend the radius of their warrants to return Ed for trial. It would help their case of Max would bring Kevin in two days to testify.

"What do you think of that Kevin? I mean facing him in court?" asked Max.

"Will you be with me?" asked Kevin.

"I would not be far away from you the entire time little man" he replied. "I should take a statement from you and forward it to the office for their use and knowledge."

"Ok, we can do that" stated Kevin.

They prepared lunch and after sat at the table for 4 hours while Max typed every word Kevin said into the computer. He also recorded the entire conversation as back up. Finally, after reviewing the statement, Kevin signed it after initialing every page he read. Max scanned the document and sent it attached to an email into his office.

The two of them prepared dinner and after clean up, moved into the den where max lit a fire in the fireplace. They cuddled on the couch and watched the news on TV. The arrest and case against Ed had made the news and Max watched it with interest. Kevin did as well but he trembled when Ed's face appeared in the screen. Max held the young man even tighter.

They went to bed together a couple of hours later after watching stand-up comedians on the satellite dish. They ended up in a 69 position, mutually satisfying each other with their mouths.

The next morning they woke up cuddled together. Max got up and went to the bathroom, returning a couple of moments later. Kevin did the same, throwing himself onto the bed and crawling in next to Max.

Kevin rolled over so Max could spoon in behind him. He reached his arms around Kevin and started to make small circles around Kevin's nipples. They were responding by becoming firm and erect under his touch. Max slowly worked his way down with hand until he gently grasped Kevin's hard cock under the blankets. He toyed with the foreskin, sliding it back and forth over the head. Max could feel the pre-cum beginning to leak out from the top. He used one finger to smear it around the big head of his cock.

Kevin's pleasure of Max playing with his nipples was only exceeded by max playing and sliding his foreskin over the head of his dick. Kevin moaned in response to Max's gentle hands touching his body. Kevin wiggled his butt back until the cheeks were in contact with Max's hard steel like cock behind him. He wiggled a bit more and the cock was nestled between his cheeks, and sliding up and down his crack. The feel of the hard warm flesh belonging to Max felt so good to Kevin nestled in the crack of his ass.

"Your frisky this morning Kevin."

"You started it Max. Just your touch gets me frisky" responded Kevin.

"I want to feel that tight little ass of yours from the inside" said Max.

"I was hoping you might have got the hint" Kevin chuckled. He wiggled his ass a bit more against Max's hard cock.

Max moved backward so he could lay Kevin flat on his back. He crawled on top gently, partially supporting himself to prevent crushing Kevin underneath him. Max kissed Kevin on his full, soft lips. He commenced kissing down his neck to play with Kev's nipples. He knew this would drive Kevin to the edge of his senses. He used his teeth to drag across them, then gripping them to pull them away from his body and allowing them to snap back. Kevin shivered each time this was done.

He moved down Kevin's lean hairless body to his dick, taking it in his mouth while his one hand played with the sparse hair in Kevin's pubic area. Kevin bucked up trying to drive his dick deeper into Max's mouth. He let the hard man flesh pop out his mouth.

Max grabbed a pillow and but it under Kevin's ass so it was easier to access his balls, perineum and asshole. He spread Kevin's legs and moved in between the inner thighs, licking along them and slowly moving towards the low hanging balls. Max used his hands to spread Kevin's legs more so he could slide his tongue right under the sack, and drag it down the perineum.

Kevin was squawking with delight. He had never experienced anything like this in his life. Max pushed and lifted his legs slightly to gain access to his objective, the rose bud.

Max moved in slowly while sticking his tongue out, dragging it around Kevin's asshole. The stimulation from Max's tongue on his asshole was indescribable to Kevin. No one had ever done this to him. Max continued to lick Kevin's asshole for the enjoyment of doing it, and the enjoyment it gave.

Kevin was responding well and squirming in delight. Max retrieved the lube from the bedside table. He lubed one finger, and inserted it slowly into Kevin. He was so tight thought Max as his finger moved around inside Kevin's asshole. Kevin had arched his back as Max's finger penetrated his sphincter. Soon Max was slowly finger fucked him, making sure to get deep to touch the prostrate.

Max inserted a second finger slowly, and then started to move them both in and out of the tight little muscle. Kevin's ass was loosening up nicely. Max then inserted the third finger, and Kevin cried out in ecstasy. After he had used three fingers in Kevin, Max told him to roll over on his stomach.

Max spread Kevin's legs so his rose bud was on main stage. Max resumed with three fingers, gently pushing them in and twisting them as he pulled them out. While Max's one hand was finger fucking Kevin, the other one was separating the cheeks of Kevin's lovely ass. Max pulled his fingers out and applied some lube to the target. Max gently used a finger to ensure the hole was well lubed. He felt it to be loose enough for entry as well as being nice and slippery. He squirted some onto his hand and coated his own hard cock. Moving behind Kevin, he placed the head of his dick at Kevin's asshole, and slid in enough to feel his dick head "pop" in past the ring of muscle.

He heard a gasp as he broke through the outer muscle ring. "Are you ok Kev?" I will wait a minute for you to get used to it."

"I'm good now Max. You are so big daddy, keep going. I want this Max; your dick feels so good inside my ass."

"Ok. Moving forward" he said as he began slowly pushing into Kevin deeper and deeper. Max heard Kevin groaning. Soon enough, he was buried all the way.

"Little man, you have it all now. How does it feel?"

"I have never felt so full with your big fucking piece of meat in me. It's awesome Max!"

Max started to pull back and pushed forward into Kevin slowly. He was making sounds like an old time locomotive spewing steam as the dick slipped in and out of his ass.

"Oh god Max" moaned Kevin.

Max began to slowly pick up the speed and intensity of his thrusts. Kevin was making grunting sounds every time Max thrust his meat deep into him.

After a couple of minutes Max said "roll over onto your back. I want to look into your face while we do this and when we cum."

When Kevin was ready, Max pushed in deep enough to lean forward and kiss Kevin's full tender lips. Kevin kissed back and then brought his hands up gabbing Max.

Max started to move in and out of Kevin again while increasing the speed. The tightness of Kevin's hole was making it hard to keep from cumming Max thought.

Kevin called out "I'm cumming!" With that, several long shots of sperm came out of Kevin's dick spraying all over his own stomach and chest

Max began moving faster slamming as deep as he could. The added contractions of Kevin's asshole on his dick were enough to drive him over the edge as well. "I'm cumming" yelled Max.

If he had been asked, Kevin wouldn't be able to describe the feelings he was experiencing having that big dick up his ass, buried deep and filling him entirely.

Max collapsed onto Kevin. They lay together for a couple of minutes; they gently kissed with the slowly softening cock still imbedded within him. Max got off of Kevin. He turned Kevin onto his side, spooning behind him.

They both woke up a couple of hours later with the urgent need for breakfast. After cleaning up the dishes, Max took Kevin for a ride in the Jeep into town. They went into a couple of clothing stores where Kevin came out with numerous bags of shirts, shorts, pants, jackets and shoes. The second store was to buy a suit for Kevin to wear at court. The salesman found everything and got it measured for a couple of alterations. The suit would be ready in a couple of hours for them to pick up.

Max and Kevin wandered around town, visiting the tourist shops as well as bakeshop. They each got a huge fresh cinnamon bun with a coffee and sat down at a table.

"I am going to keep track what you spent and I will pay you back Max" said Kevin. "Well, someday I will."

Max looked at him with a big smile "Kevin, The money isn't important to me. Buying something to see you smile while you modelled the clothes for me was worth it." He thought for a moment and added "I should have bought you a G-string too."

"A G-string? That doesn't leave much to the imagination Max."

"I know" Max replied with a wink.

"It doesn't change my mind. Even if I had a lime green G-string, I would still pay you back for what you spent on me" said Kevin.

Max smiled again "lime green eh?"

Kevin blushed and packed his mouth full of cinnamon bun.

After picking up the suit, they stopped at the grocery store for a few things for the night. Their errands finished the two of them headed back to the cabin.

Kevin enjoyed making supper with Max. He enjoyed being close to the big man, brushing up against him while they prepared the meal. They headed to bed for the early trip in the morning, but not before Max made love to Kevin again. They slept like logs through the night.

They got up early in the morning and headed into the city for a meeting with Kevin's lawyer to review the statements, documents as well as meeting with the police before court at 200 pm.

Max drove up to a large unmarked building and parked in a reserved spot. He led Kevin in through the front doors into a huge beautifully decorated lobby. Max signed in and received a photo ID card which he clipped to his shirt. Kevin got a red card indicating VIP Visitor and he attached it to his shirt like Max had done. They headed to the elevators, going up to the top floor. When they stepped out, the floor receptionist saw them and immediately picked up a phone, said a few words and hung it up.

"Good morning Max and you must be Kevin" she said has she put out her hand to shake with both of them. "They are in the meeting room and awaiting your arrival. You are punctual as usual."

"Thank you Mary" said Max as they headed down the hall. They entered a large conference room and the men all stood when Max walked in. He took the seat at the head of the table and indicated for Kevin to sit next to him at the corner. They all sat down. Mary came through the door and gave Max and Kevin both a mug of coffee.

"It is Costa Rican today Max" she stated.

"Thank you Mary. This coffee will save my life this morning" said Max with a smile.

"Your welcome Max" she replied. She quickly went to the table and placed two carafes of coffee for the other men to refill their cups.

"Gentlemen, I would like to introduce Kevin Wager. He is the man you have been working so hard to straighten out what has been done to him" announced Max.

Kevin looked around the table and saw 8 men. Most of them had picture cards on their shirts similar to Max except for two who had Police indicated on theirs. He felt very out of place here and uncomfortable among all these powerful men. Kevin thought back to when Max had explained his job to him and the explanation had not included the fact he seemed to be a big man in this company.

Max introduced them to Kevin indicating 2 lawyers from the firm, 2 lawyers from the Prosecutor's Office, 2 Private Investigators who worked for the firm and finally 2 police officers who were investigating the crimes against Kevin.

"I appreciate everyone getting together this morning to review the file and prepare for the court session this afternoon. The men reported what they had accomplished and placed a summary of their verbal report on the table each of the others.

"So if I am hearing everyone, there have been approximately 20 charges laid against Ed for his attempt steal the assets left by a legal Will to Kevin. The assets and properties, including Ed's bank accounts have been frozen until the criminal investigation and probate process is complete. Because there was federal survivor benefits fraud of Kevin's father's pension, the military police are involved as well. Between the police and our private investigators, we have obtained documentation of additional crimes similar in nature to other people as well and they are being turned over to the appropriate police for their involvement. The warrants are being extended from the neighbouring jurisdictions for Ed's return to stand trial. It is our intention for Ed to be remanded in custody until this process is completed including the criminal charges. Does that summarize it correctly gentlemen?" asked Max.

They all nodded their heads.

"You have done a fantastic job on this complicated case in such a short time period. I shall write letters of commendation for everyone's personnel files along with my personal appreciation for your actions" said Max. "Let's have lunch and off for court."

With that said, Mary opened the door and chefs pushing trays of food came into the room. The spread was fantastic having something for everyone including the vegans. Max spoke to the police officers and asked them if they would consider working for his firm when the retired or even earlier. They would think about it and let him know. He made the same offer to the two men from the prosecutor's office. They too would consider it.

Kevin stood off to one side with a plate full of food. It was very good and he was enjoying it almost as he watched Max working the room by making personal contact with every member of the team. He felt alone and out of place in this room and with this people. He was just a kid out of high school and didn't belong in the room with these older, high powered people. He wanted to leave and hide.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Max asked him "Are you ok Kevin."

"I am fine Max. Just feel out of place in here."

"There is no need for that Kevin. You are welcome here and you are with me. After you graduate Law School, you will be in this room with us as a colleague" said Max.

"I can't afford that" Kevin said simply.

"I didn't ask for money, but you are starting in the fall. It has been taken care of" said Max.

Kevin looked at him as if waiting for the punch line from a joke. It wasn't forthcoming. "Really?" asked Kevin.

Max laughed. "Yes. Really. Did you know you use that word every time something happens you don't believe or can't believe? It's cute."

Kevin smirked and a twinkle formed in his eyes. "Really?"

They both laughed. After lunch, Kevin went to find a washroom. He bumped into Mary in the hallway. "I want to thank you Kevin for what you have done" she said.

"I have no clue what you are talking about Mary" replied Kevin with a puzzled look on his face.

"Max hasn't been this happy since his husband died. He has been doing his work and running the business, but the Max we all knew and loved was gone. He has been so unemotional in the way he did things. He has been so animated and even laughing since you two arrived. You are good for him Kevin and I hope you stick around" she said. Mary reached out and gave him a hug.

"He runs the company?" asked Kevin.

When she released him, he saw Max standing in the hallway watching them. Kevin moved to him and Max hugged him. "I see you passed the Mary test" he laughed. "Let's get going to court" he said.

Max had heard the question Kevin had asked Mary, which she had avoided answering. "Kevin, you asked Mary about her comment of me running the company. I will answer it for her now we are alone. Yes, I do run it. Actually, it was left by my grandfather to my dad who left it to me after I had proven myself."

"Really?" asked Kevin.

"Yuppers" replied Max with a smile.

They were all sitting in court with Judge looking at them from his perch on the bench. He had heard everything the prosecution and the defence had said during the hearing. He was reviewing some documentation before starting his summarization and rendering a decision on this preliminary hearing. The defence suddenly requested a 20 minute recess and the judge agreed.

The defence lawyer and Ed were escorted into an interview room. A policeman stood outside the door. There was muffled shouting heard from within the room and then silence. The attorney came out and approached Max.

"Sir, may I request consideration of a plea deal for my client?" he asked. Max looked up and raised his arm, gesturing for the prosecutor to come over which he did.

"You need to speak with this man" stated Max very calmly.

The prosecutor and the defence attorney started talking as they went to the Interview room and then inside with Ed. He came out alone just before court resumed.

The judge came back into the courtroom and took his seat. He advised the court he was ready to render a decision. The defence and prosecuting attorneys both stood and indicated a plea bargain had been reached and they laid it out in front of the judge.

The judge ordered Ed to stand and asked if the deal was satisfactory. Ed responded with "yes Sir."

The judge then asked Kevin to stand. "You are the one who was victimized by the actions of this man. How do you feel about it?"

Kevin stood but was having trouble getting words out of his mouth. Max stood "your honour, I am Max Betts, one of the lawyers working on Kevin Wager's behalf."

"Mr. Betts, it is always a pleasure to see you in my court and it has been a long time sir" the judge said.

"Thank you your honour. It is a pleasure to be here and it has been two years since I left active client care. But, I am back and helping this young man" Max replied.

"So I see Mr. Betts. Your people have done their usual good job of investigating this matter with the police and have submitted very precise reports. How does Kevin feel about the plea deal" asked the judge.

"Your Honour, Kevin would like to see this man locked up in a cell considerably longer than he was locked up in the basement of his own home. It is unfortunate he cannot be fed on the same schedule as he fed Kevin, which was usually forgetting to give him anything. Kevin also understands the beating and abuse he suffered at the hands of this man cannot be given to him as part of your orders" said Max with a smirk.

For a brief second, the Judge smirked as well.

Max reached for his brief case and opened it. "Your honour, when I found Kevin, he had 37 cents, two free hamburger coupons, a newspaper and the envelope containing the Will of his late mother." Max produced the items he mentioned and laid them on the table where the judge could see them.

"There were also many pieces of well-worn and dirty clothing in his backpack. The final item he had (as Max pulled it out) was his Teddy Bear which his mother and father who was killed in action gave him when he was born. This was all that man had allowed him as possessions when Kevin escaped from the house one night. Ed had destroyed all other items which could have been kept of his mother and his father, the war hero. Kevin escaped with a fear for his life and had to run away from his own legal home. He tried to support himself but was not all that successful except to barely survive. He did this while Ed stayed in his home and had numerous drunken poker parties from the proceeds of what he could sell to get money" explained Max. He handed the teddy bear to Kevin who took it and held it close to his body.

There were tears leaking out of Kevin's eyes and that did not go unnoticed by the Judge. Max pulled Kevin to his side and wrapped one arm round him.

"This young man never knew his father growing up as he was killed in combat. He lost his mother to cancer a few months ago and was prevented from living in his home surrounded by the memories of his parents because of the greed of one man. The mental and physical abuse he was subjected to by this man was inhuman especially while he was suffering from the loss from the last member of his family and the only person alive who loved him. Ed also focused his abuse on Kevin's being gay constantly telling him he didn't deserve to live or have community resources and services wasted on him because he was a faggot. These basic things are guaranteed to every person in this country" continued Max.

The defence attorney rose and objected. "This is not the information agreed upon in the plea bargain to be presented to the court by the prosecution."

Max was about to say something when the Judge stepped in. "This is not the prosecutor for the case Mr. Jonas. This is a very well respected defense attorney who is speaking on behalf of his client who I asked to give his opinion. If you had been practicing in this city for any length of time, you would know who Mr. Betts was. When he speaks, every judge in this city listens to him. Perhaps you should be as well" stated the judge. "Sit down!"

"Do you have anything else to add Mr. Betts?'" asked the Judge.

"No your Honour. I think I have conveyed my client's thoughts and you can see him yourself with tears on his face, holding his bear" Max replied. He looked at Kevin who nodded to him. They both sat down.

"I am prepared to render a verdict and sentence" stated the Judge in a very loud voice. "Stand up convict" he said gesturing to the defendant. (Stand up convict was a line used by a Judge in Edmonton, Alberta on numerous occasions during the 1980's)

"You have entered a plea of guilty to the offences and reached a deal which recommended the sentence of 10 years. I accept your verdict. But you were told by both the Prosecutor and your attorney I was not bound by any recommended sentence. I sentence you to 10 years on each count, consecutively and with no eligibility for a parole."

The Judge continued "I would suggest the Prosecutor allow the transfer of this convict to the other jurisdictions to deal with their charges as well. That allows them to pay for the costs associated with keeping him off the street and away from decent people. Court is adjourned" he said as he slammed the gavel down.

The court heard Ed with an outburst "fucking faggots" as he was ushered out of the courtroom. Kevin was rushed out of the courtroom as well by Max and his Private Investigator's acting as personal security.

Outside the courthouse, Max commented "I haven't seen the Judge that upset for a long time."

"He didn't like Ed did he" stated Kevin.

"He didn't like him at all, but he hid that fact except to those who know him. I was expecting him to start swearing at Ed in court when I saw his anger. He really has done it before when he lost his temper" laughed Max.

They headed back to the office and the group got together for a coffee. Kevin was very nervous and fidgety. "Kevin, you either need to go to the bathroom or you want to say something" sated Max.

Kevin smiled at him. "Both" replied. "Will you go with me?"

They got up and left the room together and headed to the washroom. Inside the door, Kevin turned rapidly and kissed Max, grabbing him into a tight hug. "Thank you for what you have done Max."

"Your welcome little man" he replied.

"I like it when you call me that Max. I like Kev too!" Kevin said. "Would you be offended if I said I think I am falling in love with you Max?"

"Falling? I have to admit, I think I am there already Kev. I have fallen in love with you since the first time you stood so vulnerable and naked in front of me after your boxers fell to the ground."

"I feel in love with you when you took me into your arms after cutting off the plastic straps. I just didn't want to say it in case you chased me away" stated Kevin.

"I would never chase you away. I think we are good for each other little man."

"Me too" answered Kevin. He leaned over and kissed him again. "I need to go pee." He took off like a shot to the urinals.

They returned to the conference room and went to the head of the table. Max stood right behind his little man and rested a hand on each of his shoulders in reassurance. Kevin spoke up "If I may, could I say a few words to everyone?" The room went quiet.

"I had to go to the bathroom before I spoke to you guys because I probably would have peed myself with fear." The men in the room chuckled.

"I hear ya Kevin. I was the same way my first day in court. Had to go the bathroom 4 times in 30 minutes" said one of the policemen. "My first case had Max as the defence lawyer" he added.

The room started laughing and Max smiled. "I thought you did pee yourself Terry" Max added. The room laughed again.

"Go ahead Kevin, before you need the bathroom again" said Max.

Kevin laughed. "I want to thank all of you for helping me. I am just a little insignificant 19 year old gay man who was on the run with nothing in his pockets. You guys are all very powerful people who ran to me and helped fix things. I can never do enough to repay all of you for your kindness" said Kevin as his trailed off.

The prosecutor spoke up "Kevin, the reason we are here is to help people like you and this time it didn't get caught in the system. I am very happy you allowed me to help you with you legal matters."

The policeman who spoke earlier spoke up again "Kevin, your mother would be proud of the way you decided to turn and fight Ed in the legal system. She did a good job of raising a nice, well-spoken and intelligent young man. I wish you good luck at law school in the fall."

The rest applauded as Kevin stood there with tears in his eyes. He turned to look towards Max, who opened his arms. He moved into him and they hugged tightly.

"I guess we should tell you we are an item now" said Max. "And we intend to be for a long time in the future as well." The men applauded more.

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