The British Roommate

By passionatewriter101

Published on Aug 13, 2017


The British Roommate – Part 9

Author's note:

Hey guys, thank you so much for taking the time to read the story. Here is Part 9, I hope you enjoy it. It's been a long while since I posted. A lot of stuff has happened in Ethan's life. I am gonna share it all with you. be patient please. Thank you so much for the great feedback though. You guys are my true inspiration behind this one. I will try to respond to all my emails ASAP. In the meantime, please feel free to Email me at with any comments, suggestions, feedback ect. I love hearing from my readers.

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Legal Disclaimer: This story contains explicit sexual content between consenting adults. It also depicts unsafe sex between two lovers. The author does not condone this in real life. If this offends you, or if it is illegal for you to access such content in your country, please do not read any further. This story is fictional. The characters and the events in this story are made up by the author's imagination and any resemblance to real names and events is purely coincidental.

Please note:

The following part contains actual events that have been twisted with some fiction. Names of people and places have been changed for various reasons.

Also...Im gonna include a rather long recap since its been so long. you can skip over it if you can still remember where the story left off. Or you are more than welcome to read it again. Either way...this chapter ends with a raunchy sex scene and a big revelation...enjoy!!

Previously on the British Roommate...

*"I don't think he is quite used to this."

"Used to what dear?" Hayley asked, a bit confused.

"Well this whole welcoming family thing."

"And why do you think that?"

"Well..."Ethan said and took a bite of his breakfast. "His parents kicked him out of the house when they found out that he is gay."

"Oh my God. Well we will just have to show him all the love and support that he is missing."

*"You know, seeing you like this kind of makes me excited..."

Phillip smiled.

"I know, your excitement is poking me in the hip."

Ethan spun Phillip around and pushed him onto the bed.

*"Ethan fucking White!" a loud voice called from behind them.

"Oh my God Jesse" Ethan said and hugged a very attractive

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked as she stood back to have a good look at him.

"I came down for thanksgiving. How have you been?" Ethan asked.

"Well E.T, let's get something to drink and I will fill you in on all the nitty gritty details of my life."

Jesse looked at Phillip who joined Ethan.

"And who is this hottie?" Jesse asked.

"Oh right this is Phillip, my boyfriend."

"You still the star of the football team? I bet you that is

how you landed yourself this British hottie"

"You played football?" Phillip asked.

Jesse frowned.

"Yeah I played. It was no big deal."

"Not a big deal? E.T, you lived for football. I always figured

that it was to get the guys."


"What E.T?" she asked and took a sip of her milkshake.

"This guy used to bag a new hottie every second day..." she said to Phillip.

"Was that really necessary?" Ethan asked as soon as Phillip was out of sight.

"C'mon E.T. It's not like you were ashamed of it when you were in high school."

"But I'm not that guy anymore, Jess."

"You can say what you want too, E.T. somewhere in there" she said pointing towards his head, "Is the same old Jockslut just bursting to escape."

"You leaving?" Phillip asked her.

"Yeah, I am hosting a kegger tonight and I still have tons to do before then. You guys should swing by. Check it out. All of E.T's friends will be there. He can introduce you" she said before turning around leaving.

*`I will try to enjoy myself. But I keep on thinking about you.

I really want to fuck you again. I am getting hard just thinking about it.' – Jake

Ethan smiled and threw his cell phone on the bed. He took his clothes of and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

*"God I love you Ethan" he said as he fell down next to Ethan on the bed.

Ethan was still coming down from their sexual hype.

"I love you too Jake" Ethan said and his eyes suddenly shot open as the words left his mouth.

Phillip frowned...

Part 9

Phillip jumped up.

"Oh my God...did you just..." Phillip said and he was looking around for something to cover himself with. He suddenly felt exposed.

"Phill I am so sorry I just..." Ethan said as he tried to reach out for him. But Phillip pulled away.

"You did not just call me Jake..."

"I'm so sorry...he sent me a text earlier and I guess he was just on my mind..."

"You were thinking about your Ex boyfriend while I was busy fucking you?" Phillip said as he turned to walk out.

"Phiilip...wait..." Ethan said as he jumped up and ran after him.

Upstairs, Phillip was busy getting dressed when Ethan came in.

"Where are you going?" Ethan said as saw Phillip struggling to put on his pair of jeans.

"I have to get out of here"

"Can we please just talk about this? it's not what you think?"

Phillip spun around quickly, causing Ethan to stumble backwards and fall onto the bed.

"You gonna try and convince me that you did not call me by your Ex boyfriend's name after we had what was the best sex yet?"

"It's not...I mean okay I did call you that but..."

"There is no butts Ethan...God...I had to know something was up when you acted that way...I've never seen you like that."

"Phillip...I am asking you nicely...let us please just..."

"I can't talk about this now" Phillip said as he rushed out the room and down the stairs.

Ethan sighed and cradled his head in his hands. He heard the front door slam shut.

"Fuck..." he breathed as he got up. he took his pair of jeans and T-shirt from the floor and got dressed quickly.

Downstairs he grabbed his cell phone and dialled quickly.

"Yoh, whats up babe" Lizzy's voice sounded cheery over the phone.

"Lizzy I fucked up...big time..." Ethan said as he was pacing up and down in the kitchen.

"What happened Eth?"

"Jake got to me...he got into my head with his crazy fucktup ways and then Jesse said some things to me and Phillip and everything just got so messed up and..."

"Slow down're not making any sense here. Start from the beginning." Lizzy said with great concern in her voice.

"I messed up Liz...Phillip knows about Jake and he stormed off and he is wondering around Los Angeles and I have no idea what to do..." Ethan said. He could feel the tears well up in his eyes.

"Okay, Ethan...Listen to me...Nothing is too big to be fixed, alright."

"I don't know if I can fix this Liz..."

"I know you feel like it now babe but trust me on this okay. That boy loves you very much."

Ethan sighed hard. He ran his hands through his messy hair.

"What do I do?" Ethan asked. The tears rolled down his face.

"Right now, you need to go out there and find Phillip okay. Los Angeles is a big place and he will get lost in no time."

Ethan sighed.

"I don't know where to begin..."

"Well..." Liz said. "He can't be that far...there aren't that many hiding spots in Encinitas."

Ethan jumped into his car and drove around for what seemed like hours. He could not find Phillip anywhere.

Ethan stopped at a red light. it was already dark outside and he still had no idea where Phillip could be. He sighed and felt the tears roll down his cheeks again. He felt his cell phone vibrate. He took his phone out and answered.

"Hello..." he said and heard some loud music in the background.

"Did you lose something?" a female voice said over the phone.

Ethan frowned.

" is not a good time."

"Well in that should make your way down here. I have something that belongs to you..."

Ethan suddenly realised what she referred too.

"How is he?" Ethan asked as he wiped his face.

"Drunk...and dancing on the tables. he is fun Ethan. I can see why you like him..."

Ethan heard a loud crashing sound in the back and then a girl yelled out, "Oh my god...I think he hurt himself..."

The phone died.

Ethan sped away fast. A few minutes later he stopped in front of a house. There were loud music playing and there were drunk people walking in and out of the house.

Ethan opened the door and saw masses of people dancing around and drinking. some of them where sitting on the couch smoking a joint and others were making out in corners, rubbing up against each other.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away..." a voice said behind him. Jesse had a bear in her hand and stumbled towards Ethan. Ethan caught her as she fell forward. some of the bear spilled on him.

"Nice catch" she said and took another sip of her drink as she steadied herself on her feet.

"Where is he Jess?" Ethan said as he looked around.

"Hey...relax E.T. Have a drink first." she said and held her paper cup out to him.

"Jess, I'm not fucking around. where the hell is he?" Ethan said as he grabbed a hold of her.

"Jeez relax E.T. He is in my bedroom sleeping it off." she said.

Ethan pushed past her and rushed up the stairs. He opened the bedroom door slowly and saw Phillip laying on the bed. He closed the door behind him and walked over.

"Phillip?" he said as he sat down next to him on the bed.

Phillip turned around and looked at Ethan.

" came..." he said as he wiped his face with his hands.

Ethan moved up to make more room for him. Phillip tried sitting up but he fell forward. Ethan grabbed him and steadied him.

"I'm so sorry Phillip..." he said as he put his hand on Phillip's back.

"Take me home Ethan" Phillip said as he laid his head on Ethan's lap.

Phillip woke up the next morning early. the room was still a little bit dark. He could make out a figure beside him. He moved to sit up. His head was spinning.

"How are you feeling?" a voice behind him made him jump.

"Fuck..." he said as he looked around. "I feel like absolute shit" he said as he felt every part of his body aching.

"Yeah...I would think so..." Ethan said and grabbed a bottle of water from his nightstand. He handed it to Phillip. "Here...drink this." he said.

"Thanks" Phillip said and gulped down almost the entire bottle. He sighed and moved closer to Ethan.

"Phillip, I have to explain something to you..." Ethan said and wiped his eyes.

"Don't...please just...hold me..." Phillip said and moved in closer as Ethan put his arm around him.

Both of them laid there holding each other. The sun was slowly making its way into the bedroom. The two of them slowly drifted off.

Ethan opened his eyes a few hours later and saw a very familiar face stare at him. He blinked a few times to clear his eyes.

"Hey dork" the voice said. "Missed me?"

Ethan took his arm of Phillip and lifted himself up.

"Jamie?" Ethan said and looked around the room quickly.

"Mom warned me that I might find you and this extremely super sexy specimen doing grown up stuff."

Ethan jumped up and hugged her. She hugged him back.

"Damn I missed you big bro" she said and started crying.

Ethan hugged her hard. He also felt himself tear up.

Phillip walked downstairs. The house was rather quiet. He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of juice. he stood in front of the refrigerator, deep in thought.

"You know", a voice said behind him that made him jump. He turned around quickly "A few years ago I would have called the police when I saw a random stranger standing in our kitchen. But then again, for you I'd gladly make an exception..."

Phillip frowned.

"Who are you?" he said and scratched his head confused.

"Who am I?" Jamie said and approached him slowly. Phillip stood there confused as Jamie put her arms around him.

"You mean, you don't remember me?" she said and moved her hands all over his torso. "After I saw you naked...I have to's kind of hard for me not to remember you..." she said and looked at him from head to toe. "Damn...even better in daylight..." she said as she pretended to stare at him.

"Uh..." Phillip muttered as he tried to move away awkwardly.

The front door slammed and seconds later a sweaty Ethan entered the kitchen.

"Hey..." Ethan said out of breath and smiling. "Stop torturing the gonna make him run away..." Ethan said as he approached Phillip and gave him a quick sloppy kiss.

"Phillip...this is my annoying yet very bratty sister Jamie"

Phillip sighed. "Of course...the sister. Hello, it's so good to finally meet you."

Jamie smiled and went in for a hug.

"I should be the one saying mom has been bragging about this boy that E.T is bringing home for the holidays." she said and pulled away.

"Where is everyone sis?" Ethan asked as he took a bottle of water and gulped it down.

"Well mom and dad took Jamie out for breakfast and I am on my way to the mall to meet up with some friends."

"You just got here and you are already going out again?" Ethan asked disappointed.

"Hey, my life didn't end when you went to college, you know. now I will see you guys later" she said and kissed Ethan goodbye before she left the kitchen."

Ethan walked over to Phillip.

"Can I say a proper hello now?" Ethan asked.

Phillip pulled him closer and kissed him. He got a whiff of Ethan's scent. it was strong and intoxicating. Phillip felt himself get hard instantly. He started kissing Ethan hard. Then Ethan pulled away.

"Woah...slow down there...I need to grab a shower first if we are gonna do this..." Ethan said and tried to pull away. Phillip grabbed his arm.

"You are definitely not going to take a shower now..." Phillip said as he pulled him in again and kissed him.

Ethan moaned in his lover's mouth as Phillip started kissing his neck, licking his skin and tasting him as he made his way down to his lover's nipples. Phillip sucked on the first one through Ethan's shirt while playing with the other one.

Ethan pulled away and took his shirt of before Phillip hungrily returned to sucking on his nipples. Phillip worked on Ethan's nipples with his mouth while playing with his lover's growing erection though his sweat pants.

"Fuck..." Ethan breathed as Phillip kissed and licked his way down to Ethan's treasure trail. Phillip was working his way down, inhaling deep as he put his face into Ethan's crotch. He started nibbling the wet spot that formed on Ethan's pants. Ethan fell backwards, grabbing onto the counter as Phillip sucked his raging hard cock through his pants.

"Please...I can't" Ethan said out of breath. Phillip pulled of and looked up at Ethan.

"What do you need mate...say it..." Phillip whispered out of breath.

"Suck my cock babe..." Ethan said as he closed he looked into Phillip's eyes.

Phillip pulled Ethan's pants down and inhaled the sweet sweaty aroma as he took the dripping hard cock into his mouth in one swift motion.

"Aaaahhhh...fuck...yeah fucking suck my dick...oh yeah...fuck..." Ethan breathed as he started face fucking his lover.

Phillip let out some moans in between slurping on Ethan's dick and licking the head to get all of the precum. Phillip lifted Ethan's dick and licked it from the base to the tip before swirling his tongue around the head. He took Ethan's balls into his mouth, sucking on them one by one as he was jerking his cock.

"Turn around..." Phillip said as he pulled away. Ethan did as he was told.

Phillip started kissing Ethan's ass cheeks, pulling them apart and licking around the hole before he started eating Ethan's raunchy ass.

"Fucking hell" Ethan moaned as he held onto the counter for all his worth.

"Eat my fucking sweaty hole...fuck yeah..." Ethan moaned as Phillip was rimming his juicy ass.

"You taste so fucking good mate...I can do this the whole day..." Phillip moaned before getting his tongue back in there. Ethan was moaning and panting loudly. Phillip felt his own wet cock though his shorts and pulled his shorts down with his one hand. Phillip stood up and started kissing Ethan's back as he was busy lubing up his own cock with his precum.

"I'm going to fuck you now mate..." Phillip said and pushed his hard dick into Ethan's ass.

"Fuck!!" Ethan shouted as Phillip grabbed a hold of his hips. Phillip rocked back and forth as hard as he can. His balls were slapping loudly against Ethan's ass as he was pushing his hard cock in deep before pulling it out and slamming it back in hard.

They were both moaning loudly.

"Is this what you want from him?" Phillip yelled through gritted teeth as he slammed into his lover even harder.

"Is this how Jake fucked you?" Phillip said again and pulled on Ethan's hair as he slammed into him.

"Fuck yeah...damn...fuck me harder..." Ethan breathed as he tried to push back on Phillip's dick.

"This is what you want from him mate? This is what you need huh?" Phillip moaned loudly through gritted teeth.

"Fuck yes..." Ethan responded and started moaning very load.

The pleasure was becoming too much for them both too handle.

"Fuck I'm close" Phillip said as he was panting and sweating while fucking his lover.

"Cum inside me...fill me up with your fucking load" Ethan yelled as he felt his own balls tighten. Ethan started shooting his load all over the floor and on their feet.

Phillip couldn't hold out much longer either. He slammed deep inside Ethan a few more times and growled loudly as he shot his load deep inside of Ethan's now worn out ass.

"Fuck..." they both exclaimed as Phillip collapsed onto Ethan.

They were both panting out of breath.

after they collected themselves, Phillip pulled out of Ethan and steadied himself on his feet before helping Ethan to his.

Ethan turned around and kissed Phillip on the mouth...hard.

"Fuck...I do taste good" Ethan said and smiled before they kissed again.

"Now this was one hell of a sight to see..." a voice said behind them.

Both of them turned around at the same time.

Jake was standing at the doorway, his sportsbag at his feet and a big bulge in the front of his shorts.

"Couldn't wait for me to get here and join in?" Jake said and smiled and the two naked sweaty men in front of him.

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading this one. The next chapter is already sent through and should be up in a few days.

Hope the ending made up for the long wait. ??


Passionate Writer.

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