The Brothel Temple

By J Wolfstone

Published on Aug 29, 2011



"Please?" my brother begged me for what felt like the millionth time. I looked up at the handsome building in front of me and back to my brother, sat crookedly in his wheelchair, struggling to sit comfortably, wracked with the illness that very soon would kill him.

"Colin" I pleaded though I wasn't sure what I was asking of him.

"Stuart, you've come this far. Please, I beg you, just take me inside" he said.

I took a deep breath and gulped, nervous of going into the temple or brothel or whatever it was. I'd never really understood -- I never wanted to understand. Cursing myself for a fool I closed and locked the car and then, with an audible sigh of relief from my brother I began to walk across the car park towards the main entrance.

I pushed Colin's wheelchair into the foyer of the building, looking around apprehensively, not knowing what to expect. Surprisingly to my naive and judgemental eyes, it was light, airy and spacious. A reception desk was in front of us, with a beautiful floral display in a glass vase taking up most of the desk space. Behind the desk and to one side of the flowers sat a young man wearing plain white shorts and a white tee shirt. Faint orchestral music played in the background through unseen speakers and there was incense and various floral and other sweet scents lingering in the air.

"Hello, my name is Thomas and I'm one of the temple hosts today. How can I help you?" the young man asked softly, smiling at us.

I initially felt lost for words and didn't know what to say. The only things that came to mind were either rude or insulting so in retrospect silence was probably my best course of action. Luckily for both of us, Colin had rehearsed this moment in his mind several times. "I've got bone cancer and it's terminal" he said in a gruff voice. "Stuart" he nodded in my direction, "wasn't convinced but I hoped" his voice trailed off into silence.

"Our primary reason for existing is to offer healing" we were reminded by the gently smiling young man. "Let me show you into the worship space and you can get comfortable" he said, standing up. He came from behind the desk and I noticed absently that his feet were bare. He beckoned me to follow him through a pair of doors into a huge room filled with light and laughter. Sunlight streamed in through the glass-roofed ceiling and the incense and floral scents were strong on the warm air but not so strong as to be overpowering. Voices came from all directions but the room was filled with gauze and silk curtains hung on unseen supports a few feet above my head and arranged in an apparently haphazard manner, making it hard to discern how many people were in the room and where they were. Above us the ceiling was mainly glass, with the stone supports painted with beautiful floral motifs.

Thomas led us both down a narrow pathway between the silken tents and presently lifted up one of the gauze curtains and the lilac silk curtain underneath it to reveal a small private space. It was dominated by a large mattress upholstered with creamy coloured satin and covered in loose cushions in various colours. To one side was a low stone table made of white marble. "Do you need assistance to get out of your chair in order to lie down together?" Thomas asked and Colin shook his head nervously.

"I'm not, that is I can't" he mumbled.

Thomas smiled at us. "Nothing's going to happen if you're too nervous to even get out of your wheelchair" he told us both with amusement.

"It's not that, Stuart's my brother, not" Colin finally blurted after a lengthy silence during which I, too, was completely tongue-tied, shocked at the young man's assumptions.

To my surprise Thomas blushed. "Oh!" he said, "I'm so sorry, I assumed you were lovers. Would you like Stuart's assistance during the healing, Colin, or would you prefer someone else help you today?"

My brother was suddenly overcome with embarrassment. "Someone else please," he whispered in a tiny voice.

Thomas nodded. "Would you prefer a male or a female host?" he asked. He opened his mouth and I interrupted, "be honest, Colin" I told him, knowing that his normal instinct was to lie about his sexuality, something I'd never understood.

"Male please" he whispered, blushing furiously.

Thomas just smiled calmly and nodded, then to my surprise he turned to me. "And you, Stuart, are you going to offer worship or would you prefer to sit in the foyer and wait? We have a good library if you want to read something, these things can take some time" he asked me.

"I've never worshipped your god" I told him. "I'm actually a Christian but I couldn't bare my brother suffering so if I can help him, then" I trailed off, finding it difficult to admit that I would willingly worship a god other than Christ. I was still finding it hard to admit to myself that I had willingly entered the building at all.

"It doesn't matter if you've worshipped Lord Joshua before or not" Thomas assured me. "Joshua welcomes all and you don't have to do anything or observe anything that makes you uncomfortable."

He turned to my brother. "I'll send in a host to help you shortly, is that okay?" he asked and my brother blushed again and nodded.

Thomas then led me out of the booth, or tent, or whatever it was and we went back to the foyer. "Just give me a moment" he said to me and then briefly disappeared through a side door. I could hear voices murmuring and then a tall, handsome man who appeared a few years older than Thomas and who was also dressed in white shorts and tee shirt, came out, nodded to me and went through the double doors, presumably to help my brother.

"And now you, Stuart, would you prefer a male or female host or would you prefer to be alone? Since you're not specifically requesting healing but are here only to worship the choice is yours."

"Any option is fine" I said. "I'm not actually fussy" I whispered sheepishly.

Thomas smiled. "In that case I will be your host. Come with me" he beckoned. We went through the doors again and I noticed that a young woman dressed in the same attire took Thomas' place at the reception desk.

We went in a different direction, to another booth that was furnished in the same way as the one my brother and I had been led to although the silk curtains were pale green rather than lilac. Thomas laid himself down in a fluid motion, propping himself up on one elbow as he smiled at me gracefully. "Join me" he asked.

"What will happen? How does one worship Joshua?" I asked nervously, unable to permit myself to lie on the mattress. I didn't want to have sex with a stranger but suddenly I was in the middle of a brothel apparently preparing to do just that.

"I help you prepare and relax and when you're ready I leave and Joshua comes and joins you. Then you do as you wish. Most people just hug and kiss Him but some are willing to bring Him to orgasm in all manner of ways. It depends on you and how far you are willing to go, however most people in monogamous relationships and most lesbians limit themselves to kissing" Thomas said frankly.

"And the preparation?" I asked. I knew I was sounding suspicious but couldn't help it.

Thomas laughed. "We take shoes and socks off and loosen any tight belts or buttons so you aren't uncomfortable when you lie down" he said, "nothing sinister, I promise! And some people light incense and candles or ask their hosts to give them a massage or reflexology. Literally, whatever helps you relax and calm yourself so that you are ready to meet with Joshua. That's all we do" he told me.

"And the god really comes to everyone in person?" I asked sceptically.

"Yes" he said softly, "but you'll have proof for yourself in a few minutes. Now come, relax" he urged me.

He got to his knees on the silken mattress and reaching up he took my hand and pulled gently. With some reluctance I knelt down and he urged me to sit. Reaching over with deft fingers he undid my laces and removed my shoes and socks before urging me to scoot further on to the mattress and lie down. He lounged back into the propped-up position he'd first assumed and reaching over, he undid the top button of my shirt and the button on the waistband of my jeans. "Just so it doesn't constrict you too much" he whispered when I opened my mouth to protest.

"How do you relax when you're at home?" he then asked me.

"Erm" I mumbled, "I read" I said, "or sing."

He laughed a gentle giggle. "Okay then, that's not really going to work here, so why don't you tell me how do you relax with your lovers?"

"I don't know," I blushed, feeling all awkward and embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want me to take the lead then?" he asked and I nodded. He got up from where he lounged and crawled on his knees over to the small stone marble table. Underneath the table was a box of ornately carved wood and he pulled it out, reached into it and picked some incense in a burner, some candles and a lighter out and proceeded to light candles and set the incense alight. A sweet-smelling smoke began to rise, mingling with the tiny, flickering orange flames. He put the lighter away and took out another item, a small glass bottle, then turned back to me.

"Slip your shirt off and lie down I'll give you a back massage" he offered.

All in a daze I complied with his request, not really sure why I didn't argue, though I had to admit that I genuinely wanted to try and relax so that I could try and connect with the god who I hoped would heal my brother. He began to work the oil into my shoulders and for the first time in a long time I realised how much tension I carried.

"You've been so worried for your brother, haven't you?" Thomas asked and I mumbled an affirmative. "No more worries, if he is willing he will be healed today" I was assured as the strong, warm hands kneaded my back.

I lay there for quite some time, allowing myself to relax and I almost drifted off to sleep under the gentle pressure of the excellent massage. After a while, I couldn't have said how long, I gradually became aware that the feel of the hands was different. I sleepily turned my head and opened my eyes and suddenly realised that the masseur was no longer Thomas, the young temple host but was a being in the shape of a man, whose face was both infinitely comforting and overwhelmingly awe inspiring. I looked at Joshua and realised that I was face to face with the divine.

"Lord?" I whispered, beginning to tremble.

"Mm-hm" He whispered back, continuing to gently knead my shoulders.

I rolled and turned around to look at Him and His hands dropped away from me. "Lord" I said and my voice wavered as I took in His beauty, His calmness, the sheer clarity of His eyes and the innocence of His smile. He reached for me and drew me into a sitting position and acting on instinct I threw my arms around Him and pulled the god into a passionate embrace.

Suddenly all my fears were groundless as I came face to face with the immortal deity and as I put all my passion and love into the embrace I found myself murmuring to Him, "heal my brother, make him well, I beg you."

"He is already healed and is resting" He assured me, whispering into my ear in an intimate, erotic fashion. "Your brother is healed" He repeated.

My joy at the news coupled with the warm breath on my ear and the closeness of the perfect, immortal body made me suddenly aware of my own body, specifically my erection that had without me realising swelled into full hardness. My loose, unbuttoned jeans had slipped down my hips and my organ was bare moments away from escaping from the confines of my boxer shorts.

For some reason I was neither concerned nor embarrassed, rather I was filled with an overwhelming desire for the deity in whose arms I found myself cradled. I leaned up and kissed Him, all in a daze and He kissed me back, putting a depth of passion I'd never before felt into His kiss.

The kiss lasted for uncounted minutes and as we pulled away it was the most natural thing in the world to let my drooping shorts and jeans slip right off, pulled away by my immortal lover. He lay down with me and His divine light flared briefly before sinking back to a gentle glow that revealed a perfect, naked body that simultaneously glistened in the candlelight and glittered with its own inner flame.

He ran His hands down my torso and I mimicked Him, caressing each of His perfect muscles, gliding gentle fingertips over His nipples. I kissed Him again and my memory brought me back, ironically, to my last girlfriend and the sex we'd had together. Seeming to know the way my thoughts were running, seeming to know that I was always the one `on top' when I had sex, suddenly the god and I were manoeuvred so that I would be able to penetrate Him, so that I would be the one in control. I kneaded and kissed the granite-like muscles that curved over his hip and thigh before pulling myself up to my knees and allowing Him to lead my rock-hard organ into His back passage. I had hazy glimpses of my ex, Pamela, as I made love to Joshua, me on my knees, Him lying on his side looking up at me and as I orgasmed deep inside Him, I felt Him spasm and cum along with me.

He pulled me down from my knees into His arms and we kissed deeply. As I embraced Him I became covered in His seed, which had erupted at the same time as my own. We were both covered in His bodily fluids and I didn't care, nothing mattered as long as I was in the arms of the god. I felt my love for Him burst from me and then the sensation of tickling deep inside my soul as He held me tight in His strong arms.

"Thank you" He said, the first words spoken in what seemed like a lifetime. He got to his knees and I followed, mirroring His movements, feeling suddenly bereft without Him.

"Your love has fed me well" He said solemnly. He leaned and kissed me and my heartache at losing Him was replaced with a sense of honour and privilege that I'd been given the opportunity to worship Him properly. "Thank you" He whispered again before slipping through curtains and away.

I fell back onto the cushions and laid there, half dozing, half sleeping as I basked in the sensations and memories, enjoying the scented incense, the faint music and the sounds of others' pleasure echoing around me.

Presently I heard the curtains rustle and opening my eyes and propping myself up on one elbow I saw my young host, Thomas, come back into the room. I was embarrassed at my nakedness but he was unperturbed and knelt beside me with a small smile playing on his lips. He put a basin of warm water, some cloths and soap and a towel down next to where he knelt.

"I'm here to help you clean up" he whispered.

"I can get it" I protested, sitting up but he put a gentle hand on my chest and eased me back down into a lying position. "Let me, it is my honour to serve my god" he whispered and began to gently, reverently, clean Joshua's seed from my torso before drying me with a soft white towel.

"I'll leave you to get dressed and I'll be back in a few minutes to show you out" he said softly, raising himself to standing and taking the basin, the cloths and the towel away with him.

It didn't take me long to make myself presentable again though I was filled with doubts about my own faith. I claimed to be a Christian but here I was, in a brothel- temple that had been raised to a strange deity. I turned and looked at the bed where I'd both lost and found my spirituality and couldn't help but kneel and cry. I felt a hand on my head though when I looked up no one was there. Do not cry came a voice, spoken inside my head and I knew it was Joshua. There is nothing to fear, love is not a crime nor is it a sin, it is simply an expression of the emotions that rule all of our lives. You have done nothing wrong, I promise He told me and with His words came a gentle reassurance that they were true, a reassurance that filled my heart with the warmth of His love.

I wiped my tears away and saw Thomas, kneeling beside me as if waiting for me to finish, or perhaps in worship alongside me. He met my tear-filled eyes and smiled. "We welcome all, we always have and we always will" he said enigmatically. "If you need us, please come" he told me gently. "Now, are you ready?"

I nodded and got to my feet and he showed me the way through the many veils and curtains back to the main door. I was only stood there a moment before my brother joined me, to my astonishment walking out unaided.

"Colin?!" I gasped. Though I'd been told that he'd been healed, seeing him so well, so healthy, standing on both feet unaided and without any pain stunned me. I suddenly found it hard to breathe and hugging my brother tightly, unable to control my tears.

"I'm healed! All the pain, all the stiffness in my joints, my headaches, everything has gone! It's a miracle!" he laughed as we hugged.

"It is indeed" he smiled to me before we walked together out of the temple and into the sunlight. As we walked towards where I'd parked the car I glanced back at the building that had changed my perspective and changed my life and at that point I knew I would be back.

Dear reader! If you enjoyed this and want to learn more about Joshua, the healing deity to whom the temple in this story has been raised, you might enjoy my other stories, "Spartan" and "Sons of Sparta" both in the gay/scifi section.

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