The Brotherhood

By Mobius Loop

Published on Mar 24, 1997



THE BROTHERHOOD: by Mobius Chapter Two: TRUTHS

"The Brotherhood began, " Scott said, his fingers lazily caressing his limp wet cock, "about three years ago. For some reason, a group of four friends got together and realized that not only did they like boys, but they were attracted to each other. But you just can't practice gay sex in this town... this is a really conservative area. You'd be ostracized by everyone."

Kyle took over the explaining as he moved his arm around Todd's shoulders. "So, they decided that in order to protect themselves, they would have to create a top secret club. It would only be the four of them, to keep it from getting too big or out of control. They would meet secretly and have all of the sex they wanted. It was really great...."

"But," Todd interrupted, "they got so into the idea of the club, they actually officialized it. They called it The Brotherhood and that each of the four members wore a ring to signify their joining. This was so that ex-Brotherhood members could recognize you. You could only join if you were in high school; once you graduated, you were out of the group."

"Only because they went off to college and shit like that," Kyle piped in.

"And, just because they liked it so much, they would shave their genitals while they were members. Apparently that tradition still LINGERS...." Todd said to Kyle. Kyle just shook his head.

"Hey, I know its a pain when it starts growing back in... but when it's shaven clean...." he replied.

"So, this is basically an underground high school gay club?" I asked.

"No, it's more than that," Scott replied. "To be asked into the group is really exclusive. All of us are clean of diseases and other shit, and plus the fact its just plain fun. We get together over somebody's house when no one will be around and just have great sex. Only the group on the whole can approve of new members, usually one from each class to be handed down as people enter and graduate the high school."

"Kyle is the last of the original four members. He was the freshman class representative," Todd added. "Now, he's a senior."

"I mean, it's really safe to be yourself here," Scott continued, "These aren't random orgies with just anyone. When you're with the same people for such a long time, it becomes more than just friendship. We're like a family. Like.... "

"...brothers," Kyle concluded.

It all made sense to me, except one thing.

"But there are only three of you," I observed. "Where's the fourth?"

All of them looked at me, and I got a sudden rush of conflicting feelings. They wanted me to join. Half of me was thrilled, because it would be my first real time to have a group of friends out here. They were great people, and they wanted me to be included in their fun. But the other half felt nervousness-- they wanted to include me in their fun, literally.

"Me? You want me? Why?"

"You're the first real good candidate to come along," Todd said. "I mean, there wasn't a real good batch of bisexually curious freshmen this year. And the ones we scoped out proved to be too immature. They wouldn't be able to handle to seriousness of what we were doing."

"When we saw you show up in January in the Freshman class, we figured we needed to find out whether you'd be good," Kyle said. "But where we knew everyone else from just going to school with them forever, we didn't know anything about you. So, while it was risky, Todd and I had to stage the shower room to see how'd you react."

"Man, we thought we were done for when we saw you bolt. We figured we should say goodbye to the Brotherhood and goodbye to our lives. But, you turned out to be really cool," Scott added.

"You mean," I said. "That scene was a setup intended for me? That was ballsy."

Todd smiled. He sat up and looked at me, "Well, that's how they got me. Instead of running, though, I joined in."

"That was a cincher!" Scott said.

"Listen," Kyle said looking up at me from the floor, "are you still cool? Todd trusted you not to say anything, and I trust Todd. But, we need to know whether we can count on you."

"Listen, guys," I said hesitantly, "I really don't feel like I'm gay."

"Look," Todd said, moving up onto the sofa beside me, "being in the Brotherhood does not make you necessarily gay. Everyone here likes girls, we date them, we love having sex with them. In fact, I think the eldest one of our ex-members is married! We're not asking you to be gay... that's up to you. The Brotherhood is about really having the most fun with each other. We love each other, we help each other, and yeah, we have sex with each other. But chances are, once we are out of the Brotherhood, we're all just going to go back to girls."

"Hell, I don't know if I can after the way you suck cock, Todd," Kyle said. "I've never had any girl come close to the orgasms you've given me."

"Look, Jason," Todd concluded. "If you say no, we understand. We'll be disappointed, but we'll understand. We ask that if you say no, though, that you'll be cool enough not to say anything to anyone. What do you think?"

The moment seemed to last forever. I was incredibly torn. I had never considered myself gay, and if I joined, then it would be a disaster should I be discovered. But I felt so hot from the sex they had just performed for me, as well as fuzzy from the Vodka. All I knew was that I was aching for relief and they were proposing intimate friendships. The guarantee of four years of discreet sex was also better odds than if I went it alone.

I gave them the only answer I could. "I'm still here, aren't I?"

They all looked relieved, even happy. Todd was so excited that he leaned over and kissed me fast. It was another surprise, but the alcohol slowed my reaction so I didn't back away. His tongue in my mouth felt incredible, only building my excitement once again. I felt the taste of what must have been Kyle's semen in his mouth. It was different, but not disgusting.

"Now, now," Scott said, pulling Todd off of me, "There will be plenty of time for that. First we need to initate him."

I hadn't thought of that. I got a little nervous. I hope that it wasn't something too outrageous. I was a novice here, in a strange land. I didn't want to be pushed off the edge of that cliff yet.

"I'm the senior, I'll lead the initiation," Kyle said. He stood up, tucking his dick back in his pants and zipping them back up, "Todd, prepare the washbasin. Scott, you go find the ring."

The others left the room. Kyle, the most physically built of all of them gave me a warm smile. He motioned for me to stand up. I followed his directions.

"Don't worry, Jason," he said. "We just want to shave you and see you commit yourself to us. Just lie on the floor and open your jeans."

I lay down on the floor. Slowly, I unbuttoned my jeans and carefully undid the zipper. My dick was becoming limp again, but the excitement of what was about to happen was keeping it long. Kyle knelt at my feet and started to untie my shoes. One by one, he pulled them off my feet and placed them to the side. Then he carefully unrolled the socks from my feet and put them aside, too. My feet were still clean, as I had showered only a few hours ago.

Kyle started to rub my feet gently, trying to relax me. Feeling his touch was new, and strange, and exciting. Another boy had never touched me like that, but now it was becoming more and more okay. I got used to the feel of his hands as they rubbed my feet, casually caressing my ankles and calves.

Todd returned to the room with a large bowl of steaming warm water, shaving cream, and electric shaver, a razor, a towel, and washcloth. On his heels was Scott with a necklace in his hands.

"C'mon, Kyle, get on with it. This water is going to cool down." Todd said. He knelt with the materials and placed them around me.

Kyle reached up and got hold of my jeans. "Raise up."

As I lifted my hips, Kyle pulled my jeans down as Todd slipped a towel underneath me. Kyle slipped off the jeans carefully, folding them and putting them aside.

There I lay, surrounded by three other boys in my boxer shorts, the outline of my dick showing through. There was a small wet spot on my boxers from the precum I had leaked while they had gotten me aroused earlier. Time seemed to slow down as Kyle reached up, took gentle hold of my boxers, and slipped them off of me.

Now I was completely naked, my semi-hard cock being examined by these boys I hadn't even known for twenty-four hours! Kyle moved up, lying on his side facing me.

"It's important that when we shave you, you stay hard." With that, his fingers gently wrapped themselves around my cock. His strong hand was now rubbing up against my hot cock, which quickly came back to full arousal.

"The trick is to tell me when you are about to cum, so that you don't get off. If you do, you'll go limp and then we'll have to wait until you can get up again," he explained as he slowly moved his hand up and down my dick.

Suddenly, I noticed Scott approaching me on the other side with an electric shaver in his hand. He turned on the shaver and with a loud buzzing sound, began to shave off the thickening tufts of dark pubic hair from my crotch. After a few carefull passes underneath my shaft, he stopped. Kyle had to sometimes move his hand so that it wouldn't be in the way.

As Scott brushed away the hair, he revealed the stubbly remains. The skin was so pale down there.

"How are you doing?" Kyle asked. I nodded in response.

Next, Todd wringed out a washcloth of warm water and brought it over to crotch. He held the dripping wet cloth of her cock and balls and let the water run. It shocked me as the warm water started running across my skin. Kyle removed his hand, my cock fully erect. The washcloth was draped over my dick as Todd's hand grasped it, washing my penis thoroughly. He soaked the stubble on my crotch and scrotum until I was completely wet.

In a moment, he had a thick soapy lather covering my pubic area. Todd took the razor after soaking it in the bowl of water, and made a slow swipe across the stubble. It was amazing how well he did it, leaving nothing but a clean bar of bare skin. He rinsed out the razor and made another swipe.

He continued, having to hold my soapy dick in his other hand as he work around the more sensitive areas. Feeling his slick fingers wrap themselves around my shaft was only more arousing, keeping me hard. I hope this wouldn't last for too much longer, I needed to get off badly.

Finally, Todd finished the last small run of the razor at the bottom of the scrotum, right infront of my asshole. I felt the trickle of soapy water down there and shivered. He then used the washcloth again to wipe away and rinse off my crotch. He hadn't nicked me even once! When he was done, my crotch was hairless, my wet cock standing straight at attention.

"Beautiful, Todd," Scott awed. "That was precious."

"Now, Jason, there's only one more thing you have to do," Kyle whispered in my ear, his hand coming to rest on my stomach. "You can choose who you want to make your commitment to The Brotherhood with. Where this is going to be your really first time, we'll even let you do it in private if you want. Who do you want to initiate you?"

I looked around at the three of them. But I really didn't need to think. Todd was sort of my lifeline. I had connected with him first, and he always showed a lot of gentleness with me. I appreciated that. Plus the fact, he hadn't been able to get off yet.

"Please... let it be Todd," I whispered. Todd smiled as he stood and unbuttoned his pants. He dropped them to the floor. He wasn't wearing any underwear. He cock was firm, about the same size as mine but a bit thinner. Kyle and Scott silently moved away the shaving materials and slipped the towel out from under me. As they sat back on the couches, Todd layed beside me, leaned towards me, and put his mouth on mine.

I closed my eyes to feel his hot tongue probing deeper and deeper. Sucking on my mouth, I could feel his body inch closer. I felt his skin press against mine. His body was so hot. I reached out with my arm to grab him and roll him on top of me. We sat there, tounging each other, rubbing our bodies against one another. I felt the hot firmness of his erect penis against my stomach, a small drop of wetness against me. My arms reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him against me, forcing his cock to rub up against the flatness of my belly. One of his hands reached down and wrapped their fingers around my cock. The smoothness of the skin added an extra edge to his caresses.

We stopped for a second and looked into each other's eyes. There was nothing but caring there. This Brotherhood was certainly more than just a casual fuck. They wanted me to not just be some regular friend, but an extra-special friend, included in the deepest parts of their desires.

"Please, Todd, turn around," I asked him. He happily agreed, moving his body around so that his crotch was parallel to my face. I looked at his hard dick, noticing how similar it was to mine. The head was thicker and the shaft was thinner, but it was about the same length and build. I reached my head over and tentatively, with my eyes closing, I exposed my tongue and ran it down the skin.

The skin of his cock was so hot. I could feel it pulse against my flat tongue. I moved up and down the shaft slowly, savoring the musky taste of his crotch. Not only was I drunk on alcohol, but I was also getting drunk on the sensations of his sex. I just started losing myself in the moment, alternative licking his cock and wrapping my mouth around it, kissing it lengthwise.

"Oh,'re so unbelievably good, "he moaned. Then I felt a tongue on my hard cock, and almost jumped. As the tongue continued its slow excursion around my swollen glans, absolute tingles of sensation went through me. It was nothing I had ever experienced and it was far better than the pale imaginings I had used in the shower earlier.

I noticed pearls of clear fluid were oozing from the tip of his cock. I pressed my tongue against them. It was similar to before, from his mouth on Kyle's semen, but it had its own taste to it. Instinctively, I wrapped my lips around his cockhead and sucked gently at it. I heard him moan, his mouth gently kneeding my stiff dick.

Suddenly, my cock became engulfed in soft, wet heat. His mouth started working up and down my shaft, his tongue milking my cockhead, his lips pursed in a gentle suction. The sensation seemed to explode through me, building me up quickly.

I decided there would be no other fair choice. Opening my mouth, I wrapped my lips completely around his cock and started to pump up and down on it. I started slowly, but quickly noticed my teeth scrapped his skin. I felt Todd jump.

"Jason," Kyle said. "Wrap your lips around your teeth so you don't scrape them."

I did as he suggested and the problem disappeared. I was filling my mouth with his beautiful dick, leaving trails of my thick saliva as I moved up and down. I wasn't able to get the whole thing in my mouth, but I heard no complaints as he continued to groan in delirious pleasure.

We did this for what seemed like eternity. In my fuzzy state, overcome with lust and horniness, I very well wished it would go on forever, but Todd was a pro and I was quickly building to a huge climax. The tightness of my scrotum was incredible, and the hot waves of pleasure rippled into my stomach, making it numb.

I pulled my mouth off his sopping wet cock for a second. "Todd, I'm going to cum, going to cum...... cummmmmming"

My body froze as spasm went through me. I felt the hard pumping of the fluids run through me, as if the pulse of my cumming became my heartbeat. The first three shots were incredibly hard, and I almost thought that I had pulled some invisible internal muscle. But Todd continued to work, sucking out all of my semen as he had on Kyle. I think I even started to black out as my spasms didn't stop, but only lessened into smaller, quivering pulsations.

"C'mon, Jason, you're falling behind," Scott razzed me. Awash in the glow of the most incredible orgasm of my life, I attacked Todd's cock with renewed vigor. I wanted to consume it. I forced myself onto it, feeling it in the back of my throat as I swallowed the whole thing. Todd appeared to appreciate my efforts, as he cried out with an incredible groan.

I couldn't believe it, but his dick was swelling even more in my mouth. My hand, firmly placed up against his scrotum, could feel the tightness of his balls, being pulled up. Todd was whimpering at every flick of my tongue, and started to gently buck his hips to the rhythm of my sucking.

"Jason...." was all he was able to gasp before I felt an incredible blast of hot sticky fluid in my mouth. I could feel the milk pulsing through the shaft before it spurt onto my tongue. All I could do was swallow as fast as I could. Unfortunately, he didn't stop and my mouth became too full, spilling out at the corners and back onto his shaft.

Finally, his cock stopped quivering and began to soften in my mouth. Still long and thick, I let my tongue milk it a few more times for any remaining drops of his cream. Finally, I released his dick from my mouth and laid back, completely exhausted. While I had spent myself only a minute before, my whole pelvis was numb with tingling, and a dull ache.

The room was silent for a few minutes. I could hardly get up.

"Well, Todd?" came Kyle's voice.

Still out of breath, Todd moaned his response. He moved himself slowly, turning around until his face was close to mine again. He pressed his mouth against me and as his tongue unfurled in my mouth, so did a flood of cum. He had held it in his mouth from me, and was giving it back. I almost choked having to swallow even more, but I enjoyed the taste of my own thick ejaculate. He fed it to me eagerly, like a mother bird regurgitating food for her chicks.

As Todd stopped kissing me, he lay beside me, draping his arm lovingly over me. Scott got up off the couch and came over to us, reaching down and picking up my right hand.

"Brother Jason, welcome."

And with that, he slipped the large ring onto my ring finger.

By the time I was able to sit up and look at the clock, it was quarter to one in the morning. Scott and Kyle were getting redressed to leave. I tried to put on my clothes as well.

"Do you want Kyle to drive you home?" Todd asked me. He could tell that the lateness of the hour, the booze, and the sexual exhaustion had driven me close to passing out.

"I don't know if I can make it to the car," I said. "Can I stay here?"

"Of course," Todd smiled, "but the rule of the Brotherhood is to only have sex when all of us are together. We won't be able to do anything if you stay."

"That's okay," I sighed, my eyes closing. "I'm not up for it anyway."

I laid back on the sofa, stretching myself out. I was asleep in practically a second. But before I lost consciousness, I felt three pairs of lips kiss me gently on my face. After that, I slept harder than I even had before.

I know what you're thinking, Mr. Bradley. I was seduced my the booze and the sex. But when I woke up the next morning, not only did I feel better with the vodka buzz gone, but I didn't regret a single thing I did. I've got a great new set of friends, and I haven't felt this great in ages. We see each other all the time, and sometimes we officially meet as The Brotherhood. They brought out something in me, something I've wanted for a long time.

Well, I hope you have a good summer, Mr. Bradley. Maybe I'll see you next year. Remember, this is confidential. You said it yourself-- illegal and immoral to share this with others. But I wanted you to know because I wanted you to realize how I found out all of these things about myself, and how it made me happy. Sincerely, Jason.

I put down the letter. Reading it had given me a slight stiffness. So, that's what had been plaguing Jason for those months I counselled him. A lot of insecurity and anxiety, coupled with an unconscious bisexual desire. Well, at least he had found truth about himself. How often do adults get to confront such truths so earnestly without fear or shame?

I refolded the letter, put it into my briefcase, and left for the summer.

My summer was pretty good. With the stability of my job at Riverview High, I was able to indulge myself with some short trips to the east coast (Cape Cod, to be exact) before returning to prepare for the new school year.

I had practically all but forgotten about Jason's letter to me. But on the first day of school as I went into my office, there was a black and white composition notebook sitting on the floor. It must have been shoved under the door.

I picked it up and examined it. On the front cover was plainly written words in black ink.

"Brotherhood Journal: Summer of 1982"

It was then that I remembered the letter and Jason, and the incredible story he told of his liberation. I opened the cover and began to peruse the contents.

They were entries, written by different people. Some of it was just silliness and scribblings, but others were more detailed accounts of other things. I was ready to read right into it, but the bell rang for first period, and I could only hide the journal in my briefcase before I had to run to an administrative meeting.

Next: Chapter 3

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