The Brothers' Fantasy

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jul 16, 2005



The Brothers Fantasy By

I'd often wondered what would happen if I ever were to meet anyone from the neighborhood where I'd lived as a child. What would they be like today? What would they have done with their lives? I'd wondered especially about Frank and John, two brothers about my age who'd lived on the next block, and this provided the subject of another fantasy. Fantasies are great, because I can do things I wouldn't in real life. For example, I don't have to worry about "safe sex" in a fantasy.

It was late at night, and I wanted to do this in bed, so I put on a condom to catch my discharges and lay down, caressing my balls, loose in their sac, as I slipped into an erotic reverie:

I was driving home from a business trip, and stopped at a diner about an hour from my home for a snack. It was very crowded, and the only seat I could find was in a booth occupied by two truckers. They graciously let me join them, apparently glad to have the company. They were partners in a trucking business, and often drove as a team. Our conversation disclosed that they had grown up in the same city I had, and it turned out that they had lived only a block away. When they gave me their names, Frank and John, I realized that I had known them, although superficially, as a child. Frank was a year older than I, while John was two years younger.

They didn't remember me, and of course I would never have recognized them because they looked very different from the way they did when we were all pre-teens. Like me, both had married young, then divorced, and had had no children.

"I think my right hand is better than any woman," Frank said, disclosing this intimate detail with no reluctance. "Me, too," echoed John, adding that; "We often relieve each other on the road." The double meaning did not escape me.

"I think beating off is usually a lot more satisfying than with a woman," I confessed. "Of course, it's nice to have another man's hand on my cock too."

"Ever think of making it a threesome?" asked Frank.

"I live only an hour down the road," I offered. "You're probably looking for a place to spend the night, so why not come with me? There's a truck park only a few blocks from my house, and you could leave your rig and come home with me."

"Sounds good. We're both horny, and after we get cleaned up we could have a good time together," answered John. They followed me and a little over and hour later we were in my house, which has a main bedroom with a king size bed for myself, and a guest bedroom.

"You can put your stuff in here," I offered, showing them the guest bedroom. "I think you'd better use the master bathroom to take your showers, though. Both of you can fit inside that big shower stall I've got. You guys go first, and I'll wash up after you're through. Meanwhile, I've got a couple of things to do."

I'd noticed that Frank was the taller of the two, slightly over my six feet, and John was shorter and had a chunky build. Both wore glasses, like me, and both had gray hair, although they each had more than I did.

Frank and John went into my bedroom and stripped down while I unloaded my car, and when I joined them they were drying themselves. I undressed and stepped into the shower, where the hot water gave me urge to pee. I let go, enjoying the sensation of the hot stream sluicing through my long funnel-shaped foreskin on its way down to the drain. I soaked and soaped carefully, rinsing under my foreskin, and turned the water off. When I emerged, reaching for a towel, I saw them sitting on the edge of my bed, and I dried off in front of them. Naturally, our eyes dropped to each other's crotches.

We were all soft, and I saw that Frank and John's cocks were similar, but different. Frank had a big oval bulge distending the long sleeve of skin at the end of his prick, while John displayed a big, plum-shaped cock-head dangling at the end of his downward curving shaft. John's cock had no hood covering the oval head, only a thick brown scar ring about half an inch behind his rim.

Frank saw me looking, and said:

"In case you're wondering what happened to Johnny's prick, he had his tonsils out when he was three and the doctor gave him a freebie."

"Yeah, lucky me," John said, sarcastically. Then he brightened and looked hard at my cock.

"That's a nice long foreskin you've got, longer than my brother's. His only goes to the end, but you've got a nice overhang."

"Johnny's really interested in foreskins," Frank added, "since he doesn't have one any more. Anyway, I think yours is nice, too. You can get a nice long stroke, longer than I can."

"Yeah, you're right, guys. I can stretch it way out, and skin it way back."

"Can I try?" asked John. I stepped right up to him, so that my cock was dangling a foot in front of his face. He reached out and grasped the shaft with his left hand, while the fingers of his right pushed back against my foreskin.

"It's a bit tight," I said. "Wait until it gets hard. Then it'll be really easy to skin back." My cock was already swelling with the attention, and I reached down and squeezed John's bulging purple tip between thumb and index finger to cause a reflexive throb in his cock-root.

"Hey, that feels nice," he said, as he reached for his brother's prick. He gave it a couple of tugs, then cupped his balls. I lay down on the king size bed and pulled Frank over so that I could reach his prick. John's hand still cupped his balls as I squeezed his swelling glans through the covering hood.

"I can feel it throbbing," Johnny said as I continued to apply rhythmic squeezes to his brother's cock-tip. Frank's cock quickly stiffened, and I placed a couple of fingers on either side of his hood and began easing it back in stages. I pushed back a bit, then let it flow forward again. Then I pushed it back a bit farther, again letting it come forward. Each time more of his purple plum came into view, and I smelled his fresh, clean man-smell, which was arousing me. John squeezed my shaft, then my cock-tip, making my cock-root throb in response.

"Now let me get this skin back," John said as he grasped my hood firmly and began pulling. He gradually worked the sleeve of skin back, giving me erotic feelings as the tight foreskin stretched as it rode over my bulging helmet. I continued to work Frank's hood back, watching as the big purple plum came into view. Frank's tip was oval, longer than a mushroom type, and the ridge did not flare the way a helmet does. It was thick and meaty, warm and musky. A drop of clear fluid parted the lips of his slit, and I leaned forward, probing the slit with my tongue, savoring the slippery texture and salty taste.

"Hey, that feels really good," Frank said. "Johnny does that to me too."

"Hey, look at this!" John exclaimed, having worked my foreskin back to bare the flaring rim of my cock. "His looks like a great big German helmet." Frank lifted his head, and I glanced over as well to see John's tongue lap at the lubricating juice oozing from my teardrop shaped hole. John pulled my hood all the way forward and inserted his tongue under it, probing the depths of my foreskin, caressing the high ridge, then returning to work into the triangular groove under the head.

"Tastes really nice," John said. Then he skinned me back again and said:

"Smells real nice, too, just like yours, Frank, but a little different." John was doing a lot for me, and I for his brother, but his cock wasn't getting any attention. I reached inside the bedside table and grasped a bottle of non-drying lubricant, and applied a few drops to his cock as I wrapped my right hand around it. That was almost right, I judged as I began slowly stroking his shaft and head, and I let a few more drops fall on the tender tissue. I worked my fist up over his beautiful purple plum, then gave a twist because I knew this type of stroking was super-exciting.

John was becoming very aroused, and he began pumping my cock in full strokes, increasing his rhythm as he saw the effect it had on me. Frank's hands came through my legs from the back to cup my balls, and I felt my excitement mount.

"I can't last much longer, not with both of you working on me," I warned. "I haven't shot in a week, and I've got a big load built up."

"Yeah, I can tell you're really needing to blow your cream all over the place," John said. I can feel how hard your big dick's getting, how the head's swelling, and I can see the lube coming out of your hole." Meanwhile, I continued to work on John's turgid cock, almost as if I were racing him to climax.

"Try to relax," Frank murmured to me. "It'll last longer that way." I was already relaxed, and he continued:

"When I really relax, I let the feeling build up until it feels like I've got to pee. Then when it comes, it's very intense." The urge to pee had already hit me, with John's relentless skinning back and forth of my cock-head, and now a light tickle hit my rim. The tickling feeling spread over the head, and gave way to a heavy, hot tingle.

"It's tingling, I'm right at the edge," I said, and John tightened his grip on my cock, twisting my foreskin hard to stretch the nerve endings and trigger my climax. It felt as if my glans were exploding, and the rush of sensation shot down my shaft to trigger the hard pounding in my cock-root. The first jet of hot lava rushed up my shaft and I cried out in agonized ecstasy. I lay torpid, totally passive as waves of sensation poured through my body.

"I just love making an uncut cock shoot!" John exclaimed as he pumped my foreskin up and over my swollen glans, making slapping sounds that announced my spasms. My eyes closed as I slid deeper into the abyss of mindless sensation, feeling hands cupping my balls and caressing my thighs as John's fist swept my fleshy hood back and forth while his other hand squeezed the base of my shaft. I was locked in their grips, helpless as they made me come, howling in pure joy but sounding as if I were being tortured.

"Look at how the juice is drooling out of his tip," Frank said. "He doesn't shoot like you and I do," he continued.

"He's got a lot of cream, though," John added. "He said he hadn't creamed in a week, and he's really making up for lost time." I felt my foreskin snapped back, and John's tongue on my hot, tortured glans. My entire being was pouring out through my cock. Then I heard Frank's voice:

"Johnny loves to lick the cream and other juices off an uncircumcised cock. It's got a special taste, and that turns him on something awful." John's tongue was now scraping the broad upper surface of my oozing glans, while his finger strummed the sensitive gee-string under the head, adding to my pleasure. My cock continued to pulse, sending gushes of cream for John to taste.

My orgasm slowly faded, the spasms becoming weaker, until I was still. I was totally drained, having emptied myself in the hot rush of orgasm. John sensed this, because he stopped stroking my cock, letting it soften as it lay flat on my stomach. I realized that during my biological storm I'd stopped stroking John's cock, which was still fully hard and drooling lubricant. It was almost an inch longer than my six inches, and definitely ready for action. I worked my fist up and down his cock, in long strokes that ranged from the base to the very tip of his large, plum-shaped glans.

"OOOOHHH," he groaned, as I tightened my fingers around his thick rim and gave a twist. His brother had slipped his hand between his thighs to cup his balls, and was gently massaging them while stroking the insides of John's thighs with his other hand as he'd done to me. Now John was entirely in our loving hands, and we worked to heighten his sensations

so that he, too, could experience a hot orgasm.

I felt the heat of his cock in my hand as I continued to stroke it, and saw a steady dribble of lube oozing from his oval hole as I massaged it into the tender tissues. John was groaning now, as the sensations built up, and Frank asked him:

Feel like you've gotta pee yet?" John nodded, and I felt his cock jerk in my hand. I concentrated on the most sensitive area from the scar forward, working my fingers into the groove behind the head. When I swept my fist over his glans again, I found that it had swelled and hardened, a sure sign that he was right on the brink and needed only a little push to send him into a howling, screaming orgasm. I gave his cock-head an extra twist of the fist, and felt his cock pulse hard in my hand.

"Here he goes," Frank admonished, as his brother's eyes closed and his body went rigid on the bed. John's face was red, his jaw clenched, and he began howling as the full force of orgasm hit him. His cock erupted in my hand, sending a thick ribbon of white cream arcing up and onto his chest. John's hips bucked and his cock spasmed again, as another stream of cream shot out of his swollen purple tip. I twisted my fist again, feeling his cock respond with another powerful throb.

Another hot jet shot from his orifice, and now I wrapped the other fist around his cock right behind the head. Squeezing tightly, I gave him a "monkey bite" that made him cry out in agonized ecstasy and shoot another powerful jet onto his chest.

"Man, you're really making him come hard," Frank commented approvingly as he witnessed his brother's spasms and continued to cup his balls, now tight against his body. I looked and saw that Frank's dick was straight out from his body, foreskin retracted, and oozing lube. I knew that the psychic stimulation of watching us both come had brought Frank close to the edge, and that it wouldn't take long to bring his cock to pulsing, spasming orgasm.

I felt John's cock-throbs weaken, then fade completely, as his climax came to an end and his body began to relax. His breathing slowed, and when he opened his eyes he smiled at me.

"Thanks, buddy. That was beautiful." I wiped his softening cock with a towel, then turned to Frank, who would be the last to come.

"Let's do a really good job on your brother, huh? He helped both of us enjoy our orgasms, and we've got to pay him back." I saw John's hand snake out to clasp his brother's swollen seven inches, stripping the foreskin back to bare the dark purple glans. Frank lay back as we clustered around him, his big shining tip drooling lubricant onto his stomach. I placed a towel on his chest and stomach, then cupped his balls with one hand while I caressed the insides of his thighs with the other. His ball sac was already tight against his body, close as he was to release, and I kneaded his balls very gently, knowing the fine line that separates pleasure from pain when massaging the testicles.

John's mouth descended onto his brother's swollen glans, engulfing it and sucking the lubricating fluid. His hand clamped the base of his penis, making the veins bulge, and I knew Frank wouldn't be able to hold out for more than a few seconds. Frank began moaning, softly at first, then louder as his eyes closed, and I felt the first pulse through my fingertips touching his body around his balls. John groaned as Frank's hips thrust upward, and I knew he'd just shot his first heavy load into his brother's mouth. Now Frank was crying out in joyful agony, completely swept away in sensation as we pulled the orgasm from his helpless body. John lifted his head and said:

"Watch him come!" At his words, a thick ribbon of white cream shot from Frank's hole, in a long trajectory that ended on his chest. Frank's hips thrust up again, pushing his hot, swollen glans into John's waiting mouth. Frank yelled as his next jet shot deep into his brother's throat. The heavy chlorine odor of hot cream filled the room, Frank's fresh discharges adding to the residue of mine and his brother's.

John's excitement was almost as hot as his brother's frenzy, and he removed his head from Frank's cock and leaned over to kiss me fully on the mouth, tongue probing past my lips, until I tasted and smelled his brother's cream. I saw Frank's cock shoot again as John's fist slapped his foreskin forward to engulf the shining wet head. Frank's moaning grew softer and the pulses I felt in his perineum became weaker. His orgasm was finishing as he dribbled the last drops of juice from his tip, where John was waiting to lick them off the tender tissues.

Frank was now totally relaxed, but to my surprise my cock was at full mast again. John noticed this and exclaimed:

"Haven't had enough, right? Need another come? You look ready for one." Frank opened his eyes and saw John wrap his hand around my full-foreskinned cock, staring in fascination as John's fist forced the heavy hood back off my glistening glans. My tortured tip throbbed in sensation, and I felt John's hand reach between my thighs again to cup my tightening ball-sac. My cock-head was all tingly, and I knew I needed another orgasm badly.

My cock began to pulse in my hand, and I felt the juice pour out through the condom. I was back alone in my bed, both brothers having faded back into the mists of my mind, and my cock was pumping jizm as I finally fell into my own private abyss. My foreskin was fully back, and my fingers rubbed the latex over the sensitive nerve endings of my swollen tip. I curled up as my cock-root pulsed again and again, crying out in ecstasy as the heavy rush of sensations gripped me. I felt the latex swell as I pumped load after load, sending the hot liquid swirling around my engorged and pulsing glans. I don't know how long that orgasm lasted, but it felt like forever. My mind was completely blank, preoccupied with the heavy thrills that ran through my cock from root to tip.

When my storm had passed and my cock was completely still, I realized that I wouldn't be able to just go to sleep. The rubber was distended from the loads I'd shot, and would no doubt come off during the night and let the sticky juice onto the sheets. I got up, went into the bathroom, and removed the condom. I rinsed off my cock, carefully skinning back and rubbing away the thick layer of cream on the head and in the groove behind it, then dried off and went back to bed for a deep and dreamless sleep.

The end

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