The Brothers in Hexham

By Rufus Jones

Published on Nov 2, 2023


The Brothers in Hexham 8

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This chapter is in Roger's voice since I feel like I've neglected him and some of you also pointed this out to me, so thanks.

Whatever Leigh has been telling you is not exactly wrong, but certainly he only knows part of the story, poor love-struck boy that he is. While it's true I met someone who I did, in fact, fall head-over-heels for, it turned out his heels remained very much on the ground as far as I was concerned. Nice fellow, but he was "not interested in settling down" and all that rot. Not that I am very often myself, but with him...well I at least wanted the opportunity to find out.

In my annoyance and disappointment, I called Rupert to see what he was up to. And it turned out he and his brothers and Leigh were up to a lot, having just come back from...well, wherever they have a country house. I realized I was envious. Rupert made sympathetic noises and wondered if I was free at the weekend which, now that I was single again, I was. I felt better knowing I could see him and Sam again. They were both so intriguing.

When I got off the phone, I thought of the night I spent with the brothers and Leigh with some longing. What fun we all had, and I wanted more. Mind you, Leigh and Drew would be out of this picture, I gathered. Over the weeks, Leigh was acting more and more like a sixteen-year-old which was adorable on the one hand, and rather annoying on the other. There were many times when I caught him between patients on his phone, or texting little notes to Drew. I made fun of him, but I suppose I was a bit jealous and even through at the time I had just met someone myself there was -- and is - a little part of me who wondered if Leigh and I...but that wasn't in the cards.

Rupert said he would come and pick me up on Friday and we would go to Hexham for dinner. Because I'm a dirty boy, I wondered if "dinner" was literal or not. I put my phone down just as Leigh arrived at the office. He looked a little flushed and distracted as I watched him hang his coat up. "Good morning..."

"Oh, Roger. Sorry. I'm a little all over the place."

"Even more?"

He looked at me blankly for a second, then a look of embarrassment crossed his face. "'re right of course. I have been rather. I hope it's not too annoying."

"It has been fun taking the piss if I'm honest."

"Well you've done a good job of that. So what's happening with...Bruce?"

I knew this question would be coming. I wasn't sure how to answer and a part of me felt like crying. "Bruce and I decided not to continue." I knew this wasn't the truth, but I didn't want to get into it. But trust Leigh and his very accurate radar because he said, "He dumped you, didn't he? Bastard."

I swallowed but managed to say, "Well "dumped" is a strong word, but yeah. It's off."

True to form, Leigh stepped over and wrapped his arms around me which felt very nice. I actually cried a little and I was glad no patients had arrived yet. I enjoyed the warmth of him and his cologne which always made me light-headed. Why do people we have a bit of a thing for always end up with someone else? I suppose it can mean he and I are meant to be close friends of something. I'm not always so philosophical and I could easily have been resentful and stroppy. I am trying, you know.

I decided to pull away before things got too intense for me. "Well...Mrs. Bainbridge will arrive any second so you better prepare yourself. Leigh looked at me a moment thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "Right, I better tie down any loose objects in the examining room."

The morning was busy and we didn't get any more time to chat, but over lunch at my desk with sandwiches we bought downstairs, I said I was going for dinner in Hexham on Friday.

Leigh looked at me, surprised. "Really? That's lovely. I'm glad you made friends with the brothers."

"Well certainly Rupert...Sam is a little hard to read."

Leigh chewed a moment, clearly considering, then looked at me and said, "Yeah. Sam is a bit like that. I sometimes think Rupert is the only one who gets him."

"They're very close, aren't they?"

A big smile appeared on Leigh's face. "Oh, you could say that..."

I felt flustered. "Oh...well...I don't mean just that. I"

Leigh reached over and patted my hand. "Relax. I'm just being silly. Yes, they are..." and he stopped, giving me that look that knew far more than I wanted it to. "You interested in either of them?"

I looked down at my sandwich a moment. Was I? I hadn't actually got that far in my head. "Not sure. They're both good guys, but I barely know them."

It was Leigh's turn to look at his sandwich. He took a bite then said, "You know they're both bi-sexual?"

I didn't but I wasn't surprised. At that particular moment, it didn't seem important. I shrugged. "It's not like we're getting married, or anything..."

Leigh chuckled, then his face brightened even more. "I have news."


"Drew and I are getting married."

I have to say, I was stunned. They'd known each other for what...three months? "Really? That seems very sudden."

"I know, I know. I've been saying that to him and to myself, but we both are completely mad for each other."

I swallowed, wondering. But then again, Leigh was a very wise person and wouldn't take a decision like that unless he was sure. "Congratulations! I'm very pleased." And I was.

"And I want you to be my best man."

I almost started to cry again, but I managed to broaden my smile and take his hand. "I would be honoured. Do you have a date?"

"Oh no. I don't imagine it will be until the summer at least, perhaps even later."

When I heard that I felt better. They were being sensible.

"Well, I'm chuffed. You've made my day." It was true, and the rest of the day I felt quite happy and even excited. Leigh was becoming my best mate and now I was going to be part of his wedding. What more could ask for? Well, there were a few things...

On Friday, I packed up my desk and put away patient files and then around six, in strode Rupert. Leigh had already left to meet Drew for dinner and I was enjoying how quiet the office was, something it rarely is.

"Roger! Nice to see you." He leaned in a gave me a little hug and a little pat on my bum. So affectionate, these boys.

I pulled back, feeling a bit awkward. "Nice to see you as well. Let me just get these away and we can go."

We sat in the Range Rover not saying much. It was, as always, raining. The A69 was sloppy and slow. I realized I wasn't sure what to say. It felt comfortable, but I I felt I should be making conversation. I looked over at him, wondering what he was thinking.

As if reading my mind, Rupert looked over at me and grinned. Flustered, I said, "How is Sam?"

"Oh Sam. He was supposed to be going to Manchester. I don't know if you remember, but there's this woman we were both...uh...playing with. I thought it was off but then he said she wanted him back, but apparently she called him up yesterday and cancelled. He's rather glum. And I guess I'm not part of that story any more.

I sat for a moment, remembering what Leigh had said about the two of them. They really seemed to be omnivorous. I decided to be a little provocative. "Jealous?"

He looked at me, a wicked grin on his face. "A little..."

I smiled at him. I wondered if he was being flirtatious or if this is how he was with everyone.

We sat not talking for the rest of the journey. We pulled up to the house and Rupert grabbed an umbrella and ran around to my side of the car and opened the door. He really could be a gentleman. "Thanks, Rupert," and we walked up to the house and I was quite aware he had his hand on my ass again.

As we walked into the house, put our coats away and settled into a sofa in a room off the main hall, I began to feel awkward. Was I being foolish? Or rather, why was I here? I agreed without even thinking about it. If I was being presumptuous, then we would have dinner and that would be that. If not, then...who knows?

But in some darker corner of my mind, as I looked at Rupert beside me, his face open and happy, I realized I was enjoying myself. And not just because he was beautiful and had a lovely, lovely cock as I remembered. No, it was more than that. He was a very nice person with more depth than he got credit for.

But to my surprise and pleasure, Rupert's hand was in my lap, stroking my thigh, caressing me through my trousers which, not surprisingly, were starting to bulge upward. I looked into his face and gave him my most inviting smile which he returned and leaned in to kiss me. It was not just a kiss, it was a statement of fact. His lips were warm and soft and his tongue began exploring mine. I moaned involuntarily.

I pulled back, feeling uncharacteristically flustered. "You all right?" He seemed concerned.

"Oh, just fine. Maybe we should go upstairs?"

"Probably a good idea. We don't want to startle Mrs. B unnecessarily.

But it was my turn to lean in and I put my hand on his shoulder and the other on his neck, caressing it with my fingers. I kissed my way slowly around his face and under his chin, across his neck, then under his mouth a few times until I lightly brushed my lips on his, then a little more firmly, then I opened my mouth just a bit and he seemed to understand and did the same. I moved back for a moment and looked into his eyes, then leaned in again and our mouths met more fervently, more insistently. I opened my mouth and very gently ran my tongue around his bottom lip and I felt him moan and he slid closer to me, our thighs in contact.

I felt him press into me, and his tongue carefully touched mine, the tips just playing with each other. I decided to increase the intensity and I slid my hand under his shirt and up his belly to his chest, feeling the hair, admiring with my fingers his hard nipples. He was squirming a little, and he kissed me with more energy and I let him this time, because I was feeling it as well.

I decided to slow things down again, so I pulled back, just looking into his face. He was beautiful, there was no escaping it. It wasn't just that his face was classical lovely -- although it was -- but it was the openness, the curiosity, the passion. There was also something a little cool about him.

I decided to continue taking charge. "Can we go somewhere else? A bed?"

He laughed and said, "Or course."

We went up the imposing staircase to the first floor and a warren of hallways. Leigh had told me about getting lost up there, and I could see why. Rupert led me down a smaller passage until we reached on open door and into a cozy room with a fireplace and big windows looking out to the back where there was a long view up a slope with stands of ancient trees. No doubt designed a few centuries ago by someone with an odd name I couldn't remember.

I stood in the comfortable room for a moment. It was so quiet up here I almost imagined curling up on a chair and going to sleep. I looked at Rupert who was standing watching me. He seemed thoughtful and his face was calm. He cocked his head as if trying to figure something out.

I realized it was becoming awkward, so I said, "So where were we?"

He laughed, and then in that moment, Sam walked in. "Oh, Roger! How nice to see you." He came over to me and pulled me into a hug, which felt very nice indeed.

He looked over at his brother. "What have you two been up to?"

I could tell there was at least one other meaning to that statement. Rupert smiled and walked a little closer to us. "Oh, I'm not sure yet."

If I didn't believe in people being able read minds, I might have believed it then. Some sort of conversation just happened of which I was not a part. I suddenly realized that Rupert was standing very close to me, our faces almost touching, and Sam had wrapped his arms around my torso and I felt the distinct bulge in his pants come in contact with my ass.

Rupert leaned closer and our lips met again and the intensity set off various fires in my body. I kissed him hungrily, tasting him. I slid my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. I felt the hardness in his pants pushing against mine.

I felt Sam's hand slide into my pants, but they were too tight. He used his other hand to reach around and unfasten them, expertly pulling the zipper open. I decided to do the same to Rupert who leaned back a little to assist me. He and I were still deeply kissing, then he pulled off and licked his way down my neck, nibbling at my collarbone. It felt almost primal.

Sam began to slide my pants off and I wriggled my hips to help, knowing they were quite snug. They were so tight that my underwear came along with them and soon I was standing, my hard cock mashed against Rupert's pants.

Behind me I heard cloth moving and hitting the floor. I looked around and Sam was now naked. I laughed, and said, "You don't waste any time."

"Why bother?" And he leaned forward, sliding his cock into the crack of my ass. Rupert looked down at my cock and lifted up my t-shirt. I pulled it over my head and tossed it beside us. He kissed a trail down my chest, to my belly and took hold of me, lightly running his hand down the sides of my cock making me shiver. I closed my eyes, feeling Sam's hand on my nipples, running his hands over them lightly and then I felt the warmth of Rupert's mouth engulfed me. I inhaled quickly and threw my head back. As I stood there, lost in the feeling of Rupert's mouth on me, his hands on my balls, I felt myself being pulled backward. My cock slipped out of Rupert's mouth and I fell onto the bed. Sam was already on his knees, his lovely dick right over my face. He looked down at me, grinning. He squeezed the shaft and a big drop of precum flowed out and I leaned up with my tongue to catch it. It was sweet and salty and wonderful.

I felt Rupert get on the bed, moving to the other side of my head, moving his cock to my mouth, followed by his brothers. They rubbed themselves all over my lips and my tongue. I looked up at them and their mouths were together, making wet noises with their tongues. What was with these two? They seemed to have no limits to how much they wanted.

I sucked them as much as I could together, but soon Rupert drove himself deep into my mouth, his cock tickling my throat. I closed my eyes, lost in the feeling. He pulled back and thrust in again, holding my head for leverage. He was so deep in me I felt the hair around his balls on my chin. I was intoxicated by the smell of him, that sharp woodsy smell around his groin that made my head spin.

I felt my legs being lifted and I opened my eyes. Sam was in the process of getting ready to fuck me. I had to move my head a little to watch him, so I grabbed Rupert's cock and shifted the angle. Sam grinned at me when he noticed me watching. "Rupert's keeping you busy, I see."

If my mouth wasn't full, I would have laughed, but I was soon distracted when Sam bent down and grabbled my thighs as he drove his tongue into my ass, his tongue exploring me and lubricating me with lots of spit.

He pulled up and looked at his brother. "He's a randy bugger, isn't he?"

Rupert laughed and grabbed my head and drove himself back into my mouth, almost choking me. But I liked it. These boys were so...rapacious. But Sam distracted me again when I felt the head of his cock pressing at my hole, and pressing not very tenderly. His grip on my legs was tight and he used his bodyweight to slid himself into me. He leaned down on top of me and I could explore his strong back with my fingers.

At first he licked my cheek, then moved and licked Rupert's cock as it moved out of my mouth, then moved down and took Rupert's balls in his mouth, sucking them in with loud slurps. Rupert ran his hand through Sam's hair while driving his cock a little deeper. Sam pulled himself up and kissed Rupert's stomach, then sat up, his hips taking on a rhythm that seemed to make him shut his eyes.

Faster and faster, his body was moving smoothly, sweat running down his face. He was holding my ankles lightly. Rupert, however, seemed to be flagging and he was breathing heavily. He slowed down and stopped, almost gasping. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and said, "I need to take over."

He slid his hand down his cock almost tentatively, as if testing it. But he soon had a rhythm of his own and he set his balls on my cheek and a little more quickly began to massage his cock over my face.

I shut my eyes as the sensations in my ass were becoming intense and the force of Sam's body shoved me backward with each thrust. I decided to grab my own cock, as if I needed to control something and I tried to match Sam's pace, but I think we were all overstimulated and I felt my balls tighten up and Sam looked at me, his eyes widening, his mouth opening more and then he shut his eyes just as my cock erupted across my chest. I could feel Sam's body tremble and above me, Rupert's cock started to spurt cum across my chin and down to my chest, mixing with mine in a runny pool that dribbled onto the bed. Sam, seeing the mess, leaned down and used his lips and tongue to slurp it up. He looked up at me and grinned before moving up and spitting it into my mouth. "You're a dirty boy," he said.

"Well I am now!"

Rupert laughed above me. "Oh, I think you were that way already."

Sam looked into my eyes, almost as if he were about to ask me a question, but then he brought his lips to mine and seemed to carefully kiss me, as if he had never kissed me before. It almost felt that way. It was very nice after all that animal passion.

He pulled back, still gazing into my eyes. "How are you? I mean really."

I found the question surprised me. I wasn't used to being asked that after sex -- especially this kind of sex. "Oh, I feel great. How about you?"

He smiled and as he did, he slowly pulled out of me and collapsed on the bed beside me. Rupert had stood up and was watching us for a moment, then he lay down beside us, but not quite in contact with me. Sam, on the other hand, wrapped an arm around me chest and nuzzled my armpit, which tickled.

There was silence in the room, but a comfortable one. So comfortable, that I dozed off. When I woke up, the room was dark and the fire was out. I felt Sam beside me still, asleep on his stomach but I could tell that Rupert was gone. Strange, I thought. I realized he was not quite with us before, despite being most definitely involved in what we had been doing. But I wasn't sure why. So I fell asleep again feeling comforted by the warmth of Sam beside me.

Next: Chapter 9

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