The Brothers in Hexham

By Rufus Jones

Published on Nov 3, 2023


The Brothers in Hexham 9 Please donate to this noble cause: Please respect copyright. The continuation of Roger's narrative.

When I woke up again, there was more light in the room, but not much. I realized it was overcast outside and raining. I looked beside me and Sam was still asleep, his arm over his face as if warding off the day. I ran my hand down his back, amazed at his smoothness, his muscular softness. And his ass was a beautiful thing. My hands explored it, enjoying the light fuzz. It felt so lovely and sensual.

"You better have a follow-through for that."

I was startled to hear Sam's voice. "Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something."

He chuckled into his pillow, then raised his head. "You sleep all right?"

"Like a dream. Like several babies."

"I'm glad." And I felt he really meant it, it wasn't just something to say.

He turned and lay on his back and he reached and held my hand, almost absently. It was such a simple gesture, but I was touched by it.

We talked for a while and I asked questions about the house, about his ancestors. He seemed very knowledgable about them, and about the house's history and architecture. I was impressed and said so.

"Well, it's important, isn't it. We will inherit this place and I feel...well...responsible. For maintaining it. For finding a purpose for this place that isn't just to impress people. Like how some big houses were used as hospitals during the war. This one wasn't, but if I had been alive then, I would have offered it.

I was impressed. This wasn't some brainless toff as I first and unfairly assumed. This was a young man who felt he needed a purpose and one that would benefit those around him.

I leaned over and kissed him. "That's impressive. I'm impressed."

He looked pleased and kissed me back. At that point, there was a knock at the door, then it opened. "Everyone not having sex?"

Sam laughed, "No, Rupert. We're just talking."

"Good." He came all the way in with a big tray. "I thought you might need some fortification so I tried to make you breakfast. Not in any way as good as Sam or Mrs. B, but I tried." Rupert left quietly. I realized it was nice to be in bed and drink coffee and eat with Sam. He seemed boyish and excited, but also, to my surprise, quite comfortable with the intimacy of it. More comfortable that I was.

We managed not to have sex, and in fact, went outside for a long walk in the fields where Sam pointed out improvements he wanted made, projects that he and his brothers were working on. He seemed so...professional. Or adult, or something. I looked at him a new way. He wasn't just young person with overactive hormones, he was a thoughtful adult. It was very sexy.

I found myself asking, "So...have you had relationships?"

He looked startled. I realized this was a subject it was not easy for him to talk about. "Well...not so much. I mean I've dated people and some for a while...but somehow they didn't stick."

"Why not?" I guess I was feeling curious and I wasn't sure why, exactly.

He looked a little pained. "I don't know...I haven't met the right people, I suppose."

I thought about this for a moment. "So this woman in Manchester...?"

"Oh, you heard about her. Well, she wasn't into it. She wanted lots of sex, but not anything else. I keep meeting people like that. I suppose I've been like that much of the time. Rupert as well, but he's different than I am. He's more...I don't know. Serious? Picky?"

"That must hurt. Wanting something from someone they won't give you."

He looked at me for a moment. "Yes. It hurts."

The simplicity of his answer made me feel like I had tread on something. I felt bad. I put my hand on him arm for a moment. "Tell me to shut up, all right? I can be a bloody pain."

"No, it's fine...let's go in to Hexham for dinner. It will be nice."

"Oh, you a date?" I wanted to take the words back as soon as I said them. What is with my mouth, anyway?

But he laughed. He put his arms around me and pulled me close. In my ear, I heard him say, "Yes, you idiot, like a date."

I wasn't sure if he was joking or not, but I also didn't want to know the answer. So we got in the car and drove to Hexham. And it was a date. I'm sure of it. We had a lovely dinner in a quiet restaurant that I knew I couldn't afford, we had wine, we talked about our lives, we had dessert, we had brandy. We sat in front of a big fire and stared at each other. It felt like a date.

We drove back to the house not saying very much. Not in a bad way, but in a way that seemed to indicate that words were unnecessary. That was new to me. Words were always necessary. Aren't they?

We walked into the house. It was dark and still. There was a light on in the big entrance hall, and one at the top of the stairs. Otherwise the place was in shadow. Sam looked at me in the half light and took my hand. This felt so different than the night before. There was no charge of sexual excitement, no playful tension. This was the adult Sam who one -- I assume -- rarely saw. He took my hand and we walked upstairs and into his bedroom. He turned on a lamp and turned to me.

"This is not what I was expecting. But I like it." He just stood, looking at me.

"Uh...I think I agree with you. But to be honest, I wasn't sure why I came here yesterday. But here I am, and I like it. Very much."

He smiled at me and unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off, tossing it on the floor. He unbuckled his pants and slid them down his legs and stepped out of them. He was wearing tight blue briefs that did nothing to contain his half-hard cock. He looked up at me and said, "Why don't you take them off?"

Something you should know about me is I often run from things that feel too sincere. I like pining after people who aren't quite available, and when that person suddenly is, I often invent reason to do my laundry. But looking at Sam wearing nothing but his underwear that was, I'll be honest, distended by his cock, I was at a loss for a moment. This felt very real. It's what I've learned about the brothers. They are nothing if not real. No matter what they get up to, or taboos they break or boundaries they blur, they do it in such a way that you would never accuse them of anything close to dishonesty.

So I took my clothes off while he watched me. I replicated his order: my shirt, my pants and then, just to be fair, my underwear. My cock, apparently, was not bothered by any of this and was standing a full attention.

So then I stepped forward and pulled off his briefs. I pulled him in and we kissed for some time. Our cocks also rubbed against each other the whole time. I tasted his neck, I sucked his nipples, I reached around and slid my hand up the lovely, soft crack of his ass. I turned him around and got on my knees and slid my tongue into him, exploring and licking around his hole, wetting the beautiful muscles of his buttocks, even licking behind his balls in that funny spot we all have.

I tasted his sweat and, when I turned him around again, explored with my whole mouth the texture of his balls, the hair, the skin. He had an amazing, sandalwood kind of taste that I assume was soap, but could have just been him. His cock was rigid and hot and the end was wet and I made it wetter by trying to explore the hole at the end with my tongue.

All the while he was making soft moans and gasps. His hand was in my hair, exploring my ears. Finally, he pulled me up and my exploration now included his mouth and taste of his tongue on mine. He very gently pushed me back on the bed. But to my surprise, he said, while he stood above me holding his cock, "I want you to fuck me."

For some reason I was not expecting this. I knew he liked both, but in that moment, I had assumed he was the top. But often being the bottom is really about being the top. I had learned that much in my life at least.

He reached into a little box on his bedside table and extracted some lube. I was almost surprised. "You need this? After all we've done?"

He laughed and tossed me the bottle. "Sometimes it's nice when things are more slippery."

I had to agree. I sat up. "How do you want this to be."

He cocked his head for a moment. In answer, it seemed, he got on the bed and straddled me, so I handed him the lube, but he handed it back. "You do it."

So I poured some onto my hand and reached around and slid my fingers into him. He felt very warm and very soft. I moved my hand around, back and in, all the while looking into his eyes. He was slowly jacking his cock while I explored him with my fingers.

When I pulled my hand away, I reached around and squirted lube on my aching dick and gave myself a good stroke. I looked up at him again, and said, "Do you want to..."

In answer, he reached back and took my cock in his hand and positioned himself and very slowly, very carefully, pushed himself onto me. I felt his skin meet mine and it felt like I had been taken into somewhere safe and warm. But the feeling was also intense and lit several fires in me. I grabbed his hips and gave a few experimental thrusts up. He was staring at me and he nodded.

So off I went. Things had been civil and almost formal, but now. Well now I wanted to let loose. I love fucking and this was one fuck I would always remember. I don't mean to sound crass, but it was true. I shut my eyes and took off. I paused every so often to catch my breath, but I had decided to be the one in charge, so I was.

At one point, as if to even the score, he pulled off me for a minute, and leaned forward and quite aggressively jammed his cock in my mouth, giving me a few fucks of his own before moving back and taking me into him again.

It was both serious and wild what we did. I wondered briefly what it was like with Rupert. Did they fuck like this, or was it some other thing entirely? But I quickly let that thought go as a little crisis in the back of my balls, in the bottom of my own ass, in the base of my spine, started. I gripped his legs harder and I squeezed my eyes tighter and in a rush that amazed me, I felt my body be taken over by some kind of electricity and I felt my cock pumping into him and because of the angle, not all of my cum stayed in, running down on my balls and between my legs.

I was just starting to calm a little, when he gasped, "I'm going to return the favour." And with that, he pulled off my cock and jacking furiously, he slid forward and pushed his now erupting cock into my mouth. I felt four long bursts of cum hit my tongue and throat and he pushed himself all the way in, the last dribble of cum running down my throat. I wanted to cough, but I relaxed and let the cum just drain into my throat.

He pulled out of me, leaning down and our mouth met again, and he was tasting himself, running his tongue through his cum that remained in my mouth. After a moment, he pulled away and seemed to fall on the bed beside me. He swallowed and sighed, then looked at me, smiling. "We did some awfully good work, there, didn't we?"

I laughed. It burst out of me. A childlike and uninhibited laugh. "Yes, we did." I kissed his shoulder and lay my head on his chest. I looked down at his softening cock which was still drooling cum. With my thumb, I collected it and brought it to my mouth. He tasted delicious. I know that's a cliche that many don't even think is true, but his cum was something else.

We lay for a while, just breathing. His stomach gurgled and I lay my head to listen. This was not the night I was expecting. What was I expecting? I mad threesome, I suppose. That was yesterday. But this? This felt like...what? A meeting. A prelude? Dare I say, making love? Whatever it was, I liked it a lot.

The last thing I remember is him pulling the quilt over us and the feeling of his arm sliding around me from behind. How nice was that?

Morning brought Rupert and his tray of coffee. It was like he was an aunt taking care of us. The only difference was he was naked. These boys always found reasons to dispense with clothes. He came in and put the tray on the table by the fireplace. He sat for a moment, just looking at us. It was a little odd, and finally I said, "So...what have you been up to?"

He laughed. "I could ask you the same question."

I decided to be a brat. "What does it look like?"

But I should have known better. "Oh, well, it looks like someone got fucked. I can smell it. It's a good smell, by the way."

Rupert was a sharp character. I realized I needed to be careful. Sam, however, knew his brother far better than me. He got out of bed and went and sat in his brother's lap. "Rupert. You're being a shit. Either stay and have coffee, or get into bed with us, or get out. Choose."

I liked this side of Sam. I liked Sam, period, I had to admit. I saw Rupert pretend to think for a moment, but then he pushed Sam off him and came over to the bed and lay down beside me. "Well...?"

I decided to play along, I reached for his cock and stroked it a few times, looking at him. I said, "So what do you want us to do?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Hmmm," was all he said. But he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me down on his cock. I started to lick the end and then he said, "Why don't you suck him, Sam?"

Soon I felt Sam's mouth on me. I turned my hips to give him better access while I swallowed Rupert who pushed me down on him even more deeply until I gagged, but he didn't seem to notice and I didn't seem to care. I compared this with how Sam and I were the previous night. Not really comparable.

But this was really fun. While Sam jacked me and sucked me at the same time, I let Rupert fuck my face. It was really that simple. He even got on his knees and was able to fuck me from above, his cock almost, I felt, reaching my throat each time. I could smell him and I realized he hadn't showered and I found it almost intoxicating. The smell was pure sex, pure hormones.

My own cock was burnished and raw, and I knew this would end quickly, and Sam was pumping me so fast into his mouth I had no hope of making this last. I suppose that was the point. With my mouth full of cock, I could only moan, and soon, with a guttural sound that could have been some kind of oath, Rupert grabbed my head and drove his cock even deeper as I felt it spurt into my throat. I pulled him back and out and let the cum spill onto my face, and my tongue which I extended.

Rupert, still gasping, moved down and joined Sam on my cock by pushing Sam aside so that his mouth was on the head and Sam was still jacking the base. With two people giving me attention, I lost control and a gush of cum seemed to fill Rupert's mouth. This time, Sam pushed his brother off my cock and his mouth sucked me down, catching the remaining shots in his mouth. He swallowed and pulled off my cock with a gasp, collapsing backward onto the bed.

I noticed that Sam hadn't cum. I reached over and pulled him to me, pulling him in such a way that he was between my legs. "Do it." It was all I said, but he understood.

No lube this time, or at least the kind from a bottle. He collected some of my cum that had spilled on to my leg and around my cock and smeared it on his dick. He hiked my legs apart and slid into me very easily, well lubricated with my cum. It took him about five thrusts and he was there. He choked and shut his eyes, and I felt my ass become wet. He collapsed onto my chest and was still.

Rupert, having watched us, got up and went to the table and poured us some coffee, added milk and brought it to the bed.

It felt quite formal, despite what we had just done. The three of us sat cross-legged, naked, on the bed and sipped our coffee. I felt comfortable and relaxed. At one point Rupert, having finished his coffee, got up and said he was going for a shower, leaving us alone on the bed, which, in retrospect, was the real reason he left. He had realized something that I had yet to.

Sam and I spent the morning in bed. Mostly talking, sometimes napping. Toward noon, he fucked me again in that slow, deliberate intense way he had. After another nap, I said, "Uh...if it's all right with you, I need to get back home soonish..."

"Oh right. Of course. You didn't drive."

"No car."

"Right. I'll drive you in."

I was glad he said it, because that's what I hoped he would say. It was my first inkling that some part of me had identified something that I wanted. It wasn't yet somebody, but that would come by the time we arrived in Newcastle at the moment before I stepped from the car, before I grabbed my bag. It was the moment when Sam looked at me and took my face in both hands and kissed me for a long time, then he said, "I had such a nice time with you. I really like you, and, if you want, let's do it again."

That's when the something because somebody.

Next: Chapter 10

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