The Brothers Three

By moc.loa@zijxemvol

Published on Dec 19, 2021


I had just entered my freshman year of high school and was the most introverted, shy kid that walked the earth. Shy to the point of hiding so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone. I was about 5'6" weighted too much with ginger hair. Luckily as odd as it may sound, the place that I found the most peace was in the boys room. I discovered that guys would come in with a single purpose, to piss, no chat, no socializing, just piss and go. So I could hang out there so I wouldn't have to talk with anyone. This worked well for a couple three weeks until one day I was loitering in the boys room and in walked this upperclass man. I didn't know who he was, but I had seen him around school.

He was what my mother would call a ruffian. Too many muscles for his own good, clothes that appeared to have been painted on him and walked around with a chip on his shoulder. He was very dark complexed, with dark brown hair and eyes. He wasn't fat as I am sure he didn't have an ounce of fat on him, not skinny but he was thick. I was standing at the urinal closest to the wall pretending to pee and he walks up to the one next to me. Mind you, there were five urinals on the wall, but chooses the one right next to me. My body froze but my eyeballs kept moving. I glanced over without moving a muscle and saw him extract his cock from his pants. It was so much bigger than mine. Soft a good four inches and as round as a pepperoni. All I could think was how big did it get when he got hard. He didn't just stop with his cock, but proceeds to reach into his fly and tug his nuts out also. I must have been staring because all the sudden I hear. "Wassup?" All I could do was give him a nod and say "Hey" and started paying attention to my own peeing. Momentarily, I see him milking his cock down stripping any piss out, he tucks himself back in his pants and heads out the door.

I found out his name was Berto and he must have a class by this boys room because twice a week there was a repeat performance, a "Wassup" from him, a "Hey" from me and that was it. This continued through the first quarter of school. The start of the 2nd quarter, the school rearranged classes and when I walked into my PE class there he was. We played some basketball and hit the showers. In high school we were required to shower after PE and there he was again. I heard him say something to the other guys about me having man boobs and they all laughed. The next day in PE, he catches up with me and openly cups my titties while making a joke to his friends. I was so embarrassed and it was at that time he suddenly realized I was the guy from the bathroom I could see the realization come over his face. After class he comes up to me to shake hands and apologizes. He seemed real sincere.

After school that night, as I was walking home, he pulls his car up to the curb in front of me and jumps out. I didn't know whether to run or just say a Hail Mary and let him punch my lights out. But again he was apologizing and I was trying to figure what the hell is going on. He offers me a ride home to which I declined. He kept offering and I finally said okay and got in the car. Again he said he was sorry for his with my titties and wanted to make sure I forgave him. I kept repeating, "It's okay, not to worry, no apology necessary" and he pulls over and parks. He tells me the least he could do is get me a soda. I guess I must have looked confused because he finally says, "Oh, this is where I live, come in for a soda". I got out of the car and followed him up to the house. He grabbed a couple of sodas and he saw his little brother out at the garage shooting hoops.

We went out to join him and I was introduced to Miguel. Miguel looked just like his brother but a younger, smaller version. I told him my name was Tom and I found out Miguel was a fifth grader in elementary school. Berto tells Miguel, "this is the guy I was telling you about. He is now in my PE class." I'm wondering what Berto told him about me and why. We decided to play two on one basketball and Miguel and I would be skins in a shirt vs skins game. I couldn't figure with just the three of us why shirt vs skins, but let it go. It turned out to be a fairly physical game with lots of pushing, shoving, and fouls that wouldn't fly in a regular game. I was informed that if there was no blood, it wasn't a foul, it was that physical. But I had a good time and a couple hours later told them I had to get home.

I was looking for my shirt and Berto tells Miguel to take me inside so I can take a quick shower. I resist and Berto tells me I stink and can't ride in his car smelling that bad. I finally give in and follow Miguel inside. He gives me a towel and leads me to the bathroom in the basement. I just started showering and in pops Miguel. He tells me he needs to get showered too as he has something to do and this will be just like PE showers. He hadn't really asked permission, it was just assumed it was alright. As I quickly look him up and down, I was right he was just a younger smaller version of Berto.

As I am trying to wash, Miguel takes a handful of body wash and starts to wash my back. I knew I had fallen shooting hoops and he said I had a nasty skid mark on my back. As he wiggled back and forth, I was sure that he had developed a hardon but I didn't want to say anything that would embarrass him. He kept adding more and more body wash and as he reaches up to my shoulders, I feel his cock between my cheeks and he is definitely hard. I tried to move, and I don't know if he knew what he was doing, but he sort of gave my shoulders a push forward. At this point, I don't know if my butt pushed back or he pushed forward, but I did know for sure he was in me. I think he was as startled as I, and we both just stood there. It didn't hurt or feel good, it just felt startled, if that can be a feeling. He started to withdraw and I reached back and grabbed his side telling him to go slow. I meant pulling it out of my ass, he thought I meant fuck me slowly and that is what he started to do. Instead taking his cock out of me he reversed direction and pushed back in. Soon I felt his pubes against my ass and knew he was all the way in. When he started to pullout, I again grabbed him because I thought he was going to pull my guts out with him. His cock finally pops free of my asshole and I reached back to feel my hole. Everything seemed to be still in place. He pushed my hand aside and reentered me. This 11 year old was now on a mission. He figured it out while I was still wondering how I ended up being his pussy boy. All the sudden I hear him scream, "Oh my god, oh my god, I'm going to cum". He buries himself into me holding my hips and starts violently shaking. I knew he had busted, I was just hoping as young as he was he didn't have cum yet.

As soon as he pulled out, I was out of the shower getting dressed. I didn't even bother to dry off. As I headed outside, Berto is right behind me insisting I get in his car for a ride home. My legs were so wobbly from my first fuck, I finally gave up the resistance and got in the car. We drove a couple of blocks and Berto asks me how it was. I gave him a puzzled look and said what? He just laughs and says, "as long as you were in the shower and I can smell cum, one of you got fucked. Knowing my brother the way I do, I don't think it was him, so how was it, the ass fucking?" "Oh my god how did you know" and I started crying. Berto just laughed and told me to dry my tears that no one would know unless I told them. He told me that Miguel had been begging him to find him someone to fuck and when he saw me checking him out, he thought I might be agreeable.

He then changed to subject, sort of, and asked me if I shoot off. I told him no. He then really chuckled and said, "Well I smell cum and if it isn't yours, it must be Miguel's, did he cum on you?" I told him no. He then said "oh so you still have his fuck juice in you?" I then told him, I think it might be leaking out because I feel wet back there. Berto tells me, "here is the deal, I like going out with my friends on Friday nights. But my folks have things to do, so I get stuck taking care of Miguel and can't go out. So if you look after Miguel on Friday nights, you get paid for babysitting, you let him fuck you if he wants and I'll take care of you at school. Nobody will mess with you at school, you won't have to hide in the boys bathroom and your life will be better, what do you say?" "Ah, how many times he going to fuck me, I'm not sure that I liked it." "Well I think you liked it, you just have to wrap yourself around it, besides you get to hang with me and we both know you will like that."

The next morning I called Berto and told him if he made sure no one ever found out and that I wouldn't have to put up with BS from others, I'd give it a try. That Friday I got a call telling me to come over about 8:30 so their folks would be gone and to bring a jock strap. I got there right on time and 2 seconds later Berto was headed out the door. Miguel and I grabbed some grub from the frig and headed to his room. He asked if I brought the jock strap and I pulled it out of my pocket. Berto and Miguel had another brother off at college and all three of their bedrooms were in the basement. Miguel took me to the bathroom where he had fucked me days earlier and told me to get naked, put on the jock strap and come back to his bedroom. I did as I was told and walked back to his room with my ass bare. Miguel asks me, "I suppose you are wondering about the jock strap?" I told him yes and he proceeds to tell me he isn't gay and has no use for my cock and balls. He just needs my hole and then told me to get on my hands and knees. He tells me Berto told him to use hand lotion for lube and wouldn't cum so fast, but truth be told, this little fifth grader was so horny nothing could slow him down. In the first 30 minutes, he had busted in me twice. Finally he let me have some snacks. He slowed down after that but did a number on my titties, as he called them. He pulled them, squeezed them, sucked them and fucked my ass until Berto got home.

Berto walked into Miguel's room, just as Miguel was cumming again. I lost count how many times he fucked me. "Let him put his legs down so he can go home" Berto said. I sat up and he asked me if I was okay. I told him fine, just dripping a bit. He laughed and told me, "yea, that is why I wear a rubber or my ladies would have the same issue". He walked me to the door and handed me $50 for 4 hours of babysitting, I guess him taking care of me would be my pay for getting my ass tore up by a oversexed fifth grader.

On Wednesday, Bert catches me in the showers after PE and tells me Miguel was wondering about stopping over for some hoops after school. I told him sure and headed to my next class. After school I saw Berto pull up in front of me and I hopped into the car. We rode in silence to Berto's house and I followed him in. He led me downstairs and we found Miguel laying on his bed, dick in hand, keeping it hard. As I got undressed, Berto never left the room and it was at this point that I realized there were no doors on the bedrooms. I was bent over and could see Berto walk up and down the hall. Each time he passed the door he would stop and watch his little brother work me over. All too soon he tells Miguel to hurry up, he has to get me home before their parents got there for dinner. "Okay okay" Miguel says as he nuts in me. I figure he must have developed some control because he fucked me for a while but only busted once, not like last Friday when he busted and busted and busted again.

I pulled up my pants which I had never fully removed. I had just shoved them down, bent over and let Miguel fuck me dressed. Berto walked me to the car. Once inside, he grabs my leg, squeezes it and says, "I think you are really liking getting fucked. When I could see your face, you were smiling as he fucked you." "You know, I think I am liking it. If I need to babysit him thiis Friday, I may see if any of his fifth grade friends want to cum over ." "Seriously, you want another kid?" I cracked up laughing. For the first time I caught Berto off guard and that was fun. I told him, "No - one 11 year old is enough, even though he fucks like he is much older, one is enough."

The next day at school, Berto tells me they have to figure something else out as the parents aren't going out Friday night. I don't know which disappointed me more not getting fucked repeatedly or not getting the $50 cash for babysitting. So nothing was happening that Friday, but come Monday, Berto was honking at me to give me a ride to his house. He always seemed to be positioning himself to watch his little brother fuck me and I was started to enjoy being watched.

All was good and continued until the Holidays. On the Friday before Christmas, it started out as a normal babysitting gig. I got to the house around 8 PM and Berto took off with his friends. Miguel was trying to break a record on how much cum he could shoot in me because during the holidays his mother would be off work and fucking around time would be put on hold. Miguel had fallen asleep and so I took the opportunity to head to the bathroom. I just had my jock strap on as that was still Miguel's desire. Heading back, I passed one of the other bedrooms, I heard someone say something to me. Not normally a jumpy person, this scared me to death. I wiped around and here is a guy standing in the doorway. He starts apologizing repeatedly telling me he is Carlos, the older brother and that he got home early from college for Christmas and no one was there except Miguel and me. I asked him how long he had been there and he told me long enough to see Miguel give you his Christmas present early and repeatedly. As my mind swirled trying to think of something to say, Carlos told me not to worry about Miguel saying anything as it was Berto that had told him what was going on.

As I looked at Carlos, I was amazed at how closely these three brothers resembled each other. Berto may have been the middle brother, but he was the biggest. All three had big legs, broad shoulders and as I said earlier, they were thick. Not fat, just thick. Carlos backed into the room and asked me to join him. Just in case the parents came early, he didn't want to spoil the surprise so he didn't want them to see him. From the light in the hallway, it looked like he had a very short beard or maybe just had shaved in several days. As I take a seat on the bed I could see him pull off his t-shirt and he had a mighty fine chest. I tried to divert my eyes from staring but at the same time didn't realize I had given him time to lose his pants. He was now just in a skimpy pair of boxers and flops down on the bed. "So," he starts off, " how long has the little horn dog been abusing your ass?" "You mean Miguel?" I asked "Oh has Berto been fucking you, too?" "No no I was just confused when you said horndog". For maybe 5 or 6 weeks, I told him and then trying to change the conversation away from Berto. I said, "His cock is way too big for me to try." "Oh so you have tried?" "No but I have seen it and soft it is so large, it would scare me if it got hard." He leans over and lifts my hand and places it on his cock, which was out through the fly of his boxers. Instinctively, I gave it a squeeze before withdrawing my hand. That was all it took.

Carlos is almost begging me to let him use my ass. I heard every promise a guy has ever used. "It won't hurt. If does, I'll pull out. I'll only fuck for a little bit and so on." I finally give in when he tells me he will only put the head in and he wants to jack off with the head in me so he can cum that way. He said that was a deal and he pulls a tube of something out of the nightstand. He shot some onto his finger and is rubbing it all over my hole. I don't know what this was but it was a lot more slippery than the hand lotion Miguel had been using. He slides his middle finger into me and pulls it back out saying, "You still have Miguel's cum in you, don't you?" I told him I do and I always try to leave it there so it will be more slippery the next time he fucks me. He gets up and crawls up from the end of the bed between my legs. He lifts up my legs and hold an ankle in each hand. He tells me he will let me guide him in so it won't hurt. I reach back and he is hard as nails and the whole length is covered in whatever the slippery stuff is. As I line the head up with my ass, I don't know if it is him or my ass betraying me, but his whole slippery cock is going in me. He starts dragging himself back out of me and I am so empty until pushes back in. I am not sure what he did or how, but he hit a spot that Miguel never had and I am riding that cock with all my might.

It's not long and Carlos is calling out to every deity that he knew as he busted his nut in me. As he is still holding my legs in the air and regaining his ability to breath, The light pops on and Berto is standing in the doorway, watching. At that point, I was so turned on that I didn't even care who was watching. Berto walks over to the bed and tells me he has a Christmas present for me but it looks like I need it now. While still impaled on Carlos's cock, I take the little bag and pull out the gift. "What is it?" I ask. Carlos laughs as Berto takes it back in hand. Carlos says, "It is a butt plug so you don't drip." He still has his cock in me as Berto is smearing some of the slippery grease all over the plug. Carlos asks Berto, "Ready?" and Berto nods. Carlos pulls out of me and Berto shoves the plug into my ass all in one easy motion. Berto then tells me I won't be leaking all over his car from now on.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming.

Next: Chapter 2

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