The Bull, The Stag, The Ram

By Arthur Doyle

Published on Feb 11, 2022


Buck's supremely colossal cock went in and out of my well-used hole as he pounded me forcefully from behind. My own raging hard dick was leaking jock juice as I moaned and writhed, staring through my open legs and watching his balls swing in a steady rhythm. Cum was dripping off both our sweaty bodies and the heady scent of sex stank wafted from our hides, a not unsurprising effect of the fact that we'd been fucking for the past many hours. Buck had taken me every way possible, bringing the two of us through an amazing array of exquisite configurations as he banged my hole for all it was worth. Finally, he clutched me close and screwed up his face as he released a fourth orgasmic allotment of ball cream into my dripping rear, filling me up with his manly spunk and making me shoot yet another load all over the floor. Slick and spent, we curled up together on his bed and made out as our climaxes slowly subsided.

This was a pretty regular ritual at our house now, a near-constant bang fest as the two of us explored our pressing need to unite as often as we could. Sometimes, Buck invited a friend or two to help him slam my ass, but for the most part it had been us alone for what felt like days on end, smoking copious weed and screwing like animals. My roommate often wore his antler crown, saying that this way our coupling was a consecrated sacrament that helped churn through the power of creation. But sometimes we simply made sweet, sweet love like two partners sharing in each other's presence. I couldn't remember ever being happier in my life.

Buck scratched at the cum-stained hair on his chest and rolled over to plant a kiss on my lips. "You're so goddamn hot," he growled, nuzzling his bearded face against my neck. He reached over to the table at his bedside and picked up a psychedelic glass pipe whose bowl was packed with half-smoked grass, lit it, and inhaled. I watched him wreathed in smoke, a deep and abiding sense of serenity permeating my chest.

"So, remember the other day when we messed around with Jack?" Buck said, his mischievous green eyes lighting up as he grinned.

How could I forget? Jack had texted afterwards to say he'd been pleasantly surprised that he had a blast, and that he wouldn't even mind doing it again sometime, but that he was probably not going to be donging dudes on the regular. I understood that what had happened with my best friend was a kind of spontaneous magical circumstance and that Jack was still mostly straight in spite of his little gay threesome escapade. I was coming to realize that sexuality was a good deal more complicated than I'd ever imagined.

"I was just impressed that you got Jack to join us," Buck said, reaching under the bed to grab something and giving me the delightful sight of his finely muscled butt. "And it got me thinking."

Straight dudes were not really Buck's forte, he explained. That is, he'd definitely gotten a few bi-curious guys in bed before, but by and large he wasn't in the business of trying to convert anyone. Jack had seemed pretty much off limits up until now. The fact that he'd been ensorcelled by my hot hole (well, and Buck's gargantuan dong) was a bit puzzling to Buck.

"It's not like I was trying," I said. "Jack just kinda switched over. I have no idea why."

"That's what I'd like to find out," my roommate said, running his fingers down the edge of a well-worn deck of cards. They had beautiful curving organic designs on their back and released the smell of camphor as he toyed with them.

After we both took another hit of ganja, Buck crossed his hairy legs and began shuffling the deck. I lay on my side and rested my head in his crotch, trying not to think too much about his massive pole and focus on the situation before me. Buck explained that the cards would help reveal some of the energies at play here, and potentially tell us what might be coming up ahead. After cutting the deck, he turned over the first card and lay it in front of us.

"The Knight of Swords, reversed," he said, pressing his chin into his palm with a look of concentration on his face. He was still wearing his antlers, making him look especially shamanic as he contemplated the Tarot card. It was upside-down but showed a beautiful and brawny boy, naked except for a metal helmet on his head, charging forward with a sword in his hand. His oversize uncut dick was hard and dripping and he was using one hand to jack it as he strode proudly ahead.

"Well, that's clearly you," Buck said, smiling as he brushed his fingers through my hair. "And this card represents the past, indicating the point when you started on this quest for knowledge."

I didn't say much but felt my loins stirring as Buck lay down the next card. He laughed when he saw it.

"The Lovers, of course." The drawing showed two extremely hot dudes fucking like crazy, with the bottom looking an awful lot like the previous guy and the bearded hunk donging him with a Tom-of-Finland-size cock looking a whole lot like Buck. "Here we are in the present, with both of us learning a great deal about ourselves."

My roommate paused to refill the bowl of the pipe and then shot-gunned a helping of smoke down my throat before continuing. Buck held me in his arms, running his hand over my body and whispering about how lucky he was to have found me.

"Are you ready to know the future?" he asked.

I nodded and so he drew a third card, setting it down next to the other two. It showed yet another supremely handsome naked man sitting cross-legged in a field as second dude rested his head in his lap. The scene seemed to be a mirror for how Buck and I were positioned on the bed and I gasped at the resemblance. But, on the card, the guy who looked like me was the one sitting upright while the nude bro in his lap had a mane of red hair and a manly dusting of auburn fur all over his crazily-built chest. He definitely had a piece as big as Buck's, but it was also pretty clear that this wasn't meant to represent Buck at all.

"Strength," said my roommate and lover, his voice thoughtful. "That's very interesting. It seems, Walsh, that in the coming days you might meet somebody new. I even have an inkling of who it might be."

I looked up from the card to see the pleased expression spreading across Buck's face. "Who?" I asked.

His incandescent eyes crinkled in the dim light of his room. "You'll see. But I think he's the person who's going to teach us where to go next."

"Walsh!" yelled Dov, the assistant coach of the lacrosse team. "Come in here!"

Looking around at my teammates in the locker room at the gym on campus, I wondered what trouble I'd gotten into. Nobody seemed to know any more than me. Still only in jockstrap, I contemplated whether or not to get dressed when another call rang through the area.


I hurried into a small side office and came face to face with Dov, our assistant coach. He wasn't that much older than the rest of the guys, maybe mid- to late-twenties, Russian-Israeli and an enormous bear of a dude, covered in hair from head to toe, with a more or less permanent menacing expression glued to his face. He leaned against a desk while wearing a red baseball cap and a pair of extremely short running shorts, a ludicrous bulge prominently displayed in front of him, crossing his hulking hirsute arms as he dressed me down with a glaring look.

"Why do I keep hearing that you are getting up to these... shenanigans with your teammates?"

I gulped. It was true that I'd sucked off a few of my fellow lacrosse players and had let Moose and a couple others fuck me during the last little while. But it wasn't my fault. I just kept finding myself in situations where heavy wet dongs and large hairy nutsacs came out and, the next thing I knew, I was on my knees or thrown over a bench, loving the feeling of a huge hard cock thrusting away inside one of my orifices. Word of my slutty ways continued to spread, which only seemed to lead to further high jinks of the carnal variety.

"Is there something against that in the rules?" I asked sheepishly.

Dov scratched at his enormous beard and then spit to one side. He had a bit of a uni-brow and was wearing a tank top showing off his mountainous hairy shoulders. The shirt was pressed tight against his stomach, which was not a perfect six-pack but rather a little rounded. His supremely-thick thighs were absolutely blasted in wiry hairs and his ass was struggling to stay in those shorts, as was his extremely heavy dong. Noticing how intently I was staring at his features, Dov grimaced at me.

"Coach says knock it off. This is a sports team, not a whorehouse." He looked at me in my near-nude state, adjusting his massive bulge with a meaty hand. "Eloyhim, no wonder this keeps happening, you parading around like that all the time."

"Uh, I'll try to keep it to a minimum from now on."

His nostrils flared and he frowned, lifting one arm behind his head as he kept the other on the waistband of his shorts. His pits contained a jungle of dense bush and were ripe as all hell, sending over the aroma of sagebrush, hyssop, and dandelion greens that made my head spin. The bottom of his shirt lifted, giving me just peek at his insanely hairy belly. He seemed to be considering something as he stared at me with his fierce brown eyes.

"Enough. Get out of here. And stop with the kishkushim in the locker room!"

I left in a daze, embarrassed to have been caught by the coaches, not looking where I was going, and trying to figure out how to prevent myself from getting dicked down all the time. Almost immediately, I ran right into a wrestler. My eyes had only a split second to take in the fact that the guy was a husky Viking, with bright red hair and a massive beard, wearing an extremely-low cut singlet that showed off his insanely beefy chest and a fine pelt of copper body hair. On his left arm sat a stunning tattoo of a proud male lion.

"Oppfff--" I said, smashing into him.

In the next instant, my nose was pressed deep into the stinky crevice of his armpit and my hand had instinctually found its way around the thick coiled snake of his dong inside his tight singlet. His own hand had become cupped around the curve of my butt cheek, a single finger slipping into my crack, headed in the direction of my puck. I melted as I inhaled the guy's scent, which was redolent of sedge grass and licorice and pure virile dude. My boner was nearly leaping out of my jockstrap when Dov poked his head out of his office.

"Hey!" he called. "What have we just talked about? Take it outside, for fuck's sake."

The wrester smiled at me with his beautiful hazel eyes and nodded his head in the direction of the exit. On a bench outside the gym, we sat down together, this new dude giving off a super relaxed vibe as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a giant cone of a joint.

"Interested?" he said, pointing to the doobie.

I nodded as I took him in, this stunning stud with his incredible features, built like a Buick and shaking his shoulder-length mane of red hair. He had the body of an old-timey strongman, with incredible biceps and heaving pecs and was doing nothing to hide the fact that you could see almost every inch of his insane uncut dong as it rested across his thigh beneath the thin cloth of his singlet. On his right wrist, he wore a beaded bracelet, which was studded with the incisors of some kind of beast. He raised his eyebrows at me, lit the joint, took a long puff, and then handed it over.

"My name's Leo," he said, grinning and looking me up and down as he let the smoke curl from his nose and mouth.

"I'm Colton," I said, hitting the offered reefer. "But most people use my last name, Walsh."

Leo laughed. "Colton, huh? Maybe I'll just call you Colt." His nostrils flared and I knew that he was inhaling my scent with zeal. I had put on a shirt and short before leaving the locker room but was still pretty sweaty all over. "What's the deal with that hot hairy caveman back there?"

I reddened. "Ah, I've apparently been caught too many times with my pants around my ankles."

The handsome redhead next to me chuckled, pressing his knee against mine on the bench. "I'll bet. You look like someone who gets into all kinds of trouble."

The weed began settling in my brain, making me feel loose and laid-back with this new stranger. There was something extremely familiar about him, though that might have been because he looked like he'd fit in with Buck's crew of hot hippies pretty easily. I wondered if this was the guy the Tarot card had been referring to. Leo held my gaze with his gleaming eyes as he puffed away at his joint.

"This is gonna sound weird," he said. "But did you ever get the feeling that you were supposed to run into somebody?"

Before I could answer, Dov burst from the locker room doors with a scowl, his supremely bushy eyebrows pulled close together, and marched over to us. He stood in front of us with his hands on his hips, thrusting his copious bulge forward and and glowering.

"No grass on campus!" he said, looking like he was going to grab the whistle hanging around his neck and blow for the cops to come.

Leo and I were stunned into silence by this narc and his behavior. What was he doing following us out here anyway? My redheaded companion allowed a contemplative moment to pass before fixing Dov with a dovish smile.

"Hey man, sorry about that," he said. "No harm, no foul."

But the assistant coach wasn't done. "I think you two will be made an example of. I shall have to call the police."

"Alright, alright," Leo purred. "No need to go that far." He flashed his sharp canines and spread his legs apart. "Maybe we can work out some kind of deal so that it doesn't have to come to that?"

Neanderthal Dov didn't seem to like the suggestion, his frown deepening as his eyes remained on Leo's extremely X-rated package. He scratched idly at his own crotch while retaining his surly demeanor. "What deal?"

Leo put on an innocent expression and held out the doobie. "Care for a puff?"

The assistant coach considered this. You could almost hear the rusty gears turning behind his thick skull. But then he swiped the joint with his gorilla hand, brought it to his lips, and took such a long drag that half the paper turned to ash. He held it in for a long time, his face turning blue at the edges, and then released an enormous cloud of smoke, his massive upper body slumping as he emptied his lungs. Instantly, he looked more chipper.

"Ahhhhh," he said. "That was great. Been far too long since I had some proper grass."

Sitting next to me, Leo grinned and pressed his entire leg against mine, reaching into his bag to pull out another joint so we could all indulge some more. Three or four doobies later, Dov was bleary-eyed and practically teetering on his feet before us, a beatific smile plastered to his bearded face as he idly giggled and pinched the end of his fat dick through his shorts.

"Okay then," he said, looking like he was having trouble concentrating. "You two're gays, right?"

Neither me or my stunning ginger companion responded, allowing the silence to give Dov whatever answer he needed.

"How about you?" Leo asked, running his fingers across the soft shaft of his own cock. I was a bit shocked to have such action happening out in the open, where anybody might see us, but trusted that Leo knew what he was doing.

Dov scoffed. "Psshhhh! That's disgusting." He swayed, giving us a funny look. "But you know what I always love after getting high? A soak!"

He seemed to find this particularly hilarious, coaxing us to stand up and follow him. I told him that there wasn't a hot tub on campus that I knew of, but Dov just grinned and shook a key in his pocket, which had the extra effect of jangling his large dong. "Secret private tub," he said. "Only for the coaches!"

The three of us went back into the gym and down some hallways. Dov opened a door with his key and brought us into a steamy empty space with a tile-lined hot tub burbling away in its center. "Ta-dah!" he said.

Leo and I looked at one another, each of us wondering where exactly things were headed. But my new redheaded friend was a pretty quick study because he just turned around and removed the straps of his singlet, showing off his supremely-sculpted back. I followed suit and started to take off my shirt and shorts. We both paused when we noticed Dov was glowering again and doing nothing to remove his own clothes.

"Whats a matter, man?" Leo asked. "Embarrassed to get naked with other dudes? Don't worry, we won't make fun of your dick size." He stuck his tongue between his teeth, teasing the assistant coach.

That got Dov riled up and he set his jaw as he stared at us, quickly pulling off his baseball cap, tight tank top, and tiny shorts. For a minute, he tried to hide his wang with his hands, but immediately gave that up and stood before us proudly in the buff. The sight of his nude physique was staggering. The guy was ripped, with arms and legs thick as tree trunks that were covered in ample fields of fine body hair. His torso was similarly shaggy, not an inch of his skin lacking in fuzz, with a nicely-sculpted chest and just the most perfect beer belly you can imagine. His ass stuck way out in the back and was so large you could serve dinner for four on it. But the most breathtaking thing was his humongous tubesteak of a cock, uncut like a nice Russian Jew, girthy as hell and dangling against a pair of giant wrecking balls in a crazy tangle of pubes. A tiny film of precum coated the tip of that astonishing pipe, which was peeking ever so slightly from its foreskin.

"What?" he said, tugging at his dick-head as we stared. "Just get in the water."

He jumped into the tub and sat against one of the bubbling jets, allowing the spray to unwind him. I finished taking off my clothes and dipped in after him. The water was blazingly hot, meaning I had to slowly lower my way in. I noticed Dov watching me, his hand absentmindedly moving below the surface as he continued toying with his soft pole.

I barely had time to consider the significance of Dov's mixed signals when we both turned to find Leo striding toward us. As if I didn't already have an exquisite creation of a man already next to me in the tub, I was practically agog from seeing that stupefying ginger completely au naturel. His legs were shredded and covered in a dusting of light fur, leading to a herculean ass that would have won first prize at the county fair. His hairy torso was deeply triangular, with mouthwatering fuck muscles above his waist, a ridiculous six pack, and pecs, shoulders, and arms that went on for days. With his shoulder-length red hair swaying, his gorgeous hazel eyes, his bright red beard, and that beautiful leonine tattoo, the guy could have gotten anyone he wanted in a second. Just to top it all off, Leo was sporting a whopping uncut anaconda, at least as large and thick as Dov's, which rested in a nest of carrot-colored fuzz, dripping a steady beat of ball nectar from his massive nuts onto the floor.

Leo slid into the water with barely any sound and a mischievous smile plastered to his face. Sandwiched between these two titans, whose long dongs were quite visible beneath the surface, I felt unsure how to proceed. My companions must have been in a similar state because the three of us said nothing as the warm jets caressed our bodies.

"Okay, so I must ask," Dov said, looking like he was cogitating over something deep. "How do gays... like figure it out? How do you know who's going to be the one giving it and who's going to be the one taking it? Like, girls have a pussy." He paused and scratched at his hairy asshole. "But I can't picture sticking something... up there."

Leo tipped his head to one side as he scanned Dov's adorably confused face. "It's just a feeling, you know? Chemistry, energy, all that stuff that passes between people. Sometimes you feel one way, and sometimes another."

Dov looked between me and Leo as he pinched his wooly eyebrows together. "R'you two gonna fuck?"

I turned and met that intriguing stranger's gaze. "Maybe," he said.

"Man, you gays certainly have it easy," the assistant coach said, soaking his bear-like body further in the tub and scratching at his short buzzed hair. "You just meet a dude and, bam, you're banging."

Leo smiled. "It's not always like that."

Dov gave a huge growl of a laugh, his furry upper chest shaking as he pointed at me with his thumb. "You should hear what this one gets up to. It's just dick, dick, dick, dick, dick... all day long."

I reddened and started to respond but the redhead at my side came to my rescue.

"That's because this boy Colt is more than he appears." Leo touched the beaded bracelet at his wrist, which I was almost 100 percent certain had a pair of lion's teeth on it. "We talk about the labels of sexuality like they're real things when they're actually just human-created categories. Sex is more primal than that. It comes to us from the earth. It puts us in touch with the cosmos itself." His voice moved down to a more guttural level, his words practically rumbling as he spoke. "Colt here is finely attuned to such forces. He just hasn't fully figure that out yet."

My mouth was open in surprise from hearing his descriptions. Could that actually be true? I didn't feel like some kind of sex conduit, tuned into the swirling tensions of the carnal world. I was just stumbling along the same as everybody else. But Leo's statements caused a stirring in my chest. There was something in there, a kind of power that was almost electric. All I had to do was reach out and touch it.

In the next moment, my senses strengthened. My eyes saw everything a little sharper, my nose registering the bromine smell of the water as well as the ambrosial scents leaking from the men around me. My skin was tingling and even my tongue had suddenly grown more sensitive, tasting the desperate flavor of longing inside my mouth. Under the water, I wrapped my left hand around Leo's half-hard shaft. My right hand curled around the hulking bulk of Dov's dick, right at the place where it met his balls. The assistant coach looked at me with a frown on his face but his breathing had already grown heavy. As I jacked the two giant cocks to either side of me, Dov leaned his head back and moaned.

"FFFFFUCCKKKKKKK!" he said, and I felt his erection stiffen.

Leo hadn't taken his beautiful feline eyes off of me this whole time. "Good boy, Colt."

As a reward, he took my own stoner boner in his palm and began to give me an underwater hand job. Radiations of bliss spread from my crotch to the rest of my body. Dov had a shocked expression glued to his face as he groaned heavily. The end of his humongous hard-on was now poking above the surface of the water, looking like a delectable kolbasa wrapped in a succulent foreskin. I wasted no time in diving down on that dong, bringing the tip into my mouth and feeling the hot water hitting my face. My ass naturally rose upward and, within a second, I could feel Leo licking at my hairy puck. My ears remained above the water, allowing me to hear Dov panting and wailing at the delightful performance before him.

Holding my breath, I took Dov down to the root, shoving that insane trouser snake all the way down my throat as I closed my eyes underwater. This had the added effect of sending Leo further into my upraised butt, his tongue slithering into my rear tunnel as my cheeks clapped around his face. Coming up for air, I moaned as that lion of a man gave me one of the best rim jobs of my life. Dov seemed to be pretty far gone by this point, and as he stood in the hot tub, his preposterous prong smacked me several times in the face. The ursine assistant coach sat on the edge of the tub, his hirsute body dripping with water and sweat, and spread his legs apart. I locked eyes with him and saw him nod. Immediately, I brought my face to his crotch.

After gargling his nuts for a moment, I shoved his outlandish organ back down my craw, eliciting cries of ecstasy from its owner. Dov humped his hips against my lips, face-fucking me with bestial urgency and practically hooting with pleasure. Rivulets of delicious raw nut juice slid down my throat, tasting of brine and spice. The assistant coach placed his hands on my head and began really railing me, sending his elephantine erection in and out through my lips and mashing his loins against my nose in a head-spinning manner. I took the assault like a champ, loving the stars spinning around my brow and the pressure of that humungous hog stoppering my front end. I wanted to be consumed by that feeling, to explore every incredible dimension of sexual existence.

At this point, Leo returned his cat's tongue to my hole and was lapping away at my ass with fervent enthusiasm. My puck blossomed beneath his ministrations and soon he stood up on his haunches and pressed the egg-sized end of his massive dickhead right against my desperate ring. There was a moment of intense pressure and then the seemingly endless length of his beer-can-thick dongle stretched my sphincter and slid down to the balls. Leo leaned forward and wrapped his massive arm around my chest as he began to fuck me in earnest. Jesus Christ! The feeling of his trunk-like instrument banging away at my super-snug asshole was almost too much to bear. Coupled with the feeling of Dov's superlative schlong wedged down my throat, I was in cockhound heaven.

Leo nuzzled at my neck and then pushed himself forward so he could swallow Dov's dong as well. The assistant coach pulled out of my mouth, smacking me on the nose with his dripping wet dick, and then rammed it into Leo's craw. I had a porntastic up close shot of Dov's majestic meat battering Leo's beautiful red-bearded face. The hairy nuts hanging below were swinging wildly, often slapping me right between the eyes as Dov humped the orifice in front of him. As we passed his astronomic cock back and forth between our eager lips, Leo continued to shove his enormous hole basher so far up my keister that I could practically feel it tickling my tonsils. The three of us grunted and sweated, lost in a heady stink of ball lube and dude pong as my overloaded prostate leaked torrents of crude boy batter out the end of my sterling erection.

We could soon see that Dov was done with just getting serviced orally and in need of some fine man tang, so Leo stepped aside and slapped my cheeks enticingly. Eager as a puppy, I turned over on my back and mewled as that wool-covered assistant coach introduced his monumental yogurt slinger to my enthusiastic puck. As he slipped inside me, I wrapped my legs around his huge torso, resting my heels on his shaggy ass. The feeling of being mounted by that mountain of a man was almost overwhelming and my cock shot a nice spurt of hot cream, which landed on my face. While savoring the taste of my own sweet seed, I gave myself over to Dov's first-class donging, loving being repeatedly slammed in the ass by his beefy meat whistle. For a while, Leo crouched over my face, tea-bagging me with his heavy nuts and giving me a taste of his savory back door. With my tongue slipping in and out of his tight chute, he bounced his amazing ass against my face, jacking his fine foreskin over his flaring dick-end as coarse nut liquor flowed from his huge boner. Though his hairy cheeks blocked my view, I could hear him and Dov making out, leading me to sigh and think that this was how life should always be.

Having tested the edges of Dov's straightness, Leo now rose and brought his raging ramrod up to the assistant coach's lips. I wondered how the hirsute Russian would react but was delighted to see that he opened his jaw and allowed the rugged Viking's vein-studded lap rocket to enter his bearded face. I almost couldn't believe that I was getting to bear witness to the sight of Leo's super-size bazooka slithering into the throat of that hair-covered pussy pounder, who was at the moment pounding the living daylights out of my keyed-up hindquarters. Of course, Dov wasn't the most practiced deep throater and so Leo took it easy on him, shoving his way down to the root once or twice before giving the assistant coach a second to rest. But even after struggling to accommodate Leo's long dong, Dov had a goofy grin plastered to his face.

"Fuckin' hell," he said. "This is incredible!"

I thought that Leo might give Dov some more wang, but that leonine wrester took a different tack and instead sat down on my dick. My hard cock sailed straight into his supple asshole, which enveloped my rigid boner in a realm of pure pleasure. I was now lucky Pierre to an enchanting duo, with hulking Dov banging away at my basement while strapping Leo bounced up and down on my pole. Just being in the presence of those two gifted gods made me melt with ecstatic joy. I wanted to submit to their every craving, to feel both of them cram their colossal dongs into my orifices and take care of their insatiable requirements until the end of time. I knew then and there that I was a total sex beast, in constant need of cock, and that I could induce the men around me to fulfill my most fervent fantasies.

"I need you both," I said, staring at the rutting animals before me. "At the same time."

Dov grinned like a lusty savage but Leo gave me an inquisitive look. "You sure?" When I nodded, he asked me how I wanted to be taken.

"Get on your backs," I said.

My partners wasted no time in lay down at the edge of the hot tub and arranging themselves ass to ass, their hairy legs intertwining as they pressed their ginormous dicks together. The combined girth of those monsters was jaw-dropping and for a moment I hesitated, wondering if I could accommodate such splendor in my tight rear tunnel. Dov growled at me to hop on, jacking away at his dripping uncut member while grabbing Leo's insanely thick dick. I sniffed my own armpit for good luck, feeling the rush of my potent tang hit me like a drug, and then crouched down over the huge dongs sticking straight up in the air. Mounting their tips, I felt my asshole stretch. FUUUUCCCKKKKKKKK!!!! Those were some insane specimens of rock solid cock. Leo rubbed at my leg, encouraging me to take it as slow as possible. Breathing deeply, I listened to his advice, allowing my sphincter to unravel under the intense pressure of their dual mushroom heads.


Okay, wow, I managed to get both tips inside me, the sensation of my chute stretching already more than I could bear. A geyser of hot cum spurted from my dick end, looping like a lasso in the air before raining down atop me and the hunks pushing my trunk to its limits. The mini-orgasm actually helped relax me just a bit more. Licking salty spooge from my lips, I felt another inch of those massive mastodongs slip inside me. HOLEEEEY SHIT! The experience was insane. My nose was registering each scent around me: ass and cock and pits and balls and just straight up manly dude from every direction. Another rope of sweet skeet fired from my wang as my keister descended just a bit further.

"You're doing great!" Leo said. "This is sooooo fucking hot, bro."

"GRRRR!" Dov managed to say as he let loose his own spurt of splooge into my rear.

The assistant coach wasn't climaxing yet, but he was definitely getting close. His nut helped lube up my hole and the two thick pipes stuffed in my bung slithered just that much more inside my wet antechamber. My mind was rising out of my body by this point, the whole experience completely transcendental as I sank into senselessness. Soon another measure of those gargantuan hogs had entered me. Their combined girth hit my love button and I busted again, this time a healthy serving of boy batter that dripped down over our muscular hides. By now, the beast was upon me and I pressed down faster, cramming those gigantic jolly rogers ever farther into my crevice while moaning and panting. I began to buck my hips in an effort to encapsulate additional inches and, pretty soon, I had reached the bottom, my hairy cheeks feeling two sets of enormous nuts pressed against them, my ass stretched out to its maximum capacity by some of the largest ass-bangers I'd ever come across.

"GODDAMN, COLT!!" Leo yelped. "THIS IS AMAZING!!!"

But I could barely hear him as I thrust myself up and down on those love sticks, uncovering their shafts nearly to their tips before slamming my caboose down all the way to the hilt. Propped up on my hands and feet, executing an impressive reverse plank, I plowed my way through my first DP, my dong squirting near-continuous dollops of lecherous nectar that landed all over our trio. The feeling was out-of-this-world, far better than I could have imagined, my entire soul ablaze with burning pleasure. For a while both boys just lay back and let me ride them, cheering and shouting as they watched my performance. But then Dov must have had enough because he sat and scooped me up, shoving me atop Leo as he mounted me from above.

Sandwiched between two supreme specimens of pure brawny beef, I let myself be taken by Dov's insistent screwing. He was an animal, huffing and puffing as he banged away at my hole, his colossal cock moving in tandem with Leo's mighty member, the two of them donging me with so much force that I thought I might pass out. The lion below me alternated between making out with me and eating out my armpit, his tongue sliding ecstatically around my hairy, stinky socket. My dick was so hard and my hole so stimulated that I was just firing away, a puddle of spooge amassing on Leo's abs and occasionally hitting us both in the face. Finally, I heard Dov cry out and, for a moment seize up, his every muscle tensed as he pressed his enormous dick all the way inside my back door.

"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!" he shouted as his cock began pumping cum inside me.

The flood of jizz filled up my hole, leaking out to drip over my taint as well as the nutsacks pressed against it. The sensation must have set off Leo as well because he released a roar and screwed up his face as his own orgasm ripped through his body. The spunkload was doubled as Leo delivered a crazy helping of his seed into my ass. Both of them pulled out and continued spreading sticky semen across our bodies while I crested my own climax, culminating in a preposterous portion of ejaculate that sprayed out above our heads. Spent, the three of us collapsed down, making out while rubbing splooge over our muscles. Looking at the dark-bearded gentleman on one side of me and the redheaded heartthrob on the other, I felt myself transformed, recognizing that I was starting to gain control of my powers. Where they would take me next was anybody's guess.

Thanks to all who are patiently waiting for these next installments. Keep sending me ideas or things you'd like to see at We're probably getting close to the end here, but want to make sure it's a wild ride before I get there. Please support Nifty at

Next: Chapter 10

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