The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Feb 18, 2018


Disclaimer: This story depicts sexual acts between teenage boys

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Kids can be mean. No, kids can be fucking assholes. Nobody knew this fact better than Josh Morris. At barely 14, Josh had already been subjected to some pretty harsh bullying. The kids in his class were cruel, and he often felt alone and isolated because of it. Whenever his parents half-heartedly asked him what was wrong, he'd refuse to say a word, so nobody really did much to help him. There were times when he wanted to reach out to somebody, but he could never find the words.

The truth was that Josh had really never done anything to bring on the bullying, at least not intentionally. Earlier in the year, just before summer break, his parents had been going through a rough patch; they were fighting a lot, often in front of Josh and his brother, Max. This tumultuous energy at home had caused Josh problems at school, and he found it difficult to focus. The issues migrated from his home life to his sports life. His performance in track and baseball became sporadic at best. He stopped showing up to track meets completely, opting to just wander around the school grounds at the end of the day. The worst thing was that his grades had dropped so drastically that he wasn't allowed to play in a crucial baseball game, and it pissed off a lot of other boys as well as some parents. Eventually he just dropped from both sports and nobody seemed to care.

His difficulties came to a head one day when he'd just had enough. After a particularly brutal night of arguing between his parents, Josh excused himself from class, locked himself in a bathroom stall and sobbed. After a while he was able to calm himself down, but not before a group of boys wandered into the bathroom. Josh winced when he heard their voices, recognizing them immediately.

"Now who the fuck is in my stall?" one boy asked aloud. Two other voices snickered behind him. "Get the fuck out of there." Josh knew the voice to be that of Hunter Bailey, one of the meaner guys at school. He figured the other two voices had to belong to Vince and Mark, who were often at Hunter's side, laughing at his stupid jokes.

"It's occupied," Josh said softly, sniffling to himself.

"Bullshit," Hunter said harshly. "Dude, are you fucking crying?"

"Sounds like that fag, Morris," Mark interjected.

"He's probably in there jacking off," said Vince, inciting laughter from Mark.

"Is that true, Joshy? You in there whacking it?"

Suddenly there were hands at the top of the stall, making Josh almost jump off the toilet. Hunter hoisted himself up just enough to peer down at Josh. For a moment their eyes locked, Josh's tears evident on his face, and then Hunter dropped back down.

"What's he doin' in there, Hunter?" Vince asked as he took a piss at one of the urinals. Hunter hesitated.

"He's...jerkin' off. What a fag," he said. The other two laughed hysterically. Josh heard a second urinal flush and the group wandered out.

Eventually word got around that Josh had been jerking off in the boy's room. Kids would snicker whenever he walked by. Girls called him a pervert. Any time he had to take a leak, he'd try his best to hold it to avoid the lude hand motions boys would make whenever he headed toward the bathroom. He tried explaining one time that he wasn't jerking off, he didn't even have his pants down, but nobody believed him.

Life was hell. And then it got worse.

One day after school, Josh decided to hang out at the playground for a bit instead of going home. He did this often to avoid the tension that existed within his family. After sitting on the swings for a while, he was approached from behind.

"Hiya Josh," a low voice said. Josh was startled. When he turned around, he saw none other than Hunter Bailey approaching with a sly smile on his face. "What? No hello for your old buddy?"

Josh stood and reached for his backpack, but Hunter kicked it away. "Not so fast, bud," he taunted.

"What do you want, Hunter?" Josh asked, staring at the ground.

"I just want to talk. It's after 6, nobody's around but you, and this is my spot. It has to be fate, right?" he said with a laugh. "So what are you doing here, kid?"

"None of your business."

"That's not very nice," Hunter said. He gave Josh a hard push, knocking him back a bit. Josh felt a wave of shock run through his body. "Why don't you like me, Morris? What the fuck did I ever do to you?"

"You lied and told everyone I was masturbating in the bathroom last spring," Josh said. "Now everyone thinks I'm some disgusting pervert."

"So what? To be fair, you could be some disgusting pervert for all anyone knows," Hunter mocked. "And besides, would you rather I told everyone you were crying in the bathroom stall like some little baby bitch?"

Josh said nothing. He just looked at the ground between his legs.

"So tell me, what the fuck are you doing here after everyone's gone home?" Hunter asked. Josh continued to say nothing, and Hunter grabbed him by the arm. "Come with me, kid," he ordered. He pulled Josh over to the big slide at the furthest corner of the playground. The slide had a curve to it that created a little cave to sit in. Cigarettes always lined the interior. One time Josh had found empty beer bottles there.

"Sit the fuck down," Hunter ordered, pulling Josh to the ground next to him. They leaned against the structure. "Relax, dude. Smoke?" Josh shook his head as Hunter lit up. "Whatever. You jerk off?"

"What? No," Josh said, defensively. It was an obvious lie. What teen boy doesn't whack it? But the thought of admitting to it made Josh blush, especially after the ridicule he'd received all year.

"Here, look at this," Hunter said. He pulled out his phone and flipped through it for a moment. Eventually he came to a video. He leaned over and showed it to Josh. It was a clip of a hand jerking off a big erect penis.

"What the hell is that?" Josh said with mild disgust.

"That's my favorite girl, and that's my dick," he said, smiling wide. "Watch it with me."

Josh stared intently at the screen, afraid to look away. The dick looked massive. The girl's hand was moving slowly and steadily, working its way from the tip to the base, back and forth. Hunter turned the volume up so Josh could hear. Yeah, stroke that cock,' Hunter said in the video. You're so good at that, baby.'

Alright enough, turn the camera off,' a female voice whispered. Suddenly the hand moved away. Fuck!' Hunter yelled before the video ended abruptly.

"What do ya think, Morris? You like it?" Hunter asked joyously, beaming at the boy next to him.

"I, uh, I don't know," Josh stuttered. The video made him uncomfortable and his face became flushed.

"That was Sarah Britten," Hunter said. Josh knew her as a cheerleader, a preppy girl who was usually nicer than the other kids in his class. "Nobody would ever believe it. A good girl like that jerkin' off a rebel like me? Fuck. But it was her. And I'm gonna fuck her someday."

For a moment, Hunter just stared into space, apparently contemplating. Josh was silent, unsure of how to even respond to any of this. He had butterflies in his stomach thinking about Hunter fucking a girl as beautiful as Sarah. Suddenly Hunter reached over and grabbed Josh's dick through his jeans.

"I fucking knew it," Hunter exclaimed. "That vid turned you on. You really are a disgusting little pervert, huh?"

"What? No..." Josh said, trying to pull away. Hunter squeezed his crotch and held him in place. He then leaned in really close to Josh's ear, his breath hot. "You liked seeing my big sausage in that girl's hand, huh?"

"Hunter stop, please," Josh pleaded. The friction from Hunter's grasp only made Josh's dick harder.

"Damn kid, you must be really likin' that," Hunter said, looking down at Josh's crotch. He then let go, giving Josh some relief. "I guess this really is fate after all!" He then reached over and grabbed Josh's hand, placing it on his own bulge. Josh's eyes grew large as he felt the massive mound in Hunter's pants. Hunter just smirked at him.

"Why are you doing this?" Josh asked in a timid voice. "I'm not gay."

"I told my boys I was still gettin' some from Sarah, but the lousy bitch won't even text me back," Hunter said. "I need some more video evidence."

"You...want me to jerk you off?"

"Fuck yeah bud," Hunter said. He pulled his phone out and aimed it down at his crotch. "This couldn't be more perfect! Now listen carefully Morris or I'll kick your ass. I want you to undo my pants, take out my cock, and jerk it nice and slow. If you say a word I will kill your bitch ass. Got it?"

Josh said nothing, and Hunter elbowed him hard in the side of his arm, causing him to wince loudly. "Fuck! I got it, Hunter," Josh said, his voice quivering.

"Alright then, Morris. Get to work," Hunter said excitedly. Josh heard the recording tone and knew he needed to act. He tentatively reached for Hunter's zipper, pulled it down, then used both hands to undo the button of Hunter's jeans. "Yeah baby," Hunter whispered.

Once Hunter's jeans were open, Josh could see the front of Hunter's boxer shorts. His dick was already bulging partially through the opening in the front. Josh reached in and fished it out. It felt hot to the touch, and looked bigger in person than it did on camera. "Stroke it," Hunter ordered. It was awkward at first as Josh started stroking it up and down. He had never even thought about touching another dude's dick before.

"Mmmm baby. Go a little faster," Hunter moaned. His moaning got louder as Josh worked his dick a bit more quickly. Josh did his best to get used to the feel of another guy's cock, trying to work it the same way he'd work his own. "Tighter," Hunter said, moaning loudly when Josh followed his instruction. Hunter's breathing became more and more erratic, and his moans were starting to become shorter and louder. "I'm so close, baby. Work that dick faster," Hunter whispered.

Josh's arm was starting to cramp, but he dared not piss off the muscled teen next to him. He fought through the pain and urgently beat the bully's dick, stroking it swiftly up and down, trying to milk the cum out of his balls. "Here it comes, bitch, here it comes!" Hunter breathed loudly. Josh could feel Hunter's cock twitch as he began to pop his load. Cum spurted out in quick bursts, all over Josh's hand as well as the front of Hunter's t-shirt, boxers, and jeans. It felt like lava when it first touched Josh's skin. "Yeah Sarah, fuck yeah girl," Hunter said with a sigh. Josh slowly milked the last bit of cum from Hunter's dick before retracting his hand. Hunter finally turned the video off and leaned backward. He was silent for a moment before pulling out another cigarette and lighting up.

"The guys are gonna be so pissed when they see I really am still gettin' some from Sarah. Good thing you have girly hands, Morris," Hunter laughed.

"Um, can I go now Hunter?" Josh asked, his face red with embarrassment.

"No. Not yet," Hunter said gruffly. Hunter reached over and grabbed Josh's crotch again. "Knew it. Still boned." He laughed to himself, pulling out his phone as Josh grimaced. "What's your number, Morris?"

"Uh, why?"

"Just give me your fucking number. Jesus Christ." Scared, Josh did as he was told.

"Good. Now I can send you the video, and text you whenever I want," Hunter said, giving Josh goosebumps.

"I don't want the video," Josh said unconvincingly.

Hunter leaned in really close again, just like earlier, his face centimeters from Josh's neck. "Don't kid yourself. Your hand was on my dick, and my semen is all over your hand. Sending you that video is the nicest thing I'll ever do for you." He got even closer, sending chills down Josh's spine. "You're mine now, Joshy. Now button me up so I can go the fuck home."

Hunter leaned back, flicking his cigarette as Josh obeyed, stuffing Hunter's cum-covered cock back into his boxer shorts and buttoning his jeans for him. "Don't forget the zipper," Hunter said with a smirk.

That night, when Josh was in bed, he couldn't sleep at all. His parents were fighting once again. At one point he could hear a wine glass shattering as it struck a wall. He was pretty sure he could hear his brother sobbing in the next room. Then there was the unfamiliar sound of a message on his phone. He grabbed the phone from his nightstand and looked: a file received. His stomach had butterflies, just like earlier in the evening.

He opened the file; it was the video, just as Hunter promised. As the fighting outside his room got louder, Josh reached for his earbuds and put them in, connecting them to his phone. He pulled his hard cock out of his shorts and jerked himself, the rough sound of Hunter's moaning just barely overpowering the arguing taking place outside. He had no idea why, but he came harder than he ever had in his short life.

Trying to get back into writing again, so thought I'd start with something new. Email me at and let me know what you think. Should I keep going? ~ Micah

Other stories on Nifty, all under "Incest":

Alone With Kyle In The Garage At Charlie's House Happy Fucking Easter

Next: Chapter 2

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