The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Feb 20, 2018


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"You liked it, right?" a voice snickered from behind Josh as he placed his backpack inside his locker. It startled him, and his heart fell into his stomach. He pretended not to hear it. Then it was there again, this time lower: "You liked what we did yesterday. What YOU did."

Josh finally willed himself to turn around. He kept his eyes low. It was a mistake. "Can't keep your eyes off it, huh?" Hunter whispered. He was wearing tight blue jeans, and he gave himself a little tug, mocking Josh. Josh's eyes darted away from the older boy's bulge.

"What do you want from me?" Josh asked quietly.

"I should ask you the same thing," Hunter said. Someone else in the crowded hall caught his attention. "See you around."

Josh found himself distracted throughout the entire day. He was conflicted about his feelings. On one hand he had never found another boy attractive before, at least not beyond recognizing that a guy was objectively good looking. On the other hand, even though what he did with Hunter was totally wrong and humiliating, it felt good to be talked to, to be wanted for something, even if it had been sexual in nature. It felt good to give pleasure to someone else instead of being totally ignored.

This cycle of thoughts made Josh feel even more confused and conflicted. He knew giving another boy a hand job was wrong. Not to mention it had happened with one of the meanest kids in school, the source of much of Josh's misery.

After fourth period, just before lunch, Josh saw Hunter again in the main hallway. He was standing with one of his buddies, Mark, whispering in his ear as he showed him something on his phone. Hunter had a huge smile on his face and Mark looked totally amused. Josh saw him wiggle his hands around in his pockets, subconsciously playing with his dick in his jeans. Fuck. The video.

Josh wanted to look away, but he couldn't help but be intrigued by the situation. He also happened to notice how good looking both Hunter and Mark were. They were both wearing black leather jackets over their tight white t-shirts, a trend Hunter had started amongst his buddies a few years ago. Fuck, Josh thought again. He was really starting to slip; where were these thoughts coming from?

Suddenly Josh noticed both boys had their eyes on someone else in the room: Sarah Britten. She was nonchalantly walking by with her boyfriend in tow. Josh recognized him as Brian Sterling, a jock who happened to be Josh's ex best friend. They grew up together before growing apart when Josh's home life started to fall apart. Josh couldn't help but feel a bit pissed whenever he saw Brian. His friend hadn't been there for him when he needed him the most.

Sarah side-eyed Hunter and Mark as she walked by them, but she said nothing. Hunter and Mark looked at each other and laughed heartily. Josh couldn't help but chuckle to himself as well. Suddenly his gaze met Hunter's and he quickly covered his mouth and turned away.

After school ended, Josh contemplated going home. He contemplated going to the mall, the movies, the park, anywhere but home. He contemplated a lot of things, but ultimately he found himself right back where he'd been the night before: the playground. He sat on one of the swings and waited. After a half hour or so, he thought about just leaving.

And then Hunter showed up.

"Knew I'd find you here, kid," Hunter said, lighting up a cigarette. He nodded toward the corner of the playground, beckoning Josh to follow him. Josh stood and followed the more dominant male like a puppy. They sat in the same spot they had the evening prior, the same place they made the video. Josh wondered if he had made a mistake in coming here.

"My buds loved the video we made dude," Hunter said. "You're a real porn star." Josh blushed.

"Did they buy it? Did they think it was Sarah?"

"They're a little dumb, so yeah," Hunter said, flicking some ash to the ground in front of them. "They think I'm hittin' that again. Gotta keep up my reputation."

"So what now?" Josh asked.

"I was thinking I could kick your ass," Hunter threatened. "Or, I dunno, you could blow me I guess." He smirked.

"But they'd know I wasn't Sarah if they saw me blowing you on camera," Josh said.

"Fuck bro. I was kidding, man," Hunter said. "I'm not letting some little faggot blow me. I might just kick your ass for even mentioning it."

"Okay," Josh said, staring at the ground.

"Okay what?"

"You can kick my ass," Josh responded after a moment. "Just don't...don't leave..." Hunter stared at the slightly younger boy, no expression on his face. He put his cigarette out on the ground.

"Dude," he said finally. "You've got some problems, man." Some cars passed in the distance, the wind started to pick up but it was otherwise silent outside. He pulled out another cigarette and lit up. He offered it to Josh but it was declined once again.

With a sigh, Hunter leaned back on his forearms. "Fine. You want me to stay with you? Make my time worth it," he said. He put the cigarette between his lips. "Go ahead. Suck me."

Josh apprehensively reached over to Hunter's crotch, but Hunter stopped him. "No man. Get down on your knees. I wanna see you kneel in the mud." Josh did as he was instructed, getting down on his knees in front of the older boy. The soft ground felt cold even beneath his knees. Josh reached for Hunter's zipper and pulled it down. He then used both hands to undo the button. Hunter lifted his ass up to assist Josh as he yanked the tight jeans down his legs, leaving him in just black boxer briefs. Josh couldn't help but notice Hunter's muscular legs. He never realized the guy was so athletic but the evidence was right in front of him. His eyes then moved to the massive mound in front of him; Hunter was already hard as a rock!

"You'd better impress me, Morris," Hunter said lowly. "Anyone can give a hand job. What else you got?"

Josh rubbed the front of Hunter's boxer briefs. He could feel the humidity from Hunter's sweaty crotch. Curiously he leaned in and took a whiff of Hunter's scent. "Faggot," Hunter said, his arrogant smile hitting Josh right in his stomach. Josh did his best to ignore the older boy as he pulled down his briefs, exposing his massive boner. He wrapped his hand around it and started stroking him, inciting a small moan from Hunter's lips. Josh then put his tongue against the tip of Hunter's dick, licking off a small bead of pre-cum that formed there. Josh thought it tasted oddly sweet.

"Take it. Take it in your mouth," Hunter pleaded, his eyes now tightly shut. Josh held his cock still as he slowly put it between his lips and pulled it into his mouth as far as it would go without choking him. He held it there, letting himself get used to the unfamiliar feeling of another boy's hot dick in his mouth. He then began to suck slowly on the meaty piece, moving up and down on it in an attempt to emulate the porn stars he'd seen online. He used one of his hands to grip it at its base, taking the opportunity to feel Hunter's thick pubic hair as he sucked his cock.

"Watch your teeth," Hunter ordered. Josh obeyed, covering his teeth with his lips as best as he could. Hunter was breathing heavily, staring intently at the younger boy as he worked his cock over. "For a faggot you're not very good at this," Hunter teased. The comment cut Josh just enough to make him work harder, picking up the pace as he sucked Hunter's cock. Periodically he would look up at Hunter's face seeking approval; Hunter stared daggers into him but Josh couldn't keep up the eye contact out of humiliation.

Suddenly the sound of voices made Josh jump; there were kids on the playground! He tried to pull off of Hunter's dick but Hunter quickly grabbed his head and pushed him back down. "Don't stop now," he said. "I'm getting close." Josh tried to fight him but it was no use, so he continued sucking Hunter's dick. They could both hear the children playing around on the equipment nearby, but they hadn't been caught yet.

Hunter began bucking his hips slightly, pushing his big hard cock in and out of Josh's mouth. "That's it, take my cock, kid," Hunter whispered. "Make me cum. I'm so close." His breathing became more and more ragged until finally he stifled a loud moan. Josh felt Hunter's dick pulse on his tongue as his mouth began to fill with cum. Hunter came so much Josh nearly choked, his eyes widening as his mouth was flooded with the hot sticky substance. "Fuck!" Hunter yelped, breathing heavily. He pulled his still hard cock out of Josh mouth as Josh let his cum dribble out onto the ground.

"You dumb fuck," Hunter said, aggressively slapping Josh upside the head. "You're supposed to swallow that shit."

"It was too much," Josh said, his eyes watering. "I've never tasted a dude's cum before."

"You're such a travesty, I swear. Zip me up, fucker." Just as he had done the night prior, Josh obeyed Hunter like an obedient dog, zipping up his jeans and buttoning up his pants for him. Hunter took another drag from his cigarette as Josh returned to his spot next to him, wiping spit and cum from his mouth.

"You weren't that good, and I'm not sucking you back, if that's what you're thinking," Hunter said coldly. "I ain't no fag."

"It's fine," Josh said timidly. "I don't care."

"Bullshit. I can see your boner again," Hunter said. He reached over and flicked the obvious mound in Josh's jeans, making him wince. "You're an awful liar."

Hunter stood up and threw his cigarette on the ground, rubbing it into the dirt with one of his boots. He looked down at the younger boy who was staring at the ground, wordlessly. The kid looked totally pathetic. Hunter couldn't decide if the kid made him feel sorry or pissed him off. Maybe it was both.

"Stand up, kid," Hunter ordered. Josh did as he was told, his boner bulging out the front of his jeans. Hunter gently traced his finger along the front of Josh's dick, making him shudder. He then leaned in and placed his lips against the crook of Josh's neck. He sucked on Josh's skin urgently, tasting him. It actually hurt a little bit, his tongue feeling like a razor, but feeling Hunter suck on his neck felt amazing to Josh; he practically came in his jeans. Hunter pulled back, leaving a big wet spot on Josh's skin. "Now I've marked you. Like one of those gay sparkly vampires you probably whack off to," Hunter said with a laugh. "See you at school, kid."

Hunter left Josh behind in total bewilderment, his dick pulsating in his underwear.

When Josh got home, he snuck past his parents on his way to his room. They were actually quiet for a change and not fighting, which was nice, but they didn't seem to notice him enter the home. He passed his brother's room; Max was sitting on the ground, playing with Legos. "Hi Josh," Max said with a soft voice. Josh wanted to stop and talk to his brother, but he couldn't bring himself to form words. He could sense his little brother's disappointment as he ignored him and walked to his bedroom, locking himself inside.

Josh fell backward onto his bed, staring at his ceiling. He began to think about Hunter and everything that had happened. All of it was so overwhelming. Something about this high school bully made Josh rethink everything he thought he knew about himself. It was insane. Why was all of this happening? Even though he'd been so turned on at the playground, Josh was too stressed out to jerk off. Instead he let himself fall into a deep sleep.

The next day at school, kids stared at him as he walked down the hall toward his locker. Josh's stomach dropped; it was last spring all over again. Several kids whispered or laughed, pointing fingers at him. Had they found out what he had done the night before? Had Hunter told everyone?

Just as he was about to reach his locker, Josh felt a hand grab his sleeve. He felt himself shoved violently into the row of lockers near his own. Stunned, he looked up to see Vince, Hunter's other friend. Mark and Hunter were standing behind him, watching. Hunter had a huge grin on his face. "Nice hickey, faggot," Vince said with a laugh. Other kids stopped to look, eyeing Josh as well. Snickering. Josh felt violently ill. He suddenly remembered the "mark" Hunter had left on him. Tears formed in his eyes as he darted for the bathroom. He felt like every other kid in the school stared at him as he ran by, although most barely even noticed his presence, like usual.

When he reached the restroom, he looked into the mirror to see a massive purple hickey on his neck. He blushed. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It was a text from Hunter. "Now everyone knows you're owned," it said. Another text appeared. "My house after school. I'm gonna teach you how to suck dick for real."

Josh put his phone back in his pocket. He then looked into the mirror once again. Feeling himself calm down, he rubbed the spot on his neck. Even though he'd felt a familiar misery just moments before, Josh suddenly found himself feeling happy for the first time in ages. It only lasted a moment, but he saw himself smile.

I really appreciate the positive feedback. Some of you might think this is a softer direction for me. Email me at and let me know what you think. Should I keep going? ~ Micah

Next: Chapter 3

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