The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Mar 7, 2018


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`Meet me in the bathroom. 3rd Floor.'


The two text messages were staring Josh in the face. His cheeks became flushed reading them. He barely hesitated before standing, grabbing the hall pass from the wall, and walking out of class. He didn't need permission; his homeroom teacher was pretty lax about kids coming and going. First period always started with a daily news video anyway, so it wasn't hard for Josh to slip away from the dimly-lit room basically undetected.

His heart pounded as he climbed the stairway from the second floor to the third. There were a few kids lingering in the hall but none of them looked his way. He did his best to look discreet. He wondered what Hunter had in store for him today.

The bathroom door shut loudly behind him as he entered, causing him to jump out of his skin. "What took you so long?" Hunter asked, shoving a garbage can in front of the door. It wasn't a heavy can, but it would clearly alert the pair if anyone decided to come inside. "Drop your pants."

"What?" Josh exclaimed, taken aback.

"You heard me," Hunter said as he approached. "Your pants. Drop `em."

"You're kidding, right?" Josh asked in a panic. Blow jobs and hand jobs were one thing, but Hunter had never asked him to do anything more than that before, nor had he expressed even a remote interest in seeing Josh's body.

"Fine. I'll do it for you," Hunter said angrily. He then grabbed for Josh's belt and began to roughly undo it. Josh tried to stop him, but Hunter knocked his hands away. He then stopped and looked Josh dead in the eye. "Shoes off. Jeans off. Don't make me tell you again."

Josh backed away momentarily, then looked down at himself. He suddenly felt very self-conscious about Hunter seeing him without his clothes on. He then meekly slipped one of his sneakers off and kicked it aside before working on the other. Once they were both off, he finished undoing his belt, unzipped his jeans, and slid them down his slender legs. "All the way," Hunter stared at him, a blank expression on his face. "And your underwear comes off, too."

Josh opened his mouth to protest, but the expression on Hunter's face made him keep his mouth shut. He used his feet to pull his pants off completely and kicked them aside, then shoved his boxer shorts down as quickly as he could, his hoodie hanging down enough to keep his private parts covered.

Hunter pulled something from his back pocket and handed it to him. "Put these on," he ordered. It was the pink pair of panties that had been lying on his cluttered bedroom floor.

"No way," Josh objected. "I'm not wearing some girl's panties."

"You put them on, or I take away all of your clothes and shove you out into the hallway so everyone can see your tiny, little dick," Hunter snarled.

"But why?"

"Just fucking do it," Hunter said. "I swear to God I'm not going to say it again."

Reluctantly, Josh snatched the panties from Hunter's hand and looked at them. He wasn't a big kid but the front of the panties looked so small. Regardless, he put his feet inside them and pulled them on. He felt completely embarrassed as he tried to adjust them into place on his body.

"Wow. They don't even hide your junk," Hunter said with a grin as Josh struggled to keep himself covered up. "It doesn't really matter, man. Come here." He then grabbed Josh by the shoulder and led him into one of the bathroom stalls.

"W-what are we doing?" Josh asked, his voice quivering.

"Bend over the toilet and shut the fuck up," Hunter said. He pulled something from his jacket pocket and looked at it. Josh awkwardly got into place; when he looked behind himself he saw that Hunter was looking at his phone. He suddenly felt totally exposed, his ass aiming right at Hunter's crotch.

"I'm not going to fuck you, if that's what you're thinking," Hunter said. Josh felt relief run through his body, but he still felt a little violated. Hunter suddenly grabbed him by the waist and pulled him backward against his denim-covered crotch. "Push your ass out," he ordered, "just like a good little girl."

"S-stop," Josh pleaded. Hunter fiddled with his phone, aiming it right at Josh's ass. He shoved the back of Josh's hoodie and t-shirt upward, revealing more of Josh's body. Josh could suddenly feel cold air coming from the vents against his exposed back and it gave him goosebumps.

"Y'know, your ass is nothing like a girl's," Hunter said matter-of-factly. Josh didn't know if it was an insult, but it sure felt like one. "Push out more. Rub your ass against me." Josh complied with Hunter's demands as the older boy started snapping photos with his smartphone. Just as Josh was sure he could feel something growing hard in Hunter's jeans, Hunter turned and walked away, seemingly satisfied with the pictures he had taken. "Get dressed," he said as he stared at the screen of his phone.

Josh stood and left the stall. He shoved the panties off of his body as fast as he could. "What are you going to do with those pictures?" he asked as he pulled his boxers back on.

"Sending them to my buds," Hunter said, not looking away from his phone.

"My butt looks nothing like Sarah's. They're gonna know you're lying."

"Maybe," Hunter said nonchalantly. "But they're sorta dumb, so who knows?"

Once Josh was completely re-clothed, he waited a moment for Hunter to say something, but Hunter was off in his own little world while he looked at his phone. How many people was he texting the photo to?

As Josh was leaving, Hunter called out to him. "After school. Don't make me late."

Josh nodded, a chill running up his spine as he shoved the garbage can away from the door and headed back to class.

Josh wasn't sure if he felt excitement or dread as he approached Hunter's house. `Come inside when u get here,' Hunter had texted him earlier that day. Josh didn't see him the rest of the afternoon, so he figured he had skipped his late-day classes once again.

The house was dark and somewhat creepy looking, but the idea of turning back and going home made Josh want to crawl into a hole and die. His hand trembled as he turned the doorknob and moved inside; the lights were off but there was just enough daylight coming in from outside that he was able to make his way to Hunter's room without stumbling around. When he got there, the older boy was lying on his bed.

"Shut the door," Hunter muttered with his eyes closed. His arms were folded behind his head. Josh did as he was told and walked toward Hunter nervously. He sat down, the bed creaking beneath his weight. Josh couldn't help but feel butterflies as he looked at Hunter. He was wearing the same jeans he had worn to school; his white t-shirt was pulled up slightly, revealing his tight stomach and treasure trail that led from his belly down beneath his belt. Josh didn't understand why the sight attracted him as he had never been attracted to another male before, but he resisted the urge to shove his hand down into Hunter's pants.

"Rub my feet, dude," Hunter said quietly. He didn't open his eyes. Josh looked toward the end of the bed and watched Hunter kick his shoes off. He moved down next to Hunter's feet and looked up at his face, waiting for some kind of indication to continue; Hunter's eyes remained closed.

Josh felt Hunter's feet tense up at first as his hands touched them. He couldn't remember ever touching someone else's feet before, so he wasn't really sure how to proceed. He took one of Hunter's sock-covered feet into the palms of his hands and gently began to rub in circular moments. He could feel Hunter's body begin to relax. Sensing that he was doing a decent job, Josh began to use his fingers to rub near Hunter's toes. He studied Hunter's face for any sign of objection. Hunter parted his lips slightly, his eyes still closed; he seemed to be enjoying the younger boy's technique.

Josh's hands moved down to the heel of Hunter's foot. He tightened his grip, forcefully rubbing the older boy's heel up to his ankle. He was pretty sure he heard a slight moan escape Hunter's lips. After he had worked the left foot over, he moved to the right one, only this time he stopped to remove Hunter's socks. Hunter's eyes fluttered open and he watched Josh intently as his socks came off, but he said nothing.

A mild scent of sweat filled Josh's nose. It wasn't gross; in fact, Josh realized that he actually liked it a little bit. As his fingers worked Hunter's bare foot, he had a strange urge to put his tongue on Hunter's toes. He fought the feeling as the rubdown went on, fearing Hunter's reaction, but eventually succumbed to the desire. He practically felt Hunter jump as his little toe entered Josh's mouth.

"What the fuck, kid?" Hunter said in shock, his mouth open wide. "That's fucked up." Even though Hunter was surprised, Josh wasn't deterred. He moved to the next toe and worked it into his mouth, his hands rubbing Hunter's heel gently as he sucked it. There was something both dirty and appealing about sucking on another dude's toes that made Josh hard in his jeans.

"You're such a perve, Joshy," Hunter said. He shut his eyes again and leaned his head back into his arms. "Feels kinda good, though..."

Josh worked his way down Hunter's foot, `til each toe had been in his mouth. He then worked his tongue over to Hunter's other foot and tasted the toes there as well, wetting them with his saliva. As he continued the rubdown with his hands, he realized there was a giant mound at Hunter's crotch. Seemingly sensing where Josh's attention had been diverted to, Hunter then reached down and undid his belt before pulling the zipper of his jeans down.

"That shit is nice, not gonna lie," he said, pulling his massive boner out from his jeans. "But you know why you're really here."

Josh maneuvered himself upward on Hunter's body. Hunter's cock looked as big as ever as it stuck out from his open fly. Josh still had an urge to use his tongue on different parts of Hunter's body, his flat stomach in particular, but this time he fought the desire. Instead, he gripped Hunter's massive wand and ran his tongue against the tip of it. He felt Hunter's body shudder as he traced his tongue up and down on it, tasting the pre-cum that was already forming there.

"Go slower this time," Hunter said softly, biting his lower lip. "Make it last."

Josh nodded quietly before sucking the head of Hunter's dick into his mouth. He gently sucked on the end, feeling the piss hole with the tip of his tongue. He went down on it slowly, allowing it to fill up his whole mouth. It felt hard and hot, and Josh did his best to inch it down without choking. "Gag on it," Hunter said gruffly. "Get it all the way down your throat."

Doing his best to breathe through his nose, Josh continued taking down Hunter's dick. His eyes began to water, and he gagged as the bigger boy's piece made contact with the back of his throat. Hunter bucked his hips upward, forcing his cock deeper. His hands went to the back of Josh's head, preventing him from pulling off. "Swallow that dick," Hunter moaned encouragingly. Josh swallowed hard, causing himself to gag again, but he did his best to relax his throat.

Hunter's grip loosened slightly, allowing Josh to back off a bit and catch his breath. Josh then went back down as far as he could. He felt Hunter's dick enter his throat as pubes made contact with Josh's nose. Josh could smell Hunter's musk and it somehow made him feel hungry to please the older boy. He worked his throat up and down on Hunter's cock. He gagged periodically and it hurt a little, but he fought through the pain.

"Shit, you're actually deep-throating me," Hunter moaned loudly. To Josh's ears, Hunter seemed both surprised and elated. Hunter returned his hands to the back of his own head as he let Josh work his cock slowly out of his throat until the tip of his dick sat between his lips. As Josh slowly went back down on it, he could feel Hunter's breathing getting faster as his cock got even harder.

Eventually Josh could feel the unmistakable twitching that would be quickly followed by the flood of Hunter's orgasm. Josh milked the top half of Hunter's dick with his mouth firmly; the older boy said nothing, moaning loudly as he erupted into Josh's waiting mouth. It was a massive load, but Josh dared not swallow it yet.

Hunter breathed heavily for a minute or so after cumming. He soon opened his groggy eyes and stared at Josh, a peculiar look on his face. "Keep my jizz in your mouth," he said lowly. Josh obeyed, pulling his mouth off of Hunter's dick while it remained full of cum. Hunter then sat up slowly, pushed Josh onto his back and straddled him, his full weight transferring from his lower body onto Josh's crotch. "Show me," he whispered. Josh opened his mouth, revealing the load inside. Hunter gave a single nod in approval, and Josh swallowed the load down in one big gulp. It was sticky and warm going down his throat, and the thought of eating Hunter's cum made his dick hard.

"Looks like someone's excited," Hunter said, an evil smile creeping onto his face. His belt and jeans were open but they still hugged his waste, his denim-covered ass pressed tight against Josh's crotch. He rubbed his firm ass around for a bit, making Josh squirm beneath him. Josh squinted his eyes, uncomfortable with the body contact.

"Please don't..." Josh pleaded, a moan trailing his request. Hunter's muscular ass felt big and hot against him; he could feel the cum building up in his balls.

"You think I'm hot, right?" Hunter asked, ignoring the plea as he continued to grind against the smaller boy. "You like my body. Admit it."

"F-fine, I like your body, just stop..."

"No," Hunter said shortly. He grabbed Josh's hand and placed it beneath his shirt, forcing him to touch his tight, flat stomach. His hips were moving at a quicker pace as he rubbed against Josh's dick through his pants. He knew Josh wouldn't last long at this rate. "You like looking at me. You like sucking my dick. You like licking my toes. You like my body. Admit it."

"Fuck," Josh exclaimed.

"Admit it!"

"Fuck's sake. I love sucking your dick. I want your body. Fuck!"

"You gonna cum for me, Joshy?" Hunter asked mockingly as Josh felt up his tight stomach with his hands, his dick rock hard against Hunter's muscular ass.

"Y-yeah...I'm gonna...I'm gonna..."

And then Hunter stopped. Josh groaned loudly out of frustration as Hunter jumped off the bed, immediately zipping up his jeans.

"Sorry buddy, that was a little too gay for me," he said. He had a Cheshire grin on his face that made Josh feel totally pissed off, or ripped off. Or both.

"Fuck you," Josh said through gritted teeth. He sat up, trying to hide the rocket between his legs.

"You wish, kid," Hunter replied, buckling his belt. He grabbed his phone from his desk and flipped through it. "By the way, not a very convincing job with those pics earlier, if my dudes are to be believed."

"I told you. I said they wouldn't believe it was a girl in the photos," Josh said quietly, his head lowered into his hands. He heard Hunter whistle at him and realized he was showing him his phone. Josh looked at the screen. It was a text from Mark, one of Hunter's closest buddies. Josh could see a photo of his own ass in the pink panties, followed by a reply from Mark that said `looks like a dude's ass.' Hunter chuckled as embarrassment flooded onto Josh's face.

"Wait, there's more," Hunter said. He flipped to another conversation, this time with his friend Vince. The response read `Sup? She got a sister?' Josh couldn't help but snicker this time. "He's the dumbest kid, I swear to God," Hunter said with a hearty laugh.

Hunter then flipped to one final conversation. The name "Brian" was at the top of the screen. Josh's smile disappeared in an instant. The response after the photo read: That's Josh???' followed by a response from Hunter that said LMFAO yep.'

"What-the-fuck," Josh exclaimed. The whole phrase had compacted into one panicked word. "He knew it was me?"

"'Course he did. I told him," Hunter said. It was like it was nothing, no big deal whatsoever. Josh's heart beat out of his chest.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I thought he should know," Hunter replied. "You were his best friend, right? Just figured he'd want to know what his little buddy was up to these days."

"You're a fucking asshole," Josh said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You're not just figuring that out now, are you?" Hunter asked, turning his back as Josh started to sob quietly. Something about seeing a crying boy turned his stomach. His hands turned to fists at his side. "Get out of here if you're gonna do that shit," he said loudly.

Josh stood, tears falling from his eyes. He looked at Hunter but the older boy wouldn't look back. He then ran from the room, out of the house and into the evening sun.

He ran for a while, not really paying attention to where he was going. It wasn't until he was several blocks away that he realized he hadn't wanted to leave; in fact part of him desperately wanted to go back. He knew he should go home but that was the last place he wanted to be.

After half an hour or so of running, he found himself right back at Hunter's house.

"I knew you'd come back," Hunter said, taking a puff from his cigarette. He was sitting on his stoop, watching Josh as the boy panted heavily from his run. "You done crying like a bitch?" Hunter asked, studying Josh's face.

"Yeah," Josh said lowly. He took a seat next to Hunter and stared out at the street as the older boy smoked his cigarette. It had gotten darker and he could feel a chill in the air as the wind picked up.

"When I'm done with my smoke you can suck my dick again, I guess," Hunter said, eyeing Josh from the corner of his eyes.

"Okay," Josh said flatly.

Okay.' It wasn't just a signal of agreeance. Josh finally realized he was okay' with all of it, all of THIS, whatever THIS was. Right now he wasn't at home, and that was more than okay.' Inside he was scared and unsure, but somehow he felt like it was okay' to be scared. He was lonely, but not alone, and he was okay with that, too. He actually thought this was the most okay' he'd felt in a long while, even if he wasn't really okay' at all deep down. Each of these thoughts circled his brain like moths on a lamp post until Hunter snapped him back to reality.

"Okay," the older boy said, crushing his cigarette beneath his shoe. "Let's go inside."

I'm having a lot of fun writing this, probably moreso than I've had in a long time. I have an awful habit of taking really long breaks from writing but you dudes have been inspiring me to not give up on this...

Email me at and let me know what you think. My readers always have interesting stuff to say, whether it's about this story or not, so I look forward to hearing form you about anything and everything...

Should I continue?


Next: Chapter 5

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