The Bully Wins

By Micah Allen

Published on Mar 24, 2018


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The light blue glimmer of daylight stung as Josh forced his eyes open. His whole body felt heavy. At first he was surprised to find that he was otherwise in no pain; this changed as soon as he tried to stand up. His head started to ache almost instantly, and his stomach felt like it was in a gigantic knot.

He peered around the living room. It looked like a few bodies were resting on the various couches, buried under blankets. He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time but it was dead. The bottle that had been lying next to him the night before was now sitting on the coffee table in the center of the room, empty of its contents. Someone, somewhere in the room was snoring loudly.

Trying not to make a sound, Josh stood and walked out of the room. He could see a patio door at the end of the same hallway that was attached to Donny's bedroom. As he walked past, he could see that the room was empty – Mark must have come out at some point in the night.

As Josh approached the door, he entered the dining room and kitchen area. They were absolutely massive. The whole house certainly put his own home to shame. He wondered how Hunter felt being in such a place.

Josh exited the house through a pair of beautiful white doors. Once outside he found himself on a magnificent white-painted deck that faced the hills on the property behind the house. There was a hot tub built into the deck near the dining room windows, along with some expensive looking deck furniture and what looked like an outside bar. He wondered what kind of crazy things happened out there during Sarah's weekly parties.

"I bet the fresh air feels pretty good, huh?" a voice asked, startling Josh. He turned around and his eyes met Brian's baby blues. The blonde athlete was wiping sweat from his forearms with a towel. "Didn't mean to scare you, man. There's a gym and a pool house down the stairs around the building. Decided to get some cardio in."

"Uh, it's okay," Josh said. He couldn't deny that Brian looked amazing in a tight muscle shirt and basketball shorts. He walked over to the railing and around the property. The scenery was truly magnificent. He had never seen his own countryside from a view like this. Brian walked up next to him and leaned his arms on the railing. Even though it was daylight, there was still an early morning mist that dimmed the sun.

"You're gonna wanna be in the dark again when the sun is out," he said. "Seemed like you had a good time last night, though."

"Yeah. I mean...I had a lot to drink, I guess," Josh said quietly.

"At least you didn't puke everywhere like you did last time," Brian replied. Josh said nothing. He continued to take in the view and think. He could smell the salty sweat from Brian's skin. "Look man," Brian started again. "I need to talk to you. Mind if I drive you home?"

"I..." Josh hesitated.

"Hunter already left, if that's what you're worried about," Brian said flatly. "It's just his two bozo friends in the house right now."

"Hunter...left?" Josh asked. Brian just smiled and nodded. "Well, I guess I should go home then. I never told my parents I was leaving and my phone is dead."

Brian's smile seemed to dissipate. "Shouldn't worry your folks like that. Come on. I need to get home, too."

The pair quietly walked back into the house. Once inside, Brian walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a plastic bottle of pills and a glass. He filled the glass with water, took a few painkillers from the bottle and passed them to Josh. "Might wanna take these," he said. Josh took the pills and downed them.

"Thanks," the smaller boy said.

The two walked out into the living room. With his eyes more focused, Josh could now see Mark and Vince asleep on their respective sofas. He grabbed his hoodie from the sofa he had slept on and pulled it over his head. Once Brian had his keys and phone in his hand, the two silently walked down the hall and out the front door.

The driveway looked pretty empty, with only Vince's car and Sarah's silver Prius sitting in it. "Come on," Brian said, climbing into Sarah's car. Josh shrugged his shoulders and followed suit. The interior of the car was a mess and it smelled like coconut-scented body lotion. There was a Hawaiian lei hanging from the rearview mirror – Yep, this was definitely Sarah's car - the same one her daddy gave her for her Sweet 16 just a few months earlier.

"So, about last night..." Brian started as he pulled out of the gated driveway.

"We don't have to talk about it," Josh said. He really didn't feel like getting into it with Brian of all people.

"I just want to make sure you're okay with whatever happened," Brian said. "Sarah could get into a lot of trouble for the shit that happens at these parties. I just need to know that you didn't do anything against your will."

Josh scoffed. "Why do you care?"

"I don't. I mean...I don't know," Brian said. "I do care, but you're old enough to make your own choices. It's been so long since we've talked that I can't pretend to know where your head is at these days. I never saw you hanging out with those idiots and here you are."

"My head is fine," Josh said blankly. "Everything is fine."

"Okay," Brian responded. He drove for a while in silence.

Josh stared at the cows on the farmland they passed on their way back into town. He then turned back to his former friend. "So, what's the deal with you and Hunter?" he asked flatly.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I asked you first."

"Fine," Brian said. "He has a thing for my girl. She has a thing for sex with different guys. It's that simple."

"No. No, it's not," Josh replied. "I know she wasn't giving it up to him anymore. He told me so himself a few days ago."

"The day you jacked him off on the playground?" Brian asked, raising an eyebrow at the smaller boy.

"Why he did tell you that?" Josh asked. He put his head in his hands, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Why did he tell you everything?"

"Who knows. It's Hunter, for Christ's sake. He probably just wanted to fuck with you," Brian said blankly. It felt insincere, just as his anger at Hunter did the night before.

They were back in town now. Josh didn't know what to say. He sat upright and stared out the window. He couldn't understand why any of this was happening. His head hurt too much to think that hard. It was overwhelming. Hunter, the straight bully, was so desperate to fuck Sarah that he...what? Why did it involve Josh? And why was Brian okay with all of this?

Brian knew how to get to Josh's place by heart. They were there within minutes. When he pulled up next to the curb, he looked at the smaller boy with a stern look. "Dude, let me just say this," he started. "I don't know why you got involved with that guy, but you did. And now I am, too. But you're a moron if you trust him or any of his stupid friends, you hear me?"

"Why?" Josh asked. "Just tell me. I just need to know what's really going on."

"I...can't talk about it right now," Brian said as he turned his gaze back to the road. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Josh stared at him. The guy clearly wasn't going to answer. He got out of the car and slammed the door in frustration. Brian immediately sped off down the road.

When he got inside, Josh didn't see anybody awake. He crept up to his bedroom and took off his hoodie. He plugged his phone into the outlet next to his bed and waited for it to start back up. There were no missed calls or texts from his parents; they hadn't even bothered to check in on him. It wasn't surprising, though. They were too worried about themselves to care about him.

There were several messages from Hunter, however. They were pictures and videos of the night before. Josh got an eyeful of Sarah sucking on Hunter's big hard cock. He also got to see a little clip of Hunter fucking Sarah hard from behind. It was a top-down view, a little dark and blurry, but he enjoyed listening to Hunter moan. Another video showed Brian fucking Sarah's mouth as Hunter took her from behind. Hunter had the camera pointed right at the athlete. At one point Brian realized this and put his hands up to hide his face, only to have them struck down by a drunken Sarah. Reluctantly he continued fucking her as Hunter snickered. "Get it, dude," Hunter could be heard saying, encouraging the other boy.

Josh shut off his phone and put it on his nightstand. He wanted to jack off to the videos but his head seemed to ache even more from the blood rushing away from his brain to his cock. After heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he decided to just take a shower and go to bed.

Once Josh had his clothes off, his heart sank a little as he realized he was still wearing Donny's briefs – the ones Mark had told him to put on. Being so overwhelmed, he had totally forgotten to change out of them the night before. The image of Donny finding his sister's panties in his bedroom made him laugh to himself. He took the briefs off and threw them to the side before heading off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. When he returned, he threw on a white t-shirt, a pair of loose-fitting boxers and some socks before bundling himself up in his bed.

After a few hours of rest, Josh awoke to the sound of shouting downstairs. His parents were at it again. He turned on his TV and blasted the volume to drown out the sound. Despite the noise, he was able to rest a while longer, recovering from his hangover. At one point Max knocked on the door to check on him. Josh just told him he was feeling a little sick and needed to rest.

Later in the afternoon, Josh heard his parents cease their fighting momentarily. There was some kind of chatter beneath his bedroom, coming from the front door, and he heard someone walking up the stairs toward his room. For a moment it was silent, but then his doorknob turned and the door was creaked ajar. For a second it seemed like nobody was there anymore before suddenly a large figure burst into the room.

"Sup, dude?" Hunter yelled excitedly, slamming the door shut behind him. Josh practically jumped to cover himself up with his blanket. "Were you fuckin' jerkin' off in here or what?"

"Hunter, what the hell," Josh said in shock. "I mean, why are you here?"

"Didn't get to see you this morning. Thought I'd pay my little Joshy boy a visit," the older boy said. He walked around the room, examining it thoroughly. Josh sat upward in his bed, still covering himself with his comforter.

"You were gone when I got up," Josh said nervously. It had been a long time since he'd had any guests in his bedroom.

"Yeah. Ma called. Had to bail," Hunter said evadingly. "So what'd you think about your first party, man?"

"It was..."

"Don't be bashful," Hunter said, throwing Josh a wicked grin as he wandered the room. "You looked pretty happy, sleeping on that sofa. Mark's cum in your belly."

"Shut up," Josh replied timidly. "You were gone the whole night. With Sarah."

"Yeah? You jealous?" Hunter asked, staring daggers at the younger boy. "You knew what I was after, right? This whole thing started because I was trying to get back in her pants."

"Yeah, I know. I don't know, it was just weird, I guess," Josh said, stumbling over himself. He didn't know how to convey his feelings without sounding like a "faggot," as Hunter often teased.

"Man, I had a feeling you'd go all gooey on me," Hunter said. He walked over to Josh and punched him in the arm. It was playful, but it still stung. "I've had you pegged from the moment I saw you, Joshy Boy." He walked over to the window and peered outside. "Man, even your neighborhood is pretty gay."

"Are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Brian?" Josh asked, ignoring the teasing.

"No. Why?"

"Why not?"

"Because we made a deal," Hunter said, walking toward the other side of the room, observing all of Josh's posters and belongings. "A gentleman's agreement. Me and Brian are buds now. You don't need to know."

"So you got to fuck his girlfriend," Josh said. "And what did he get in return?"

Hunter smirked, ignoring the boy. "These really all yours?" he asked, pointing to the slew of trophies seated on the shelves above Josh's dresser. The young former athlete simply nodded. Hunter picked one up and looked it over closely. "Why'd you quit sports?"

"I don't know," Josh shrugged. "I just didn't want to do it anymore."

"Sports are gay," Hunter kidded. He put the trophy back on the shelf and picked up another one. "But if I didn't hate running so much, I'd probably be pretty good at it. You should start running again."

"You probably wouldn't hate running if you quit smoking," Josh said. Hunter turned and stared at him, a jovial look on his face.

"Watch yourself, boy," Hunter said, beaming. "Don't get sassy with me." He put the second trophy back and continued his little tour of the room. "I was doing some thinking earlier today and figured I'd come see what your little pity party was about. Not impressed, by the way."

"What do you mean?" Josh asked.

"The other day you said you were nothing like your parents," Hunter said, setting his gaze on the younger boy. "Guess it just had me thinking, `what's this kid's home life like for him to be such a depressive little bitch all the time?' But so far your house is nice, your parents seem cool, and it looks like you got it made." Hunter took a seat on the bed near Josh. He seemed to get very seriously all of the sudden. "What am I missing here, Josh?" he asked.

Josh's lower lip quivered. He had so much he wanted to say but had no idea how to say it. He looked down at the bed. For a long while they were both silent. Suddenly there was a crash downstairs, and the shouting began again. A glass had been thrown and voices were raised. Hunter laughed to himself. "Your parents fight. So what? I've heard so much worse. Believe me."

"I'm invisible," Josh said. He hadn't really meant to, it just slipped out. Once he started, he couldn't stop. "I'm invisible and no one can see me. My grades turned to shit and I quit track and baseball before they could kick me out. Everyone stopped caring about me and I lost all my friends. My parents don't even know I don't do sports anymore. They think that's where I'm at every day after school. I have no friends, my grades are shit, there's no future for me..."

"Kid..." Hunter said softly. He seemed taken aback, unsure of how to respond.

"Nobody sees me anymore," Josh repeated. "But sometimes I wonder if I even want them to." Hunter watched him for a moment, studying him.

"Stand up," the older boy finally said. Josh looked at him questioningly. Hunter snapped his fingers and pointed to the middle of the room. "Get out of the blanket and stand up. Now."

Josh reluctantly crawled out of bed and stood up. As he passed Hunter, the older boy grabbed his t-shirt and manhandled it over his head, sending him spinning toward the center of the room. He looked at Hunter and covered his chest with his arms, feeling super exposed in his socks and boxers. Hunter looked him up and down, seeming to take in every inch of his body. "What are you doing?" Josh asked, as Hunter threw his shirt to the floor.

"I want to see you," Hunter said. He stood up and walked closer to the nervous younger boy. He looked him all over. He reached out his hand and placed it on Josh's chest. It felt warm against his lean torso. "Put your hands behind your head," he said. Josh complied, revealing a fair amount of hair beneath his armpits. Hunter ran his finger along the front of Josh's chest. He traced it around the side of the younger boy's ribcage as he walked around him in a circle.

"Why?" Josh asked, as Hunter studied his body. The older boy stood behind him, looking at his backside.

"Not a bad physique, even though you quit sports," Hunter said lowly. "Could use some toning up, though. Weightlifting would do you some good."

"Uh, thanks," Josh managed to get out. It didn't feel like an insult.

"Never had any interest in boys before," Hunter said. He placed his hand fully against Josh's back and ran it upward, sending a chill up Josh's spine. He touched Josh's shoulder blades briefly before going back down again, bringing his hand all the way down Josh's lower back. His fingertips stopped at the waistband of Josh's boxers. He then continued circling the boy, running his finger along the waistband until he was back in front of him.

"Put your arms down," Hunter said quietly. Josh did so, and stared at the ground. Hunter kept looking at him, which continued to make him uncomfortable.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Josh asked.

"I'm deciding something," Hunter replied.

"What's that?"

"I'm deciding whether I think you're hot or not," the older boy said. It was the first time Hunter had shown any interest in his body beyond using his mouth or humiliating him, and it made his legs feel weak. "Are you a virgin, Joshy?"

"Am I – "

"A virgin," Hunter repeated. "I mean I figured you were, but you never know if an odd duck like you has some hot babe of a cousin he's off doing at family reunions or whatever the fuck."

"N-no," Josh stuttered. "I mean yeah, I'm a virgin. No hot cousin." Hunter laughed hard.

"Do you want to lose your virginity, Joshy?" Hunter asked, his eyes focused directly on Josh's. "Tonight?"

Josh's heart was beating fast. He didn't know whether this was a prank or not, but somehow every part of him wanted to say yes. He just couldn't bring himself to respond. Suddenly Hunter reached down and grabbed the massive tent in his boxers. "Looks like you want to say yes." Josh found himself nodding in agreeance.

"Come here, Joshy," Hunter said. He backed himself up and sat himself back down on the edge of Josh's bed. He spread his legs wide and beckoned for Josh to come over to him. When the younger boy approached, Hunter flipped him around and pulled him down so he was sitting on his lap. The older boy pressed his head into the curve of Josh's neck. He bit down softly on Josh's flesh, causing him to shudder. His hands reached around Josh's smaller body and slid his hand into Josh's boxers. He rested it right above the boy's fully erect dick.

"H-Hunter," Josh moaned. "Why?"

"You like it, right?" Hunter asked. He licked Josh's neck gently. "We're all good at something, Joshy. I'm a great fuck. It's what I'm good at. And even the girl agreed that you needed to get laid, badly."

"Girl? You mean Sarah?" Josh shuddered. "I do...I mean, I do like it," Josh said. He was practically melting in Hunter's arms. He could feel Hunter's massive cock swelling in his jeans. The older boy's leather jacket felt cold against his back.

Hunter wrapped his arms tightly around Josh's body and lifted him completely up off of the ground. He then turned around and dropped him onto his stomach on top of the bed. He had his crotch pressed tightly against the younger boy's firm ass. It reminded Josh of the day that they were in the bathroom stall together.

Hunter then swatted Josh hard on the ass. The boy yelped in response. "Sorry," Hunter said. Josh could practically feel the boy smirking behind him. "I heard you could be rougher with a dude. There's always a plus side to doing bad shit, right?" He then swatted Josh's ass again through his underwear.

There were voices downstairs again. Josh's parents were back at it.

"They could walk in at any time. I wonder what they'd say," Hunter said. "Pull your boxers down for me, Josh."

"Hunter...I don't know..." Josh whined.

"You wanted someone to see you. Now let me see all of you, Joshy."

Josh put his hands down his sides and scooted his boxers down, exposing his ass to the older boy. "Nice," Hunter commented. He then ran his finger down Josh's butt crack. "You're actually making me pretty hard, kid." He then grabbed Josh's hand and brought it to his bulge. It felt like steel in Hunter's jeans.

Hunter then stood and unzipped his jacket. He threw it onto Josh's computer chair and then undid his belt. "Spread your cheeks for me, Joshy," he said.

"I can't," Josh said, blushing. "It's too embarrassing."

"Come on, man," Hunter said impatiently. He unzipped his jeans and pushed them down enough so that he could free his big cock from his tight boxer-briefs. He spit on his hand and rubbed his saliva onto his fully erect penis. "I'm actually fucking horny. Spread your cheeks for me, dude."

Josh reached back and did as he was told, pulling his butt cheeks apart and showing his tiny untouched hole to the older boy. His face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Fuck," Hunter breathed. He stroked his cock, staring at the younger boy's asshole. "How old are you again, man?" he suddenly asked.

"15 and a half," Josh said quietly.

"15 years old...and you're a dude...weird," Hunter said. He placed his dick against Josh's ass and ran it up and down. It felt thick, hard, and massive against Josh's ass. Hunter seemed to hesitate, thinking for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of Josh's ass against his dick, which was leaving a trail of pre-cum everywhere it touched. They could both still hear the commotion downstairs; it was never-ending.

"I brought lube," Hunter said quietly. It was a revealing statement – he had clearly planned for this situation. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle and a wrapped condom. He threw the condom on the ground. "Can't get a boy pregnant," he muttered. He then took the cap off of the bottle and squeezed it onto his dick, making it nice and slick. He poured some into his hand and started rubbing it against Josh's hole.

"This is so embarrassing," Josh whispered, his cheeks flushed.

"I'm the one who's about to put my fingers up another dude's asshole," Hunter said. Josh laughed to himself for a moment, but stopped when he realized the breadth of what Hunter was saying. Hunter's finger felt cold as it found his entrance and pushed inside. It was an awkward and uncomfortable feeling, but the older boy's hands seemed experienced.

"Don't worry, Joshy, I'll have you loosened up in no time," Hunter said as he slowly fingered Josh's butt. Josh winced as Hunter inserted another finger, this time using both to stretch his hole. Growing impatient, Hunter started jamming three figures in and out of Josh, who was sucking in air to keep from yelling out in shock and pain. "Dude, I'm like an expert at this shit. Relax," Hunter said.

"Uh, it kinda hurts," Josh whispered.

"Well it's going to hurt a lot more once I get my dick in your ass," Hunter said, slapping Josh's butt hard. He started fingering the boy hard, making him whine beneath him. "Do you want me to stop, Josh?" Hunter asked seriously.

"I don't...I don't know," Josh said. His heart was practically in his throat. This feeling was so unfamiliar and foreign to him, and he knew it was supposed to be wrong. "No," he clarified. This is what he wanted, even if he was afraid to ask for it. He wanted to be strong for Hunter.

"Good," Hunter said, pulling his fingers out completely. "I might not have been able to stop even if you told me to, though," he laughed. He stood up and lined his wet cock against Josh's tiny hole. He couldn't believe how small Josh's ass looked up against his big dick. Even he wasn't sure this was going to work.

"Here we go," Hunter said quietly. He suddenly sounded nervous, like he realized that there was no turning back at this point. Once he pushed forth, they would no longer be the awkward kid and the bully – they would be two people who'd had sex, and that would change everything.

Regardless, Hunter slowly pushed his big dick into Josh, making the younger boy grunt and holler loudly into the sheets of his bed. Hunter reached down and grabbed one of the boy's socks off of his feet before shoving it into his mouth. "Be quiet, kid," he urged. Josh bit down on the sock but it wasn't helping, and soon he was moaning loudly through the material. Hunter then grabbed one of the kid's pillows and put it over his head, forcing him to be quiet. He braced himself by holding onto Josh's waist as he continued pushing into him.

"It fucking hurts," Josh grunted loudly as Hunter pushed inward. He had spit the sock out of his mouth.

"Reach your hands back and grab my cock," Hunter ordered. Josh reluctantly did so, putting his hand over Hunter's shaft. "That's how much I still need to get inside you, bro."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Josh whispered to himself. He knew it was going to hurt, but he had no idea it would be that bad. Hunter's dick looked big anyhow, but inside him it was gargantuan.

The older boy leaned downward, putting his head on the pillow that was sat on top of Josh. "Open up for me, Joshy," he whispered. Josh did his best to comply, finding that it was easier to make progress when he pushed his asshole out. It still hurt like a bitch.

Hunter then pulled back a short distance before slowly moving forward again. "You're too tight, I'm not getting all of it inside of you," he moaned. "Fuck, you are tight..." He started pulling back and pushing forward repeatedly, creating a fucking motion despite not being able to get more than half of his dick into the boy.

Suddenly Hunter pulled out completely. He reapplied the lube to both his dick and Josh's ass. Before Josh really had a chance to even comprehend what was happening, he found himself being flipped over onto his back, his legs shoved into the air. "What the fuck," he gasped, as Hunter shoved one of his hands over his mouth.

"You wanted me to see you, right?" Hunter said, lining his cock up to Josh's hole with his free hand. "I want to see your face while I pop your cherry." He shoved his boner back into Josh's butt, this time doing it hard. The boy's eyes grew wide and he grunted feverishly into Hunter's hand. "Take my cock, Joshy," Hunter moaned. Josh could feel the cold metal from Hunter's belt rubbing against his butt cheeks. He tried to focus on that instead of the pain, but it wasn't working.

"Man, you're hard as fuck," Hunter exclaimed, nodding at the nice-sized erection Josh was sporting. He was nowhere near as big as Hunter, but he was as hard as could be.

Out of nowhere, the sound of glass shattering echoed from downstairs. Something had been thrown, the arguing reaching new heights. Both boys were momentarily startled, but Hunter continued fucking Josh almost immediately. "Is he gonna hit her, Joshy?" Hunter suddenly asked, his breath becoming more ragged, just inches from Josh's face. "Is your dad like mine? What's he gonna do, Josh?" He was staring directly into Josh's eyes and it was alarming. It was like he was looking for something – some kind of confirmation that they were both the same. "They could walk any moment...fuck you're tight, kid..."

Maybe it was the dirty talk, or the sound of his parents screaming from beneath the floorboards of his bedroom, or the bully referencing his difficult home life as his enormous cock was pummeling his virgin ass...whatever it was, something broke inside Josh in that moment, and the tears started to flow. He rushed his hands to his face to try to hide it, but Hunter was looking at him. There was no hiding it. He knew.

"S-stop," Hunter practically yelled. "Stop fucking crying. You're a man, you don't get to cry." He yanked Josh's hands from his face. The boy didn't stop. He couldn't help it. His lips quivered. The physical pain was bad, but it was nothing compared to the mental pain he was feeling.

Hunter roughly grabbed Josh by the neck. He held the boy down, the fucking motion of his hips continuing despite himself. "Josh. Enough," he grunted. "Don't fucking cry. Don't ever fucking cry. Be a man." And without warning, his lips were on Josh's. His hands moved to Josh's waist, and he grunted into the younger boy's mouth. Josh's eyes had fluttered open in shock before his whole body sank into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Hunter as the older boy took him. He had never felt so good in his entire life.

It wasn't long before Hunter was shooting his load into Josh, his body collapsing onto the boy as he orgasmed. His mouth hadn't pulled away from Josh's. He knew it was a mistake, that it was wrong, and that it broke the unspoken code he had set for himself, but in that moment he didn't care.

Josh's eyes were dry by the time Hunter pulled his mouth away.

"Fuck," Hunter said to himself. They were both breathing hard, Josh's mouth parted as he looked up at the older boy's face. They were both in a daze. "Fuck!" Hunter repeated, realizing there was a huge wet spot on the front of his shirt. Josh looked down and realized he had blown his load all over Hunter's stomach while they kissed.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Josh said in a panic. He reached down to the foot of his bed and grabbed his boxers before offering them to Hunter. The older boy grabbed the boxers from Josh's hand and used them to dab at the stain on his shirt.

Once his shirt was relatively dry, Hunter wordlessly buckled his pants and grabbed his coat off the floor. He threw it on and walked over to the window, apparently thinking to himself. Josh had slipped back into his blanket, covering his naked body. The fighting downstairs had ceased.

"So I guess this means you're a man now," a disheveled Hunter finally said after a period of silence. "How does that make you feel?"

"I, uh..." Josh barely managed to get out. He was totally unable to wrap his head around the events that had just taken place.

"I don't even kiss girls," Hunter said quietly. It was as if he had said it to himself.

Josh found himself feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Hunter," he whispered.

"Don't be," Hunter said calmly. "See you at school tomorrow." With that, he turned walked out of the room, leaving Josh alone.

For a while, Josh sat on his bed, thinking to himself. He was still scared, unsure of the future, and more confused than ever about his relationship with Hunter Bailey, but he didn't feel sad. No, it wasn't sadness - it was hope that had consumed him that night. He knew that no matter what happened, he'd be a different person the next day. He didn't know how to feel, but he knew he was feeling something, and that was more than he'd been able to say for quite some time.

Not an hour after Hunter left, Josh had pulled his running shoes out of his closet. He smiled when he realized they still fit.

The pendulum swings in the other direction! Be careful when it comes back at you...

Next time: Back to school and Josh is walking a little funny. Why do bullies always seem to notice these things?

Email me at and let me know what you think of this one!

Next: Chapter 8

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